Nordland-Laurelorn economic plan and the forest of shadows campaign?
Mathilde to the elector count of Nordland:
So I've looked into the conflict this corner of the empire has been in and I've come to the conclusion that it's a shit show all around. So I've decided the best I can do is to ensure something like this doesn't happen again.
I decided that trade between the eonir and the empire is one of the best ways to avoid any future bloodshed. I first looked into trade between tor lithanel and middenland, and I discovered that the only way for any real trade is to make a magic road that doesn't negatively effect the eonir's defences in the way your towns did. While investigating the middenland side I found something I really didn't like.
Too often did I run into marienburg-like sentiment, people wanting another provence to fail even at their own expense. Needless to say, I didn't like that. I've long been a fan of the phrase 'play stupid games, win stupid prizes' so middenland can get in the back of the line. Don't get me wrong they'll still get their road, the math for lasting peace hasn't changed, but well... Play Stupid Games Win Stupid Prizes.
So I've been looking into linking Nordland with the eonir through trade. If you want to go this route, you have to give up on Militarily getting back those silver mines. We may still get some of them diplomatically in the future, but more on that later.
The main trade they want that you can provide? Iron ore from Kislev. Yes, I know military resource, this is why you need to drop the military angle. This trade would go through coast your already guarding and help you pay for the fleet you've already got there. In exchange we can get a treaty give you the coast you've already settled, they don't care about them much, but they Really Care about the land they've already taken and don't want to jeopardize it.
It also comes to mind that you've got a lot of silver smiths out of work, and a valuable potential ore trade coming through. This could be an economical way to get those unemployed people back working, and give you a new military resource.
While working for King Belegar I managed to pull most of Karaz-a-Karak's metalsmiths guild out of a sunken ship and save them from drowning and hypothermia. Now I was going to use this favor to help nuln rebuild, but if your willing to commit to lasting peace to this degree, I'll use my favor from pulling Karak Vlag out of hell there and my metalsmith one getting the Metalsmiths of Karaz-a-Karak to teach your Metalsmiths how to work steel instead of silver.
This is Karaz-a-Karak we're talking about, so in no time you'll have the best steel in the empire, and considering how invaluable the people I saved were? You'd have the best steel in the empire and a new trade route.
As for the silver? 5 years ago those silver trees were vital irreplaceable infrastructure, but now? We've converted an ancient human ritual that can be used to make them redundant, provided there are a lot of trees around. Elves aren't miners. If you get diplomacy going, that this trade would facilitate, and you run the numbers. I'm almost certain that having humans working those mines and paying some ore in taxes to the elves, the eonir would benefit even more than using the precious metal for the, recently made redundant due to yours truly, waystone trees.
The elven embassador working in middenland and with me on this project is also interested in humans and responsible for that part of the forest. Through diplomacy you might be able to get those mines back, but through trade you can definitely get your smiths back working.
That gets your smiths back working, as for your carpenters? I'm working on a project with the dwarves, Kislev, the colleges, the eonir, and the currently minor goddess of the forest of shadows. We are looking into globe spanning ancient infrastructure that makes the world better for human/dwarf/elf habitation and much worse for our enemies. We now have the smallest part figured out with said ritual, if you saturate an area of the forest of shadows with these you can make carpentry much safer.
But to really make it safe? We need to retake and reconsecrate the three nexuses in the forest of shadows from the beastmen, ancient vampires and violent of the four cultists who hold them. Now I know what your probably thinking, whole armies get lost there is this wizard crazy? Wait until you see who we've got arrayed against them before you throw me out as a mad woman.
First and most definitely, a dwarven throng led by a member of my research group, Thorek Ironbrow, arguably the best, unarguably one of the best dwarven runelords in the Karaz Anchor. The dwarfs have two large reasons for doing this. First it is the age of reckoning where grudges are struck down, and the inhabitants of those forests have a whole lot of grudges against them. Second is they are in the process of connecting their empire through rivers and canals and many run along the forest of shadows, giving them very good reason to want it in human hands.
Next we have the eonir. Their three main threats are beastmen, norsca/chaos and Nordland. They approached me initially for a joint project because getting one Nexus online doesn't just help who is holding it, it helps everyone. In tor lithanel, it helps their grey lords with research. The grey lords are 5000+ year old wizards and researchers and needless to say they could certainly help us past any army killing spells and have much to gain When we succeed.
While not subservient to the forest like Athel Loren the eonir are both bound to them and respect them greatly. Give them the chance to destroy the closest great outposts of their two greatest enemies and turn their third into an ally while aiding possibly the best magical researchers in the world and advancing the project their hosting that works to push back the chaos waste and save the world, that they recently used as justification for their conflict with you? Well if they don't commit to this endeavour a fair few of their noble houses would start throwing around words like treason and unsuitable.
Next is middenland, if the eonir are joining in, and Nordland looks to be allying with them, you can bet your second best hat that they'll be there as well.
Next Kislev, the goddess of the forest of shadows is also a minor goddess in Kislev and a lot of people their would give a lot to turn that minor into a major, including the ice witches and heir of the tzar. The tzar is also always spoiling for a fight. The forest also is on their border and having less enemies attack from it would be a big +.
Next Nuln, if I spend that favor to help them rebuild I'm sure the grateful elector count would be happy to lend some artillery. Now I know what your thinking, artillery in a forest? Well that same spell that will be used to make a trading road was designed to move steam tanks through the chaos waste, letting us move that artillery through the forest and with elven scouts and dwarven axemen clearing when needed we can aim it well enough.
Also the Colleges of Magic. The current patriarch is from the amber brotherhood and 9/10ths of their job is patrolling for beastmen. Having our wizards countering the beastmen sorcerers with the forest on our side instead of theirs? Priceless. We'll have the full support of the colleges.
If I learned one thing from the expedition to Karak eight peaks, it's that nobody wants to be the first to join an endeavor like this, but nobody also wants to be the last. Ostland has good reason to want this done, and Van Hal would be happy to see this ancient evil vampire necromancer dead.
With the forces gathered we'd have to beat the Emperor away with a stick
I've already got the first in the Karaz Anchor and the colleges of magic, they are a given. Due to elven lack of compassion and middenland MARIENBURG tendencies, I'm coming to you before them. This will get your carpenters back to work, and they won't be asking, why can't we just work across the river where the forest won't kill us? They'll be asking, why would we bother to cross a river when we are watched over by a revitalized human goddess in Her holy land?
And if you need help getting the ball rolling? I've got a limited time highly visible one time income trade that could help grease the wheels.
So elector count. Want to change the world?