Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Can you keep on working on a spell to reduce it's difficulty? Like, we keep on re-doing ROW untill it get easier to cast? Or is it locked in stone once it's been successful developed? In a more theoretical scenario
Even if only as a write-in, re-codifying is always going to be on the table. There's no guarantee it'll be any easier the second time around though, just another roll hoping for a crit.
I think my problem with thread culture is more around the idea of 'completing' things. I feel like it's largely a waste. We should do the most valuable parts and move on- there's no bonus or headpats from doing everything as opposed to the needed things. So I'm quite happy not completing the spellbook, not completing all the Waystone options, and not completing our research backlog.

Get comfortable with loose threads of what I think.

To be clear I do not blame you guys, I get the hesitation to commit to anything long term when we have no idea what the next turn will throw at us it is just incredibly frustrating that we are taking an action for which the best utility arguments are 'it's next to a place we care about in the short term' and 'we do not know how useful it is until we do it'.

This. The idea that it matters what the Waystone action is and not just that it is a Waystone action.

They also provide vital information on places that need to be defended at all costs and reveal things like the Nexus making Reikland more fertile and its' woods tamer.

And? We know more, cool. It's not actionable. We can't actually do anything if a Waystone is destroyed in one of these places. And most of the 'defending' is outside the borders of places we can have an army without it being considered an invasion and fought.

At best, we learn what we thought we already knew. At worst, we find a crisis we can't do anything about.

So, skip.

I feel like determining whether or not that entire branch of the network is feeding into Skavenblight can't really be described as boring.

It is if there's no next step to be had. If you find out this is happening, what? Turn off the inflows and hope the Skaven don't swarm the surface?

The first is that it drops to 2 Waystone Project actions,

That's a bonus from some perspectives.

EDIT: To lay my expectations out more clearly: I am convinced that Apparitions will gain a large influx in support after swording is complete.

Idk. I'm voting for it opportunistically, and because I don't want it to be a 'but we have to do this first' thing for elfcation. Once the current projects are 'completed', I'm voting for elfcation first, arcane marks second.

, I think the reason we haven't picked it up again is due to a concerted effort to focus on and complete AV research (which we did successfully for every turn since the windhearding attempt).

The completion of AV is also, I think, what has created so much culture here w/r/t pushback on box checking. So I'd draw a direct line from people frustrated by taking all the safety options first (and the same with the EIC) to the dislike of mapping actions for the Waystones.

The bridge isn't personal AP, it's an EIC action.

Negotiating it is. Building it? I don't think the EIC has the ability to do magical infrastructure. We are going to need to buy off the elves to do it or do it our selves. And I don't think building a road is one AP. Remember Stirland, how many counselor AP it took to build Abel's road?

We're doing it as an EIC action. It'll be jointly paid for by the EIC and the Crown of Laurelorn, not by Shareholder Dame Weber.

I regard this as wishful thinking without the negotiation turn. I think it's going to be 1-3 AP codifying it, 1 EIC to negotiate it, and either an EIC to gather the illithimar for the elves to build it or 1-6 AP to do it ourselves with college support.
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Do you have a quote on that? As far as I know it is as much battle magic as MMM. If you want to keep it going you have to keep it casting which is a problem if your name is not Mathilde.
Mathilde described it as 'low-end' Battle magic to Egrimm one time... though MMM is considered one of the easiest Battle Magics... when we players translate from tabletop casting rules to this quest's narrative.

RoW being 'low-end' matters to me as it is what my 'battle alter powered by an array of powerstones' idea depends on, as other wise we'd need an Orb of Sorcery, and those are irreplaceable :p

[even after Morbs are a thing, I doubt a RoW-altar would be high enough utlity to be worth slotting an Ulgu Morb into]

The difficulty in casting it is front ended however, that is part of how it works. Sustaining it after the first cast is a lot easier.
The point of RoW is that it re-casts mini-skywalks for you on your targets as needed.
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Powerstones and Orbs of Sorcery work by making reality less 'real' and more '[wind type] aligned', which makes it easier to do [wind things], so I think for 'powering' enchantments it's more of a yes/no thing than a sliding scale of output
but like. I've been wrong about things before and maybe a morb's 'make reality more Ulgu' effect could be spread over a large area; a larger area than a powerstone array, making the spell run more efficiently in that region?
Mathilde, middle manager extraordinaire
Hey now, she's the CEO of a tech start-up, heading an internationally funded infrastructure research project. Ergrimm is the VP, Max is Head of Transformative Material Research (and also sometimes writeslave PR) and Johann is in Head of Material Analysis and Chief Himbo Cultural Ambassador. And Adela is the chaffeur.

I'm honestly a little disturbed how well the HighPoweredProbablyCorruptBusinessWoman!Mathilde AU works. Former Spy/Internal Security Service/Secret Police Agent, from a outsider class with no possibility of a life in regular society, ties to military and various very high ranked politicians, shady connections to organized crime, has more money than she should by a straight reading of the rules, large investments in a company which makes a lot of money on government contracts.
I've been listening to the underworld podcast recently, and it's amazing how many of those elements turn up there again and again.
And now I'm wondering if she's the type of criminal to instagram their crimes? I wanna say no, and she's probably professional enough not to talk about the actual stuff, but she'd totally post pictures of her sword, or her luxury gyrocopter, or her Elve Mansion, or her Shadow Death Tower.
The Bursar has already trademarked that name.
Now i can't help but imagine a Rite of Way Battle Altar powered by a morb, would that be enough to work for an entire army?
No idea, but it sounds like a great idea! Might take a while though, since that beyond her current abilities, and noone else knows the spell yet.
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It's a good thing Pan isn't the jealous type.
I want to poke that dense gyhran nut with her at somepoint in the next ... stares at list ... four? turns?
No more than six.

That's my argument. I think it is worthwhile to poke that in the next six turns.

Maybe otherwise keep it a secret from Pans' new apprentice, lest it be eaten or something.
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Now i can't help but imagine a Rite of Way Battle Altar powered by a morb, would that be enough to work for an entire army?
Well, Battle Altars are already on the scale of altering entire battlefields, aren't they? I suppose it may depend on how big an army we're talking about in the first place. The base Rite of Way spell, without our staff boosting it, can handle "about one regiment of infantry (2500 men) or one cohort of cavalry (500 riders)." How much can the Morb boost it? I don't know, but I'm going to say "enough that Bretonnia would love to come along and do a super cavalry charge alongside us".

But this is, ironically enough, putting the cart before the horse. It's a moot consideration if we can't codify the spell in the first place.
I do absolutely understand that but right now nordland wants nothing to hear about doing anything with the eonir, at all. They need to cool down before we even offer anything resembling a compromise...
Sorry for my earlier post. I read your initial statement was expressing your desire to create a trade route between the Laurelin and Middenland to expressly exclude Nordland. Just realized that it meant getting the trade route running despite Nordland opposing it. I have no issue with that.

Although I hope in the intervening years Nordland has cooled down and won't oppose the trade route.
@Boney If you don´t mind I have a few questions about how this option for the library will work...
[ ] Set up a no-questions-asked bounty system for books within the Cult of Ranald
Results will be unreliable and depending on what is sought may result in blowback, but this may allow you to acquire books that would otherwise be entirely inaccessible.
This would work merely as a closed bounty system (i.e. 3000 gold crows for The Book of Ashur)? Or as an open bounty system (i.e. looking for The Book of Ashur price is negotiable)?

It will only work for acquiring titles we establish a bounty on? Or the Cult of Ranald could approach us on their own initiative offering us some rare books in exchange for money and/or favors?

How this would work in the Library Purchases section? We will use the action to register the bounties with the actions and will be acquired automatically when they are available, or we would need another action to purchase them?
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@Boney If you don´t mind I have a couple of questions about how this option for the library will work...

This would work merely as a closed bounty system (i.e. 3000 gold crows for The Book of Ashur)? Or as an open bounty system (i.e. looking for The Book of Ashur price is negotiable)?

It will only work for acquiring titles we establish a bounty on? Or the Cult of Ranald could approach us on their own initiative offering us some rare books in exchange for money and/or favors?

It's been asked before, it's an open bounty gatcha, hence why people do not want to risk it since they might do something silly like steal from the Emperor or get us another copy of the Liber Mortis from the Cult of Sigmar :V
intervening years Nordland has cooled down
I'm just using your post as a jumping off point for my idea, it's not actually related to what you wrote.
[Note, in this scenario, the Enoir no longer make use of trees that require precious metals to act as waystones]. I dunno if this is viable, I'm just throwing out the idea incase something workable can be made from it:

Nordland don't 'deserve' it, sure. It is rewarding Nordland's threat of further demolishing of the Eonir's defences, yes. But putting aside 'right' and ethics and the like, in terms of preventing further encroaching on the forest, something somewhat sustainable:

I wonder how much effort it would take to create a controlled area where trees grow really quickly, enough for sustainable harvesting that matches or mildly exceeds[1] the amount of wood the current population of Nordland harvests from their forest.
If that area is in the hands of the Eonir, and they are paid by Nordland for the rights to harvest from it, then they have a blatant threat: If Nordland does not self-police against 'rogue' harvesters, we will turn off the enchantment that is growing these trees quickly. If you do not pay rent[1], we will turn off the enchantment.

[If Nordland agrees to police against 'rogue harvesters' then people cutting down the Eonir's defences are unaffiliated with Nordlands's power structures and the Eonir can attack them without Nordland making a fuss]

If the Eonir are brought to the point of turning off the enchantment, and things go back to the old ways, then trade groups in the empire will loose access to a market, so that should put pressure on Nordland to keep to the 'fast wood growth zone'

[1] 'paying rent' is to make the Eonir feel better about putting effort towards this enchantment... that is being used to basically bribe Nordland to not demolish their defences
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Both plans are windfalling; the contention is over whether we go capture a Red Rider or we go map Tilea and Estalia
I'm sorry I'm harping on this so much but I'm still baffled by this. Windherding went down without a fight to a paper. People are seriously talking as if this is the make or break turn for apparition binding, while no one is saying a word about the fact that the Windherder faction has, to the best of my knowledge, been murdered to the last man by the Windfall Cabal.
might do something silly like steal from the Emperor or get us another copy of the Liber Mortis from the Cult of Sigmar :V
So we need to get as much stuff as we legally can for the library before going for the Ranaldite option to fill the blank spaces on our shelves, no?
"There's a really long list of 'Not Requireds' attached to the commission. That'll complicate the caper.

Let's see… Dwarven: Chemistry (any), Dwarven: Metallurgy (any)… Don't know who speaks Dwarf anyway. Sylvanian: Necromancy (Antiquarian)?!"
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[X] Plan Lore and Metal, Windfall Edition
[X] Plan Codifying and Swords

Okay, fine, I'll add an approval vote for polishing off Branarhune sooner if people are so worried about apparitions never getting done (which frankly I think would be fine but I'm willing to respect that I'm in the minority there).