Omake - Heroes of the Empire Pt 2 - Briefvoice
Heroes of the Empire

Part 2

Read Part 1 here for this to make any sense.

"All warfare is based upon deception."

"Sir, the Romulan minefield is detonating. Seems to be a managed destruction with new explosions at regular intervals. Any ship executing an attack run is at risk," announced one of the Runhald's bridge officers.

Commodore Renhadd tapped his fingers together, considering a moment and speaking mostly to himself. "Whomever is in command over there is a fast thinker. I thought we would have at least twenty more sorties before they figured out their only possible course of action. If they ever did."

He raised his voice. "Transmit my command to the squadron. All ships are to break off the attack and encircle the minefield as per our previous contingencies. The D7 cruisers will be attempting to flee under cloak, using the mine detonations as cover. They've realized there's no hope of holding the mining colony, and the best they can achieve is to preserve themselves. We will not allow them to escape."

"So we've won," said Commander Segfed quietly from beside Renhadd's command seat.

Renhadd spoke in a low voice, pitched not to carry too far across the shadowed bridge of the Klingon cruiser. "We won before this operation started. There are enough ships in this squadron to have taken the colony if I had done nothing but bull in through the minefield, sacrificing two or three of my birds of prey to sweep a path. The question has always been, how complete will the victory be?"

"The great houses don't love you," said Segfed.

"They don't, my friend. They see me as an upstart, put in place by the Chancellor as a favor to his favorite. Only victory will silence them. Complete victory. I need to capture the mines, capture every Romulan on the colony, and destroy or damage of all the Romulan starships without losing a ship of my own. The greater the victory the stronger my position."

Segfed already knew this, of course. It was only the excitement of battle that was making Renhadd so voluble, unable to quite keep up his usual haughty remoteness. She elected not to respond and they studied the view screen and waited.


"I want to know to as soon as all the civilians are aboard the Sakti. No luggage, no discussion, just beam them into the ore chambers and flood the compartment with hybersleep gas. We can stretch out the destruction of the mines for less than two hours before there are so few left the Klingons will realize they can sweep right in," ordered Commander Wenlai.

He turned his attention to the next problem on the list. "Centurion Renke, can you make the cloak act like we need it to?"

The old engineering Centurion's voice echoed from the intercom. "I can do it; the question is if the Klingons see through it. Lucky they have their old Birds of Prey covering the direction we need to go, and sensors on those things are garbage even at extreme short range. We might just fool them, Commander."

Wenlai switched to another comms channel. "This is Commander Wenlai. What's the schedule for detonating the station?"

"We'll be ready to have it go boom just after we depart, Commander."

Wenlai took deep breath. To the bridge at large he announced, "Right. Well nothing more that I can do until everything's in place. I'm going to go eat something. Subcommander Lann has the bridge. Call me if you need me."

With that he sauntered off the bridge.

"Eating at a time like this?" asked the sensor operator in a low tone of voice.

"The Commander has laid out his plan, and he trusts us to do our parts. He believes in us," replied Subcommander Lann. "Just like we believe in him," he added more softly.


"Commodore, minefield explosion rate is increasing... all the remaining ones seem to be going up at once."

Renhadd pounded his armrest. "Finally they're making their move! Using the mines as a last gasp to blind our sensors while they try to escape."

"Why did they take so long?" wondered his weapons officer.

"Likely clearing out any sensitive information, collecting or executing any mine official who knows anything important, and preparing to destroy their station. Though it shouldn't have taken them this long. Probably stumbling over themselves in panic," said Renhadd with mild contempt.

"The Romulan station just exploded. It looks like that ore freighter went up with it," announced the sensors officer.

Renhadd smirked in triumph.

"Sir, the Y'Tem reports contact with both D7s. They seem to be flying in close formation. They're blinking in and out of cloak, firing torpedoes and re-cloaking as they move away."

"All ships, converge on them. Don't let them get away!" commanded Renhadd.

But Renhadd was frowning now. This didn't make sense. Recloaking in battle was generally of very little use. It consumed a great deal of power and couldn't really hope to hide you from any halfway decent sensors systems; not once you had already given away your position like that. He supposed against an old model bird of prey like the Y'Tem with its notoriously bad sensor systems it might provide some slight advantage, though it would still be diverting too much power away from shields.

There was a thrum as the K'Tinga's engines pushed themselves to maximum, and the squadron closed in around the fleeing Romulans. Fleeing somewhere specific in fact... they were headed directly to the disabled Romulan Bird of Prey.

Suspicion became certainty in Renhadd's mind. "Recalibrate your sensors to focus on composition, not position. Compare those two D7s," he ordered.

Tense seconds later his sensors operator looked up. "Sir! They're the same ship. It's blinking its cloak and using massive vector changes to pretend to be two cruisers flying in formation, but there's only one there."

"A sacrifice play. One ship gives itself up and the other gets away," said Renhadd with some admiration in his voice. "Let's make them pay for it. Converge on that D7."


"Sir, we've made it to the Inclutus, but the Klingon ships are encircling us."

"No changes to previous orders," said Wenlai.

A tractor beam emerged from the Hyperon and pulled the Inclutus in close. Tugging the slightly smaller ship, it took off at maximum speed. Briefly its shields dropped and Klingon disruptor beams and torpedoes homed in, but the Hyperon maneuvered to block the hits with the Inclutus.

"Transporter room says we beamed aboard all survivors from the Inclutus in time."

"Shields back up... shields up!" said Commander Wenlai, unnecessarily.

"I know we needed for the Inclutus for the plan but it dropping our shields to beam aboard survivors wasn't exactly safe," murmured Subcommander Lann.

"If you wanted safe, you shouldn't have joined the navy," replied Wenlai. "Now if we can make it to the gas giant before they break through our shields, we might just make it out of this.


"Sir, they're on a course for the system's gas giant. We're firing on them, but I don't think we'll break down their shields before they get there. I don't understand how they can move so fast towing another ship nearly their own size."

Commodore Renhadd nodded distractedly. "One of the few redeeming feature of that obsolete piece of engineering is its tractor beam capability. They're quite good at towing... towing..." his eyes widened in realization.

"Order the Vor'Cha to break off pursuit. Head back to the colony site with three birds of prey and commence scanning for a cloaked D7 towing a freighter. It would be just within its capabilities to expand its cloak enough to cover a tow. They used the station's explosion to mask their signature leaving the area."

Even as he gave the order, though, Renhadd knew the odds were low of success. The D7 could have headed off in any direction, and all the antimatter explosions in the area were bound to have disturbed subspace enough to make tracking a cloaked warp signature difficult.

"Commodore, the vessel we're pursuing reached the gas giant. It... it blew up the vessel it was towing and then cloaked itself. The explosion combined with the planet's gravity well and electromagnetic field is disrupting our sensors. I can't track it."

Renhadd clenched his teeth and tightened his fist so much his fingernails dug into the palm of his hand.

"Sir. This is still a great victory. The mining site is captured. Two Romulan warships were destroyed, and none of our ships were so much as damaged. No one will care that you didn't capture some Romulan mining personnel," reassured Segfed.

The commodore opened his fist and composed his face into a calm expression. "Of course you're correct Segfed. But still... someday I'll face that Romulan commander again, and when that time comes I will not be fooled by his tricks again."


Some time later....

"So you wish to join my staff?" said Renhadd to the slightly-built Klingon in front of him.

"I do, Commodore. Admiral Kerkat has given his permission. Or more accurately said he's glad to be rid of me. He seems to find me... weak."

"And are you weak, Commander Berst?"

Berst looked to Commander Segfed then back at Renhadd.

"Segfed has been at my side ever since we were children. I hold no more secrets from her than I would from my right hand. Speak freely."

Berst nodded in acceptance. "Oh yes. I'm a very weak Klingon. A shame to the Empire. But with nothing but weakness to work with, I have made it my strength. I watch, I pay attention, and I read the political winds. I know you are a man of great ambition. I want to help you achieve those ambitions."

"My ambitions? What do you think those ambitions are?"

"Two generations ago your house was a noble house. Important. But your grandfather and father squandered their power and your house's power waned to nothing. You were brought so low your father ended up selling your sister to the Chancellor when she caught his eye. You are a commander of great ability, but 99 out of 100 times ability falls to influence in our Empire. You have the command that you do because the Chancellor's favorite begged it of him."

Renhadd's face was tight with anger. "You have a good grasp on my personal history, and some courage to say these things to my face. So what do you think my ambitions are?"

"Others think you merely want to rebuild your house's power. But that's not it, is it?" asked Berst.


"No. You, like I do, yearn for a reformed Empire. One based on merit rather than houses and bloodlines. You see, this is the clarity of weakness. I've listened to things you say, rather than making assumptions."

"You say that is what you want as well, Commander Berst?"

"I want an Empire where my talents will be recognized rather than sneered at because I don't have a heart built for war. And I believe you to be a man who values talent above all else."

Renhadd showed his teeth. "I don't know you yet, Commander Berst. But if a man comes to me asking for a chance to prove himself, I give it to him. Perhaps your talents will prove useful in their way.

"As to my ambitions... war provides opportunity. The more glory I gain, the more success I have, the more who will flock to my banner. I will crush the Romulans, and then... why then any ambition at all may be within reach."

Turning from Berst, Renhadd glanced out a window at the stars beyond and raised his hand. For a moment it seemed like the galaxy shone within his palm.


Commander Wenlai sat in Admiral Beckek's office. He waited, trying not to look bored, while a Centurion carefully scanned the officer with a handheld detector. Finally she turned to Admiral Beckek. "Everything seems clean, sir. You're as safe to talk here as you are anywhere."

Beckek nodded, but did not dismiss the Centurion, instead gesturing for her to remain. She then turned to Wenlai. "Well Commander, this is a conversation I've been meaning to have with you for some time. Let's get this out of the way first."

She reached down to her desk and pulled out a small box, then tossed it to Wenlai. He opened it and found the rank tabs of a Commodore. He looked at Admiral Beckek and she nodded.

"Yes, the paperwork will come through soon, but I'm promoting you. I need you out there winning battles, Wenlai. I need you to beat the Klingons."

"You have a lot of confidence in me."

"If you had been in charge at Alixros instead of Commodore Frok, could you have saved the colony?"

Wenlai rubbed his head and looked uncomfortable. "Who can say? That Klingon commander was pretty sharp. But with another couple of Birds of Prey to play with... I have a few ideas about how I could have held them off."

"I've studied mission reports, and it seems this isn't the first time a bad situation could have been salvaged if you hadn't been overruled by your superiors. In my opinion you're the best officer in the navy when it comes to fleet actions, and not by a small amount. Don't repeat that, obviously... I don't need to deal with bruised egos from the other admirals. Though I think if I let you off the leash with your own attack squadron, they'll be saying it themselves soon enough."

"I'm flattered."

"But you're also lazy, insolent, and worst of all suspected of being politically unreliable. Writing your academic monographs on history is a fine and noble thing, but there are parts of history where attention is not appreciated. Parts of history that serve only to embarrass."

Wenali looked annoyed and defiant. "History that we don't like looking at is the only part that will teach us anything. I only joined the navy because I thought I could retire with a pension that would let me study history full time."

Admiral Beckek looked amused. "I'm sure you did. Still doesn't change the fact that it's attracted the wrong kind of attention, and if I'm going to become your patron I need to safeguard my investment."

Wenlai leaned back in surprise. Patronage was a serious offer, especially to a no-name like himself who wasn't from a line of client families. Beckek's family wasn't quite one of the really old lines, but they were distinguished enough. He'd owe her a lot, but it meant she really would have to protect him… someone she had just described as politically unreliable.

Taking his acceptance for granted, Beckek continued. "That's why Centurion Frad is here. Introduce yourself, Centurion." She gestured at the centurion who had been waiting silently.

Frad stepped forward. "I'm with the Directorate of Naval Reconnaissance. I'm to shadow you and keep the Tal- keep you free from entanglement with Correctors from other espionage services. From now on, where you go I go, sir."

Wenlai smirked. "Oh? And who did you anger to draw that assignment?"

"It appears you don't remember me. Not a surprise; you were looking exhausted when we met. I'm one of the people you beamed off the Inclutus. Beamed out after hours waiting in the dark while the air ran out, waiting for the Klingons to get around to- I volunteered for this, sir."

The smirk had been wiped off Wenlai's face. "Uh, I see. You're welcome."

"That will be all, Centurion. Leave us. I want to have a private conversation with Commodore Wenlai," ordered Admiral Beckek.

Frad saluted and left, pausing to seal the door carefully behind her.

"The Directorate of Naval Reconnaissance, the navy's own spy agency. Rumor is that that Tal Shiar think they're jokes, and the joke is that a quarter of them also work for the Tal Shiar," said Wenlai.

"The DNR has limited capabilities, but at least they're navy officers and they take orders from our chain of command. As far as working for the Tal Shiar, I am as certain as one can ever be that Frad does not work for them."

"Why is that?" asked Wenlai.

"Centurion Frad is my daughter."

There was a long pause. "I see," said Wenlai, and he did. Many things were becoming clear.

"Of course, all Tal Shiar agents are someone's daughter," said Beckek. "But I'm as certain as one can be."

"And yet you asked her to leave the room," observed Wenlai.

The Admiral reached into her desk and pulled out a bottle and two glasses. She filled them both with alcohol and handed one to him. After they had both taken a drink she asked, "Wenlai... what is wrong with the Empire?"

Wenlai stared at the admiral for a good long while. He slumped in his chair, quite deliberately letting go of any semblance of military posture. He slapped his own leg and sighed. "All right... why not. I could go on for hours about the need for greater accountability in decision-making, archaic control of the means of production and resources, and lack of responsible information flow... but it all boils down to the need for reform and what's blocking that reform.

"I'm a student of history, and it amazes me how people can think that the way things are today is the way that things have always been. Even people who lived through the past themselves! Fifty years ago, things really were different. The Senate was still the Senate... a conservative institution, but they were opening up lesser political offices to public competition, even local elections. There was public debate, open political dissent, and things were getting interesting. From all the records I can find, change was in the air.

"But the really old families, they didn't like the idea of new blood at all. They saw power for anyone else as less power for themselves, Then some bright bulbs in that reactionary faction had an idea. What if, they thought to themselves, what if we turn our spy agency inwards? The Tal Shiar already existed, formed to protect us from enemies of the Romulan people. So they declared everyone who disagreed with them an enemy of the people, and set it loose.

"They even had a great excuse to hand. The alliance with the Klingons, the one no one likes to talk about today, was pushed by the reformists. When that soured it made it very easy to brand those reformists as traitors, purge them, and silence dissenting voices. Now here we are today where writing a few academic papers on parts of history they don't like is enough to make me 'politically unreliable'."

Wenlai finished off his drink. "So what is wrong with the Empire? The Tal Shiar is what's wrong with the Empire, or at least the way it's used. It needs to go, and go in a way that stops the Senate families from replacing it with their own private armies."

Admiral Beckek refilled both their glasses. "You will never again repeat that out loud," she said casually.

Wenlai started to drink, then choked on it and began coughing when he heard her next words.

"Unless and until the day comes you're broadcasting it from orbit as an explanation for your actions."

They stared at each other. Eventually, Yang looked away. "The Imperial Navy is supposed to be apolitical. Serve the state and only the state and no one else... not even each other," he said.

"Which means it's the only power center outside the control of those reactionary old families. It's the only tool available to bring about the reform you talk about," replied the admiral.

Wenlai's face had gone greenish. "Now I do believe you're not recording this conversation. Wouldn't matter if you claimed you were trying to entrap me or something… what you just said is enough to get you shot. What… you want to be a military dictator?"

"No, not me. Such a thing would only be possible if there were an admiral so loved by the rank and file that they would follow that person anywhere. I'm too much one of the old families. I would never be loved like that. They would have to love such a person… well, the way that your people seem to love you."

Angry now, Wenlai made a sharp gesture with his hand. "Leave me out of your crazy plans. I have no interest."

"We will see how much of a choice you have, Commodore. I'm going to send you out, and you're going to fight the Klingons and you're going to win, because you're you and you won't be able to bear your people getting killed. You'll be admired and loved by the navy because you're you. I'm going to protect you from political retribution until you're too visible and too useful to be easily disposed of. After all that, we'll see how much of a choice you have."

Wenlai took a ragged breath. "Permission to leave, sir."

"We will not speak of this again. Not for a long time. Who knows; if the war goes badly enough all of this may be moot. I want you to remember our conversation, though. Not just what I said to you. What you said to me, about the real problems of the Empire. Remember."

"I"m not likely to forget. Permission to leave, sir."


As Wenlai bolted from his seat, her voice stopped him just before he reached the door. "Oh, and Wenlai?"

"Sir," he said, not turning back around.

"Take good care of my daughter. As I said, the rank-and-file all love you."

Commodore Wenlai left the room.


Notes: That concludes 'Heroes of the Empire', me inserting some LoGH expies into the Boldly Go Universe. I don't know if @OneirosTheWriter will decide to canonize any of this, but I like the idea of this kind of clash of personality and ideology happening outside the Federation's border. The notion that the winners and losers of the Klingon-Romulan war are important not only for their own sake, but because victory will give individuals within those empires the power to reshape their respective nations.

Again, thanks to @AKuz for review and comments that helped me get the Romulan politics sorted out.
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Captain's Log - 2316.Q1.M1
[X][REN] Endorse the tech transfer
[X][GAENI] 100sr for 150br
[X][LOG] Start 2 Starfleet Cargo Ships at Irrizizza for 8pp
[X][CATS] 1 Fathership, 4 Swarmers
[X][BEE] Exchange resources with the Orion
[X][EC] Pick an Explorer Corps ship to carry this out (USS Odyssey)
[X][CAL] Ignore
[X][PRIORITY] Change nothing [Weighted 1.5x]
[X][ENTER] Send the survivors to existing ships

Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 25878.4 - Captain Sabek

We are being directed to one of the major colony worlds of the Interstellar Commonwealth though, for safety reasons, not to the homeworld. I believe this is in keeping with much of what I have seen so far; this is a very safety conscious people.

In terms of their appearance, they have a very strong resemblance to one of the original four Federation members, humans, on a physiological level, to a degree that comes close to spoofing the older models of bioscanner, though the most recent marks are able to detect the difference. One peculiarity that I am positive will fascinate my fellow Explorer captain, Captain T'Rinta, is that their ships appear devoid of photon torpedoes, while their warp cores emergency systems appears to work on an ingenious system of utilising the gamma-ray bursts of unintended matter/anti-matter initiations to purge other anti-matter into space in a positive feedback loop.

Their ships are very durable, though it sacrifices somewhat in terms of capacity to generate these safety margins.


Captain's Log, USS Docana, Stardate 25879.4

The Vulcan Science Academy has put forward a request for Starfleet to investigate an unusual gas giant in the Acacia system near 82 Eridani. The planet is exactly as they said - recent cometary impacts have introduced exotic heavy metal gases to the polar atmosphere, where it is mixing in very unusual ways. We believe that there is a lot to be learned in potential plasma coolant methods here, and an ongoing facility can be established.

[New Colony Option, Acacia V, 5rp/yr]


Captain's Log, USS Voshov, Stardate 25879.7 - Captain Demora Sulu

After returning from the Neutral Zone, we have been given the task of following up on a number of listening posts and other outposts. The listening post at Kiterunner is our next destination. I'm told it is a very inhospitable ice world, gathering its name from something of a joke about the high winds that constantly rack the planet.

The ship's underway intelligence officer tells me that is is the sort of assignment that you basically need to either really annoy someone in Personnel Command, or else really, really live solitude to get.

Or love kites?


Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 25880.1

Apparently the fact we are carrying a complement of photon torpedoes and our procession has come to a temporary halt. We have invited a set of engineering safety supervisors to examine the torpedo storage and assure them that this is not a threat to the planet we will be orbiting.

On a more productive note, the Captain of the Ironsides has also come aboard with the civilian representative and we were able to learn more about the peculiar behaviour of our host thus far. It appears that in their experience, cordial first contact scenarios have basically been unknown. Part of what has led them to be so slow in reacting to us is their difficulty getting over the idea that we did not intend them some form of violence. Apparently my lowering of shields did much to impress this on them.

[Gain +10pp, gain initial contacts with the ISC]


Captain's Log, USS Sappho, Stardate 25880.5

A summit held with the Caldonians at FDS request on Landle has provided great headway. Enthusiasm for the arrival of USS Odyssey is high, even among the various Caldonian dissident groups. By working alongside the Winterwind, we were able to keep the two sides apart when necessary.

[+15pp, +1 to Odyssey's rolls this year]


[USS Selaya - Mapping Mission, Honiani border, passed, +25br, +25 relations with Honiani]

Captain's Log, USS Renaissance, Stardate 25881.2

A stellar cartography sweep of the Zh'Ashanar curl of the Anatar nebula by Rigellian space unfortunately turned up very little of interest.

Looking back on the matter, I feel we made a number of mistakes, and that there were a number of ways of approaching unusual signals from another direction that could have rewarded us with better results. It has been a learning experience for the crew.

[No result, extra experience gained]


Captain's Log, USS Voshov, Stardate 25882.4

The wind here cuts like a T'Lorel phaser strike, a cold so bitter it defies easy description. The surface is not a place to tread lightly.

I am told this is the summer season.


Captain's Log, USS Voshov, Stardate 25882.8

The facility staff are on edge. I've brought down the ship's Counsellor, but they're already begging to head back to the ship. The atmosphere here is ... is grim. There have been accidental deaths here lately, but not everyone believes they are accidental. Some people feel they are being watched whenever they go topside to perform maintenance. The ship's counsellor won't confirm that there's anything out there, and my science officers are not picking anything up either. But Counsellor Terisei also won't rule out that there's something out there. He describes a feeling at the edge of his mind, something oily, something sludgy.

My instincts are telling me that we should get out of this place quickly, but I can't leave them in this place. I'm bringing down security officers. Lieutenant T'Pen has joined the away team to try to isolate what is going on.


Captain's Log, USS Voshov, Stardate 25883.1

One of my security team, Petty Officer Aranai, went out with Ensign Mr'gir of the base crew to run maintenance on the thermal exchange conduits topside, and have not returned. Our attempts to find them have turned up nothing. There have been major disruptions to our attempts to use sensors - up until now I believed it was a natural product of Starfleet Intelligence's outpost design, but there is more to it, something continuing to stymie our attempts to compensate for it.

Counsellor Terisei now says the base staff are right. Somewhere there is an intelligence. I asked if he meant somewhere "out there". He said no...


Captain's Log, USS Voshov, Stardate 25883.5

The listening post commanding officer, Lieutenant-Commander Mullerson, just attempted to kill me. Tallisker, my head of security, threw him off me, and stunned him. We have transported him up to the Voshov, to be kept under strict force-field quarantine. Tallisker, and my first officer, have both implored me to return to the ship.

It is not in me to do that.


Captain's Log, USS Voshov, Stardate 25884.1

Someone has set condition red in the base. The klaxons are wailing, another voice among the desperate screams I hear.


Captain's Log, USS Voshov, Stardate 25884.7

Lieutenant T'Pen and Counsellor Terisei found the answer, and if they'd taken another second to do so, I would probably not be here. I was being attacked by what I had thought was an ordinary EPS conduit, but erupted out at me in a grotesque ichorous shape-shifting mass. T'Pen's tricorder emitted a pulse that disrupted it.

But there is mayhem among the base crew. Of those who are still alive, I would say none are fit for duty. I am told to hold station for the arrival of an SS Hummingbird, and in the mean time sweep the rest of this planet thoroughly.



[Chief of Staff's NB: Sorry you had to read that, Admiral, but I can assure you that your daughter is still fully fit for duty and unharmed]
Omake - Winterwind Tales Pt 1: Defective - Iron Wolf
Winterwind Tales Part 1: Defective

As soon as the door to her ready room had opened, Abigail Taggart knew today was going to be interesting. Standing in the threshold was Ozzgrizzira, Command Ozzira on the Ladrirri. He was also the only drone 'officer' in the Apiatan fleet, his name a portmanteau of Officer-Drone, a pseudonym to allegedly to hide the shame he could bring to his original, very conservative hive. He cut a striking figure, standing almost as tall as Taggart, taller with the antennae. If it wasn't for his height he might be easily mistaken for another worker, his hair in the short, severe style of the other Apiata, and his uniform sufficiently loose to hide any curves - or lack thereof.

"Captain Taggart," he said, "I hope I am not interrupting anything. Commander Iekn said this would be a good time." Taggart leaned her head to look around Ozzgrizzira's shoulders and saw the Betazoid giving her a thumbs up and an encouraging grin. She gave him a suitably annoyed glare, but blinked it away when she saw Ozzgrizzira's antennae droop.

"It's fine." She said quickly. She gestured at a chair, "Would you like to sit?"

"Thank you." Ozzgrizzira settled into the chair. Mentally, Taggart ran through the checklist of hospitality her grandmother had drilled into her.


"No, thank you."

"Alright. Well, you let me know if you change your mind," Taggart said, leaning forward and clasping her hands together. In the silence that followed, she studied Ozzgrizzira. She'd talked to him over the viewscreen before, but never in person. Iekn had, during a wargame brief on the Sarek. Which is probably why Ozzgrizzira had approached him first. Apiata worked very strongly on interpersonal relationships.

He wasn't saying anything despite the fact he'd come here personally. She remembered then -- Queens, authority. He was waiting for her. "What brings you to my neck of the woods, Ozgrizzira?"

"The Sarek is about to depart, and so is the Winterwind. This is my last chance to ask…" He tugged at his uniform, let out a slow breath. "I wish to know more about your previous ship, the USS Sappho."

Taggart quirked an eyebrow with interest. He could have just asked via comms. Unless he didn't want his fellow Apiata overhearing. "Well, I don't hear that one every day. Shoot."

"Shoot? Is there a threat?"

"Uh, Earth expression. Just ask whatever questions come to you."

"Oh." Ozzgrizzira took a moment to collect his thoughts, antenna rubbing over each other in a way that resembled nervous hands, "Is it true you were the only woman on the ship at the time? That is was - entirely men?"

"Well, not entirely. I had Holena, and by the time I transferred out there was more women coming in. Including an Apiata spacer, by the by."

"I see. Is this typical of Starfleet ships? That they are mostly men or women?"

"Oh heavens, no. We're still not sure how Sappho got that bad." Taggart saw a shadow of… doubt? Fear? Cross Ozzgrizzira's face when she said 'bad'. "I don't mean that in a negative way, of course. I mean it's unusual. Chad and I could never figure out how Seruk allowed that to happen. Holena always thought the Sappho was the fulfillment of a private fantasy of his, but I won't go into such low-brow speculating."

If she did, she'd say she Chad was playing dumb and had colluded with Seruk to make the Sappho a reality. Seruk had apparently been fond of Chad when he was an instructor at the academy. But she could never find anything more than circumstantial evidence.

"Ah," Ozgrizzira said, "So most vessels are like your Winterwind or Straak's Sarek, a mix of both."


"So only the Sappho has that many males." Ozzgrizzira looked disappointed.

Taggart tilted her head. "You seem very fixated on that fact." She was starting to get an inkling of what was going on. "Is there something I can help you with, Ozzgrizzira?"

The Apiata sprung out of his chair, propelled from his seat by nervous energy. Taggart gave him space, and he stood staring out the window in her ready room. Staring at the Queenship that was a distant speck.

"They want me to return to my adopted hive to begin… reproductive duties." He said, "They say they've tolerated putting it off with my command here for too long." He turned to look to Taggart, "The problem is, I like what I do. And unlike most drones, I am not interested in… reproductive behaviour with queens."

Taggart leaned back in her chair. Iekn would have picked all this up the instant he met Ozzgrizzira. She wasn't sure if she should be mad at him for passing the buck to her or flattered he thought she could handle this better.

Her PADD beeped and she glanced down at it. It was a message from Iekn: "My vote is for the latter. You've got my confidence, Captain." Sure, Iekn.

She glanced up. Ozzgrizzira was pacing now, his words spilling out in a rush, "I have studied your species. They have struggled with similar issues in the past. I find myself reading about your famous figures like Joan of Arc, Boudica, Catherine the Great. All leaders unusual in their known world in their time. Because of their gender. All killed or slandered later." He turned suddenly, leaning over her table, "They are of a different species and different biology, yet I understand them more than my own sisters and brothers. Than they understand me. Because I'm defective."

Taggar made a face. "Honestly, I've never liked that term. Three centuries previous and they'd be saying that about me," she said, glancing at the picture of Jennifer sitting on her desk. "In Starfleet, we're taught IDIC. It's not that you're defective, Ozzgrizzira. You're unique. Or a 'different paradigm from the species baseline', if you'd prefer the xenostudies textbook version."

Ozzgrizzira collapsed back into his seat, and sat there quietly. "Thank you." he said, eventually. "I've been reading the publicly available personal logs of some of your Captains: ka'Sharren, Eaton. But it is the logs of Chad and the Sappho that most intrigue me. He speaks of building a family, or at least, a very close-knit team. It sounds like the Hive, but -- with a place for me.

"It's why I want to be a part of Starfleet. And hopefully, of the Explorer Corps." He shifted in his seat, "But before any of that I need to have a senior officer's recommendation."

Taggart nodded. But confusion crossed her face, "If you don't mind me asking, first -- why me? You'd go a lot further with Straak's recommendation. I'm sure if you told him what you told me he'd help."

"He wouldn't understand like you," Ozzgrizzira said. Taggart quirked an eyebrow, then glanced down at the picture of Jen again. Slowly, she turned it around to face him. He nodded, "Yes. And you served on the Sappho. And on the Courageous, with Eaton and McAdams. The…" He gestured out from his chest, "Symbolism matters. Maybe not to the admissions committee, but it does to me." He gave her a small smile, "Maybe another defect of mine?"

"Hogwash. That's actually the kind of thing the Academy likes in admissions essays." Taggart nodded, "With that, and all the experience you've got, you're the model candidate. They'll probably commission you at a high rank, to boot. But it'll take a couple of years…"

"I plan to do it in a year and a half. I have already… secretly… done some of the coursework by correspondence." The Apiata looked equal parts pleased and contrite for his deception.

"That's the kind of spirit they like in the Corps, Ozzgrizzira."

"Please, call me Ozzgrizz." He perked an antenna, "Do you think Chad would give me a nickname? I know mine is quite a mouthful for non-Apiata."

Taggart was pulling a PADD from her desk, flicking to a letter template, "Well, knowing him…" She tapped her chin with the stylus, "Probably Ozzy. Actually, if you get assigned to his ship-"

"--I plan to." Ozzgrizzira said, intently.

"--Tell him I thought that up. He'll be pleased as punch." She smiled. "Now, Ozzy, if you'll give me a moment I'll write this up. You can go and I forward it or..."

Ozzgrizzira stayed put. Taggart smiled and began writing with the stylus. In her window, the Queenship grew smaller in the distance.
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Captain's Log - 2316.Q1.M2
Captain's Log, USS Stargazer, Stardate 25909.2 - Captain Maryam Ajam

The Tofii are escorting us through their territory, helping us to avoid a hostile species we would have run into if we had remained on our earlier course. This adds a couple months of travel time, but it will be worth it to avoid having to take the remaining fragments of the Kadeshi population through a running set of space battles.

It's hard for me to keep straight in my head, sometimes, that every last Kadeshi I meet is actually an important surviving fraction of their entire species, of their culture and way of life. They are fearless as they strike out into the unknown, but with so few remaining, the tragedy of every last casualty grows ever greater.


Captain's Log, USS Vigour, Stardate 25909.5

The Academy on Tellar Prime thought there would be some ruins of interest, potentially Tkon era, on the planet Apoia III, but a thorough survey has turned up very little. We have a few cultural icons, but nothing that wasn't already known to the academies of the Federation. It is believed that an archaeology institute on Sar Alpha will dispatch an expedition regardless, but I doubt they will find much.

[Search failed]


Captain's Log, USS Kearsage, Stardate 25909.9

After an unusual outburst of solar activity, the dust in the Fan Maas system has become charged with a deadly energy field, one that is disrupting industry within the system by destroying a number of asteroid tenders with powerful discharges. By working alongside the Zephyr we were able to isolate the cause of the activity; an interaction between Tesladium molecules in the cloud and phased radiation from the star's recent uptick in activity. We are unable to undo the effect, but we have been able to show the local administrators that is is a temporary effect, and should wear off in another two weeks.

[Gain +5rp]


Chief of Staff's Log, Stardate 25910.4

The inability of the Rigellian sector to whistle up a free ship for an emergency run to help address a Yan-Ros medical crisis has gone over very poorly in the Council. The ineffable Councillor Stesk in particular has taken Starfleet to task for focusing, in his opinion, too strongly on the Gabriel Border Zone and, and the President for her militant adventurism, causing a shortage of assets for important aid and diplomacy.

[Lose -10pp]


Captain's Log, USS Huascar, Stardate 25911.5

A Caitian Swarmer on patrol close to the KBZ picked up on some unusual sensor readings coming from one of the planets in the Ithica system. After arriving to investigate, we have found that recent tectonic activity has revealed a few deposits of exotic minerals used in warp core tensile bonding. It is not a massive haul, by any means, but there is certainly a good few warp cores in this deposit.

[Gain +15sr]


Federation News Network

Reports from Orion space indicate that the vessel was lost while transiting a system that was undergoing considerable plasma storm activity. Normally a minimal threat, it is believed that an inattentive third watch resulted in a close-encounter with a plasma spout that disabled the ship. Unfortunately, no responders were able to reach the ship in time before the Molhane Patrol Ship was destroyed with the loss of half her crew.

[Orion Union loses 1 frigate]


Captain's Log, USS Stargazer, Stardate 25913.6

The new course will angle us closer towards the core, a glorious bright glow ahead in the view screen. Another stage of the journey lies ahead, with the well-wishes of our new friends behind us. I hope that one day the Federation's diplomats can reach out here as well, and bridge these divides between friends.

[Journey avoids combat situations]


Stargazer - The Tofii lead them to a safe part of their territory to avoid hostile power -
Captain's Log - 2316.Q1.M3
Captain's Log, USS Odyssey, Stardate 25938.7 - Captain's Langa Mbeki

The Caldonian colony world of Anoc IV is home to barely a million souls, yet it is nonetheless one of the key hubs of the civil disobedience and pseudoscience. I was advised by many that a more staid world like Nibonan III would have been a safer starting point, but I am not going to get far in this mission listening only to the concerns of the Directorate. I need to hear the voices of those who feel they are disenfranchised by their government.


Captain's Log, USS Cheron, Stardate 25939.2

That was one of the more difficult passages of starship handling that this ship has had to undertake. A Sydraxian vessel, a Hasque, rather than a more easily deniable civilian ship, approached us and requested a parlay. We travelled with them to the Vegan quantum vortex, one of the least sensor-accessible areas in Federation space. They were representatives of the Greens faction, who are part of the current Sydraxian government. A possible thawing of relations and a negotiation for access to parts of the GBZ were discussed.

[Gain +25 relations with Sydraxians]


Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 25939.6 - Captain T'Rinta

A large collection of warp signatures have been detected near Lecarre space, heading coreward. We have reported this to Starbase 7 and a high alert status has been issued to the Caitian Grand Fleet, and the Qloathian Senatorial fleet. I will take the S'harien rimward to encounter them and determine their origin. They do not appear to be Cardassian in origin. Starfleet Tactical is concerned they may be Ittick-ka, returning after a long absence.

[Chief of Staff's NB: In a calculated risk, we have also advised the Dawiar of this collection of warp signatures]


Captain's Log, USS Atuin, Stardate 25940.1 - Captain Vol Chad

A series of disappearances on a logistics station in tailward Rigellian space has brought about a request for a Starfleet investigation. The Rigellian authorities are stumped, and though the news was initially suppressed, it soon became far too widespread a problem to hide.

I am running my security officers through relentless drills as we approach Laacon III. I will not allow anyone to perish for a lack of preparation!


Captain's Log, USS Bull, Stardate 25940.4

An alert came out of Seyek space that an ancient warning beacon had been discovered; that it was a warning beacon was unfortunately not discovered until a Seyek cruiser was nearly destroyed in the process. We arrived after the battle concluded, and were able to render aid.

[Damage to Seyek ship incurred]


Captain's Log, USS Odyssey, Stardate 25940.9

The recurring theme that I am hearing is that the Caldonian Science Directorate is repressing too much political dissent under the cover of pseudoscience, and thus tarring them all with the same brush. Of course, given that this is Caldonia, political dissent and science are actually never far from each other, with theories overthrowing policies, but even so. Many argue it is impossible for science to advance in Caldonia for the last decade without it coming directly from the Federation, as it is suppressed from above.


Captain's Log, USS Atuin, Stardate 25941.3

The station is far more heavily populated than most similar stations are, part of a much broader civilian complex. In fact, there are some ninety thousand sapients who call it home. This makes our job far harder. Nonetheless, I have sent across my first officer, chief of security, and chief science officer with a few of their most trusted subordinates. I have absolute faith that they will get to the bottom of this.


Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 25942.4

As we approach the mass of slow-moving warp signatures, a set of frigate sized signatures have surged forward from the rest of the mass. We can safely rule out that they are a natural phenomenon, and it is highly unlikely they are a non-sapient phenomenon.

Our course will cross that of these ships shortly, and I have ordered the ship to Yellow Alert, as something about the manner in which a series of ships are preparing to intercept leaves me concerned.


Captain's Log, USS Odyssey, Stardate 25942.8

I have spoken with members of a group that, despite the pseudoscience label, have very rigorously researched theories that may revolutionise parts of the Vulcan Quantum Particle Model. They are the first to admit to me as well that because of the stance of the Directorate they are forced to make common political cause with people whose unscientific views make their hair stand on end, but chalk this up to the progressive closing off of avenues for science to be properly peer-reviewed.

Apparently, this approach began in the aftermath of the Biophage crisis, with initially well-intentioned clamps on some potentially dangerous forms of research. From there, however, things went poorly. I think from here, however, we can begin to approach the Directorate.

[Tensions on colony massively reduced, +15pp]


Captain's Log, USS Atuin, Stardate 25943.1

It appears that a series of members of a long-thought extinct parasitical species recently awoke from several thousand years of stasis sleep, and subsequently infiltrated the station, feeding on the station's crew and dwellers. Cornering these highly technologically advanced foes was not easy, and in the end they self-disintegrated using the same tools they used to hide their predations to avoid capture by "follow-on" species such as our own.

[Gain +5pp, +5rp]


Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 25943.5

This is most vexing.

We have been confronted by members of a group that refer to themselves as the Hishmer Septs. They are, according to their testimony, a massive nomadic fleet that is passing from much further rimward, and is on a thousand-year voyage towards the core. I am very concerned, as I see strong signs that this is a polity that sustains itself principally through raiding and misadventure. There is time before they reach Federation space, but I would strongly recommend to the Council that under no circumstances should direct passage through Federation territory be allowed. It would be a potential disaster.

Despite this, after the arriving ships, which appear to mount an unusual number of disruptors and torpedo launchers for their size, decided that an Excelsior-class explorer was a dangerous foe, our initial encounter was not unfriendly.

[New species encountered: Hishmeri Septs, starting relations 50/100]

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Shipyard Ops - 2316.Q1 - Results

Continuing Diplomatic Push

Yrillians 320/100 + 10 = 330/100

[X][REN] Endorse the tech transfer
[X][GAENI] 100sr for 150br
[X][LOG] Start 2 Starfleet Cargo Ships at Irrizizza for 8pp
[X][CATS] 1 Fathership, 4 Swarmers
[X][BEE] Exchange resources with the Orion
[X][EC] Pick an Explorer Corps ship to carry this out (USS Odyssey)
[X][CAL] Ignore
[X][PRIORITY] Change nothing [Weighted 1.5x]
[X][ENTER] Send the survivors to existing ships

[X][BETA] Oreasa Starfleet Yards
[X][CREW1] Crew with Explorer Corps
[X][CREW2] Crew with Standard Crew
[X][NAME1] Tarrak
[X][NAME2] Pleezirra
[X][AMBY] Heavy Ambassador
[X][BUILD] 2316 2 Ambassadors, Resume 1 Miranda-A, 1 Excelsior refit, 2 Miranda-A refits, 2 Constellation Refits
  • SF Berth A (3mt) – Move UP Berth B Excelsior build here in 2316.Q2 (ETC 2317.Q1)
  • SF Berth 1 (1mt) – Resume interrupted build for Miranda-A NCC-1665 in 2316.Q1. Note: 1 quarter year of build done, resource cost already paid. (ETC 2317.Q4)
  • SF Berth 2 (1mt) – Leave empty.

  • 40 Eridani Berth A (3mt) – Sojourner repair/refit continues. (ETC 2316.Q3)
  • 40 Eridani Berth B (3mt) – Endurance repair/refit continues. (ETC 2316.Q3)
  • 40 Eridani Berth 1 (1mt) – Begin refit of Svai in 2316.Q1 (ETC 2317.Q1)
  • 40 Eridani Berth 2 (1mt) - Begin refit of Lion in 2316.Q1 (ETC 2317.Q1)

  • Betazoid Shipyard Berth 1 (1mt) – Berth available as of 2316.Q2. In 2316.Q3, begin refit of Sappho to Constellation-A (ETC 2317.Q3)
  • Betazoid Shipyard Berth 2 (1mt) – Berth available as of 2316.Q2. In 2316.Q3, begin refit of Challorn to Constellation-A (ETC 2317.Q3)

  • Ana Font Berth A (2.5mt) - Occupied with Excelsior build (ETC 2317.Q1)
  • Ana Font Berth 1 (1mt) - Occupied with Renaissance build (ETC 2317.Q2)

  • LOCF Berth A (2.5mt) – Commence refit of Sarek in 2316.Q1. (ETC 2317.Q1)
  • LOCF Berth 1 (1mt) – Occupied with Renaissance build (ETC 2318.Q2)

  • UP Berth A (3mt) – Occupied with Excelsior-A double build using Chen's bonus (ETC 2318.Q2)
  • UP Berth B (3mt) – In 2316.Q2 move Excelsior build to SF Berth A. In 2316.Q2 begin Ambassador prototype as dual build using Chen's bonus. (ETC 2321.Q4)
  • UP Berth C (3mt) – Occupied with Excelsior-A double build using Chen's bonus (ETC 2318.Q2)
  • UP Berth D (3mt) – Berth available as of 2316.Q2. In 2316.Q2 begin Ambassador prototype as dual build using Chen's bonus. (ETC 2321.Q4)
  • UP Berth 1 (1mt) – When Renaissance completes in 2316.Q3, leave empty.
  • UP Berth 2 (1mt) - When Renaissance completes in 2316.Q3, leave empty.
  • UP Berth 3 (1mt) - When Renaissance completes in 2316.Q3, leave empty.
  • UP Berth 4 (1mt) – Berth available as of 2316.Q2. Leave empty.

One Miranda-A class ship (Starfleet Build Order NCC-1665) to resume at San Francisco Fleet Yards Berth 1 in 2316.Q1
Refit to Miranda-A class of USS Svai (Starfleet Build Order NCC-1658) to commence at 40 Eridani A Fleet Yards Berth 1 in 2316.Q1
Refit to Miranda-A class of USS Lion (Starfleet Build Order NCC-1654) to commence at 40 Eridani A Fleet Yards Berth 2 in 2316.Q1

Refit to Excelsior-A class of USS Sarek (Starfleet Build Order NCC-2004) to commence at Lor'Vela Orbital Construction Facility Berth A in 2316.Q1

Two Ambassador-class ships (Starfleet Build Order NX-3901, NX-3902) to commence at Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards Berths B, D, in 2316.Q3

Unnamed Excelsior (Starfleet Build Order NCC-2023) to be christened USS Tarrak.
Unnamed Excelsior (Starfleet Build Order NCC-2024) to be christened USS Pleezirra.

Member World Coordination Office - Member and Affiliate Shipbuilding Update

Andor - Refit [Thalisar the Last], Refit [Constellation-A], Starfleet Cargo Ship (NCC-3706)
Vulcan - Refit [Miranda-A], Refit [Constellation-A], Starfleet Cargo Ship (NCC-3705)
Tellar - 1 Constellation-A (NCC-1825), 2 Engineering Ships
Humans - 2 Miranda-A (NCC-1923, NCC-1924)
Amarki - 1 New Heavy Frigate (NCC-3801), 1 New Light Frigate (NCC-3802)
Betazed - 2 Refit [Patroller-A]
Caitian - 1 Mod Swarmer (NCC-2820)
Rigel - 1 Cutter (NCC-3010), 1 Starfleet Freighter (NCC-3602)
Apiata - 3 Stingers (NCC-3224, 3225, 3226) 2 Starfleet Cargo Ship (NCC-3707, 3708)
Risa - 1 Heavy Corvette
Gaeni - 1 Tech-Frigate, 1 Civilian Freighter, 1 Engineering Ship
Caldonia - 1 Patroller-A
Indoria - 1 Renaissance (NCC-2618), 1 Cargo Ship
Seyek - Repair [Cruiser], 1 New Corvette
Orions - 2 Patrol Escorts
Qloath - 1 Quital Leb Quitan (Lt Frigate)
Honiani - 1 Chapel, 1 Yan-Ros Freighter, New Shipyard - Soulforged Yards @ Vail [1x2500kt, 2x1000kt]
Ked Paddah - 1 Orah, 1 Civilian Freighter
Licori - Civilian construction only
Omake - Old Soul, New Daughter Ch 1 - Simon_Jester
Chapter One

Eddie Leslie looked out his office window at the mostly-assembled explorer out the window. The ship that the Ana Font engineers had been working on for longer than he'd even been here.

The ship known to him- for the duration of the construction work, pending official naming from Starfleet Command- as Garland Belle. The Tellarites hadn't had the custom of giving their ships working names while under construction as an accomodation of Starfleet's dilatory naming habits. A mere nine hours of cumulative debate had earned Eddie the right to pick a name for the Excelsior under construction in the heavy berth. The name had brought a happy light to Susan's face when he told her, and that was reward enough to be worth ninety hours of arguing with Tellarites, let alone nine.

Well, maybe not ninety. Nineteen. He'd go with that.

Anyhow, the ship would pick up a new name soon; the paperwork for that would be coming soon enough. Maybe they'll rename this one, call her 'Enterprise.' It's what they did in '86... And he'd be damned if he'd turn over as poorly tuned and half-baked a mess as the crew over at San Francisco Yards had for Jim Kirk.

He'd probably never have made commander, if not for the mess that had made in Shipyard Ops. Scotty'd gotten the new Enterprise into shape eventually, but- never again.

But he already knew the ship he secretly imagined as NCC-1701-C would be better than that. The Tellarites were a good crew, they knew their business, and their procedures were rock-solid.

Dizzy buzzed him. "Call from Starfleet Command- Admiral Sulu's personal code."

"Well, put him on!"

The familiar face appeared, wrinkled by time, but on the whole a hell of a lot better preserved than he could claim to be. Sulu was two years his senior, but looked ten or twenty years his junior. A spike of jealousy aside, though, Eddie couldn't help but be proud that one of the '66 mission team had finally made it to the top of the ladder. It wasn't a moment too soon, if you asked him.

His voice warmed, remembering the jams Sulu had gotten them out of back in the day. "Hello, sir. What's the occasion?"

"You've heard the rumors that the new ship you're working on for the Corps is going to be christened as Enterprise instead of Tarrak."

"I have, sir."

"Well, the bad news is, we won't be doing that."


"As for the good news-" Sulu smiled slyly. "The good news is, Admiral Chen and I decided to give Ambassador a twin sister over Mars, starting in a few months. You can guess what we're naming the twin."

"...My." Eddie whistled reverently. "You don't think small, do you?"

"Not if I can help it. The problem is, Chen's moving to Operations, so she won't be able to supervise the shipyards directly. We want you to run Utopia Planitia to make sure the job gets done right."

That... that was a hell of a thing. Eddie scrutinized the admiral's face, looking for any sign of this being some demented early April Fool's prank. Hikaru Sulu's bemused expression was routine enough to make one hell of a poker face in its way, but...

Eddie Leslie had known Sulu for fifty years, spent long, terrifying hours as close to him as a brother. The man wasn't joking.

Leslie nodded slowly. "...They're going to ask me who I blackmailed."

"Tell them I owe you for being the one who remembered to bring the spare phaser powerpacks on Alfa 177. Without them, we'd all be dead."

"But that was Fisher."

"You're a pretty good storyteller. Who's going to argue?"

Eddie laughed, then straightened with only a flicker from his side. "Yes, sir!"

"Of course, there's a catch."

"If I couldn't take a catch, I wouldn't have signed up." Eddie felt a bit of the old fire in his veins, abraded though it was by his brushes with madness and death, his decades of desk work and constant pain.

"We're going to expect you to keep the Ambassador construction work running on the timetable Patricia's putting together now."

"...Oh, Lordy."
2316.Q1 - GBZ
Admiral Sulu,

The CAS Ipoor's discovery of not one but two class M colony sites at 10 Miele has invigorated all forces in the Gabriel. Their main task force is deploying out from Tal Hanar to protect the valuable site, while their escort task force prepares to focus on convoy escort. I too will detail some of Starfleet's assets to this protective duty. In what may become a controversial point, the Amarkians are petitioning that the Red Light on civilian colony construction be lifted to Yellow, as they wish to begin a full civilian colony in this system post-haste, seeing it as a future major colony site.

[+20pp due to dual Class M discoveries]

This discovery has almost overshadowed the arrival of the Caitian force to the Gabriel. However, it would be very imprudent of me to be distracted in such a way. There is ongoing discussion in Caitian command where they should begin staking their claim, and I will most likely summon the member world Admirals to a meeting in order to assign new prospecting areas. It has been suggested, however, that the Caitians could instead immediate pass on to exploiting some of the additional worlds that the Apiata have uncovered.

Miele and Dorsata subsectors, as with Camden, have been fully prospected, and we will need to move further afield. I am inclined to strike coreward in order to further extend the distance Cardassian convoys will require to travel to reach Sydraxian territory.

Commodore ka'Sharren has apparently chosen to announce her presence to the Cardassian fleet. They had commenced some more aggressive patrol patterns, when one of their Jalduns encountered the Commodore on the USS Kumari. It appears that this news has led to a far more conservative patrol pattern for the time being.

Rear Admiral T'Lorel
Sector Command, Gabriel Border Zone


Ongoing Projects

Starfleet Engineering Team - Building Outpost I in orbit around 41 Miele IV - ETC 2316.Q2
Starfleet Colony Team - Building mining colony on 41 Miele IV - ETC 2316.Q4

Amarkian Engineering Team - High-speed burn to 10 Miele - Outpost construction underway
Amarkian Colony Team - High-speed burn to 10 Miele

Apiata Workerbee Team - Moving to 2 Dorsata to begin estabilishing mining colony - ETC 2316.Q3
Apiata Colony Team - Moving to 2 Dorsata to begin establishing first mining colony - ETC 2316.Q3

Key: (This Quarter / Last Quarter / Next Quarter) - Results of Last Quarter

USS Nicholas Barton, NCC-632, Prospector (32 Baker / 19 Baker / 29 Baker) - 19 Baker I, Class K world with minor colony potential, 19 Baker II, 20sr available for pickup next qtr
USS Somak, NCC-635, Prospector (38 Miele / 40 Miele / 46 Miele) - found 60br and 10sr collectible resources, available next turn
[Starfleet collects 35br from 3 Baker system]

Forager Trinzzi, NCC-3304 (33 Dorsata / 42 Dorsata / -) - 42 Dorsata, collectible BR and SR for next Qtr, total of 85br, 30sr
Forager Onzala, NCC-3302 (21 Dorsata / 11 Dorsata / -) - 11 Dorsata, two BR mine-sites, 11 Dorsata I, Class D with 25br/yr, 11 Dorsata VII with 15br/yr, plus 20sr pickup
[40sr collected for Apinae]

[33 and 21 Dorsata will represent the last star systems in sector 1g with planets to be investigated. Apinae is deciding to focus on consolidation, and Foragers will aid colony construction efforts]

CAS Ipoor, Prospector (42 Miele / 10 Miele / -) - 10 Miele V, Class M Planet, 15br & 15sr/yr, 10 Miele II-3 Class M moon, 10br & 15sr/yr, 2 planets with ancient ruins
[15br collected for Amarkia]

[Miele Subsector/Subsector 1e is now fully explored]

Known Systems of Interest

Collie (Starfleet)
Sguirri (Apinae)
Tal Hanar (Amarkia)

(Starfleet) 41 Miele II, Class L habitable planet, 41 Miele IV Class C frozen rock with 25br/yr mine potential
(Amarkia) 3 Miele VI, 35br/yr mine
(Apiata) 2 Dorsata, 2x25br/yr mine
(Amarkia) 10 Miele V, Class M Planet, 15br & 15sr/yr, 10 Miele II-3 Class M moon, 10br & 15sr/yr, 2 planets with ancient ruins

11 Dorsata - 25br/yr mine and 15br/yr mine available
19 Dorsata II - 10sr/yr mine site, small interest
31 Miele V-3 - 5rp/yr research colony site, difficult terrain, minor interest
30 Dorsata VI - 35br/yr mine site on 30 Dorsata VI (Class K colony option on 30 Dorsata III)


The Gabriel Sector

Date Updated: 2315.Q4

Starfleet Status: Normal (Can travel 1 Sq Length per 2 Weeks)
Starfleet Status within GBZ: High Alert (Can travel 1 Sq Length per Week)
Federation Status: Normal

UESPA: High Alert (LBZ)
VHC: High Alert (LBZ)
TSF: High Alert (LBZ)
AG: High Alert (LBZ)
Amarkia: Normal
Caitian: Normal
Apiata: Normal
Indoria: Normal
Orion: Normal
Rigel: High Alert (LBZ)
BDF: High Alert (LBZ)
Caldonia: Normal
Risa: Normal
Gaen: Normal
Seyek: Normal
Qloath: Normal
Honiani: Normal

Sector Command Staff

Sector Commander: Rear Admiral T'Lorel
Task Force 1: Commodore Jessica Rivers
Task Force 2: Commodore
Task Force 3: Commodore Nash ka'Sharren
Auxiliary: Commodore Alejandro Suarez
Apiata TF: High Queen Nerzizza
Amarki TF: Admiral Galen Toor
Caitian TF: Admirall N'shrr Anara

Commander, Collie Outpost: Commander Iftie Torbiebh
Commander, Collie Repair Yard: Captain -
-Superintendent, Berth A, Commander -
-Superintendent, Berth B, Commander -
Commander, Sguirri Outpost: Queen Pimizzieda
Commander, Tal Hanar Outpost: Commander

Commander, Starfleet Medical assets: Captain -
Commander, Starfleet Engineering assets: Commodore -
Director, Starfleet Logistics assets: Captain -
Director, Starfleet Colony assets: Commodore
Others TBD

Additional Personnel:
Collie Mining Colony Administrator:
Sguirri Mining Colony Administrator:
Tal Hanar Mining Colony Administrator:

FBS Embedded Reporter -
FNN Embedded Reporter -
High Comb Times Embedded Reporter -

Rear Admiral T'Lorel
Current Posting: Pending
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: High
Politics: Medium

Commodore Nash ka'Sharren
Current Posting: Commander, Task Force 6
Rule-Abiding: Low
Aggression: High
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: High
Politics: Medium

Commodore Jessica Rivers
Current Posting: Commander, Task Force 1
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: Medium

Commodore Revak
Current Posting: Commander, Task Force 2
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Low
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High

Commodore Alejandro Suarez
Expanded Field Repair capacity
Current Posting: Auxiliary Command, GBZ Sector Fleet
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: Low
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Low
Politics: High

High Queen Nerzizza
Current Posting: Commander, Apiata Gabriel Fleet
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: High
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Low
Politics: Medium

Admiral Galen Toor
Current Posting: Commander, Amarkian Gabriel Fleet
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: Medium
Politics: High
The man who led the Amarkian response to Syndicate slaving raids in Amarkian Space.

Admiral N'shrr Anara
Current Posting: Commander, Task Force Gabriel, Caitian Grand Fleet / Task Force 7, Gabriel Border Zone
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Low
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High

Sector Details
Roughly encompasses area from 4h to 1e, with outcroppings, with space above and below this plane
~15 Squares worth, each of which contains a few dozen stars, of which a quarter will have planets and other items of interest
Each power is accessing the sector from a different direction. Your staff will be attempting to surge out, claim, then retain space. Keeping a safe route for logistics for stations and nascent colonies will be important.
To start with, your commanders will have Starfleet assets and Starfleet auxiliaries. They will begin to ask for other resources, and you will be empowered by Acts of Council to pick and choose who you use to contribute.

Current Sector Policy Settings
Green Light = Fully Allowed, Red Light = Fully Denied, Yellow Light = Proceed on Own Recognizance


Apiata Fleet & Auxiliary GBZ Access - Green Light
Amarki Fleet & Auxiliary GBZ Access - Green Light
All Member World - Fleet Unit GBZ Access - Red Light
All Member World - Auxiliary GBZ Access - Red Light

Expansion - Green Light
Infrastructure Building - Yellow Light
Mining Colony Building - Yellow Light
Civilian Colony Building - Red Light

Assault on Entry Worlds - Yellow Light
Assault on Link to Entry Worlds - Red Light
Attack Opposing Auxiliary Shipping - Yellow Light

Attack Cardassian Claims - Yellow Light
Attack Sydraxian Claims - Yellow Light
Attack Dylaarian Claims - Red Light

Pursuit into Cardassian Space - Red Light
Pursuit into Dylaarian Space - Red Light
Pursuit into Sydraxite Space - Red Light

The Competitors

The United Federation of Planets
Entry Point into GBZ:
Delzarr (0f) <-> Collie (1f)

Capital to Frontier Supply Chain
Sol <-> Tellar Prime <-> Amarkia <-> Leas Akaam <-> Apinae <-> Delzarr

Current GBZ Network
Collie (1f) <-> Sguirri (1f)
Collie (1f) <-> Bean's Star (1f)
Bean's Star (1f) <-> Tal Hanar (1e)

The Cardassian Union
Entry Point into GBZ:
Aranyak (1h) <-> 67 Gabriel (2h)

Capital to Frontier Supply Chain
Cardassia <-> Vedarot <-> Karadoc <-> Aranyak (1h)

Current GBZ Network
67 Gabriel (2h) <-> ???

The Sydraxian Hierarchy
Entry Point into GBZ:
Moskar(2e) <-> Deva (2e)
Moskar (2e) <-> ???

Capital to Frontier Supply Chain
Borandt/Dar Nakar <-> Nax Degar <-> Moskar (2e)

Current GBZ Network
Deva (2e) <-> -none-

Have effectively collapsed.

The Dylaarian Federation
Entry Point into GBZ:
Lydantic (5i) <-> Legei (4h)

Capital to Frontier Supply Chain
Dylaaria <-> Lydantic

Current GBZ Network
Legei (4h) <-> ???

Starfleet Assets supporting GBZ

Main Fleet
Fleet Commander, Rear Admiral Rachel Ainsworth

Task Force 1, Commodore Jessica Rivers
-USS Avandar, NCC-2010, Excelsior
-USS Korolev, NCC-1744, Constitution-B, Captain Kwame Okoye
-USS Defiant, NCC-1746, Constitution-B, Captain Mica zh'Halron
-USS T'Kumbra, NCC-1659 Miranda-A, Captain -
-USS Agile, NCC-1632, Miranda-A, Captain -

Task Force 2, Commodore Revak
-USS Saratoga, NCC-1745, Constitution-B, Captain -
-USS Exeter, NCC-1748, Constitution-B, Captain -
-USS Bantam, NCC-1634, Miranda-A, Captain -
-USS Clarion, NCC-1663, Miranda-A, Captain -
-USS Intrepid, NCC-1657, Miranda-A
-USS Eketha, NCC-1655, Miranda-A, Captain Rebecca St-James

Task Force 6, Commodore Nash ka'Sharren
-USS Kumari, NCC-2005, Excelsior, Captain - (Blooded)
-USS Republic, NCC-1743, Constitution-B, Captain -
-USS Challorn, NCC-1809, Constellation, Captain Jennifer Zhang (Blooded)
-USS Fidelity, NCC-1634, Miranda-A, Captain Thomas Oriskany
-USS Bon Vivant, NCC-1621, Miranda-A, Captain Shurg kap Klasch
-USS Shield, NCC-1661, Miranda-A, Captain -

Task Force 3, High Queen Nerzizza
-Light Queenship Telzziadriz, NCC-3103
-Stinger Gerzzi, NCC-3202
-Stinger Triada, NCC-3201
-Light Queenship Pollizazza, NCC-3104
-Stinger Grizzi, NCC-3205
-Stinger Fozarri, NCC-3204
-Forager Trinzzi, NCC-3304
-Forager Onzala, NCC-3302

Task Force 4, Admiral Galen Toor
-CAS Abhriec, NCC-2203, Riala
-CAS Hebrinda, NCC-2402, Hebrinda-A (C5 S2 H3 L5 P3 D4)
-CAS Hilindia, NCC-2403, Hebrinda-A
-CAS Atorfroil, NCC-2304, Brieca
-CAS Icafroil, NCC-2302, Brieca

Task Force 5
-CAS Ilotraia, NCC-2121, Centaur-A
-CAS Tamac, NCC-2306, Calac
-CAS Socac, NCC-2307, Calac

-CAS Ipoor, Prospector

Task Force 7, Admiral N'shrr Anara
-CSS Horfa,Nirfari-class Fathership, NCC-2702
-4 Mishir-class Modern Swarmers, NCC-28xx



Auxilary Forces
-Home Stationed at Delzarr
-- Starfleet Engineering Command
--- USS Atlas, NCC-845, Engineering Ship - Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Titan, NCC-844, Engineering Ship - Supporting Outpost Build
-- Starfleet Medical Command
--- USS Grace, NCC-747, Hospital Ship
-- Starfleet Tactical Command
--- Runabout Squadron 5 (Tactical Recon Squadron) - Out Exploring
-- Starfleet Logistics Command
--- USS Sidok, NCC-381, Freighter - Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Shri sh'Kannath, NCC-385, Freighter - Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Rawhide, NCC-388, Freighter- Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Vega Maru, NCC-391, Freighter- Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Yagok, NCC-473, Cargo Ship - Supporting Upkeep
--- USS Luna Maru, NCC-475, Cargo Ship - Performing Upkeep
--- USS Pikri, NCC-478, Cargo Ship
--- USS Kalakandor, NCC-481, Cargo Ship - Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Nikona, NCC-3701, Cargo Ship -
--- USS Eridani Sunrise, NCC-3702, Cargo Ship -
-- Starfleet Colony Command
--- USS Nicholas Barton, NCC-632, Prospector - Exploring Subsector 2e
--- USS Somak, NCC-635, Prospector - Exploring Subsector 1e
--- USS Altathyk, NCC-904, Colony Ship
--- USS Trailblazer, NCC-905, Colony Ship
-- Starfleet Intelligence Command
--- SS Appleseed, NC-2653, Civilian Ship

-- Apiata, Home Stationed at Delzarr
--- Bumblebee 1 - Performing Upkeep
--- Bumblebee 2 - Servicing Sguirri XI Trade
--- Bumblebee 3 - Servicing Sguirri XI Trade
--- Bumblebee 4
--- Bumblebee 5
--- Bumblebee 6
--- Worker Bee 1
--- Worker Bee 2
--- Worker Bee 3
--- Worker Bee 4
--- Hasilla, Colony Ship

-- Amarkia, Home Stationed at Tal Hanar
--- Cargo Ship 1
--- Cargo Ship 2
--- Cargo Ship 3
--- Freighter 1
--- Freighter 2
--- Passenger
--- Colony Ship
--- Prospector
--- Engineering
--- Super-Freighter

-- Caitians, Home Stationed at Delzarr
--- Cargo Ship 1
--- Cargo Ship 2
--- Cargo Ship 3
--- Freighter 1
--- Passenger
--- Colony Ship
--- Prospector
--- Engineering

Engineering Ships = Build and Repair Facilities
Hospital Ships = Allow responses to medical distress calls without tying down your Excelsiors
Freighter/Cargo Ships = Supply
Prospectors = Required to prepare for Colony creation
Colony Ship = Required to deliver colonists
Passenger = Required for evacuations, and major colonies
Civilian = Can be set for a number of tasks.

Example Requirements:
1 Sm per four Auxiliaries deployed
1 Sm per two Escort assigned
1 Sm per Cruiser assigned
2 Sm per Explorer assigned
1 Sm, 1 Blk per Station
2 Sm, 2 Blk per Outpost
5 Sm, 5 Blk per Starbase
Colony: Varies

Current Requirements:
1 Station (Collie) - 1S 1B
1 Station (Bean's Star) - 1S 1B
3 Reinforced Outposts (Sguirri, Collie) - 9S 9B
2 Mining Colony - 2S 4B
4 Explorer - 4S
4 Cruiser - 4S
8 Escort - 2S
7 Auxiliary in action - 2S

15 raw br, 25 raw sr from Collie Mining Colony - 15b/yr, 25s/yr - 25S 15B, handled as part of regular infrastructure

Apiata - 8S, 5b
50 raw br from Sguirri XI Mining Complex - 50b/yr, 1 Bumblebee (swapping Sm-0.5Bk) trip /month - Handled as part of regular infrastructure

Amarkia - 7s

13 Small, 1 Bulk Cargo
Apiata - 9 Small Cargo, 2 Bulk Cargo - Two Bumblebees atached
Amarkia - 7 Small Cargo

Total Available:
40 Small, 48 Bulk Cargo Capacity in regular Cargo/Freighter ships
48 Small, 12 Bulk Cargo Capacity in Bumblebees
36 Small, 46 Bulk Cargo Capacity in Amarkia

USS Yagok, USS Luna Maru - Upkeep
Bumblebee 3 (2 servicing Sguirri XI)

Starfleet Sector Infrastructure supporting GBZ

"Critical" - One of very few (or even only one) of its given type of infrastructure within Starfleet's control, the loss of which will cause major loss of function
"Key" - Important assets, the loss of which will impair functions for Starfleet

- Collie (1f) - Rein. Outpost, Repair Yard (2x1mt), Critical Logistics Station, BR Mining Colony (+15br), SR Mining Colony (+25sr), Minefields
- Sguirri (1f) - Rein. Outpost, Mining Station, BR Mining Colony (+50br)
- Bean's Star (1f) - [Station]
- Tal Hanar (1e) - Rein. Outpost, Repair Yard (1x1mt), BR Mining Colony (+15br/yr), SR Mining Colony (+30sr/yr)

Apinae Sector
- Apinae (-1e) - Starbase 11 [Apinae], Shipyard, Critical Resource Hub
- Alrizzine (0e) - Outpost, Shipyard
- Delzarr (0f) - Mining Facility, Key Logistics Station, [Advanced Staging Area]

[ ] = Under Construction

Member World Assets in Sector

United Earth Space Probe Agency

Vulcan High Command

Andor Guard

Tellarite State Forces

Amarki Confederacy Fleet
1 Riala
2 Hebrinda-A
1 Centaur-A
2 Brieca
2 Calac

3 Cargo, 2 Freighter, 1 Colony+Engineer+Prospector+Passenger
1 Super-Freighter

Betazoid Defence Force

Caitian Grand Fleet

Unified Hives of the Apiata
2 Light Queenships
4 Stingers
2 Foragers

6 Bumblebees
4 Worker Bees

Indorian Congress



Member World Sector Infrastructure in GBZ

UE = United Earth
V = Vulcan High Command
A = Andorian Empire
T = Tellarite State Forces
M = Amarkian Confederacy
B = Betazoid Noble Houses
F = Caitians Grand Fleet
R = Rigel
P = Unified Hives of the Apiata
I = Indorian Congress

None as of Yet
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2316.Q2 - The Snakepit
QM/N: Should write more but blargh, tired and sore.

Admiral Sulu: Allows an Intelligence Op interrupt on all major crises.
Admiral Chen: Ships that have already attended an event, may roll to attend an event that would otherwise have no responders, but at half modifier
Vice Admiral Eaton: +3 to Sensor research, +2 to all Capital research
Vice Admiral Uhura: +1 to all non-EC diplomacy rolls, +2 to Xenopsychology research
Vice Admiral Sirvk: -1Qtr to build times of all Capital grade ships
Vice Admiral Pathriss: +2 to all Doctrine research


"The esteemed Admiral Hikaru Sulu," comes a voice from behind you.

You turn about to see who has called you, and immediately give your respects. "The esteemed Councillor Jorlyth sh'Arrath," you reply smoothly.

Around the pair of you the inevitable pile-up of aides from both sides begins immediately.

"You know, I have heard from some intelligence agencies that this is simply a formalisation of a role you have more or less filled in some capacity for over a decade," muses the former President of the Federation.

Old Spock would have been proud of the cocked eyebrow you give the politician. "I assure you, Councillor, that the published comments of the Romulans or Cardassians should not be well regarded on these matters."

"Oh, I agree, but this was Vulcan High Command and the Federation Diplomatic Service talking," says the old Andorian battleaxe with a snort.

At that you bite your tongue.

"Relax, Admiral, it's only in jest," says Jorlyth. "Though they did say that."


The most crucial item to come out of the Council deliberations for you is that a date has been set for the Gaeni to join as full Federation members. The ratification ceremony will be held late in the year, during Q4.


Elections to the Council were held in the three Caitian member worlds of Ferasa, Merfara, and Ollasa IV this year. The closest result was that of Councillor P'Shirri, who nearly last his seat due to a very determined campaign from the Development party. However, in the end, all three incumbent Councillors were returned for a second term, including President Arsharra N'Gir.

This election was predicted to be a form of litmus test for the public's reaction to the Federation-Arcadian War, and it appears that the public was convinced of the necessity of the war, as well as the competency of its prosecution.

[ ][COUNCIL] Submit a plan to the Council
(You may select any number of options, as long as you can pay the Political Will cost. You currently have four-hundred and forty-one (441) Political Will to spend.

[NB: After 2315.Q2 Snakepit, work is underway to establish a Warp Core Assembly Facility in the Amarkian system that handles Starfleet pattern warp cores. Other infrastructure will be added to reduce the chance of sneak attacks generating bottlenecks]

Federation Council Options for 2316.Q2
With 441pp available, a lot of options may be taken. If many projects of a similar type are undertaken (most particularly, if the Engineering resources are stretched too thin) it may cause delays in implementation.
  • Request Mining Colony at Kohl II, 16pp, 25 (30) br & 25 (35) sr /yr, 4 turns
  • Request Mining Colony at Mica III, 8pp, 25 (30)br /yr, 4 turns
  • Request Mining Colony at Kappa Tau, 8pp, 15 (20) br/yr, 4 turns
  • Request Mining Colony at Proxima Eridani, 8pp, 15 (20) br/yr, 4 turns
  • Request Mining Colony at Piara V, 8pp, 25 (30) br/yr, 4 turns
  • Request Research Colony at Acacia V, 7pp 5 (7) rp/yr, 4 turns
  • Request development of San Francisco Fleet Yards, 14pp (4 turns, gain new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
  • Request development of 40 Eridani A Shipyards, 18pp (4 turns, gain new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
  • Request development of Ana Font Shipyard, 14pp (4 turns, gain 1 new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
  • Request development of Lor'Vela Orbital Construction Facility, 14pp (4 turns, gain 1 new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
  • Request Excelsior berth at a shipyard, 32pp (6 turns, gain new 3m t berth) [+5 for every extra 3mt berth present at shipyard past the first]
  • Request Cruiser berth at Utopia Planitia, 11pp (6 turns, gain new 2m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
  • Request development of Utopia Planitia, 28pp, (4 turns, gain 1 3mt, 1 1mt berth)
  • Request new Shipyard at Amarkia, 33pp (12 turns, 1 3mt Berth, 1 1mt Berth)
  • Request new Shipyard at Ferasa, 22pp, (12 turns, 1 3mt Berth)
  • Request new Shipyard at Rigel, 22pp, (12 turns, 1 3mt Berth)
  • Request new Shipyard at Indoria, 18pp (12 turns, 1 1mt Berth)
  • Request new Starbase I [Write in Sector] 15pp for home sectors or CBZ , 25pp for KBZ, +12pp for each Starbase past the first in-sector - GBZ Invalid
  • Reduce Militarisation Level 100pp
  • Increase Threat Level 80pp
  • Request Ongoing Budget increase 40pp (Roll for success)
  • Request Allocation for an Excelsior's resources, one-off-infusion of an Excelsior's cost, 40pp
  • Request Academy Development, 40pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
  • Request Science Academy Development, 15pp (Gain +1 Techs throughput)
  • Request Temporary Explorer Corps Recruitment Drive, 25pp, (Gain 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs, PLUS Convert 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs from normal service)
  • Request Start of General Cruiser project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 18pp
  • Request Start of Combat Frigate project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 20pp
  • Request Start of Garrison Frigate project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 20pp
  • Request Start of Science Frigate project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 10pp
  • Request new Tech Team to be added to your Ship Design Bureau, 20pp
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Can be taken up to four times]
  • Reorganise a Starfleet Command from a Rear Admiral position to a Vice Admiral position. Pick one: 30pp for Medical, 30pp for Personnel, 25pp for Explorer Corps.
  • Reorganise a Starfleet Command from a Vice Admiral position to an Admiral position. Pick one: 50pp for Shipyard Ops, 55pp for Ship Design Bureau, 45pp for Starfleet Tactical (This may create subordinate Vice Admiral positions)
  • Reorganise Starfleet Engineering Command to be a separate reporting Command that reports directly to Commander, Starfleet, 60pp
  • Sponsor efforts to create additional Critical Ship Infrastructure on another world, 50pp (Pick world)
  • Sponsor efforts to create Heavy Industrial park to reduce construction times by 25% in that system when making either a parallel or serial build, provides Heavy Industry options pre-SoE, 115pp (pick world)
  • Deploy Improved Listening Posts to a Border Zone to gain a 25% chance of generating +1 Intel report for powers on that border. (pick border zone), 20pp
  • NEW Acquire additional resources for Starfleet Intelligence Operations, 20pp (Will improve ops teams next time they are required)
  • UPDATED Acquire additional resources for Starfleet Intelligence Gathering, 70pp (Gain +1 Intel Report per year)


Federation Grading:
Current Minimum Science = 100 [Now 193]
Current Maximum Combat = 350 [Now 238] *

(Maximum Combat is a Soft cap, will gain +1 Militarisation per 5% of cap over - Each point of Threat Level adds 5% to Max Combat)

Minimum Concurrent 5 Year Missions = 4
Current Militarisation Level = 0
Current Federation Threat Level = 10

* Will start calculating necessary discounts when you get closer to the cap

Council Objectives:

200 Science by 2321 [193]
250 Defence by 2321 [224]

Starfleet Ambitions:
Have Ambassador prototype into production by 2321 - Will count as completed next Snakepit

Federation Council:
President - Arsharra N'Gir, Development Faction

Factions -
Expansionist (Human, Andor) - 23% [Langford (Earth), Singh (Alpha Centauri)]
Pacifist (Vulcan) - 30% [Stesk (Vulcan), T'Torah (82 Eridani)]
Hawkish (Amarki) - 15% [Korielis (Tales Har), Aelanna (Leas Akaam)]
Development (Tellar) 25% [Jorth (Tellar), Sadek (Atatan)]
Mercantile (Rigel) 7% [Rangyad (Rigel), Meiyama (Welleck)]

[Next Elections - (2317) Apiata, (2318) Original Four]

[Apiata politics are rather opaque to outsiders]

(Species listed in brackets are principal backers, not exclusive membership)

Current Federation Full Members:

Current Federation Affiliates:
Gaeni 500/500 - Ratification will go ahead in Q4 due to Treaty of Gaen
Caldonians 500/500 - Ratification blocked due to ongoing Moratorium
Orions 471/500 + 26 = 497/500
Risa 443/500 + 26 = 469/500
Qloathi 481/500 + 28 = 500/500
Seyek 444/500 + 26 = 470/500
Kadeshi 293/500 + 30 = 323/500 - (I hope no one is expecting anything major for 300+ here)
Honiani 296/500 + 25 = 321/500
Ked Paddah 217/500 + 29 = 246/500
Yan-Ros 209/500 + 23 = 232/500
Laio 111/500 + 23 = 134/500

Currently Known Others Possible Members:
Bajorians 109/100 - Affiliate Status impossible [Cardassian Patronage]
Yrillians 345/100 - Affiliate Membership Internally + Externally Obstructed, but lines of dialogue opened
Dawiar 101/100 - Affiliate Status impossible [Cardassian Client]
Tauni 75/100
Gretarians 80/100 + 30 = 110/100 - Affiliate status blocked externally and internally, but the idea is being floated
Obar 65/100
Dylaarians 60/100
Ashidi 50/100
Hishmeri 50/100
Sotaw 35/100
Licori 25/100 - Affiliate Status impossible [Recently at war]
Ittick-ka 25/100
Lecarrens -30/100
Sydraxians [In flux]/100
Konen - x/100
Goshawnar - x/100

Major Powers
Romulan Star Empire - Trending Positive
Klingon Empire - At Peace
Cardassian Union - Treaty of Celos
Ferengi - Limited
Interstellar Coalition - Positive beginnings
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Omake - Know Your Foe - Night

Know Your Foe

To know your enemy is a comforting feeling. It grows over time, as you read their mail, watch their habits, study their skills. It has benefits beyond the obvious knowledge of what they can do. A known enemy, like a known factor, is one that troubles the mind less; in planning there is a greater inclination to hope and belief in the possibility of victory, in conflict less fear and more certainty, a willingness to consider the aggressive rather than the conservative. Conflict is rarely won by the timid, after all.

Usually. Not always. This idea is premised on the belief that the enemy is broadly alike in power and skill. For the Cardassian Union, this was becoming a large problem now. The aggressiveness of Rachael Ainsworth had worried them, but been considered manageable. They knew less about her replacement, though T'Lorel's public career was definitely cause for concern. Anyone who had managed to get a reputation for orbital phaser strikes greater than any living Cardassian admiral in the effete Federation was surely a person to be wary of.

The old familiar Kumari, an opponent of years now, to be treated with caution-and then a bolt of lightning from a clear sky. ka'Sharren was here. There was no reprimand when the Jaldun captain didn't even try to shadow the Federation dreadnought. The commanding admiral considered it lucky he got the ship back at all. The fact the Kumari had altered course and come straight at them the moment they were detected should probably have been enough to tip them off in the first place. Not even Ainsworth was that aggressive.

Any other Starfleet commodore or admiral would be a danger, at most. But not ka'Sharren. ka'Sharren was a thing they knew in intimate detail, but did not understand; her capablities remained a closed book despite their knowledge, being only "more than we have seen, but how much we do not know". Her legend had only grown with her time away from the Cardassian front, with the Obsidian Order have greedily sucked up every detail about the Battle of Ixaria Approach and the death of the Arcadian Emperor. Aggressive patrol schedules were restricted. Civilian craft were called to port. Plans to expand were abandoned. The defensive perimeter contracted.

So might a Vulcan step back from a debate, discovering that Surak was their opponent; a Romulan withdraw from battle, discovering the enemy fleet was commanded by Valdore; a Human general concede the field to Alexander. Sometimes knowing your enemy merely tells you how much you should be afraid.