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The Windfall Cabal
Yeah, and if you don't wanna end up like the rest of 'em sorry fools, you'll hush up, eh? :V

[This post has been brought to you by the Windfall Cabal]
I will not be silenced. The truth will come out. The world must know.

From the wiki:
The Windfall Cabal is the largest, most dangerous, and undoubtedly the most cruel Chaos Cult active in the Divided Loyalties thread. A Tzeentchian Cult, they first became active during The 40 Social Turn Hiatus, where they killed every single poster who has ever voted in favour of Windherding ever and replaced them with a magical doppelganger. Their machinations lay undetected for months, until the arrival of the Turn 41 Vote where the true results of their crimes became known.

It is even rumoured that through their flawless machinations and subtle manipulations, the Cabal holds indirect control over both the Shadow Wizard Money Gang and the Salamander Gazers, not to mention hundreds of other factions across the thread. As its name suggests, the Cabal is dedicated to writing the Windfall paper with Egrimm, because Egrimm is cool and they like him.
Old Dwarf Road
There's the Old Dwarf Road that goes from Karaz-a-Karak to Marienburg via Stirland, Talabecland, and Middenheim,

Yeah, I'm gonna take my Oath to the Old Dwarf Road
I'm gonna march 'til I can't no more
I'm gonna take my Oath to the Old Dwarf Road
I'm gonna march 'til I can't no more

I got the chainmail in the back
Grudge Book is attached
Axe is matte black
Got the boots that's black to match
Walking in my boots, ha
You can whip your Griffon
I been in the valley
You ain't been up off the cliff, now

Can't nobody tell me nothing
You can't tell me nothing
Can't nobody tell me nothing
You can't tell me nothing

Walking on my bare feet
Drank up all my ale
Took the Slayer Oath
You can go ask Grimnir
My life is a saga
Mule herding and Elgi
Shrunken head from Grobi
Wrangler on my booty

Can't nobody tell me nothing
You can't tell me nothing
Can't nobody tell me nothing
You can't tell me nothing

Yeah, I'm gonna take my Oath to the Old Dwarf Road
I'm gonna march 'til I can't no more
I'm gonna take my Oath to the Old Dwarf Road
I'm gonna march 'til I can't no more

Axe-down, cross-Karak, livin' like a Runelord
Spent a lot of money on my brand-new axehead
Baby's got a habit: diamond rings and Zhufbar crossbows
Walking down Kadrin in my Eight Peaks platemail
Got no stress, I've been through all that
I'm like a Umgi Okri so I kick on back
Wish I could roll on back to that Old Dwarf Road
I wanna march 'til I can't no more

Yeah, I'm gonna take my Oath to the Old Dwarf Road
I'm gonna march 'til I can't no more
I'm gonna take my Oath to the Old Dwarf Road
I'm gonna march 'til I can't no more
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Ranald's Realm
An excerpt of Ranald's Realm, set to the tune of Blake Shelton's God's Country, by the anonymous bard known as Gepette.

Deep within the city's streets
There's a sly grin from the Trickster's deceit
Got a hand in the game, but it ain't my fate
This is Ranald's realm

We pray for luck, and thank him when it's won
'Cause it brings us fortune and a little bit of fun
We put it back in the pot when we're done
I guess that's why they call it Ranald's realm

I saw the light in the moon's glow
Sittin' back in a tavern with the dice to throw
Getting blessed by the Trickster's touch, sly and slow
With the coins jingling

Saved by the sound of the cards dealt
Ringing through the air, that'll give us wealth
The guards may come, but we'll leave in stealth
This is Ranald's realm

We turn the tricks and schemes until the night's done
We take a break and raise a glass to the Trickster's fun
And then do it all again
'Cause we're proud to go to Ranald's realm (yeah, yeah)

Ranald's realm
I don't care what my tombstone reads
Or what kind of coffin I end up in
When it's my time, lay me six feet deep
In Ranald's realm (yeah, yeah)
Van Hal the Witch Hunter
An excerpt of Ranald's Realm, set to the tune of Blake Shelton's God's Country, by the anonymous bard known as Gepette.

Gepette the Chatty had another song in him. An excerpt of Van Hal the Witch Hunter, set to John Brown's Body.

Verse 1:
He was a warrior of Sigmar, with faith in every part
Hunting down the heretics, tearing their cults apart
But in the midst of battle, his life was taken away
Leaving his body lifeless, on the ground where he lay

Verse 2:
His sword once shining bright, now silent and still
His armor dented and battered, with dirt and grime and chill
But his soul still burns strong, with the passion of his quest
To rid Stirland of Vampires, and put the Necromancers to rest

Verse 3:
His fellow Sigmarites mourned, but knew he died with pride
For he gave his life for faith, and never did he hide
His legend lives on, in the tales that are told
Of Van Hal the Witch Hunter, whose heart shined as gold

Verse 4:
He fought for what was right, with all his strength and might
His bravery never faltered, he never lost his sight
Of the duty he had sworn, to protect the faithful flock
And though his body's gone, his legacy won't be forgot
Meanwhile, in Count of Nuln Quest
Meanwhile, in Count of Nuln Quest:

And away he goes!

Attempting to do perspective and speed-lines untrained is terrifying. :smile:

Fun fact, when you draw a boring grey blob helmet, adding a feather magically renders it magnificent.

Flying Elector Count.

When we first talked to the man, he was filling his maw with Nuln Fried Chicken and said that he yells at political problems and punches the other kinds of problems but ambiguous mystery bullshit makes him nervous.

The man is a discount Ogre, so i imagine that him falcon punching whoever resists is entirely canonical.
(lacking an official description, this is the mental image of the Elector Count I went with :tongue:)
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A Short Draft on the Transport and Study of Impressionable Energies into a Null Environment
You couldn't get the energies in there without them being affected. It would need to be done outside of Mathilde's home entirely.
I know you meant this to be a final word on the subject of 'how do we study Elementalism in the Room of Utter Neutrality' but well...

A Short Draft on the Transport and Study of Impressionable Energies into a Null Environment
'Do we accuse the plumbers of having studied under the Elementalists in Nuln?'
  1. Two (2) Elementalists who are cooperative and capable of utilizing their Water magics.
    1. This is possibly the hardest element to procure, which you will deem quite impressive upon the conclusion of the list.
    2. Their lust for gold is only matched by their cravenness, truly.
  2. A Room of Utter Neutrality.
  3. A magically inert copper-in-stone piping system, filled with magcally inert water.
    1. This is intended to be the medium of transport for the EBM, such that it can avoid possible contamination from the Winds. This system is capped at each end by...
  4. Two (2) Runic Capstones, for the capture and transmission of Earthbound Magics / Elementalist Magics
  5. As we see in the below quote from Thorek, the Runic Capstones don't directly process absorbed magic into rune essence dwarf-bound magic Smelted Sevir. If they did, then there wouldn't be the issue of them turning into Dhar bombs. Thus, the capstones should be able to transmit the Elementalist Magic via a medium without converting it into anything else.
    1. "This was one of the first Runes I ever recovered," Thorek says, tapping on a stone cube bearing a Rune on its top that looks uncomfortably like the Star of Chaos, only with the arrows pointing inwards. "It's very simple in itself. The tricky part is that it just attracts and absorbs energies, it doesn't do anything with them. Before the Time of Woes we used to use this to seal away malign energies to be buried in exhausted mineshafts." He turns the cube over, revealing another Rune on the bottom, this one of a line that loops three times. "This one's only slightly trickier and most of it's the chiselwork, any Apprentice worth the title should be able to manage it by their third decade. It discharges the energies back out again."
  6. At least One (1) Magister with exceptionally good Windsight, who has evacuated their soul and body of their Wind as much as they can manage.
  7. Optional: four (4) Hammeres as an honor guard within the R.U.N., in the event the Elementalist has any clever ideas (or is secretly the Changeling). This has the side benefit of repelling any residual Winds from the magister inwards, instead of towards the EBM.
The components of the transport system are arranged as shown in the diagram below.

The elementalist on the right / outside portion of the system will flood the outer capstone with water-EBM until the [water in the] pipe is saturated. The inner capstone should then start pumping the water-EBM out of the pipe and into the room, for the left / inside Elementalist to demonstrate for us, in a clean environment.

What if the outside Elementalist is bad at their job and accidentally contaminates the entire system with Ghyran?
Well, that would suck but at least it's not Dhar.

What if the inside elementalist tries to assassinate us while we've stripped ourselves of Ulgu?
That's what the emergency Hammerers are for!

What if the EBM in the tube reaches sufficiently high concentration to flash convert into Ghyran?
We can get around this by asking the Elementalists how much they think they can pack in before this happens.

Why don't we just use a metal keg of water that doesn't have any Ghyran or Chamon in it? I guess that wouldn't work?
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Dwarven Wisdom
Zhufbar, Kadrin, Varr, Azul. Norn, Hirn, Izor. And Everpeak. Ever since we lost Dum and Vlag, only eight standing Karaks worthy of being called a Karak in the whole damn Karaz Ankor.
I was doing a reread of Dwarf lore for reasons unrelated and I recalled this, which led me to make this image instead of doing bookkeeping for my quest.
Look don't question my creative process alright?
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