Omake - War Plate - Night
We've talked about Honiani battle monks enough that I am now attempting describe Star Trek SPESS MAHREENS. Also two omakes in day. If only I could be this productive on my own stories. :V

With acknowledgements to @AKuz for having fleshed out the Honiani as much as anyone else so far.

To all things, there is art. The mason sculpts the stone to restore it the beauty it lost in the quarrying. So spoke Lakhept.

There is no beauty in a soaring arch fallen to earth, a scorched doorway, a broken body. Yet: To all things, there is art. So spoke Lakhept. The art of the warrior is in the doing, not in the product. War-Plate is the ultimate expression of this belief. The grace and smooth lines of Honiani design are actively eschewed, its design an ode to brutalism. It leaves no doubt in the mind of any who see it that it is designed only for war.

It is said that first suit of War-Plate was crafted for He Who Gave His Name, who swore that their life before Lakhept's service was as dust and the only identity they would bear would be their deeds in Lakhept's name. The truth, so ancient that all records are lost, all evidence destroyed, may never be known for a certainty. To the Honiani, it matters not. The story survives, and nothing else does. It is true by default. The tradition of War-Plate has been passed down, through ages, with the oldest existent examples being primitive suits of metal armor. The first "modern" suit of War-Plate, with armored plates over a powered exoskeleton and a cybernetic interface system, dates to roughly the same time similar suits were being employed by the armies of Khan Noonien Singh on Earth. It is a testament to the value the Honiani place on tradition that they have always found a way to keep War-Plate relevant, even in those periods where attack has clearly outpaced defense, even if this required radically revising its role from armor to sensor platform for some of its existence. When it became possible to treat it as armor again, the change back was quick in coming.

Modern Honiani War-Plate is the best protective gear in the galaxy, combining the personal shielding technology of the Yan-Ros with a powered exoskeleton covered in heavy plating that is able to withstand sustained phaser or disruptor fire from rifle-grade weapons. Standing roughly 2.5 meters tall and massing approximately 260 kilograms, each individual suit requires more rare materials and sentient-hours to construct than the average combat-capable runabout. Their speed and agility belie their size, as the suits are capable of breaking 100kph in a run or leaping several meters high and move with extreme fluidity thanks to their cybernetic interfaces. Each bears a hereditary name, passed down as lineage from previous suits of War-Plate, in a practice not dissimilar from how many cultures name ships. Honiani history records approximately twenty-five thousand War-Plate names, but in the modern era there are believed to be no more than a thousand battle-ready suits and quite possibly less.

In combat, their use is distinctly unsubtle. War-Plate is a pure shock weapon, designed to break lines and carry positions by durability, speed, and firepower. They are rarely used defensively. Few in number but immensely powerful, they are treated as an operational-level or strategic-level weapon, deployed by shuttle or transporter against fortresses, enemy command elements, and key logistics targets; "they are for winning the battle that wins the campaign that wins the war" is a common saying about how a commander should use War-Plate. They are compatible with a variety of weapons, which would usually count as crew-served weaponry, and also typically have a built-in melee weapon on each arm with blades encased in phased disruption fields and plasma cutters being most common; these are not a traditional extravagance but serious weapons on something that is durable and fast enough to regularly close to melee range even on the modern battlefield.

War-Plate is traditionally the reserve of several monastic orders, who style themselves after He Who Gave His Name. Members of the orders ceremonially renounce their names and pasts before donning their War-Plate for the first time, instead taking on the hereditary name of the War-Plate they will be wearing and its history as their own; they might refer to a battle from a millennia ago as though they experienced it themselves, and will speak of damage to their suit as though they themselves have been injured. Though traditional, the suit's modern cybernetic interfaces strongly reinforce the tendency of the wearer to see the suit as a part of themselves, if not their true self. Most members of the orders eventually retire, with a ceremony that casts off the name of their armor and reclaims their own name. Though they are highly respected on return to civilian life, it is considered a major faux pas to directly refer to their previous profession unless it would have immediate bearing for the fitness to cope with some emergency. Most War-Plate wearers keep a diary or personal memoir that will be displayed prominently in their residence or place of work, lovingly illuminated with images of their armor, as means of signalling what they once were to others. There are however fundamentalist strains of thought that hold any reference or admission to be too much.

The orders that provide wearers for War-Plate are conservative and deeply religious groups and rarely allow outsiders, even civilian Honiani, to view their training. (The suits themselves are well-known, as maintenance is through the Honiani government.) They are not, however, generally xenophobic: in addition to incorporating Yan-Ros technology readily, they appear to recognize something of a kindred spirit in the Yan-Ros Hunter traditions, and it is rumored that they have allowed some Hunter teams to train with them. At least one such order has declared public support for Federation membership, though several others have expressed reservations.
Omake - Winterwind Tales Pt 2 - Iron Wolf
Winterwind Tales, Part 2: Superstition

Bodies in the throes of anguish, a mish-mash of limbs and phaser fire, stones and glittering knives. A metallic tang in the air, not that of ozone, but something far more primal.

Chaos and Blood.

That's what Demari Iekn beamed into.

One of his security enlisted, a Yrillian by the name of Ozaw, was grappling with not one, but two huge Caldonians, screaming bloody murder as they held him down. One produced a pair of clippers, trying to shave the hair off his body.

Iken stared longer than he should have, hearing their thoughts. It was all coldly logical, despite the fact they were convinced that Yrillian hair was a vital component to chemistry; that his lungs would be useful for research into enhancing artificial and biological intelligence.

Someone tackled Iekn to the ground.

It was Xolten, blood leaking from an impact on his head. A brick smashed against a wall , right where Iekn's head had been.

"Help Ozaw!" he yelled, fumbling for his phaser pistol. Xolten didn't hesitate. For a split second Iekn thought he heard what might have been a growl from the Vulcan's throat, and prayed he never would hear that noise again. Xolten tensed like a tiger and lept, tackling the Caldonian who had produced a knife for organ harvesting. They went sliding into a fruit stand, and Iekn lost sight of them. He fired a quick shot instead at the remaining Caldonian holding down Ozaw, missed and blew out a streetlamp, fired again. This time he caught the huge alien right in the chest, and his target fell as if he were dead.

Xolten rose up from the fruit stand, spiky fruits splattering where they fell. He had the Caldonian in a chokehold. A knife buried to the hilt stuck out of the Vulcan's side. Iekn didn't hesitate to shoot the restrained Caldonian rather than waiting for nature to take its course.

Xolten stumbled a few steps forwards before his legs gave out, Ozaw reaching out to grab him.

"I believe I am wounded." The Vulcan commented, deadpan.

"Of course it takes getting stabbed for a Vulcan to make jokes," Ozaw said, his voice cracking half-way through.

"It's a statement of fact." Color was draining from Xolten's face, "I have always enjoyed gallows humor." He rasped, "I did not think an opportunity to use it would ever be this appropriate."

"Nuub's sake," Iekn muttered, "Iekn to Winterwind, lock onto Ozaw and Xolten and beam them directly to sickbay." He scanned around, gesturing at security officers who looked unhurt to help wounded.

The two men swirled away, the rest of his security party fanning out, finding the injured, civilian or Starfleet, and helping them back to the beam-in site.

"Taggart to Iekn. What's the situation?"

"As that last command might have indicated, not good." Iekn reached out and pulled a security officer down. The man looked at him quizzically, until a disruptor blast burned over him, exploding the wooden wall in a shower of flaming debris. "We're going to need fire crews down here, and an enhanced security response team, stat. Helmets, protective vests, the works." A block away a building exploded with a concussive whump, and Iekn's team was pelted with fist-sized chunks of concrete. "Maybe bring heavy weapons too!"

On the bridge, Taggart rubbed her forehead, as a swarm of security personnel bustled around her. "That will take time. What is the status of the rest of the senior staff?"

Iekn's voice hissed from the arm of her chair, and she could hear her comms officer tapping furiously to keep up with the attempts to jam them."We lost contact with Kader, Omirri, and Tarkam's team. th'Endev is pinned down at the dam. Xolten is in the care of Dr. Rr'mera, who's with you."

"Acknowledged." Taggart held out a hand and a security officer handed her a phaser pistol, fully charged, "You find Omirri, and I'll take a team to the dam--"

"No! No. Captain, respectfully, I know you Ee-Cee types love to handle things personally, but I almost got brained the instant I beamed down. The rest of the staff is scattered. You've gotta remain there to coordinate while we hold the line, or we're going to lose a lot of people."

Taggart ground her teeth together, gripping the armrest, before handing back the pistol. "I'm going to state this because you're out of range, Iekn, but I feel like a coward sitting here."

"The crew won't see it that way if you pull them out of the fire."

"Noted. Stay safe, Commander."

"Man, you and Xolten should have a comedy act." He grumbled in response, "Iekn out."

Taggart turned in her chair to look at a Saurian with the rifle-green of security. "Lieutenant Okeg." He blinked one large eye at her, and then the other. "With Xolten out of the fight, his Security duties fall to you. We've lost a lot of fine people down there already, and this ship's security team is too small to corral this. I want you to go down, secure our people, and dig in."

He straightened, "Yes, ma'am!"

Taggart turned back to the status map on her viewscreen, "And since I can't do it personally, let them know how almighty pissed Abigail Taggart is."

The Sunspot Grill was a two-story structure, a humble but successful business that was popular with the local community, bordered by two streets whose names translated as roughly "Pleasant" and "Beautiful."

For Rana Kader, hiding on the second floor, those names were a bitter joke now. Tarkam's body was in the corner, covered by a blanket. The head of the quick-witted Rigellian Cigrad sat next to it, covered by a napkin. Ensign sh'Koltet cowered in the opposite corner, far away from the windows, the stump of her arm sealed with some dermal regeneration that Kader had administered with shaking hands. Several minutes ago, sh'Koltet's arm had come flying through the window, in a hail of glass that had blinded Chief Wenaya. The Orion sat next to sh'Koltet, his eyes covered and heavily sedated. Kader had wrapped sh'Koltet's arm in a blanket and put it in a refrigeration unit. There was little else she could do.

They'd been a team of seven. Obe, Cigrad, and Tarkam had all met bloody ends. The only woman left standing other than Kader was Omirri, the nervous helmswoman covering the only staircase up to the second floor. In her talons she had three separate phaser pistols and a communicator flipped open, hoping to hear the Winterwind break through. So far, nothing, jamming so bad it must have scrambled their transport signatures too. Every so often, a Caldonian would peek their head around the corner, and Omirri would let loose with all three phasers, two set to an intimidating but mostly-harmless high heat that kicked up sparks and the other set to stun. She'd managed to clip one Caldonian with the stun, and swat back a stun grenade that had earned them some breathing room when it blinded the mob downstairs.

Also every so often, out of sight, a Caldonian would fold their long legs and then leap up into the air, to slam hands on the remaining windows, throwing sticks and other debris through the broken ones. Kader had almost been hit square in the face when a more talented Caldonian leaped up all the way up and flung a wooden pole at her. The next time she'd jumped into view, Kader had hit her with a stun blast, and tried not to be pleased when she'd heard the vague crunch of bone from her hard landing. It was lucky, too, because that second time, the Caldonian didn't have a wooden pole. She had a disruptor.

Ever the Starfleet officer, she still tried diplomacy, "Listen!" She screamed out the window, "We're not here to inject you with mind-control vaccines or contaminate your crops with gene sequenced food. We didn't even distribute that stuff!"

"LIES!" Is all that greeted her, along with a hail of missiles through the windows.

"I'm serious! We don't mean you any harm, we just want to leave!" Nothing but jeers and hissing from the crowd.

"They're not going to listen to reason, Kader," Omirri chirped lowly.

Kader slid down behind the overturned table that was her cover. "Yeah. Worth a shot."

"What if we didn't give them reason?" Omirri said. The windows rattled and Kader fired a snap shot out them, before she peeked up to look at Omirri, "Kader, they're science-based but… I speak their language. You get me? Outsiders, who feel left out because they believe something different."

"Are the Fiiral normally this murderous?" Kader said, bitterly. She sighed as she heard Omirri give her an annoyed whistle, "Hey, go for it. If we wait around they're going to get ladders or something and then we're really in the shit."

sh'Koltet whimpered.

"Um," Omirri said, "Excuse me. Excuse me!" She puffed up as she sucked down a huge lungful of air and let out a high pitched screech that temporarily blocked out the sounds from below, "My name is Omirri. I'm a Fiiral. My people believe in things that others think is silly, or wrong, too." She stopped, waiting for a reaction from the crowd, "Uh, look it up?"

Omirri dipped her head in consternation and even Kader winced. No one could look up anything if they were being jammed.

Then, a glimmer of hope. "We have looked up your species, Fiiral. I'm interested - what about you?" A ragged cheer went up from the crowd.

Kader and Omirri looked at each other, Kader's eyes wide. They must have had some sort of local network. Which meant…

"I want to talk about it." Omirri said, "I want to talk about it! Will you please let me speak?"

"Omirri!" Kader whispered.

In response, Omirri slid two of the phaser pistols across the floor back at Kader and descended the steps. She tucked one of the phasers out of sight under her feathers, curling the opposite arm underneath as well.

She stepped out into the street, and instantly was surrounded by the towering figures of the Caldonians. In their hands she saw various tools -- hammers, butcher's knives, carpentry saws -- covered in blood. In other hands, more obvious tools of war, rifles and pistols stolen from the armory. Or turned over by a traitor?

And in a few hands, personal tablets. Omirri tried not to eye them too hard as the crowd parted just enough to let her through, claustrophobically towering above her. Towering above her like... angry, knife-wielding trees.

Her passage through this forest of anger seemed to last an eternity, but was more like three or four quick steps, until she reached something of a clearing. One of the Caldonians stood there, an energy rifle in one hand, a tablet in the other. He sneered down at Omirri.

"Says here your people believe in sky-gods and spirits." He sneered down at Omirri, "I don't see how you think you're at all comparable to us. We have facts and knowledge to back our beliefs."

"Mhm," Omirri said. Only one gamble to take, "You see, like you, the facts have been suppressed by the so-called establishment." She gestured to the assembled crowd, "My gods are scientifically falsifiable, and the SNAKES in our government refuse to believe us!"

There was a murmur of shock and surprise. A Caldonian raised a hammer, threateningly, his whole arm shaking with rage.

"It's true," Omirri said. "Here, give me that tablet, sir."

The leader narrowed his eyes, slowly extending his hand, clutching the thin yellow-gold square of the tablet protectively. Omirri grasped it and pulled, but the Caldonian held onto it before abruptly letting go, sending Omirri skidding back to jeers.

All or nothing now, Omirri thought, as she made a show of studying it. Then, dramatically, she turned and flung the tablet. It spun, a shimmering golden disk in the smoke-filtered light, before crashing through a second floor window. The crowd shouted in disbelief, and the Caldonian behind grabbed her roughly by the shoulders.

"Th-the facts don't exist on that!" Omirri said, twisting from his grasp. A few feathers painfully tugged out of her skin. She held out two talons, "They exist here." She pressed the center of her chest, where her liver was, "They exist in your spirit-box. They exist in what you see in the world. You've seen the facts on the ground and what does the directorate do? Nothing!"

Some in the crowd cheered.

"The same goes for me. I see the hand of my God in the thousand coincidences in the world. Like you see the threat of protein sequences in your food while the directorate ignores the data you've found here in reality, not in an academic's spreadsheet!"

More in the crowd voiced their approval. The Caldonian leader reached down and tapped Omirri in the center of her face, pushing her back a little, "Prove it, Fiiral."

"Th-the point is," Omirri said, "It's not something that can be pro--"

"YOU INSULT US!" The Caldonian screamed, slamming his riflebutt into the ground and towering over Omirri, "Our claims can be proven! We have used charged mineral lattices to manipulate the energy fields of our wounded. One recovered from a vile wasting disease. Documented! Fact! And yet we our laughed at. Why don't you document your claims of Godhood the same way?" He bared his teeth in a grin, "Ask your gods to strike me down here."

The audience roared its approval.

"My gods are not the strike with lightning type," Omirri said demurely, backing away slightly, "It is a will that requires… b-big data to analyze." She stammered the last as the crowd closed in on her. "Do y-you happen to have a supercomputer near by?" She just prayed she'd bought Kader and the rest enough time.

"Hit me." The Caldonian leader said, unexpectedly. He leaned down to stare Omirri in her eyes, "If your gods work by coincidences, they should be able to make a species so often resoundingly defeated in close combat best a man who's studied the combat forms, whose body is free of toxins and lies." He straightened, the rifle in his hand now casually aimed at her chest.

Omirri took a deep breath. She tensed, trying to remember everything Omirid had taught her. Her only hope was to jump straight up and plant a foot in this guy's forehead. Probably, she'd die before her feet left the ground.

The Caldonian's sneer disappeared as he jerked suddenly. Omirri's eyes widened as his grip tightened on the firing stud of the rifle, but it shorted out with a soft pop. The Caldonian collapsed to the ground, almost crushing Omirri as he pitched forward. She dodged backwards with an alarmed squawk.

Another Caldonian ran over to him, pressing a finger into his neck. "He's unconscious!" she shouted.

Then she jerked before collapsing, too.

"HA!" Omirri screeched, jabbing a talon at the shocked faces of the crowd, "HA HA HA! HA! THE SPIRIT IS REAL!" She turned and sprinted right back into the Grill, as the surprised Caldonians panicked, some rushing to the aid of their god-struck comrades, others crambling backwards, tripping over themselves to get away from Omirri's as she zipped by them. She took the stairs two at a time and tripped on the last, tumbling back onto the second floor with a crash.

sh'Koltet had a phaser pistol aimed at her and dropped it with relief.

Kader blinked at Omirri from where she was standing by the window. In her hand was a phaser pistol, a mish-mash of objects attached to the front of it. "So, not to let you down," She said, "But that was me with a beam diffractor I managed to cobble together." She wiped sweat off her brow, "Cut down the visibility. Any darker out and it would have been obvious."

Omirri hooted disappointedly from where she was sprawled on the floor, "Aw."

"Security's on the way. Way easier to hack that single tablet then their local network. I managed to contact the Winterwind with some quick thinking. And it saved your skin too -- when you threw it up here it bounced off a door and skidded into a backroom that was full of electronics. If it hadn't bounced that way I never would… have… found them." Kader just blinked. Blue swirls appeared in the street below, as helmeted security personnel appeared around the building. But the Caldonians were for the most part dispersed already, running away for dear life.

Her face pressed against the cool stone of the floor, Omirri wheezed out a whistle of pleasure.

"The Spirit is real."
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2316.Q2 - The Snakepit - Results
  • Request new Starbase I [KBZ – Shrantet III] 25pp for KBZ
  • Request new Starbase I [Indoria] 27pp
  • Request Mining Colony at Kohl II, 16pp, 25 (30) br & 25 (35) sr /yr, 4 turns
  • Request Research Colony at Acacia V, 7pp 5 (7) rp/yr, 4 turns
  • Request Mining Colony at Piara V, 8pp, 25 (30) br/yr, 4 turns
  • Request Mining Colony at Mica III, 8pp, 25 (30)br /yr, 4 turns
  • Request Allocation for an Excelsior's resources, one-off-infusion of an Excelsior's cost, 40pp
  • Request Academy Development, 40pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
  • Request Start of Science Frigate project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 10pp
  • Request new Tech Team to be added to your Ship Design Bureau, [Weapons and Offensive Doctrine] - 20pp
  • Request new Tech Team to be added to your Ship Design Bureau, [Starbase and Defensive Doctrine] - 20pp
  • Sponsor efforts to create Heavy Industrial park to reduce construction times by 25% in that system when making either a parallel or serial build, provides Heavy Industry options pre-SoE, 115pp (Mars in Sol System)
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Ashidi]
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [The Tauni]
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Yan-Ros]
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Hishmeri Septs]
  • Acquire additional resources for Starfleet Intelligence Operations, 20pp (Will improve ops teams next time they are required)

Total Cost 436 PP

Council Sessions Preparing

Council Reporting

Ship Design & Refit Projects
Science Frigate Project, "Project Gateway", has been approved.


Colonies Commenced
Mining Colony at Kohl II, 16pp, 25 (30) br & 25 (35) sr /yr, 4 turns
Research Colony at Acacia V, 7pp 5 (7) rp/yr, 4 turns
Mining Colony at Piara V, 8pp, 25 (30) br/yr, 4 turns
Mining Colony at Mica III, 8pp, 25 (30)br /yr, 4 turns

Shipyard Expansions Commenced / Complete
Oreasa Starfleet Yards at Betazed Orbit, Berth 1, 2 (1,000kt) complete and are available for use
Expansion of Utopia Planitia, Berth D (3mt) & Berth 4 (1mt) complete and are available for use

Installations Commenced / Complete
Starship infrastructure is expanding on Amarkia
Request new Starbase I [KBZ – Shrantet III] 25pp for KBZ
Request new Starbase I [Indoria] 27pp
Olympus Industrial Hub - Sponsor efforts to create Heavy Industrial park to reduce construction times by 25% in that system when making either a parallel or serial build, provides Heavy Industry options pre-SoE, 115pp (Mars in Sol System)

Starfleet Academy
Academy Development, 40pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)

This will become active in the following income period.

Tech Teams Requested

Starfleet Tactical Prograde Operations Team - Skill 2 [Weapons/Offensive Doctrine]
Apinae Protective Engineering Bureau - Skill 2 [Starbase/Defensive Doctrine]

Starfleet Reorganisation
Acquire additional resources for Starfleet Intelligence Operations, 20pp (Will improve ops teams next time they are required)

Diplomatic Pushes:
Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Ashidi]
Ashidi 76/100 + 17 = 93/100
Some progress has been made by our Ambassadors, however it appears that the Ashidi paranoia is tricky to overcome.

Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [The Tauni]
Tauni 75/100 + 43 = 118/500
The FDS reports that efforts to reach out to the Tauni have met with blistering success. Finding a potential sanctuary of many like-minded species near at hand has resonated with their people, and we are now Affiliates.

Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Yan-Ros]
Yan-Ros 232/500 + 29 = 261/500
The start of a prolonged push on the Yan-Ros has borne fruit early on. Although they are very firmly in the Honiani cultural orbit, the Yan-Ros are receptive to Federation entertainment media, and our Xeno-psychologists are seeking out specific pairs of Yan-Ros distributors and Federation producers to have the desired effect.

Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Hishmeri Septs]
FDS reports that Hishmeri Septs are very truculent about diplomatic engagement. [Bonuses applied to roll are halved]
Hishmeri 50/100 + 14 = 64/100
Some initial contacts have been made with the Hishmeri. We can say they are a two-species power, and we have strong suspicions that the second species is a slave caste, in practice if not in name. They have a long history of raiding, and we would be well-advised to ensure member world fleets are advised as to the potential danger.

Member World Coordination Office

Ships Commenced in 2316.Q2:

Tellar - Refit [Constellation-A]
Human - 1 Starfleet Freighter (NCC-3605) *
Amarkia - 1 Cargo Ship
Betazed - 1 Cargo Ship

NB: Vulcan is surging recruitment for the time being to help cover crew costs of Renaissance and Constellation construction
* = Vice Admiral T'Faer swooped on an opportunity to use berth space

Ships Commissioned in 2316.Q2:

Tellar - Repair [TSS Lorch Krind]
UESPA - Repair [TSS Nugruch]
Betazed - 2xRefit[Patroller-A] - 6/6 Patrollers refitted
Gaen - 1 Colony Ship
Caldonia - Repair [Science Cruiser]
Orion - Repair [UES Jupiter]
Licori - 2 Jackrabbit (*), 1 Spiny Mouse, 1 Cargo Ship
Ked Paddah - Repair [KPS Protective], 1 Aggadah, 2xRepair [Orah]

* = 1 Minor House, 1 House Tartresis

Shipbuilding Operations Report
The requested builds, refits, and repairs scheduled for this quarter have completed, namely:

Starfleet Prospector, NCC-642 @ Lasieth Craft Yards Berth 4


The requested builds, refits, and repairs scheduled for this quarter have commenced, namely:

Ambassador-class explorer (Starfleet Build Order NX-3901) @ Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards Berth B
Ambassador-class explorer (Starfleet Build Order NX-3902) @ Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards Berth D

Starfleet Freighter, NCC-3604 @ Lasieth Craft Yards Berth 4


The following ships have drawn crews:

Unnamed Renaissance-class cruiser (Starfleet Build Order NCC-2602) @ Ana Font Shipyard Berth 1
3 Officer, 5 Enlisted, 3 Technician


Starfleet Spacelift Command, Starfleet Logistics Command

17 Cargo Ships
4 Freighters
[152 Small Cargo, 74 Bulk Cargo]

Deep Space Dviision, Starfleet Engineering Command

6 Engineering Ships
[18 Special (Engineering), 12Sm, 12 Bk Cargo]

Starfleet Colony Command

6 Colony Ships
4 Prospectors
[36 Special (Colony), 16 Special (Prospecting)]

Honiani have reached 300+ Diplomatic Relations
Rigel Sector
Homeworld: Okatha
- Provides: 40br, 10sr, 5rp, 5pp, 0.3 Officer, 0.4 Enlisted, 0.35 Technician
- Requires: D0
- Installations: Citadel of Stars [Starbase I], Cathedralforge Yards (1x4000kt, 2x2500kt)
- Local Currently: 1 Basilica of Lakhept, 1 Basilica, 1 Cathedral, 2 Reliquary, 2 Chapel, 2 Monastery, 2 Parish
- Merchant Marine: 23 Civilian Ship, 19 Cargo Ship, 13 Freighter, 3 Passenger, 2 Engineering, 2 Prospector, 1 Colony Ship, 2 Hospital Ship, 3 Research Cruiser, 6 Super-Freighter

Major World: Becarra
- Installations: Saiya Exultant Yard (3x1000kt), Outpost I
Major World: Ucuta
- Installations: Fore of Wonders (2x1200kt), Outpost I
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Omake - Romulan Naval Codes - Ato
Romulan Naval Reporting Codes

To: Amal Seterinn, Federation Embassy Deputy Ambassador
From: Subcommander Yana Wevyral, Federation Embassy Military attache

As part of my duties in taking over as the Imperial Navy's new attache to the Earth Embassy, it has come to my attention that the Embassy is still using old version reference documents in several key areas relating to military affairs.

I am in the midst of compiling and formatting updates to all these documents. However in the light of the recent miscommunication that occured during your meeting with Councillor Nkumba I have taken the liberty of providing you directly with an updated version of the DNR's naval reporting codes for starfleet ships.
I have added the Federation names for each class and added explanatory annotations where necessary.


Directorate of Naval Reconnaissance
-Starship Reporting Codes, Federation- Starfleet

-Warning classfied document-
[Clearance level: 4-White]

R-Type Heavy Cruiser,
Ranger Class- An older now obsolete hull type, that Starfleet's auxillary arms still have in service for support roles.

C.II-Type Heavy Cruiser,
Constitution A class- The archtypical starfleet ship that has been on the frontline of their service for nearly sixty years. This updated version over the original C.I-Type is now verging on obsolescence but a single example remains in active service.

C.III-Type Light Cruiser,
Constitution B class- A modern update of the previous vessels that re rolled them as second line combatants.

C.IV-Type Light Cruiser,
Rennaissance class- Perhaps for internal political reasons Starfleet has seen fit to rename the latest iteration of the C-Type. However its design lineage is unmistakeable. These vessels are equipped with some of the most modern Federation technology.
This type is also forming the basis of Starfleet's next generation of auxillary ships.

E.I-Type Battlecruiser,
Excelsior class- Starfleet's main heavy combatant, and one of their most numerous ship types. The only type currently in service with the elite 'Explorer Corps'.

E.II-Type Battlecruiser,
Excelsior-A class- A modernization upgrade that is beginning to be implemented across their fleet. Its appearance has lead to the previous E-Types being redesignated as E.I-Type.

A-Type Heavy Cruiser,
'Ares class' - No ships of this type are in service or have been constructed. This code was reserved for the unfinished prototype commisoned by former Admiral Rogers. Given the unliklihood of it ever being completed I will be removing this entry from future versions of this document.

A-Type Battleship,
Ambassador class- These are the Federation's next generation heavy combat ships. The DNR has determined that two have recently commenced construction at the Sol-4 naval yards.
They are estimated to be more than a match for our Heavy Warbirds.

M.I-Type Frigate,
Miranda class- The main light combat ship of the Federation. Introduced over three decades ago it has untill recently comprised the bulk of thier naval strength.

M.II-Type Frigate,
Miranda A class- A modernization of the previous design that has been built in significant numbers and applied retroactively to nearly their entire fleet.

Y-Type Frigate,
Centaur and 'Centaur A' class- The most modern Federation frigate type, that appears to have had a troubled history. Built in relatively small numbers, and seemingly passed over in favour of the cheaper M.II-Type. Despite claims that the 'A' version was a refit, it has been determined that this was actually fitting equipment that had been left out of the initial prototype production run due to cost and development problems.

O-Type Corvette,
Oberth class- Despite its diminutive size and claims that it is 'purely a science vessel', this is a powerful combat support ship.
An extremely capable surveillance platform that Starfleet has deployed to multiple theatres, and used to obtain significant intelligence advantages. It has also seen use as a minesweeper in the recent Arcadian Conflict.

P-Type Light Cruiser
Constellation class- A highly limited type of cruiser that has been poorly viewed by many Starfleet admirals, despite possesing several innovative design features. Their lack of utility is thought to be what precipitated the restart in production of C-Type cruisers. They are mainly used as patrol vessels, and are widely considered a dead end in ship design.

S-Type Frigate
Soyuz class- An obsolete type that has been retired from starfleet service due to safety concerns. One or two still remain in member fleet inventories.
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Captain's Log - 2316.Q2.M1
Captain's Log, USS Atuin, Stardate 25970.9 - Captain Vol Chad

After the discovery of the Hishmeri Septs, the Explorer Corps has retasked us from Rigellian space and towards the Rimward frontier, where we will be cooperating with Vice Admiral Sotak and the Central Theatre. We want to have a very clear idea of what is in the systems that lie in the path of the Hishmeri. Prime Directive is one thing, but if any pre-warp cultures lie undiscovered in the path of these raiders, we need to know.


Bridge, Chad here, what is it? They're doing wh-


Captain's Log, USS Odyssey, Stardate 25971.3 - Captain Langa Mbeki

The Science Directorate of Caldonia has agreed to dispatch a top-level delegation to meet with some of the dissidents to discuss their concerns. However, while in orbit around Lomay II, Chief Marcel of our Intel detachment made an alarming discovery. There is a suggestion that one of the pseudoscience cults is convinced that any Directorate delegation will be coming to spread sterilisation gas or some such rot, and plans to ambush and destroy the delegation en route.

Or was it mind control gas? It's hard to keep track.


Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 25971.8 - Captain T'Rinta

Unusual energy fields emitted by the unstable Nolean star have indicated some promising properties for particle alteration. With my science officer, I have conducted an experiment by placing a cobalt-monocyllium jacket around the photon-torpedo casing we were able to convert a series of asteroid deposits into materials used in warp matrix bypasses.

[Gain +30sr, +5rp]


Bridge Transcript, USS Cheron, Stardate 25972.5

[Audio] ... Yrill... Carr...l... Red C... require aid! ...activate-it's coming aro...ain...! We're hit, it's-!

[Comms Lt] We've lost the transmission, Captain.

[Sensors Lt-Cdr] Captain, I've picked up a very high-energy discharge from the Red Caravel's last known position. Actually, Captain, I have a new warp signature ... it's headed for Vega!

[Captain] Lay in an intercepting course. Execute.


Captain's Log, USS Atuin, Stardate 25970.9

After the discovery of the Hishmeri Septs, the Explorer Corps has retasked us from Rigellian space and towards the Rimward frontier, where we will be cooperating with Vice Admiral Sotak and the Central Theatre. We want to have a very clear idea of what is in the systems that lie in the path of the Hishmeri. Prime Directive is one thing, but if any pre-warp cultures lie undiscovered in the path of these raiders, we need to know.


Bridge, Chad here, what is it? They're doing wh-


Captain's Log, USS Kearsage, Stardate 25973.1

The Halakk research station in Orion Space is dedicated to biomedical research, but recently went silent. We found it, still intact in orbit around the planet Halakk, or Maros IV, where it is tasked with studying biochemically active frog-like creatures. It appears, however, that one of their research samples escaped containment, and wiped out the crew. Together with the Zephyr we assessed the risks, but still came up short with how virulent this strain was. Our initial away teams, including my Chief Medical Officer and Head of Science, were infected, and diagnosed with barely a day to live. I led a team down to the surface with the doctor and chief of science from the Zephyr, and together we were able to find a specimen of the original creature, which we were able to use to synthesise a cure.

[Gain +10rp]


Captain's Log, USS Renaissance, Stardate 25973.4

A deposit of a key component in the latest duranium alloys was located in a peculiar crystalline spire on Mocates II, not far from Wellbeck. The process behind the creation was some manner of nutrient leaching, which is not very effort effective as a process. I wouldn't recommend it for a larger exercise with our current technology, but we nonetheless obtained a considerable amount.

There were a few bashful faces among the Rigellian prospecting community when the news broke, apparently.

[Gain +25br]


Captain's Log, USS Atuin, Stardate 25970.9

After the discovery of the Hishmeri Septs, the Explorer Corps has retasked us from Rigellian space and towards the Rimward frontier, where we will be cooperating with Vice Admiral Sotak and the Central Theatre. We want to have a very clear idea of what is in the systems that lie in the path of the Hishmeri. Prime Directive is one thing, but if any pre-warp cultures lie undiscovered in the path of these raiders, we need to know.


Bridge, Chad here, what is it? They're doing wh-


Captain's Log, USS Odyssey, Stardate 25973.7

It was not easy to talk some of the local dissidents into giving us the ambush location, but we were able to impress on them how important it was for the future direction of their people that this action not go ahead. Hopefully, we can also talk the members of the Caldonians Against Forced Government Sterilisation Action Committee - and yes, it was the sterilisation gas not the mind control gas it appears - to back down.


Captain's Log, USS Cheron, Stardate 25974.2

The ship that destroyed the independent Yrillian ship was an ancient battle drone of some fashion, an artefact of a war fought by a long forgotten species. While investigating some ruins in an asteroid belt, the Red Caravel activated the dormant system, which then destroyed it, and started up ancient programming that told it to destroy Vega. We met it in combat, and were able to scramble the ship's programming with a tight beam communication on a port that we determined was left open for a maintenance mode. The drone has been safely destroyed now.

[Gain +5rp, +5pp]


Captain's Log, USS Atuin, Stardate 25970.9

After the discovery of the Hishmeri Septs, the Explorer Corps has retasked us from Rigellian space and towards the Rimward frontier, where we will be cooperating with Vice Admiral Sotak and the Central Theatre. We want to have a very clear idea of what is in the systems that lie in the path of the Hishmeri. Prime Directive is one thing, but if any pre-warp cultures lie undiscovered in the path of these raiders, we need to know.


Bridge, Chad here, what is it? They're doing wh-


Captain's Log, USS Odyssey, Stardate 25974.7

The Action Group was lamentably a little more hard-headed than some of their associates, and opened fire on us. However, even pseudoscientists have a fairly reasonable ability to evaluate the odds when they do no discernible damage to our shields, and we drop their shields in one phaser volley. They dropped their shields, and agreed to send across representatives to parlay. I believe we have defused this situation.

[Gain +15pp, major summit goes ahead to help reconcile the Caldonian situation]


Captain's Log, USS Atuin, Stardate 25975.2

I'll send along some of the technical details with the Chief Science Officer's report, but suffice to say it makes for interesting reading. Perhaps someone will even get to read it after someone finishes stamping "temporal" over it.

To give the cliff notes version, we endured a collision with a Risan Heavy Corvette, that was running something tremendously ill-advised with their warp engines. When their highly unstable cochrane field intersected ours, we were obliterated in a subspace-temporal inversion ... which led to a temporal loop, which we only managed to get out of because of one of our Gaeni science officers was doing something equally ill-advised that was creating a stable temporal pocket within the temporal loop.

When we finally broke the loop and avoided the collision, I chased down the Risan Heavy Corvette and gave its Captain and Helm officer a sharp dressing down. Reports of competitive after-parties on the Dawn of Spring and Atuin are complete lies.

[Gain +5rp, +25 relations with Risa]

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Captain's Log - 2316.Q2.M2
Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 25999.2 - Captain Sabek

Our sensors have given us a possible plan to build solidarity through common experience with the Padani of the Interstellar Commonwealth.

A party practising piracy was picked up by Padani patrols, and partially pinned to this particular parsec. While their sensors seem insufficiently sensitive to seek out the system their suspects are seeking sanctuary in, science officer Shrai sh'Hasshan succeeded.

I will take the Courageous in to join them.

[Chief of Staff's NB: I know what you're thinking. I'll check with the Courageous' councillor quickly]
[Admiral's NB: Isn't it a little early in all of our tenures to be going mad already?]


Captain's Log, USS Stargazer, Stardate 25999.5 - Captain Maryam Ajam

The fleet is dropping to a low warp factor as we travel alongside a "pod" of interstellar space venturing biologicals. 'Space Whales' are what I believe some Starfleet wag named them when we encountered them some years back. I have just beamed back from Pride of Kadesh and I can say that the reaction among the Kadeshi to such a sight was first blind terror as their last major experience with biologicals in space was the Biophage. But their next reaction was wonder and joy. It has taken a long time for some of them to become comfortable with deep space again, but it is happening.

[Gain +10rp]


Captain's Log, USS Rru'adorr, Stardate 25999.8

A situation is brewing near one of the new Gaeni colonies, Panat V. Unknown ships have entered system and are approaching the star, escorted by a starship of Licori make. The USS Lexington has been in touch with the Arcadian Empire, and the word we are getting back is that one of the Minor Houses had owned the vessel, but it had gone missing. After we arrived in system and challenged them, they are now broadcasting House Kortennon frequencies.

A Gaeni Tech-Cruiser and Tech-Frigate are in-system and approaching the star from the other direction. I'm sending this report by space probe, as after we scanned the AHS Fang some powerful jamming fell over the system, and I want to make sure the report gets out. Just in case the next people that visit this system find only free-floating exotic particles.


Captain's Log, USS Docana, Stardate 25999.9

It was supposed to be a routine hop on behalf of the FDS, conveying a Tellarite team to meet a Vulcan one in Vulcan orbit. And somehow it ended up feeling rather like a pre-Federation battle. I am at wits end attempting to discern what is so all-consuming important about nomenclature between the dairy production of certain traditional staple livestock on these planets, but someone pulled a phaser before I had everyone beamed to the brig.

To the surprise of many delegates, I was quite entitled to do so. After letting them sober out a little, I let them resume their negotiations.

From the brig.

Via comm-link.

[Gain +10pp]


Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 26000.2

It appears that the Interstellar Commonwealth puts great stock in the concept that safety and effectiveness outweighs the importance of efficiency. They are bringing a battle group of four of their large Guardian-class cruisers to this battle. With the addition of the Courageous our anti-piracy task force has become very formidable.


Captain's Log, USS Huascar, Stardate 26000.6

A cargo ship from United Earth on Starfleet service conveying components to Ferasa appears to have had the ill-fortune to collide with a waystation at 78 Para system. Thankfully, the damage is minor and the crew is safe, but extricating them required a delicate touch with the tractor beam. My tactical officer handled this process admirably, and the SS Joseon Star has been returned to its voyage.

[Gain +5pp]


Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 26001.5

As a positive, the battle has been carried, and surrendered pirates loaded into brigs on the ISC ships.

However, during the battle, we suffered a statistically improbable strike causing disproportionate damage. A phaser beam pushing through frequencies caused a minor burn-through, that in turn destroyed part of the second dorsal radial EPS trunk, causing an explosion that resulted in a number of casualties, and damage to the ship.

Despite this regrettable result, we have made a positive impression with the Padani.

[Courageous damaged, -1 T, 1Qtr repair required, -30br, -10sr]


Captain's Log, USS Gale, Stardate 26002.3

A distress call was picked up recently not far from Andor, and we were sent to investigate. The beacon and its code were ancient, approaching two centuries in age, and we discovered that it was an Andorian Guard vessel from pre-Federation times. One that went missing during combat with Vulcans, in fact, a sobering thought to many of both species aboard. It seems that a meteor impact nearby had caused solar panels to no long be obscured, and the distress beacon to restart.

The Andorian government has been alerted, and a team is heading out to recover any remains for appropriate committal.

[Gain +5pp]


Captain's Log, USS Rru'adorr, Stardate 26003.8

No battle for phasers and torpedoes that!

It was deflector dish to deflector dish at five AU. Us on one side, the Gaeni on another, and the Kortennon on a third, everyone performing the sort of operations on an active star in an inhabited system that would make a theoretical astrophysicist operating on a supercomputer blanch. They attempted the star degenerency pressure nullification, we amplified thermal output pressure, they attempted to cause runaway tholian particle creation among the convection currents, we dropped coronal reflect phased radiation ... it went on like that for days, with each force unable to turn away from the star to properly pursue the other, thus leaving an opening.

Finally, the Lexington was able to engineer a feedback loop back through one of the Kortennon mentat tricks, and destroy a number of their ships, ending the siege of the star after gruelling days of effort.

[Destruction of remaining House Kortennon assets, +25 with Gaen (no effect), +25 with Ked Paddah, +10 with Licori]

Captain's Log - 2316.Q2.M3
Captain's Log, USS Voshov, Stardate 26031.3 - Captain Demora Sulu

Starbase 10 is a welcome change of scenery after that rather cold, rather unmentionable listening post. I have given the crew liberty aboard the Starbase, while we have some maintenance and checks run on the Voshov.


Captain's Log, USS Selaya, Stardate 26031.8

A revolt among a Cargo Ship crew led to the SS Ciimaral, a Rigellian ship, becoming dead in space as the officers and Captain locked themselves into main engineering. We were able to free these officers, and cool the hot-heads, after sneaking two members of our onboard intelligence, and my chief of security, aboard to cut the plasma flow through a spinal EPS trunk that the mutineers were threatening to vent into main engineering if we did not back off. We backed off, but came back in a precise warp sprint once our officers reported the situation safe.

[Gain +10pp]


Captain's Log, USS Voshov, Stardate 26032.4

A quartet of my officers have been arrested, allegedly for participating in what one branch of the Rigellian law enforcement community calls a Federation wide attempt to extort Rigellian mercantile concerns.

On the positive side, it's refreshing to see members of the Diplomatic Service in a frothing rage - or at least what passes for one by their standards - on our behalf as opposed to because of us. I'm summoning the heads of department and are preparing to figure out exactly what happened, and who has decided to get on the wrong side of a Sulu.


Captain's Log, USS Sappho, Stardate 26032.8

We've received word from the administrator of an Andorian settlement near the KBZ that they have a crisis on their hand. It seems that there is a very sizeable Caldonian settlement on the Winas III colony. Unfortunately, that Caldonian contingent is also home to at least a dozen different pseudoscience groups. Less of the political variety and definitely more of the microfilament weave duranium head-dresses will prevent birth defects school.

This still would not present a major issue, except that the largest group has taken to advocating to its members that walking outdoors during the next high-intensity solar storm will cause them to shed all health concerns and not, well, boil their marrow.


Captain's Log, USS Salnas, Stardate 26033.5

A seminar with Fiiral monarchist representatives and the Seyek was a complete success. We were following up on some of the earlier work, and helping smooth the way for a Fiiral Councillor in future. A somewhat difficult task, as always, when it is presumptuous to speak as if joining the Federation as full members was an assured thing, and doubly so when we are the one with the current moratorium on members...

[Gain +25 relations with Seyek]


Captain's Log, USS Voshov, Stardate 26033.8

I think everyone expected that there was some manner of corruption in the law enforcement branches of the Rigellian Government, but the paper trail that we are currently following is obscene.

Unfortunately, the Rigellians have gotten their media involved, which has gotten the other member and affiliate media involved, and this is turning into such a circus that the FDS ambassador nearly expired due to laughing too hard when I suggested that we had the facts to clear our people.

Well, I'm not accepting that as an answer. We are Starfleet officers, we have the truth, we have the proof of corruption, and we have a message. It's time to upend Rigellian law enforcement.


Captain's Log, USS Sappho, Stardate 26034.1

Arresting the leaders of that pseudoscience cult and force-fielding off the exits of the colony was unpopular to say the least. And of course an unhappy Caldonian with a thesis you're blocking is among the more intimidating sights in the galaxy. But nonetheless, we've been able to keep this situation calm, keep a lot of misled people alive, and avoid handing the hardliners in this ongoing issue a tremendous rallying point.

[Gain +10pp]


Captain's Log, USS Renaissance, Stardate 26034.6

We have rushed to aid an unknown civilian ship that is using unfamiliar Yan-Ros codes to broadcast their distress call. When we checked through with the government on Vail, we were told those codes are used by renegade factions, and to approach any such ship with the utmost caution. I prepared my security teams as thoroughly as possible in anti-shielding techniques. However, we did have one Yan-Ros ensign who petitioned to be allowed to use her equipment from back home on Vail that she apparently - and this was alarming news to me - keeps in her quarters as a memento.

Turns out that it was just as well, because the civilian ship was dead in space with a few Yan-Ros survivors and many breeding pairs of Vail wildlife that had broken out of holding cages. The Yan-Ros ensign then had the time of her life leading our security teams through the ship to rescue, and then arrest, the survivors.

[Gain +10rp]


Federation News Network

The testimony of Starfleet Captain Demora Sulu of the USS Voshov has caused shockwaves through Rigellian space, and Federation space, blowing the lid off an extensive extortion network within their existing law enforcement. Moves are already afoot to replace the existing structure with one more along the lines of the the relatively recent Rigellian Defence Force.

[Ainsworth re-roll expended for 2316]
[Gain +5 relations with all affiliates]

2316.Q2 - Steering Committee

Starfleet Intelligence Command - Steering Committee


I can report that things have been relatively more stable over the last few months of this year. I will point out that Starfleet Intelligence played a largely unsung, but important, role in the defeat of the Kortennon hold-outs, by forcing the Minor House that lost the ship to come clean and helping vector the Lexington into the attack.

Beyond that, things are more quiet than normal. The Tal Shiar has its hands full trying to exploit their advantages against the Klingons, and the Klingons ... well, I certainly don't have to tell you of all people how much more brain actually sits behind that Klingon brawn that most realise. Very canny people.

As I said in my report last year, both of those powers have become far more conservative in their efforts after the Arcadians failed to keep our attention. But even so, wolf packs from both sides are roaming far and wide, and Klingon pushes are continuing on all fronts. And even though if you listen to their rhetoric, they are all death or glory charges, truth be told, both sides are careful to keep their forces intact.

Vice Admiral Scott Linderley, Director

[This message will self-delete in 10 seconds]


[Remember, as always, this vote is non-plan, just vote the options you want to see]

(Pick Two Cardassian Tactical Reports)
[ ][CARD] Cardassian Ship Analysis Report - Write in class
[ ][CARD] Cardassian Shipbuilding Report
[ ][CARD] Cardassian Tactics Report (Gain +5% combat vs Cardassian fleets for the next 12 months)
[ ][CARD] Cardassian Fleet Strength Report

(Pick One Romlan Tactical Report)
[ ][ROM] Romulan Ship Analysis Report - Write in
[ ][ROM] Romulan Shipbuilding Report
[ ][ROM] Romulan Shipyard Report
[ ][ROM] Romulan Fleet Strength Report

(PIck up to five General Intel Reports)
[ ][REPORT] What would you like to see reported on?
[ ][REPORT] Romulan Diplomatic Posture Report
[ ][REPORT] Klingon Diplomatic Posture Report
[ ][REPORT] Cardassian Diplomatic Posture Report
[ ][REPORT] <Any> Diplomatic Posture Report

[ ][REPORT] Klingon Fleet Strength Report
[ ][REPORT] Klingon New Battleship Early Report
[ ][REPORT] <Any> Fleet Strength Report

[ ][REPORT] Ship Analysis Report: <Write in Ship to try to get profile>
[ ][REPORT] Shipyard Activity Report for: <Write in Power to get current build details and possibly resource levels>
NB: Not currently available for Klingons

[ ][REPORT] <Any> Tactics Report (2% combat bonus vs this fleet for 12months)

[ ][REPORT] GBZ: Pick a faction to gain an estimate of fleet strength in the GBZ
[ ][REPORT] GBZ: Determine what projects other factions are up to

[ ][REPORT] Write in other Question
(QM/N: As always, bear in mind what SI will be able to access or determine)
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Omake - Winterwind Tales Pt 3 Home - Iron Wolf
Winterwind Tales, Part Three: Home

San Franciso Design Bureau Offices
Mare Island, San Franciso
January 26th, 2316

Abigail Taggart's new office was well-placed, giving her a view of the green of the preserved wetlands that began just beyond the bustling ground infrastructure of the San Francisco yards, and beyond that the ocean. In brighter months it would be a deep blue, but right now it was as grey as the skies, a drizzle lightly pattering against the windows. After years in space, Taggart suspected she was going to enjoy a view other than star-speckled black and the occasional planetary surface.

Still, it felt a little small.

"Ma'am? Where should I put this?"

Taggart snapped out of her micro-reverie, turning and placing a picture of Jennifer on her desk. Her Qloathi yeoman was standing in the doorway. He was holding a square of burnished yellow metal with the corners carved out in neat quarter-circles, a hole in the middle.

"On the wall over there, Wondon." Taggart save, waving her hand to a blank spot over the couch. The Ensign crossed the room quickly, and with a few magnetic anchors, soon had the object secured.

"It's quite an interesting work of art, ma'am." Wondon said, stepping back to check his work.

"It's actually a toilet seat," Taggart said, placing a picture of a horse on her desk, on the other side of her desk from Jennifer's.

Wondon turned at looked at her, his expression doubtful. "Ma'am?" He said it with an air of suspicion.

"I'm serious." She put her personal terminal on the desk, along with a PADD, a stylus, "It's from a T'Kon site the Winterwind discovered. They let me keep that one for my ready room because they found so many. There's actually a lot to learn from the seats, let alone the toilets themselves. They think that the T'Kon may be quadrilateral, and those recesses there are for their legs. And a lot of smart engineering in that, actually. If this place got hit by an antimatter warhead that little hunk of metal would be one of the few things to survive."

"Perhaps that says something about their...excretions, ma'am." Wondon said, looking equally parts pleased and ashamed with himself.

Taggart's face didn't move at all, but there was an air of bemusement to her anyways, "The scientists are actually thinking it's that, or the T'Kon had such advanced manufacturing and metallurgy they didn't think it a waste to put materials stronger than our best armor in toilets." Taggart replied. She sat in her chair, "Either way, I'm certainly glad they were extinct before my species flew out into space."

"Mine as well," Wondon replied, "If the former option is true, can you imagine if you were in combat with them and actually fell into a latrine, ma'am?"

"I don't think many heroic plays would be written about that." Taggart replied, picking up the stylus and PADD.

"Well," Wondon said, "Maybe it'd get turned into a good horror story." Taggart smiled at the joke, "Is there anything else you need, ma'am?"

"This will do for now, Yeoman." Taggart said, "Thank you." Mental checklist, "Ah, before you go, is there anything you want? I think this building recently had top-line food synthesizers put in offices like this. If you wanted to grab youself a drink…"

"It's alright, ma'am. Really." Wondon said, "I've got some settling in to do myself."

Taggart nodded, "Dismissed then. And thanks."

As Wondon loped out of the room and the door slid shut behind him, Taggart tapped her stylus against the blank screen of the PADD. She looked out at the misty shore, the waves bobbing beyond the green, the hint of the fun through the clouds and fog. Work would start soon -- this was a position Taggart had wished for, fought for even, in the subtle way bureaucracies fight. In the end, it was her familiarity with how ships of every size functioned -- and how they were put together -- that got her into the coveted position.

But before all that, there was something else she had to do. She put her stylus to the PADD and began to write.

Dearest Jen,

For the first time in a long time, my assignment doesn't move. Not even in the way the shipyards do, a lump of metal at the end of gravity's tether. The building I'm in has roots in the ground, and beyond those artificial roots, the natural roots of Earth's ecosystem grow deep into the soil.

It scares me, not to be at motion, to be this still. No sound of the engines, or the thrumming of the
Winterwind's warp core, or the deep heartbeat of the Courageous'. Nothing but the light patter of rain and the distant rumble of great waters. And the air conditioning, I suppose. I can step outside whenever I want, and breathe in the scent of the ocean. It makes me think of you.

But at the same time, it's exciting. To know I'll be here for a while. A few years ago I wished they'd fling me off to the edge of the known galaxy for five years, hopeful they'd give me ten, fifteen. Yet now, I hardly care. I'm more excited to put down roots of my own, just like the trees I can see swaying in the breeze. I'm ready to build a home here, Jen.

I'm just waiting for you.

Yours Most Lovingly,

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2316.Q2 - GBZ
Admiral Sulu,

My current plans are to begin to develop our current holdings, as we have already located significant resources and potentially habitable colonies. The Caitians will be directed to concentrate their prospecting to subsector -2f, directly coreward of our entry point. The Firefly subsector.

I believe that the Amarkians will soon petition to change the regulations on civilian colonies. I would caution Starfleet Command that allowing this, while politically advantageous and useful for establishing a permanent presence within the Gabriel Expanse, will introduce the same difficulties for Starfleet that it did for the Sydraxian Hierarchy. Namely that we would be beholden to protect such an asset under all circumstances, despite the area a de jure free-fire zone per the Treaty of Celos.

Rear Admiral T'Lorel
Sector Command, Gabriel Border Zone


Ongoing Projects

Starfleet Engineering Team - Joining mining colony work - ETC 2316.Q4
---Outpost I Established in orbit around 41 Miele IV on 2316.Q2
Starfleet Colony Team - Building mining colony on 41 Miele IV - ETC 2316.Q4

Amarkian Engineering Team - Outpost I construction at 10 Miele - ETC 2316.Q3
Amarkian Colony Team - Building mining colony on 10 Miele - ETC 2317.Q2

Apiata Workerbee Team - Establishing mining colony on 2 Dorsata- ETC 2316.Q3
Apiata Colony Team - At 2 Dorsata to begin establishing first mining colony - ETC 2316.Q3
-Apiata Task Force- Moving to 33 Dorsata urgently

Key: (This Quarter / Last Quarter / Next Quarter) - Results of Last Quarter

USS Nicholas Barton, NCC-632, Prospector (29 Baker / 32 Baker / 21 Baker) - 32 Baker V, 10sr/yr SR mine option, 30br available for pickup
USS Somak, NCC-635, Prospector (46 Miele / 38 Miele / - ) 38 Miele VII - Research colony site available, 5rp/yr
[Starfleet collects 60br, 10 sr from 40 Miele system]

Forager Trinzzi, NCC-3304 (- / 33 Dorsata / -) - 33 Dorsata III - Class G (minor colony potential) , 20sr/yr mine, 33 Dorsata XI, Class T Gas Giant, 30sr/yr mine
Forager Onzala, NCC-3302 (- / 21 Dorsata / -) - 21 Dorsata IV - Asteroid Belt, 35br/yr mine site
[85br and 50sr being collected for Apinae, available next quarter]

[33 and 21 Dorsata will represent the last star systems in sector 1g with planets to be investigated. Apinae is deciding to focus on consolidation, and Foragers will aid colony construction efforts]

CAS Ipoor, Prospector (- / 42 Miele / -) - 42 Miele V, Class M Planet, 10br & 10sr/yr, plus 20sr pickup

CSS Narhana, Prospector (- / - / -)

[Miele Subsector/Subsector 1e is now fully explored]

Known Systems of Interest

Collie (Starfleet)
Sguirri (Apinae)
Tal Hanar (Amarkia)

(Starfleet) 41 Miele II, Class L habitable planet, 41 Miele IV Class C frozen rock with 25br/yr mine potential
(Amarkia) 3 Miele VI, 35br/yr mine
(Apiata) 2 Dorsata, 2x25br/yr mine
(Amarkia) 10 Miele V, Class M Planet, 15br & 15sr/yr, 10 Miele II-3 Class M moon, 10br & 15sr/yr, 2 planets with ancient ruins

11 Dorsata - 25br/yr mine and 15br/yr mine available
19 Dorsata II - 10sr/yr mine site, small interest
31 Miele V-3 - 5rp/yr research colony site, difficult terrain, minor interest
21 Dorsata IV - Asteroid Belt, 35br/yr mine site
30 Dorsata VI - 35br/yr mine site on 30 Dorsata VI (Class K colony option on 30 Dorsata III)
33 Dorsata III - Class G minor colony, 20sr/yr <-- not being actively worked, but the Apiata will fight hard to protect the 33 Dorsata system
33 Dorsata XI - Class T Gas Giant, 30sr/yr
42 Miele V - Class M 10br & 10sr/yr


The Gabriel Sector

Date Updated: 2315.Q4

Starfleet Status: Normal (Can travel 1 Sq Length per 2 Weeks)
Starfleet Status within GBZ: High Alert (Can travel 1 Sq Length per Week)
Federation Status: Normal

UESPA: High Alert (LBZ)
VHC: High Alert (LBZ)
TSF: High Alert (LBZ)
AG: High Alert (LBZ)
Amarkia: Normal
Caitian: Normal
Apiata: Normal
Indoria: Normal
Orion: Normal
Rigel: High Alert (LBZ)
BDF: High Alert (LBZ)
Caldonia: Normal
Risa: Normal
Gaen: Normal
Seyek: Normal
Qloath: Normal
Honiani: Normal

Sector Command Staff

Sector Commander: Rear Admiral T'Lorel
Task Force 1: Commodore Jessica Rivers
Task Force 2: Commodore
Task Force 3: Commodore Nash ka'Sharren
Auxiliary: Commodore Alejandro Suarez
Apiata TF: High Queen Nerzizza
Amarki TF: Admiral Galen Toor
Caitian TF: Admirall N'shrr Anara

Commander, Collie Outpost: Commander Iftie Torbiebh
Commander, Collie Repair Yard: Captain -
-Superintendent, Berth A, Commander -
-Superintendent, Berth B, Commander -
Commander, Sguirri Outpost: Queen Pimizzieda
Commander, Tal Hanar Outpost: Commander

Commander, Starfleet Medical assets: Captain -
Commander, Starfleet Engineering assets: Commodore -
Director, Starfleet Logistics assets: Captain -
Director, Starfleet Colony assets: Commodore
Others TBD

Additional Personnel:
Collie Mining Colony Administrator:
Sguirri Mining Colony Administrator:
Tal Hanar Mining Colony Administrator:

FBS Embedded Reporter -
FNN Embedded Reporter -
High Comb Times Embedded Reporter -

Rear Admiral T'Lorel
Current Posting: Pending
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: High
Politics: Medium

Commodore Nash ka'Sharren
Current Posting: Commander, Task Force 6
Rule-Abiding: Low
Aggression: High
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: High
Politics: Medium

Commodore Jessica Rivers
Current Posting: Commander, Task Force 1
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: Medium

Commodore Revak
Current Posting: Commander, Task Force 2
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Low
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High

Commodore Alejandro Suarez
Expanded Field Repair capacity
Current Posting: Auxiliary Command, GBZ Sector Fleet
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: Low
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Low
Politics: High

High Queen Nerzizza
Current Posting: Commander, Apiata Gabriel Fleet
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: High
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Low
Politics: Medium

Admiral Galen Toor
Current Posting: Commander, Amarkian Gabriel Fleet
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: Medium
Politics: High
The man who led the Amarkian response to Syndicate slaving raids in Amarkian Space.

Admiral N'shrr Anara
Current Posting: Commander, Task Force Gabriel, Caitian Grand Fleet / Task Force 7, Gabriel Border Zone
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Low
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High

Sector Details
Roughly encompasses area from 4h to 1e, with outcroppings, with space above and below this plane
~15 Squares worth, each of which contains a few dozen stars, of which a quarter will have planets and other items of interest
Each power is accessing the sector from a different direction. Your staff will be attempting to surge out, claim, then retain space. Keeping a safe route for logistics for stations and nascent colonies will be important.
To start with, your commanders will have Starfleet assets and Starfleet auxiliaries. They will begin to ask for other resources, and you will be empowered by Acts of Council to pick and choose who you use to contribute.

Current Sector Policy Settings
Green Light = Fully Allowed, Red Light = Fully Denied, Yellow Light = Proceed on Own Recognizance


Apiata Fleet & Auxiliary GBZ Access - Green Light
Amarki Fleet & Auxiliary GBZ Access - Green Light
All Member World - Fleet Unit GBZ Access - Red Light
All Member World - Auxiliary GBZ Access - Red Light

Expansion - Green Light
Infrastructure Building - Yellow Light
Mining Colony Building - Yellow Light
Civilian Colony Building - Red Light

Assault on Entry Worlds - Yellow Light
Assault on Link to Entry Worlds - Red Light
Attack Opposing Auxiliary Shipping - Yellow Light

Attack Cardassian Claims - Yellow Light
Attack Sydraxian Claims - Yellow Light
Attack Dylaarian Claims - Red Light

Pursuit into Cardassian Space - Red Light
Pursuit into Dylaarian Space - Red Light
Pursuit into Sydraxite Space - Red Light

The Competitors

The United Federation of Planets
Entry Point into GBZ:
Delzarr (0f) <-> Collie (1f)

Capital to Frontier Supply Chain
Sol <-> Tellar Prime <-> Amarkia <-> Leas Akaam <-> Apinae <-> Delzarr

Current GBZ Network
Collie (1f) <-> Sguirri (1f)
Collie (1f) <-> Bean's Star (1f)
Bean's Star (1f) <-> Tal Hanar (1e)

The Cardassian Union
Entry Point into GBZ:
Aranyak (1h) <-> 67 Gabriel (2h)

Capital to Frontier Supply Chain
Cardassia <-> Vedarot <-> Karadoc <-> Aranyak (1h)

Current GBZ Network
67 Gabriel (2h) <-> ???

The Sydraxian Hierarchy
Entry Point into GBZ:
Moskar(2e) <-> Deva (2e)
Moskar (2e) <-> ???

Capital to Frontier Supply Chain
Borandt/Dar Nakar <-> Nax Degar <-> Moskar (2e)

Current GBZ Network
Deva (2e) <-> -none-

Have effectively collapsed.

The Dylaarian Federation
Entry Point into GBZ:
Lydantic (5i) <-> Legei (4h)

Capital to Frontier Supply Chain
Dylaaria <-> Lydantic

Current GBZ Network
Legei (4h) <-> ???

Starfleet Assets supporting GBZ

Main Fleet
Fleet Commander, Rear Admiral Rachel Ainsworth

Task Force 1, Commodore Jessica Rivers
-USS Avandar, NCC-2010, Excelsior
-USS Korolev, NCC-1744, Constitution-B, Captain Kwame Okoye
-USS Defiant, NCC-1746, Constitution-B, Captain Mica zh'Halron
-USS T'Kumbra, NCC-1659 Miranda-A, Captain -
-USS Agile, NCC-1632, Miranda-A, Captain -

Task Force 2, Commodore Revak
-USS Saratoga, NCC-1745, Constitution-B, Captain -
-USS Exeter, NCC-1748, Constitution-B, Captain -
-USS Bantam, NCC-1634, Miranda-A, Captain -
-USS Clarion, NCC-1663, Miranda-A, Captain -
-USS Intrepid, NCC-1657, Miranda-A
-USS Eketha, NCC-1655, Miranda-A, Captain Rebecca St-James

Task Force 6, Commodore Nash ka'Sharren
-USS Kumari, NCC-2005, Excelsior, Captain - (Blooded)
-USS Republic, NCC-1743, Constitution-B, Captain -
-USS Challorn, NCC-1809, Constellation, Captain Jennifer Zhang (Blooded)
-USS Fidelity, NCC-1634, Miranda-A, Captain Thomas Oriskany
-USS Bon Vivant, NCC-1621, Miranda-A, Captain Shurg kap Klasch
-USS Shield, NCC-1661, Miranda-A, Captain -

Task Force 3, High Queen Nerzizza
-Light Queenship Telzziadriz, NCC-3103
-Stinger Gerzzi, NCC-3202
-Stinger Triada, NCC-3201
-Light Queenship Pollizazza, NCC-3104
-Stinger Grizzi, NCC-3205
-Stinger Fozarri, NCC-3204
-Forager Trinzzi, NCC-3304
-Forager Onzala, NCC-3302

Task Force 4, Admiral Galen Toor
-CAS Abhriec, NCC-2203, Riala
-CAS Hebrinda, NCC-2402, Hebrinda-A (C5 S2 H3 L5 P3 D4)
-CAS Hilindia, NCC-2403, Hebrinda-A
-CAS Atorfroil, NCC-2304, Brieca
-CAS Icafroil, NCC-2302, Brieca

Task Force 5
-CAS Ilotraia, NCC-2121, Centaur-A
-CAS Tamac, NCC-2306, Calac
-CAS Socac, NCC-2307, Calac

-CAS Ipoor, Prospector

Task Force 7, Admiral N'shrr Anara
-CSS Horfa,Nirfari-class Fathership, NCC-2702
-4 Mishir-class Modern Swarmers, NCC-28xx



Auxilary Forces
-Home Stationed at Delzarr
-- Starfleet Engineering Command
--- USS Atlas, NCC-845, Engineering Ship - Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Titan, NCC-844, Engineering Ship - Supporting Outpost Build
-- Starfleet Medical Command
--- USS Grace, NCC-747, Hospital Ship
-- Starfleet Tactical Command
--- Runabout Squadron 5 (Tactical Recon Squadron) - Out Exploring
-- Starfleet Logistics Command
--- USS Sidok, NCC-381, Freighter - Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Shri sh'Kannath, NCC-385, Freighter - Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Rawhide, NCC-388, Freighter- Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Vega Maru, NCC-391, Freighter- Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Yagok, NCC-473, Cargo Ship - Supporting Upkeep
--- USS Luna Maru, NCC-475, Cargo Ship - Performing Upkeep
--- USS Pikri, NCC-478, Cargo Ship
--- USS Kalakandor, NCC-481, Cargo Ship - Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Nikona, NCC-3701, Cargo Ship -
--- USS Eridani Sunrise, NCC-3702, Cargo Ship -
-- Starfleet Colony Command
--- USS Nicholas Barton, NCC-632, Prospector - Exploring Subsector 2e
--- USS Somak, NCC-635, Prospector - Exploring Subsector 1e
--- USS Altathyk, NCC-904, Colony Ship
--- USS Trailblazer, NCC-905, Colony Ship
-- Starfleet Intelligence Command
--- SS Appleseed, NC-2653, Civilian Ship

-- Apiata, Home Stationed at Delzarr
--- Bumblebee 1 - Performing Upkeep
--- Bumblebee 2 - Servicing Sguirri XI Trade
--- Bumblebee 3 - Servicing Sguirri XI Trade
--- Bumblebee 4
--- Bumblebee 5
--- Bumblebee 6
--- Worker Bee 1
--- Worker Bee 2
--- Worker Bee 3
--- Worker Bee 4
--- Hasilla, Colony Ship

-- Amarkia, Home Stationed at Tal Hanar
--- Cargo Ship 1
--- Cargo Ship 2
--- Cargo Ship 3
--- Freighter 1
--- Freighter 2
--- Passenger
--- Colony Ship
--- Prospector
--- Engineering
--- Super-Freighter

-- Caitians, Home Stationed at Delzarr
--- Cargo Ship 1
--- Cargo Ship 2
--- Cargo Ship 3
--- Freighter 1
--- Passenger
--- Colony Ship
--- Prospector
--- Engineering

Engineering Ships = Build and Repair Facilities
Hospital Ships = Allow responses to medical distress calls without tying down your Excelsiors
Freighter/Cargo Ships = Supply
Prospectors = Required to prepare for Colony creation
Colony Ship = Required to deliver colonists
Passenger = Required for evacuations, and major colonies
Civilian = Can be set for a number of tasks.

Example Requirements:
1 Sm per four Auxiliaries deployed
1 Sm per two Escort assigned
1 Sm per Cruiser assigned
2 Sm per Explorer assigned
1 Sm, 1 Blk per Station
2 Sm, 2 Blk per Outpost
5 Sm, 5 Blk per Starbase
Colony: Varies

Current Requirements:
1 Station (Collie) - 1S 1B
1 Station (Bean's Star) - 1S 1B
3 Reinforced Outposts (Sguirri, Collie) - 9S 9B
2 Mining Colony - 2S 4B
4 Explorer - 4S
4 Cruiser - 4S
8 Escort - 2S
7 Auxiliary in action - 2S

15 raw br, 25 raw sr from Collie Mining Colony - 15b/yr, 25s/yr - 25S 15B, handled as part of regular infrastructure

Apiata - 8S, 5b
50 raw br from Sguirri XI Mining Complex - 50b/yr, 1 Bumblebee (swapping Sm-0.5Bk) trip /month - Handled as part of regular infrastructure

Amarkia - 7s

13 Small, 1 Bulk Cargo
Apiata - 9 Small Cargo, 2 Bulk Cargo - Two Bumblebees atached
Amarkia - 7 Small Cargo

Total Available:
40 Small, 48 Bulk Cargo Capacity in regular Cargo/Freighter ships
48 Small, 12 Bulk Cargo Capacity in Bumblebees
36 Small, 46 Bulk Cargo Capacity in Amarkia

USS Yagok, USS Luna Maru - Upkeep
Bumblebee 3 (2 servicing Sguirri XI)

Starfleet Sector Infrastructure supporting GBZ

"Critical" - One of very few (or even only one) of its given type of infrastructure within Starfleet's control, the loss of which will cause major loss of function
"Key" - Important assets, the loss of which will impair functions for Starfleet

- Collie (1f) - Rein. Outpost, Repair Yard (2x1mt), Critical Logistics Station, BR Mining Colony (+15br), SR Mining Colony (+25sr), Minefields
- Sguirri (1f) - Rein. Outpost, Mining Station, BR Mining Colony (+50br)
- Bean's Star (1f) - [Station]
- Tal Hanar (1e) - Rein. Outpost, Repair Yard (1x1mt), BR Mining Colony (+15br/yr), SR Mining Colony (+30sr/yr)

Apinae Sector
- Apinae (-1e) - Starbase 11 [Apinae], Shipyard, Critical Resource Hub
- Alrizzine (0e) - Outpost, Shipyard
- Delzarr (0f) - Mining Facility, Key Logistics Station, [Advanced Staging Area]

[ ] = Under Construction

Member World Assets in Sector

United Earth Space Probe Agency

Vulcan High Command

Andor Guard

Tellarite State Forces

Amarki Confederacy Fleet
1 Riala
2 Hebrinda-A
1 Centaur-A
2 Brieca
2 Calac

3 Cargo, 2 Freighter, 1 Colony+Engineer+Prospector+Passenger
1 Super-Freighter

Betazoid Defence Force

Caitian Grand Fleet

Unified Hives of the Apiata
2 Light Queenships
4 Stingers
2 Foragers

6 Bumblebees
4 Worker Bees

Indorian Congress



Member World Sector Infrastructure in GBZ

UE = United Earth
V = Vulcan High Command
A = Andorian Empire
T = Tellarite State Forces
M = Amarkian Confederacy
B = Betazoid Noble Houses
F = Caitians Grand Fleet
R = Rigel
P = Unified Hives of the Apiata
I = Indorian Congress

None as of Yet