"You see, Baldrick, in order to prevent war in the galaxy, two superblocs developed: us and the ISC on one side, and the Cardassians and the Harmony on the other. The idea was to have two vast opposing fleets, each acting as the other's deterrent. That way there could never be a war."
Ex Astris, Scientia Tutorial
The Federation's Academia is a vast sea of knowledge, of publications, studies, equations, but most of all, people.

Some are your own officers and specialists, who have distinguished themselves with their brilliance. Spock, Straak, Lathriss, McCoy, bav Shul, Gharr, th'Zahliss, T'Faer, Mipek, Volanen, and many more. Many of them direct Starfleet's research commands, and many more contribute despite their other responsibilities.

But the truth-seekers outside Starfleet are no less brilliant for their leadership in the Federation at large. The venerable Jirgid Toan-Ban heads the Holographic Environment team at Toanath & Klinid. Lady Aolina Nassae III directs the House of Exobiology on Amarkia. Even Chag, Son of Kowrak publishes in Federation journals on occasion.

And then there are those just starting their journey of discovery, like Dr. Noonian Soong, whose theories on positronics hold revolutionary promise. Or Karok Ves-Arrat, who has much to say on emergent theory in high-energy subspace physics.

As Starfleet you have the opportunity to sponsor the best and the brightest in advancing the field of space exploration. But Starfleet had no hand in the genius who turned their study on advanced food synthesis into the first 'Replimat', yet the protein synthesizers aboard most Starfleet ships are being replaced by their Type-III-K kitchen replicators. Conversely, the Type-III-A/B family of large industrial replicators are the children of Starfleet-sponsored design teams, yet have kick-started hundreds of massive-scale terrestrial projects.

The point of space exploration, after all, is as much to show the galaxy the wonders beneath the seas of Kappa Reticuli, as it is to show a new subspace field theory to your Ship Design Bureau.

The technology tree has been heavily modified. I've merged many techs, slashed a lot of useless bonuses, made it compatible with the upcoming ship design system, and eliminated most prerequisites. Chances are good there will be some more editing, but generally speaking it should be in a final state. Most of the time the changes have been to your benefit, so don't complain that certain bonuses/parts are gone or farther in the future, okay?

You are getting an "extra" set of EAS Results, equivalent to advancing your research 1 year*. I will be displaying the results as if it was done in the new format, but in reality I have mashed the old system and the new one together to produce results that look like the new system but follow most of your old plans.

The purpose of this turn is to eat some of your remaining RP, to change the timing of EAS so that EAS Results happen first, and to show you how the new system works without needing to vote yet.

Start of Q3: EAS Results based on previous year
End of Q3: EAS Guidance

After the extra EAS Results, remaining RP up to 2325.Q2 will be converted to PP at a rate of 3 RP to 1 PP. RP Colonies will be converted into PP Colonies at a rate of 5 base RP to 2 base PP. Bonuses will then be added according to the new Technology Tree. Other sources of RP income are generally eliminated.

RP earned in 2325.Q3 logs will be converted to Breakthroughs or PP rewards. Normally EAS Results would be the first post in Q3, but this one ended up delayed.

*technically actually 1-2 quarters

Research Projects
The Commander of Starfleet orders Research Projects with general long-term goals. These are very general goals, like "Next-Generation Heavy Frigates", or "Diplomatic Bonuses", or "Improved Intelligence", for example. They are not "Rapid Prototyping" or "T5 Rapid Prototyping", as another example. "Reduced Build Times" is about the limit of what might be acceptable.

The Admiral of the Ship Design Bureau takes this guidance and consults their staff, who prepare a list of technology goals to put into each Research Project. They then reach out to appropriate research teams, individuals, and data sources, to work on these technologies. The research teams make one Breakthrough each year, each of which advances a randomly chosen technology in the Project forward an entire year. These breakthroughs are distributed evenly if they can be and randomly if they can't be even. For example, if you have 3 technologies and 4 Breakthroughs, all 3 technologies will get 1 Breakthrough that year and 1 randomly chosen technology will get an extra Breakthrough for a total of 2.

Since there's a random element, the completion date of Project techs is listed as a range, [ETC 2326-2328] for example. The earlier date is if the tech receives breakthroughs every single year, the later date is if the tech is unlucky and receives no breakthroughs.

Of course, the Commander of Starfleet can reach in and meddle with Research Projects. It's important to be able to tell your best and brightest that they need to put portholes on the new shuttlecraft so the Peacekeepers can shoot hand phasers out the windows.

Technology Tree
Every technology has a fixed unlock date, [DATE 2332] for example. This represents how long the Federation takes to complete the technology without focused sponsorship from Starfleet. Events, technology, command bonuses, wargames, or other rewards and bonuses may advance this unlock date.
Exception: Doctrine and Foreign Analysis unlock dates will not naturally advance. They must be commenced by a Project, or other bonuses/rewards.

Every technology is HIDDEN until its Unlock Date is less than 10 years or less away. This does not stop the Ship Design Bureau from adding speculative (hidden) technology to a Project. The Project will naturally uncover what tech it's working on as soon as they receive a Breakthrough. You can also uncover technology through events, research signals intelligence, wargames, and as rewards.

Known incomplete technology will be listed every EAS Results and EAS Guidance.
Completed technology will be listed in the Research threadmark.
There will also be a summary of total bonuses you've earned every EAS Results.

Your Role
Ex Astris, Scientia - Results (Start of Q3):
First, the Commander of Starfleet reviews the results of last year's efforts. You can see the Breakthroughs, both from Projects and from other sources, and the minimum and maximum Estimated Time to Completion (ETC) for each technology. If a Research Project completed, you should take this time to discuss what you want your next Project to be.

Ex Astris, Scientia - Guidance (End of Q3):
Then, the Commander of Starfleet considers all active Projects and can choose to "Remove 1 Technology (free)", "Add 1 Technology (escalating +5 PP cost)", or "Cancel the Project (large PP penalty)". If all technologies in a Project completed, the Commander of Starfleet can order a new Project, again, with a generalized and long-term goal.

You may currently order 4 total Research Projects. Starfleet may currently sponsor 16 Breakthroughs per year (14 base, 2 tech bonus). These will be divided evenly most of the time but there can be larger or smaller projects if it makes sense.

Typically you obtain more Breakthroughs by purchasing them with PP in Snakepit, however certain bonuses or rewards may award more. There are also a few Breakthroughs available in the Technology Tree. When the number of Breakthroughs grows enough, you'll get +1 Project without having to do anything.

Ship designs will have an unlock date, sometimes discounted in quarters due to technology or bonuses. However, you can use the "Add 1 Technology" vote to add a ship design to an appropriate Project, qualifying it for Breakthrough rolls.

Please hold for the example turn...
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The State of Play - Research Megapost, Evolved
This is a full list of revealed technology and what each unlocks, by area. Updated every Ex Astris, Scientia Results post. Fully skip-able information if you aren't interested in research planning.

Note: Other polities will not necessarily have the same techs or unlocks. Consider this the "Starfleet" research tree.

[T0] 2290s Networks and Encryption [COMPLETE] [Nothing]
[T0] 2290s Planetary Communications [COMPLETE] [Nothing]
[T0] 2290s Shipboard Communications [COMPLETE] [Parts: Communications Array]
[T0] 2290s Signals Intercepts and Decryption [COMPLETE] [Nothing]
[T1] 2300s Networks and Encryption [COMPLETE] [+0.5 Encryption (Intel phase, round down), +2 PP/year]
[T1] 2300s Planetary Communications [COMPLETE] [Nothing]
[T1] 2300s Shipboard Communications [COMPLETE] [+1% fleet weight, Parts: Communications Array]
[T1] 2300s Signals Intercepts and Decryption [COMPLETE] [+0.5 Fleet Signals Decryption (Intel Phase, round down)]
[T2] 2310s Networks and Encryption [COMPLETE] [+0.5 Encryption (Intel phase, round down), +2 PP/year]
[T2] 2310s Planetary Communications [COMPLETE] [+1SP to distress call and diplomacy events]
[T2] 2310s Shipboard Communications [COMPLETE] [+2% fleet weight, Parts: Communications Array]
[T2] 2310s Signals Intercepts and Decryption [COMPLETE] [+0.5 Fleet Signals Decryption (Intel Phase, round down), Listening Post I projects available (+1ap to major power analysis desk)]
[T3] 2320s Networks and Encryption [COMPLETE] [+0.5 Encryption (Intel phase, round down), +2 PP/year, increased distress call event rate 1 stage]
[T3] 2320s Planetary Communications [COMPLETE] [+1ER to all response rolls, +1 to affiliate diplomatic rolls (auto-rolls), 1 random non-affiliate gets a diplomatic push]
[T3] 2320s Shipboard Communications [DATE 2327] [+1% fleet weight, +1 ships that can respond to an event, Parts: Communications Array]
[T3] 2320s Signals Intercepts and Decryption [COMPLETE] [+0.5 Industrial Signals Decryption (Intel Phase, round down), Centi-Cochrane Band Antenna projects available (increases event rate in border zone with antenna 1 stage), Listening Post II projects available (+1ap to 1 largest hostile minor power analysis desk), Get Intel reports on new powers sooner (Analysis desks available two Intel phases after first contact)]
[T4] 2330s Networks and Encryption [DATE 2326] [+0.5 Encryption (Intel phase, round down), +2 PP/year, reroll response if no ships pass]
[T4] 2330s Planetary Communications [DATE 2335] [+1 to diplomatic rolls (pushes and auto-rolls), +1 to affiliate diplomatic rolls (auto-rolls), 1 random non-affiliate gets a diplomatic push]
[T4] 2330s Signals Intercepts and Decryption [DATE 2338] [+0.5 Industrial Signals Decryption (Intel phase, round down), Milli-Cochrane Band Antenna projects avaiable (increases event rate in border zone with antenna 2 stages), Listening Post III projects available (+1ap to all minor power analysis desks), Get Intel reports on new powers sooner (Analysis desks available next Intel phase after first contact)]

[T0] 2290s Computing Installations [COMPLETE] [Nothing]
[T0] 2290s Data Networks [COMPLETE] [Nothing]
[T0] 2290s Shipboard Computer [COMPLETE] [Parts: Automation Core, SMP Core, Informatics Core, Navigation Core, RPF Core, Integrity Core]
[T1] 2300s Computing Installations [COMPLETE] [Nothing]
[T1] 2300s Data Networks [COMPLETE] [+0.5 PP/year from PP colonies]
[T1] 2300s Shipboard Computer [COMPLETE] [Parts: Automation Core, SMP Core, Informatics Core, Navigation Core, RPF Core, Integrity Core]
[T2] 2310s Computing Installations [COMPLETE] [+0.5 Encryption (Intel phase, round down), +1 Free Breakthrough]
[T2] 2310s Data Networks [COMPLETE] [+1 PP/year from PP colonies]
[T2] 2310s Shipboard Computer [COMPLETE] [Parts: Automation Core, SMP Core, Informatics Core, Navigation Core, RPF Core, Integrity Core]
[T3] 2320s Computing Installations [COMPLETE] [-1Q Ship Design Projects, +1 Free Breakthrough]
[T3] 2320s Data Networks [COMPLETE] [+0.5 PP/year from PP colonies]
[T3] 2320s Shipboard Computer [COMPLETE] [Parts: Automation Core, SMP Core, Informatics Core, Navigation Core, RPF Core, Integrity Core]
[T4] 2330s Computing Installations [DATE 2336] [-1Q Ship Design Projects, +2 Free Breakthroughs]
[T4] 2330s Data Networks [COMPLETE] [+0.5 PP/year from PP colonies, -1 PP to the cost of PP colonies, +2 PP/year all colonies]
[T4] 2330s Shipboard Computer [DATE 2329] [Parts: Isolinear Ops Core, Isolinear Battle Core, Isolinear Automation Core]
[T4] Isolinear Computing [COMPLETE] [Reveals and adds T4 and T5 Shipboard and Installations techs to projects]
[T5] 2340s Computing Installations [DATE 2349] [-1Q Ship Design Projects, +2 Free Breakthroughs]
[T5] 2340s Data Networks [DATE 2349] [+1 PP/year from PP colonies, +1 PP/year all colonies]
[T6] Positronic Computing [DATE 2359] [Reveals and adds T6+ Shipboard and Installtions techs to projects]

Cruiser Design
[T-2] 2240s 400-800kt Cruiser [COMPLETE] [Parts: T-2 400-800kt Cruiser Platform]
[T-1] 2260s 700-900kt Cruiser [COMPLETE] ['Constitution', Parts: T-1 700-900kt Cruiser Platform]
[T0] 2280s 800-1000kt Cruiser [COMPLETE] ['Constellation', Parts: T0 800-1000kt Cruiser Platform]
[T1] 2300s 900-1200kt Cruiser [COMPLETE] ['Renaissance', Parts: T1 900-1200kt Cruiser Platform]
[T2] 2310s 1000-1400kt Cruiser [COMPLETE] [Parts: T2 1000-1400kt Cruiser Platform]
[T3] 2320s 1000-1600kt Cruiser [COMPLETE] [Parts: T3 1000-1600kt Cruiser Platform]

Explorer Design
[T0] 2280s 1600-2300kt Explorer [COMPLETE] ['Excelsior', Parts: T0 1400-2000kt Explorer Platform]
[T1] 2300s 1800-2500kt Explorer [COMPLETE] [Parts: T1 1600-2400kt Explorer Platform]
[T2] 2310s 2000-2800kt Explorer [COMPLETE] ['Ambassador', Parts: T2 1900-2800kt Explorer Platform]
[T3] 2320s 2100-3100kt Explorer [COMPLETE] [Parts: T3 1900-3200 Explorer Platform]
[T4] 2330s 2200-3600kt Explorer [DATE 2335] [Parts: T4 2200-3600kt Explorer Platform]

Frigate Design
[T-2] 2240s 100-300kt Frigate [COMPLETE] ['Soyuz', Parts: T-2 100-300kt Frigate Platform]
[T-1] 2260s 400-600kt Frigate [COMPLETE] ['Miranda', Parts: T-1 400-600kt Frigate Platform]
[T0] 2280s 500-800kt Frigate [COMPLETE] ['Centaur', Parts: T0 500-800kt Frigate Platform]
[T1] 2300s 500-900kt Frigate [COMPLETE] [Parts: T1 500-900kt Frigate Platform]
[T2] 2310s 500-1000kt Frigate [COMPLETE] ['Kepler', 'Comet', Parts: T2 500-1000kt Frigate Platform]
[T3] 2320s 500-1100kt Frigate [COMPLETE] [Parts: T3 500-1100kt Frigate Platform]

[T0] 2290s Multispecies Care [COMPLETE] [Parts: Medical Complex]
[T0] 2290s Trauma Medicine [COMPLETE] [Parts: Expanded Sickbay]
[T1] 2300s Multispecies Care [COMPLETE] [+1S to plague handling events, Parts: Medical Complex]
[T1] 2300s Trauma Medicine [COMPLETE] [reduce chance of crew loss when hit in battle +1 stage, Parts: Expanded Sickbay]
[T1] 2300s Long-Term Care [COMPLETE] [Nothing]
[T2] 2310s Multispecies Care [COMPLETE] [+1S to plague handling events, Parts: Medical Complex]
[T2] 2310s Trauma Medicine [COMPLETE] [reduce chance of crew loss when hit in battle +1 stage, Parts: Expanded Sickbay]
[T2] 2310s Long-Term Care [COMPLETE] [+0.25 all crew incomes]
[T3] 2320s Multispecies Care [COMPLETE] [+1SP to events involving medical assistance, gain +5 PP reward from these events, +0.05 affiliates academy intake, Parts: Medical Complex]
[T3] 2320s Trauma Medicine [COMPLETE] [-1 margin of failure when determining crew loss only, +0.1 all crew incomes, Parts: Expanded Sickbay]
[T3] 2320s Long-Term Care [COMPLETE] [+0.5 standard crew incomes, -2 margin of failure when determining crew loss only]
[T4] 2330s Multispecies Care [DATE 2328] [+1SP to events involving medical assistance, gain +5 PP reward from these events, +0.05 affiliates academy intake, Parts: Medical Complex]
[T4] 2330s Trauma Medicine [COMPLETE] [-1 margin of failure when determining crew loss only, +0.1 all crew incomes, Parts: Expanded Sickbay]

[T0] 2290s Labs [COMPLETE] [Auto-completed with all of same-tier Multispecies Care, Shipboard Computer, and Multispectral Sensors, Parts: Laboratory Suite, Dedicated Analysis Computer]
[T1] 2300s Labs [COMPLETE] [Auto-completed with all of same-tier Multispecies Care, Shipboard Computer, and Multispectral Sensors, Parts: Laboratory Suite, Dedicated Analysis Computer]
[T2] 2310s Labs [COMPLETE] [Auto-completed with all of same-tier Multispecies Care, Shipboard Computer, and Multispectral Sensors, Parts: Laboratory Suite, Dedicated Analysis Computer]
[T3] 2320s Labs [COMPLETE] [Auto-completed with all of same-tier Multispecies Care, Shipboard Computer, and Multispectral Sensors, Parts: Laboratory Suite, Dedicated Analysis Computer]
[T4] 2330s Labs [DATE 2337] [Auto-completed with all of same-tier Multispecies Care, Shipboard Computer, and Multispectral Sensors, Parts: Laboratory Suite, Dedicated Analysis Computer]

Personal Technology
[T0] 2290s Equipment [COMPLETE] [Parts: Dedicated Away Teams (CE), Espionage Operations Team]
[T1] 2300s Equipment [COMPLETE] [reduce crew losses +1 stage on away team or boarding, Parts: Dedicated Away Teams (CE), Espionage Operations Team]
[T2] 2310s Equipment [COMPLETE] [reduce crew losses +1 stage on away team or boarding, 7 turns instead of 8 to first experience level, Parts: Dedicated Away Teams (CE), Espionage Operations Team]
[T2] 2310s Personal Protection [COMPLETE] [+0.1 all crew incomes]
[T2] 2310s Security Operations [COMPLETE] [+1CS intelligence teams, Parts: Espionage Operations Team]
[T3] 2320s Specialized Teams [COMPLETE] [+1C to away team events, Parts: Dedicated Away Teams (CE)]
[T3] 2320s Primitive Integrated Equipment [COMPLETE] [+1C to unplanned personal-level combat rolls, +1P intelligence teams, +1SP to distress call events, reduce crew losses +1 stage on away team or boarding, +0.1 all crew incomes]
[T3] 2320s Security Operations [COMPLETE] [+1C to planned personal-level combat rolls, +1S intelligence teams, reroll attempts at forced boarding or breaching including intelligence teams, Parts: Espionage Operations Team]
[T4] 2330s Hazard Team Concept [DATE 2328] [+1S to away team events, reduce damage to recovered ships +1 stage, Parts: Dedicated Away Teams (CE)]

[T0] 2290s Multispectral Sensors [COMPLETE] [Parts: Small LR Sensors, LR Sensors]
[T0] 2290s Tactical Sensors [COMPLETE] [Parts: Tactical Sensors]
[T1] 2300s Multispectral Sensors [COMPLETE] [Parts: Small LR Sensors, LR Sensors]
[T1] 2300s Tactical Sensors [COMPLETE] [Parts: Tactical Sensors, Minesweeping Sensors]
[T1] Minesweeping Sensors [COMPLETE] [Adds Minesweeping Sensors to T1+ Tactical Sensors technologies]
[T2] 2310s Multispectral Sensors [COMPLETE] [+1S to Mapping events, Parts: Small LR Sensors, LR Sensors, Small Survey Sensors, Survey Sensors]
[T2] 2310s Tactical Sensors [COMPLETE] [+1S to detecting cloaked vessels, Parts: Tactical Sensors, Minesweeping Sensors]
[T2] 2310s Sensor Installations [COMPLETE] [+1SE to Starbases]
[T2] Survey Sensors [COMPLETE] [Adds Survey Sensors to T2+ Multispectral Sensors technologies, +5 BR/SR rewards from Mapping events if no colony site discovered]
[T3] 2320s Multispectral Sensors [COMPLETE] [+1S to events involving natural phenomenal or anomalies, Parts: Small LR Sensors, LR Sensors, Small Survey Sensors, Survey Sensors]
[T3] 2320s Tactical Sensors [COMPLETE] [+1S to detecting cloaked vessels, Parts: Tactical Sensors, Minesweeping Sensors]
[T3] 2320s Sensor Installations [DATE 2328] [Increased event rate in systems with Starbases 1 stage]
[T4] 2330s Multispectral Sensors [DATE 2337] [+1S to events involving natural phenomena anomalies, Parts: Small LR Sensors, LR Sensors, Small Survey Sensors, Survey Sensors]
[T4] 2330s Tactical Sensors [COMPLETE] [+1% penetration, +1S to detecting cloaked vessels, Parts: Tactical Sensors, Minesweeping Sensors]

[T0] 2290s Deflector Shields [COMPLETE] [Parts: Primary Deflector Shields, Secondary Deflector Shields]
[T0] 2290s Forcefields [COMPLETE] [Parts: SIF Node]
[T0] 2290s Navigational Deflector [COMPLETE] [Parts: Explorer Pattern Deflector (CE), Economy Pattern Deflector, Response Pattern Deflector, Tactical Pattern Deflector]
[T1] 2300s Deflector Shields [COMPLETE] [Parts: Primary Deflector Shields, Secondary Deflector Shields]
[T1] 2300s Forcefields [COMPLETE] [Parts: SIF Node]
[T1] 2300s Navigational Deflector [COMPLETE] [Parts: Explorer Pattern Deflector (CE), Economy Pattern Deflector, Response Pattern Deflector, Tactical Pattern Deflector]
[T2] 2310s Deflector Shields [COMPLETE] [+1% evasion, Parts: Primary Deflector Shields, Secondary Deflector Shields]
[T2] 2310s Forcefields [COMPLETE] [Parts: SIF Node]
[T2] 2310s Navigational Deflector [COMPLETE] [Parts: Explorer Pattern Deflector (CE), Economy Pattern Deflector, Response Pattern Deflector, Tactical Pattern Deflector]
[T3] 2320s Deflector Shields [COMPLETE] [+1% evasion, +1L to shield rolls against natural phenomena/anomalies, reduce cost of shields by 1 SR (designs not yet in production only), Parts: Primary Deflector Shields, Secondary Deflector Shields]
[T3] 2320s Forcefields [COMPLETE] [+1 stage reduced C loss due to hull damage, Parts: SIF Node]
[T3] 2320s Navigational Deflector [COMPLETE] [+1L to shield rolls against natural phenomena/anomalies, +1R if responding to natural phenomena/anomalies, Parts: Explorer Pattern Deflector (CE), Economy Pattern Deflector, Response Pattern Deflector, Tactical Pattern Deflector]
[T3] Shield Regeneration Project [COMPLETE] [shields regenerate ?% per 10 rounds]
[T4] 2330s Forcefields [DATE 2329] [+1 stage reduced C loss due to hull damage, Parts: SIF Node]

Starbase Design
[T0] 2290s Starbase Design [COMPLETE] [Starbase I [C10 S6 H18 L18 P6 E5 R0 4/8/4], Outpost I [C6 S4 H12 L12 P2 E2 R0 2/4/1], Station I [C2 S4 H6 L4 P2 E2 R0 1/2/1]]
[T1] 2300s Starbase Design [COMPLETE] [+2C, +1SHL to all installations]
[T2] 2310s Starbase Combat [COMPLETE] [+2CL, +1SH to all installations]
[T2] 2310s Starbase Repair [COMPLETE] [Outposts count as 750kt Repair Berth, Starbases count as 1000kt Repair Berth]
[T2] 2310s Starbase Control [COMPLETE] [+1E to Starbases, -1 DC to all response rolls if sector contains a Starbase]
[T3] 2320s Starbase Combat [DATE 2329] [+2CL, +1SH to all installations]
[T3] 2320s Starbase Repair [DATE 2329] [Outposts count as 1250kt Repair Berth, Starbases count as 2500kt Repair Berth]
[T3] 2320s Starbase Control [DATE 2327] [+1EP to Starbases, -1 DC to all response rolls if sector contains Starbase]
[T3] 2320s Fusion Power [COMPLETE] [Installations gain +1SLP]
[T3] 2320s Installation Upgrades [DATE 2327] [Starbase II [C16 S12 H24 L24 P12 E10 R0] 100 SR, Outpost II [C10 S6 H12 L12 P6 E4 R0] 20 SR]
[T3] 2320s Deep Space Stations [DATE 2327] [Deep Space Station I [C12 S10 H14 L14 P12 E8 R0] 40 SR]

Starship Construction
[T0] 2290s Cargo Bay [COMPLETE] [Parts: Cargo Bay]
[T0] 2290s Hullform [COMPLETE] [Parts: Economy Hull, Reinforced Hull, Armored Hull, Modular Hull]
[T0] 2290s Small Craft [COMPLETE] [Parts: Shuttlebay]
[T0] 2290s Starship Armor [COMPLETE] [Parts: Supplemental Armor]
[T1] 2300s Cargo Bay [COMPLETE] [Parts: Cargo Bay]
[T1] 2300s Hullform [COMPLETE] [Parts: Economy Hull, Reinforced Hull, Armored Hull, Modular Hull]
[T1] 2300s Small Craft [COMPLETE] [+5% of presumed-dead crew recovered if ship is disabled or destroyed (round down, after battle or after timely rescue), Parts: Shuttlebay]
[T1] 2300s Starship Armor [COMPLETE] [Parts: Supplemental Armor]
[T2] 2310s Cargo Bay [COMPLETE] [Parts: Cargo Bay]
[T2] 2310s Hullform [COMPLETE] [Parts: Economy Hull, Reinforced Hull, Armored Hull, Modular Hull]
[T2] 2310s Small Craft [COMPLETE] [Parts: Shuttlebay]
[T2] 2310s Starship Armor [COMPLETE] [Parts: Supplemental Armor]
[T3] 2320s Cargo Bay [COMPLETE] [+10% Berth Capacity, Parts: Cargo Bay]
[T3] 2320s Hullform [COMPLETE] [Parts: Economy Hull, Reinforced Hull, Armored Hull, Modular Hull]
[T3] 2320s Small Craft [COMPLETE] [+5% of presumed-dead crew recovered if ship is disabled or destroyed (round down, after battle or after timely rescue), Parts: Shuttlebay]
[T3] 2320s Starship Armor [COMPLETE] [Parts: Supplemental Armor]
[T3] Flight Operations [DATE 2327] [Adds Flight Deck to T3+ Small Craft technologies, reveals and adds T4+ Wing Command Starbase techs to projects]
[T4] 2330s Onboard Industry [COMPLETE] [+20% Berth Capacity, Changes to Key and Critical Industry options, Parts: Cargo Bay, Replicators]
[T4] 2330s Starship Armor [DATE 2328] [Parts: Supplemental Armor]
[T4] Industrial Replicators [COMPLETE] [Adds Replicators to T4+ Cargo Bay technologies and renames the technology Onboard Industry]
[T5] Rapid Prototyping [DATE 2344] [Prototype penalty reduced by flat 25%]

[T0] 2290s Bulk Processing [COMPLETE] [Nothing]
[T0] 2290s Colony Support [COMPLETE] [Nothing]
[T0] 2290s Special Processing [COMPLETE] [Nothing]
[T1] 2300s Bulk Processing [COMPLETE] [+5 BR resource extraction rewards, +5 BR/year from BR colonies]
[T1] 2300s Colony Support [COMPLETE] [+1S to Mapping events]
[T1] 2300s Special Processing [COMPLETE] [+5 SR resource extraction rewards, +5 SR/year from SR colonies]
[T2] 2310s Bulk Processing [COMPLETE] [+10 BR resource extraction reward, +5 BR/year from BR colonies]
[T2] 2310s Colony Support [COMPLETE] [+1 PP/year all BR/SR colonies]
[T2] 2310s Special Processing [COMPLETE] [+10 SR resource extraction reward, +5 SR/year from SR colonies]
[T3] 2320s Bulk Processing [DATE 2329] [+10 BR resource extraction reward, +5 BR/year from BR colonies]
[T3] 2320s Colony Support [COMPLETE] [Increase chance of a site being colony capable +1 stage, +1S to Mapping events, Increased Mapping mission chance in home sectors +1 stage]
[T3] 2320s Special Processing [COMPLETE] [+10 SR resource extraction reward, +5 SR/year from SR colonies]
[T4] 2330s Special Processing [DATE 2329] [+10 SR resource extraction reward, +5 SR/year from SR colonies]

Warp and Propulsion
[T0] 2290s Impulse Power [COMPLETE] [Parts: Maneuvering Thrusters]
[T0] 2290s Warp Core [COMPLETE] [Parts: Small Annihilation Core, Large Annihilation Core]
[T0] 2290s Warp Core Safety [COMPLETE] [Flat 25% reduced chance of a warp core breach]
[T0] 2290s Warp Nacelles [COMPLETE] [Parts: Compact Standard Pattern Nacelles (F), Compact High Performance Pattern Nacelles (F), Sprint Pattern Nacelles (CE), Garrison Pattern Nacelles (CE), Frontier Pattern Nacelles (CE)]
[T0] 2290s Subspace Theory [COMPLETE] [Auxiliaries now cruise at Warp 5 (1 sq/month)]
[T1] 2300s Impulse Power [COMPLETE] [Parts: Maneuvering Thrusters]
[T1] 2300s Warp Core [COMPLETE] [Parts: Small Annihilation Core, Large Annihilation Core]
[T1] 2300s Warp Core Safety [COMPLETE] [Flat 30% reduced chance of a warp core breach, reduce crew loss if ship is destroyed +1 stage]
[T1] 2300s Warp Nacelles [COMPLETE] [Parts: Compact Standard Pattern Nacelles (F), Compact High Performance Pattern Nacelles (F), Sprint Pattern Nacelles (CE), Garrison Pattern Nacelles (CE), Frontier Pattern Nacelles (CE)]
[T1] 2300s Subspace Theory [COMPLETE] [Nothing]
[T2] 2310s Impulse Power [COMPLETE] [Parts: Maneuvering Thrusters]
[T2] 2310s Warp Core [COMPLETE] [Parts: Small Annihilation Core, Large Annihilation Core]
[T2] 2310s Warp Core Safety [COMPLETE] [Flat 32.5% reduced chance of a warp core breach, reduce crew loss if ship is destroyed +1 stage]
[T2] 2310s Warp Nacelles [COMPLETE] [Parts: Compact Standard Pattern Nacelles (F), Compact High Performance Pattern Nacelles (F), Sprint Pattern Nacelles (CE), Garrison Pattern Nacelles (CE), Frontier Pattern Nacelles (CE)]
[T2] 2310s Subspace Theory [COMPLETE] [-1Q Cargo Ship construction time]
[T3] 2320s Impulse Power [COMPLETE] [Parts: Maneuvering Thrusters]
[T3] 2320s Warp Core [COMPLETE] [Parts: Small Annihilation Core, Large Annihilation Core]
[T3] 2320s Warp Core Safety [COMPLETE] [Flat 35% reduced chance of a warp core breach, reduce crew loss if ship is destroyed +1 stage]
[T3] 2320s Warp Nacelles [DATE 2328] [Parts: Compact Standard Pattern Nacelles (F), Compact High Performance Pattern Nacelles (F), Sprint Pattern Nacelles (CE), Garrison Pattern Nacelles (CE), Frontier Pattern Nacelles (CE)]
[T3] 2320s Subspace Theory [DATE 2328] [-1Q Freighter construction time]


[T0] 2290s Phasers [COMPLETE] [Parts: Phaser Bank, Twinned Phaser Bank (CE)]
[T0] 2290s Torpedoes [COMPLETE] [Parts: Torpedo Launcher]
[T1] 2300s Phasers [COMPLETE] [Parts: Phaser Bank, Twinned Phaser Bank (CE)]
[T1] 2300s Torpedoes [COMPLETE] [Parts: Torpedo Launcher]
[T2] 2310s Phasers [COMPLETE] [Parts: Phaser Bank, Twinned Phaser Bank (CE)]
[T2] 2310s Torpedoes [COMPLETE] [Parts: Torpedo Launcher, Burst Torpedo Launcher]
[T2] 2310s Weapon Modulation [COMPLETE] [+1% penetration]
[T2] Burst Torpedo Launchers [COMPLETE] [Adds Burst Torpedo Launcher to T2+ torpedo technology]
[T3] 2320s Phasers [COMPLETE] [reduce weapon subsystem repair time +1 stage, Parts: Phaser Bank, Twinned Phaser Bank (CE), Phaser Array (E)]
[T3] 2320s Torpedoes [COMPLETE] [-5% enemy evasion, increased Frigate crit chance +1 stage, Parts: Torpedo Launcher, Burst Torpedo Launcher]
[T3] 2320s Penetrating Nadions [COMPLETE] [+4% penetration, increase Cruiser/Explorer crit chance +1 stage]
[T3] Phaser Arrays [COMPLETE] [Adds Phaser Array (E) to T3+ phaser technology]
[T3] Secondary Phasers [COMPLETE] [+5% evasion (CE)]
[T4] 2330s Torpedoes [DATE 2339] [reduce weapon subsystem repair time +1 stage, Parts: Torpedo Launcher, Burst Torpedo Launcher]
[T6] Quantum Torpedoes [DATE 2353] [Adds flat +1C to all torpedo parts, requires Council authorization to equip]

[T0] 2290s Diplomacy [COMPLETE] [Parts: Diplomatic Team]
[T0] 2290s Xenoculture [COMPLETE] [Nothing]
[T0] 2290s Xenopsychology [COMPLETE] [Parts: Conference Center, Xenopsych Specialists]
[T1] 2300s Diplomacy [COMPLETE] [+1 to all diplomatic rolls (pushes & auto-rolls), +1 random non-affiliate with positive relations gains annual roll, Parts: Diplomatic Team]
[T1] 2300s Xenoculture [COMPLETE] [+0.05 affiliates academy intake, +1 to annual diplomatic rolls]
[T1] 2300s Xenopsychology [COMPLETE] [+2P to non-EC first contact events, Parts: Conference Center, Xenopsych Specialists]
[T2] 2310s Diplomacy [COMPLETE] [+2 to annual diplomatic rolls, Parts: Diplomatic Team]
[T2] 2310s Xenoculture [COMPLETE] [+0.1 affiliates academy intake, +2 to annual diplomatic rolls]
[T2] 2310s Xenopsychology [COMPLETE] [+1P to non-EC first contact events, Parts: Conference Center, Xenopsych Specialists]
[T3] 2320s Diplomacy [COMPLETE] [+1 to all diplomatic rolls (pushes and annual rolls), +10 starting relations in first contacts, +2 to diplomatic push rolls, +2 random non-affiliates with positive relations gain annual roll, Parts: Diplomatic Team]
[T3] 2320s Xenoculture [COMPLETE] [+0.05 affiliates academy intake, +2 to annual diplomatic rolls, 1 random diplomatic push, Parts: Holosuite]
[T3] 2320s Xenopsychology [DATE 2327] [+10 starting relations in first contacts, 5% chance to start at 100/100 base relations, Parts: Conference Center, Xenopsych Specialists]
[T3] Holographic Environments [DATE 2328] [Adds Holosuite to T3+ Xenoculture technologies]
[T4] 2330s Diplomacy [DATE 2331] [+1 to all diplomatic rolls (pushes and annual rolls), +5 starting relations in first contacts, +2 to diplomatic pushes rolls, +2 random non-affiliates with positive relations gain annual roll, free +6 points to FDS missions, Parts: Diplomatic Team]
[T4] 2330s Xenoculture [DATE 2332] [+0.05 affiliates academy intake, +2 to annual diplomatic rolls, non-affiliate diplomatic pushes calculated in Q2 and Q4 with quartered bonus, +1 PP/year per affiliate or ally, Parts: Holosuite]

Fleet Design Doctrine
[T1] Lone Ranger Doctrine [COMPLETE] [Changes response patterns: Explorers do not double respond with other Explorers, Cruisers do not double respond with other Cruisers, 2 base responders per event (default)]
[T2] Way of the Anchor [COMPLETE] [+2ER to response rolls Explorers, +1ER to response rolls Cruisers, +1 to Hard DC events Explorers]
[T2] Way of the Elephant [COMPLETE] [+5% fleet weight when you have more Explorers in a battle than the opponent, +1L when your ships are outnumbered]
[T2] Way of the Giant [COMPLETE] [-2 Years on all Explorer Design techs, -1Q Explorer Ship Design Projects, reduce Explorer and Cruiser Project Snakepit PP costs by 25%]
[T3] The Mission Unending [COMPLETE] [+5 PP from each Explorer launched, New Explorers start with some experience]
[T4] Way of the Valiant [INACTIVE - 9 years once activated] [Explorers of one chosen class that pass a Hard R-test may participate in the Vanguard as cruisers. The class is chosen in TacOps. +1C to all events for Explorers.]
[T4] Way of the Industrious [INACTIVE - 9 years once activated] [When prototyping an Explorer, additional units may be ordered at full prototype penalty when starting construction, at half prototype penalty when 25% complete, and at quarter prototype penalty when 50%+ complete. Round up to nearest 5 BR/SR and to nearest quarter. -1Q per full year construction time, after all other build reductions, for parallel Explorer builds.]
[T4] Way of Restoration [INACTIVE - 9 years once activated] [Explorers can repair +5% hull damage without requiring shipyard time (base 10%). Crippled and disabled Explorers have their repair time reduced -1Q to 3Q.]
[T1] Swarm Doctrine [INACTIVE - 9 years once activated] [Swarm Doctrine - MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE WITH LONE RANGER AND COMBINED FLEET - Changes response patterns: Explorers do not respond with other explorers, 3 base responders per event]
[T1] Combined Fleet Doctrine [INACTIVE - 9 years once activated] [Fleet in Being Doctrine - MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE WITH LONE RANGER AND COMBINED FLEET - Changes response patterns: Ships respond in fixed groups set in TacOps, 1 base response group per event]

Defensive Doctrine
[T1] Forward Defense Doctrine [COMPLETE] [Foward Defense Doctrine]
[T2] Border World Focus [COMPLETE] [+5 PP/year for each Border Zone with no missed events, -5 PP/year for each Border Zone with 2 or more missed events]
[T2] To Boldly Go [COMPLETE] [Increased event rate in Border Zones 1 stage, -1 DC to all response rolls in border zones]
[T2] Frontline Infrastructure [COMPLETE] [Removes PP penalty for Border Zone Starbases, -25% PP cost for declaring a Border Zone]
[T2] Mobility Focus [COMPLETE] [-2 Years on all Cruiser Design techs, -1Q Cruiser Ship Design Projects, +1ER to attempts to intercept raiders and wolfpacks]
[T3] Counterpunch [DATE 2329] [Prototype penalty reduced by flat 25% for Cruisers, Unlock Target Priority: Combat+Reaction]
[T3] Hard Shell System [DATE 2328] [+1ER to all rolls for ships operating outside home sectors, +1ER to intercept raiders and wolfpacks]
[T3] Mutual Support [COMPLETE] [-1 DC to all Response Rolls in Home Sectors. -2 Years on all Warp Technology techs. ]
[T3] Independent Captains [COMPLETE] [Reduced event rate in home sectors 1 stage, Increased event rate in border zones 1 stage]
[T3] Frontier Service Training [COMPLETE] [+1 to rolls to oppose sabotage or -1 to DC of enemy sabotage, +1 EC crew incomes]
[T3] Dispersed Industry [COMPLETE] [+5 BR/SR to all mining colony incomes, Federation starts duplicating critical industry in more places]
[T3] Deep Space Construction [DATE 2327] [-25% PP cost of Border Zone Starbases and Deep Space Stations, +1 PP/year per Border Zone Starbase]
[T3] Forward Logistics [DATE 2329] [Make a project available to add an additional 3000kt repair berth to starbases (upgrades to 4000kt if 4000kt berths are researched)]
[T1] Fleet in Being Doctrine [INACTIVE - 9 years once activated] [Fleet in Being Doctrine - MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE WITH FORWARD DEFENSE]

Offensive Doctrine
[T1] Decisive Battle Doctrine [COMPLETE] [Decisive Battle Doctrine]
[T2] United Starfleet [COMPLETE] [Sharply reduce all garrison levels and event generation during wartime, A detached "United Fleet" sector is added during wartime]
[T2] Sensor Pickets [COMPLETE] [+2S to Scouting phase, +2 to initiating battle, +1S to minesweeping for frigates]
[T2] Attack Pattern Omega [COMPLETE] [Unlock Target Priority: Shield+Combat, Unlock Attack Pattern Omega: Explorers gain +50% weighting for firing and targeting]
[T3] Hand in hand [COMPLETE] [Affiliates and Members allocate 25% of their total Combat to the United Fleet by default during SOE. During peacetime, the first level of Task Force member fleet buy is free.]
[T3] Arsenal of Liberty [COMPLETE] [PP cost of Shipyards and related infrastructure is reduced, -1Q all non-auxiliary build times, +15% all academy intake]
[T3] Torpedo Charge [DATE 2326] [Unlock Torpedo Charge: enemy Cruiser and Explorer evasion halved, increase Frigate crit chance +2 stages]
[T3] Battle Bridge Link [COMPLETE] [+0.25% fleet weight for every ship in the fleet up to +5%, +10% of presumed-dead crew are recovered after a battle (round down)]
[T3] Feints [DATE 2332] [Reduce sticky-targeting of enemy ships based on total friendly Frigate R compared to total enemy Frigate R. Increased chance of your Frigates to be targeted compared to your Explorers.]
[T3] Vanguard [DATE 2332] [Increase weighting of Cruisers in the Vanguard, Cruisers in the Vanguard do increased damage]
[T3] Auxiliary to Shields [DATE 2333] [Ships may opt to lose -10% evasion and -1R but gain +1L]
[T1] Wolf Pack Doctrine [INACTIVE - 9 years once activated] [Wolf Pack Doctrine - MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE WITH BASE STRIKE AND DECISIVE BATTLE]
[T1] Base Strike Doctrine [INACTIVE - 9 years once activated] [Base Strike Doctrine - MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE WITH WOLF PACK AND DECISIVE BATTLE]

Foreign Analysis
[T1] Klingon Analysis I [COMPLETE] [+1% Fleet Weight vs Klingons, -1% Klingon Fleet Weight, +2% Evasion vs Klingons, +1 Encryption vs Klingons]
[T1] Romulan Analysis I [COMPLETE] [+1% Fleet Weight vs Romulans, -1% Romulan Fleet Weight, +2% Evasion vs Romulans, +1 Encryption vs Romulans]
[T1] Cardassian Analysis I [COMPLETE] [+1% Fleet Weight vs Cardassians, -1% Cardassian Fleet Weight, +2% Evasion vs Cardassians, +1 Encryption vs Cardassians]
[T1] Harmony of Horizon Analysis I [COMPLETE] [+1% Fleet Weight vs Harmony, -1% Harmony Fleet Weight, +2% Evasion vs Harmony, +1 Encryption vs Harmony]
[T2] Klingon Analysis II [DATE 2330] [+1% Fleet Weight vs Klingons, -1% Klingon Fleet Weight, +2% Evasion vs Klingons, +1ap to Klingon Analysis Desk]
[T2] Romulan Analysis II [INACTIVE - 9 years once activated] [+1% Fleet Weight vs Romulans, -1% Romulan Fleet Weight, +2% Evasion vs Romulans, +1ap to Romulan Analysis Desk]
[T2] Cardassian Analysis II [COMPLETE] [+1% Fleet Weight vs Cardassians, -1% Cardassian Fleet Weight, +2% Evasion vs Cardassians, +1ap to Cardassian Analysis Desk]
[T2] Harmony of Horizon Analysis II [COMPLETE] [+1% Fleet Weight vs Harmony, -1% Harmony Fleet Weight, +2% Evasion vs Harmony, +1ap to Horizon Analysis Desk]
[T3] Cardassian Analysis III [DATE 2326] [+1% Fleet Weight vs Cardassians, -1% Cardassian Fleet Weight, +2% Evasion vs Cardassians, extra attempts made on Cardassian designs yearly]
[T3] Harmony of Horizon Analysis III [INACTIVE - 9 years once activated] [+1% Fleet Weight vs Harmony, -1% Harmony Fleet Weight, +2% Evasion vs Harmony, extra attempts made on Harmony ship stats yearly]
Last edited:
2325.Q3 - Ex Astris, Scientia - Results
Shipyard Operations Command Update

The requested builds, refits, and repairs scheduled for this quarter have completed, namely:

USS Comet, Comet-class frigate (Starfleet Build Order NX-5101) @ Intazzi Shipyard Berth 2
USS Henri Coandă, Kepler-class frigate (Starfleet Build Order NCC-4125) @ San Francisco Fleet Yard Berth 1
USS T'Laan, Kepler-class frigate (Starfleet Build Order NCC-4126) @ San Francisco Fleet Yard Berth 2
USS Qian Xuesen, Kepler-class frigate (Starfleet Build Order NCC-4127) @ Utopia Planitia Fleetyard Berth X
USS Lessim ch'Vassov, Kepler-class frigate (Starfleet Build Order NCC-4128) @ Utopia Planitia Fleetyard Berth 2
USS Marie Curie, Kepler-class frigate (Starfleet Build Order NCC-4129) @ Utopia Planitia Fleetyard Berth 3
USS Sosok, Kepler-class frigate (Starfleet Build Order NCC-4130) @ Utopia Planitia Fleetyard Berth 4
USS Menand, Kepler-class frigate (Starfleet Build Order NCC-4131) @ Utopia Planitia Fleetyard Berth 5
USS Pagaan Jul, Kepler-class frigate (Starfleet Build Order NCC-4132) @ Utopia Planitia Fleetyard Berth 6
USS Friendship, Ambassador-class heavy explorer (Starfleet Build Order NCC-3903) @ Utopia Planitia Fleet Yard Berth A
USS Kumari, Ambassador-class heavy explorer (Starfleet Build Order NCC-3904) @ Utopia Planitia Fleet Yard Berth C
USS Huascar, Ambassador-class heavy explorer (Starfleet Build Order NCC-3905) @ Utopia Planitia Fleet Yard Berth D
USS Sappho, Ambassador-class heavy explorer (Starfleet Build Order NCC-3906) @ Utopia Planitia Fleet Yard Berth E
USS Curiosity, Ambassador-class heavy explorer (Starfleet Build Order NCC-3907) @ Utopia Planitia Fleet Yard Berth F

USS Forge, Engineering Ship (Starfleet Build Order NCC-853) @ Andoria Orbital Berth 1
USS Mountain, Engineering Ship (Starfleet Build Order NCC-854) @ Andoria Orbital Berth 2


The requested builds, refits, and repairs scheduled for this quarter have commenced, namely:

Two Comet-class frigates (Starfleet Build Orders NCC-5102, NCC-5103) to commence at San Fracisco Fleet Yards 1, 2 in 2325.Q3 (ETC 2327.Q2)
Refit to Envoy of USS Enlightenment (Starfleet Build Order NCC-2604) at Luna Orbital Berth B in 2325.Q3 (ETC 2326.Q3)
Two Comet-class frigates (Starfleet Build Orders NCC-5104, NCC-5105) to commence at Luna Orbital 1, 2 in 2325.Q3 (ETC 2327.Q2)
Ten Comet-class Frigates (Starfleet Build Orders NCC-5106, NCC-5107, NCC-5108, NCC-5109, NCC-5110, NCC-5111, NCC-5112, NCC-5113, NCC-5114, NCC-5115) to commence at Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards Berths A, Z, Y, X, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 in 2325.Q3 (ETC 2327.Q2)
Two Ambassador-class explorers (Starfleet Build Orders NCC-3917, NCC-3918) to commence at Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards Berths C, D
Two Comet-class frigates (Starfleet Build Orders NCC-5116, NCC-5117) to commence at Oreasa Starfleet Yard Berths 1, 2 in 2325.Q3 (ETC 2327.Q4)
Two Comet-class frigates (Starfleet Build Orders NCC-5118, NCC-5119) to commence at 40 Eridani A Fleet Yards Berths 1, 2 in 2325.Q3 (ETC 2327.Q4)
Refit to Envoy of USS Chalice (Starfleet Build Order NCC-2614) at Chelok-An Berth 1 in 2325.Q3 (ETC 2326.Q3)
Refit to Envoy of USS Reformation (Starfleet Build Order NCC-2625) at Chelok-An Berth 2 in 2325.Q3 (ETC 2326.Q3)
Refit to Renaissance-A of USS Zh'Mai (Starfleet Build Order NCC-2630) at Hanath Berth 2 in 2325.Q3 (ETC 2326.Q3)
Refit to Envoy of USS Epiphany (Starfleet Build Order NCC-2603) at Grand Duk Berth 1 in 2325.Q3 (ETC 2326.Q3)
Refit to Renaissance-A of USS Phidna (Starfleet Build Order NCC-2610) at Lor'vela OCF Berth A in 2325.Q3 (ETC 2326.Q3)
Refit to Renaissance-A of USS Concord (Starfleet Build Order NCC-2627) at Lor'vela OCF Berth 1 in 2325.Q3 (ETC 2326.Q3)
Two Renaissance-A-class cruisers (Starfleet Build Orders NCC-2642, NCC-2643) to commence at Andor Orbital Berth 1, 2 in 2325.Q3 (ETC 2328.Q3)
Two Comet-class frigates (Starfleet Build Orders NCC-5120, NCC-5121) to commence at Intazzi Shipyard Berths 1, 2 in 2325.Q3 (ETC 2327.Q4)
Refit to Envoy of USS Sitar (Starfleet Build Order NCC-2612) at Lei-Hann Shipyard Berth Z in 2325.Q3 (ETC 2326.Q3)
Refit to Envoy of USS Renewal (Starfleet Build Order NCC-2631) at Lei-Hann Shipyard Berth Y in 2325.Q3 (ETC 2326.Q3)


The following ships have drawn crews:

One Ambassador-class heavy explorer (Starfleet Build Order NCC-3909) @ 40 Eridani A Fleet Yard Berth A
- Drawn from Explorer Corps, 7 Officer, 7 Enlisted, 6 Technician


Member World Coordination Division Update

Ships Completed:

Amarkia - Leas Akaam [ Berth A 1mt -> 2mt ]
Apiata - 2 x Bumblebee
Orion - Indorian Hospital Ship, 1 x Civilian Research Cruiser
Ashidi - Refit [L7-19], 1 x Colony Ship, 1 x Civilian Research Cruiser, 1 x Cargo Ship


Director's Log, Ship Design Bureau, Admiral Nyota Uhura

Admiral Chen,

This year's biggest breakthroughs are odd for this office, in my opinion. Weapons labs across the quadrant are all reporting the same thing: new tactical systems are ready. The buzz around the final approval of the phaser array has brought a large number of strange birds to my door. I've had old Fiiral who claim to have invented the photon lance, artillery officers from Mars Polar Orbital Firing Range, Padani observers poring over differences in heavily-redacted specs, and number of concerning conversations with blasch Fapok's pink-collars about when exactly we would see phaser array ships out on the "front".

I didn't know we had fronts.

[CoS: Reprimands have been issued.]

Thankfully, I have more joyous news. Our multi-decade investment in Gaeni replication technology is finally bearing fruit. The Rigellians at Laudon have done a lot of testing getting the tolerances on the large-scale Type-IIIs up to federal material specs. Funny, we can use it for food we eat, but it needs to be several orders of magnitude more precise for starship parts. I hear Henn-Makad is already looking for grants to pursue a prototype for the Type-IV.

That's not to say the design bureau has overlooked the launch of the Comet. In in addition to its fleet capabilities, the ship is already bringing in data that could be used to develop the next generation of subspace field theories.

Admiral Nyota Uhura

Command and Bonus Breakthroughs
Admiral Pathe Lathriss (SYO) - 1 Breakthrough to the Starship Construction or Doctrine technology Lathriss feels is most interesting
Admiral Nyota Uhura (SDB) - 1 Breakthrough to the Comms or Doctrine technology Uhura feels is most interesting
Vice Admiral Francis Nkumba (Pers) - 1 Breakthrough to a randomly selected revealed Xenopsych technology
USS Torch Phaser Array Prototype - 1 Breakthrough to [T3] Phaser Arrays
Discord ECON, Science focus - 2 Breakthroughs divided among 2 randomly selected revealed Personal Tech, Computing, or Comms techs

Rewards 2324.Q3 through 2325.Q2
2325.Q1, Miracht Agrad / Incorruptible - 1 Breakthrough and Reveal [T4] 2330s Multispectral Sensors


Modern Tactical Systems - 4 Teams Active - Project Complete

[T3] 2320s Phasers [1 Breakthroughs, COMPLETE] [reduce weapon subsystem repair time +1 stage, Parts: Phaser Bank, Twinned Phaser Bank (CE), Phaser Array (E)]
- The Type-IX phaser array and Type-VIII phaser bank final design rigs were successfully test fired at the Mars Polar Orbital Range by a team from the Utopia Planitia Tactical Design Bureau. UPTDB reports both designs are ready for production.

[T3] 2320s Torpedoes [1 Breakthroughs, COMPLETE] [-5% enemy evasion, increased Frigate crit chance +1 stage, Parts: Torpedo Launcher, Burst Torpedo Launcher]
- T'Rinta reports that the Type-VIII Warhead has passed final tests and is ready for production.

[T3] Phaser Arrays [2 Breakthroughs, COMPLETE] [Adds Phaser Array (E) to T3+ phaser technology]
- Scientists from the Hacitorous Nadion Laboratory have studied parts removed from the phaser array prototype on the USS Torch. While there's disappointing news that a cruiser-sized or smaller array isn't practical, they've used the data to make final adjustments to Type-IX Array design for our Explorers.

[T3] Secondary Phasers [1 Breakthroughs, COMPLETE] [+5% evasion (CE)]
- Amash Hagan has completed its targeting and energy management software for phaser banks with large EPS taps, allowing torpedoes and small craft to be intercepted by cruisers and explorers.

Next-Generation Heavy Ships - 5 Teams Active
[T4] 2330s Shipboard Computer [1 Breakthroughs, ETC 2327-2329] [Parts: Isolinear Ops Core, Isolinear Battle Core, Isolinear Automation Core]
- An unexpected boon from the security vetting process - Daystrom has had to rewrite Magel 4.0 from the ground up, and the new version performs in a much more streamlined manner.

[T4] 2330s Forcefields [1 Breakthroughs, ETC 2327-2329] [+1 stage reduced C loss due to hull damage, Parts: SIF Node]
- Researchers from the Andorian Academy continue to iterate the Type-VI forcefield generator. A new variable geometry based on Tholian sensor data shows promise.

[T4] 2330s Starship Armor [1 Breakthroughs, ETC 2327-2328] [Parts: Supplemental Armor]
- Study of the Beta Cthon larval cosmozoan has improved our understanding of ceramic fabrics.

[T4] 2330s Multispecies Care [1 Breakthroughs, ETC 2327-2328] [+1SP to events involving medical assistance, gain +5 PP reward from these events, +0.05 affiliates academy intake, Parts: Medical Complex]
- Data from TF Welcome has allowed Medical Research Command to improve radiation treatment for a variety of alien species.

[T3] Holographic Environments [0 Breakthroughs, ETC 2327-2328] [Adds Holosuite to T3+ Xenoculture technologies]

[T3] Flight Operations [1 Breakthroughs, ETC 2326-2327] [Adds Flight Deck to T3+ Small Craft technologies, reveals and adds T4+ Wing Command Starbase techs to projects]
- Intazzi continues work on the newest generation of shuttlecraft. A widely expanded Shuttlebay has been proposed, taking cues from tender doctrine examples.

Improved Infrastructure - 4 Teams Active
[T4] Industrial Replicators [1 Breakthroughs, COMPLETE] [Adds Replicators to T4+ Cargo Bay technologies and renames the technology Onboard Industry]
- Henn-Makad has finished adapting the Type-II Standard Replicator for starship-scale production. The newly-renamed Type-III Mass Assembly Replicators are beginning industrial production now.

[T4] 2330s Onboard Industry [1 Breakthroughs, COMPLETE] [+20% Berth Capacity, Changes to Key and Critical Industry options, Parts: Cargo Bay, Replicators]
- Laudon Orbital Construction has converted their berth in Laudon orbit into a demonstrator for the Mk3 Workbee, Type-V Container system, Type-V Dockyard Utility Array, and second-generation Molecular QA Scanners redesigned to detect replicator flaws. We have confirmed the technology is ready for Federation-wide implementation.

[T3] 2320s Subspace Theory [1 Breakthroughs, ETC 2327-2328] [-1Q Freighter construction time]
- Yoyodyne has developed a new set of field equations for integrated freighter nacelles. There remains some difficulty in integrating the black box core harmonics.

[T3] 2320s Starbase Control [0 Breakthroughs, ETC 2326-2327] [+1EP to Starbases, -1 DC to all response rolls if sector contains Starbase]

[T3] 2320s Deep Space Stations [1 Breakthroughs, ETC 2326-2327] [Deep Space Station I [C12 S10 H14 L14 P12 E8 R0] 40 SR]
- Iorin Grann has spent a great deal of time in front of the Colony Defense Committee, explaining the importance of advanced space-based defenses to complement the new peacekeeping forces' ground-based garrisons.

Finish Defensive and Offensive Doctrines - 3 Teams Active
[T3] Counterpunch [0 Breakthroughs, ETC 2327-2329] [Prototype penalty reduced by flat 25% for Cruisers, Unlock Target Priority: Combat+Reaction]

[T3] Torpedo Charge [0 Breakthroughs, ETC 2326-2326] [Unlock Torpedo Charge: enemy Cruiser and Explorer evasion halved, increase Frigate crit chance +2 stages]

[T3] Hard Shell System [1 Breakthroughs, ETC 2327-2328] [+1ER to all rolls for ships operating outside home sectors, +1ER to intercept raiders and wolfpacks]
- Analysis of the Ruby-Eyes Folly patrol patterns, TF Liberty's movements, and several redacted sources, have helped develop new patrol patterns to intercept hostiles on the edges of Border Zones.

[T2] Attack Pattern Omega [1 Breakthroughs (Lathriss), COMPLETE] [Unlock Target Priority: Shield+Combat, Unlock Attack Pattern Omega: Explorers gain +50% weighting for firing and targeting]
- Admiral Lathriss has published his yearly tactical papers. This year's are clearly influenced by thoughts on the six Ambassadors that have been the primary responsibility of Lathriss's Shipyard Operations for the past year.

[T3] Feints [1 Breakthroughs, ETC 2329-2332] [Reduce sticky-targeting of enemy ships based on total friendly Frigate R compared to total enemy Frigate R. Increased chance of your Frigates to be targeted compared to your Explorers.]
- Prograde Operations has begun programming of new fractional-lightspeed evasion subroutines.

[T3] Vanguard [1 Breakthroughs, ETC 2329-2332] [Increase weighting of Cruisers in the Vanguard, Cruisers in the Vanguard do increased damage]
- John Harriman has consulted with the Games and Theory Division on cruiser battle simulations, and has developed a reputation as a terrorizing RedFor opponent.

[T3] Auxiliary to Shields [0 Breakthroughs, ETC 2329-2333] [Ships may opt to lose -10% evasion and -1R but gain +1L]

Federation-At-Large Results
[T3] 2320s 1000-1600kt Cruiser [COMPLETE] [Parts: T3 1000-1600kt Cruiser Platform]
[T2] Harmony of Horizon Analysis II [COMPLETE] [+1% Fleet Weight vs Harmony, -1% Harmony Fleet Weight, +2% Evasion vs Harmony, +1ap to Horizon Analysis Desk]
[T3] 2320s Shipboard Communications [1 Breakthroughs (Uhura), DATE 2327] [+1% fleet weight, +1 ships that can respond to an event, Parts: Communications Array]
[T3] 2320s Xenopsychology [1 Breakthroughs (Nkumba), DATE 2327] [+10 starting relations in first contacts, 5% chance to start at 100/100 base relations, Parts: Conference Center, Xenopsych Specialists]
[T4] 2330s Networks and Encryption [1 Breakthroughs (Discord), DATE 2326] [+0.5 Encryption (Intel phase, round down), +2 PP/year, reroll response if no ships pass]
[T4] 2330s Hazard Team Concept [1 Breakthroughs (Discord), DATE 2328] [+1S away team events, reduce damage to recovered ships +1 stage regardless of event success or failure, Parts: Dedicated Away Teams (CE)]
[T4] 2330s Multispectral Sensors [1 Breakthroughs (Miracht-Agad / Incorruptible), DATE 2337] [+1S to events involving natural phenomena anomalies, Parts: Small LR Sensors, LR Sensors, Small Survey Sensors, Survey Sensors]

New Bonuses and Technology
-5% enemy evasion
increased Frigate crit chance +1 stage
reduce weapon subsystem repair time +1 stage
+5% evasion (CE)
+20% Berth Capacity
Changes to Key and Critical Industry options
Unlock Target Priority: Shield+Combat
Unlock Attack Pattern Omega: Explorers gain +50% weighting for firing and targeting
+1% Fleet Weight vs Harmony
-1% Harmony Fleet Weight
+2% Evasion vs Harmony
+1ap to Horizon Analysis Desk
T3 Phaser Bank
T3 Twinned Phaser Bank (CE)
T3 Phaser Array (E)
T3 Torpedo Launcher
T3 Burst Torpedo Launcher
T4 Cargo Bay
T4 Replicators
T3 1000-1600kt Cruiser Platform

Total Bonuses
Base PP Colonies: 2 PP/year, 3 PP/year if especially interesting
Base BR/SR Colonies: varies, +2 PP/year
Modified PP Colonies: 4.5(2) PP/year, 5.5(3) PP/year if especially interesting +2 PP/year
+6 PP/year
+2 PP/year all colonies
+2.5 PP/year from PP colonies
-1 PP to the cost of PP colonies
+5 PP from each Explorer launched
+5 PP/year for each Border Zone with no missed events
-5 PP/year for each Border Zone with 2 or more missed events
+15 BR/year mining colony income
+20 SR/year mining colony income
+0.25 per-affiliate crew income
+15% all academy intake
+1.15 standard crew incomes
+1.65 EC crew incomes

Shipyard Ops
+20% Berth Capacity
-1Q all non-auxiliary build times
-1Q Cargo Ship construction time

During peacetime, the first level of Task Force member fleet buy is free

Remove PP penalty for Border Zone Starbases
-25% PP cost for declaring a Border Zone
PP cost of Shipyards and related infrastructure is reduced
Reduce Cruiser and Explorer Project Snakepit PP costs by 25%
Centi-Cochrane Band Antenna (increases event rate in border zones 1 stage)
Listening Post II (+1ap to major power and +1ap minor power of largest concern Analysis Desk)
Federation starts duplicating Critical Industry in more places
Changes to Key and Critical Industry options

Diplo Rolls and Pushes
+10 to annual rolls
+4 to diplomatic push rolls
1 random non-affiliate gets a diplomatic push
3 random non-affiliate with positive relations gets an annual roll
1 random diplomatic push

Ex Astris, Scientia
+2 free Breakthroughs
-1Q Ship Design Projects
-1Q Explorer Ship Design Projects
-1Q Cruiser Ship Design Projects
-2 Years on all Explorer Design techs
-2 Years on all Cruiser Design techs
-2 Years on all Warp Technology techs

Ship Design
Reduce cost of shields by 1 SR (designs not yet in production only)

Event Structures and Rates
2 base responders per event (default)
Explorers do not respond with other explorers
Cruisers do not respond with other cruisers
Increased Distress Call event rate 1 stage
Increased event rate in Border Zones 2 stages
Centi-Cochrane Band Antenna (increases event rate in border zones with antenna 1 stage)
Reduced event rate in Home Sectors 1 stage
Increased Mapping mission chance in home sectors 1 stage
Sharply reduce all garrison levels and event generation during wartime

Response Rolls
+1ER to all Response rolls
-1 DC to all Response rolls if sector contains Starbase
-1 DC to all Response rolls in Border Zones
-1 DC to all Response rolls in Home Sectors
+2ER to Explorer Response rolls
+1ER to Cruiser Response rolls
+1R to Response roll if responding to natural phenomena or anomalies

Resolution Rolls
+3S to Mapping events
+2SP to Distress Call events
+1SP to events involving medical assistance
+2S to Plague Handling events
+1SP to Diplomacy events
+3P to non-EC First Contact events
+1S to events involving natural phenomena or anomalies
+1C to Away team events
+1C to personal-level combat events
Reroll attempts at forced boarding
+1 to rolls to oppose sabotage or -1 to DC of enemy sabotage
+3S to rolls involving detecting cloaked vessels

+5 PP reward for events involving medical assistance
+10 starting relations in First Contacts
Increased chance of a site being colony capable 1 stage
+5 BR/SR reward for Mapping events if no colony site discovered
+15 BR resource extraction reward
+25 SR resource extraction reward
7 turns instead of 8 to first experience level
New Explorers start with some experience

+2L to events involving natural phenomena or anomalies
-3 margin of failure when determining crew loss only
Reduce crew loss on away team or boarding 3 stages
Reduce crew loss if ship is destroyed 3 stages
20% of presumed-dead crew recovered if ship is disabled or destroyed (round down, after battle or after timely rescue)

+3% Fleet Weight
+5% Fleet Weight when you have more Explorers in a battle than an opponent
+0.25% fleet weight for every ship in the fleet up to +5%
+1% Fleet Weight vs Klingons, Romulans
+2% Fleet Weight vs Cardassians, Harmony of Horizon
-1% enemy Fleet Weight vs Klingons, Romulans
-2% enemy Fleet Weight vs Cardassians, Harmony of Horizon
+6% Penetration
+2% Evasion
+5% Evasion (CE)
+2% Evasion vs Klingons, Romulans
+4% Evasion vs Cardassians, Harmony of Horizon
-5% Enemy evasion
Increase Frigate crit chance +1 stage
Increase Cruiser crit chance 1 stage
Increase Explorer crit chance 1 stage
+1L when your ships are outnumbered
+2S to Scouting phase
+1S to minesweeping for Frigates
Unlock Target Priority: Shield+Combat
Unlock Attack Pattern Omega: Explorers gain +50% weighting for firing and targeting
Shields regenerate +?% per 10 rounds
Reduce C loss due to hull damage 1 stage
Reduce weapon subsystem repair time 1 stage
Reduce chance of crew loss when hit in battle 2 stages
Reduce crew loss if ship is destroyed 3 stages
20% of presumed-dead crew recovered if ship is disabled or destroyed (round down, after battle or after timely rescue)

+1ER to attempts to intercept raiders and wolfpacks
+2 to initiating battle
+3S to rolls involving detecting cloaked vessels
A detached "United Fleet" sector is added during wartime
Affiliates and Members allocate 25% of their total Combat to the United Fleet by default during SOE

Flat 35% reduced chance of a warp core breach (T0 is 25%)
Auxiliaries cruise at Warp 5 (1 sq/month)

Steering Committee / Well, They Try (Intel)
+2 Encryption (Intel phase)
+1 Encryption vs Klingon, Romulan, Cardassian, Harmony of Horizon (Intel phase)
+1 Fleet Signals (Intel phase)
+0.5 Industrial Signals (Intel phase)
+1ap to Cardassian, Harmony of Horizon Analysis Desk (Intel phase)
Listening Post II (+1ap to major power and +1ap minor power of largest concern Analysis Desk)
Analysis desks available two Intel phases after first contact

Intelligence Operations
+2S +1CP Intelligence Teams
Reroll attempts at breaching

Listening Post II (+1ap to major power and +1ap minor power of largest concern Analysis Desk)
Centi-Cochrane Band Antenna (increases event rate in border zones with antenna 1 stage)
Starbase I [C10 S6 H18 L18 P6 E5 R0 4/8/4] [C13 S8 H20 L21 P7 E7 R0 after upgrades]
Outpost I [C6 S4 H12 L12 P2 E2 R0 2/4/1] [C10 S6 H14 L15 P3 E2 R0 after upgrades]
Station I [C2 S4 H6 L4 P2 E2 R0 1/2/1] [C6 S6 H6 L7 P3 E2 R0 after upgrades]
+3C +2S +2H +3L +1P +2E to Starbases
+4C +2S +2H +3L +1P to Deep Space Stations
+4C +2S +2H +3L +1P to Outposts
+4C +2S +2H +3L +1P to Stations
Outposts count as 750kt Repair Berth, Starbases count as 1000kt Repair Berth

Federation-At-Large Watchlist
[T4] 2330s Networks and Encryption [+0.5 Encryption (Intel phase, round down), +2 PP/year, reroll response if no ships pass] [DATE 2326]
[T3] Cardassian Analysis III [+1% Fleet Weight vs Cardassians, -1% Cardassian Fleet Weight, +2% Evasion vs Cardassians, extra attempts made on Cardassian designs yearly] [DATE 2326]
[T3] 2320s Installation Upgrades [Starbase II [C16 S12 H24 L24 P12 E10 R0] 100 SR, Outpost II [C10 S6 H12 L12 P6 E4 R0] 20 SR] [DATE 2327]
[T3] 2320s Xenopsychology [+10 starting relations in first contacts, 5% chance to start at 100/100 base relations, Parts: Conference Center, Xenopsych Specialists] [DATE 2327]
[T3] 2320s Shipboard Communications [+1% fleet weight, +1 ships that can respond to an event, Parts: Communications Array] [DATE 2328]
[T3] 2320s Warp Nacelles [Parts: Compact Standard Pattern Nacelles (F), Compact High Performance Pattern Nacelles (F), Sprint Pattern Nacelles (CE), Garrison Pattern Nacelles (CE), Frontier Pattern Nacelles (CE)] [DATE 2328]
[T4] 2330s Hazard Team Concept [+1S to away team events, reduce damage to recovered ships +1 stage regardless of event success or failure, Parts: Dedicated Away Teams (CE)] [DATE 2328]
[T3] 2320s Sensor Installations [Increased event rate in systems with Starbases 1 stage] [DATE 2328]
[T3] 2320s Starbase Combat [+2CL, +1SH to all installations] [DATE 2329]
[T3] 2320s Starbase Repair [Outposts count as 1250kt Repair Berth, Starbases count as 2500kt Repair Berth] [DATE 2329]
[T3] 2320s Bulk Processing [+10 BR resource extraction reward, +5 BR/year from BR colonies] [DATE 2329]
[T4] 2330s Special Processing [+10 SR resource extraction reward, +5 SR/year from SR colonies] [DATE 2329]
[T3] Forward Logistics [Make a project available to add an additional 3000kt repair berth to starbases (upgrades to 4000kt if 4000kt berths are researched)] [DATE 2329]

Newly Revealed Technology
[T4] 2330s Multispectral Sensors [DATE 2337] [+1S to events involving natural phenomena anomalies, Parts: Small LR Sensors, LR Sensors, Small Survey Sensors, Survey Sensors]
[T4] 2330s 2200-3600kt Explorer [DATE 2335] [Parts: T4 2200-3600kt Explorer Platform]
[T4] Way of the Valiant [DATE 2334] [Explorers of one chosen class that pass a Hard R-test may participate in the Vanguard as cruisers. The class is chosen in TacOps. +1C all events for Explorers.]
[T4] Way of the Industrious [DATE 2334] [When prototyping an Explorer, additional units may be ordered at full prototype penalty when starting construction, at half prototype penalty when 25% complete, and at quarter prototype penalty when 50%+ complete. Round up to nearest 5 BR/SR and to nearest quarter. -1Q per full year construction time, after all other build reductions, for parallel Explorer builds.]
[T4] Way of Restoration [DATE 2334] [Explorers can repair +5% hull damage without requiring shipyard time (base 10%). Crippled and disabled Explorers have their repair time reduced -1Q to 3Q.]
[T3] Harmony of Horizon Analysis III [DATE 2334] [+1% Fleet Weight vs Harmony, -1% Harmony Fleet Weight, +2% Evasion vs Harmony, extra attempts made on Harmony ship stats yearly]

All Known Technology

Known Incomplete Technology
[T3] 2320s Shipboard Communications [DATE 2327] [+1% fleet weight, +1 ships that can respond to an event, Parts: Communications Array]
[T4] 2330s Networks and Encryption [DATE 2326] [+0.5 Encryption (Intel phase, round down), +2 PP/year, reroll response if no ships pass]
[T4] 2330s Planetary Communications [DATE 2335] [+1 to diplomatic rolls (pushes and auto-rolls), +1 to affiliate diplomatic rolls (auto-rolls), 1 random non-affiliate gets a diplomatic push]

[T4] 2330s Computing Installations [DATE 2336] [-1Q Ship Design Projects, +2 Free Breakthroughs]
[T4] 2330s Shipboard Computer [DATE 2329] [Parts: Isolinear Ops Core, Isolinear Battle Core, Isolinear Automation Core]
[T5] 2340s Computing Installations [DATE 2349] [-1Q Ship Design Projects, +2 Free Breakthroughs]
[T5] 2340s Data Networks [DATE 2349] [+1 PP/year from PP colonies, +1 PP/year all colonies]
[T6] Positronic Computing [DATE 2359] [Reveals and adds T6+ Shipboard and Installtions techs to projects]

Cruiser Design

Explorer Design

[T4] 2330s 2200-3600kt Explorer [DATE 2335] [Parts: T4 2200-3600kt Explorer Platform]

Frigate Design


[T4] 2330s Multispecies Care [DATE 2328] [+1SP to events involving medical assistance, gain +5 PP reward from these events, +0.05 affiliates academy intake, Parts: Medical Complex]

Personal Technology
[T4] 2330s Hazard Team Concept [DATE 2328] [+1S to away team events, reduce damage to recovered ships +1 stage, Parts: Dedicated Away Teams (CE)]

[T3] 2320s Sensor Installations [DATE 2328] [Increased event rate in systems with Starbases 1 stage]
[T4] 2330s Multispectral Sensors [DATE 2337] [+1S to events involving natural phenomena anomalies, Parts: Small LR Sensors, LR Sensors, Small Survey Sensors, Survey Sensors]
[T4] 2330s Labs [DATE 2337] [Auto-completed with all of same-tier Multispecies Care, Shipboard Computer, and Multispectral Sensors, Parts: Compact Lab Suite, Expanded Lab Suite]

[T4] 2330s Forcefields [DATE 2329] [+1 stage reduced C loss due to hull damage, Parts: SIF Node]

Starbase Design
[T3] 2320s Starbase Combat [DATE 2329] [+2CL, +1SH to all installations]
[T3] 2320s Starbase Repair [DATE 2329] [Outposts count as 1250kt Repair Berth, Starbases count as 2500kt Repair Berth]
[T3] 2320s Starbase Control [DATE 2327] [+1EP tp Starbases, +1ER to all response rolls if sector contains Starbase]
[T3] 2320s Installation Upgrades [DATE 2327] [Starbase II [C16 S12 H24 L24 P12 E10 R0] 100 SR, Outpost II [C10 S6 H12 L12 P6 E4 R0] 20 SR]
[T3] 2320s Deep Space Stations [DATE 2327] [Deep Space Station I [C12 S10 H14 L14 P12 E8 R0] 40 SR]

Starship Construction
[T3] Flight Operations [DATE 2327] [Adds Flight Deck to T3+ Small Craft technologies, reveals and adds T4+ Wing Command Starbase techs to projects]
[T4] 2330s Starship Armor [DATE 2328] [Parts: Supplemental Armor]
[T5] Rapid Prototyping [DATE 2344] [Prototype penalty reduced by flat 25%]

[T3] 2320s Bulk Processing [DATE 2329] [+10 BR resource extraction reward, +5 BR/year from BR colonies]
[T4] 2330s Special Processing [DATE 2329] [+10 SR resource extraction reward, +5 SR/year from SR colonies]

Warp and Propulsion
[T3] 2320s Warp Nacelles [DATE 2328] [Parts: Compact Standard Pattern Nacelles (F), Compact High Performance Pattern Nacelles (F), Sprint Pattern Nacelles (CE), Garrison Pattern Nacelles (CE), Frontier Pattern Nacelles (CE)]
[T3] 2320s Subspace Theory [DATE 2328] [-1Q Freighter construction time]

[T4] 2330s Torpedoes [DATE 2339] [reduce weapon subsystem repair time +1 stage, Parts: Torpedo Launcher, Burst Torpedo Launcher]
[T6] Quantum Torpedoes [DATE 2353] [Adds flat +1C to all torpedo parts, requires Council authorization to equip]

[T3] 2320s Xenopsychology [DATE 2327] [+10 starting relations in first contacts, 5% chance to start at 100/100 base relations, Parts: Conference Center, Xenopsych Specialists]
[T3] Holographic Environments [DATE 2328] [Adds Holosuite to T3+ Xenoculture technologies]
[T4] 2330s Diplomacy [DATE 2331] [+1 to all diplomatic rolls (pushes and annual rolls), +5 starting relations in first contacts, +2 to diplomatic pushes rolls, +2 random non-affiliates with positive relations gain annual roll, free +6 points to FDS missions, Parts: Diplomatic Team]
[T4] 2330s Xenoculture [DATE 2332] [+0.05 affiliates academy intake, +2 to annual diplomatic rolls, non-affiliate diplomatic pushes calculated in Q2 and Q4 with quartered bonus, +1 PP/year per affiliate or ally, Parts: Holosuite]

Fleet Design Doctrine
[T4] Way of the Valiant [DATE 2334] [Explorers of one chosen class that pass a Hard R-test may participate in the Vanguard as cruisers. The class is chosen in TacOps. +1C to all events for Explorers.]
[T4] Way of the Industrious [DATE 2334] [When prototyping an Explorer, additional units may be ordered at full prototype penalty when starting construction, at half prototype penalty when 25% complete, and at quarter prototype penalty when 50%+ complete. Round up to nearest 5 BR/SR and to nearest quarter. -1Q per full year construction time, after all other build reductions, for parallel Explorer builds.]
[T4] Way of Restoration [DATE 2334] [Explorers can repair +5% hull damage without requiring shipyard time (base 10%). Crippled and disabled Explorers have their repair time reduced -1Q to 3Q.]
[T1] Swarm Doctrine [DATE 2334] [Swarm Doctrine - MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE WITH LONE RANGER AND COMBINED FLEET - Changes response patterns: Explorers do not respond with other explorers, 3 base responders per event]
[T1] Combined Fleet Doctrine [DATE 2334] [Fleet in Being Doctrine - MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE WITH LONE RANGER AND COMBINED FLEET - Changes response patterns: Ships respond in fixed groups set in TacOps, 1 base response group per event]

Defensive Doctrine
[T3] Counterpunch [DATE 2329] [Prototype penalty reduced by flat 25% for Cruisers, Unlock Target Priority: Combat+Reaction]
[T3] Hard Shell System [DATE 2328] [+1ER to all rolls for ships operating outside home sectors, +1ER to intercept raiders and wolfpacks]
[T3] Deep Space Construction [DATE 2327] [-25% PP cost of Border Zone Starbases and Deep Space Stations, +1 PP/year per Border Zone Starbase]
[T3] Forward Logistics [DATE 2329] [Make a project available to add an additional 3000kt repair berth to starbases (upgrades to 4000kt if 4000kt berths are researched)]
[T1] Fleet in Being Doctrine [DATE 2334] [Fleet in Being Doctrine - MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE WITH FORWARD DEFENSE]

Offensive Doctrine
[T3] Torpedo Charge [DATE 2326] [Unlock Torpedo Charge: enemy Cruiser and Explorer evasion halved, increase Frigate crit chance +2 stages]
[T3] Feints [DATE 2332] [Reduce sticky-targeting of enemy ships based on total friendly Frigate R compared to total enemy Frigate R. Increased chance of your Frigates to be targeted compared to your Explorers.]
[T3] Vanguard [DATE 2332] [Increase weighting of Cruisers in the Vanguard, Cruisers in the Vanguard do increased damage]
[T3] Auxiliary to Shields [DATE 2333] [Ships may opt to lose -10% evasion and -1R but gain +1L]
[T1] Base Strike Doctrine [DATE 2334] [Base Strike Doctrine - MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE WITH WOLF PACK AND DECISIVE BATTLE]

Foreign Analysis
[T2] Klingon Analysis II [DATE 2330] [+1% Fleet Weight vs Klingons, -1% Klingon Fleet Weight, +2% Evasion vs Klingons, +1ap to Klingon Analysis Desk]
[T2] Romulan Analysis II [DATE 2334] [+1% Fleet Weight vs Romulans, -1% Romulan Fleet Weight, +2% Evasion vs Romulans, +1ap to Romulan Analysis Desk]
[T3] Cardassian Analysis III [DATE 2326] [+1% Fleet Weight vs Cardassians, -1% Cardassian Fleet Weight, +2% Evasion vs Cardassians, extra attempts made on Cardassian designs yearly]
[T3] Harmony of Horizon Analysis III [DATE 2334] [+1% Fleet Weight vs Harmony, -1% Harmony Fleet Weight, +2% Evasion vs Harmony, extra attempts made on Harmony ship stats yearly]

You have 1 Research Project to assign at the end of the quarter. Please discuss what projects you want to see. Discussion will be used when assembling vote options for EAS Guidance.
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So there is a lot to unpack and discuss regarding this massively revamped system but I do want to draw people's attention to this line in particular:
[T3] 2320s Sensor Installations [Increased event rate in systems with Starbases 1 stage] [DATE 2328]
So starting from 2328 we can expect to see a spike in events in basically every sector since we have Starbases in basically every sector. This is something we'll need to keep in mind when developing deployment plans.
We should work on improved Xenopsychology. We cannot afford to let our neighbors close the Diplomacy Gap between us! On the other hand, Fleet Design Doctrine is nice too.
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Going to have read through all that again later - might be a couple of days before have time to really understand it all - too many things happening at once in rl.
The short of it is instead of reading 300-400 techs then voting to assign 6-12 teams while tracking the progress of 48 teams, you vote for "I want more diplo bonuses".

If you are the kind of person who actually wanted to track the progress of 48 teams through 300-400 techs, then you also vote for "Let's add/remove this technology so that the years line up properly" x4.
[T1] Combined Fleet Doctrine [DATE 2334] [Changes response patterns: Ships respond in fixed groups set in TacOps, 1 base response group per event]
This is a great tech for our older ships and looks like it is something we can add to our doctrine project. There are worries about the Miranda's ability to respond and this allows them to respond as a group of miranda-A's till they can be refitted.

Looking at the tech dates of a lot of ship parts the next new cruiser/explorer/frigate design will use 2329 parts most likely

A project aimed to work on Diplomacy/Xenopsychology to work on these 3 will boost the strengths of the federation and might make the diplomatic team part available for the 2329 ship designs. Even if that is not the case 2 extra free annual rolls and progress one a FDS tags are a great bonus to get sooner.

[T3] 2320s Xenopsychology [DATE 2327] [+10 starting relations in first contacts, 5% chance to start at 100/100 base relations, Parts: Conference Center, Xenopsych Specialists]
[T4] 2330s Diplomacy [DATE 2331] [+1 all diplomatic rolls (pushes and annual rolls), +5 starting relations in first contacts, +2 diplomatic pushes rolls, +2 random non-affiliates with positive relations gain annual roll, free +6 points to FDS missions, Parts: Diplomatic Team]
[T4] 2330s Xenoculture [DATE 2332] [+0.05 affiliates academy intake, +2 annual diplomatic rolls, non-affiliate diplomatic pushes calculated in Q2 and Q4 with quartered bonus, +1 PP/year per affiliate or ally, Parts: Holosuite]
So, new research! Thanks to @SynchronizedWritersBlock for what I know has been a lot of work to clean up the old tree and build the new system.

I'll probably have some more thoughts later, but what I note is there are four unassigned Teams, having just completed the Tactical Systems project.
I'd assume whatever New Research Project we vote for will have at least four tech slides- but is it likely to include much more than one or two more on top of those?

Also, there's no longer any specialisation of what Teams do- we can put the virtual 4 Teams who were building Phasers and torpedoes on xenorelations or warp cores.
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This is a great tech for our older ships and looks like it is something we can add to our doctrine project. There are worries about the Miranda's ability to respond and this allows them to respond as a group of miranda-A's till they can be refitted.
Doctrines are still mutually exclusive. I'll update description to make the clear.

So, new research! Thanks to @SynchronizedWritersBlock for what I know has been a lot of work to clean up the old tree and build the new system.

I'll probably have some more thoughts later, but what I note is there are four unassigned Teams, having just completed the Tactical Systems project.
I'd assume whatever New Research Project we vote for will have at least four tech slides- but is it likely to include much more than one or two more on top of those?

Depends on how large a scope is voted for. I'd not presume fewer than 6 nor more than 10, when I modeled research pace I based it off of 2 techs per 1 team at project start. If there are a lot of potentially useful technologies, expect more techs.

Also, there's no longer any specialisation of what Teams do- we can put the virtual 4 Teams who were building Phasers and torpedoes on xenorelations or warp cores.
Yup, what happens is the teams working on the weapons project go back to working on their own non-Starfleet projects, and you call in four xenorelations teams instead. Think of your 4 teams as the budget to sponsor any 4 teams in the entire Federation, not as 4 fixed teams.
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ether i can not read english well or am really slow or something thing because i have read these last post 4 time`s now and still don`t understand how the new system works??
ether i can not read english well or am really slow or something thing because i have read these last post 4 time`s now and still don`t understand how the new system works??
There's a big list of technology. Each tech in the list is unlocked on a fixed date. You don't have to do anything, you just get the tech on that date.

If you want tech sooner than the fixed date, you vote for a Research Project. A research project is a bundle of techs set by the QMs, and a number of rolls set by your available budget. Right now you have 16 total rolls, but 12 of them are used up in ongoing projects, so you have 4 available for new projects.

So for example, you might vote for a "Better Diplomacy" project and the QMs might give you 5 Xenopsychology techs to match your 4 rolls.

Each year all the projects roll to see what techs get accelerated an extra year. So for example, when I roll that 5 Xenopsych "Better Diplomacy" project, I accelerate 4 of the 5 techs an extra year.

If you want to meddle, you can add a extra tech or remove one you don't want.
Another thing to note is that Improved Infrastructure - 4 Teams Active
Will complete in next years EAS (barring any weirdness) with four breakthroughs required and four teams allocated. Which means we will be able to kick off another Research Project next EAS as well.

Personally, I'd like to look over what if any key ship-techs might be 'missing' from the 2327-8 refits we've been planning. But it'd be great to see the shipbuilder rather than have to guess...

If you want to meddle, you can add a extra tech or remove one you don't want.
I've already seen one tech I want to cut. :)
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The research teams make one Breakthrough each year, each of which advances a randomly chosen technology in the Project forward an entire year.
Each year all the projects roll to see what techs get accelerated an extra year. So for example, when I roll that 5 Xenopsych "Better Diplomacy" project, I accelerate 4 of the 5 techs an extra year.
Wait, so how do these rolls work? The earlier post suggests that teams automatically generate Breakthroughs.
Ex Astris, Scientia - Guidance (End of Q3):
Then, the Commander of Starfleet considers all active Projects and can choose to "Remove 1 Technology (free)", "Add 1 Technology (escalating +5 PP cost)", or "Cancel the Project (large PP penalty)".
Are we limited to one and only one of these per EAS, one (of the first two) per Project, or...?
And adding a tech... is it just 'suspension of disbelief level' controls- i.e. only adding plausible technology slides?
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The Singers themselves are not immune to memory editing, and in fact that's part of the problem with the Singers. From what Cassiopeia said, when they make a mistake or have a highly contentious internal debate, they tend to resolve it by having the winners edit the losers into agreeing with them. This is why Singers who dissent strongly from the existing course of their society are forced to undertake extreme measures such as "hijack a starship and flee into the depths of space" or "lay low on a planet for hundreds of years."

It's not just that they don't tolerate independent thought contrary to their desires in humanoid sapients.

It's that they don't tolerate independent thought contrary to their collective consensus at all. They'll have internal conversations and put up with some amount of internal disagreement, but not enough to really matter.
No, this is not true.

All that we were told is that once a decision is reached, everyone accepts it and follows it.

No brainwashing needed for that.

Frankly, at this point in the timeline, decisive superiority in computing and communications would probably make the Harmony outright top dog; they are nowhere as inflexible as the Borg. Yet we find them cracking Isotronic Computing barely ahead of us, with the implication they only managed that due to massive espionage of our research teams.
They had Isolinear when we met them if I recall correctly, though it was a new tech.

Their spying of our research was about inserting backdoors for themselves.

How do you think the Romulans will react to Klingons moving to the front through or alongside their territory?
If they are smart? By extracting a promise from the Feds that they will help them against Klingons if they try to pull something in the middle of a war like that.

Probably by offering some help in the war, HoH is a threat for the Romulans too.
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The escalating cost imply multiple changes.
Yes, indeed. But that might well be over successive EAS turns.

So, as an taster, I will be advocating focusing Next-Generation Heavy Ships - 5 Teams Active
on accelerating the Ambassador-A refit by removing this:

[T3] Flight Operations [1 Breakthroughs, ETC 2326-2327] [Adds Flight Deck to T3+ Small Craft technologies, reveals and adds T4+ Wing Command Starbase techs to projects]

when we get a chance. The completion date will land in to 2327 without any more breakthroughs, and if it stays in the Project and a breakthrough lands on it in 2326 EAS, it (probably?) won't accelerate any new ship designs by landing a year early.
There are several other techs in the Next Gen Heavy Ships project that would benefit from an extra boost landing on them. So, we remove it from the Research Project, and focus it down the critical path.

I'm interested in if we could also add a tech to this or more likely another project?
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I would vote for anything that helps us detect the Singer mind control tech. and how to stop it permanently.

How much PP do we have now after the changes.
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more of a fan of ether general diplomatic stuff or anything that might help with econ

while both are great right now. more is never wrong.

the faster we can tie the groups inside and outside into one entity the better things will get over all right??

i must admit having cap ships being able to fix 5% more damage them self would be nice might spare us some yard time overall
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How do you think the Romulans will react to Klingons moving to the front through or alongside their territory?
By saying "Sure; as long as they move through Federation territory."

If you look at the map there is a fairly small travel penalty for traveling Corewards from Qo'noS and through Federation space to enter Harmony territory. A straight shot from Qo'noS -> Iberius -> Harmony Space via Romulan territory is 116LY, and in reality would be further since they'd need to deviate to follow Romulan 'space highways' for resupply as mentioned below. For comparison if they need to follow the 'space highways' the Federation uses then the path:
  1. Qo'noS
  2. Nausicaa
  3. Caldonia
  4. Ranford III
  5. Andor
  6. Vulcan
  7. Sol
  8. Joburg IV
  9. Rigel VIII
  10. Ke'luur
Gets them to the front lines fairly quickly. Sure it's 140LY (124LY + 16LY to the border)* compared to the Romulan route of 116LY but with a 'normal' cruse speed of say Warp 7 that is the difference between a 16.5 week journey and a 20 week journey. Honestly with that sort of distance traveling stopping to resupply is pretty much necessary. Especially given how much of their fleet is based around frigates, which tend to have smaller supplies, rather then cruisers or battleships. Which could prove problematic given the tensions they have with the Romulans but wouldn't be much of a problem when traveling through the Federation.

Qo'noS -> Nausicaa = 166.9px
Nausicaa -> Caldonia = 124.8px

Caldonia -> Ranford III = 219.8px
Ranford III -> Andor = 154px
Andor -> Vulcan = 168.2px
Vulcan -> Sol = 227.7px
Sol -> Joburg IV = 252.2px
Joburg IV -> Rigel VIII = 167.6px
Rigel VIII -> Ke'luur = 373.7px
Total = 1,854.9px

15px = 1LY
Total = 123.66LY

Ke'luur -> Border = 240px
Border Distance: 16LY

Qo'noS ->Border = 1,827px
Border Distance: 121.8LY

I think the real message here is; would the Klingons particularly care about Harmony? They are months away by current normal warp speeds.
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