2324.Q1 - Task Force Pt 2
Task Force Commander's Log, Task Force Beyond -- Real Admiral Michel Thiur
(Pleezirra, Excelsior-A)

The first thing of note is that the Harmony have changed the commander of their diplomatic and outreach force operating in the area. Singer Crae ros Janner, a Tauni, is now in operational control of their outreach efforts. Janner is a skilled orator, a master of personal diplomacy, and above all, refutes any suggestion that the Tauni in the Harmony are being kept there against their will, are brainwashed, or are simply second-class citizens. I'm told by some members of the Tauni that they consider Janner such a major threat-slash-traitor that he is the rumored target of an active kill order. I have directed the FDS and Starfleet Intelligence to follow up on these rumors and dissuade the Tauni from carrying anything out in such a delicate political situation.

Joining Janner's staff are two Invectors. Invector Lord Revels-in-Joy is something of an oddball Moy, having taken as a name an old-fashioned Moy aristocratic title from their pre-Harmony days. However, he's known as a thoughtful thinker, with a deep understanding of history and an optimistic outlook on galactic affairs. Invector Ardannic vas Gandor, a Horizonian, rounds out the team. An academic who spent most of his life in 'edutainment,' he hosted an incredibly popular program aimed at Harmony children that taught them the basics of ethics, philosophy, and mindfulness. Apparently Harmony citizens of a certain generation will reflexively sing the show's theme song to him.

This new team has been working hard to expand diplomacy. As we suspected, they have reached out to the Bolians, and I dispatched Sabek in Excalibur to go represent ourselves to the Bolians.

Our task force had some early successes, as the Harmony seemed in a bit of disarray while Janner took over command. The OSA, on behalf of the Akaikan Commonwealth, requested proposals for assistance on their next major terraforming operation. The Harmony sent a Scientist class; we sent the Basilica of Lakhept. An Obar officer on the Lakhept provided an in-depth and elegant proposal, mirroring the Obar's ideas about ecological design with a certain Honiani respect for aesthetic flair. The Harmony assumed a more utilitarian, resource-efficient proposal would win over the OSA. Clearly, the captain of that Scientist never visited Muublot Art Academy on Ikeigenoi.

We then had a fruitful meeting with several Felis guilds, related to marketing and corporate strategy consultations. Our Orion friends identified these guilds as key players in any public outreach campaign, so I authorized the OUS Nelhiar's Honor and the OUS Burdina to make contact at an exclusive party in the capital. It was some effort to acquire tickets, but the senior staff of both vessels eventually gained entry. They found that the Harmony had sent a Scientist-class to represent themselves, but they were surprised by our presence and caught off-guard. Our captains believe we came away with a more positive impression, and have several follow-up meetings booked for the FDS.

However, once Janner organized his units, he proved a very capable leader. We suffered a major setback on Puriurairaru, where several progressive and anti-capitalist groups offered both the Harmony and Federation to speak to the successes of their economic systems. We were, in my opinion, already on the back foot when we arrived in the USS Pleezirra, but Harmony sent the Sanctuary HPDV Shelter, making a point about productivity only with its presence, and joined soon after by another Scientist class. Across the planet, in cafes, at symposiums, and in community halls, we shuffled around our diplomatic staff and senior personnel. But Janner and Revels-in-Joy proved effective and electrifying debaters, and they simply had more qualified personnel to move around. Our initial read of the situation is they came off looking much better, and have made some deep connections in the economic reform community. However, Janner is inviting us to a few meetings that he has set up, in order to 'help the Felis move forward from a system that heaps cruelties on the poor.'

At the same time, they made major inroads with Felis corporate entities, despite openly wishing to reform them, and the best efforts of the Orions onboard OUS Nelhiar's Pride and the OUS Gessir. And in a very respectable move, they helped the OSA navigate a fraught diplomatic negotiation with the Taddo Shogunate, who, having seen themselves impersonated by corporate forces and the homeworld being threatened by war, have decided to relax their militant isolationism. Shogun Bloody Octravus, along with his aides Gunmetal Veretroki and Goreblade Naramoto sent a diplomatic mission, which was warily received by the OSA. In an unexpected twist, the OSA shut us out of the diplomatic process, accepting Harmony aid which arrived in the form of the Sanctuary-class HPDV Refuge. The FDS reports that a sort of deep-rooted anger at the Federation has taken hold in the OSA government following post-war elections, and we should plan accordingly in future diplomatic efforts. In any case, by the time the Captains of our responding vessels could convince them to allow us to assist with negotiations, the Harmony had already secured a deal.

The Harmony of Horizon was able to assist the Felis with finding, and then decrypting, an ancient archive regarding the pre-history of the Felis, written by those who uplifted them. Basilica of Rangers, which we rushed to the assignment, proved ill-equipped for a search compared to the Scientist Harmony assigned.

On the Bolian front, we dealt with crime. The Bank of Bolias invited both the Harmony and the Federation to appraise an artifact being put up for auction. The item was claimed to be authentic artwork from inside one of the megastructures in Felis space, but the Bank had doubts about the seller and wanted an appraisal from organizations that operated in the area. The pair of Scientists assigned to the mission quickly determined the veracity of the artifacts, earning them a favor from the Bank. Excalibur and Nocodon found themselves embroiled in a murder mystery when a senior official was found dead in neutral space, and the Bolian Aerospace Guard requested assistance in finding the culprit. We cooperated fully with the Harmony of Horizon in assisting the Bolians in tracking the killer, who was revealed to be the member of a corporate conglomerate angry about perceived stonewalling on an important bid. It was good to bring him to justice, with Harmony and the Federation recieving equal credit.

Birizzida and Tapazzira represented us at a conference hosted by the Bolian merchant guild, to promote free trade to the central government. They were joined by the Sanctuary-class HPDV Guardian and a Scientist class. While the Queens made an impassioned case, using the Gabriel Border Zone as an example of what can be achieved working with others, the Harmony argued a case that trade links encourage powers to protect one another from aggressors, which proved to resonate well with a people afraid of both the Romulans and the Breen.

Finally, the Licori have banned both the United Federation of Planets and the Harmony of Horizon from their space for the time being, citing concerns that we would act as a punitive 'peacekeeping' force on behalf of our OSA allies, and that we had been promoting social instability. We have been told by Starfleet intelligence, however, that they have increased diplomatic outreach to the Romulans. Perhaps they feel the Romulans are took weak to potentially otherthrow the government, or that their values align with theirs more closely. In any case, we have the FDS working on getting us access.

OSA: Harmony relations now 185/300, UFP relations now 236/300
Felis: Harmony relations now 200/300, UFP relations now 108/300
Bolians: Harmony relations now 100/100, 7/100 on their isolationist government tag. UFP 100/100, 27/100 on Isolationist government.
Licori: Harmony Relations 100/100, UFP relations 81/100.

Task Force: Beyond
Mission: Gain relations with the OSA, Bolians, Felis, and Licori. Resolve [Isolationist Government] tag on the Bolians.
Commander: Rear Admiral Michel Thuir- Reroll first event failure each quarter
TF1 Commander: Commodore Sabek
TF2 Commander: Commodore zh'Pohren
  • Free FDS Diplomatic Team attachment
  • Starfleet Tactical Brass: 0pp per year. Enables coordination events with other powers
  • Molchenek-Danashad: 3 pp per year. Effect: +1 to the first diplomatic roll involving a capitalist society each quarter
  • Sam Jones: 10 br on purchase, 10 br per year. Effect: Gain both sr & relations on trade summit missions for this task force.
  • Harbind-Attu Institute Research Team: 40 rp on purchase, 20 rp per year. Effect: Receive a bonus to a technology related to the Task Force's activities each year.
  • Cpt. Wolfe's Analysis Team: 20 pp on purchase, 10 pp per year. Effect: +1 on opposed rolls
  • Technocracy Interstellar Ministry Diplomatic Team: 10 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: For every passed Presence event each quarter, add +3 relations to another applicable tag.
USS Pleezirra C8 S7 H5 L7 P7 D6
SKS Basilica of Lakhept C8 S6 H7 L6 P8 D5
SKS Basilica of Rangers C6 S4 H6 L6 P7 D5
CSS Nisharr C7 S6 H4 L6 P6 D6

OUS Nelhiar's Pride C5 S3 H2 L5 P7 D3
OUS Nelhiar's Honor C5 S3 H2 L5 P7 D3
SKS Chapel of Faith C4 S3 H5 L5 P4 D3
OUS Gessir C3 S2 H2 L2 P5 D2
OUS Burdina C3 S2 H2 L2 P5 D2
OUS Dasrut C3 S2 H2 L2 P5 D2

USS Excalibur C7 S6 H4 L6 P6 D6
Tapazzira C4 S4 H2 L7 P6 D7
-Sezzina C4 S2 H1 L4 P2 D4
-Luzzina C4 S2 H1 L4 P2 D4
Birizzida C4 S4 H2 L7 P6 D7
-Anuzza C4 S2 H1 L4 P2 D4
-Tunirri C4 S2 H1 L4 P2 D4
Rain's Renewal C2 S3 H2 L2 P5 D5
Nocodon C4 S4 H2 L4 P4 D5

Harmony Task Force
Singer Crae ros Janner
Subcommanders: Invector Lord Revels-in-Joy, Invector Ardannic vas Gandor

HPDV Shelter (Sanctuary Fleet Tender)
-3 Virtuoso
HPDV Refuge (Sanctuary Fleet Tender)
-3 Virtuoso
HPDV Guardian (Sanctuary Fleet Tender)
-3 Virtuoso
HPDV Haven (Sanctuary Fleet Tender)
-3 Virtuoso
4 Liberator Class
12 Scientist Class
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Shipyard Ops - 2324.Q1 - Results

Continuing Diplomatic Push

Muuyozoi (Outer Space Alliance): 226/300 + 27 = 253/300
-[Horizon Influence: 282/300]
-[Corps are lying to us: 100/100]
-[Disunified Homeworld 200/500]

Shanpurr: 173/300 + 12 = 185/300
-[Interfering with Pre-Warp Societies: 0/500]

Automatic Push:
Bajoran Diaspora: 300/300
-[Cardassian Agitators: 100/100]
-[Suspicious of Outsiders: 70/300] + 28 = 98/300
-[Caste System: 0/500]
-[Rule by Vedek: 5/500]

[X][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Tauni Space Gate Command (-3 pp, +5 relations with Tauni)
[X][CONNIE] Transfer two to the Magen Chalal of the Ked Paddah
[X][CONNIE] Transfer two to the Confederacy of Amarkia Navy
[X][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Yrillian navy (-5 pp, +8 relations with Yrillia)
[X][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Preservation Coalition Space Bureau of the OSA (-10 pp, +16 relations with Outer Space Alliance)
[X][CONNIE] Transfer one to the Orion Union Navy. Will require temporary transfer of 3.5 points of Technician crew, to come from federalized member fleets. (-2 pp to set up the transfer program)

[X][MAIDEN] Build a new cruiser around Maiden of Dawn's computer for the Orion Union Navy. (-100 rp, -35 br, -25 sr, Orion Union Navy gains a new custom cruiser (statline C3 S5 H2 L3 P3 D4, crew cost 2/3/3) in 2327.Q1), Maiden of Dawn acts as new research colony while operational (base of 5 rp/year)
[X][BEE] Do not support the conversion program
[X][LAIO] Provide technical support in adapting the OSA's Ray-class design to Laian needs and capabilities. (-50 rp each year for two years; -20 pp to reserve Honiani 4mt berth in 2326.Q1 for construction of the new Odanner; gain intelligence report on the Ray; Laio will build a 2mt berth at Laian starting in 2326.Q1)
[X][RELIEF] Approve the program (-200 rp, +40 pp)
[X][OCTO] Arrange for the transfer of two Tech-Frigates to the Vermillion Connectivity (-10 rp to ensure the safety of the Tech-Frigates' warp cores, +5 on [Obsolete Technology] tag on Vermillion Connectivity)
[X][TOL] Train with Special Projects (Caldonian spec ops teams will have C6 S5 H4 P2 N8)
[X][PRIORITY] Star-Kin long-term to Refits / Replacements
[X][PRIORITY] Indorian short-term to Build Renaissance-A (next year).
[X][PRIORITY] Anyone interested in some Starfleet BR for your SR?

Two Kepler-class frigate (Starfleet Build Orders NCC-4125, NCC-4126) to commence at San Francisco Fleet Yards Berth 1, 2 in 2324.Q1 (ETC 2325.Q3)
Six Kepler-class frigates (Starfleet Build Orders NCC-4127, NCC-4128, NCC-4129, NCC-4130, NCC-4131, NCC-4132) to commence at Utopia Planitia Berth X, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 in 2324.Q1 (ETC 2325.Q3)
Refit to Centaur-B of USS Lightning (Starfleet Build Order NCC-2105) at Luna Orbital Berth 2 in 2324.Q1 (ETC 2325.Q1)
Two Kepler-class frigates (Starfleet Build Orders NCC-4133, NCC-4134) to commence at Green Hook Fleet Yards Berth 2, 3 in 2324.Q2 (ETC 2326.Q1)
Refit to Centaur-B of USS Typhoon (Starfleet Build Order NCC-2124) at Oreasa Starfleet Yard Berth 2 in 2324.Q1 (ETC 2325.Q1)
One Kepler-class frigate (Starfleet Build Order NCC-4135) to commence at Xurch Melloch in 2324.Q1 (ETC 2326.Q1)
Refit to Centaur-B of USS Nairobi (Starfleet Build Order NCC-2110) to commence at Grand Duk in 2324.Q1 (ETC 2325.Q1)
One Kepler-class frigate (Starfleet Build Order NCC-4136) to commence at Rixx Loxhanda Defence Yard in 2324.Q1 (ETC 2326.Q1)

Two Engineering Ships (Starfleet Build Orders NCC-853, NCC-854) to commence at Andoria Orbital Berths 1, 2 in 2324.Q1 (ETC 2325.Q3)
One Cargo Ship (Starfleet Build Order NCC-3743) to commence at Lasieth Craft Yards Berth 1 in 2324.Q1

Member World Coordination Division


Amarki - 2 x Anacail (NCC-3818, NCC-3819), 2 x Cargo Ship
Caitian - 1 Colony Ship, 1 Cargo Ship, 1 Civilian Ship
Rigel - 1 Starfleet Cargo Ship (NCC-3744)
Apiata -
Risa - Refit [Heavy Corvette-A], Refit [Corvette-A], 1 x Civilian Ship
Gaeni - 1 Refit [Tech-Cruiser-A], 2 x Cargo Ship, 1 x Civilian Ship
Caldonia - 1 Anlamita (NCC-4414), 2 x Cargo Ship, 1 x Engineering, 1 x Hospital Ship, 1 x Civilian Ship
Indoria - 1 x Centaur-B (NCC-2150), 1 Prospector, 1 Engineering Ship, 2 x Cargo Ship, Starfleet Cargo Ship (NCC-3745)
Orion - 1 Engineering Ship, 1 Cargo Ship
STO - Refit [Sunrise], 1 Kepler (NCC-4124),
Honiani - 1 Basilica (NCC-5414), 1 Civilian Research Cruiser
Ked Paddah -
Licori -
Licori Nobles - 2 x Refit [Lizard-T], 1 Cargo Ship
Laio - 1 Patroller-A, 1 Cargo Ship
Tauni - 1 Cargo Ship, 1 Civilian Ship, 1 Engineering Ship
Sydraxian - Refit [Kalindrax-R], 1 Hasque
Ashidi - 1 L7-19 cruiser, 1 Civilian Freighter

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2324.Q2 - Snakepit

The last year between the formal hearings has been ... tumultuous. Certainly, both you and President Okaar have more than a few more grey hairs than you did this time last year. The two most powerful jobs in the Federation remain terrible choices for those who wish to maintain a youthful appearance.

For those of you who wish to make a difference in the world, well, to be honest, sometimes it still feels like a terrible choice. There is nothing like tremendous, wide-reaching power to right wrongs to really highlight all the different things you can't fix.

Council Elections:
Sardry IV: Tohlaav ch'Thyllarh-X -> Zotia ka'Rissharn-D
Ranford III: Tiven zh'Ovallat-P -> Soss th'Shukar-H

New Seoul: Mahmud Sukarno-D -> Park Yoon-Ha-P

Ord Grind Duk: Agrad mac Kragac-D -> Gerev mav Gorch-H

Hagelan: Vrol-P -> Mestral-X
Solitude: T'Jal-H -> Separ-P

Caldonia: Benet Lomak-P -> Leyor Binek-X
[ ][COUNCIL] Submit a plan to the Council
(You may select any number of options, as long as you can pay the Political Will cost. You currently have three-hundred-and-eighty-four (384) Political Will to spend.
Federation Council Options for 2324.Q2
If many projects of a similar type are undertaken (most particularly, if the Engineering resources are stretched too thin) it may cause delays in implementation.
  • Request Mining Colony Sarcissa Belt, 7pp, 15 (30) br/year, 4 turns
  • Request Mining Colony PLY-5000, 7pp, 5 (20) br/year, 4 turns
  • Request Mining Colony 23 Levar VIII, 7pp, 15 (35) sr/year, 4 turns
  • Request Mining Colony Falling Down, 7pp, 20 (35) br/year, 4 turns
  • Request Mining Colony Aeneid III, 7pp, 15 (35) sr/year, 4 turns
  • Request Mining Colony Kr'ritti V, 7pp, 15 (35) sr/year, 4 turns
  • Request Mining Colony RVL-7836-VII, 10 (30) sr/year, 4 turns
  • Request Mining Colony CA-113, 7pp, 15 (35) sr/year, 4 turns
  • Request Mining Colony 77 Azzadi IV-3, 7pp, 20 (40) sr/year, 4 turns
  • Request Mining Colony LM-34-V-XL, 7pp, 20 (35) br/yr]
  • Request Mining Colony 17 Onidesin IV, 7pp, 20 (40) sr/year, 4 turns
  • Request Research Colony HKP-426, 6pp, 7 (11) rp/year, 4 turns
  • Request Research Colony Morgana-1321, 6pp, 5 (9) rp/year, 4 turns
  • Request Research Colony Barradus IV, 6pp, 6 (10) rp/year, 4 turns
  • Request Research Colony Galoria Delta-LXIg, 6pp, 5 (9) rp/year, 4 turns
  • Arrange to Pass Control of a potential colony site to a nearby member or affiliate, gain +10pp
  • Request development of San Francisco Fleet Yards, 20pp (4 turns, gain new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
  • Request development of 40 Eridani A Shipyards, 24pp (4 turns, gain new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
  • Request development of Ana Font Shipyard, 24pp (4 turns, gain 1 new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
  • Request development of Lor'Vela Orbital Construction Facility, 20pp (4 turns, gain 1 new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
  • Request development of Oreasa Starfleet Yards, 20pp (4 turns, gain 1 new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
  • Request development of Intazzi Shipyards, 24pp (4 turns, gain 1 new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
  • Request development of Lasieth Craft Yards, 20pp (4 turns, gain 1 new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
  • Request development of Modern Engineering Orbital Works, 20pp (4 turns, gain 1 new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
  • Request Ambassador berth at a shipyard, 40pp (6 turns, gain new 3m t berth) [+5 for every extra 3mt berth present at shipyard past the first]
  • Request Cruiser berth at Utopia Planitia, 30pp (6 turns, gain new 2m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
  • Request development of Utopia Planitia, 36pp, (4 turns, gain 1 3mt, 1 1mt berth)
  • Request new Shipyard at Amarkia, 50pp (12 turns, 1 3mt Berth, 1 1mt Berth)
  • Request new Shipyard at Rethelia, 52pp (12 turns, 1 3mt Berth, 1 1mt Berth)
  • Request new Shipyard at Okatha, 50pp (12 turns, 1 3mt Berth, 1 1mt Berth)
  • Request new Shipyard at Ferasa, 40pp, (12 turns, 1 3mt Berth)
  • Request new Shipyard at Paddah, 40pp, (12 turns, 1 3mt Berth)
  • Request new Shipyard at Rigel, 40pp, (12 turns, 1 3mt Berth)
  • Request new Shipyard at Fiiral, 40pp, (12 turns, 1 3mt Berth)
  • Request new Shipyard at Indoria, 33pp (12 turns, 1 1mt Berth)
  • Request new Shipyard at Alukk, 55pp (12 turns, 1 2mt Berth, 2 1mt Berth)
  • Request new Shipyard at Arqueniou, 50pp (12 turns, 1 2mt Berth, 2 1mt Berth)
  • Request new Shipyard at Caldonia, 38pp (12 turns, 2 x 1mt Berth)
  • Request new Shipyard at Second Risa, 38pp (12 turns, 2 x 1mt Berth)
  • Request new Auxiliary Shipyard at <System>, 60pp, (12 turns, 1x2mt, 4x1mt Berth)
  • Request new Starbase I [Write in Sector] 20pp, +12pp for each Starbase past the first in-sector - GBZ Invalid (5pp cheaper for HBZ or LBZ this year)
  • Request new Outposts on all LBZ Starfleet Colonies, 20pp
  • Request Ongoing Budget increase 140pp (Roll for success)
  • Request Allocation for an Ambassador's resources, one-off-infusion of an Ambassador's cost, 80pp
  • Request Academy Development, 50pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
  • Request Explorer Corps Annex Development, 25pp (Gain +0.15 EC O/E/T throughput)
  • Request Temporary Explorer Corps Recruitment Drive, 25pp, (Gain 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs, PLUS Convert 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs from normal service)
  • Request Start of Diplomatic Envoy Cruiser project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 35 pp
  • Request Start of Diplomatic Envoy Frigate project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 32 pp
  • Request Start of Renaissance-A Vanguard refit, 5 turns, 25 pp
  • Request Start of Renaissance Envoy Variant development, 5 turns, 25 pp
  • Request Start of Kepler Envoy Variant development, 4 turns, 20 pp
  • Request Start of Centaur Envoy Variant development, 4 turns, 22 pp
  • Request new Tech Team to be added to your Ship Design Bureau, 60pp
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Can be taken up to five times]
  • Support additional resources for the Federation Diplomatic Service, 60pp (Cap of pushes increases by 1)
  • Support additional FDS Task Force attachments, 30pp, 1 year
  • Support additional resources for Starfleet Security to make Task Force attachments, 35pp, 2 year
  • Request expansion of Starfleet Intelligence deployable units (Special Projects, Irregular Ops, etc), 40pp, 2 year
  • Sponsor efforts to create additional Critical Ship Infrastructure on another world, 45pp (Pick world, picking industry optional)
  • Sponsor efforts to create Heavy Industrial park to reduce construction times by 25% in that system when making either a parallel or serial build, provides Heavy Industry options pre-SoE, 8 turns, 160pp (pick world)
  • Sponsor efforts for a Major Shipyard Preparations to pave the way for a Utopia Planitia style shipyard, 4 turns, 110pp
  • Deploy Improved Listening Posts to a Border Zone to gain a 25% chance of generating +1pt of Intel Spending on reports for powers on that border. (pick border zone, Cardassian, Klingon, Horizon already taken), 20pp
  • Acquire additional resources for Starfleet Intelligence Gathering, 75pp (Gain +1pt of Discretionary Spending per year)
  • Acquire additional resources for Starfleet Intelligence Command, 75pp (Gain +3pt under control of Vice Admiral)
  • Declare a Rimward Border Zone (Dawiar border, some Caitian colonies, some Themis), 20pp
  • Upgrade Convoy Waystations in a particular Sector, 40pp, (Small infra boosts for Starfleet/Local Members, stronger stations in wartime)
  • Argus Subspace Telescope Project, 4 years (permanent +1 annual Sci-T re-roll for events in Theatre constructed), 50pp, 200rp
  • Request allocation for new Engineering Team, 50pp, will allow 2 x Engineering Ships to be built in Starfleet line yards.
  • Establish a major Starfleet Security Peacekeeping Corps under Starfleet Tactical, 200pp, will provide a sub-turn for voting on options.
Instead of new tech teams, the Honiani and Ked Paddah will be reinforcing the efforts of existing tech teams. Pick two teams to be augmented by the Star-Kin, and one team to be augmented by the Ked Paddah, increasing their skill one level:

Pick 2:
[ ][STARKIN] Aerocommando Research Corps (Personal Tech, Skill 4)
[ ][STARKIN] Laudon Orbital Construction (Ship Design - Frigate/Starship Construction, Skill 2)
[ ][STARKIN] Starfleet Intelligence Office 44 (Diplomatic Analysis) (Foreign Analysis/Communications, Skill 3)
[ ][STARKIN] Technocracy Interstellar Ministry (Xenopsychology / Foreign Analysis, Skill 4)

Pick 1:
[ ][KED] Apinae Protective Engineering Bureau (Defensive Doctrine/Starbase Design, Skill 4)
[ ][KED] Herelund Tomographics Division (Sensors, Skill 4)
[ ][KED] Utopia Planitia Tactical Design Bureau (Weapons/Ship Design - Capital, Skill 3)

[NB: Doing it this way owing to possible shake-ups to the Research Turn again]
Federation Grading:
Current Minimum Science = 200 [Now 367]
Minimum Concurrent 5 Year Missions = 4
Council Objectives:
450 Science by 2331 [362]
450 Defence by 2331 [400]

Both are now accomplished - +50pp for each, available from next Snakepit. New values will be 800/800 by 2334.
Starfleet Ambitions:
Maintain a strong Forward Defense.
- (Complete at least six Forward Defense technologies, put a Starbase in every Border Zone, and complete the first slide of Foreign Analysis Research for both the Harmony of Horizon and the Klingon Empire.)
- FD "technologies" means 6 full slides.

[Ambition completion delayed due to extra border zones arriving]
Federation Council:
President - Jime Okaar, Pacifist Faction
Factions -
Expansionist (Human, Andor) - 26.4% [Singh (Alpha Centauri), Voluniel (Amarkia) ]
Pacifist (Vulcan) - 22.2% [Stesk (Vulcan), Cherr (Sar Alpha)]
Hawkish (Amarki) - 18.1% [Korielis (Tales Har), Kwan (Vega), Holena (Alukk)]
Development (Tellar) 20.8% [Jorth (Tellar), Holdizzi (Apinae), Sadek (Atatan)]
Mercantile (Rigel) 12.5% [Rangyad (Rigel), Yathcha (Akola)]
[Next Elections - (2325) Apiata, Indoria, Gaeni, Orion, Seyek / (2326) Amarkia, Rigel]
(Species listed in brackets are principal backers, not exclusive membership)
Current Federation Full Members:
Ked Paddah
Pending Ratification
Current Federation Affiliates:
Tauni: 485/500 + 34 = 500/500 (19)
-[Obsolete Technology: 100/100]
-[Unreliable Ally: 130/100]

-[Fool me once...: 46/500] + 19 = 65/500

Kadeshi: 500/500
-[Missing In Action: N/A]
-[On A Journey Across The Galaxy: N/A]

Laio: 496/500 + 19 = 500/500
-[At War: 443/???]
-[Obsolete Technology: 100/100]

Ashidi: 300/300 +24 = 324/500
-[Cardassian Threat: 293/300] + 31 = 300/300 (24 carried over)
-[Too Good To Be True: 75/500]

Yrillians: 303/500 + 30 = 333/500
-[Cardassian Influence: 100/100]
-[Bigfoot is a Communist Pirate: 300/300]
-[Anarchy at all levels: 3/500]

Sydraxians: 301/500 + 32 = 333/500
-[Recently in a Shooting War: 100/100]
-[Society and Government In Flux: 100/500]

Bajoran Diaspora: 300/300
-[Cardassian Agitators: 100/100]
-[Suspicious of Outsiders: 70/300] + 16 = 86/300
-[Caste System: 0/500]
-[Rule by Vedek: 0/500]

Vermillions: 252/300 + 23 = 275/300
-[Obsolete Technology: 15/300]

Muuyozoi (Outer Space Alliance): 236/300 + 23 = 259/300
-[At War: 443/???]
-[Corps are lying to us: 100/100]
-[Horizon Influence: 282/300]

-[Disunified Homeworld: 200/500]

Trills: 148/300 + 28 = 176/300
-[Aloof: 105/100]
-[They don't trust us: 0/300]
-[Discourage Attacks on the Trill: 261/300]

Gretarians: 110/300 + 24 = 134
-[Need some space right now: 63/100] - Tag has evaporated due to passage of time
-[You are all Crazed Militarists!: 0/500]

Shanpurr: 173/300 + 15 = 188/300
-[ISC Alliance: 0/300]
-[Interfering with Pre-Warp Societies: 0/500]

Felis: 108/100 + 21 = 129/300
-[Horizon Influence: 173/300]
-[Inclined towards Independence: 5/300]
-[Weak Central Government: 0/300]
-[Systematic Wealth Inequality: 0/500]

Currently Known Others Possible Members:
Chrystovians: 100/100
-[Distant Stars: 5/100]
-[Cardassian Neighbours: 15/300]

Licori (Arcadian Empire): 81/100
-[At War: 443/???]
-[Recently in a Shooting War: 100/100]

-[Romulan Influence: 80/100]
-[Horizon Influence: 112/300]
-[Uncontrolled Mentats: 0/300]

-[Slavery: 20/500]
-[Unequal Feudal Society: 23/500]

Hishmeri: 74/100
-[Eternal Empire Influence: 0/100]
-[Raiding the Federation: 155/100]

-[Slavery I: 46/100]
-[Slavery II: 0/100]
-[Slavery III: 0/100]
-[Slavery IV: 0/100]
-[Nomadic Raiders I: 5/300]
-[Nomadic Raiders II: 0/300]

Ittick-Ka: 99/100 + 38 = 100/100 (37)
-[Distant Stars: 17/100] + 37 = 54/100
-[Slavery I: 0/100]
-[Slavery II: 0/100]
-[Slavery III: 0/100]
-[Slavery IV: 0/100]
-[Slavery V: 0/100]
-[Great Power Ambitions: 19/300]
-[Authoritarian Hivestate: 0/500]

Daw: 75/100 + 32 = 107/100
-[Ittick-Ka Vassals: N/A]

Sotaw: 78/100
-[Romulan Influence: 0/100]
-[Located in the Neutral Zone: 0/300]

Lamarckians: 100/100
-[Limited Stellar Presence: 61/100]
-[Obsolete Technology: 0/100]
-[Limited Stellar Ability: 0/300]
-[Unequal Distribution of Wealth: 0/300]
-[No Unified Government: 10/500]

Bolians: 100/100
-[Isolationist Government: 27/100]

Breen: 28/100
-[Isolationist: 0/100]
-[Militarily aggressive: 0/300]
-[Intensely Suspicious: 0/300]
-[Intensely Xenophobic: 0/500]

Gorn: 69/100
-[Distant Stars: 50/100]
-[The Ancient Enemy (Orions): 0/100]
-[Secret Police: 0/100]
-[Militarist Foreign Policy: 194/300]
-[Dickensian Nightmare: 0/300]
-[Autocratic Monarchy: 0/500]

Talarians: 108/100
-[Under Padani Supervision: N/A]

Yizgisi (Azsi Popular Democratic Mandate): 100/100
-[Continent of Goo: 100/100]
-[Stellar Shock: 54/100] + 17 = 71/100
-[Close Call: 5/100]
-[No warp tech: 10/300]
-[Obsolete Technology: 10/300]

Unbound Gaeni: 40/100 + 39 = 79/100
-[Distant Stars: 0/100]
-[Slavery I: 0/100]
-[Slavery II: 0/100]
-[Slavery III: 0/100]
-[Slavery IV: 0/100]
-[Slavery V: 0/100]
-[Fractured Government: 0/300]
-[Clone Space Pirates: 0/300]
-[Survival of the Fittest: 0/500]

Dreamers: 100/100
-[Cosmozoan Lifeform: 85/100]
-[Alien Modes of Communication and Thought: 3/300]

Ur'razzi: 42/100
-[Off to a Bad Start: 25/100]
-[Aggressive: 20/100]
-[Obsolete Technology: 19/300]

Righteous Allupii Empire: 60/100
-[Distant Stars: 6/100]
-[Serfdom I: 15/100]
-[Serfdom II: 0/100]
-[Serfdom III: 0/100]
-[Weak Central Government I: 0/300]
-[Weak Central Government II: 0/300]
-[Unequal Feudal Society: 0/500]

Akley Consortium: 50/100
[Distant Stars]: 31/100
[Alien Modes of Thought]: 0/100
[Diplomatic Minefield]: 0/300

Dawiar (Great Kingdom of Kharhazad): 100/100
-[Ashalla Pact: 130/300]
-[Gorn Alliance: N/A]
-[Sour about Caitian Conflict: 1/100]
-[End of Ambition: 0/300]
-[Feudal Monarchy: 0/500]

Dylaarians: 60/100
-[Ashalla Pact: N/A]

Goshawnar: 0/100
-[Ashalla Pact: N/A]

Imelak: 0/100
-[Ashalla Pact: N/A]

Konen: 5/100
-[Ashalla Pact: N/A]

Lecarrens: -30/100
-[Ashalla Pact: N/A]
-[We can't trust you: 0/100]
-[You don't trust anyone: 0/500]

Major Powers
Romulan Star Empire - Treaty of Mars
Klingon Empire - Khitomer Accords
Cardassian Union - Treaty of Celos, Treaty of Gabriel
Ferengi - Limited
Interstellar Commonwealth - Embassy deepening ties, plus Explorer Corps links
Harmony of Horizon - Unsettled
[Bonus rolls applied to Ittick-ka, Daw, Yizgisi, and Unbound Gaeni]

Chrystovian Update - Captain Sabrina Victoria, Ashalla Pact Desk

The Ashalla Pact claims that it took 21 days to defeat the Chrystovian Navy. Our analysts have determined, through informants, some remaining embassy staff, Chrystovian refugees, and Cardassian media analysis, that this figure is accurate. The nebula shrouding their space proved a double-edged sword -- it made navigation difficult for Pact forces, but it also made it difficult for the Chrystovians to predict where the Pact would strike. We believe that the defensive nature of the nebula was largely compromised by Ashalla Pact sympathizers, who we believe provided the Ashalla Pact with accurate locations of military installations, planets, and Chrystovian Navy vessels. Badly outnumbered, the Chrystovians were placed in an impossible situation of defending four worlds with a fleet that could only plausibly protect one. They massed their fleet over their homeworld, and were prepared to respond to whichever world the Cardassians struck at first.

The Cardassians, after completing a total encirclement of Chrystovian space, declined to pursue a protracted campaign. Instead of spreading out their forces and attacking multiple planets, they located the Chrystovian's single fleet, and struck. The resulting battle was total victory for the Cardassians, who based on intelligence regarding Pact repair requisitions, only suffered significant damage to a frigate. The Chrystovian Navy was almost entirely destroyed. The only remaining vessels in the Chrystovian space fleet were four surviving frigates that had served as the scout-screening forces, who surrendered soon after the battle's conclusion. Upwards of 6000 Chrystovian spacers are estimated to have lost their lives.

With space secure, the Cardassians began the process of occupation and installing a friendly regime. Based on the swiftness of the new government's installation, we suspect they had secretly contacted several disgruntled research administrators and political leaders long before the invasion. To fully explain the context of these leaders, we will now examine the situation that appears to have lead them to contact, or be contacted, by the Cardassians.

For two decades, Chrystovia has been pursuing a grand social experiment, where three of its four planets follow a different socio-economic structure in an attempt to experimentally determine which system would best suit Chrystovians going forward. The world of Kyo researched a laissez-faire market system with minimal government oversight. Bellae went in an opposite direction, instead testing the benefits of a communal planned economy using powerful computers and statistical algorithms. And Eathzor went in a direction that to some degree mixed, testing a laissez-faire approach to biological and technological augmentation along with an even more advanced integration of technological oversight into the economy.

While the project began to yield interesting results, some political leaders and junior researchers on Bellae, following the charismatic Dr. Zergev Agrosolov, began to voice concerns. Firstly, they felt that the experimental controls were not allowing them to practice a 'sensible' vision of the sociopolitical ideology that informed the Bellae experiment. The controls directed them to follow through on the concept of a withering away of the state apparatus. The experimenters were concerned that, even if initially successful, this could lead to increasingly complex algorithms ruling the lives of Chrystovians with no strong oversight. In addition, they felt the experiment was unfairly stacked to benefit Eathzor, which would have a central government and the leeway to be flexible in how they organized their economy. There was, essentially, nothing to stop Eathzor from implementing Bellae's economy, with central control, and getting radical augmentations. The Bellae leaders believed that the experiment was therefore unfairly tilted, a subtle means of signalling the Chrystovian government's real intent and bias.

But more than that, experimenters and leaders on Bellae and Eathzor alike had significant concerns about Kyo. In the initial stages of the research, things were going well for the populace, and the Kyo leadership had not yet succumbed to the worst excesses of industrialized market economics. However, critics pointed out that certain structural factors were emerging that could eventually lead to the kind of sophont suffering experienced in a Pre-Union Orion Sphere. They believed that the Kyo experiment would lead to two outcomes: either it would become a welfare-state market economy, and thus not be truly testing its principles; or to follow through on those principles would condemn millions on Kyo to terrible suffering, both physical and psychological.

As the experiment on Kyo progressed, and the welfare system was shrunk in favor of charity as per the experimental regulations, the opposition movement grew more active and strident. Chrystovian leadership, scientific and political, debated strenuously on the capital world. In the end, the decision was made to stay the course. We believe Dr. Agrosolov and his sympathizers in the Bellae research team then chose to follow the Tellarite maxim that 'War is politics by when the other guy needs sense bashed in with a rock.'

We were aware of Bellae dissatisfaction after they made contact with the United Federation of Planets, but were skeptical of our ability to help 'force' the matter on Kyo, due to the Prime Directive. Our former Ambassador notes that Dr. Agrosolov, openly expressed admiration for how Cardassians had turned around a society with widespread starvation, and brought political stability to nations like the Goshawnar. But of course, he stated that he would only support democratic transition. About this time, we believe he started training militias in secret on Bellae, and he is now a senior member of the Ashalla-appointed government. All other senior Bellae researchers are believed to be imprisoned. We believe Agrosolov transitioned from a critic of the government policy, to directly working for the Cardassians to recruit Cardassian-sympathetic intellectuals and leaders across Chrystovian space. There are rumors that he actually reached an agreement with the Cardassians pre-invasion, ostensibly in order to end the alleged future suffering on Kyo and to ensure a smooth transition to prevent violence.

The Chrystovian government found itself dealing with an influx of Cardassian-sponsored media, aimed at sowing division among the electorate, and highlighting the possible future plight of Kyo, making explicit reference to the Orion Union, the Celos Corporate Republic, and Gaeni institutes. The Chrystovian government struggled to counter the rhetoric, strongly believing the government should not interfere in free speech and the marketplace of ideas. The Chrystovian government was either unaware of, or unable to combat, Cardassian infiltration into its political classes. As more conventional Cardassian 'intervention' loomed, they struggled to reunite the Chrystovians, and also contain the rogue social scientists like Dr. Garon Thomsev, who thought the society-wide experiment was not radical enough, or saddled with too much societal baggage. Instead, they chose to experiment on vulnerable prewarp populations. These scientists, focused only on research, did not realize they were providing the Cardassians with ample political ammunition to step in for 'galactic safety.' In preparation for the inevitable, the Chystovian government began training and equipping citizens to prepare for a brutal, long-lasting insurgency. However, others, spurred by Cardassian media, began to believe that a negotiated settlement would be preferable. Dr. Chrysia Novod, now the nominal leader of the Chrystovian occupational government, believed brutal resistance would only lead to crackdowns like those experienced by Bajor. She advocated approaching the Cardassians for voluntary membership in the Ashalla Pact, avoiding a costly war. She also strongly advocated that even in the event of an invasion, the government's primary duty after military defeat was to provide services to its citizens and keep them safe and healthy. A protracted resistance movement, according to her, would only cause harm.

With the invasion complete, the new government has promised to hold elections, but so far maintains special emergency powers to manage the 'experimental crisis,' and officially requests assistance from the Cardassians to hunt down rogue social scientists. The swiftness of their takeover, along with the surprising amount of support from the citizenry, has taken the exiled or hiding leaders of the Chrystovian government by surprise. Their insurgent forces are, for now, confused about where to direct their resistance. However, Starfleet Intelligence predicts this period of temporary peace will not last, and eventually a brutal street-level struggle will erupt between Dr. Agrosolov's militias, and the 'loyalist' paramilitaries established by the government.

Regarding the activities of Federation citizens during and after the invasion, a Gaeni vessel carrying aid was stopped by Pact forces just outside the Th'Eathor nebula. After explaining their mission, the Cardassians initially offered up, for exile, fourteen researchers charged with tampering with prewarps. One used wide-spread nanomachines to change the biological sex of babies just before birth, to see what effect it would have on a society's perception of gender. Another doctor interfered in the political process of another prewarp to see what effect marriage would have on socio-economic outcomes, encouraging one country to force women to have babies without marriage, and a control country that made them wait until marriage, in order to follow the resulting family or semi-family units. Another would covertly tamper with a planet's traffic control system, to see what effects a more frustrating daily commute would have on overall planetary happiness. As far as we have been able to determine, the former two scientists were already imprisoned, and the latter one was under investigation by the Chrystovian government.

After the Gaeni took on these fourteen (for compassionate purposes, believing trial and imprisonment in the Federation would be more fair), they eventually negotiated taking aboard several thousand refugees, political exiles from Kyo, and a few government notables. However, Starfleet Intelligence believes that these political exiles, hardcore believers in the Kyo experiment, might be the Cardassians sneakily getting them in front of Federation cameras as a government-in-exile that advocates for incredibly anti-Federation policies.

Starfleet Intelligence is also aware of a semi-secret mission involving the Yan-Ros and Honiani to land covert forces on Chrystovia. We lost track of them soon after they entered the Th'Eathor nebula. If the Federation Embassy is reestablished, we will attempt to make contact.

Extraordinary Committee for the Chrystovian People
Chair: Dr. Chrysia Novod
Vice-Chair: Dr. Nilhem Enakew
Known Departmental Chairs: Dr. Zergev Agrosolov, Dr. Veral Mersava, Dr. Borkal Korgev, Dr. Derez Lorgonava, Dr. Ezaveta Berium
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Omake - Outside Agitators Part 12 - brmj
Series: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Outside Agitators Part 12: "Just Like That"

2324 Q1M1

Things had been a lot calmer since the Battle of Khazara.

Not the first frantic couple of hours after the battle, when the Romulan fleet put itself back in order. That was the time for the most urgent repairs to be made, the injuries to be seen to, and the bodies to be counted, all while the handful of ships still in any condition for a fight watched warily just in case the Breen managed to hunt them down and bothered to pursue. With the fleet as it was, it wouldn't have taken a large Breen force to force another retreat and pin down and destroy a few of the worse off Romulan ships as they tried to run.

Nor in the handful of tense several days that followed, as the less critical but still immediate damage was patched up and the combat effective portion of the fleet waited for the counterattack order that never came. The Breen seemed content to hold position in Khazara orbit in overwhelming force, and the Romulans couldn't or wouldn't put together the reinforcements needed to do anything about it. As the Kelsatha's industrial bay churned out some of the most immediately necessary lower tech replacement D-7 parts (all they'd been trusted with the specifications for), it slowly became clear that Khazara was well and truly in Breen hands until the situation changed. When the orders finally came to move out, no one was particularly surprised.

It was the months that followed that were calm.

Rather than being sent back to watching for raiders on the frontier, they'd found themselves pulled back and assigned to convoy escort duty. There had been no small amount of speculation as to whether or not there was a message they were supposed to take from the reassignment, perhaps an indictment of their initial performance along the border or some kind of commentary on their showing in the battle, or if it was just judged to be where they could be best used. As usual, answers were not particularly forthcoming.

Still, it proved to be a safe, boring job that they were adequately equipped to handle, even if they had no one to agitate to beyond the freighter crews. Admittedly, that hadn't been a total failure; after enough time cooped up in a little freighter with the same handful of people, any diversion starts to look good. They'd at one point managed to invite a good portion of their convoy's crews aboard for a traditional Yrillian barbecue while they were stopped in well-patrolled space for a day and a half with a breakdown in one of the other ships. The Romulans hadn't really known what to make of that and generally seemed to alternate between suspicious, standoffish and bemused, but that was at least some limited contact and if nothing else Yrillian cuisine had gone over surprisingly well. That diversion aside, things had been uneventful, with no sign at all of Breen raiders, no unexpected disasters and nothing even hinting at excitement.

Towards the end, they had been following the (heavily redacted, as always) reports of the successful attacks on Breen capital ships. The consensus on board was that the tide was starting to turn, and in the near future a fleet would likely be put together, either to retake Khazara or to take the fight to the Breen directly. If the plan required significant stealth, they would of course likely either stay on convoy escort duty or be reassigned to cover for ships involved in the attack that would otherwise be doing something more critical. However, if the plan could accommodate it, they had little doubt they would find themselves in another battle before long. After all, it was fairly obvious that the Romulans understandably cared rather less about their well being than that of their own ships and crew. Steadily, a sense of anticipation began to build. There was nothing to do but wait.

When the Kelsatha received new orders and a series of high-priority communications in a matter of several minutes, no one was terribly surprised. The contents, however, were entirely unexpected.

The comms station chimed several times, but Forgyr had nothing more to say than "Message coming in..." before trailing off with a look of surprised confusion. The rest of the bridge crew glanced at him uneasily.

Iymurak broke the silence. "Well, what's the news?"

"... It's over."

Bimak made an inquisitive noise.

"The war."

Bimak again: "The war? Seriously?"

"Seriously. So says the comm just came in."

A whole series of significant looks passed through the bridge. Gryer locked eyes with Breezak for a moment, who managed to look simultaneously, relieved, disappointed, confused, and a bit self-conscious and guilty about some of the other feelings. A silence fell over the room.

Gryer felt himself speaking, almost without any conscious intention. "It's over? Just like that?"

"Just like that."

"Seems a bit... anticlimactic," Bimak commented.


A thoughtful silence fell over the room.



In short, their orders where to drop what they were doing, proceed to an uninhabited system in the corewards-spinwards corner of Romulan space, and wait for further instructions. Upon arriving at the coordinates they'd been given, to no one's great surprise, a ship immediately decloaked. Where once this might have inspired unease, the dominant reaction was now one of mild amusement: power plays like this had worn a little thin, so more than anything it came off as a little silly.

Breezak voiced what they were all thinking. "Well, someone's got a flare for the dramatic."

Sublieutenant Riuren, who had made a point of hanging around the bridge for this, looked distinctly unimpressed but otherwise chose not to respond.

"We're being hailed. Shall I?" Forgyr looked around the bridge and saw no objections.

The image of a Romulan woman in a commander's uniform with an alert, clever look and more than an touch of grey in her hair filled the viewscreen. Though at the momment she looked quite serious and more than a bit annoyed, there was something about her that gave the impression of someone forever ammused at some private joke. Perhaps not the standard image of a Romulan officer as invisioned by outsiders, but likely someone quite competent and formidable.

"This is Commander Kassus of the IRW Tresdan. We meet again, and under far better circumstances. I take it that someone here can speak for your crew?"

Iymurak, sitting in the captain's chair, shrugged. "Iymurak here. I'm captaining at the moment, but anything serious may still need a referendum or get kicked over to the negotiating team. What can we do for you?"

Commander Kassus blinked. "At the moment? How does that... " She obviously thought better of it. "No matter. As the war is at an end, the Romulan Star Empire no longer requires your services. You will of course be paid and otherwise provided for as per the terms of your contract. Since your presence in Romulan space is no longer required, your travel permit, friendly IFF status and the like will also be revoked shortly." A hint of a smile crossed her features, and she gave a little amused huff somewhere between a strong exhalation and the ghost of a laugh. "We can't have strange foreign war ships wandering around our space, after all."

She paused for a moment to survey the Kelsatha's bridge.

"With that in mind, I have been tasked with retrieving our personnel and escorting you to the border of Romulan space. If there are no questions or concerns, We will be leaving immediately."

Iymurak raised a hand in an understated parody of a child waiting to be called on in class.

"Yes?" Kassus was clearly a bit amused, even if she would perhaps have rather not shown it.

"We're getting a bit low on several key consumables, engineering says we need a chance to work on the injector alignment, and I'm sure the crew would appreciate some leave. It's been several months. Perhaps there are even victory celebrations we could join in on?"

"Immediately. No stops for repairs, servicing or resupply. No loitering. No tourism. No, you will not march in a grand victory parade on Romulus. You did your part, and now it is time for you to go away."

"You can't do that."

A dangerous tone entered her voice. "Oh?"

Iymurak brought something up on a tablet with a couple deft taps to the screen. "The contract that we signed clearly states, 'Upon the conclusion without renewal of the contract, the cessation of hostilities or involuntary termination of employment, the Romulan Star Empire shall provide the Kesatha Mercenary Cooperative with all necessary repairs, maintenance and stores to achieve a state of full combat readiness, as defined in section 6, subsection E, including all routine and preventative maintenance or permanent repairs unavoidably deferred due to war necessities as per section 8, subsection...'"

"I know what it says."


"It does not specify where those services are to be performed. We have arranged for the necessary supplies, services and berth space elsewhere."

"And where exactly might this 'elsewhere' be?"


"Morshadd." Iymurak's tone, though not quite questioning, made the implied question fairly clear.

"It is not my place to speculate on such things, but surely you are aware that we enjoy a... cordial relationship with the Arcadian Empire."

"Yes, but one might think they would have need for all their shipyards at the moment after the recent war."

"Not all their shipyards, it would seem."

They were out of options, and in any case Romulan space did not appear to be about to collapse into a cascade of spontaneous revolutions from below. Best to know when they were beaten. "Well then. I suppose that's all there is to it."

"Quite. Sublieutenant Riuren and Decurian Koval are to gather their things and transport over to the Tresden, after which we will escort you to the edge of Romulan space. Your last installment of pay and the confirmation codes for your berth access at Morshadd will be provided at the border, at which point I would suggest you proceed directly to Morshadd to avoid any misunderstandings."


Commander Kassus nodded, and gave a more or less genuinely pleasant grin. "Good to have that cleared up. I trust that you will inform us when our personnel are ready for transport. And by the way... you fought well over Khazara, considering."

The feed abruptly cut out.

From his semi-habitual spare station near the back, Ferash grumbled half-heartedly about that final qualification.

Sublieutenant Riuren got up from her seat, but Iymurak stopped her with a simple "Sublieutenant?"

"It has been..." Iymurak struggled to find the right word for a moment. "Interesting, working with you."

Riuren smiled. "And you as well." Gesturing to encompass the bridge and, metaphorically at least, the entire ship, "All of you, in fact. Perhaps not the first word I would reach for, but it was undeniably interesting." Turning to leave, her expression took on an almost predatory look. "Better luck next time, somewhere very far from here."

A/N: Apologies for the delay. I am now at least more or less caught up to events, so that's something. Hopefully I can stay that way.
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After-meeting Q&A - Alliterate
After-meeting Q&A
Part 1

After the presentation when things have broken into smaller conversations, Lieutenant Galan is fielding a questions from a Vice Admiral and a Councillor, who asks-

"Why remove the Constitution cores? They're old old tech but they work first time every time. The Enterprise even has Kirk's Enterprise's Duotronic Core, I'll be sad to see it go even if it probably belongs in a museum."

"That is a good question, Sir. From the design point of view, the 2270s secondary core is so outdated that the increase in performance from swapping the core from Duotronic to Isolinear beat its contribution by an order of magnitude. The old core is, unfortunately, a statistical rounding error- one that requires four and a half full time crew and about 1.5% of reactor output to maintain. The processing power isn't sufficient to save one single refit part- for example, we replace the four T2H SR sensors with two T4H SR- with higher performance but heavier weight per part. It would be cheaper to refit if they could stay as two T2H SR sensors, with the difference made up elsewhere. The secondary core isn't even close to bridging that performance gap.

Margins on this design are so finely-tuned that Personnel would have pushed the Ambassador-A into a higher crewing category of both Enlisted and Technicians and into higher build and refit resource cost categories.

Thankyou for your interest, Admiral."

As the Vice Admiral moves away, Lieutenant Galan catches Rear Admiral Leslie's attention and motions to join him and the Councilor. Pulling up a small holodisplay, he checks for attention but everyone else seems busy filing out, hobnobbing or celebrating a successful presentation.

"So... the original computer core from Kirks' original Enterprise. That's some history, right there.
Let me ask you, Admiral Leslie, what do you think of the chances of the Enterprise and perhaps the Ambassador being refit at Utopia Planitia? High? Now, I think you were going to ask me a perceptive question about the revised coolant system?"

[Leslie mutters something affirmative sounding]

"Why yes, as you astutely note Admiral, this is a lower-performance coolant design installed to reduce costs on new-build Ambassador-As, but such replacement does carry a cost in the refit. So, an existing ship under refit, with the M/AM refinements but retaining the higher performance Yoyodyne coolant already installed, has... let me see... retains a little over 1.5% additional Warp Core output from the coolant system compared to the Ambassador-A. Look at that. 1.5%, the power consumption of a secondary core. And, other than parts commonality, the older coolant meets all performance metrics. Simply an odd artefact of the design process. I understand that you are a fan of replicators, Admiral, so you might find it of note that the updated Mark VIII Replicators are certified to produce all field-refittable components required for both coolant designs.

Interestingly, 50-year-old objects like the original Enterprise core now count as an 'Antique' under an old Terran system that I believe made it into early Federation articles. Of course, curating an 'antique' of such historical significance is properly a role for the Officers of the Starfleet Historical Bureau, not Enlisted or Technicians. The Ambassador-A has roster room for a few additional officers.

Unfortunately, we in SDB hold no sway with Personnel, their crew banding thresholds are hard as reinforced duranium. But I have heard it said that even duranium weakens in the presence of Romulan ale.

You two have a good day, Admiral, Councilor."

Edit- SDB Designer notes- an Amby-A with the secondary core and retaining the Yoyodyne coolant costs the same 120/110 to refit, though the new-build cost goes up +10/+10 (thresholds are a harsh taskmaster). Aside from the cost, the real problem for a refit ship retaining the secondary core is the increased E and T crew. If they were instead categorised as five Starfleet Historical Bureau Officers, for the antique 2270s cores installed on the original-spec Ambassadors... The secondary core provides absolutely no increase to the ship stats.
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2324.Q2 - Captain's Logs I
Captain's Log, Stardate 23621.1, USS Achlanacht
(Centaur-B, SBZ)

While conducting a patrol through the INT-5005 system, we've detected a faint distress call from the surface of the third planet, though the heavy hyperionic radiation in the atmosphere makes picking out any details nearly impossible.

With our transporters rendered ineffective for surface use by the hyperionic radiation, I've elected to dispatch a shuttle team to the surface to investigate, and perform a rescue if it becomes necessary.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23621.5, USS Insight, Captain Mirko Jelenic
(Renaissance, Okatha)

It is my honor to conduct the first major joint research expedition between Starfleet and the Order of Allsight, the foremost scientific research organization of the Honiani. My understanding is that this expedition has been stalled for some time due to bureaucratic complications surrounding the Starkin's ratification.

We are expected to arrive in the Iaradun system in four days. Previous Federation, Sydraxian, and Honiani survey missions have found that the second planet in this system was a thriving Class-M world until approximately 15 million years ago, at which points the fossil record stops. It was initially thought that the native life was destroyed in a period of unstable solar activity caused by the assimilation of Iaradun Proxima by Iaradun A at around that time, but that hypothesis was rejected by the lack of any fossil remains of a mass extinction. Everything alive on the entire planet just vanished.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23621.6, USS Achlanacht
(Centaur-B, SBZ)

While communications with the surface team are limited at best, the away team reports that the distress signal appears to originate with an Imperial Orion era derelict corvette.

I have dispatched a more specialized team to the surface and have authorized the existing team to investigate further.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23622.0, USS Concord, Captain Quentin Raleigh
(Renaissance, Klivvar Proxima-SBZ)

With the signing of a joint defence agreement between Earth and Dar Nakar, the Sydraxian Navy and Starfleet will be fighting on the same side in any future conflict.

To that end, Concord is delivering Vice Admiral Sotak to the joint Federation/Sydraxian planning conference on Klivvar Proxima.

Afterwards Concord will be joined by Suffrage and the Sydraxian vessel Nakadar to provide security and run joint exercise while the conference is underway.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23622.2, USS Achlanacht
(Centaur-B, SBZ)

The derelict has self destructed. While our team was able to evacuate safely, we've recovered precious little of the wreck itself.

It appears that the HIMS Cassiopeian Odyssey was damaged during one of the inter-dynastic squabbles of the Middle Imperial period and crashed to the surface of INT-5005. The survivors, anticipating recovery by an opposing Imperial faction, rigged the vessel to explode when boarded.

In addition to recovering some scattered remains from the Orion vessel, the team has analyzed the long term effects of hyperionic radiation on starship grade materials, data that will be of interest to scientists back home.



Captain's Log, Stardate 23639.1, USS Stalwart, Captain Chayaal
(Constellation-A, Okatha)

The USS Insight has failed to transmit its regular mission updates since arriving in orbit of Iaradun II two weeks ago. Long-distance communications have not been answered.

We have been scrambled to locate the silent ship and render aid if required. It is possible that a local phenomenon has impeded subspace communications, and that the Insight's mission is proceeding as I speak. But I don't believe this is the case; if they weren't being pinged back after their mission updates, they'd have noticed and left the system to get an update out. Captain Jelenic isn't one to ignore protocol.

Personal Log, Captain Chayaal

I've only gotten to see Mirko a few times since I took command of this ship. I've been hoping his old XO would be attending his retirement party at year's end.

It is an irony. My first mission with him as captain was the rescue of the Adelphi. If the Insight has really come to harm, I only hope I have learned well enough.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23640.2, USS Concord, Captain Quentin Raleigh
(Renaissance, Klivvar Proxima-SBZ)

The conference has been crashed by public demonstrations. A mixed group of Federation citizens, radical Sydraxian Vanguardists, and Gretarian agitators are unhappy with the expansion of Sydraxian military presence that would accompany greater Starfleet-Sydraxian Navy cooperation.

While the protests are by no way violent, or even particularly disruptive, the optics are bad. Therefor I've volunteered by own time and that of Concord's security department to help keep order while the conference proceeds.

In the meantime, Suffrage will continue the joint exercise with Nakadar, while Concord is locked in orbit.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23642.0, USS Stalwart, Captain Chayaal
(Constellation-A, Okatha)

We've arrived in orbit of Iaradun II. There is no sign of the USS Insight. Sensors are doing their best to look for an ionized trail leading away, but enough time has passed since their arrival and this binary system is sufficiently active that we may not be able to find it even if one was left, assuming they fled shortly after arrival.

We are also conducting a full scan of the planet's surface, prioritizing sites of paleontological interest. If the Insight was able to so much as start its mission, they may have left equipment or personnel behind. The lack of obvious life signs on the surface are inconclusive; Iaradun II's crust is rich in fistrium, and riddled with deep cave complexes. If someone took refuge in the caves, detecting them from orbit is likely to take prolonged and focused scanning.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23642.5, USS Stalwart, Captain Chayaal
(Constellation-A, Okatha)

We've detected an artificial energy source at a subsurface location near what the earlier surveyors' records mark as a site of paleontological interest. Its too deep underground to get a clear reading, let alone be reached with transporters. We will need to dispatch a search and recovery team into the caverns.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23643.0, USS Stalwart, Captain Chayaal
(Constellation-A, Okatha)

Twelve kilometers beneath the surface, the away team discovered an unmanned vehicle of honiani design, with markings identifying it as property of the same organization that the Insight had been working with. While the drone's engine, sensors, and batteries are still working, and its onboard subspace comm array still projecting, its propulsion systems are damaged, and its computer has been...imprecisely removed.

According to the away team's report, the cave area they found the drone in is laced with an organic residue. This residue is inert, but chemical scans suggest that it is of biogenic origin. Dehydration patterns suggest that it was left recently.

The drone has scanned negative for biological contamination to the best of the away team's ability, but there is no reason to take chances. As soon as they've brought it close enough to the surface, I intend to beam it directly into a level three containment unit and keep it there for as long as its aboard. The away team members, equipment and vehicle will likewise be going through bioscreening twice before they're coming in contact with the same air we breathe.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23646.2, USS Stalwart, Captain Chayaal
(Constellation-A, Okatha)

Disassembly of the drone provoked the organism hiding within to tear itself free and attempt to breach containment. It has so far been unsuccessful in escaping the chamber, but there have already been two close calls. Once when it used carefully calibrated electrical pulses to weaken the force field, and another when it "played dead" and then attempted to send a spore-like cell through the liquid lubricant ducts of the robot arms we tried to examine it with.

This life form has the ability to make itself completely invisible to sensors, through a process we can only guess at for the time being, and its tissues conduct energy along its outer membranes in a manner that makes it almost impossible to stun or even scan. The science officers have informed me that its genetic structure is unlike anything seen before. Each nucleus is completely different, as if belonging to a seperate species entirely, but the cells constantly exchange ribosomal information packages that essentially makes them all part of the same genetic system. It is almost a colony organism, and almost endosymbiosis, but exactly neither.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23646.8, USS Concord, Captain Quentin Raleigh
(Renaissance, Klivvar Proxima-SBZ)

Along with representatives of the FDS, I've sat down with protest leaders and we've generally smoothed out their concerns.

To the Federation protestors, I've emphasized that the time of aggressive Sydraxian foreign policy is long past, and that the Federation wouldn't be called upon to provide cover for extortion or conquest.

To the Vanguardists, I was able to mollify their fears that the Sydraxians would become another military catspaw to a Great Power, especially by putting emphasis on the voluntary nature of entry into the agreement, and the Federation's commitment to peace. The recent crisis with the Pact and the Federation's refusal to be drawn into a general war definitely helped my points here.

And with the Gretarians, my FDS colleagues were able to talk about the progress made on reparations, especially the work spearheaded by Federation Councillors Inuyha and Tair. I was also able to point out that their own Sydraxian Vanguardist allies, if elected into office, are also fully in favour of diverting military funds into making things right with the Gretarian people.

While the protests didn't disperse all at once, they did loose momentum and were completely gone well before the conference ended.

Captain's Log, Stardate 23646.9, USS Suffrage, Captain Elshot
(Renaissance, Klivvar Proxima-SBZ)

Our joint exercise with the Sydraxian Navy vessel Nakada is proceeding smoothly.

In fact, I've watched Suffrage's crew perform with extraordinary efficiency, and I'm looking forward to granting them leave planetside when Concord takes our place.

[+10 relations with Sydraxia, +10 relations with Gretarians, Suffrage becomes Blooded]


Captain's Log, Stardate 23648.1, USS Stalwart, Captain Chayaal
(Constellation-A, Okatha)

The biological mass has begun releasing high-intensity radiological pulses. Fortunately, these pulses are in the radio spectrum, and non-dangerous. Indeed, computer analysis suggests that it may be attempting to communicate.

I do not believe that we are the intended recipients of this communication, however. We have detected sympathetic radio pulses from the planet, on one of the deep ocean floors. There is strong magnetic activity around the area that will make orbital scans difficult. Entering the planet's upper atmosphere to bypass the reflective upper layers and increase our signal penetration of the deep ocean has been proposed, and rejected. We will instead be relying on a string of probes to scan the location at close range and relay the findings into orbit.

If this life form truly was responsible for the disappearance of a Federation cruiser, I will not be placing another within its reach.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23652.2, USS Stalwart, Captain Chayaal
(Constellation-A, Okatha)

One of our marine probes has found the Insight on visual sensors. The vessel is resting on the ocean floor, completely surrounded in a cocoon of biological material. The biomass is rooted in place by a set of tendrils that extend beneath the ocean floor; structural analysis suggests that they are connected to a much larger organism hidden within the crust.

Our studies of the life form infesting the honiani cave rover have begun to yield results. Some calibrations to our own probe's sensors allowed it to partially bypass the cocooning organism's sensor-deflecting membrane. The crew of the Insight appear to be alive, and energy readings suggest that the ship's life support and other critical systems seem to be functioning.

Unfortunately, our probe was destroyed only moments after its sensors penetrated the cocoon. We have been unable to determine what destroyed it, or how.

Personal Log - Captain Chayaal

We could use the phasers to cut it open. We'd have to overclock the emitters to penetrate that much seawater and still have enough firepower to burn through that thing, and we'd need to manage the output very carefully to make sure it doesn't cut any deeper than that. Too many variables. The computer might be up to it, but it also might not.

What's worse than the risk of overpenetration is the fear of provoking it.

Why hasn't it breached the hull yet? It was strong enough to bring a Renaissance class starship down, somehow. The organism's energy-manipulating properties, scale up to that volume...Insight's SIF shouldn't stand a chance after such prolonged exposure. There is every indication that it could have cracked the hull like an egg by now if it wanted to. Why hasn't it wanted to? And will firing on it provoke it to just crush the ship in its hand? We will not be able to beam many people out in time, if it does.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23655.4, USS Stalwart, Captain Chayaal
(Constellation-A, Okatha)

After losing a second probe in its approach to the Insight, we have pulled our remaining units back. We are instead focusing our efforts on the biomass aboard our own ship.

It has been confirmed that this is a colonial superorganism after all. The cells belong to hundreds of different species. The organism's remarkable traits are emergent properties created by the interactions of numerous, seemingly unrelated, microbial structures, some of whose biochemistries include highly unusual materials. Each "species" of cell also seems to contain the complete genome of several others in its nuclear, plasmodial, and ribosomal libraries, and hundreds of other introns that could be partial genemaps for hundreds of others. There is also electrochemical activity going on between the cell clusters, analogous to that of a complex nervous system.

All attempts to communicate with the superorganism have failed. It has been singlemindedly attempting to escape, and using every opportunity to try a new tactic in this interest.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23655.9, USS Stalwart - Captain Chayaal
(Constellation-A, Okatha)

There is a theory in xenopsychology that says that the most fundamental, universal concept for sentient life is the concept of reciprocity. I do not know if this entity is sentient, in the way that we typically define it. If it is, however, then we might be able to speak to it on a level that supersedes language.

I am having the honiani device and its younger outgrowths beamed back to the surface, just inside the entrance of the cave we recovered it from. We will also be beaming down a supply of protein gel and nutrient supplements customized to its biochemistry as best as we can understand it. Finally, we will be beaming down a small team of officers. Myself included.

We'll be going down fully suited, heavily armed, and equipped with as many heavy-duty ground based sensor systems as we can assemble. Stalwart will be prepared to beam us up on a second's notice, but I am unsure that a second will be enough time should the entity choose to escalate its hostile behavior. Nevertheless, I do not see that there is any other choice. We must make a show of trust.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23658.4, USS Stalwart, Captain Chayaal
(Constellation-A, Okatha)

Communication has been established. It has spoken.

One hundred and sixty million years ago, the native life of Iaradun II evolved into a series of symbiotic regional ecosystems that competed against one another for living space, nutrients, access to sunlight and geothermal hot spots, and prey species that were not part of their networks. This competition forced each superorganism to optimize itself, becoming more interconnected and united in purpose, until each was a single sentient being. These...entities...wared among themselves over the planet, until everything that was not part of themselves was assimilated, forced to co-evolve its way into the superorganisms or else be devoured in a tragedy of the commons.

One hundred million years ago, the Iaradunians made peace, of a kind. They continued to fight over land and resources, but no longer with the intent to kill. They fought to optimize themselves and each other, helping to aid their own evolution through competition. They developed a culture.

Fifteen million years ago, a chain of high-intensity solar flares and gamma ray bursts caused by the death of Iaradun Proxima bathed this planet in fire and radiation. Only one Iradunian survived, due to having moved the greater part of its biomass deep underground. Even so, it was gravely wounded. In order to heal itself, it was forced to devour the remains of the rest of its kind. For a hundred years, the planet was covered in swarming scavengers that picked it clean of corpses and detritus and bore their material back into the caves. It could have reclaimed the surface at that time, or at any time since, but it feared the sky would rain fire without warning again. For fifteen million years it has hid itself below the crust, sending only sensory appendages out to look for signs of the great fiery enemy's return. It has also developed high-energy weapons to use against those of the "burner;" one of these was employed against the Insight after the entity lured it into the atmosphere.

For the past month, Captain Jelenic and his crew have been attempting to reason with the entity, but in their vulnerable position they were unable to demonstrate good faith to their captor's satisfaction. However, they presented themselves well enough that it decided to keep them prisoner and await more of their kind's arrival, rather than killing and eating them.

The Insight has been released, and we are slowly tractor-beaming it back into orbit. The vessel will require minor repairs, but there is no major damage, and no deaths.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23659.2, USS Enterprise, Captain Jennifer Zhang
(Ambassador, Dreamer Space)

has come across our first Dreamer Town, and they appear to be in the middle of some sort of cultural festival around a protostar that I lack the ability to comprehend properly. It looks absolutely stunning though. So many colours.

Sadly, I lack the Esper rating to communicate with the Dreamers directly, so Counselor Roxun and Lieutenant T'Sen will be communicating in my place.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23660.1, USS Stalwart, Captain Chayaal
(Constellation-A, Okatha)

The Last Iaradunian has begun recolonizing the surface. Fields of lichen and algae are spreading around the cave entrances, and grass and small bushes begin to follow. It claims that it has preserved the essence of all the species that were wiped out in the solar storm, and is eager to "think in these modes" once again. As the ecosystems expand, the neural network they contain is also growing in complexity.

The Last has also informed us that it wishes for time to restore the planet's surface, and to finally give the rest of its people their proper...commemoration? Difficult concept to translate. In twenty years time, we will be permitted to place a research colony on this planet and study this unique life form with its own cooperation.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23660.1, USS Insight, Captain Mirko Jelenic
(Rennasaince, Okatha)

My first mission as captain was a rescue. And it looks like my last one was being rescued.

That makes it sound ignoble, but while I regret the danger my crew and our civilian attaches were put in, I can't bring myself to say it wasn't worth it. When it comes to seeking out new life and new civilizations, this crew - and the Stalwart's - have accomplished as much in the last two months as any Explorer Corps mission this side of Kirk's. I can't take too much credit though. Chayaal's proven a better captain than I could have ever aspired to be.

We'll be setting a course for the Star-Forge yards for repairs. Unless the Last beat us up harder than we realized, the ship should be back at full functionality by next quarter. The Allsight monks are too ecstatic about our discovery to have ever been afraid. Can't say I entirely blame them; what we've seen on that planet might just be the biggest revolution in xenobiology in over a hundred years. They're already planning the research colony for when the Last lets people back.

[Gain +25 rp]


Captain's Log, Stardate 23662.5, USS Enterprise, Captain Jennifer Zhang
(Ambassador, Dreamer Space)

One of the Dreamers has approached Enterprise for help with a problem.

From what I understand, a newly inhabited Dreamer… mining and manufacturing system....has seen a sudden proliferation of small cosmozoa that are plaguing Dreamer workers with constant attacks.

While the Dreamers are fully capable of defending themselves, the attacks are reducing industrial production for several types of warp boosting attachments used by the Town.

They're wondering if we could use our wildly differing perspective to find an easy solution to the problem that doesn't require a squadron of Dreamer soldiers scouring the entire system's orbitals and wiping the creatures out.

Obviously I've agreed.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23664.6, USS Sirocco, Captain Alex Kwan
(Centaur-B, Ruby Eyes' Folly)

We're getting pulled out of system again, but this time it's the trill sending a distress call. Transmission is weak, but they say they're under attack.

The rest of the sector fleet is scattered around further tailward; I don't think anyone else can get there in time to to make a difference. If this is one of the Hishmeri Septs getting back to their old tricks, we're going to have a hell of a fight on our hands with just this one frigate.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23665.2, USS Enterprise, Captain Jennifer Zhang
(Ambassador, Dreamer Space)

has arrived at the site of the Dreamer manufactury-clinic, which appears to be a cluster of grouped asteroids where Dreamers purify ores, gather materials, and then transform them into intricate individualized attachments for the frames built onto their bodies.

While the immediate area is kept clear of the local cosmozoa by the presence of Dreamer Soldiers armed with heavy tractor beams for pushing the cosmozoa away, the rest of the system has become difficult for the Dreamer workers to travel through.

The attacking cosmozoa are small, essentially flying wings of little more than thirty meters in width and ten meters in length, propelled by an internal antigravity array. Though slow moving and weak compared to the Dreamers, their swarming attacks are capable of injuring even the larger elder Dreamers.

Personal Log, Jennifer Zhang
(Female, Human)

Lieutenant T'Sen informs me that the Dreamers refer to these Cosmozoa as "Flicks".

Or at least that's the best word for the concept in her head.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23665.8, USS Sirocco, Captain Alex Kwan
(Centaur-B, Ruby Eyes' Folly)

Not the hishmeri after all. A trio of berserker probes chased the trill explorer off course and have been slowly wearing out their engines. The trill managed to destroy one and damage another, but they took enough of a beating themselves that it's understandable why they've been running.

We got the drop on the damaged berserker and finished off its shields with our opening torpedo salvo before using the phased pulse trick to short out its computer. The second one gave as good as it got, but we kept the Sirocco between it and the trill ship, and between the two of us managed to destroy it before we could lose shields.

The trill are going to have to limp to the nearest shipyard for repairs, but they can make it on their own power. The question now is how that many berserkers got on the loose this close to the border; this region is supposed to have been wiped clean of them. One slipping through I could understand, but three? We're following their trails and looking into this.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23667.1, USS Enterprise, Captain Jennifer Zhang
(Ambassador, Dreamer Space)

It seems that this breed of Cosmozoa is indeed native to this system, and were present even before the Dreamers arrived.

The Dreamer workers at the Manufactory-Clinic tell us that they avoided disturbing the Flick' environment when they arrived in system, and that the threat had escalated over time, until they suddenly found themselves under attack by swarms in the hundreds and the work required to relocate and push away the Flicks during each swarming attack has begun eating up the entirety of the time they should be using for work.

Working together, Commander M'hrana and Doctor Ahanle believe that the origin of the problem is the Dreamers themselves. Or rather: that the inbuilt tractor beams used by the Dreamers use a gravimetric process slightly different from our own, and gravimetric frequencies used cause long range distress in the natural propulsion system of the Flicks.

With that knowledge in hand, Doctor Ahanle, and Lieutenant Commander Neroth are putting their departments together to help the Dreamer Crafter-Clinicians figure out a modification to their tools that won't rile up the Flicks.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23668.8, USS Sirocco, Captain Alex Kwan
(Centaur-B, Ruby Eyes' Folly)

We followed the probes' attack vector from the initial encounter out rimward, and ran into a hishmeri patrol ship. Fortunately, they belong to the same Sept we did business with early last year, and they were willing to trade information for a few supplies.

With the Screaming Hawk Sept focused on Task Force Liberty's operations, they haven't been able to keep their "herds" in check, and several of the probes their fleet was tasked with tracking slipped away. The rest of the Hishmeri have mixed feelings about this; they're happy to track down the fugitive berserkers and either steal them or sell them back to the Screaming Hawks, but they're nervous about us meddling in their intersept politics in general.

Task Force operations are well above my station, but if I can make a recommendation it might not be a bad idea to have TF Liberty go after runaway probes more proactively. It'll keep things safer here until Hishmeri politics have settled down again.

[gain +10 relations with Trill (now at 158/300)]


Captain's Log, Stardate 23668.9, USS Enterprise, Captain Jennifer Zhang
(Ambassador, Dreamer Space)

With a bit of engineering and medical knowhow, we've helped the Dreamers modify their equipment to avoid distressing the local cosmic wildlife.

The Dreamers are quite pleased with Enterprise's help, and have gifted us several tonnes of raw materials of our choosing as a reward.

Personal Log, Jennifer Zhang
(Female, Human)

In fact it seems that part of the Dreamers reluctance to destroy or fight off the Flicks is that they find the Flick swarms to be adorable.

I am informed that the situation for the Dreamers was rather like being attacked by large swarms of Puppies and Kittens: Disconcerting, disturbing, and distracting.

They'd reached their wits end before we arrived. They'd even begun discussing whether it was preferable to kill the Flicks, or abandon the rich system altogether.

[+15 Dreamer Relations => [Alien Methods of Communication], +15sr]


Captain's Log, Stardate 23669.0, USS Ambassador, Captain Zolani Volanen
(Ambassador, Core-Spinward)

has just completed a welcome rendezvous with Commodore Chekov and Task Force Righteous. It's always nice to be able to pick the brain of a legend of the service like Pavel Chekov. His insights on First Contacts in particular are welcome.

However, Ambassador and Righteous each have our own mission and we must part ways.

To that end Ambassador is making for a nearby nebula that seems to be giving off a number of interesting emissions on our long range scans.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23670.5, USS Ambassador, Captain Zolani Volanen
(Ambassador, Core-Spinward)

currently rests at the edge of a small, atypical, emission nebula about six light years across at the widest point.

While typical emission Nebulae are made up of young hot stars, our readings from this nebula shows evidence of much older heavy materials that are typical to end stage stars or exotic phenomenon.

I am ordering Ambassador into this nebula to investigate.


Science Officer's Log, Stardate 23674.1, USS Ambassador, Commander Natalie Nguyen
(Ambassador, Core-Spinward)

At the edge of the nebula our sensors are detecting a few dozen particles per cubic centimeter of non standard materials: materials like duranium, transluminium, polyduranide, and kelindide.

Materials not often found in Emission nebulae, but more often found in starship hulls and other advanced constructs.

Also interesting: the concentrations appear to increase deeper inside the nebula.

Captain Volanen has agreed that this warrants further investigation, though she is taking all precautions. After all, these starship hull materials may not have been distributed across this nebula peacefully.


Science Officer's Log, Stardate 23675.4, USS Ambassador, Commander Natalie Nguyen
(Ambassador, Core-Spinward)

In addition to an increase in non-standard nebula particulates to thousands of particles per centimeter, there is a thick shell of kelbonite dust in the core third of the nebula, shielding what appears to be a massive Wolf-Rayet star from casual scanning and observation.

There are a number of frustrating anomalies to this nebula, it's composition not even being the greatest mystery.

The greatest mystery is that when exposed to tachyon radiation, WAM-400 -the nebula's central star- reveals chroniton shadows of immense age, which quantum dating is unable to place despite my best efforts.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23677.2, USS Ambassador, Captain Zolani Volanen
(Ambassador, Core-Spinward)

After a long week of speculation and sleepless nights, we're no closer to discovering what exactly could be the cause of WAM-400 and the surrounding nebula's unique features.

One theory is that WAM-400 is the remnants of an ancient Stellar Collection Array that was eaten by its star, or even a supermassive megastructure that collapsed into a star. Though those theories don't explain the chroniton shadows.


Bridge Archives, Stardate 23677.7, USS Ambassador
(Ambassador, WAM-400)

[Lt. Iulupitros] Listen, ma'am, with all due respect, the distribution of the particles in the system itself is essentially random.

[Cmdr Nguyen] That doesn't make any sense Lieutenant, they're coming from the star itself!

[Cpt. Volanen] Nevertheless, the patterns are not consistent. Which… even if this was an ancient megastructure, well. Now it's a star, and can't-



[Lt-Cmdr Er'de] "An object just slammed into the photosphere of WAM-400"

[Cmdr Nguyen] I'm seeing a radiation burst, stellar ejecta, and… yes, the photosphere undergoing a blowout.

[Cpt. Volanen] Let's not stay around to to meet that blowout. Ensign. Bring us to warp, let's stay a few light minutes away while we analyze what's going on.


Captain's Log, Stardate 2378.5, USS Ambassador, Captain Zolani Volanen
(Ambassador, WAM-400)

Imagine if you will: Building a linked transporter system. Get in one end, get out the other. Perfectly normal operations. Now imagine the destination platform has turned into a star before the transport sequence is complete.

Replace the transporter with time travel and that is what I believe has happened to WAM-400.

In the days since we observed the Chroniton surge from WAM-400, we've observed two further similar impact events on the surface of the star.

I believe that in each event we are witnessing a time traveling starship entering our time period directly atop of the star, and the ejecta from those events happening over the 400,000 year lifetime of WAM-400 are what causes the unique properties of the surrounding nebula.

We've tried leaving beacons or some other method of warning those in the future of the danger, but as far as we can tell, events have not changed to reflect that.

Commander Nguyen believes that those in the future are already aware of the star's existence and the danger of their temporal transit system. She posits that the impacts we are seeing are from vessels "already" in transit when the megastructure collapsed. The vessels are not trying to reach our time, but have randomly entered reality in our time, as opposed to another location along the timeline.

Events here are confusing, horrifying, and almost entirely beyond our ability to do anything but carefully observe.

There are so many questions left unanswered, but what we do know is this: the system and it's surrounding nebula are an excellent place to collect the rare raw materials that starships are made of.

Personal Log, Zolani Volanen
(Orion, Female)

WAM-400, is such a prosaic name for such an interesting and unique star.

As a monster from the past, with an endless hunger that eats the future, I am tempted to name WAM-400 "Empress Hayant's Star".

However, there is an ancient Orion myth of the demon that eats the bodies of the unconsecrated who die alone alongside the road.

Therefore, I am using Ambassador's survey privileges to rechristen WAM-400 to "Necriaphan's Star"

[SR Colony, Necriaphan's Star, discovered at: m5, 20 (50) sr/year ]


Insight/Stalwart, and Siricco courtesy of @Leila Hann
2324.Q2 - Captain's Logs II
Captain's Log, Stardate 23673.7, USS Vigour - Captain Lin Kuahuula
(Constellation-A, Gabriel Border Zone)

Well will you look at that, our patrol route above Morgana 1321 is letting us do some good.

The Starfleet prospecting ship Serendipity has suffered an engine failure while checking out a system not far from Shanpurr space. Just about every other ship in this sector is patrolling nearer to Ashalla activity, so I suppose it's just as well we were up here. It's off to the Morgana 1317 system to see what the problem is.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23676, USS Vigour - Captain Lin Kuahuula
(Constellation-A, Gabriel Border Zone)

We've arrived at the system and found our ship in distress in orbit of the first planet. They're not responding to our hails though; either there's something wrong with their comm array now too, or there's something wrong with the crew. Sensors show that their life support is fine, and biosigns are coming through nice and clear, so they're still alive.

Well, I've been reading mission reports, and this seems suspiciously like a biological outbreak scenario. My instinct here is to beam the prospector's crew right aboard, but if there's something wrong with them medically they may not be safe for transport. The engineers will be going over along with a security team, all suited up. If my suspicions are confirmed, we can send over the medical staff right afterward.

USS Serendipity, Stardate 23676

The cloudy blue light of the transporter beam solidified into the utilitarian gray bridge of a twenty year old prospector. The first thing that Lieutenant Yarend noticed was that there was no one to greet them, or even unconscious people laying on the deck.

"There WERE healthy Federation biosigns, sir?" Ensign Yaleen's voice issued softly from her helmet.

"There are."

"Okay. Where should we start looking?"

Lieutenant Yarend noticed something then, and gave the ensign a Look from behind his visor. "How about right there."

The others looked. There actually was one person beside himself and the seven other away team members; a bald reddish head was visible over the backrest of the ops seat.

"Hello there," Yarend said, raising his voice and stepping forward. "We're from the USS Vigour. We responded to your distress call."

No response. The bald, reddish head didn't move, and the chair kept its back to the center of the room.

Yarend motioned to Ensign Sordek, and the vulcan stepped forward to see if the officer was conscious, or even alive. His exosuited hand touched the backrest, and suddenly there was a flurry of motion and bright red glare, and the ensign hit the deck like a ragdoll, limbs just barely twitching.

"Cover!" Yarend shouted, raising his phaser and throwing himself behind the navigation console while motioning for the others to do the same, "Vigour, we're under attack! This was a trap!"

"I can't!" The response from the transporter chief over his commbadge replied in a panic, "Serendipity's raised shields!"

Before they had even regained their bearings, four more figures shimmered into existence before the bridge exit, weapons raised.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23676.2, USS Vigour - Captain Lin Kuahuula
(Constellation-A, Gabriel Border Zone)

We've been outwitted. And outfought.

The Serendipity raised shields the instant our team was aboard, and then dropped into the planet's atmosphere to prevent beamout. Simultaneously, an unidentified warship jumped out with weapons blazing. We've never seen anything like it, but that weapon loadout...if we'd been one second slower to raise shields, we'd have been disabled in seconds.

They must have moved half of the captives onto their own ship and replaced them with their own. When we scanned them before beaming over, we detected the correct number of life signs; we just thought it was a heavily gaeni crew. We should have checked the crew records.

We're trying to evade the hostile vessel within the system, but its sensors are almost as good as its weapons, and it isn't slow either. The last we heard from the away team was that they were being pinned down by a group of armed and heavily cybernetically augmented gaeni. We've sent out a distress call, but it'll be at least two days until Zaryet can make it over.

This may be my final log. I can only hope it reaches you, HQ.

USS Serendipity, Stardate 23676.2


Ensign Yaleen just barely had time to shriek the word before another attacker leaped out into the hall, filling it with a half-dozen crimson phaser blasts before it shot like ruddy red and gunmetal gray lightning back around the corner. Yarend just barely managed to throw his hulking, yrillian-sized target to the deck before they blazed passed overhead, and his own shot from the floor was far too slow and clumsy. Behind him, he heard a gasp and a thud as Ensign Beldaga was struck.

Quickly sucking his breath back in, Yarend pulled himself into a crouch against the bulkhead and hefted his phaser. "Move ahead. Keep to the left, I'll cover you. Bernard, watch our back." The other three remaining Starfleet officers - one security and two engineers - bobbed their helmets gravely in assent. If they could just make it to engineering, maybe they could force these crazy cyborg gaeni to parlay…

Yarend's stomach rose in his body. As a born and bred upsider, he knew what that meant well before his feet lost contact with the deck.

"Wha-they shut off the gravity!?"

The others were less prepared for this surprise than him. When the gaeni reappeared around the corner - latching onto the deck with magnetized boots, Lieutenant Yarend was the only one able to engage his emergency thrusters and throw himself back around their own corner in time. The attacker raised his prosthetic arm, and phaser bolts erupted like volcanic flames at his helpless, floating colleagues.

Through the weightless air, another sensation reached him. That so subtle, but so unmistakable, feeling of everything being stretched and crunched as a ship's warp engines engaged.

Captain's Log, Stardate 23676.4, USS Vigour - Captain Lin Kuahuula
(Constellation-A, Gabriel Border Zone)

We're not going to get shields back online anytime soon. We can't sneak past the enemy's sensors, and one more failed attempt means we all die. We can't keep evading them for an entire day, let alone two.

I don't have a choice. I'm responsible for three hundred and ninety men and women besides the seven trapped on that prospector, and the technology of the Vigour. These unbound aren't getting those things. I can't risk letting them get those things.

If there's one thing the Constellation family does best, it's sprint. If we redline back spinward to rendezvous with the other ships...well, even if those unbound can keep up with us, they'd have to leave their initial prize unguarded. It's a gamble that we'll lose even if we win. They've captured a Starfleet ship, and according to the biosigns there weren't just gaeni among the living, in addition to the people we sent over ourselves.

But we don't have a choice. We'll run. Come back with more ships. Hope we can catch them before they run too far away. And that we're even able to outrun their warship in the first place.

USS Serendipity, Stardate 23676.4

He was panting. Had it really been only four hours? The pain in his chest was buried under the white hot burn on his left arm where an explosion had ripped through his exosuit, and the cold sting of his bleeding hip that had been grazed by a scythelike blade.

Gritting his teeth, Yarend refocused himself, covering the jeffrey's tube in front of the dead end he'd backed himself into. He was beginning to wonder if hiding in here had been a mistake after all; his large frame slowed him down, while these gaeni cyaugs seemed to have a downright affinity for the tubes. It was too late now, though; he was sure they had him surrounded. Serendipity was still at warp. He could feel it, especially now that the artificial gravity was back on.

Vigour had to be catching up. If not them, then someone else. They couldn't not be.

In the tube before him lay the body of one of the attackers. It was almost more robot than gaeni; legs covered in striated, external musculature made of some gray synthetic fibers. A skullplate helmet with a holographic HUD module fused to its skull...perhaps replacing parts of the skull for all he could tell. One wristband housed a long, retractable blade, like a scythe. The other hand was covered, or perhaps replaced entirely, by a phaser built into a crablike robotic claw. He had had to take that one down in close quarters, which accounted for the state of his hip. He'd never been more grateful for that training he did with the Yan-Ros.

How many had he beaten down? How many more were still on the ship? They kept beaming into his way, though whether they were coming from Serendipity's own transporter pad or from their own ship he had no way of telling.

"Attention, Starfleet officer," a harsh, unfamiliar voice suddenly echoed through the tube, "I am Captain Wonik Shralhar-32 of the free vessel Tessrokh. You have proven yourself a most capable combatant, and spacer. The unbound recognize the value of beings like yourself. Release your weapon, and you may emerge safely."

"Captain Wonik Shralhar-32," Yarend spoke loudly, hiding the pain in his voice, "sir. With all due respect, fuck you. Do you really think you can get away with keeping Starfleet prisoners?"

"I know that I can. Your vessel has retreated. We are moving away from your patrolled space at high warp. Your crewmates are stunned, but alive. Your future among us can be far better than theirs. You are an asset."

"Well then just STUN ME TOO and get this over with."

"That won't be acceptable. I've lost too many troopers to you already. This is your only chance to live."

Yarend grimaced, nearly biting his own tongue in two. "Then let me repeat my only answer. Fuck you."

For a moment, there was silence. Just the cold, cramped gray of the jeffrey's tube, and the tingle of a starship at warp. He braced his phaser with redoubled focus, eyes peeled for the slightest hint of a crawling shape or a transporter shimmer.

"Wasteful. But, you have chosen."

The flammable gas that had been silently filling the jeffrey's tube ignited.

[Starfleet prospector lost, -10 pp]
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Omake - Everyone Else Tries Too: The Comet - Night
With apologies and acknowledgements to @Vehrec. And to @Ato.

Everyone Else Tries Too - The Comet

Tal Diann C4 S4 H3-4 L5 P4 D7+
An evolutionary development of the Y-Type series, we are designating it the Z-type due to the very distinct design of the hull and its large leap forward in capability. While having an overall similar profile in most roles, they are significantly larger, somewhat more durable, and have much longer range and higher speed. Predictions from the Analytical Institute suggest they will break the current warp speed record without much trouble and be capable of high-warp cruising for periods of time normally associated with capital-weight ships. In terms of doctrinal role, the Z-type appears to represent a further effort by the Federation to shift regular internal security tasks onto the frigate force and free up their heavier assets for long-terms missions outside their borders. While the currently completing K-type frigates will handle missions of internal surveillance and diplomacy, the better-armed and faster Z-type ships will patrol the Federation's extensive borders and form the bulk of regional rapid-response groups to deal with incidents requiring more combat power than the K-type can provide.

Federation budget projections, while tentative, suggest a truly alarming number of these ships will be produced in the next five to seven years. All commanders are advised to familiarize themselves with the capabilities and armament of the design, as they are likely to become a common sight along the Neutral Zone. They will also give the Federation a formidable frigate skirmishing force that will take significant effort and the intelligent use of our cloaking advantages to overcome in a war. Fortunately, relations with the Federation remain largely cordial.

Klingon Intelligence C4 S3+ H3 L5 P3+ D8
The Comet is a bitter reminder that whatever else one may question, only a fool would doubt the Federation's cunning. Their ability to run at high warp for days or weeks make them powerful raiding units, and their more powerful weaponry and only slightly lesser durability compared to our own K'Tinga cruisers mean they will be able to either destroy light convoy escorts or simply ignore them while they destroy transports and cargo ships, then escape at high speed to strike again while easily outrunning any of our ships in pursuit. This plays on weaknesses exposed in the KDF and Imperial Romulan Navy during our recent war and does so effectively. While the peace with the Federation seems likely to hold for the foreseeable future and the Federation clearly views the Cardassians as their primary enemy, they have not gone so far as to dismiss either we or the Romulans as a threat. In combination with the rumored development of a new Romulan scout craft, the Comet forces us to recommend to the High Command and the Chancellor that further upgrades to the Bird of Prey or the K'Tinga are necessary to ensure the safety of Klingon shipping and the eventual victory of the Klingon Empire in future conflicts.

Obsidian Order C4+ S4 H2-3 L4-5 P4 D8
This new Federation frigate appears to have begun development before they were aware of the details of our Kapit Courier design, but we nonetheless recommend a thorough review of security at Trangot to determine if design details were leaked, as it appears to cut a very fine line to providing comprehensive unit superiority over the Kapit Courier. It is slightly better armed, has slightly superior sensors, an equal or superior hull and shields, slightly longer endurance, and is slightly superior as a diplomatic courier. The Federation's propagandistic projections of future expenditures nonetheless can delineate trends, and it is clear that they intend a large commitment to the Comet. Despite their supposedly peaceful rhetoric, the Federation clearly regard the Union as an enemy and continue to prepare for future conflict. We have encountered rumors about wartime variants of this craft intended for use against us and are attempting to obtain further information.

Public Security Directorate C4 S3+ H3 L5 P3+ D8
While the habit of other spacegoing powers in creating single points of massive social failure in small highly independent starships remains questionable in our eyes, it cannot be denied that tactical and operational advantages are derived from the practice. We saw this outlined by the Romulans against the Klingons, and then again by the Breen against the Romulans. The Federation has similarly had experience with deep raiders and skirmishers going back to their historical wars with the Klingons. The Comet is clear evidence they have learned well the lessons of these events.

This class presents a significant challenge to existing Peacekeeper doctrine, as it is capable of easily destroying the Alert corvettes used as picket ships in our fleets and then using its speed to go around or through our own Dancer and Virtuoso Strike Corvettes which would normally be relied upon to form a screen against raiders. A Comet need only engage our corvettes if it chooses to do so, enabling hit-and-run tactics that allow the Comet to force our ships to expend limited ordnance and battery charge to no effect, rendering them less effective in an extended battle or making them vulnerable to being isolated and destroyed by the larger and significantly more durable Federation ship. Larger ships of the Solace and Liberator classes would be required to effectively screen against the Comet, removing them from their usual role of being able to exploit weaknesses found or created by the actions of the Strike Corvettes. Similarly on the operational scale fast and long-endurance Comets can travel deep behind enemy lines to report on fleet movements and attack targets of opportunity, outpacing attempts to bring them to battle.

In peacetime the Comet would appear to serve the role of a first responder. While no more capable in a science or diplomatic role (and no better armed) than the variants of the Centaur class, the class' exceptional cruising speed and endurance suit it well to patrolling far-flung colonies and policing borders. The Comet can reach remote opportunities or disasters quickly and if not resolve the situation then at least contain it until the arrival of a more capable ship. Its raw size means it will be easily amenable to the Federation practice of periodic major refits, allowing it to be upgraded to meet future needs as required. We expect the Comet to remain in service for at least the next thirty years if not longer. As such we can only recommend that the replacement of the Alert Public Safety Corvette be accelerated as much as possible.

Foreign Assessment Group C4 S4 H3 L5 P4 D8
We must once again praise the Federation's openness in being willing to share details about their ongoing ship design projects with us, and note that while this might be perceived as unwise in some quarters it is a clear sign of commitment to ongoing good relations. The Federation's willingness to allow us to understand their operational doctrine and ship types, and hence be able to devise strategies against them, are a clear indication of a lack of hostile intent.

On that note, however, it must be pointed out that the Comet-class ships are a species of design unknown to Interstellar Commonwealth doctrine. While our emphasis is typically placed on what Federation doctrine identifies as the "Vanguard" and "Heavy Metal" phases of a battle, relying on the use of large fixed sensor arrays and probes deployed from starbases and other fortifications rather than starships to provide early warning and observation of enemy movements, the Federation have committed to a more offensively capable though risky doctrine of using dedicated heavy scout (Kepler) and skirmish frigates (Comet). To an extent this is a virtue drawn from necessity, as the Federation does not fortify their space as heavily and would frequently need such forces even in their own territory, but it is nonetheless a virtue of their fleet composition that must be acknowledged. We estimate that the Comet is perhaps the most capable skirmisher design currently contemplated among powers of immediate concern including the subsidiary powers of the Federation, though the Cardassian Kapit-C is close. Among other powers it is clearly superior to reported characteristics of the Breen's own scout-skirmisher. Details are too lacking on the reported Romulan scout frigate project or that of the Harmony of Horizon to make a judgement at this time, though given what we have gleaned of Harmony doctrine and society it is difficult to imagine them developing a ship intended to be operated so independently.

The Comet's impressive speed and endurance are however also fully in keeping with the Federation's peacetime goals of diplomacy, exploration, and disaster relief. Given the sheer size of the Federation and the area to be patrolled, the increasing trend towards speed of response observed in the Centaur variants reaches its logical conclusion in the Comet. While it is no more capable once it arrives than the existing Centaur-B by our estimates, its speed of response will allow it to reach problems before they become emergencies more often and allow a single ship to cover a larger area. Given the increasing trend of the Federation towards committing ad-hoc squadrons on missions of diplomacy or exploration outside its borders, this is doubtless a design concern. Contacts in the budgetary and shipbuilding offices indicate the Federation's future plans for Comet production to be quite extensive, and suggest what may be the beginnings of a squadron system similar to that practiced by in the Interstellar Commonwealth Navy in that there are hopes to form theater response groups of these ships.
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2324.Q2 - Snakepit - Results
[X][COUNCIL] Plan Rennie-Envoy, UP2, Coreward Diplo, Research Colonies
  • Request Mining Colony Falling Down, 6pp, 20 (35) br/year, 4 turns (7 before Chen 25% discount)
  • Request Mining Colony 17 Onidesin IV, 7pp, 20 (40) sr/year, 4 turns
  • Request Research Colony Barradus IV, 6pp, 6 (10) rp/year, 4 turns
  • Request Research Colony Galoria Delta-LXIg, 6pp, 5 (9) rp/year, 4 turns
  • Request new Starbase I [Seyek Border Zone - Hacitorus] 15pp (20 before Chen 25% discount)
  • Request new Starbase I [Risa] 32pp
  • Request Academy Development, 50pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
  • Request Start of Renaissance-A Vanguard refit, 5 turns, 25 pp
  • Request Start of Renaissance Envoy Variant development, 5 turns, 25 pp
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Dreamers]
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Licori]
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Felis]
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Outer Space Alliance]
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Bolians]
  • Sponsor efforts for a Major Shipyard Preparations to pave the way for a Utopia Planitia style shipyard, 4 turns, 110pp
  • 382pp total
[X][STARKIN] Aerocommando Research Corps (Personal Tech, Skill 4)
[X][STARKIN] Laudon Orbital Construction (Ship Design - Frigate/Starship Construction, Skill 2)

[X][KED] Utopia Planitia Tactical Design Bureau (Weapons/Ship Design - Capital, Skill 3)

Total Cost 381pp

Council Sessions Preparing

With the help of Admiral Chen, the Coreward Infrastructure Appropriations Act of 2324 has passed the Council, authorising two new starbases.
A Council Task Force has formed to act upon preliminary investigations into the feasibility of a large-scale shipyard.

Council Reporting


Ship Design & Refit Projects
Renaissance-A Vanguard refit, 5 turns, 25 pp
Renaissance Envoy Variant development, 5 turns, 25 pp

(Specific designs will be voted on at a later date)


Colonies Commenced
Develop Mining Colony Falling Down, 6pp, 20 (35) br/year, 4 turns - ETC 2325.Q2
Develop Mining Colony 17 Onidesin IV, 7pp, 20 (40) sr/year, 4 turns
Develop Research Colony Barradus IV, 6pp, 6 (10) rp/year, 4 turns
Develop Research Colony Galoria Delta-LXIg, 6pp, 5 (9) rp/year, 4 turns

Mining Colony 71 Apizza V, 7pp, 15 (35) sr/year
Mining Colony 41 Arrazziz, 7pp, 20 (35) br/year
Mining Colony 105 Arrazziz I, 7pp, 25 (45) sr/year
Mining Colony Calculated Risk (Joint with ISC), 7pp, 15 (30) br/year, 10 (30) sr/year
Research Colony Mortuary Expanse, 6pp, 10 (14) rp/year

Shipyard Expansions Commenced / Complete
Completed development of Lei-Hann Fleet Yard @ Gaen [2 x 2,000kt Berths]

Installations Commenced / Complete
Develop new Starbase I [Seyek Border Zone - Hacitorus], Starbase 28
Develop new Starbase I [Risa], Starbase 29

Completed Improved Listening Post at 101 Arrazziz, 5pp, 4 turns - ETC 2324.Q2

Building Argus Subspace Telescope Project, 4 years (permanent +1 annual Sci-T re-roll for events in Theatre constructed), 50pp, 200rp [Tailwards Theatre] - ETC 2327

Starfleet Academy
Academy Development, 50pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)

Tech Teams Requested
Additional Resources provided to:
Aerocommando Research Corps (Personal Tech, Skill 4)
Laudon Orbital Construction (Ship Design - Frigate/Starship Construction, Skill 2)
Utopia Planitia Tactical Design Bureau (Weapons/Ship Design - Capital, Skill 3)

Starfleet Reorganisation

Diplomatic Pushes:

Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Dreamers]
Dreamer Collective: 100/100 + 24 = 124/300
-[Cosmozoan Lifeform: 85/100] + 39 = 100/100 (24)
-[Alien modes of Communication and Thought: 3/300]

Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Licori]
Arcadian Empire (Licori) 81/100 + 19 = 100/100
-[At War: 443/???]
-[Recently in a Shooting War: 100/100]
-[Romulan Influence: 80/100]
-[Horizon Influence: 147/300]
-[Slavery: 20/500]
-[Uncontrolled Mentats: 0/300]-
-[Unequal Feudal Society: 23/500]

Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Felis]
League of Independent Felis Colonies 129/300 + 15 = 144/300
-[Horizon Influence 179/300]
-[Inclined towards Independence 5/300]
-[Weak Central Government 0/300]
-[Systematic Wealth Inequality 0/500]

Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Outer Space Alliance]
Outer Space Alliance: 259/300 + 40 = 299/300
-[At War: 443/???]
-[Horizon Influence: 282/300]
-[Corps are lying to us: 100/100]
-[Disunified Homeworld 200/500]

Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Bolians]
Bolians: 100/100
-[Isolationist Government: 27/100] + 26 = 53/100

Automatic Push:
Gretarians: 134/300 + 23 = 157/300
-[Need some space right now: 63/100]
-[Sydraxian Client: N/A]
-[You are all Crazed Militarists! 0/500]

Member World Coordination Office

Ships Commissioned in 2323.Q2:

Andor -
Vulcan - 1 Civilian Freighter
Tellar -
UESPA - 1 Passenger
Amarkia -
Caitian -
Apiata -
Gaen -
Orions -
STO - 1 Prospector
Caldonia -
Licori - 2 x Refit [Lizard-T], Repair [AHS Gallant]
Laio -
Ked Paddah -
Honiani -
Ashidi -

Shipbuilding Operations Report

The requested builds, refits, and repairs scheduled for this quarter have completed, namely:

USS Luther, Renaissance-class cruiser (Starfleet Build Order NCC-2636) @ Utopia Planitia Fleet Yard Berth 1

Starfleet Super-Freighter (Starfleet Build Order NCC-3621) @ Modern Engineering Orbital Works Berth A
Two Starfleet Cargo Ships (Starfleet Build Orders NCC-3734, NCC-3735) @ Unity Shipyards Berths 1, 2
Starfleet Cargo Ship (Starfleet Build Order NCC-3736) @ Lasieth Craft Yards Build 6
Starfleet Cargo Ship (Starfleet Build Order NCC-3737) @ Modern Engineering Orbital Works Berth 4


The requested builds, refits, and repairs scheduled for this quarter have commenced, namely:

Two Kepler-class frigates (Starfleet Build Order NCC-4133, NCC-4134) to commence at Green Hook Fleet Yard Berth B, C
(Oneiros NB: These may have accidentally been declared earlier, but they were supposed to commence here)

One Starfleet Super-Freighter (Starfleet Build Order NCC-3632) to commence Modern Engineering Orbital Works Berth A
Two Starfleet Prospectors (Starfleet Build Order NCC-643, NCC-644) to commence at Unity Shipyards Berths 1, 2
One Starfleet Passenger Ship (Starfleet Build Order NCC-5203) to commence at Modern Engineering Orbital Worlds Berth 4
One Starfleet Cargo Ship (Starfleet Build Order NCC-3746) to commence at Lasieth Craft Yards Berth 6


The following ships have drawn crews:

One Renaissance-class NCC-2636
- Crewed from Standard, 3 Officer, 5 Enlisted, 3 Technician

One Kepler-class NCC-4114 at Luna Orbital
- Crewed from Standard 2 Officer, 3 Enlisted, 4 Technician

One Kepler-class NCC-4115 at Grand Duk
- Crewed from Standard 2 Officer, 3 Enlisted, 4 Technician

One Kepler-class NCC-4116 at Chelok-An
- Crewed from Standard 2 Officer, 3 Enlisted, 4 Technician

USS Imazzrriazz, Kepler-class NCC-4121
- Crewed from Standard 2 Officer, 3 Enlisted, 4 Technician

USS Uram-Komnol, Kepler-class NCC-4122
- Crewed from Standard 2 Officer, 3 Enlisted, 4 Technician

USS Shh'hra, Kepler-class NCC-4123
- Crewed from Standard 2 Officer, 3 Enlisted, 4 Technician

Starfleet Spacelift Command, Starfleet Logistics Command

46 Cargo Ships
22 Freighters
3 Super-Freighter

Deep Space Division, Starfleet Engineering Command

6 Engineering Ships
[18 Special (Engineering), 12Sm, 12 Bk Cargo]
9 Cargo Ships
6 Freighters

Starfleet Colony Command

7 Colony Ships
4 Prospectors
[42 Special (Colony), 16 Special (Prospecting)]
2 Civilian Ships

Spacelift Division, Starfleet Security Command, Starfleet Tactical

2 Passenger Ships
4 Civilian Ships

Squadron 4, Transport Division, Starfleet Intelligence Command

7 Civilian Ships
-SS Appleseed
-SS Hummingbird
-SS Slipper
-SS Rocinante

Starfleet Hospital Ship Command, Starfleet Medical Command

6 Comfort-class Hospital Ship
-USS Comfort, NCC-3501
-USS Compassion, NCC-3502
-USS Hospice, NCC-3503
-USS Shepherd, NCC-3504
-USS Advocate, NCC-3505
-USS Shelter, NCC-3506
5 Ranger-type Hospital Ships

2324.Q2 - Captain's Log III
Report, Stardate 23621, Starbase 13, Commodore Alanyth th'Kaeller
(Starbase, Shrantet)

We have detected multiple suspicious tachyon emissions, consistent with cloaked vessels moving through one of our neutral particle traps. Plotting their course, we have determined they are likely moving to Andorian space. We have placed the border zone on high alert, awaiting instructions from theatre command for response coordination.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23621.5, USS Yuudachi -- Captain Poith ka'Davryth
(Centaur-B, Andor)

Our mission carefully picking through grains of stellar gas to find something of remote interest has been interrupted by something, frankly, alarming.

The mining colony at Kohl II has reported that two birds of prey have decloaked in the outer regions of the system. It's up to us, and the Charal, to make contact, determine their intentions, and if necessary, escort them right back home.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23621.6, USS Charal -- Captain Afrin ch'Velox
(Centaur-B, Andor)

What remains of the Andorian Imperial Guard -- still a force to make invaders tremble -- is currently assembling to come down on Kohl II in a mighty pick-blow. However, Charal and the Yuudachi will take point, and we will operate by our new Starfleet codes of diplomacy before shooting.

We have determined the two Birds of Prey are Klingon models. We don't know what possible motivations they would have to attack here. I suspect they are part of the missing corporate wolfpack from the coreward border conflict. If that is true, they took a daring risk to get here, either cutting through the Romulan Neutral Zone, or otherwise took a long journey under our space. That would match up with Kohl's location below the standard plane.

However, they would be ragged raiders indeed after such a lengthy mission in such cramped vessels. No doubt they need supplies. Perhaps they are even deserters. I hope that Starfleet diplomacy can carry the day, but if not, Andorian phaser batteries will suffice.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23621.65, USS Yuudachi -- Captain Poith ka'Davryth

An oddity. We arrived, and hailed the vessels. They did not respond, except with long-range torpedo fire towards Kohl II. We readied weapons, but the torpedos detonated a cleverly pre-placed gas pocket, blinding our sensors and allowing the Birds of Prey to escape. We have the Andorian fleet and responders on the border zone attempting to track them. If we pick them up, we have some questions.

The whole chain of events is bizarre. They waited for us to show up, then departed? What could they be up to?


Bridge Log, Stardate 23621.8, USS Epiphany
(Renaissance, KBZ)

[Captain Hugo Church] This is a priority one message for Starbase 13. At 18:30 hours, the Caldonian cruiser Medonda reported odd readings in the orbit of Lomay. Given suspicious cloaking activity reported previously, I had the Epiphany respond, to investigate. We arrived in record time.

We are now in a stand-off with a K'Vort cruiser; it decloaked shortly after we arrived.

They aren't doing anything, not even responding. Which is odd, as we have responders inbound -- unless they have more ships! Conn, come around to 105 mark 86, prepare to raise shields!

[Lieutenant Commander Calatta]: Birds of Prey decloaking, they're charging weapons--!

[Church]: Shields up! Conn, evasive maneuvers, Pattern Church-5. Tactical, do everything you can to disable their weapons!


Captain's Log, Stardate 23622.2, USS Epiphany - Captain Hugo Church

I was too slow.

While the K'Vort pinned us down, one of the Birds broke off toward Lomay. Based on some of the sensor logs I pulled from the sensors of Lomay's various monitoring satellites, it appears they made a landing on the planet. They touched down; then left a crater. An antimatter explosion devastated a major Caldonian lab complex on the surface. Strangely, the Klingons appear to have attempted to minimize casualties, striking after the Caldonian workday and beaming out most of the staff. But it's minimizing casualties by Klingon standards. Twenty-eight people are dead.

Their mission apparently completed, the Klingon vessels cloaked and retreated, racing back to their space before the Caldonians or Starfleet could respond. We have extensive scans of their vessels, but this is one hell of an incident.

Theatre Commander's Log, Excerpt -- Vice Admiral Anyth sh'Nathriq

...the one bright side to all of this is that the Caldonians were also caught totally flat-footed, and are keeping the noise low in the Council...

[-10pp. Caldonian contribution to Starfleet reduced by 5rp until 2326.]


Audio Log, Briefing Room 1, Stardate 23621, USS Voshov
(Excelsior-A, EC)

[Cpt. Iliae Rurliss]: "Alright, let's get settled. As you may be aware, we had a close encounter with an ion storm nine hours ago. I've already talked with Delta shift about how we can ensure that a repeat encounter isn't quite so close, but as there were no casualties, I'm happy to treat it as a learning experience. That's not why I called everyone in today. Commander Toor, if you would?"

[Commander Alaai Toor, Chief Engineer]: "Yes, ma'am. Overall damage from the storm was pretty modest, except to our recreation facilities, where the ship's computer dumped excess power load. The facilities were empty at the time, fortunately ... but my engineers have finished a damage assessment, and it's not good. Not good at all."

[Commander Llyhua, XO]: "How bad?"

[Toor]: "Well, we've got holo-projectors to replace, entire power systems to rebuild. It burned through the bottom of the pool, so that's out of commission and it flooded most of the area underneath, causing further complications. The rec space also suffered some major noxious chemical leaks, so everything, even non-powered stuff -- all out of commission. On the bright side, we can send a very in-depth report to Starfleet Engineering about possible improvements. But, it'll be out for three months."

[Llyhua]: "Three?" [Toor nods.] "But... what if you put in extra effort, work double shifts?"

[Lieutenant Commander Luisa Wycombe, Security Officer]: "I'm sure I could spare some personnel if you need extra crews." [Commander T'Kel gestures agreement.]

[Toor]: "This isn't a question of effort, or of personnel. We have a number of very complex parts that will need manufacturing - we're out of spares." [Toor glares at the Supply Officer]. "Each takes a set amount of time to make, and we only have so many fabbers. There's no getting around that."

[Lieutenant Kim Pulley-Suh, Supply Officer]: Unless you'd rather not have new long-range probes sooner, to replace every single one?

[Rurliss]: "No, the mission comes first."

[Commander Valen, Tactical Officer]: "I recognize there will be crew issues, but how much should we be concerned? I do not use the recreation facilities myself -"

[Wycombe]: "Sure. Sir, you're really telling me you've never done target practice? Never run immersive drills off the bridge?"

[Valen]: [pause] "I understand the issue."

[Rurliss]: "The situation is what it is. I wanted to make sure you all were prepared in advance. We'll get through it, together."


Personal Log, Stardate 23621.7, Captain Illiae Rurliss - USS Voshov
(Amarki, Female)

"No, the mission comes first." How very cold of me. The mission comes first, of course. But doesn't a captain have a duty to ensure the well-being of their crew as well? Three months without recreation space -- we don't allow frigates to do that, let alone a top of the line explorer.

Parts can be fabricated. They can also be acquired. We have seen Dylaarian research cruisers lurking about, and the pulsar PSR-L1098+34.3 is a likely spot for them to study. We can make contact with them, and I can fulfill my duty to the crew, and the mission.

Also, I think there's something important coming up, but I cannot remember what. Computer, search the calendar for upcoming birthdays for the rest of the crew, official holidays, or important Starfleet orders.

Oh! Llyhua has a birthday soon. A surprise party is in order. I should get into contact with T'Kel about preparations.


Personal Log, Stardate 23633, Lieutenant Commander Marina Linn - USS Voshov
(Human, female)

We're in deep space, yet we have been getting injury rates as if we were on constant shore leave. I had hoped that injury rates might drop from people no longer being able to injure themselves in our rec room, but I appear to have underestimated the creativity of our crew. Instead of using safe facilities, they're jury-rigging fun. And it is decidedly… unsafe.

I'm going to send a request for information to Commodores Taggart and Chad. Apparently Sappho ran like this under their command with zero injuries. Sorcerers, those two.


Personal Log, Stardate 23640, Captain Iliae Rurliss - USS Voshov

It has been a half a month now without the rec space. Yesterday, I saw Lieutenant Lim bouncing a ball off the wall in corridor 5-A. I asked what he was doing, and he said 'this is what fun is now.' Marina says that moving her running routine to the saucer section has made her feel like 'a hamster in a wheel.' I'm not sure how this is different from being on a treadmill.

Ensign Cerulean Elayori set up an inflatable pool on the cargo deck, and Lieutenant Gaor had to have part of his arm pruned when he fell out of it.

Something must be done. I will increase warp factor by zero point five. The Dylaarians must be contacted. I will not accept failure.


Personal Log, Stardate 23642, Commander Llyhua - USS Voshov
(Risan, male)

Today was an unexpectedly fun day!

No, the rec room is still not fixed yet, but that didn't stop me from enjoying my birthday. Nor did it stop T'Kel?!

I totally wasn't expecting it. When she requested my presence in Briefing Room 2, I was thinking it was ship business; why wouldn't I? But no - instead, she'd gotten together with several other officers, in her department and out, and arranged to throw a surprise party for me!

I know what you're thinking, it'd be a Vulcan party, and thus totally dull? That's what I was thinking, but nope! She must've been taking notes.

Either that, or Vulcans actually do know how to let their hair down. They just choose not to, most of the time?

Personal Log, Stardate 23642, Commander T'Kel - USS Voshov
(Vulcan, female)

Today was an unexpectedly pleasant day.

The initial readings from pulsar PSR-L1098+34.3 have yielded some fascinating data. I am quite pleased with the performance of the crew, who have cut expected interference by fifteen percent, giving us a much clearer survey of the pulsar than any previously recorded.


Excerpted from chat logs, USS Voshov, Stardate 23644

[TKel]: This is illogical. Selindrans do not celebrate birthdays as a general rule, and I have found that it is impossible to surprise Rurliss.

[XOXOYourXO]: But then she won't be expecting it! How can you know if you haven't tried?

[TKel] You misunderstand. I have tried to plan a surprise party for Selindran New Years on her behalf three times previously. She has discovered my covert operations every time.

[DrLinn]: I think llyhua just wants another party.

[TKel] On one occasion, she sensed my duplicity directly.

[HTerisei]: Is a party so bad? Crew could use a distraction, imo

[TKel] The second time, she successfully interrogated one of my accomplices and turned them into a double agent.

[SCPO_Rivas]: Concur. My peeps are getting antsy with no rec.

[TKel] The third time, she walked into my quarters in the midst of planning with my co-conspirators.

[XOXOYourXO]: See! It'll be fun and helpful! : ) And I'm sure we can when we put our heads together, T'Kel! ; )

[TKel] I accept your doomed challenge.

[DrLinn]: Well, fine. But don't use real alcohol. I'm not interested in treating hangover cases.

[XOXOYourXO]: Wouldn't dream of it!


Captain's Log, Stardate 23646.7, USS Voshov - Captain Iliae Rurliss

While conducting our survey of pulsar PSR-L1098+34.3, we made contact with a Dylaarian research cruiser. I showed them some of Commander T'Kel's initial readings. They are expert negotiators, but it was clear to me they are quite surprised by the quality of her data. I knew they would eventually crack and come to a deal. A few hours ago they contacted me quite unexpectedly, near the end of my shift. I successfully scheduled a meeting aboard the Voshov and are waiting for their beamover.

On a somewhat disappointing note, turbolift function was temporarily down when I attempted to leave the bridge, without prior notice. I understand the crew is eager to get the rec room online, but such laxity in basic maintenance is unwelcome.


Excerpted from chat logs, USS Voshov, Stardate 23646.7


[SCPO_Rivas]: ?



[TKel] I warned you of the dangers of using the Captain's Ready Room as a planning space. It was complexity for the sake of complexity.

[XOXOYourXO]: :|

[OSaadi]: Shit. I'm in the turbolift with a bag full of party supplies.

[OSaadi]: Shit shit shit!

[OSaadi] I hit the emergency stop button.

[TizzyB]: I was about to just redirect you! The captain can override the stop!


[TizzyB]: I'll solve it just hold your equinoids

[OSaadi] MY WHAT caps sorry

[KSP]: What's she talking about anyway?

[XOXOYourXO]: She's negotiating for supplies for the rec room. It's... it's going to be a while, guys, but if she pulls this off...

[HTerisei]: Don't get your hopes up.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23647.95, USS Voshov

I am currently reading the End-User License Agreement the Dylaarians wish me to sign in order to secure the parts required for our recreation space. As they are quite picky about copyright law, I have taken it upon myself to ensure we are not walking into some sort of legalistic trap that will cause us only further suffering in the future. However, I do plan to show them respect with a similarly circuitous agreement for information about how we calibrated our sensor settings to best survey the pulsar.

I'm currently in our newly-renovated mess hall. The research cruiser had a cutting-edge Dylaarian industrial cleanup foam that allowed us to clear the contamination in record time. I am enjoying the soft light of the stars and the chance to get out of my quarters, and I've gotten a good eye on how much damage the foam did to the paintjob. It's bad, but manageable.


Excerpted from chat logs, USS Voshov, Stardate 23647.95

[OSaadi] oh my gosh!

[XOXOYourXO]: what is it?!

[OSaadi] So you know how you were saying we should use the mess hall now that it's back. And you sent me down to see if we'd have to resize our "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEST CAPTAIN" banner right?

[XOXOYourXO]: Yes!

[OSaadi] Well. Captain's here. Just… reading her PADD.

[TKel] Have you been compromised?

[OSaadi] No, I'm hiding in a supply closet and hoping she doesn't want a midnight snack.

[SCPO_Rivas] hahahaha

[XOXOYourXO]: Good thinking! Now we just need to get her to leave!

[TKel] Her communicator is set to 'emergency contact only' at this time of the day. You will have to shoot someone to justify informing the captain.

[DrLinn]: Nobody is shooting anybody on my ship!

[TKel] I believe that Lieutenant Saadi has two options: blow our entire operation, or wait it out.

[OSaadi] I will endure for the glory of our cause. Wish me luck! o7


Captain's Log, Stardate 23652.25, USS Voshov

The Dylaarians have returned with a freighter full of parts, which I will have the engineering department install. They were very impressed by the extensive licencing agreement we gave them for our sensor calibration settings, and are quite overjoyed to be getting data as good as ours. It is nice, for a moment, to forget the Ashalla Pact and the Federation, and be scientists together, excited about some lines on a spectrograph.

I have invited the crew to a celebratory party in the wardroom. Getting our own EULA was some dedicated work by the Operations staff, and they deserve recognition.

Excerpted from chat logs, USS Voshov, Stardate 23652.25
(Excelsior-A, EC)


[TKel] The Captain issuing orders on her own starship. Fascinating.

[XOXOYourXO] Okay, I fixed this. I convinced her the ward room was going to be too cramped. We got her on the way to the mess hall now. OMG, she's going to think we forgot her birthday and be so surprised!


[TKel] If I wanted to ruin this for you, I would invite Captain Rurliss to the channel.

[XOXOYourXO] : |

[TKel] But Vulcans do not betray their friends.

[XOXOYourXO] : )

[TKel] Unless it is logical to do so in service of greater justice.

[XOXOYourXO] : |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| !


Audio Log, Mess Hall, Stardate 23652.26, USS Voshov

[Large group] SURPRISE!

[sounds of confetti guns popping, clapping]

[Captain Iliae Rurliss]: Well, this is a shock! But really, your appreciation for getting the recreation space online ahead of schedule is not needed. The real heroes --

[Commander Llyhua, XO]: Uh, Captain. It's your birthday!

[Lieutenant Omar Saadi] See the banner? How perfectly it fits?

[Rurliss]: ...This is for my birthday. I see.

[Llyhua]: Well, um...

[Rurliss]: Oh, relax! And get some music going. Let's get this party started, shall we?


Science Officer's Log, Stardate 23657, USS Voshov - Commander T'Kel

We surveyed REC-470 VI, which appeared to be an M-class planet according to long-range sensors. However, more detailed surveys show high concentrations of toxic elements in the atmosphere, forcing reclassification to Q-class. As the planet was not safe for unprotected landing parties, plans for providing shore leave have been cancelled.

We have also found cardolinzium trailing from behind a unique comet in the REC-470 system, which we suspect may come from the remains of a collapsed iceball in the system's Kuiper belt. This material is useful for holo-projectors and power system components.

[Gain +10 SR, +2 rp]


Captain's Log, Stardate 23631, USS Zarayet - Captain Eratan Lebit
(Excelsior-A, GBZ)

We have been forwarded information from the Shanpurr regarding a Cardassian vessel operating near their territory. Given the recent incursion of the 'unbound' Gaeni, it is possible they are attempting to track the Unbound raiders via warp trail. However, I have my suspicions that they are flying around Shanpurr space to access our own.

It is possible they have been tipped off to the Type-25-G communications relays left by Task Force Righteous and are looking to tap the relay in the Gf622 system. This could compromise the mission, particularly as the Cardassians could use the transmission stream to find all the other relays. Spread over such a vast distance, we would not be able to patrol them all, and the Cardassians could implement a variety of intelligence operations.

The fastest vessel in response position in the USS Seleya. Captain T'Arvit is now moving at Warp 14 in an attempt to intercept the cruiser before it can reach the relay.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23634, USS Zarayet - Captain Eratan Lebit

Soon after the USS Seleya entered the relay's system, she dropped off sensors entirely. She has not communicated since. The Cardassian cruiser will be arriving shortly. If there is a confrontation, the Zarayet will not arrive in time.

I have been in constant communication with the Shanpurr and the ISC regarding this Cardassian cruiser. I am attempting to find a long-term solution to our relay's security. It would significantly reduce response across the sector if we were forced to keep a ship guarding Gf622.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23634.5, USS Seleya - Captain T'Arvit
(Constellation-A, GBZ)

Upon arrival in the Gf622 system, we began silent running procedures. According to the last telemetry forwarded by the Shanpurr, the incoming vessel is a Jaldun II. We do not expect its arrival for a few more hours.

The relay is in polar orbit of a gas giant, on the edge of the system. I have confirmed the relay was not already sabotaged, which involved exploratory maintenance. I am now satisfied the Jaldun is inbound for installation, and not retrieval of information. I have begun preparations for their arrival.

As we will likely be without support, we must be firm but restrained in any confrontation.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23634.7, USS Seleya - Captain T'Arvit

The CDF Renok arrived in Gf622 within ten minutes of my predicted time of arrival. As expected, the Renok made no effort to hide what it was doing and immediately began to move towards the relay, conducting long range scans. To prevent any possible leakage of information, the transmitter had been shut down after warning TF Righteous.

When the Cardassian vessel closed to 45,000 kilometers, I maneuvered the Seleya out of its hiding place in the atmosphere of one of the gas giant's moons, making a short warp jump to interpose myself between the Renok and the relay. The arrival time of the Renok enabled the orbital mechanics of this maneuver. After exchanging diplomatic hails, I reminded the Renok's captain that tampering with relays was a violation of the GBZ settlement, and could lead to a resumption of hostilities. In the name of peace, I implored him to leave.

The Renok spent an an hour surveying the moon that had concealed us, before departing.

I have heard that Captain Lebit has successfully negotiated with the ISC and the Shanpurr to conduct patrols near our relay. This will likely prevent any further Cardassian sabotage events. However, they are now aware there is a relay network extending spinwards, even if they do not have precise locations. I recommend our signals team remains vigilant for any sign of sabotage.

[Plot Thwarted. +5 pp]


Captain's Log, Stardate 23651, USS Incorruptible -- Captain Ozzgrizzira
(Renaissance, Rethelia)

We are proceeding at high warp to the Ataami system. Reason: we have detected warp signatures. There is a strong possibility we are seeing more Hishmeri tampering with the pre-warp civilization.

We will rendezvous with the Fluffy-Puffy just outside the system and conduct a survey. Hopefully we can catch the perpetrators before they escape.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23652, USS Fluffy-Puffy -- Captain Blaorgh blasch Fop
(Centaur-B, Rethelia)

Hahaha, you should have seen the look on Ozzgrizzira's face. Sitting on the outer edge of the system, waiting to see Hishmeri, maybe even Gorn or Ittick-ka raiders…

And it's the Ataami -- they've gone to warp!

I'm sure he was embarrassed for a moment, maybe he spent too long in the RBZ. But we were all happy to invite our newest neighbours to the stellar community. The Ataami ship is a hunk of junk -- but then every non-Tellarite first warp vessel is. It's got some Hishmeri alloys in the hull, and we think some of the warp coils might have incorporated recycled material from Hishmeri shuttles, but everything else is entirely Ataami in origin.

Well, this is 'formal' first contact. It seems that finding out they weren't alone in the stars -- and that there would be friends and enemies -- spurred the development of Ataami spaceflight. Well, I'm happy to have them onboard. Now if you excuse me, I want to try to see if I can convince them to let me take their warp craft for a spin at sublight. Don't tell Ozzy.

[New contact -- Ataami! Starting Relations 50/100]
-[Limited Stellar Presence: 0/100]
-[Obsolete Technology: 0/100]
-[Stellar Shock: 0/100]
-[Limited Stellar Ability: 0/300]


Captain's VLog, Stardate 23663, USS Salnas - Captain Xuggaed
(Excelsior-A, Sol)

Hey, it's ya girl, Xug Xug! We just assisted with a call from the USS Yorkshire, to assist them in quarantining a Licori research vessel near Betazed. They were working alongside Betazoid researchers on an unclaimed M-Class world. Unfortunately, one of the Betazoids was carrying a latent infection of Alukk warm blood virus, and passed it onto the Licori. Turns out they're very susceptible!

We arrived with some antivirals after the Yorkshire handled initial response and triage, and we're working through it. Looks like these Licori have a bit more to learn, but hey. Not even the ISC gets to say they've never picked up a bug under unexpected circumstances.

[+10rp, +10pp]


Captain's Log, Stardate 23627, USS Atuin -- Captain Hassan Aharani
(Excelsior-A, EC)

We have left Gorn space behind and in the capable hands of Captain Devereaux and the Sarek.

To assist Task Forces Chorus and Liberty, we have been instructed by Explorer Corps command to do additional surveys on the spinward side of Ittick-ka space, while Sarek goes on the tailward side, both of us moving rimward. Our course, in a strategic location underneath the Ashidi, is also intended to make contact with species that could be future targets for the Ittick-Ka and the Cardassians.

We waved at Commodore Chad's task force from his old ship as we went by, and are now on-course.


Captain's Log, Stardate 23632, USS Atuin

We have detected unknown warp signatures, operating outside of Ittick-Ka space. While it is possible these belong to a new class of Ittick-ka vessel, I am very optimistic.


Executive Officer's Log, Stardate 23634, USS Atuin -- Commander Jesm ch'Bhran
(Andorian, chan)

Our new contact is the Grand Host of the Uaquuo species. An aquatic people, they have permitted us travel to the world of Oqoqhaiyi -- translation, These Waters Meet Expectation. Apparently, they have heard of the Federation through both the Ittick-Ka and the Hishmeri, and have been hoping for one of our vessels to swing by.

While Captain Aharani has taken up the challenge of hosting a delegation of Uaquuo on the Atuin, I will be beaming down for a bit of a swim. My butterfly has only gotten better since my Academy days, and I'm hoping I can find out what their variation of water polo is, and if they'll permit me external tanks.


Executive Officer's Log, Stardate 23636, USS Atuin

I'd say I was enjoying the beach, but this isn't Risa. The Uaquuo don't care about the beach in the same way we don't care about the particulars of kelp forestry. Thankfully, the Risians have collaborated with the Federation to provide a fantastic heated wetsuit, which I am putting to good use.

The Uaquuo are vaguely humanoid, but totally adapted for underwater movement, with relatively large heads and piercing eyes. Their arms are corded strands of tentacles, which are incredibly adaptable and used for fine tool manipulation and maneuvering.

But most striking is the bioluminescence they give off. I thought some of the Muuyozoi had some impressive coloration control. The Uaquuo have chased them right out of the water. Though that reminds me it is a shame we don't have any Vermillions or Ikeigenites in our crew to help facilitate. Guess me, and this weird hook thing they tell me is part of their favorite sport, will have to do.


Executive Officer's Log, Stardate 23638, USS Atuin

While the Grand Host is the loose confederal government, each planet is run by a Combine that has similarities to our member government. Also, they have implied they are shipbuilders for other powers. I have suspicion that they may have helped the Hishmeri build some vessels, possibly as part of a peace agreement. I'll have to remind our science officer to see if they can find any evidence of Uaquuo construction techniques in Hishmeri vessels. The Uaquuo frequently use the enamel-like secretions of their males as part of their construction, including in some of their sport equipment. I try not to think about it.

Despite my general failing compared to them, I was able to acquit myself less-than-shamefully in a match of Arquitir, an underwater game played with a neutrally buoyant disk and a atlatl-like device for hurling it around. I am pretty sure I lost my team the match, but I've apparently become something of a mascot to them. Go Blue Flounderers!

[New Contact - The Grand Host! Location, -10f to -11g. Starting relations 55/100]
[Distant Stars: 10/100]
[It's Better, Down Where it's Wetter: 0/100]


Captain's Log, Stardate 23670, USS Sarek -- Captain Jeanette Devereaux
(Excelsior-A, EC)

Our mission to do some excellent science on the Gorn time-travel megastructure has been delayed. Our Federation Council-authorized mission has been postponed for another mission authorized by the Federation Council. The FDS has contacted the Klingons, following the attack in the Klingon Border Zone and their feint into Andorian space. The Klingons are permitting one vessel to cross into the Empire's space. The Council has sent us.

Our mission is to make contact with the Klingon government directly, and discover the reasons for the attack. No other vessel is as capable; and this is very much the work of the Explorer Corps. Our diplomatic staff onboard is getting caught up on Klingon culture and key figures, and we have now entered Klingon space, on course for Qo'nos. We have detected a K'Tinga cruiser shadowing us. Renhadd's aides are denying any official involvement. I hope to get the truth.

From one diplomatic crisis, to another. And I have no Asharra N'Gir to back me up.


Stardate 23672, USS Sarek -- Sector A-7

The crew of the Sarek sat uneasy, yellow alert lights blinking softly. Devereaux sat back in her seat, one leg crossed, eyes watching the estimated travel time tick down. She wanted very badly to detour and take a closer look at the swirling vortex of gas and rock that was clearly the result of two stars colliding, but they had a course to keep. No science today, all business.

Her executive officer, Verot, turned from his station to her right. "Ma'am." She acknowledged the Vulcan with a nod, "We are being hailed by our escort. We have been redirected to the Yaroka system and are to wait for an Imperial delegation."

Mizrama, Devereaux's tactical officer, let out a low, warning buzz. Tall and graceful, the Queen's willowy figure belied incredible strength and agility. "Captain, that system is the perfect location for an ambush. There's a lot of debris, charged particle bands…"

Devereaux turned in her chair to look at Mizrama. "Can we still transmit a distress call from the rendezvous coordinates?"

Mizrama's fingers danced gracefully over the console, no doubt silently conferring with Science as well. "Yes, ma'am."

Devereaux nodded, "If this were the Cardassians, I would be concerned. But the Klingons have cloaking devices. If they wished to ambush us, they would have done so already, or they would have taken us to a system that would smother a warning cry. Commander Verot, acknowledge our course correction."

"Aye, Captain. Helm, bring us about to heading 345…"


Captain's Log, Stardate 23672.5, USS Sarek

We have rendezvoused with the IKS Pu'Bekh, a K`vort class cruiser bearing the markings of the House of Mogh. The K'Tinga escorting us bears markings of a house in Mogh's orbit, and two Birds of Prey with House of Mo'kai markings have joined us. Pointedly absent is any vessel belonging to the Imperial fleet.

Given the sensitive nature of this mission, I have elected to represent the Federation personally, along with my First Officer, and I am bringing Mizrama with me as well. Her tutelage with the Comb Staves will be useful in the event this is, indeed, an over-elaborate ambush.

I have left my crew with some tasks in my absence.


Devereaux, Mizrama, and Verot sat in the dark, blood-red dining hall of the Pu'Bekh, awaiting their host. Most of the light in the room came from the exterior window, showing twinkling stars and the dusty brown of a crater-speckled moon. They'd been left a bowl of appetizers, some of which had escaped the confines and were now crawling on the tabletop. Curiously, Devereaux reached out, plucked a wriggling form, and slowly crunched down. Her eyes widened in surprise, "Oh, it's sweet! You should give it a try."

Verot sampled one as well, as Devereaux went back for seconds, but Mizrama shook her head. "No thanks."

"It is nothing but irrationality that prevents eating something that appears unpleasant, Commander," Verot said, "I would hope you don't bring such emotionality to your tactical assessments."

Mizrama glared at him, and definitely picked up a handful of the appetizers and stuffed them into her mouth, her face screwed up as she quickly chewed.

This is how their host found them as the doors slid open, revealing the imposing head of the House of Mogh. General Worf was once a renowned litigator. Now he was a powerful voice on the High Council.

"I see the q'bat agrees with the Apiatan palate!" Worf said, sitting across from Devereaux, "Don't be afraid to enjoy more. They are freshly harvested." He pushed the bowl towards Mizrama, who smiled weakly and slowly picked up another offering.

"General Worf," Devereaux said, "It is an honor to meet with someone so esteemed. I assume you are here to deliver the High Council's explanation for the unprovoked excursion into our territory?"

"No," Worf said. "I--"

Devereaux interjected, "I assume someone on the ship you have hidden behind the moon can speak to this, then."

Worf started in surprise, and Verot continued, "It was illogical for a species possessing cloaks to require a sensor-masking system. Unless you wished to covertly transport us to another vessel, which would require it to drop cloak and shields. The interference affects sensors, but not matter-energy streams."

Worf growled in appreciation, "Ah, you're as clever as we expected." He slammed his fist on the table, "Very well! Do you accept this meeting, Captain? We are ready to energize."

Devereaux looked towards her officers, who nodded. "Very well. Energize when ready."

Worf pulled out a tablet, and stabbed at it. There was a swirl of red, and then Devereaux and her staff materialized in a cavernous hall. A voice cried out,

"Show respect, for you stand in the presence of Chancellor Renhadd!"


Captain's Log, Stardate 23672.6, USS Sarek

Our mission has taken us to the IKS Tarchak, the flagship of the Klingon fleet. Frankly, all the secrecy is tiresome, but it does indicate this is a matter of incredible sensitivity. That, and that Chancellor Renhadd has a flair for the dramatic.


"Captain Devereaux of the USS Sarek," Renhadd said, "Welcome. This is a very small high council session today."

That was an understatement. In the room was Devereaux, Verot, Mizrama, Chancellor Renhadd, a fearsome-looking Klingon woman with a shock of red hair, and a Klingon man, slight of frame, his hands shaking. Devereaux recognized them as Generals Berst and Segfed, respectively.

"Thank you for seeing us, Chancellor," Devereaux replied, "But I must confess, I am confused by the secrecy." How very unKlingon it was, she left unstated.

"This must seem very unlike our people," Renhadd said, "But we discuss life and death. The recent attack was conducted by rogue elements of the Empire, ones that wield considerable power. They would risk war with the Federation, in the name of preserving their view of the Empire."

"And what view is that?" asked Devereaux.

"They are disgusted with my policies of allowing other species to serve in the KDF. Do you know what they stole from your facility?"

"No," admitted Devereaux, "They covered their tracks with an antimatter warhead and the blood of Federation citizens."

The Klingons shared a glance, "We have an idea what they pilfered," said Berst. "We know that Lomay is producing biomimetic gel, and has an extensive genetic database from across the Federation."

"It appears that there was a leak in Klingon Intelligence," Segfed sneered, "And it fell into the hands of dishonorable targs."

Berst's jaw tightened, and his hands stilled as he gripped his tablet in fury. Still, his voice remained controlled, calm, "Klingon Intelligence knows a group known as T'kuvma Reborn wishes to create a genetic virus capable of killing all non-Klingons in the Empire. With the gel and the data they could create a phage and either force us to end the Chancellor's policies, or kill billions."

"That is horrific." Devereaux said, "Chancellor, we are more than happy to work with your government to stop anyone who threatens genocide."

Renhadd smiled, "Good. What we need from you is the sensor readings on the vessels which conducted the attack. General Berst will be able to cross-reference them with our records, and you will have your targets."

Devereaux tilted her head, "Excuse me? Our targets?"


Captain's Log, Stardate 23672.7, USS Sarek

Apparently, T'kuvma Reborn believes the Chancellor is a strong leader, but misguided. They think that his time in a minor house forced him to rely on the expertise of non-Klingons, and now that he has ascended to the throne with the Sword of S'task they think aliens still whisper in his ear. They hope the threat of a phage will shock him out of his misguided path, and return the Empire's subject peoples to their former place. And if Renhadd refuses, they can force the matter by wiping out all the subject species. Something like that would demand Federation intervention. T'kuvma Reborn is aware of the possibility of war, but believes the Federation could never fully occupy and crush the Klingon spirit through war. It is peace, and what they view as a corroding of Klingon values, that they fear.

Renhadd is in a precarious position politically. The houses fear his centralization, and many in the Klingon elite are disgusted by his admittance of non-Klingons into the upper echelons of Klingon leadership, and into the role of warriors. Dahar Master Kor has apparently raised enough of a fuss that Renhadd has all but exiled him to the far reaches of the Empire, to hopefully find death in battle.

Hence the secrecy. Renhadd wants our meeting to look like a failure, that he allowed the Houses to deal with us and escort us away. Secretly, however, we would have leads on the likely location of the vessels that attacked us, and our stolen gel. That way Starfleet has an opportunity to remind the Klingon Houses how strong we are, Renhadd can rail against us to shore up support at home, and he punishes those who attacked us without ever, publically, doing anything about it. He has noted that he is the best Chancellor that the Federation could ask for, one who wishes to avoid confrontation with us, who has introduced some freedoms to the Empire. If he falls, we will not see another Chancellor so favorable to the Federation for another century.

Chancellor Renhadd has left us to deliberate his offer. He makes a very compelling case.



Devereaux's words hung in the air like the stale ozone after a disruptor shot.

Renhadd leaned forward, his voice low, "Why is that, Captain?"

"Your plan won't work. And it doesn't fit with the principles of Starfleet. Nor, I would argue, your Empire."

General Segfed's eyes looked about ready to pop out of their sockets, but Renhadd nodded, "State your reasoning. Or logic," he said, with a wry glance at Verot.

"Firstly," Devereaux said, as if she was giving a lecture at Starfleet academy, "You assumed the raiders are operating outside of Klingon space. I agree that's likely the case, but what if it is not? You will put yourself in the position of either permitting a Federation battlegroup into your borders, or doing it yourself.

"Second, you believe this will make you look strong. I think the opposite. Perhaps we will beat fear, or respect, into the Klingon houses. But consider the opportunity cost for you. You will not look active, merely passive. You will not have a chance to beat respect into the Houses. It is up to you to police the houses.

"Third. Prisoners. We will take them. That is a problem."

Renhadd snorted, "I thought your Federation enjoyed their weaponized 'mercy'."

Devereaux nodded emphatically, "We do. But the Empire does not. The Federation Council knows that, and they will not extradite any of those prisoners back so you can kill them. It's likely they will die, well-fed and utterly miserable, of old age in some penal colony. Or worse from your perspective, reappear praising the Federation. How will that play to the houses, Chancellor?"

There was a stony silence in the chamber.

"I propose this,' Devereaux continued, "We will give you the sensor data you need to identify, track, and honorably accuse the vessels and Houses supporting T'kuvma Reborn. You send your fleet to handle the issue, and bring the other houses in line. And we will consider this a closed matter."

Renhadd considered this in silence for a moment, before waving over his advisors. They conferred around his chair for several minutes, before returning to their positions. He looked down on Devereaux with a respectful gaze for a moment, "Very well. You have an agreement. You may go now, and have the Sarek transfer the data. 'Qapla!"

Devereaux nodded. "Thank you, Chancellor. Commander Verot, contact the Sarek. Let them know we are ready to beam over."

Berst smiled. "Ah, not only did you locate our vessel, but maintained a transporter lock as well. All this without three senior officers. A commendable crew, Captain."

As Verot made preparations, Renhadd continued to hold his gaze on Devereaux. "I wonder, Captain, what words will you say if something like this happens again? After all, I may not be able to fully constrain the houses."

"Ask the Licori," Devereaux replied, before being whisked away in a swirl of sparkles.

[+20pp, Crisis Averted. Jeanette Devereaux gains +1 P]

@anon_user wrote Voshov, @Iron Wolf wrote the rest
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