It was suggested that some of the listening post intercepts that helped direct the Odala could be released, but Rear Admiral Linderley pointed out the problems of explaining how we got those intercepts.
Good to see the man continues to take his job seriously; while there's no way to keep our sources secret forever, it's still possible to extend their shelf life, as it were.
[X] Plan Continuity
-[X] Amash Hagan Research Office: 2320s Research Centers
-[X] Yoyodyne: 2320s EPS Safety
-[X] Andorian Academy: Shield Regeneration Project
-[X] Cdr Kuznetsova's Tiger Team: The Mission Unending
-[X] Generic Team 5: Klingon Research
[X] [PERSONAL] Caitian Frontier Police R&D: 2310s Equipment
[x] [DOCTRINE] Admiral Lathriss: Forward Defence
[X][BOOST] Vulcan Science Academy
Daystorm Institute : 2320s Mainframes
Generic Team 4 : Primitive Isolinear Computers
40 Eridani A Shipyards : 2310s Warp Cores
Office of Naval Architecture : 2310s Starship Frames
Vulcan Science Academy : 2310s Short-Range Sensors
Generic Team 1 : 2310s Long -Range Sensors
Weapons Fabrication Division: Early ToC Weapons
Federation Broadcast Service : 2310s Communications
Starfleet Science Academy: 2310s Message Security
Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science : 2310s Special Resources
University of Betazed: 2310s Affiliates Research
Spock: 2310s Diplomacy
Generic Team 3: 2310s Escort - Engineering
Starfleet Medical : 2310s Intensive Care
Taves Nar Orbital Engineering : ToC Starbase Design
Utopia Planitia : 2310s Explorer Combat
San Francisco Fleetyards : 2310s Explorer - Science
Generic Team 2: 2310s Explorer - Engineering
Starfleet Tactical: Cardassian Research
229 / 8 = 28 rem 5
26 Tech Teams Activated, 1 Boost Applied
11rp carries over, 218 used
Amash Hagan Research Office: 2320s Research Centers
10 / 60 Type-14 Duotronic Mainframe (Data Analysis Center III) (-0.5 RP required to activate Tech Team (7.5))
7 / 60 Wolff-T'Par B-Type Portable Mainframe (Portable Analysis Center II) (+1 rp annually from research colonies)
14 / 40 San Francisco 2 Pattern Away Team Kit (Away Team Equipment II) (reduce crew losses on away missions)
19 / 20 Academy Away Team Annex (Away Team Training I) (Only Requires 7 turns instead of 8 to increase first experience level)
19 / 20 Type-I Transport Pattern Enhancer Band (Safety Devices I) (Reduce ship destroyed penalty to crew losses)
14 / 40 Miniaturised Molecular Scanner (Tricorder II) (Nothing yet)
9 / 20 Low-Radiation Emitter Units (Portable Shield Systems I) (Nothing Yet)
[Progress Boosts from Anti Orion Syndicate Actions]
[Progress also assigned to 2310s Personal Protection]
Vulcan Science Academy: 2310s Short-Range Sensors
+8+Boost 40 / 40 SR Anti-Cloaking II - (Improved chance of intercepting cloaked vessels)
40 / 40 Targeting Sensors II (2% weight savings for combat) 40 / 40 Geological Survey Sensors I (+1 to resource acquisition for non-Explorer Crew)
[+1 to Resource acquisition rolls for non-Explorer Crew]
Generic Team 1: 2310s Long -Range Sensors
+1 40 / 40 Enhanced Sensors II - (2% weight savings for Science)
20 / 20 Light-Weight Sensor Redundancy I (Increases Science Reliability by +1)
40 / 40 Long Range Sensors II - (gain +1 to Rolls in Mapping Missions) [4 Oveflow]
41 / 100 Large-Scale Sensor Array I (Starbases Gain +1 Defence)
Weapons Fabrication Division: Early ToC Weapons
17 / 20 Early Nadion Theory (Phasers I) (Lead to Phaser Development)
17 / 20 Advanced Torpedo Theory (Torpedo I) (Lead to Torpedo Development)
12 / 20 Type-IV Heavy EPS Manifold ( Phaser Power Conductors I) (-1% Combat Power/Use)
17 / 20 Type-VI Torpedo Warhead (Torpedo Yield I) - (-2% combat power use for Escorts)
Andorian Academy: Shield Regeneration Project
12 / 40 AAI-4 Shield Distribution System (Shield Regeneration III) (+1 to Shield Regeneration)
Federation Broadcast Service : 2310s Communications
+4 40 / 40 Higgs Dampening Comm Filter (Long Range Subspace Comms II) (Gain +1 to all Distress Call and Diplomacy missions)
26 / 40 SFT-10 Fleet Comm System (Fleet Comms II) (Give a 2% bonus to Federation Combat values in multi-ship battles)
Starfleet Science Academy: 2310s Message Security
+6 40 / 40 Centi-Cochrane Band Antenna (Subspace Communications Intercepts II) (Allow deployment of Improved Listening Posts) 20 / 20 Subspace Communications Encryption I (Improve Information Security)
20 / 20 Subspace Communications Decryption I (Improve Intelligence Phase Information)
[Allow deployment of Improved Listening Posts (Option for Snakepit)]
Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science : 2310s Special Resources
25 / 40 Special Resource Extraction III (+5sr on Resource Extraction missions)
20 / 40 Special Resource Identification III (boost to SRs found on Resource Extraction missions)
35 / 40 Special Refining Techniques II (+5 to Mining Colony annual production)
University of Betazed: 2310s Affiliates Research
28 / 60 Recruiting Campaign III (Increase Academy intake from Federation Affiliates to 0.15 each)
23 / 60 Diplomatic Analysis III (+2 to the -Annual- Diplomacy Rolls)
23 / 60 Public Media I (Leads to further tech)
Spock: 2310s Diplomacy
30 / 60 Universal Translator IV (Nothing yet)
45 / 80 Extended Diplomatic Reach I (Apply an Annual Roll for a Random Non-Affiliate with Positive Relations)
30 / 60 Extended Profiles I (+1 to all Diplomatic Rolls)
Starfleet Medical Command : 2310s Intensive Care
+8 20 / 20 Type-1 Medical Tricorder (Away Team Medical Scanner I) (Improve Rolls for various Distress Call missions)
17 / 40 Infectious Diseases Lab II (Improve Plague handling rolls)
18 / 40 Chelok-Gar Method Radtherapy (Radiation Treatment II) (Improve Crew Survival Rolls in Warp Core Breaches or some Science Mission mishaps)
27 / 60 Mk 1 Multi-Spectrum Bioscan (Medical Sensors I) (+1 to Science Rolls regarding new non-sapient creatures)
[Improve Rolls for various Distress Call missions]
Generic Team 3: 2310s Escort - Engineering
+1+2 20 / 20 Early Light-Weight Duranimum Alloy (Escort Hull Design II) (-1% to Escort hull weight)
12 / 20 Type-VII-E Deflector Array (Escort Shield Design I) (-1% to Escort shield weight) 10 / 10 ONA Standards Initiative (Escort Reliability Design I) (+1% to Escort Reliability)
10 / 10 Alpha-Pattern Close Interlocking Geometry (Escort Shield Geometry I)(-2% to Escort Shield power Use)
[-1% to Escort hull weight, -2% to Escort Shield power use]
San Francisco Fleet Yards : 2310s Explorer - Science
33 / 40 Explorer Science Design II (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
28 / 40 Explorer Presence Design II (-1% to Explorer stat weights) 20 / 20 Explorer Design Efficiency I (-2% to SR Cost)
23 / 20 Sensor Power Efficiency I (-1% to Explorer science power use)
21 / 20 Explorer Presence Efficiency I (-1% to Explorer presence power use)
Utopia Planitia Design Group: 2310s Explorer Combat
32 / 40 Ambassador-A Pattern Nacelle (Explorer Nacelle Design Improvements II) (-2% Nacelle Penalty on Explorers) 40 / 40 Explorer Combat Design II (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
40 / 40 Explorer Defence Design II (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
20 / 20 Phaser Bank Power Feeds I (-1% to Explorer Power Use)
[-1% to Explorer Combat weight, Defence weight, Combat Power use]
Generic Team 2: 2310s Explorer - Engineering
33 / 40 Explorer Hull Design II (-1% to Explorer stat weights) 20 / 20 Type-VII-X SH Duty Deflector Array (Explorer Shield Design II) (-1% to Explorer stat weights) 20 / 20 Explorer Reliability Design I (+1 Hull/Shield Reliability)
18 / 20 Ultra-High Throughput EPS Core Tap I (+2% Explorer Power Generation)
[-1% to Explorer Shield Weight]
Taves Nar Orbital Engineering: ToC Starbase Design
8 / 20 Macro Sensors I (+1 S to installations)
8 / 20 Large Phaser Banks I (+1 C to installations)
8 / 20 Large Torpedo Arrays I (+1 C to installations)
18 / 20 Large Scale Armour I (+1 H to installations)
8 / 20 Large Scale Shields I (+1 L to installations)
Generic Team 5: Klingon Research
8 / 30 Tactical Analysis I (+1% Fed Combat Power v Klingons)
13 / 30 Doctrinal Analysis I (-1% Klingon Combat Power)
13 / 30 Attack Pattern Analysis I (+2% chance of dodging a hit)
8 / 30 Intelligence Analysis I (Improved counter intel)
Lt-Cdr Kuznetsova's Tiger Team: The Mission Unending
11 / 75 Explorer Esteem (+5pp from Every Explorer Built)
16 / 75 Dual-Mission (All Explorers Count as -1 Combat)
Admiral Lathriss : Forward Defence
14 / 50 Forward Defence
Starfleet Tactical Command - Games & Theory Division: Cardassian Research
19 / 60 Tactical Analysis II
24 / 60 Doctrinal Analysis II
19 / 60 Attack Pattern Analysis II
39 / 60 Intelligence Analysis II
Research Skill Increases
San Francisco Fleet Yards -> 4
Starfleet Science Academy -> 4
Daystrom Institute -> 5
Andorian Academy -> 4
Federation Broadcast Service -> 3
Office of Naval Architecture -> 3
Weapons Fabrication -> 3
Also interesting that we even though Kadeshi wasn't an affiliate when we diplo pushed them, the diplo push itself pushed them over into affiliate territory, and we're still getting quarterly affiliate diplo rolls because of it.
This applies starting next year, right? The explorer ship design research's additional +1 is not coming from this, but rather from the doctrine bonus (Explorer Emphasis (+1 to Ship Design (Explorer) Research)).
This applies starting next year, right? The explorer ship design research's additional +1 is not coming from this, but rather from the doctrine bonus (Explorer Emphasis (+1 to Ship Design (Explorer) Research)).
San Francisco Fleet Yards : 2310s Explorer - Science
33 / 40 Explorer Science Design II (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
28 / 40 Explorer Presence Design II (-1% to Explorer stat weights) 20 / 20 Explorer Design Efficiency I (-2% to SR Cost)
23 / 20 Sensor Power Efficiency I (-1% to Explorer science power use)
21 / 20 Explorer Presence Efficiency I (-1% to Explorer presence power use)
San Francisco Fleet Yards -> 4
Starfleet Science Academy -> 4
Daystrom Institute -> 5
Andorian Academy -> 4
Federation Broadcast Service -> 3
Office of Naval Architecture -> 3
Weapons Fabrication -> 3
I think full explorers are probably a better option when it comes to manning the borderzones - even in regards to intelligence activities. Where I would like to see a few more Oberths are our "open" sectors like Ferasa and Rigel where there is a lot of space to explored which after all the initial job of the ship.
We've never seen explorers treated as though they can do the ELINT/SIGINT job that the T'Mir does. They're our ships of choice for special operations likely to involve violence (e.g. Enterprise's raid against the Cardassian forward base, Courageous on that mission where she hit a mine), but not for infiltrating and reading people's communications traffic.
Probably because they're too big to avoid detection. Also, their great generalist abilities mean they'd constantly be getting called off the intelligence missions to deal with more normal problems
For keeping a berth open for the Ambassador prototype I do not think we need to do that. For one thing we have excelsior finishing each year, so we will always have a berth or two opening each year. As it is how many Renissances do you predict us being able to do if we go to the two excelsior per year? I think that make a difference on Connie B vs Oberth vs Centaur-A.
This is a fairly good point. At the moment I don't think we can afford to start two Excelsiors a year without problems, but it IS true that we don't need to keep a berth open for an Ambassador at all times. Worst case, the prototype is delayed for a quarter or two. And it's not like one could say "but that'll slow down Excelsior production!" when realistically, keeping a berth open for a prototype that may not finish for two years will also slow production.
The catch is, if I remember the design sheet right, this way Ambassador will be constructed in Utopia Planitia, the same place that did the design work. That could be important.
I have not the slightest doubt that whatever the old internet evolved into on earth is still running and there is still a forum where Connie enthusiasts have a 43,000 page thread dedicated to the Connie-B project.
Roughly 10% of this thread probably consists of REdShirtArgoMan* posting facepalm emoticons and trying to explain why they can't just dust off the Constitution-As.
Since no one is seriously suggesting replacing any Excelsior builds, the decision boils down to a combination of:
1) how many more Connie-Bs do we want?
2) how soon to get the Constellation-A refit?
3) whether to get a Centaur-A or an Oberth?
Since your spreadsheet is pretty conservative when it comes to income (which generally is a good thing), if we increase crew income estimates a bit (yet still remain conservative overall), we can fit up to two more Connie-Bs. However, that would force a delay of the Constellation-A refit. I posted a plan with the upper limit of two Connie-Bs last week...
The problem with your plan is that two Constitution-Bs make a big dent in our crew and special resource pool if we do that and start a Centaur-A this year. I honestly think we shouldn't start MORE THAN TWO one-megaton ships, especially since we can profitably use all the one-megaton berths on cheap Miranda refits.
With that said, if not for the mass Miranda-A refits, it looks like we're "slacking" off on escort production in general, and that will only be amplified once we start getting into full Renaissance production and Constellation-A refits. Lone Ranger doctrine actually supports having more cruisers than escorts, but it still leaves me uncomfortable to eventually get to a situation with less escorts than cruisers by the end of the 2310s. I suppose that around 2317, when we start doing Excelsior-A refits and thus save some crew that way, along with further crew income increases, we can have another berth or two building Centaur-As and the occasional Oberth. We only need half the amount of explorer berths for escort berths (that aren't building Renaissances) to reach the same number of escort vs explorer ships produced over time.
Suffice to say that if we want to have a lot of escorts, we should have adopted a doctrine tree that promotes the construction of escorts. Or we should be prepared to consider adopting one. That doesn't seem to be on the table.
We're going to get into a status quo by the latter half of this decade where if we DON'T start building ships that require more tech than officers and enlisted, AND we continue to have higher tech crew income than even enlisted crew income, we're going to have a comparative surplus of tech crew versus both officer and enlisted crew.
That is true. On the other hand, we'll get our next Academy event eventually, some of the new members are likely to provide enlisted (e.g. the Apiata). Our biggest problem may be officers, and that may in turn wind up being our main argument for the Centaur-A, because while it's merely 'good' in terms of crew efficiency overall, it is great in terms of officer efficiency.
There's probably a similar thread about the F-35 Renaissance and all its issues, cost overruns, failed cutting edge technology, etc. And a thread commemorating the A-10 Soyuz, of course.
Roughly 10% of this thread probably consists of REdShirtArgoMan* posting facepalm emoticons and trying to explain why they can't just dust off the Constitution-As.
You'd think that any sort of ban would have lapsed by now, but well, there are reminders.
Still, if they didn't want some of the calls to occasionally come with involuntary nudity they should have actually replaced the entire comm infrastructure instead of keeping it running on the original server box.
Or possibly they should ask the Lady of Communication to stop reinfecting the hardware.
Send chocolates.
By the way, reread the beginning of This Stuttering Heart with an eye to this conversation we've just had, and you may gain some insight into why Eddie Leslie's career proceeded so very, very slowly from roughly 2268 to 2308.
There's probably a similar thread about the F-35 Renaissance and all its issues, cost overruns, failed cutting edge technology, etc. And a thread commemorating the A-10 Soyuz, of course.
So better listening posts finished and those will be available in the snakepit which I like. Also some techs and nodes finished and others will finish next turn which is great. That +1 to ship design will be handy and there are a few more of those in the tech tree which just add onto research of escort, cruiser and explorer tech.
Nodes Finished this year:
2310 Short Range Sensor
2310 Message Security
2320 Mainframe Systems
Nodes Finishing Next year (without boost):
2310 Warpcores
Early TOC Weapons
2310 Escort- Engineering
2310 Explorer Combat
2310 Explorer Engineering
Techs Finishing Next Year:
2310 Equipment under personal will have 2 giving 6 overrun (max!) with a third finishing if it gets both inspiration and the overrun
2310 Special Resources (the +5 to SR mining colony production finishes next year which is going to add some nice income)
2310 Explorer Science(1 for sure, likely two with inspiration and 3 overrun, the rest will finish the following year)
Nodes that can finish with one boost:
2310 Communications
I might have missed some but the new boost mechanic will come in handy. Also there may be more, I did not factor in the skill increases we received. What is going to be easy is only 3 free teams for next year. Though we need 68 RP from events to activate all teams, and 10 more per boost.
This argument is painfully irrelevant, and has been since page once. The Soyuz/Miranda family was the product of limited vision and inept execution. The Renaissance appears already to be, like the Constellation that preceded it, a bloated design that can barely function in any of its intended roles, let alone as a general-purpose cruiser.
The Centaur is, and will continue to be, the only competently designed vessel in Starfleet.
We've never seen explorers treated as though they can do the ELINT/SIGINT job that the T'Mir does. They're our ships of choice for special operations likely to involve violence (e.g. Enterprise's raid against the Cardassian forward base, Courageous on that mission where she hit a mine), but not for infiltrating and reading people's communications traffic.
Probably because they're too big to avoid detection. Also, their great generalist abilities mean they'd constantly be getting called off the intelligence missions to deal with more normal problems
I think that this is/was mostly down to us not having that many explorer class ships in the field. With our shipbuilding picking up steam and more and more big ships being available I think this will be far less of an issue in the future.
I think that this is/was mostly down to us not having that many explorer class ships in the field. With our shipbuilding picking up steam and more and more big ships being available I think this will be far less of an issue in the future.
Explorers are overkill though, there are a lot of more important tasks we can have them working on. Now I could see pairing an explorer up with an ELINT science ship, that way the science ship finds smugglers and other targets and the explorer goes in and swats them.
San Francisco Fleet Yards : 2310s Explorer - Science
33 / 40 Explorer Science Design II (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
28 / 40 Explorer Presence Design II (-1% to Explorer stat weights) 20 / 20 Explorer Design Efficiency I (-2% to SR Cost) 23 / 20 Sensor Power Efficiency I (-1% to Explorer science power use)
21 / 20 Explorer Presence Efficiency I (-1% to Explorer presence power use)
Roughly 10% of this thread probably consists of REdShirtArgoMan* posting facepalm emoticons and trying to explain why they can't just dust off the Constitution-As.