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* Tweaks: Shield regeneration now multiplied by ship grade (1 = frigate, 2 = cruiser, 3 = capital, 4 = installation)
3X shield regen for capital ships could be a big deal. If normally shield regen is strong enough to sometimes prevent one or maybe two hits to the hull, on capital ships that becomes three to six extra hits. It's also another reason in favor of Light Explorers over Heavy Cruisers, depending on how impactful a change this is.
Apiata ships will benefit from this change more than others. Their Little Queenships are cruisers with H2 L7 and their Queenship capitals are H3 L8. Pretty sure no one else we know about favors shields over hull as strongly, so if Apiata ships end up in a fleetbattle they're the ones to look at. Of course, the real winners here are starbases, which all have piles of shielding in addition to their massive hulls. If 4X shield regen doesn't buff starbase resiliency by a significant amount, I'll eat my space hat.