A School

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I will not be silenced. The truth will come out. The world must know.Yeah, and if you don't wanna end up like the rest of 'em sorry fools, you'll hush up, eh?
[This post has been brought to you by the Windfall Cabal]
Article: The Windfall Cabal is the largest, most dangerous, and undoubtedly the most cruel Chaos Cult active in the Divided Loyalties thread. A Tzeentchian Cult, they first became active during The 40 Social Turn Hiatus, where they killed every single poster who has ever voted in favour of Windherding ever and replaced them with a magical doppelganger. Their machinations lay undetected for months, until the arrival of the Turn 41 Vote where the true results of their crimes became known.
It is even rumoured that through their flawless machinations and subtle manipulations, the Cabal holds indirect control over both the Shadow Wizard Money Gang and the Salamander Gazers, not to mention hundreds of other factions across the thread. As its name suggests, the Cabal is dedicated to writing the Windfall paper with Egrimm, because Egrimm is cool and they like him.
There's the Old Dwarf Road that goes from Karaz-a-Karak to Marienburg via Stirland, Talabecland, and Middenheim,
An excerpt of Ranald's Realm, set to the tune of Blake Shelton's God's Country, by the anonymous bard known as Gepette.
(lacking an official description, this is the mental image of the Elector Count I went withFlying Elector Count.
When we first talked to the man, he was filling his maw with Nuln Fried Chicken and said that he yells at political problems and punches the other kinds of problems but ambiguous mystery bullshit makes him nervous.
The man is a discount Ogre, so i imagine that him falcon punching whoever resists is entirely canonical.
I know you meant this to be a final word on the subject of 'how do we study Elementalism in the Room of Utter Neutrality' but well...You couldn't get the energies in there without them being affected. It would need to be done outside of Mathilde's home entirely.
"This was one of the first Runes I ever recovered," Thorek says, tapping on a stone cube bearing a Rune on its top that looks uncomfortably like the Star of Chaos, only with the arrows pointing inwards. "It's very simple in itself. The tricky part is that it just attracts and absorbs energies, it doesn't do anything with them. Before the Time of Woes we used to use this to seal away malign energies to be buried in exhausted mineshafts." He turns the cube over, revealing another Rune on the bottom, this one of a line that loops three times. "This one's only slightly trickier and most of it's the chiselwork, any Apprentice worth the title should be able to manage it by their third decade. It discharges the energies back out again."
I was doing a reread of Dwarf lore for reasons unrelated and I recalled this, which led me to make this image instead of doing bookkeeping for my quest.Zhufbar, Kadrin, Varr, Azul. Norn, Hirn, Izor. And Everpeak. Ever since we lost Dum and Vlag, only eight standing Karaks worthy of being called a Karak in the whole damn Karaz Ankor.