(taps microphone)

Ahem. So word on the street Discord is that we're coming back Soon (tm).

The GMs are going to have all sorts of changes to announce, but one thing that seems definite is that Task Forces as we know them are (largely) gone. That is, just because we have "extra ships" doesn't mean we can throw them at whatever problems the playerbase gets in our head need solving. Apparently there will still be options to "trigger" task forces, but I expect those to be highly curated situations.

Which... what does this do to our intent to build a whole bunch of diplomatic "Envoy-pattern" cruisers? Right now we have 6 Renaissances locked into being refitted into Envoys. We also have 3 formerly-Betazoid Patrol Cruiser-A ships that have a Decent Presence 6 as back-up negotiators. Come shipyard operations do we build more Envoys? Refit more Renaissances into envoys?

My vague feeling is that we aim for a total population of 8 Envoys, 2 assigned to each of our 4 Theatres. If a diplomatic mission going outside the Federation's borders and requiring a full Task Force materializes, then there's probably two ships "within range" (in the right Theatre) to be assigned.

I'd probably say 8 + 1 Envoys. It seems like Task Forces are getting something of a hike in importance/rarity, which may correspond to said Task Forces (should they occur) going on for a fair chunk of time. If that's the case then we may want one more spare presence ship so that the task force doesn't leave an entire theatre bare of responders for that sort of thing for however long the task force takes.
Well, that is certainly a big change.

Apparently there will still be options to "trigger" task forces, but I expect those to be highly curated situations.

So basically Task Forces go back to being how they were envisioned during the Haylent Crisis, as a gameplay device to drive narratives forwards.

I'm highly concerned with how this effects currently deployed task forces like Beyond and Royal. Do they abandon their missions and go home? Are we creating new Royal and Beyond "Border Zones?" Or something else?

Which... what does this do to our intent to build a whole bunch of diplomatic "Envoy-pattern" cruisers? Right now we have 6 Renaissances locked into being refitted into Envoys. We also have 3 formerly-Betazoid Patrol Cruiser-A ships that have a Decent Presence 6 as back-up negotiators. Come shipyard operations do we build more Envoys? Refit more Renaissances into envoys?

I think we need more information on the new mechanics. There may yet be new uses for Diplomatic/Presence speced ships.
(taps microphone)

Ahem. So word on the street Discord is that we're coming back Soon (tm).

The GMs are going to have all sorts of changes to announce, but one thing that seems definite is that Task Forces as we know them are (largely) gone. That is, just because we have "extra ships" doesn't mean we can throw them at whatever problems the playerbase gets in our head need solving. Apparently there will still be options to "trigger" task forces, but I expect those to be highly curated situations.

Which... what does this do to our intent to build a whole bunch of diplomatic "Envoy-pattern" cruisers? Right now we have 6 Renaissances locked into being refitted into Envoys. We also have 3 formerly-Betazoid Patrol Cruiser-A ships that have a Decent Presence 6 as back-up negotiators. Come shipyard operations do we build more Envoys? Refit more Renaissances into envoys?

My vague feeling is that we aim for a total population of 8 Envoys, 2 assigned to each of our 4 Theatres. If a diplomatic mission going outside the Federation's borders and requiring a full Task Force materializes, then there's probably two ships "within range" (in the right Theatre) to be assigned.

Leaving aside whatever history-revision reality-blurring happens to their capabilities when the Envoy gets redesigned in the eventual new ship builder, they were a hyper-specialised design intended to hold the line in a (diplomatic) war we were losing.
'Whose Line Cruiser is P10 anyway?'
2324 Renaissance-A 'Envoy' Appendix to the 2324 Envoy Proposals Report
Prepared by Lieutenant Galan, SDB Utopia Planitia Office, 2324.Q2

Diplomacy-specialised Renaissance-A 'Envoy' Variant-Refit proposal, to develop in parallel with the 2324 'Vanguard' Renaissance-A refit to fill the Diplomatic Envoy Role for Starfleet.

Design Objective:
A high-presence, resilient and recognisably Starfleet-pattern modern Cruiser platform to support and lead key Federation diplomacy efforts (Task Forces). While the Betazoid Patrol Cruiser-A is a capable diplomatic Cruiser with a small number due for Federalisation, the Patrol Cruiser is also clearly not a Starfleet ship design.

Design Overview:
While selecting Starfleets latest General Cruiser for a Diplomatic Envoy Role- to be developed in parallel with the general Renaissance-A refit- might seem controversial, SDB sees several reasons to expect this combination to be a success. It is of note that the original Renaissance is more focused on Starfleets Diplomatic (P4) function than it's Exploratory one (S3), making this Envoy refit-variant proposal a matter of building on those strengths.

Comfort-class synergies:
We have high hopes that the Sophontarian profile of the new Comfort-class Hospital ship (also based on the Renaissance frame) will support an ever-growing reputation as a goodwill-ambassador for the Federation, making the Renaissance-A 'Envoy' a welcome sight to friends old and new.

Accordingly, while not a specialist hospital ship, the 'Envoy' design incorporates lessons learned from the Comfort-class layout and features three large cutting-edge, Explorer-grade, Quorsh-Pattern Sickbays. Overall, the 'Envoy' has comparable emergency medical capacity to an Ambassador Explorer, with the further advantage of being equipped with the latest advances in Federation medical technology.

Diplomatic Configuration:
In refitting the Renaissance for such a strong diplomatic presence, there are some compromises required. We believe the tradeoffs are worthwhile and present a strong platform for supporting Federation diplomacy, to meet the challenges of today and into the future.

The addition of four large Explorer-grade Diplomatic suites and opening their spectacular, sweeping Viewing Galleries in the hull does reduce ship structural integrity compared to the original. The Structural Integrity Fields are modernised and uprated to partially compensate. Overall, the 'Envoy' remains less vulnerable (H3) than smaller Frigate designs to sabotage attempts (H checks, like Lecarre or Syndicate-nodule operatives attempting to bomb the ship to stop the summit) and more capable of protecting VIPs or discouraging bad actors (C3-4, L4).

Dignitaries and crew alike can enjoy the enlarged, modernised 2320s-Pattern, Explorer-grade onboard Recreation facilities, ample to allow crew relaxation while the ship also hosts large diplomatic functions.

Given the range of diplomatic, recreational and medical facilities included, interior space constraints mean (in common with some other designs) the 'Envoy' relies on the addition of an external Science Sensor Module for navigation, though- to avoid embarrassing diplomatic incidents- it does feature powerful modern Short-Range sensors for operating smoothly in congested Capital-world orbital environments. Appropriate to the peaceful Envoy role, defensive systems are reduced from the original Renaissance specification and the shield and Phaser power budgets and emitters likewise reduced. This partial demilitarisation contributes to reducing crew headcount by 150.

Parallels with the 'Vanguard' general Renaissance-A Refit:
It is expected the parallel refit projects can share some design and parts commonality. While the 'Envoy' is primarily intended to support (or lead) diplomatic Task Forces, the design still maintains comparable event response and resolution capabilities to modern generalist frigates, outside its considerable diplomatic specialty. The module, short-range sensors, lab and large Sickbays combine to provide increased scientific capabilities over the original Renaissance, helping the 'Envoy' remain equal to future challenges as a generalist responder and garrison ship, if not on Task Force diplomatic duties.
Overall response speed and endurance approaches the new Comet design (D6, with a further Cruiser +1D bonus to response checks).

While the large, transparent viewing galleries demonstrate its peaceful intent, one design element to finalise is the incorporation of visual distinctions from the 'Vanguard' Renaissance-A refit. Note that the addition of a Science Sensor Module is common to both designs, so the overall ship visual profiles are likely to be similar.

So, yep. As- for whatever it's now worth- an early proponent and indeed designer of the Envoy, I agree we can certainly scale back the previous plans (which I think led to about a dozen in 2327). The TF Beyond Diplomatic Cold War with the Harmony Sanctuary diplomonsters that provoked the design was scrapped just after they were approved, and now Task Forces where their hyper-specialisation might have proved useful are also scaled back, so it's logical we need fewer.

Six underway, so that's a given. As for whether we refit up to eight or nine... as BV says, there are Patrol-Cruiser-A backups. Can't get too excited, and recall each Envoy refit is a choice not to make a Renaissance-A.
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But the windows, @Alliterate. What about the WINDOWS?


That glorious Transparent Aluminium will still soar... just less of it.

Diplomatic Facilities
All diplomatic spaces conform to the first edition of the new Lwaxana protocols, taking into account the latest developments in Xenopsychology and FDS Xenorelations. The Envoy will be used to prove and refine the next generation of Lwaxana protocols for the Ambassador-A refit. The near 360˚ panoramic views available from the primary saucer section lounges- Four Below and Seven Above- are undeniably spectacular.

The mostly-transparent 'suspended droplet' Four Below lounge underneath the Envoy saucer is the FDS suggested solution to onboard aquatic-species relations- both it and the adjacent dignitary accomodations are designed so they can be partially or completely filled with water or similar liquid atmospheres.

The aft lounge, above the shuttle bay, give an indication of the busy activity of a Starfleet vessel, as shuttles come and go, and provides a suitable location to host delegates you might not wish to show the length of the ship.
My understanding is that, more than anything else, that all these task forces amounted to running an additional 4 or 5 quests as far as writing was concerned.
Pretty much. Task Forces as presently constituted doubled our writing requirements, and had heavy tracking burdens. It's a big part of why time began to pass in slow motion.
As for the number of Envoys, well too much is in flux to give a final number, but looking at projected cruiser counts, 6-8 would mean that of our modern cruisers (in a couple of years), roughly 20-25% are focused on diplomacy and support, while 75-80% are front line combatants.

With a likely war against Horizon and a probable war with Cardassia on the horizon, it feels like that ratio is probably enough to me.

If war doesn't occur, then we might look at more, but the chances of that are low.
Useful Restart Info
So as a heads up, the following systems have all had a great deal of chop work:

Task Forces - Cut back sharply, now are short-term responses created in response to event triggers that provide strong rewards if cleared. Local member worlds offer packets of ships to spread around the ships you see.

Research - Simplified greatly. Now we simply list the type of Ship Part or Bonus, the Tier it is at, and the year the next tier unlocks. Select one of the SDB Admiral's plans to accelerate that year.

Captain's Log - We're cutting down so that we do logs for all FYM, plus one other event of interest per QM per quarter. Everything else gets summarised. We feel this strikes the necessary balance.

Tac Ops - Dead and gone, especially the Roles system.

Deployment - Now will be done by Theatre, instead of by Sector. Vice Admirals who command Theatres will give you their requests, but you decide on the balance of forces. Done by numbers rather than individual ships.

Logistics - Simplified a lot, with a system that ties into each other a lot more smoothly, I explain it later.

Emergencies - Emergencies are considered on three tiers - Fed-wide High Alert; State of Emergency; and State of War. There are some specific mechanics that come into play for each, but the old mobilisation system is dead and gone. Now there's just a drastic Pp income uptick, and all options you need to draft responses will go into the snakepit, which you'll have access to more frequently. The Admiral will have to delegate a lot more in the crisis, which means we'll provide a list of possible Focuses, of which you'll pick three. After that, you're rather more the Eisenhower than the Patton.

Warfare closer to the front will be determined by posture and the type of Admiral you have there (SPICE and possibly traits), as rolled on event tables. Grand Offensives will of course, take priorities, but you won't be directing minute patrols. Just divide up the ships, assign Theatre commanders, and occasionally demand someone gets the sack.

Snakepit - Taking the above into account, a number of your Snakepit options will now list a requirement for Engineering or Colony points, which you'll read more of at the bottom of this post. Want to do more without taking from members and interfering with their attempts to grow? Build engineering/colony ships above and beyond your auxiliary yards.

Academy Steering - Dead, just not really worth the investment we feel.

Intelligence - The raw points tally we'll leave spoilered with the Intel Admiral explaining what they are doing. You'll have a set of fluffed options to deploy the rest. Makes it a simpler if less comprehensive vote.

Ship Design Bureau - We've removed entirely: the Roles development process, the 2-3yr research plan part. Now you can spark a new class just by selecting one in the Snakepit, which will trigger a vote for designs to be provided to select the official one. Multiple prototypes will be able to be built, however, they will not benefit from parallel bonuses. They can provide serial bonuses however. SWB's v3.5 and v4 (which should be the final version) releases of the new lego-block parts building system will be out shortly.
Logistics -
Freighters and Super-freighters are gone, now merged into Cargo ships at 2:1 and 4:1 as supply ships. Bulk and Small Cargo are gone, there is now just Supply Point. Sizes and numbers of ships here are rather nebulous - it's abstracted rather neatly. Each point of ship gives four Supply Points. Prospectors are gone, merged into Engineering Ships, which give Engineering points. You need one or two of these for most projects. Hospital Ships support your colonies, with each Hospital Ship allowing for a certain number. Exact numbers are fuzzy because SynchronizedWritersBlock is adding parts to represent the Comfort class and allow for custom Hospital Ships and those details aren't finalised. We're very much considering changing Passenger ships into designed ships as well, since they'll now basically be troop transports (except for the Risans I guess, who have overly comfy evacuation transports).

NB: Everything in Logistics is per turn - there is no carryover.

You have a National Logistics Pool, and it all shakes out like this:

There are a lot of things that need supply - the amount is called "R" for Required.
There are a lot of things that can deliver supply - this amount is called "T" for Transport.
There are a lot of worlds that can make supplies - this amount is called "A" for Available.
The amount of surplus stuff you can deliver goes to projects and member worlds - this is the Project Pool, used by non-Starfleet groups to grow.
The amount of surplus stuff you can make, but not deliver - this is just Waste.

R is your supply need, T is your ability to deliver, A is the pool you can deliver from. Project Pool is the stuff free to build things, including more auxiliaries, settle colonies, build stations. Waste is the bit between what you can deliver, and the cap.

For reference, Starfleet has a tiny bit more Transport ability than Required. Since Available supplies comes from worlds, your members have to provide it. Thankfully, they have enough slack that would otherwise be waste that you can grab it without anyone having to lose out. UESPA alone has enough slack that it would cover 90% of your requirements.
Have there been changes to the number of ships we have and/or how much it costs to build them? We were feeding our accelerating number of ships into our expanding TF system, but with the latter scrapped it might make sense to diminish the former.
Have there been changes to the number of ships we have and/or how much it costs to build them? We were feeding our accelerating number of ships into our expanding TF system, but with the latter scrapped it might make sense to diminish the former.
Kinda. Ships now cost supply points to keep going. So we need to balance logistics building with new ships.
The only change I'm really leery of is the Intel system. I really liked the way it turned out, and I hope it hasn't changed too much.
Have there been changes to the number of ships we have and/or how much it costs to build them? We were feeding our accelerating number of ships into our expanding TF system, but with the latter scrapped it might make sense to diminish the former.

That was a major concern I had as well. It seems like the theater deployment may be able to absorb some of the volume of Starfleet?
Captain's Log - We're cutting down so that we do logs for all FYM,
Is the intent to scale the number of 5YM indefinitely, or will the Explorer Corps be restricted below the current projections? (Of being around 20 EC Ambassadors in 2332, or something of that order, and growing around one per year).
UESPA alone has enough slack that it would cover 90% of your requirements.
Gul Skep Tik: "More transparent Federation propaganda. Sad."
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Is the intent to scale the number of 5YM indefinitely, or will the Explorer Corps be restricted below the current projections? (Of being around 20 EC Ambassadors in 2332, or something of that order, and growing around one per year).
We're yet to make that call.

Have there been changes to the number of ships we have and/or how much it costs to build them? We were feeding our accelerating number of ships into our expanding TF system, but with the latter scrapped it might make sense to diminish the former.
BR and SR hasn't changed, and your current ship tally has not changed.
Regarding Envoys, a simple and neat solution would be adjusting the FDS tag system to make effective use of them.

Task Forces - Cut back sharply, now are short-term responses created in response to event triggers that provide strong rewards if cleared. Local member worlds offer packets of ships to spread around the ships you see.
Needed to be done. Looking forward to it!

Research - Simplified greatly. Now we simply list the type of Ship Part or Bonus, the Tier it is at, and the year the next tier unlocks. Select one of the SDB Admiral's plans to accelerate that year.
So, no Boosts and pick from premade projects? Hm. I will wait a see.

Captain's Log - We're cutting down so that we do logs for all FYM, plus one other event of interest per QM per quarter. Everything else gets summarised. We feel this strikes the necessary balance.
Huh, that will be a big change. Should accelerate the quest greatly though, so the number of clogs per RL unit of time doesn't seem like it will fall too much.

Deployment - Now will be done by Theatre, instead of by Sector. Vice Admirals who command Theatres will give you their requests, but you decide on the balance of forces. Done by numbers rather than individual ships.
Nice! Though, I do hope that we can specify which ship we want in which theater if we want to, not to mention veterancy and stuff like those HoH sabotaged Centaur-Bs.

Academy Steering - Dead, just not really worth the investment we feel.
We probably do need some way to adjust O/E/T income balance though. Some Snakepit options should be enough for that.

Intelligence - The raw points tally we'll leave spoilered with the Intel Admiral explaining what they are doing. You'll have a set of fluffed options to deploy the rest. Makes it a simpler if less comprehensive vote.
We might have figured out the new Intel in time, but I am glad to read this. We don't need precise control there I don't think.

Ship Design Bureau - We've removed entirely: the Roles development process, the 2-3yr research plan part. Now you can spark a new class just by selecting one in the Snakepit, which will trigger a vote for designs to be provided to select the official one. Multiple prototypes will be able to be built, however, they will not benefit from parallel bonuses. They can provide serial bonuses however. SWB's v3.5 and v4 (which should be the final version) releases of the new lego-block parts building system will be out shortly.
Yay! Can't wait.

I like!
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