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Waystone Component Overview
Waystone Component Overview
(as of 2490/T42)​

  • Collegiate Fascis
    • Paradigm: Teclisian (Windherded)
    • Eight enchanted rods that draw in the corresponding wind. Whilst each enchantment is relatively simple, it requires the manipulation of eight different winds to create, and as such eight different wizards trained in enchantment.
    • A version that solely attracts Dhar is theorised to be possible, but requires Dhar to create.
  • Stone Flower
    • Paradigm: High Magic
    • An enchanted stone (that can be carved into any shape, currently an eight-petalled flower) which can absorb magic. A simple enchantment, but requires the ability to wield Qhaysh to create, making it impossible for humans to make.
  • Runic Inductor
    • Paradigm: Runesmithing
    • Two runes which work in concert to absorb and discharge magical energy. Simple enough that an apprentice runesmith can produce it.
    • If the runes are damaged or tampered with, it could turn into a dhar bomb as energy is absorbed but not expelled until it reaches critical capacity.
  • Carving
    • Paradigm: Golden Age
    • A simple recreation of the original rune, lined with silver. Even those with little magical ability can produce it.
    • How it functions is unknown.
  • Material
    • Paradigm: Teclisian
    • A list of aethericly sensitive materials and enchantments provided by the colleges that can absorb and store the eight winds.
  • Sunscryer Cantrip
    • Paradigm: Teclisian (Light)
    • A simple cantrip that can move Dhar around without tainting the enchantment or its surroundings.
    • Can be combined with Material
  • Foundation Wheel (unrefined)
    • Paradigm: Golden Age
    • A reverse engineered version of the original enchantment. Too challenging and costly to mass produce.
    • Can possibly be refined into a more usable version.
  • Runes
    • Paradigm: Runesmithing
    • Runes for the storing of winds.
Orbital Mechanism:
  • Dwarven Clockwork
    • Paradigm: Dwarven Engineering
    • A mechanical device that draws in the winds via a series of treated valves. When enough wind has accumulated to fill two or more drums, it opens to drop them into the leyline.
    • Easily scalable.
    • Built around a mainspring that requires winding once a month, although that could be automated via the use of vanes or similar.
  • Orbital Enchantment
    • Paradigm: High Magic
    • An enchantment that moves winds into the required orbit around the leyline.
    • Simple enough that human enchanters can replicate it, even if they can't understand the theory behind it.
    • Specifically designed for mass deployment.
  • Traditional Leyline
    • Paradigm: Golden Age/Anoqeyan
    • The passphrase for commanding a waystone to create a leyline leading to another waystone.
  • Riverine - Hedgewise
    • Paradigm: Hedgelore
    • A very simple construct of enchanted pebbles in a pouch that directs energy towards a river and flow further downstream.
    • Requires a weekly upkeep involving the ritual sacrifice of a fish.
    • Can only be created by a Hedgewise.
  • Riverine - Jade
    • Paradigm: Teclisian (Jade/Druid)
    • A stone menhir enchanted to direct magical energy into rivers and flow further downstream. The enchantment is noted to be complicated to make.
  • Riverine - Spirit (ritual)
    • Paradigm: Hag Witch
    • A ritual that enlists a spirit to direct magical energy into rivers and flow further downstream.
    • Not actually prototyped yet, just theorised.
  • Roots of Stone (ritual)
    • Paradigm: Hedgelore (Halathian)
    • Language: Was Jutonian
    • Beseeches Halathia to partially bring a stone into the Hedge, allowing it to draw magical energy into the ground.
    • Must be cast either within the Forest of Shadows, or by a priest of Halathia outside of the Forest.
    • Fail state angers spirits and makes spellcasting more dangerous.
  • Aethyric Impluvium (ritual)
    • Paradigm: Hag Witch
    • Language: Scythian
    • Creates an inverse spring that drains magical energy into the ground.
    • Requires the assistance of a water spirit.
    • Fail state enrages the water spirit and causes it to attack.
  • Liminal Germination (ritual)
    • Paradigm: Teclisian/Dryad
    • Language: Lingua Praestantia
    • Places a stone halfway into a Dreaming Wood, allowing it to drain magical energy into the ground.
    • Requires the presence of a Dreaming Wood.
    • Fail state corrupts the Dreaming Wood, requiring it to be clear cut and destroyed.
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Waystone Negotiations - Prince Eltharion has arrived from Ulthuan to negotiate for access to what the Waystone Project has discovered and developed. Though Ulthuan will inevitably make the argument that they have a right to that information, their lack of influence with the involved parties means that a price can be extracted from them. Every polity involved will have had the chance to formulate a list of desired items, information, or concessions, but you could also have convinced the other parties to present a united front for a specific goal, as long as it benefits everyone involved.
Everyone, I have a plan.

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Interdisciplinary Dialogue

There are so many wonderful reference images for Teclis, it's amazing. I went with the giant moon-helmet armoured-bathrobe tassels-everywhere look, and giggled idiotically the entire time I was drawing him. :V

The idea for this came from Eltharion's encounter with Aksel's bags of rocks:

You return to Laurelorn with Eltharion, you in your Gyrocarriage and him atop a majestic Griffon called Stormwing that draws all the attention that your Gyrocarriage usually gets and then some. When led through the headquarters of the Waystone Project he examines all the prototype components with a blank face, his soul churning with Shyish as he consults whoever or whatever he consults. He takes a copy of the ritual for Liminal Germination immediately after it's described to him - it seems that nearly all of Ulthuan is covered by something equivalent to it, though not always forest-themed, and it would be directly applicable in some places and hopefully easily adapted in others.

Your efforts at grappling with the Leyline problem seem to fascinate him the most, and he spends some time scrutinizing one of the bags of rocks, by force of will alone remaining resolutely unbaffled. He listens to your theorizing on the Titan-metal used in the original capstones, and confirms that the Kingdom of Caledor would have the ability, though not necessarily the inclination, to make more of the stuff. Though he doesn't outright say it would be expensive, it's implied enough that you're happy you considered the alternatives.
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Disco Imperium
You can hand her the physical object with the understanding that she return it at a later date, yes.

Disco Imperium
The day has come. You never thought you'd be so sad in seeing someone climb aboard a ship. Your Master smiles at you as she always does, but you have had plenty of time to get to know her. You get the impression she's almost excited to go away for several months.

SEEN, NOT HEARD - ...Go away from you, perhaps?

RIVERINE EMPIRE [Challenging: Success] - No. She's excited to go towards adventure. She's missed it.

SWORD-ARM - Missed the danger.

MARK OF ULGU - Missed the chance to cut loose.

Your Master seems to notice your inner conflict somehow. She approaches you, takes your hat off, and then in one simple movement she puts her own atop your head. You are left blinking in surprise.

Mathilde: "Hold onto this until I return, will you?"

She smiles. You open your mouth, but nothing comes out. You close it, and just nod.

Mathilde: "Oh, and..."

She takes out a Coin and passes it to you.

Mathilde: "This too. Could you hold onto it as well?"

WINDSIGHT [GODLY: Failure] It's a completely normal Coin. Its face bears a dagger. How quaint and totally normal. You take it from her and close your hand around it, without turning it or looking at its other sides.

ACCOUNTING [Difficult: Failure] - ...Why would she just give you a normal Coin? That's odd. Does she want you to do more things with the EIC while she's gone? But no, she'd have been more explicit if she'd wanted that.

DOVE'S ADMIRATION [Legendary: Success] - It is a sign of trust, and a promise she will return.

You look up at your Master. You don't quite understand, and perhaps it is showing on your face a bit, but you nod. And finally, you are able to muster a genuine smile.

YOU - "I'll be waiting!"
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Backroom Dealings (Plot Thread Summary)
Backroom Dealings

A summary of Sidequests, Plot Threads, 'Tech Trees', and Accumulated Artefacts
Canonicity (for Quest purposes)
Tier 1: The Quest itself is primary canon.
Tier 2: WoQM applies unless it violates Quest canon (which I assume it has or will at some point).
Tier 3: Army Books (6th+), WHFRPG 2e - reasonably safe to assume that the fluff in these is canon unless the Quest or WoQM says otherwise. Game mechanics should not be taken as canon.
Tier 4: Black Library, White Dwarf articles - canonish, but the QM may not be familiar with them and the details are likely to end up varying if they are used.
Tier 5: Licensed video games, Warhammer Armies Project, WHFRPG 3e & 4e - mostly only used for things that aren't otherwise covered in higher tiers, and by default are not canon.
Tier 6: Army Books (pre-6th), WHFRPG (1e) - the Dwarf Priests Know Necromancy Zone. May be looted for ideas from time to time but is usually completely incompatible.

The Keys of Karaz Ghumzul
Status: Pending Climax

-These were part of Thorek's price for full partnership and effort in the Waystone Project.

-The pressure on the Dwarves of Middenheim was taken care of by Mathilde in a single letter (per this Boneypost).

For those Dwarves Mathilde's involvement was a compounding of the pressure between modern political realities and what they see as a duty to their ancestors, and it would have exacerbated ongoing internal conflict and emotional distress. But for Mathilde it was a mildly boring letter to write. Maybe eventually she'll have to deal with those Dwarves and it will come back to complicate things, but in all likelihood she'll never meet those Dwarves and will never know anything about what effect her actions may have had on them. This is part of what it means to have power and influence.

-Thorek is slowly putting a party expedition together, but with the 2nd Silver Road Wars building up, it's slow going. We will probably be able to offer to join when he's ready.

Debt of the Arhain
Status: Initial Investigation

-This plotline started during The Battle of Karagril, Part 5 when Mathilde and Johann captured a Naggarothi elf, who was enjoying unusually comfortable accommodations in the Moulder holdings.

-He was claimed as part of Mathilde's loot in the subsequent spoils division vote.

-Shortly after, the Naggarothi was successfully delivered to the Ulthuan Embassy in Altdorf under Mockery of Death, much to the pleasure of Daroir, the Ambassador (at the time), from Nagarythe.

-As a reward, Mathilde was invited to fight alongside the Shadow Warriors of Nagarythe for 99 days, at any point before her death or the end of the world.
"A generous gift, from an unexpected quarter." Daroir smiles in anticipation. "It is a rare gambit of Teclis that does not bear fruit. I am glad to see the blossoming of this flower." He lifts a hand to his long, snow-white hair, and though you could swear it was unadorned, he plucks a tiny black raven carved from onyx from his locks and holds it out to you. "If you have the inclination and time to spare between now and when the world ends, seek Lothern and present this to any of the Sea Guard. For ninety-nine days you may call Nagarythe your home, and shall shed blood alongside us to defend it. Our Arhain are not as sought as Saphery's Sariour, but you of the grey of eight may be able to appreciate them."

-Per Boney, we should expect the Elfcation to be focused on fighting Druchii raids, and the skills required thereof. Anything else is conjecture.

A Deal with Three Devils
Status: Initial Investigation

-The three diplomats arrived in Laurelorn during the Turn 39 Social - Part 3.
-Queen Marrisith said that they had arrived due to Mathilde's project in Laurelorn, but mostly because she [the Queen] had invited them.
You're greeted at the door by a servant that leads you to the Queen, and you ask her what brings the Druchii here. "Yourself, of course," she says, smiling mischievously at your look of shock. "Indirectly, that is. Even if they knew about it, I doubt they'd have any interest in the Waystone Project for its own sake. They have sufficient skill with Dhar to make use of all that is available, rather than needing infrastructure to whisk it away. But if Ulthuan has a foothold in the Old World, then they'll want one too, if only to keep tabs on what Ulthuan is up to and to watch for opportunities to interfere with it... but I digress. In truth, since we're working with humans, there was no reason for us not to also put out feelers to the two claimants of the Phoenix Throne to see if we can play them against each other. The board between them has been stalemated for so long that the introduction of even a minor piece is one that either could be tempted into paying handsomely for."

The Druchii mission was comprised of 'representatives' from the three cities of Ghrond, Hag Graef, and Clar Karond;

You're told that the flags represent three of the six major city-states of Naggaroth: Ghrond, the headquarters of the order of Sorceresses and domain of the Queen Mother of the Druchii, Hag Graef, the city atop a sprawling network of mines and quarries that make it second only to the capital in wealth and power, and Clar Karond, the shipyard and breadbasket of Naggaroth. Notable by their absence are the other three flags: the clutched moon of the capital Naggarond is missing, suggesting that this is either unofficial or a gambit of Queen Mother, rather than the King, and that the bloody heart of the Khainite stronghold of Har Ganeth and the harpy of the Corsair capital of Karond Kar are absent suggests that those present could be as reasonable as the Druchii are capable of being, since they left the fanatics and the slavers at home.

  • Dreadlord Ylrishen of Clar Karond, who wants to trade info. A 'utilitarian' slaver
  • Captain Maktig of Hag Graef, a friendly corsair sailor. Druchii Anton?
  • Sorceress Myrielh of Ghrond, who wants to join our book club She uses Dhar as an emotional corset
- @Nerdasaurus Rex summarized their offers and positions well here.

-Future actions in this category (which may not be pursued given the involvement of Ulthuan in the Waystone Project directly), will be done under the action:
Foreign Relations:
[ ] Enter into negotiations with the Druchii delegation to Laurelorn

-If we do decide to pursue this or the Elfcation, then we can ask LM Walther Kupfer for advice, either socially or as a paid training.

-Druchii are masters at competitive bus tossing, and fighing (or having plans to fight Druchii) would not preclude us doing information deals with our 'contacts'.
The Mountain that has become His Herdstone
Status: Solved

-The climax of the Karak Dum Expedition was Mathilde seeing the occupiers / defenders of Karak Dum, in this post (K.D.E. Part 14).

-This was a bewildering mystery in the thread as Borek promptly fucked off the Expedition (K.D.E. Part 15).

-Mathilde theorized about Morghur alongside the rest of the expedition in K.D.E. Part 16, and Part 17.

-Mathilde discussed the mystery of Cor-Dum with Egrimm during K.D.E. Part 23
"All of that makes sense," you say after some thought. "But what conclusion does that lead to?"

"I haven't the faintest idea," Egrimm admits. "But I think the answer lies in the nature of the Shadowgave. It doesn't fit neatly into any known category - it's not fully a Beastman, not truly a Daemon, definitely not a Sorcerer. I think if you can figure out what category it is in, you can start to ask actually meaningful questions - like how the Dwarves know enough of whatever that nature is to manipulate it."

-20 months realtime later, we found Borek as the unfortunate wielder of Grimnir's Axe in the Turn 39 Social - Part 1.

-He then explained the mystery of Morghur, at least from the perspective of the Dwarves of Dum.

The We & Their Silk
Status: What the hell, man.

-The vote to uplift the We was held after Turn 21 Results - 2480 - Part 3, with the result of; "Try to uplift the We. Fill them with knowledge until they're able to understand what the big deal is, then have them decide how they want to act".

-On Turn 22, Mathilde hired an open-minded Loremaster from a Young Hold to teach the We (final selection: Turn 22 Social - 2480.5), as well as tasked Johann with autopsying them (his report was given during the Duckling Club segment of Turn 22 Results - Part 2).

-Second teacher for The We made some progress during Turn 25 Results - 2482 - Part 3, where they subsequently decided how they would exist with the rest of Karak Eight Peaks.

-Mathilde checked in on The We during the Turn 26 Social - Part 2.

-The means of The We's internal communication was investigated during Turn 27, specifically Turn 27 - Part 2.

-Books on silk weaving were purchased from Laurelorn on Turn 36 - 2487.5, and subsequently dumped on Francesco's desk.

-The We asked to split / take the place as the Librarian of Kron-Azril-Ungol during the Turn 38 Results - Part 4.

The Lahmian Conspiracy
Status: Solved probably

The Father
Status: Bearing Fruit

-This plotline started as an offshoot of Aethyric Vitae, when Mathilde had the idea to catalyze a measure of vitae with Ranald's Coin in Turn 36 - Part 2.

-The vitae catalyzes into anima which is orphaned from the Divinity it is patterned after, and Mathilde was immediately able to store this energy in (relatively) trivially replaceable elven crystal. This would have allowed Theurgy, or;

The replicable, comparable, definitive fingerprint of a God

-The thread then voted between Faith, Truth, and Prudence.

-The thread chose Faith, forever sacrificing this part of the research path to Ranald as a matter of trust. In return, He shared with us a new face of The Coin
[New face of the Coin - The Father: Ranald's daughters, and Their followers, will recognize you as being worthy of trust and faith.]

-Mathilde discussed Gods and their offspring with Cython during the Turn 36 Social - Part 1.

Daughter One
-Mathilde was wearing The Father when she went to recruit the Nordlander Hedgewise (Turn 38 - Part 1).

-After a surprisingly warm welcome, she met a Hüvener named Aksel, who she was able to recruit for The Waystone Project.

-Mathilde's ruminations confirmed that Halétha and her guises is one of Ranald and Shallya's Daughters.
As you begin to talk to Aksel of the specifics, you think to yourself that if the Nordland Hedgewise were always this trusting, they likely would have been wiped out some time in the past two thousand years. Between that and the relatively unbothered reception you received when you arrived, you suspect you might have answered half the mystery that Ranald presented you with when you were gifted the fifth face of your Coin.

Daughter Two
-Currently unknown, though there is plenty of in-thread speculation as to Her identity.

-Credit to @mathymancer for this female-presenting Goddess info post, and for his theorizing about The Lady here.
Aethyric Vitae
Status: Pending Climax

-With the benefit of hindsight, we can say that this Tech Tree was first made available during Character Creation - Part 3, when the thread chose Snakehunted, setting a Wisdom's Asp nipping at our heels (at least metaphorically and metaphysically, but with little actual manifestation luck).
-The option to begin dealing with it was available as early Turn 1 - 2470, under the [ ] Research options.
-Mathilde chose to begin dealing with the Asp on Turn 5 - 2472, by telling Abelhelm about her mirror-bound pursuer.
"Letters every now and then. I'll have been getting in touch with them this year anyway because there's a killer illusion-snake trying to murder me."

Van Hal's mug was halfway to his lips when you said that, and he lowers it back down onto the desk and gives you a flat look. "What have you been getting up to," he asks - he doesn't quite growl, but there's a hint of it in his voice.

-Mathilde continued dealing with the Asp during Turn 5 Results - 2472, wherein she asked Regimand for assistance, and received the book Light And It's Properties, by Leonardo da Miragliano (Mirrorcatch box manual).
-On Turn 6 Results - 2472.5, she read Light and It's Properties, fully grasping the book in one action.

Finally, you're occupied with the book 'Light And Its Properties'. It's a densely-packed exploration of the properties of various forms of light, and you quickly find the relevant part: where it describes the properties of mirrors. Though physically they act by simply reflecting light, they're also metaphysically gateways to other dimensions, not because of any properties they intrinsically have but because of millennia of belief along those lines making it true - or so the author theorizes. He also describes a device he claims can 'store' light, and he theorizes on ways to slowly 'release' that light over time to save money on candles, though he never quite managed the release mechanism. The structure itself is a strange three-dimensional maze of baffled mirrors inside a cube, the blueprints of which take you weeks to understand.

Though the concept of storing light is fascinating, you're most interested in what would happen if the bizarrely absent snake tried to manifest inside it...

-Abelhelm subsidized Mathilde not dying to the Asp on Turn 7 - 2473, by paying for the Mirrorcatch box.

-The Wisdom's Asp was successfully captured during the Turn 7 Results - 2473, with a bit of help from our buddy Ranald. Abelhelm was informed of this success on the following turn/update.

Finally, as midsummer approaches, it's time to see to your long-absent but not forgotten pursuer: Wisdom's Asp.


Then, as you Light the candle once more, you feel rather than hear a nightmarish skittering reverberate through the room - the sound that's haunted your dreams for many years. The sound of that damned snake manifesting in your reflection. Without a moment's hesitation, you snap the lid of the box shut.

The Mirrorcatch box shivers on the desk, then jerks so violently it flips onto it's side. For half a second beautiful, malignant light coruscates out of the lid of the box where it's opened less than a crack. Then it lies still.

A few seconds later, a multi-hued liquid starts to ooze out of the crack.


Boney AN: [I thought to myself, 'more than fifty, the snake is killed. Less than fifty, it is trapped alive.': 50. Schrodinger's Snake achieved.]

-Turn 8 Results - 2473.5, Weber's Box initial investigations.
And it just keeps on happening, because to the snake there is no solid surface in the box. The parts of it in reality are subject to gravity, but can never stop falling because the closest thing to a bottom is a portal into the warp. It is suspended in an eternal free-fall, forever unable to either heal or die. And in that state it constantly drains magical energies into reality.

That realization sends a shudder through you. If the demon that pursued you was any other warp-entity, the energies leaking out would... well, you'd be lucky if they were only Dhar. But this is the All-Knowing Serpent, Wisdom's Asp, and apparently the ever-shifting hue of its scales is mirrored by the pure combination of magical energies that it is formed from. Instead of liquid corruption pouring forth, this is pure, untainted, liquid magic.

-Abelhelm was apprised of the initial investigation results on Turn 9 - 1474, and further research options appeared in the turns thereafter.

-Continued in the next spoiler.


-After 7 years of self-improvement, exploration, and reconquest, Mathilde revisited the 'Snake Juice' during the Turn 21 Results - 2480 - Part 1. This opened up the sub-research options for utilization and weaponization of the substance.
-It was formally named 'Aethyric Vitae' during the vote for Turn 21 Results - Part 2.
-The research options available from Turn 22 - 2480.5 onwards were;
(Note: they have been reorganized based on the order in which they were investigated)

[ ] Investigate how living things react to exposure to the Vitae.
-Research option selected on Turn 25 - 2482.
-Eventually pursued after a very exciting couple of days on Turn 25 - Part 2.

[ ] Investigate the exact circumstances required to induce a transformation.
- Research option selected on Turn 26 - 2482.5.
-Pursued on Turn 26 Results - 2482.5 - Part 2.

[ ] Investigate how the Vitae reacts to Dwarven magic-dampening Runes. (2 Dwarf favours)
-Research option selected on Turn 27 - 2483.
-Pursued during Turn 27 Results - 2482 - Part 2.

[ ] Attempt to interest one of the currently present Runesmiths in the interaction between Runes and Vitae. (Will start at the top and work your way down)
-Research option selected on Turn 28 - 2483.5.
-Pursued during Turn 28 Results - Part 2, initially with Kragg who rebuffed us to Thorek. AV's use as an extremely potent and reliable Rune recharging substance discovered.
-Trading AV for Dwarf Favor (Rune-related purchases) unlocked.

[ ] Call in favours to get a specific Runesmith to examine the interaction between Runes and Vitae with you.
-Option removed after collaborating with Thorek on Turn 28.

[ ] Investigate how the Vitae reacts with Divine Magic.
-This option was locked until Turn 30 - 2484.5.
-Ranald's coin investigated during Turn 29 Results - 2484. (Don't.)
-Research option selected on Turn 36 - 2487.5.
-Pursued during Turn 36 - Part 2 - Truth and Faith.
-Further research options locked (for Mathilde) due to Mathilde choosing Faith (see: The Daughters Two, under Plot Threads).

[ ] Investigate how the Vitae reacts to a power stone.
-Initially locked due to not owning a power stone. Unlocked after Mathilde purchased at least one Ulgu powerstone.
-Research option selected on Turn 38 - 2488.5 - Part 1.
-Pursued during Turn 38 - Part 3.
-Powerstones grow when exposed to AV (in the sense that the AV immediately detonates, and adds on to the powerstone).
-Morbing unlocked.

[ ] Investigate how the Vitae reacts to being subjected to power stone creation methods.
-This option was locked until after Mathilde learned how to make a power stone on Turn 39 - 2489 - Part 4 (it's super boring and tedious).
-Research option selected on Turn 40 - 2489.
-Pursued initially during Turn 40 Results - Part 3.
-A natural 1 on the roll meant that we had an extremely unwelcome neighbor on the other side of reality when we tunneled in.
-Discovered that AV creates a bubble in the skein of reality (Liminal Realm) when subjected to Powerstone creation methods.
-Bookmarked by Tzeentch with the 'Fated' trait.
-Emergence of the Thirteenth (Everchosen Tournament) revealed in-character.

[ ] Instead of seeking the secrets of the blood, simply see if it can be weaponized in some way.
-Option removed after unlocking liminal realms.

[ ] Experiment with integrating the Vitae into enchantments.
-Option removed after power stone experimentation, as the metaphysics were clear (that the AV would just detonate instead of accomplishing anything).

[ ] Attempt to create a liminal realm
-Research option selected (with full knowledge of the consequences) on Turn 42 - 2490.5.
-Pursued during Turn 42 - Part 6.
-When more AV is added to an existing (AV-only?) liminal realm, it expands the realm proportional to the amount of AV added to it.

[-] Create Orbs of Sorcery solo (requires one of each Power Stone) (insufficient CF)
-Research option selected on Turn 43 - 2491.
-Pursued Turn 43 - Part [TBD]

[ ] Create Orbs of Sorcery with College buy-in (no cost)
[ ] Create a liminal realm (specify size, location, and purpose, 6m³ per gallon)
-Added on Turn 43 - 2491.

-Boneypost on AV harvesting.


Ulgu Tongs
Status: Investigated, Not Promising

-There has been so much discussion on this topic in the thread, my goodness.

-If you search for the word 'tongs' in this thread, you get something like 70 pages of results.

-This concept is generally inspired by necromancy.

-As far as I can reasonably determine, the first time that necromancy is likened to tongs in the thread, is in this post.
I haven't @'d this poster because I'm unsure if they're still interested in DL
-The first time (again, that I can reasonably determine) that a poster explicitly suggests using Ulgu to manipulate other Winds is @veekie 's post here.

-Boney confirmed that further pursuits/investigations of this concept would be enabled by reading the Liber Mortis, here.

- The research option 'Investigate the possibility of using one Wind to directly manipulate another.' first appeared as an option on Turn 23.

-Mathilde finally experimented with the concept on Turn 34 - Part 1, with little success.

With utter focus you grasp Ulgu with your soul, and instead of shaping it into a familiar form to be projected out onto the world, you try to push it outwards to wrap around a strand of Ghyran.

It is, you quickly discover, rather like trying to catch a live eel in a cat's cradle, if the cat's cradle was also made of eels.

-This was not the result of rolls, as mentioned in Boney' author's note at the end of the chapter.

-Final take: Ulgu tongs can work, but only if you can bring yourself to bite the Dhar-bullet.

Status: Bearing Fruit

-@Parabola has a fantastic Apparation megapost here, so honestly you could just spend your time reading that one instead.

-This tech tree was started in The Magister Patriarch of the Gold Order (just after Turn 29 - Part 1), wherein MP Feldmann bribed us to give up our accumulated Skaven loot research backlog
I say to you: name your price. The Gold Order has wealth and influence and secrets beyond measure. Tell me what we must surrender to you, so that you will release your grasp on the secrets of the Skaven.

-The thread opted for Gehenna's Golden Hounds, ostensibly for use in a pseudo-mind for the purposes of magically enemy-mapping K8P (as I understand it, anyway).
[*] Insights on creating independent, temporary, and combat-capable constructs in the vein of Gehenna's Golden Hounds

-Mathilde learned the secret of GGH on Turn 30 - Part 1, wherein it was shared that the secret to certain spells is to take an existing Apparition, subdue it, encase it in your Wind, and use the encasement shape and it's pre-existing instincts to accomplish tasks (usually violence).
"Three, eh? Nasty. Chamon has the Wyrdwomen. But it's Aqshy that's the key, and Aqshy has the Fleshrender and Dark Hounds. Now, for the record..." She slides a book across the table at you, The Distinction Between Daemons and Apparitions. "We keep this up-to-date to reassure our little 'uns, as well as just in case the Witch Hunters twig and come knocking. The short version is, they're not Daemons so it's not against Article Whatever if we hunt them down and bind them into service."

"Gehenna's Golden Hounds are Dark Hounds?"

"Covered in Gold Magic and bound to a Wizard's soul, like a familiar except crankier. They hunger for Aqshy but they're not of Aqshy so there's no Dhar risk. We usually go for ones that are hunting Brights, but if there aren't any at any given moment, there's usually a few packs haunting the neighbourhood around the Bright College. Then we sic them on our enemies. If the spell goes wrong they can break free and either run for it or try to eat you, but that's no worse than the usual consequences for miscasting Battle Magic."

-This does preclude a Wizard using any Wind that their Apparition can / wants to directly consume. The phrase, 'chains made out of meat' comes to mind.

-Apparitions are not animals, and treating them as such is a complicated way to commit suicide.

-The preliminary option to hunt for an Apparition was added to Mathilde's options on Turn 31.
-Mathilde finally/first chose to pursue an Apparition in Turn 42 - Part 1, specifically a Rider in Red, with Johann's assistance (punchocity).

-Mathilde decided to model her Rider in Red spell off of an inspiring local legend of Stirland, The Dämmerlichtreiter, on Turn 42 Part 2, with exceptional success.
The Ulgu coating the Rider begins to meld into the Ulgu coating your soul like two soap bubbles meeting, and then with shocking abruptness there's nothing between you and it but the membranes of your respective souls. You'd expected something like Wolf, with the familiar urges and needs with a glimmer of awareness overlaying it, but the fallacy in that is obvious: why would something that only pays occasional visit to reality be beholden to drives rooted in biology? There is something very like hunger, if hunger was overlaid with contempt and indignation - if anything, its drive to strike down wielders of destructive magic might be described as a compulsion to restore rightness to the world, in the same way that one might be drawn to straighten a crooked painting. There is also, to your surprise, a sense of what can only be described as joy within it, a streak of gladness that it is able to do what it does. You'd theorized that the laughter that was its harbinger was just an animalistic call, but it is exactly that: an expression of exuberance. The Rider in Red likes what it is and what it does, and you're not sure how to feel about how neatly that slots into place alongside your own soul.

And... that's it. For all that contempt and self-satisfaction are complex emotions, this complexity is outweighed by the absence of anything else within it. As a creature that only encounters biology in the same way that a bullet encounters an Orc, it completely lacks the grab-bag of competing and intermingling drives that the many needs of physical bodies impose upon creatures of flesh. No pleasure or pain, no appetite or satiety, no bravery or fear, no love or lust or jealousy. It has a single purpose that is the sole source of all emotion within it. If nobody in this world ever used destructive magic again, then this being would never again have reason to act in any way.

From the point of view of a Wizard being hunted by it, it would likely seem terrifying and monstrous. From the point of view of someone who is about to weaponize it, you kind of wish you'd gone for the big cat form so you could scratch it behind the ears.

"I've still got it," you say after digesting all of that, and Johann relaxes slightly. "It's actually kind of jovial, in a weird way. Not just food-motivated, but also driven by not liking its targets, and liking that it's able to bring doom to them."
-She 'trained' it as a Bodyguard spell of One rider on the following turn, Turn 42 - Part 3, naming the spell Knightbringer (FC) at the beginning of Turn 42 - Part 4.

-It has not been codified as of yet.

Wind Ascension
(Defeat Mortality With One Weird Trick!)
Status: Initial Investigation

See Ergosum's Arcane mark summary here. In the context of the Great Mandred Debate, but still informative.

Status: Bearing Fruit

-Blutdorf Firearms factory discussion - Turn 25 Social - 2482.
- Ratling gun investigated with Johann on Turn 26 - 2482.5.
The Salamanders
Status: Pending Climax

-These (purportedly Lustrian) eggs were purchased during The March to Karak Eight Peaks - Week 5 - Barak Varr, for 200 gold coins.

-Mathilde worked with Esbern and Seija to investigate them on Week 7 of the March to K8P.

-They were donated to the Ambers during the K8P: Expeditionary Epilogue 3.

-They first appeared in our Social Options on Turn 22 - Part 2.

-Mathilde checked in on them during the Turn 27 social - Part 1, and received an initial 4 College Favor for contributions.

-They have been available for a secondary follow-up since Turn 28 - Part 2.

The Ghyran Nut
Status: Initial Investigation

-We purchased this in Uzukulak, during the Karag Dum Expedition (K.D.E. - Part 10) from an extremely smug Naggarothi Corsair, for 1000 gold coins.

-It may be an Acorn of the Oak of Ages, or it may just be a novel example of extreme Ghyran compaction without rooting a hole into reality.

-It was added to our research backlog on the next normal turn (Turn 34).

-It is finally going to be researched with Panoramia on Turn 43. Exciting!
Does anyone have any other suggestions? I'm on mobile right now and the above two bits were painful enough as is, lol.
Got some stuff to put in for now
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A List of Known Nexuses Which are Lost
A List of Known Nexuses Which are Lost, Abandoned, Fallen, Occupied, or Otherwise Non-Functional
(we should probably do something about that)

The Blood Fane
Location: The Forest of Shadows
Current Status: Corrupted into an Altar of Khorne.
Notes: Was guarded by a Minotaur until it was slain and replaced by Chaos Champion Bogoslav Tammas during the Storm of Chaos

The Brass Keep
Location: The Middle Mountains
Current Status: Occupied by Chaos Warriors
Notes: Once (allegedly) given to the Hedgewise by Sigmar, but was later confiscated by His cult and then subsequently lost to the forces of darkness.

The Tower of Melkhior
Location: The Forest of Shadows
Current Status: Occupied by the Necrarch Melkhior the Anicient, the first Nechrach created by W'soran.
Notes: Melkhior has/will have a rivarly with his apprentice Zacharias the Everliving, who got/will get a significant power boost from consuming a Black Dragon. Melkhior is currently working on a masterpiece of necromantic lore, the Grimoire Necronium.

Location: Ostermark
Current Status: Unknown/not active.
Notes: The city has been levelled multiple times, but a dense underground network of tunnels, basements, and vaults still remains. Notoriously populated with an endless horde of mutants and worse.
Personal Speculation: The island monastery used by the Sisters of Sigmar as their base of operations seems like a likely candidate for the location of the nexus, should it still exist.

Marcher Fortress
Location: Talabecland/The Realm of Chaos
Status: Under the direct control of Slaanesh
Notes: Can be returned to reality via the same method used to rescue Vlag. Will be populated by an entire army of demons when it does return.

Bugman's Brewery
Location: Wissenland
Status: Ruined and abandoned, but still functional.
Notes: Joseph Bugman is still on his legendary quest to rescue his kinsmen from Goblins, and avenge those he can't save. Links directly to Karak Norn's nexus.

Black Fire Pass
Location: The Forest of Gloom
Status: Stolen by either beastmen or goblins and corrupted into an altar to their gods.
Notes: Was intended to be built in the Black Fire Pass, but was never completed. The dwarves are willing and able to wage an existential war against the inhabitants of the Forest of Gloom to reclaim it, should the knowledge of how to activate it be rediscovered.

Barak Varr
Location: Barak Varr
Status: Never deployed, currently sitting in a storage vault
Notes: Could be used to redirect the Border Princes' network towards the Karaz Ankor network. The dwarves are willing and able to wage an existential war against the inhabitants of the Forest of Gloom, should the knowledge of how to activate it be rediscovered.

Karak Izor
Location: The Vaults
Status: Deactivated
Notes: Fully occupied and friendly dwarfhold. All nexuses downstream are held by Skaven, so has been deactivated. The dwarves are willing and able to wage an existential war against the Skaven strongholds of Fester Spike, Foul Peak, and Putrid Swamp, should the knowledge of how to activate it be rediscovered.

Cragmere/Karak Varn
Location: Black Water
Status: Fallen Dwarfhold, one of 25 Karak Nexuses.
Notes: Occupied by Clan Ferrik, a Warlord Clan. Requires a dwarf population to work.

Red Eye Mountain/Karak Ungor
Location: World's Edge Mountains
Status: Fallen Dwarfhold, one of 25 Karak Nexuses.
Notes: Occupied by the Red Eye Night Goblins. Requires a dwarf population to work.

Black Crag/Karak Drazh
Location: World's Edge Mountains
Status: Fallen Dwarfhold, one of 25 Karak Nexuses.
Notes: Occupied by the Greenskins. Ruled by Gorfang Rotgut. Requires a dwarf population to work.

Hoard Peak/Dragon Crag/Karak Azgal/Karak Izril
Location: World's Edge Mountains
Status: Fallen Dwarfhold, one of 25 Karak Nexuses.
Notes: Lower levels are occupied by Greenskins, Skaven and Undead. Requires a dwarf population to work. The rune for Karak Izril looks similar to the waystone rune.

Mount Gunbad
Location: World's Edge Mountains
Status: Fallen Dwarfhold, one of 25 Karak Nexuses.
Notes: Occupied by Greenskins. Requires a dwarf population to work.

Mount Grimfang/Karag Agilwutraz/Mount Silverspear
Location: World's Edge Mountains
Status: Fallen Dwarfhold, one of 25 Karak Nexuses.
Notes: Occupied by Greenskins and Skaven. Requires a dwarf population to work. Currently the target of Thorgrim's Silver Road Wars, with the aim of retaking the hold.

Silver Pinnacle/Karaz Bryn
Location: World's Edge Mountains
Status: Fallen Dwarfhold, one of 25 Karak Nexuses
Notes: Occupied by Vampires, ruled by the Vampire Queen Neferata. Requires a dwarf population to work.

Thunder Mountain/Karag Dron
Location: World's Edge Mountains
Status: Fallen Dwarfhold, one of 25 Karak Nexuses
Notes: Occupied by Dragon Ogres. Volcanic Hold. Formerly controlled by the Tectonic Shackle of Thungni. Birthplace of the Anvils of War.

Fire Mountain/Karag Haraz
Location: World's Edge Mountains
Status: Fallen Dwarfhold, one of 25 Karak Nexuses
Notes: Volcanic Hold. Can be seen from Karak Azul.

Red Cloud Mountain/Karag Orrud
Location: Nehekara
Status: Fallen Dwarfhold, one of 25 Karak Nexuses
Notes: Volcanic Hold. Occupied by goblins of the Red Cloud tribe. Linked to Karag Haraz.

Foul Peak
Location: The Vaults
Status: Skaven stronghold
Notes: Stronghold of Clan Ektrik, Thrall-Clan of Clan Skryre. Linked to Karak Izor in some way. One of the targets in the Barak Varr nexus hellwar.

Fester Spike
Location: The Vaults
Status: Skaven Stonghold
Notes: Stronghold/former stronghold of Clan Fester, Thrall-Clan of Clan Pestilens. Current ownership post-civil war is unknown. Linked to Karak Izor in some way. One of the targets in the Barak Varr nexus hellwar.

Putrid Stump
Location: The Vaults
Status: Skaven Stronghold
Notes: Stronghold of an Clan Treecherik, Thrall-Clan of Clan Eshin. Linked to Karak Izor in some way. One of the targets in the Barak Varr nexus hellwar.

Location: Skavenblight
Status: Skavenblight
Notes: Skavenblight

Total tally:
Empire Nexus: 6
Border Prince Nexus: 2
Karak Nexus: 11
Skaven Nexus: 4
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