Urgh I don't like this, those bloody cardassians could learn all sort things from capturing them and studying their tactics in real condition.
Considering how they won, its only a matter of time due to those bloody turncoats seeded throughout the land.

On the bright side, there are three Starfleet officers in Chrystovian Space (Heston, Nelson, and Robinson), who are probably familiar with avoiding detection thanks to the Evil Doctor Fr'Restor, who has likely thrown them away in favor of Cardassian subjects now that the Ashalla Pact is the major power in the area.

Don't remember who wrote up that bit ATM, but maybe we could write a collaborative Omake for the Chrystovian Crisis? Mght be fun.
[][COUNCIL] Derpmind UP2 + Options
  • Request Mining Colony Falling Down, 6pp, 20 (35) br/year, 4 turns (7 before Chen 25% discount)
  • Request Research Colony Morgana-1321, 6pp, 5 (9) rp/year, 4 turns
  • Request Research Colony Barradus IV, 6pp, 6 (10) rp/year, 4 turns
  • Request Research Colony Galoria Delta-LXIg, 6pp, 5 (9) rp/year, 4 turns
  • Request new Starbase I [Seyek Border Zone - Hacitorus] 15pp (20 before Chen 25% discount)
  • Request Academy Development, 50pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Dreamers]
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Licori]
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Felis]
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Outer Space Alliance]
  • Sponsor efforts for a Major Shipyard Preparations to pave the way for a Utopia Planitia style shipyard, 4 turns, 110pp
  • Request Start of Renaissance-A Vanguard refit, 5 turns, 25 pp
  • Vote dependent options:
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [TASK DIPLO]
  • Request Start of Ship Envoy Variant development, 4 - 5 turns, 20pp - 25pp TASK ENVOY
  • Request Start of Diplomatic Envoy Frigate/Cruiser project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 0pp - 35pp TASK THIRD
  • Request Start of Ship Envoy Variant development, 4 - 5 turns, 0pp - 25pp TASK THIRD
  • Reorganise a Starfleet Command from a Rear Admiral position to a Vice Admiral position. Pick one: 0 - 30pp for Medical TASK THIRD
  • Request Mining Colony 77 Azzadi IV-3, 0 - 7pp, 20 (40) sr/year, 4 turns IF ENOUGH EXTRA pp
  • Request Mining Colony 17 Onidesin IV, 0 - 7pp, 20 (40) sr/year, 4 turns IF ENOUGH EXTRA pp
Total: 378pp to 384pp

-[][TASK DIPLO] Write-in. Too many options here after the first four diplopushes.

-[][TASK ENVOY] Renaissance Envoy 25pp
-[][TASK ENVOY] Kepler Envoy 20pp
-[][TASK ENVOY] Centaur Envoy 22pp

-[][TASK THIRD] Renaissance Envoy 25pp
-[][TASK THIRD] Kepler Envoy 20pp
-[][TASK THIRD] Centaur Envoy 22pp
-[][TASK THIRD] New Diplomatic Envoy Cruiser 35pp
-[][TASK THIRD] New Diplomatic Envoy Frigate 32pp
-[][TASK THIRD] Medical to Vice Admiral 30pp

Ok, explanation in human terms: We need to get more colonies, an academy expansion, focused diplomacy, and this is the year we need to get our Rennie-A Vanguard design out. We also need to do an Envoy refit since we can get those out way faster than a new build ship. Finally, I'm not making a plan that doesn't include UP2. So, after all that stuff, that leaves which of the refits and/or new designs we could go for. Now we can just have one refit and that's it, but we have enough pp to do two refits, or a refit and a new ship design, oooor only one refit and some more pp for something else. In this case, that something else might as well be the long-postponed Starfleet Command reorganization for Medical.

Anyways, hopefully I didn't make any horrible plan-breaking mistakes on this since it's late here. If it turns out this is all a horrible, useless mess, then pretend I spent all this time advocating for SWB's plan instead. :p

[X][COUNCIL] Derpmind UP2 + Options
-[X][TASK ENVOY] Renaissance Envoy 25pp
-[X][TASK THIRD] New Diplomatic Envoy Cruiser 35pp

[X][STARKIN] Aerocommando Research Corps (Personal Tech, Skill 4)
[X][STARKIN] Laudon Orbital Construction (Ship Design - Frigate/Starship Construction, Skill 2)
[X][KED] Utopia Planitia Tactical Design Bureau (Weapons/Ship Design - Capital, Skill 3)
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Lt Galan Presents: Whose Line Cruiser is P10 anyway? - Alliterate
'Whose Line Cruiser is P10 anyway?'
2324 Renaissance-A 'Envoy' Appendix to the 2324 Envoy Proposals Report
Prepared by Lieutenant Galan, SDB Utopia Planitia Office, 2324.Q2

Diplomacy-specialised Renaissance-A 'Envoy' Variant-Refit proposal, to develop in parallel with the 2324 'Vanguard' Renaissance-A refit to fill the Diplomatic Envoy Role for Starfleet.

Design Objective:
A high-presence, resilient and recognisably Starfleet-pattern modern Cruiser platform to support and lead key Federation diplomacy efforts (Task Forces). While the Betazoid Patrol Cruiser-A is a capable diplomatic Cruiser with a small number due for Federalisation, the Patrol Cruiser is also clearly not a Starfleet ship design.

Design Overview:
While selecting Starfleets latest General Cruiser for a Diplomatic Envoy Role- to be developed in parallel with the general Renaissance-A refit- might seem controversial, SDB sees several reasons to expect this combination to be a success. It is of note that the original Renaissance is more focused on Starfleets Diplomatic (P4) function than it's Exploratory one (S3), making this Envoy refit-variant proposal a matter of building on those strengths.

Comfort-class synergies:
We have high hopes that the Sophontarian profile of the new Comfort-class Hospital ship (also based on the Renaissance frame) will support an ever-growing reputation as a goodwill-ambassador for the Federation, making the Renaissance-A 'Envoy' a welcome sight to friends old and new.

Accordingly, while not a specialist hospital ship, the 'Envoy' design incorporates lessons learned from the Comfort-class layout and features three large cutting-edge, Explorer-grade, Quorsh-Pattern Sickbays. Overall, the 'Envoy' has comparable emergency medical capacity to an Ambassador Explorer, with the further advantage of being equipped with the latest advances in Federation medical technology.

Diplomatic Configuration:
In refitting the Renaissance for such a strong diplomatic presence, there are some compromises required. We believe the tradeoffs are worthwhile and present a strong platform for supporting Federation diplomacy, to meet the challenges of today and into the future.

The addition of four large Explorer-grade Diplomatic suites and opening their spectacular, sweeping Viewing Galleries in the hull does reduce ship structural integrity compared to the original. The Structural Integrity Fields are modernised and uprated to partially compensate. Overall, the 'Envoy' remains less vulnerable (H3) than smaller Frigate designs to sabotage attempts (H checks, like Lecarre or Syndicate-nodule operatives attempting to bomb the ship to stop the summit) and more capable of protecting VIPs or discouraging bad actors (C3-4, L4).

Dignitaries and crew alike can enjoy the enlarged, modernised 2320s-Pattern, Explorer-grade onboard Recreation facilities, ample to allow crew relaxation while the ship also hosts large diplomatic functions.

Given the range of diplomatic, recreational and medical facilities included, interior space constraints mean (in common with some other designs) the 'Envoy' relies on the addition of an external Science Sensor Module for navigation, though- to avoid embarrassing diplomatic incidents- it does feature powerful modern Short-Range sensors for operating smoothly in congested Capital-world orbital environments. Appropriate to the peaceful Envoy role, defensive systems are reduced from the original Renaissance specification and the shield and Phaser power budgets and emitters likewise reduced. This partial demilitarisation contributes to reducing crew headcount by 150.

Parallels with the 'Vanguard' general Renaissance-A Refit:
It is expected the parallel refit projects can share some design and parts commonality. While the 'Envoy' is primarily intended to support (or lead) diplomatic Task Forces, the design still maintains comparable event response and resolution capabilities to modern generalist frigates, outside its considerable diplomatic specialty. The module, short-range sensors, lab and large Sickbays combine to provide increased scientific capabilities over the original Renaissance, helping the 'Envoy' remain equal to future challenges as a generalist responder and garrison ship, if not on Task Force diplomatic duties.
Overall response speed and endurance approaches the new Comet design (D6, with a further Cruiser +1D bonus to response checks).

While the large, transparent viewing galleries demonstrate its peaceful intent, one design element to finalise is the incorporation of visual distinctions from the 'Vanguard' Renaissance-A refit. Note that the addition of a Science Sensor Module is common to both designs, so the overall ship visual profiles are likely to be similar.
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Omake - Outside Agitators Part 12 - brmj
Series: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Outside Agitators Part 12: "Just Like That"

2324 Q1M1

Things had been a lot calmer since the Battle of Khazara.

Not the first frantic couple of hours after the battle, when the Romulan fleet put itself back in order. That was the time for the most urgent repairs to be made, the injuries to be seen to, and the bodies to be counted, all while the handful of ships still in any condition for a fight watched warily just in case the Breen managed to hunt them down and bothered to pursue. With the fleet as it was, it wouldn't have taken a large Breen force to force another retreat and pin down and destroy a few of the worse off Romulan ships as they tried to run.

Nor in the handful of tense several days that followed, as the less critical but still immediate damage was patched up and the combat effective portion of the fleet waited for the counterattack order that never came. The Breen seemed content to hold position in Khazara orbit in overwhelming force, and the Romulans couldn't or wouldn't put together the reinforcements needed to do anything about it. As the Kelsatha's industrial bay churned out some of the most immediately necessary lower tech replacement D-7 parts (all they'd been trusted with the specifications for), it slowly became clear that Khazara was well and truly in Breen hands until the situation changed. When the orders finally came to move out, no one was particularly surprised.

It was the months that followed that were calm.

Rather than being sent back to watching for raiders on the frontier, they'd found themselves pulled back and assigned to convoy escort duty. There had been no small amount of speculation as to whether or not there was a message they were supposed to take from the reassignment, perhaps an indictment of their initial performance along the border or some kind of commentary on their showing in the battle, or if it was just judged to be where they could be best used. As usual, answers were not particularly forthcoming.

Still, it proved to be a safe, boring job that they were adequately equipped to handle, even if they had no one to agitate to beyond the freighter crews. Admittedly, that hadn't been a total failure; after enough time cooped up in a little freighter with the same handful of people, any diversion starts to look good. They'd at one point managed to invite a good portion of their convoy's crews aboard for a traditional Yrillian barbecue while they were stopped in well-patrolled space for a day and a half with a breakdown in one of the other ships. The Romulans hadn't really known what to make of that and generally seemed to alternate between suspicious, standoffish and bemused, but that was at least some limited contact and if nothing else Yrillian cuisine had gone over surprisingly well. That diversion aside, things had been uneventful, with no sign at all of Breen raiders, no unexpected disasters and nothing even hinting at excitement.

Towards the end, they had been following the (heavily redacted, as always) reports of the successful attacks on Breen capital ships. The consensus on board was that the tide was starting to turn, and in the near future a fleet would likely be put together, either to retake Khazara or to take the fight to the Breen directly. If the plan required significant stealth, they would of course likely either stay on convoy escort duty or be reassigned to cover for ships involved in the attack that would otherwise be doing something more critical. However, if the plan could accommodate it, they had little doubt they would find themselves in another battle before long. After all, it was fairly obvious that the Romulans understandably cared rather less about their well being than that of their own ships and crew. Steadily, a sense of anticipation began to build. There was nothing to do but wait.

When the Kelsatha received new orders and a series of high-priority communications in a matter of several minutes, no one was terribly surprised. The contents, however, were entirely unexpected.

The comms station chimed several times, but Forgyr had nothing more to say than "Message coming in..." before trailing off with a look of surprised confusion. The rest of the bridge crew glanced at him uneasily.

Iymurak broke the silence. "Well, what's the news?"

"... It's over."

Bimak made an inquisitive noise.

"The war."

Bimak again: "The war? Seriously?"

"Seriously. So says the comm just came in."

A whole series of significant looks passed through the bridge. Gryer locked eyes with Breezak for a moment, who managed to look simultaneously, relieved, disappointed, confused, and a bit self-conscious and guilty about some of the other feelings. A silence fell over the room.

Gryer felt himself speaking, almost without any conscious intention. "It's over? Just like that?"

"Just like that."

"Seems a bit... anticlimactic," Bimak commented.


A thoughtful silence fell over the room.



In short, their orders where to drop what they were doing, proceed to an uninhabited system in the corewards-spinwards corner of Romulan space, and wait for further instructions. Upon arriving at the coordinates they'd been given, to no one's great surprise, a ship immediately decloaked. Where once this might have inspired unease, the dominant reaction was now one of mild amusement: power plays like this had worn a little thin, so more than anything it came off as a little silly.

Breezak voiced what they were all thinking. "Well, someone's got a flare for the dramatic."

Sublieutenant Riuren, who had made a point of hanging around the bridge for this, looked distinctly unimpressed but otherwise chose not to respond.

"We're being hailed. Shall I?" Forgyr looked around the bridge and saw no objections.

The image of a Romulan woman in a commander's uniform with an alert, clever look and more than an touch of grey in her hair filled the viewscreen. Though at the momment she looked quite serious and more than a bit annoyed, there was something about her that gave the impression of someone forever ammused at some private joke. Perhaps not the standard image of a Romulan officer as invisioned by outsiders, but likely someone quite competent and formidable.

"This is Commander Kassus of the IRW Tresdan. We meet again, and under far better circumstances. I take it that someone here can speak for your crew?"

Iymurak, sitting in the captain's chair, shrugged. "Iymurak here. I'm captaining at the moment, but anything serious may still need a referendum or get kicked over to the negotiating team. What can we do for you?"

Commander Kassus blinked. "At the moment? How does that... " She obviously thought better of it. "No matter. As the war is at an end, the Romulan Star Empire no longer requires your services. You will of course be paid and otherwise provided for as per the terms of your contract. Since your presence in Romulan space is no longer required, your travel permit, friendly IFF status and the like will also be revoked shortly." A hint of a smile crossed her features, and she gave a little amused huff somewhere between a strong exhalation and the ghost of a laugh. "We can't have strange foreign war ships wandering around our space, after all."

She paused for a moment to survey the Kelsatha's bridge.

"With that in mind, I have been tasked with retrieving our personnel and escorting you to the border of Romulan space. If there are no questions or concerns, We will be leaving immediately."

Iymurak raised a hand in an understated parody of a child waiting to be called on in class.

"Yes?" Kassus was clearly a bit amused, even if she would perhaps have rather not shown it.

"We're getting a bit low on several key consumables, engineering says we need a chance to work on the injector alignment, and I'm sure the crew would appreciate some leave. It's been several months. Perhaps there are even victory celebrations we could join in on?"

"Immediately. No stops for repairs, servicing or resupply. No loitering. No tourism. No, you will not march in a grand victory parade on Romulus. You did your part, and now it is time for you to go away."

"You can't do that."

A dangerous tone entered her voice. "Oh?"

Iymurak brought something up on a tablet with a couple deft taps to the screen. "The contract that we signed clearly states, 'Upon the conclusion without renewal of the contract, the cessation of hostilities or involuntary termination of employment, the Romulan Star Empire shall provide the Kesatha Mercenary Cooperative with all necessary repairs, maintenance and stores to achieve a state of full combat readiness, as defined in section 6, subsection E, including all routine and preventative maintenance or permanent repairs unavoidably deferred due to war necessities as per section 8, subsection...'"

"I know what it says."


"It does not specify where those services are to be performed. We have arranged for the necessary supplies, services and berth space elsewhere."

"And where exactly might this 'elsewhere' be?"


"Morshadd." Iymurak's tone, though not quite questioning, made the implied question fairly clear.

"It is not my place to speculate on such things, but surely you are aware that we enjoy a... cordial relationship with the Arcadian Empire."

"Yes, but one might think they would have need for all their shipyards at the moment after the recent war."

"Not all their shipyards, it would seem."

They were out of options, and in any case Romulan space did not appear to be about to collapse into a cascade of spontaneous revolutions from below. Best to know when they were beaten. "Well then. I suppose that's all there is to it."

"Quite. Sublieutenant Riuren and Decurian Koval are to gather their things and transport over to the Tresden, after which we will escort you to the edge of Romulan space. Your last installment of pay and the confirmation codes for your berth access at Morshadd will be provided at the border, at which point I would suggest you proceed directly to Morshadd to avoid any misunderstandings."


Commander Kassus nodded, and gave a more or less genuinely pleasant grin. "Good to have that cleared up. I trust that you will inform us when our personnel are ready for transport. And by the way... you fought well over Khazara, considering."

The feed abruptly cut out.

From his semi-habitual spare station near the back, Ferash grumbled half-heartedly about that final qualification.

Sublieutenant Riuren got up from her seat, but Iymurak stopped her with a simple "Sublieutenant?"

"It has been..." Iymurak struggled to find the right word for a moment. "Interesting, working with you."

Riuren smiled. "And you as well." Gesturing to encompass the bridge and, metaphorically at least, the entire ship, "All of you, in fact. Perhaps not the first word I would reach for, but it was undeniably interesting." Turning to leave, her expression took on an almost predatory look. "Better luck next time, somewhere very far from here."

A/N: Apologies for the delay. I am now at least more or less caught up to events, so that's something. Hopefully I can stay that way.
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Still, it proved to be a safe, boring job that they were adequately equipped to handle, even if they had no one to agitate to beyond the freighter crews. Admittedly, that hadn't been a total failure; after enough time cooped up in a little freighter with the same handful of people, any diversion starts to look good. They'd at one point managed to invite a good portion of their convoy's crews aboard for a traditional Yrillian barbecue while they were stopped in well-patrolled space for a day and a half with a breakdown in one of the other ships.

"Yrillian barbecue is fun, as long as nobody gets drunk and challenges the captain to a game of Irish stand-down."



"It is not my place to speculate on such things, but surely you are aware that we enjoy a... cordial relationship with the Arcadian Empire."

"Yes, but one might think they would have need for all their shipyards at the moment after the recent war."

"Not all their shipyards, it would seem."

"I will admit, the opportunity to get a look at an old Andorian battlecruiser appealed."

"Morshadd." Iymurak's tone, though not quite questioning, made the implied question fairly clear.

"It is not my place to speculate on such things, but surely you are aware that we enjoy a... cordial relationship with the Arcadian Empire."

"Yes, but one might think they would have need for all their shipyards at the moment after the recent war."

"Not all their shipyards, it would seem."

...is the mercenary cruiser full of revolutionaries repairing over the Arcadian homeworld

oh, no
If anyone would know, it would be Leslie. Take it away Admiral!

Provide Explorer Crew with Rec-space or they will Wreak Space!

"I got in so much trouble for writing the early version of those lyrics. Sis polished it up a lot, mind you."

I assure you, the Arcadian authorities fully intend to quarantine Kelsatha's crew while they perform their part of the deal.
It already happened, no? The Romulan-Breen War has been over for some time, as I recall.
[X][COUNCIL] Plan Rennie-Envoy, UP2, Coreward Diplo, Research Colonies
[X][STARKIN] Aerocommando Research Corps (Personal Tech, Skill 4)
[X][STARKIN] Laudon Orbital Construction (Ship Design - Frigate/Starship Construction, Skill 2)
[X][KED] Utopia Planitia Tactical Design Bureau (Weapons/Ship Design - Capital, Skill 3)
[X][COUNCIL] Plan Rennie-Envoy, UP2, Coreward Diplo, Research Colonies
[X][STARKIN] Aerocommando Research Corps (Personal Tech, Skill 4)
[X][STARKIN] Laudon Orbital Construction (Ship Design - Frigate/Starship Construction, Skill 2)
[X][KED] Utopia Planitia Tactical Design Bureau (Weapons/Ship Design - Capital, Skill 3)
  • Establish a major Starfleet Security Peacekeeping Corps under Starfleet Tactical, 200pp, will provide a sub-turn for voting on options.
  • Acquire additional resources for Starfleet Intelligence Gathering, 75pp (Gain +1pt of Discretionary Spending per year)
  • Acquire additional resources for Starfleet Intelligence Command, 75pp (Gain +3pt under control of Vice Admiral)
these sound like very interesting things.
maybe not for right now but still.
also SFS PC i would like to know more
[X][COUNCIL] Plan Rennie-Envoy, UP2, Coreward Diplo, Research Colonies

[X][STARKIN] Aerocommando Research Corps (Personal Tech, Skill 4)
[X][STARKIN] Laudon Orbital Construction (Ship Design - Frigate/Starship Construction, Skill 2)

[X][KED] Utopia Planitia Tactical Design Bureau (Weapons/Ship Design - Capital, Skill 3)

I favour a cruiser base for a diplomatic platform and don't currently believe we need another auxiliary yard.
  • Acquire additional resources for Starfleet Intelligence Gathering, 75pp (Gain +1pt of Discretionary Spending per year)
  • Acquire additional resources for Starfleet Intelligence Command, 75pp (Gain +3pt under control of Vice Admiral)
Intel changes confirmed then.
Specifics please? Kind of useless to have these options and having to guess what they mean.
  • Establish a major Starfleet Security Peacekeeping Corps under Starfleet Tactical, 200pp, will provide a sub-turn for voting on options.
Oook. This is a big one.
Has to happen sooner or later, but probably not urgent.
  • Request Start of Diplomatic Envoy Cruiser project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 35 pp
  • Request Start of Diplomatic Envoy Frigate project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 32 pp
  • Request Start of Renaissance-A Vanguard refit, 5 turns, 25 pp
  • Request Start of Renaissance Envoy Variant development, 5 turns, 25 pp
  • Request Start of Kepler Envoy Variant development, 4 turns, 20 pp
  • Request Start of Centaur Envoy Variant development, 4 turns, 22 pp
Ouch. No consensus in the SDB yet, and combined with the rest of the snakepit vote... this will be nasty.
Council Objectives:
450 Science by 2331 [362]
450 Defence by 2331 [400]

Both are now accomplished - +50pp for each, available from next Snakepit. New values will be 800/800 by 2334.
It used to be that D was the capability of a starship to Defend. Planets for example.
That is really no longer the case. Or at least I haven't seen this stat used that way for a long, long time. It's just Mobility now.
Why would the council demand a certain amount of that? It does not reflect our capability to protect much at all.
I would recommend changing this to C perhaps. Starfleet is trusted now, and having a minimum on our ability to protect the UFP would be only sane, even if we would prefer to not use those guns.
[Ambition completion delayed due to extra border zones arriving]
I don't like this and hope that it doesn't happen again. And that the reward gets boosted for it.
  • Request new Starbase I [Write in Sector] 20pp, +12pp for each Starbase past the first in-sector - GBZ Invalid (5pp cheaper for HBZ or LBZ this year)
How long does it take to construct a starbase? We need to know to budget our Engineering teams.
-[Need some space right now: 63/100] - Tag has evaporated due to passage of time
Like! I enjoy tags changing according to narrative. Growing, shrinking, disappearing, or (ugh) appearing, it makes them feel alive instead of just being walls that we need to beat down with diplopoints.
-[You are all Crazed Militarists!: 0/500]
Which makes me think that by now this tag should probably be reduced. They have had enough time to see that we can't not have those guns, and sometimes, reluctantly, use them. And that the UFP is very reluctant to do so.
-[ISC Alliance: 0/300]
Arent multiple MDTs a thing now?
Sotaw: 78/100
-[Romulan Influence: 0/100]
-[Located in the Neutral Zone: 0/300]
I am getting nervous that we have been ignoring them and that Romulan Influence tag for so long. I am perfectly fine with the Sotaw being neutral, they are in the Neutral Zone, it is only appropriate, but if the Romulans get them, that would get a rather troublesome foothold in the NZ.
Yizgisi (Azsi Popular Democratic Mandate): 100/100
-[Continent of Goo: 100/100]
-[Stellar Shock: 54/100] + 17 = 71/100
-[Close Call: 5/100]
-[No warp tech: 10/300]
-[Obsolete Technology: 10/300]
What does that Close Call tag mean? Because the best idea I have is that it reflects the collective trauma of the species from losing that continent to Grey Goo, in which case A: Why is that preventing affiliation? And B: We really should not be ignoring it completely in favour of Stellar Shock.
Unbound Gaeni: 40/100 + 39 = 79/100
-[Distant Stars: 0/100]
-[Slavery I: 0/100]
-[Slavery II: 0/100]
-[Slavery III: 0/100]
-[Slavery IV: 0/100]
-[Slavery V: 0/100]
-[Fractured Government: 0/300]
-[Clone Space Pirates: 0/300]
-[Survival of the Fittest: 0/500]
Man, **** these guys.
Dreamers: 100/100
-[Cosmozoan Lifeform: 85/100]
-[Alien Modes of Communication and Thought: 3/300]
Sooon my prettieees...
So the Breen are a major power now then. Huh.
? I think that the strike through reflect their currently closed borders. Do you have reason to think otherwise?

I think that the tag system might need a tune up. Sometimes we need a big hurdle that prevents an affiliation (slavery), and sometimes the barrier to membership shouldn't be that hard to solve.
As such I would propose that tags can have any number of points, along with a specification of what they block. There has been confusion about whether some tags block affiliation recently anyway.

Renvoy huh? My least favorite variant. Least efficient P, long build time, and made from the hull of the closest thing to warship the UFP has. But if our Shipyard Ops admiral and head of SDB both vote for them, I will reluctantly accept their expertise.

...That is a really good casus belli, jeez. The Chrystovians had some hidden tags, huh?
Not sure about that. These things were done by rogue criminals without support or protection of their government. Not a Mentat situation I think.
We haven't room for new ships like the Constellation-A, and are seriously considering refit or retirement for them. On the other hand we seem to approve of the Centaur-B, and right now it is the workhorse of the fleet. Having the more balanced stats when we can't easily pair ships to suited events is a serious consideration, and is part of why I'm even voting for the Renaissance-P over the otherwise superior Kepler-P.
Don't TFs work like event response? The ships with the highest relevant stats that passes the response roll (2d6+relevant stat+D) gets the mission? If so, P boats wont be shooting rocks unless they fail to respond to any P event and we run out of ships do to the shooting.
Fragility and specialization is not a problem I think, a LOT of diplo TFs are safe, and we would have tougher more generalist P ships with the new design later on to mix and match.
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? I think that the strike through reflect their currently closed borders. Do you have reason to think otherwise?

I think that the tag system might need a tune up. Sometimes we need a big hurdle that prevents an affiliation (slavery), and sometimes the barrier to membership shouldn't be that hard to solve.
As such I would propose that tags can have any number of points, along with a specification of what do they block. There has been confusion about whether some tags block affiliation recently anyway.

Renvoy huh? My least favorite variant. Least efficient P, long build time, and made from the hull of the closest thing to warships UFP has. But if our Shipyard Ops admiral and head of SDB both vote for them, I will reluctantly agree with their expertise.

If you look under the list of major powers, you can see that the Breen are now listed at the bottom.
[X][COUNCIL] Academy, starbases, FDS and new frigate
  • Request Mining Colony Falling Down, 6pp, 20 (35) br/year, 4 turns (7 before Chen 25% discount)
  • Request Mining Colony 77 Azzadi IV-3, 7pp, 20 (40) sr/year, 4 turns
  • Request Mining Colony 17 Onidesin IV, 7pp, 20 (40) sr/year, 4 turns
  • Request Research Colony Barradus IV, 6pp, 6 (10) rp/year, 4 turns
  • Request Research Colony Galoria Delta-LXIg, 6pp, 5 (9) rp/year, 4 turns
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Dreamers]
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Licori]
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Felis]
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Outer Space Alliance]
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Gorn]
  • Request Start of Renaissance-A Vanguard refit, 5 turns, 25 pp
  • Request Start of Diplomatic Envoy Frigate project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 32 pp
  • Request Start of a new scout frigate variant of the frigate above(C2 S10 H2 L5 P3 D9 115br 95sr O2 E3 T4 3 year) as well ?? PP
  • Request Start of Renaissance Envoy Variant development, 5 turns, 25 pp
  • Request Academy Development, 50pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
  • Support additional FDS Task Force attachments, 30pp, 1 year
  • Request new Starbase I [Seyek Border Zone - Hacitorus] 15pp (20 before Chen 25% discount)
  • Declare a Gorn border zone(Ruby eyes folly, Trill and Risa) 20 PP
  • Request new Starbase I [Gorn Border Zone - Risa] 20pp
Total 359 PP of 384 + the cost of ordering a scout frigate variant at the same time as a P frigate.

Due the time it takes to research and prototype a new frigate i think we should start on new ones this year as by the time the first batch is completed the new scouting frigate the horizon is working on will be completed as well as the Renaissance refit program and the comet construction waves. the new frigates are 10% larger then the Kepler and incorporate new construction technology and make use of improvements of our shipyards that allow bigger ships to be build in them. The frigates will also serve as the base for a new wartime variants in case there is a major war in the next decade that will need less crew for the same abilities then Renaissance variants.

I expect Support additional FDS Task Force attachments, 30pp, 1 year to give us new TF attachment for diplomacy that can be useful for beyond and/or the Gorn TF.

[X][STARKIN] Aerocommando Research Corps (Personal Tech, Skill 4)
[X][STARKIN] Laudon Orbital Construction (Ship Design - Frigate/Starship Construction, Skill 2)
[X][KED] Utopia Planitia Tactical Design Bureau (Weapons/Ship Design - Capital, Skill 3)
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Which makes me think that by now this tag should probably be reduced. They have had enough time to see that we can't not have those guns and sometimes, reluctantly, use them. And the UFP is very reluctant to do so.
Well I mean, the Gretarians especially have had an up close and personal lesson on "why it's important to have a navy". Specifically, that anyone with a gunship of their own can treat you like dirt on a whim and without a military to stop them you'll just have to sit and take it or else watch as your civilians die helplessly.

The Sydraxians and their Yrillian pirate allies were, perhaps, the bluntest slap in the face you could give a pacifist civilization without risking a genocide.
Muuyozoi (Outer Space Alliance): 236/300 + 23 = 259/300
-[At War: 443/???]
-[Corps are lying to us: 100/100]
-[Horizon Influence: 282/300]

-[Disunified Homeworld: 200/500]

At deployment the OSA tag was: 210/300
At the TF log: OSA 236/300
At the shipyard result post:226/300 + 27 = 253/300 is the 10 point drop correct?
Should: [X][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Preservation Coalition Space Bureau of the OSA (-10 pp, +16 relations with Outer Space Alliance) be added to the tag to get its current value?

@anon_user i think the OSA tag should be at least 16 points higher then its current value as it looks like the +16 from transferring a ship to them was never added to the tag.
It also dropped by 10 points between the TF log and the shipyard result post.