Bridge Transcript, USS Atuin, Stardate 25821.4 - Captain Vol Chad
[Yan-Ros Ranger Team 37 Leader Rinidy] Starfleet, perfect! We really need you guys to help deal with a major threat to the galaxy that our Honiani friends have identified.
[Captain Vol Chad] If there is a threat out there, we're happy to work together to protect the innocents of both our people. What do you require?
[Rinidy] Oh, it's easy, no big thing.
[Capt Vol Chad] Anything specific, Ranger?
[Rinidy] You just kinda need to get eaten.
[Capt Vol Chad] I need to get eaten?
[Rinidy] You? Don't be silly, that wouldn't help. I mean your ship.
[Capt Vol Chad] ...maybe you should dock your runabout and come discuss this with us.
Captain's Log, USS Cheron, Stardate 25821.7
Passing cargo ships are reported a standoff between two Yrillian carryall not far from the border by Vega, and we responded. After discovering that there was an inter-clan dispute that was devolving quickly, we offered to mediate for them, and were able to successfully bring about an amicable resolution.
[Gain +10pp, +25 with Yrillians]
Captain's Log, USS Stargazer, Stardate 25822.1
Fleet Command has detached us to investigate subspace wakes being picked up on long range sensors. Ideally, we can encounter some new faces who are less interested in trying to finagle the decking out from under our feet.
Captain's Log, USS Kearsage, Stardate 25822.4
Subspace comms have been lit up like wildfire. A Gretarian colony world is experiencing a terrible pandemic. After receiving clearance from the Rear Admiral, we are crossing over to render aid. Needless to say, this is potentially a massive moment for testing the Treaty of Celos, and an in for approaching the Gretarians, and potentially even the Sydraxians.
Captain's Log, USS Odyssey, Stardate 25822.9
After returning to exploratory missions, we have encountered what appears to be a useful pocket of starship quality duranium. However, it appears to be currently locked into a naturally occurring quantum bubble. We are endeavouring to find and collapse the source.
[Gain +25br]
Captain's Log, USS Valiant, Stardate 25823.4
A powerful electron-flux has been discovered deep within the Parthenon IV gas giant. Our science officers haven't seen its like, but we believe we are close to unlocking its causes. The current leading theory is that the convection near the 'soupy' core between two material layers is leading to the energy field.
[Gain +10rp]
Captain's Log, USS Atuin, Stardate 25824.2
Apparently the crystal cosmozoa that we have been encountering recently has a big daddy macrocosmozoa out there. And when I say macro I mean this thing is the biggest single entity Starfleet has ever encountered, including the Doomsday cosmozoa. And its sailing at low-warp out of the core, passing towards local space. Right, well. Cracked, hare-brained schemes may be better than no scheme at all. Maybe we can slow it down long enough for Starfleet to summon a task force.
Captain's Log, USS Stargazer, Stardate 25824.5
We have met a bombastic but friendly species known as the Tofii. Noted for their all over fawn-coloured fur and longer ears. On our recommendation, Fleet Command is bringing the fleet to their homeworld of Peri, and we hope to have our rest proper relaxation since the start of our voyage. I know my family is looking forward to some time on solid ground.
[Gain +10pp]
Captain's Log, USS Kearsage, Stardate 25825.1
We are well on the way to producing a vaccine but ... our public affairs have not gone to plan. Hostility between ourselves and a Hasque captained by what Starfleet Intelligence tells me is an old Red hardliner, has scared the Gretarians. Our efforts towards a cure are still helping however, and we are not losing ground. I am afraid that an opportunity may have been lost here.
[Gain +10rp, +5 relations with Gretarians]
Bridge Transcript, USS Atuin, Stardate 25826.3
[Helm] We're through the maw, Captain.
[Capt Vol Chad] Alright, Tactical, stand by to begin phaser drill on the interior dorsal plate.
[Tactical] Ready, Captain.
[Capt Vol Chad] Ranger Rinidy, we're about to begin, we should have a large enough hole for your runabout to push through shortly.
[Ranger Rinidy] Great! My team is ready to go, we'll fight through the internal defences and isolate the nervous system junctions within thirty minutes.
[Capt Vol Chad] And not a minute more, or our shield won't be able to hold back these digestive forces.
[Ranger Rinidy] Tch, don't sound like such a grumpy old man.
Captain's Log, USS Atuin, Stardate 25827.4
So that happened.
I'm not sure how well I can explain what 'that' was, however. A terribly dangerous threat has been neutralised via ... I think unorthodox surgery is the best term I can come up with. With the help of Yan-Ros Rangers and a Honiani runabout team with nerves of woznium alloy, we we now have a chance to investigate these creature and maybe find out what has been happening here.
[Gain +10rp, +25 relations with Yan-Ros, +10 relations with Honiani]
The bridge of the Atuin was silent, every officer was still, most of them staring off into thie distance. Ozzgrizzira idly tapped away at the ops console, from which the triumphant hoots and shouts of Ranger Team 37 were being piped in, the crystalline entity on the viewscreen vibrating in what Chad could only assume was agony. It was a hard thing to witness.
Harder still was what they had seen earlier inside of the beast, lightning-forked digestive energy crackling off their shields and hull, needle-like microcosmozoa battering against them, the piercing sing-scratching of their frantic efforts to open up the Atuin coming from all around.
Even T'Arvit was silent, idly tapping away at a PADD while her eyes occasionally darted to look at the creature. The only person on the bridge who didn't look like they'd just slapped Death in the face was Liacross, who was leaning back in his chair, hands entwined behind his head, jaw working as he chewed gum. "Hey Khiwoulo," he said, grinning, "Hey."
Khiwoulo turned towards him, blinking slowly as she idly powered down phasers, "Yes?"
"I just want you to remember this next time you're like, 'Hey, Cyaug Rigellians could probably take Yan-Ros.'"
Khiwoulo scratched the scales on her snout. In her mind's eye she remembered the image of a Yan-Ros, standing on the back of a Honiani runabout, swatting away crystalline shards as long as her and sharper that anything previously encountered. "Yeah. Fair."
Liacross smugly blew a bubble towards the Rigellian woman and then flailed as Quessa leaned over and popped it with a swipe of her claws, the pinkish substance covering his face.
"I'm trying to think what I'm going to call this part of my memoir," Chad mused, as the blue-haired Yan-Ros flopped to the floor behind him, "Chapter 18: That Time My Ship Was Useless? Or, maybe The Tale of How I Helped A Bunch of Kids Spit In The Face of God."
"This entity hardly qualifies as a deity," T'Arvit said, picking up a small teacup and taking a slightly haughty sip.
"Vulcans have criteria for that?" Chad said, turning to look at her. She just raised an eyebrow in response. "Alright, fair enough. Don't even know why I'm surprised."
Chad stood up and walked to his readyroom. He returned with a dark green bottle and a handful of tumblers. Silently, he went to each station and poured his bridge officers a finger of a purplish substance, leaving Liacross' on an armrest as the Yan-Ros struggled with the gum stuck to his face. When he got to T'Arvit, she just held out her teacup, and he poured it straight in.
"Right." Chad said, as he officers drank in silence, "Well at least that's--"
"Hey!" The audio feed from the rangers cut him off, "Hey, Old Man! Put us on video!" Chad nodded at Ozzgrizzira, and soon Rinidy's face filled the viewscreen. "What's up? So, I was looking through your profile during the mission--"
"She found time in the midst of the operation? Sheer insanity," Quessa whispered.
"--And it says you ran a party ship. I'm thinking, given our pretty major success here, we probably deserve a party. I mean, all of us, you were an important part too." She crossed her arms, "You gotta host it though, the Honiani are nice but not always very um, extroverted. We go pretty hard though, you think you're up to it?"
Chad tilted his head down, sighing dramatically, "Oh," he said, wistfully, "I am afraid since I became an explorer corps Captain my skills might have atrophied. I can barely keep up with young, bright, energetic people like you."
"Oh." Rinidy said, appearing to deflate somewhat, "I was hoping the legend would match up. Oh well. If we have to run most of it, that's fine. I guess we'll see! Rinity out."
As soon as the screen clicked off Chad was on his feet, a dangerous gleam in his eyes. He turned to Ops, "Ozzy--"
"I was dispatching spacers to collect the kegs during your conversation, Captain," Ozzgrizzira reported.
"Good. Khiwoulo, you're on setup duty! Volleyball and Springball, Cargo Bay 2, on the double!" The Rigellian rose from their consoles and trundled off.
"Liacross--" He began, tilting his head, "Liacross, is that gum still on your face?"
"It's really sticky!" He muttered, tearing only small chunks away from his face.
Quessa snickered, "That's because I convinced Lieutenant Canroi to work some Caldonian sorcery and synthesize that with stronger adhesive."
"Nice move." Liacross laughed, then whined as he stripped off more of the supergum, angry red skin underneath.
Chad sighed, "Get him down to Engineering and have Canroi take that off, I need you two on bar prep, stat!" The Seyek leaned down and cradled the Yan-Ros man in her arms before slithering off. Chad turned to his right, "T'Arvit!"
The Vulcan raised an eyebrow.
"Go down and greet our guests. Keep them busy so we can get everything just right."
T'Arvit tucked her PADD under her arm, "Yes, Captain." She paused, "And I will organize the most effective teams from our crew."
Chad grinned at her, "Excellent." He tapped at his armrest to zoom in on the approaching runabouts, "No one every out-parties Captain Chad." He said, grinning, "Not even people who lobotomize creatures the size of a small moon."
Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 25852.3 - Captain Straak
I have invested ten years of my existence into the USS Sarek, her crew, and her mission, in the pursuit of knowledge. Like all things, there is a season, and eventually a generation must yield to that which follows on. So too am I coming unto the end of my tenure. But there is yet one objective to fulfil.
An old colleague of T'Pirit and myself from time studying at the Vulcan Science Academy's geosciences school has reached out to me. She is working on analysis of the planet Kohl II, which was catalogued by the Orion hundreds of years ago as warranting further research, but was never deemed cost-effective enough to visit. From a purer scientific interest, however, the planet is fascinating, presenting a range of seeming impossibilities to analyse. I have ordered a course laid in to join Professor T'Keleth.
Captain's Log, USS Pathfinder, Stardate 25852.7
What is hoped to be the final peace summit is being held on Gaen, with representatives of all warring parties, including Houses, the Ked Paddah, members and affiliates. It is also expected to provide an answer to the Arcadian succession question. The Pathfinder will be supervising the protection of the summit, while also serving as the home base for Starfleet's own representatives to the peace meeting, including Vice Admiral Uhura.
Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 25852.9 - Captain Sabek
With the imminent close of the Federation-Arcadian War, we have been redeployed on the start of a new long-range exploration coreward, passing out beyond Vail and even the corner of the Gabriel Expanse. A long time between returns to Federation space will be trying, however, the crew is very excited. Already we have passed the fringes of Yan-Ros space. A number of their civilian craft followed us out of curiosity for a time, but our cruising speed is far too high for most ships to follow.
[Mission at Leas Akaam failed to respond - no penalty]
[Mission at Risa failed to respond, -10 relations with Risa]
Captain's Log, USS Selaya, Stardate 25853.1
Significant traces of polytrexcinium sulfates have been found in underground liquid methane pools on the third moon of the Winter Star's fourth planet. We have been able to extract and refine twenty grams of this extremely rare substance, which will help cover a potential shortfall that may have slowed deflector dish tempering.
[Gain +15sr]
Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 25853.5
Our arrival in the Kohl system has been met with unpleasant news. Researchers on the surface have informed us that Professor T'Keleth can no longer be located. She was last seen departing with a small research team into an exploration of caverns and tunnels deep within the crust. Only one of the team returned to the surface. Curiously, they claim to have simply lost sight of the rest of their team, and cannot say for sure what befell the others. Recovery attempts have located the furthest point of progress, but can find no trace of any of the doctor's team.
Captain's Log, USS Pathfinder, Stardate 25853.4
Negotiations are well underway. There are a few sticking points, of course, but good progress is being made.
Not without controversy, however. A Romulan agent was detained by the Technocracy after Vice Admiral Uhura returned to our ship and used our senor and communication packages to identify what she had suspected: a Tal Shiar carrier wave hidden in the Federation diplomatic signals.
Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 25854.1
Several lightyears past Sydraxian and Yan-Ros space, we arrived at the M-414 star system, and pulled into orbit around the fifth planet. Before we could begin studying the surface, however, a trio of starships arrived in system. They were of a rather different technology base, but seemingly equal to our own technology.
I have attempted to hail them, but this has appeared to confuse them more than anything else, as the ships immediately withdrew from the system, heading further coreward. We are cautiously following.
Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate unknown
After beaming down to the surface, I attempted to trace the last known footsteps of Professor T'Keleth. However, as I reached her last confirmed location, I noticed some unusual energy fields emanating from rock veins on either side of a side tunnel. After manipulating them, I apparently closed some manner of quantum loop, and pushed myself and T'Pirit out of phase with the rest of the universe. Moreover, we appear to have been shunted aside into a form of slipstream space.
As a positive, we have located Doctor T'Keleth and her team. Despite this, they are low on rations and untried hypothesis. It is time to examine our new surroundings.
Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 25856.3
After being following at a careful distance for a few days, the unknown ships have come to a halt. We arrived in the Mercurio system to find ourselves confronted by the three ships, plus another three ships.
Thus at a heavy disparity in firepower, I ordered the lowering of shields and an approach that left us with a clear exit vector should we need to engage warp engines in a hurry. The starships are continuing to sit there unresponsively for the time being, however.
Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate unknown
I have a suspicion that this entire complex is a rather cunning device of some manner. Although no processed materials are present, the rock shows clear signs of sculpting and sharping, all placing them on perfect angles to convey exotic particle fields. In fact, I would suggest that this entire formation is designed deliberately to hold itself out of phase.
Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 25856.7
A civilian starship has arrived bearing an ambassador, who has made contact with us. Apparently the ships we were following represent a group known as the Interstellar Commonwealth. They are an advanced group, with a sole species known as the Padani. From what I have been able to ascertain, they have a number of major worlds, and may in fact be the largest faction we have encountered since the Cardassians. Encouragingly, despite their original standoffishness, they appear far more inclined to starting friendly relations with us than the Cardassians had been.
[New Major Power Encountered: The Interstellar Commonwealth]
[Initial Relations: Cordial]
[Mercurio is located along the upper edge of 4d]
Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 25857.2
By using our tricorders together with sonic sounding instruments from Professor T'Keleth, we managed to induce a harmonic feedback in the rock structures, and shatter three key points. After this, it was a relatively simple matter to calculate a countervailing field resonance to cease the effect holding us out of phase. This became a little more difficult when it became apparent that the tricorders were not equipped with the necessary routines, and we found ourselves performing the calculations by scratching them into softer stoneworks.
Not only have we returned, however, but the whole structure as well. As near as we can tell, it was an ancient supply cache of the Tkon, which we may now be able to begin excavating.
[New colony option: Kohl II, 25 (35)br / 25 (35) sr per year]
Captain's Log, USS Pathfinder, Stardate 25858.4
War is over!
House Tartresis will assume the throne on Morshadd, and take the reigns of the Arcadians. We have convinced the Gaeni to not insist on reparations in exchange for bending the moratorium on accessions to the Federation if they request it in the next two years. The Ked Paddah are taking reparations, but here we managed to curb any excesses. Our observers will be kept in place on each planet, and far more authority will be centralised, enabling the Emperor to take necessary steps to help safeguard the rest of the galaxy from rogue actors. Full-course Mentats may no longer be produced, pending a long and thorough study by the Vulcan Science Academy and a number of other institutes into the Mentat process. In the meantime, the holdings of House Kortennon have been seized and distributed among the Houses Minor.
[Gain +15pp]
[War complete - gain +100 relations with Ked Paddah, gain +50 relations with Gaeni]
All Good Things (2310-2315, Enterprise, Courageous, Sarek)
+25 with Kadesh
+125 Relations with Seyek
+10 Relations with Qloath
+25 Relations with Gretarians
New Race Encountered: the Dylaarians [50/100]
New Race Encountered: the Ashidi [50/100]
Enabled Treaty of Celos
Successfully Oversaw Apinae Ratification
Fiiral Reformation Disaster averted
Flagship of Task Force 2, Licori Border Zone, during the Federation-Arcadian War
Participated in the Battle of Ixaria Approach, with distinction
+1 Crew Rating
Pursued the Mentate Betarre and the AIS Blank Slate through the temporal anomaly at Aga Carmide
Ship scuttled in order to allow her crew and the USS Lion to return to the present
USS Courageous (2310-2314)
+4 Impact
+25 relations with Rigel
+10 with Gaeni
+10 with Licori
+25 Relations with Yan-Ros
Meet new Species: Yan-Ros, 75/100
Gain Colony Option, Lapycorias XII, +20 (25)br/yr
Yrillian Cooperation Gained
+1 Crew Rating
Heavily damaged by Mentat experiment in Agamedes system
McAdams to have High Politics Trait post-Captaincy
USS Sarek
+25 with Indoria
Crew Gained: T'Pirit
Crew Gained: Igata Nikelda, +1 S
Discover pre-warp civilisation near 15 Themis
Discovered New colony option: Kohl II, 25 (30)br / 25 (35) sr per year
Successfully oversaw Indorian Ratification
Flagship of Task Force 1, Licori Border Zone, during the Federation-Arcadian War
Participated in several battles during the Ixaria Campaign, incurring damage and serving with distinction
Averted deepening of Caldonian internal conflicts
Straak will have Medium Politics instead of Low Politics
History Will Never Forget the Name - USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-B, 2293-2315
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B Excelsior-class Explorer
Since 2301...
+170 br
+190 sr
+95 rp
+5 sr/year
+25 Relations with Kadesh
+125 Relations with Seyek
+10 Relations with Qloath
+25 Relations with Gretarians
+50 Diplomacy with Amarki
+25 Relations with Orion
+25 Relations with Indoria
+25 Relations with Caitians
Caused direct affiliation of: Apiata, Risa, Gaeni
Discover Athos V research colony site
Gain Tagh Pakot Mining Colony option, +10 (15) sr/yr
Discover +20br/year colony option at Fenris IV
Gain new research colony: Yel'urulausu [+5 (6)rp/yr]
New Race Encountered: the Gaeni
New Race Encountered: the Amarki
New Race Encountered: the Cardassians
New Race Encountered: Apiata
New Race Encountered: Risa
New Race Encountered: the Qloath
New Race Encountered: the Dylaarians
New Race Encountered: the Ashidi
Participated in Battle of Kadesh, including acting as a Flagship for force, served with distinction
Participated in Battles of 33 Fujit
Destroyed CDF Lorgot
Disabled CDF Karnack
Participated in Kadak-Tor Crisis
Particpated in numerous skirmishes with Cardassia and affiliated forces
Flagship of Task Force 2, Licori Border Zone, during the Federation-Arcadian War
Participated in the Battle of Ixaria Approach, with distinction
Pursued the Mentate Betarre and the AIS Blank Slate through the temporal anomaly at Aga Carmide
Ship scuttled in order to allow her crew and the USS Lion to return to the present
Spearheaded the unthawing of Federation-Romulan relations
Broke Caitian-Dawiar war diplomatic deadlock
Enabled Treaty of Celos
Successfully Oversaw Amarkian Ratification
Successfully Oversaw Apinae Ratification
Fiiral Reformation Disaster averted
Did not cause temporal mayhem
Oversaw Betazoid Ratification
Five days before the Sydraxian Spring, Banks of the Veloki River, Xias, Sydraxia
The Romulan Tal Shiar have a term for someone like Conductor Xelodie. They would call her an "Inflection Point" in the dispassionate language of their service. The Obsidian Order doesn't have the term; but they do recognize the concept when they see it. Both organizations would seek to control her; kill her if they couldn't be guaranteed of her loyalty. And it is very hard to trust someone riding the Inflection Point where sentiment can turn to revolt
"I'm not going to push for the promotion," she says to her walking companion, as they stroll along the banks of the Veloki river, the autumn twilight settling in over Xias; the Sydraxian capital.
The man almost barks his laughter, "What? They want you to be Orchestrator for the home fleet's entire marine contingent!" Captain Heliox tries to figure out a way to continue the conversation without calling his friend an idiot, "Think of everything you could do with those ships, the influence that you would have!"
"I could die." says Xelodie bluntly, "The last four months have seen five Orchestrators. Two assassinated by their subordinates, two were "retired" because they couldn't or wouldn't put down the shipyard strikes, and Keliad seems to have died entirely naturally of a stress-induced heart attack."
The Captain wills his hands still, "You could do a much better job than any of them, you know what Rexasodie would have wanted y-"
Xelodie cuts the man off halfway through his sentence, "Rexasodie is dead. I'm just some marine. She talked me into whipping her marines back into shape after Deva." She looks down the ancient brickwork embankment into the river, "After Lora I need whipping back into shape."
Xelodie slowly lowers herself onto the edge of the embankment, heels clicking against bricks, as she leans her hands back onto soft grass and stretches her long neck back to watch the shapes darting to and fro in the sky..
Captain Heliox commanded a department before Lora, now he commands a frigate, a move which hasn't dimmed at all his hunger for yet more authority in the slightest. He smiles encouragingly at his colleague as he settles in next to her with a small grunt of effort.
"Someone has to work to bring back the Fleet's Honour. Why not us?" He suppresses a hungry grin in the process of spreading across wickedly sharp teeth, "Rexasodie didn't have a monopoly on Honour. That was the point of everything that she said." He gives Xelodie a companionable smile as she turns back to face him, "She died at Lora, but our Honour didn't die with her. If we want to change something…" he shrugs, "...all we have to do is change it."
"What am I supposed to do with the next strike, then?" Xelodie shakes her head haughtily. "Follow orders and send marines riflebutt first into singing strikers?" Her eyes flare with anger, "Do I do nothing, like Orchestrator Xheck, and have some overzealous Lieutenant arrest me for treason?"
"What I'm saying is that we have a conspiracy of decent men and women. We don't want to fight, but could, say, prevent a massacre if it becomes necessary." His face is the very image of sincere compassion. "What do we do if the First Voice orders a ship to fire on protesters? Who is there to stop that, if not us?"
Xelodie looks shocked, long nails digging into the soil, "They would never. No Sydraxian could even think of-"
"What about the Cardassians? We see more Cardassian 'Advisors' every day. What if the Cardassian ambassador tells the First Voice to incinerate a couple thousand innocent civilians in the central amphitheater?" Heliox shows genuine anger as he plucks at the grass next to him, "Can you really tell me that a government who are so in the Cardassian pocket won't cave to the spoonhead's every murderous whim?"
He continues angrily, "How many of our comrades died because of Cardassian orders?" Heliox remembers an ignominious flight from Lora, the blood of his superiors figuratively covering his uniform as he held his ship and crew together with pure force of will alone, "How many more of us will die to sate Cardassian appetites?"
Heliox gestures angrily at a black tab on the armoured neckpiece of Xelodie's marine uniform, "We're talking about a high command that doesn't give one tired note about us. Wouldn't even issue a proper campaign tab for those of us that fought in Gabriel." He angrily sinks talons into the thick dirt beneath his hands, "They ignored us. No parades, no songs, nothing. They want to pretend that they never made any mistakes and to do that they decided to erase our efforts, our pain and our dead, as well."
Xelodie keeps her eyes on the skies above Xias, searching for something she couldn't articulate even if she wanted to, as her hands work at the red earth, "All right then. What of Starfleet?"
"The Federation?" Heliox laughs, "The Federation tried desperately not to fight us for a decade before they lost their patience and blew away most of our Fleet. If they really wanted to conquer us they would have moved in after Lora, not started a new war with the Licori."
Xelodie pulls a small rock free of the red soil without looking, "The Federation is also our best bet at prying ourselves free from the Cardassians." She throws the rock and watches it arc high into the air, before it plops into the river with only the smallest ripples. "We should play the two against each other, not take sides. Sydraxia for Sydraxians. No more alien entanglements." She leans back again as the stars begin to emerge in the night sky. "Leave the Gretarians alone, stop playing games with the Yrillians, stop listening to Cardassians or Federationers." She smiles. "A glorious age of peace and isolation."
"And to do that… You need to take this job." Heliox leans forward, "I have my frigate, you will have the fleet marines, Vecoax has command of the orbital station troops, Sekodie is second in command of the capital garrison. And every one of us with this black tab-" Helios pulls at the black tab around his neck that the Sydraxian Officers returning from Gabriel all wore in defiance of Hierarchy orders, "-knows someone that they trust not to stab them in the back for the government." He turns to look at the higher ranking woman. "If you decide to ignore an order from the Red Hierarchy…" His head tilts conspiratorially on a long neck, "Well, there are a lot of others inclined to do nothing against our consciences, either."
Four Days before the Sydraxian Spring, Ballad of Hunters Orbital Yard, Sydraxia
Commander Tcheloc isn't an Inflection point. But he is proud to be a Naval Architect for the Sydraxian Hierarchy Fleet. Rain or shine, Ion storm or worker's strike, it is his job to integrate new technology from the Ashalla Pact into Sydraxian ships. A job that has gotten much harder now that he has to repair those ships from burnt out husks as well.
In fact his job has gotten so much more difficult lately that the Cardassian Central Command has graciously sent a team of Cardassian engineers to keep the Sydraxian shipyards humming along at maximum efficiency.
Gul Larkev, one such engineer, has done nothing but frown as he and a nameless aide with an unnerving half-smile follow Tcheloc on a tour of the Ballad of Hunters Orbital Yard in orbit of the Sydraxian capital..
"So as you can see our workers are keeping to the timetables," the Sydraxian officer maintains a carefully neutral face as he gestures around the fire control compartment that had been carved open by a beam strike from a Federation Dreadnought and had stayed that way until only two days prior, "And it seems that your fears of work slippages were groundless after all Gul Larkev."
"Indeed," says the Cardassian officer with a brusque nod, "Now then Tcheloc. About our ne-"
The scream that cuts off the Gul is filled with a level of pain that is matched only by its shocking brevity.
"CASUALTY. CASUALTY!" Screams one of the dock workers kneeling over the man that had been, until moments before, working next him, "GET THE ATTENDANT. NOW." He looks up briefly, scanning the work site, "AREA IS SAFE. GET THE ATTENDANT!"
Another worker dashes across the compartment, a scattered explosion of abandoned paperwork trailing behind her, as she screams for someone else to grab her equipment.
It's the work of mere moments for the first aid attendant to proclaim the worker dead. The empty staring eyes, blackened torso, and clawed hands without meat make a finding of death entirely too obvious.
It does take slightly longer, and shutdown of power to the entire section, for the shipyard workers to find the cause of that death.
"It's one of those Cardassian EPS relays." says one of the foremen a half hour later, carefully holding a scorched metal tube in gloved hands, "I told you-" He pauses angrily, husbanded body language reading of barely buried violence, "We all told you that we needed to use those Dylaarian conversion adaptors!"
The Cardassian Naval Engineer glowers over his Sydraxian counterparts shoulder, "The ship will work just fine with these installed. The costs we-"
"Yeah. I don't give a shit about that." Says the foreman, Mulxont, hotly, "Those adapters are to protect the poor bastards who have install and maintain the discordant things!" He turns to wave his free arm angrily at the entrance to the section the worker had died in and at the crowd of shocked workers standing around outside trying to find something meaningful in that moment, "Quetlo is dead because of your goddamn costs. This-"
"The costs and delays were deemed-" begins Tcheloc, cutting the shipyard worker off coldly, shifting his neck imperiously.
The Foreman pulls his own neck backwards in challenge, "You know what? We're done here until we get those Dylaarian adaptors in our hands. You want to play discordant games? We can play discordant games too."
There is a chorus of agreements from the slowly gathering crowd of increasingly angry shipyard workers who move to stand shoulder to shoulder together behind their foreman.
There is a brief moment of tension before the smiling Cardassian aide steps around his superior, "May I?" he asks cheerily, reaching for the burnt out EPS conduit section.
"I, yuh, yeah. Okay." says a suddenly confused and off balance foreman Mulxont.
The Cardassian hefts the lethal metal in his hands, testing the weight, and inspecting the blackened casing.
"What is? -what are…?"
"Gul?" says the smiling Cardassian, looking over his shoulder at Larkev.
The Gul merely tilts his head in a silent affirmative.
Mulxont watches carefully as the curious Cardassian lifts the piping up above his head to inspect it in the harsh shipboard lighting, "Hmm…. I see what you mean" says the Cardassian as he studies the heavy tubing.
Mulxont feels a brief moment of righteous vindication before the Cardassian cracks him on the forehead with the conduit; the heavy metal implement coming down swiftly in a perfectly aimed arc.
"Yes. You were right, foreman Mulxont. An accident waiting to happen." The smiling Cardassian says to Mulxont's unconscious and bleeding form before looking back up at the other Sydraxian workers, "We wouldn't want anymore accidents to happen would we?" he says as the pair of Sydraxian marines behind him unholster their sidearms.
There is a moment of shocked hesitation before the gathered workers begin to back away.
All except for the first aid attendant who timidly approaches Mulxont, low to the ground, almost on all fours, as soon as the smiling Cardassian gives her a quick nod.
"Yes. Best for all of us to get back to work. Don't you think?" the smiling Cardassian turns back to Larkev and Tcheloc, "I think you'll find that your people will still hit their daily quotas"
Three days before the Sydraxian Spring, Cardassian Embassy, Xias, Sydraxia
Glinn Corac Miran mutters to himself as he makes the rounds of the Cardassian embassy's inner walls.
"I could be somewhere without rain and cold and ugly aliens. But no. Damn it Penelya."
Officially Central Command would never take out its frustrations on someone merely related to an officer that had humiliated them. And they would never send a younger cousin of an embarrassment to serve as part of the security contingent at one of the farthest flung and most miserable postings that the Union had.
They would never do that.
Never ever.
And yet here Corac stands outside one of the farthest flung and most miserable postings the Union has. At least he knew how to do his job.
"Miran to Damel." Miran pulled out a camera to record the unlocked gate in front of him, "Miran to Damel. Answer me."
"Food services division. Glinn Damel speaking. How may I help you -"
"Your people fucked up." Says Miran without ceremony, "The service gate is unlocked." He pauses for a moment to marshal his reserves of reserve, "Again."
"How do you know it was Food services? It could ha-" starts Glib Damel, smoothly.
"-Have been janitorial or facilities. Or even my own department." Miran finishes in annoyance, locking the side gate to the embassy, "It's your people! It is always your people! This gate was marked as secure by my people. And here it is. Unlocked." He resists the urge to kick the door, "Your people keep spoofing the lock so they can slip out and in without logging their trip with security."
"Lay off it Miran." The other man says with airy annoyance, "You know how long it takes to sign in and out. It's harmless. My people are out and back in a half hour. The gate looks locked to everyone. Besides there are cameras on the gate!"
So stupid.
Miran closes his eyes tightly for a moment.
If Damel wasn't a Legate's son.... Miran's fingers curl into his palms hard enough to leave marks.
Sometimes Corac wonders if everyone all the way up to the Ambassador himself were all exiled here because they were stupid or too slow to avoid the assignment.
"I'm logging the incident Damel. Don't let it happen again." Miran says before he cuts off the call before he had to listen to the Food Services Glinn whine at him some more.
As Glinn Miran stomps off on the rest of his inspection, boots crushing gravel mercilessly, he grumbles to himself because he knows Gul Darheel will just ignore the incident report again. Like any right thinking Cardassian the Gul wanted off Sydraxia and reprimanding a Legate's son was a good way to make enemies that would ignore his requests for reassignment.
Miran himself didn't care. He was here to do a job and stay alive. Not play politics. Which is why he was just about the only member of the security detachment that actually did his job. No one else cared to make sure that everything ran by the book, even the Gul officially in charge of Embassy security would rather rely on Miran to do all the work and spend his time sucking up to the politicians.
Glinn Miran finishes his loop of the embassy grounds and turns up the paved pathway leading into the Embassy deep in thought, his mind full of other tasks that he and only he will be taking care of during the rest of his shift, his only consolation being at least the Sydraxians knew how to keep a lid on their own people. State knows that he alone wouldn't be enough if it came down to Cardassian security alone.
Two Days before the Sydraxian Spring, Office of the First Voice of the Sydraxian Hierarchy
Hierarch Calonix, First Voice of the Sydraxian Hierarchy has specifically asked that his aides and servants not interrupt him while he practices lyrics for the next meeting of the Sydraxian Symphony of Hierarchs..
And yet here he is again having to deal with trivial matters.
"I simply. Do not care. About shipyard supply issues, Composer Vailurix." He says with taloned hands covering his eyes in exasperation, "Take care of it. Industrial issues are the concern of you and your department. It's why you have a job."
"...Currently have a job," adds the First Voice after a moment of consideration.
"Well, yes, First Voice" says the senior Sydraxian bureaucrat, "However we require approval to import more Cardassian or Dylaarian technology for installation in our ships."
"We can make due with native industry" says the First Voice, one eye on the upcoming governmental agenda, "We always have"
"With all due respect First Voice. We have… outpaced our heavy industry capacity, we're already eating into the consumer market. Without additional Cardassian or Dylaarian imports, we are going to start seeing increased shortages in the streets soon. We already have problems with civilian unrest…"
The First Voice stands up, "Listen. Composer. I understand that you have concerns. But so do I..." he turns to look out the windows of his tastefully appointed office and down onto the courtyard outside the building that houses the Symphony of Hierarchs, "...there is a session of the Symphony coming up. This government cannot give any room to the factions that are asking for 'caution' and 'sensible realignments'. This government would fall." That his 'Fellow' Trierarch Asvoix, that bastard, is certainly is looking for chance to sink a dagger into Calonix's own back and make himself First Voice if given the chance is something Calonix doesn't add.
The First Voice steps back from the window, and turns his neck around to face the Composer "As the Composer in charge of domestic industry you must abhor chaos, yes?"
"Yes First Voice. The recent disruptions have played havoc with our timetables. We've had to conduct ourselves with great seriousness in maintaining pace with our directives." Says Vailurix, hands carefully clasped together in his lap.
"Then the fall of this Government would utterly destroy your timetables. It would be utter chaos. Heirarchs would have no direction. It would take months, years, for a new Triumvirate to reassert itself and in that time no one would have executive leadership. Even this current stressful situation is far preferable to the government falling and chaos reigning." Even worse is the possibility of the rabble getting it into their head that they might have a chance to take power if the Hierarchs turn to extended infighting.
The First Voice turns back to look out the window. It would be a disaster. The fall of the Red Hierarchy, or even a major realignment between the hierarchs would spell the end of everything the First Voice believes in.
"Do you want a government that allows expanded suffrage? Or elimination of the Hierarchs for a council of governors? You know that the Yellows are capable of both, whichever ensures their position. Or the Purple call for every Hierarch to be selected in a single way instead of by local traditions!" The First Voice sighs, "The Chorus amendment, the Valdancace question, the Sorenxie Protocols, the list of things at risk are endless."
The First Voice sits back down at his desk and assumes a sympathetic tone, "I understand that your department is facing issues. I sympathize I really do. But the current situation is too unstable, a confidence motion could come from any corner at any moment." He sighs, "There is an upcoming budget question coming up in two days." A major event, and the source of the First Voice's current distraction, "After that… I think we can quietly slip your department the spending that you need to acquire these." He waves a tablet the Composer gave him aimlessly as he tosses it back across his desk, "This government cannot look weak or dependent on outside aid while I'm on the stage of the Symphony and locked in combat with members of the opposition. We can't take that risk."
The Composer nods carefully and stands up, "I understand your position First Voice. We can… undertake programs to make due and tighten our belts due the necessity of supporting the current government during a time of uncertainty."
"Thank you Composer Vailurix. I can promise you that this current crisis will pass and when it does I can sign off on whatever you put in front of me"
"Yes First Voice."
The Day before the Sydraxian Spring, Xias, Sydxraxia
"I'm sorry sirs?" says Felonix, owner and proprietor of 'Xias Harmonious Electronics.'
The Sydraxian policeman looks back at the woman behind from the Industry department briefly before repeating himself, "Due to the necessity of the current times of uncertainty we are going to have to confiscate your wares."
The small businessman's mouth works in incomprehension as his talons unconsciously sink into his wooden countertop, "I -I'llhavenothing!"
The bureaucrat steps forwards with a friendly and sympathetic smile on her face, "We're at war, and some of our people up there in orbit are getting hurt because they don't have all the tools they need to do their jobs properly." She tilts her neck forward in a sympathy display, "We will be compensating you with a government loan to restock your store later. But you have to do your patriotic duty. Our warriors are out their dying on your behalf, isn't this the least you can do support them?"
Felonix looks around helplessly at his store as the Industry department woman babbles on still trying to sell him on this robbery... Taxes have been going up, components kept getting harder for him to get his hands on… and now this?
But what can he do?
"...So, with all that in mind, our people will be here tomorrow to pick up all of these materials, please be kind to them and make sure that everything is properly boxed up before hand please?" the woman finishes smiling like a predator anticipating its next meal. Or a Cardassian. Not that many Felonix knows would be able to cut a fine distinction between a Cardassian and a predator.
Felonix just nods wordlessly as the Industry woman leaves; the policeman trailing behind her gives him a sympathetic look over his shoulder as he follows her out. There is, sadly, nothing he can do except follow orders.
The shop owner just stands behind his counter for a long moment, talons flexing, as absorbs the destruction of his entire livelihood at a stroke. Someone steps by him and pulls the plug out of the shop's signage and locks the door.
"I can't believe it," says his only daughter, Velonie, as she steps out from behind the door that leads to the back of the shop that also serves as their small and cozy home, "We have to do something!"
Felonix's mouth works for a moment, as he tries to find a way around the words on his tongue, "How. They're coming to take everything. We're doomed, we'll starve." He looks up at his daughter with a look of loss, "No. You. You can sign up with the Fleet. Like… your brother. But I'll starve" he looks down at legs that had been broken in an industrial accident decades ago and that had never healed properly, "They'll never take me, all I know is… fixing…" he starts to hyperventilate with an arrhythmic keening.
"Noo. Nooo daddy," his daughter comes close for a hug, "We'll figure something out. We did after mom died. And when.." he own voice catches at the memory of a brother who died in vacuum of Lora, "We'll figure something out."
As her father shuffles off to spend his night saying goodbye to his livelihood and boxing his life up for the convenience of bandits in air conditioned government offices, Velonie casts about the shop on a different errand.
If the government wants to steal once more from her family… she'll make sure that they don't have the opportunity to do so quietly.
Admiral Valentina Sousa
Born: Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 27 February, 2250
Academy Campus: San Francisco
2268 - Entered Academy
2272 - Graduated in Top Percentile, Commissioned as Ensign and assigned to USS Hood
2274 - Promoted to Lieutenant, JG
2275 - Commended for aiding negotiations on Shrantet III
2276 - Promoted to Lieutenant, assigned to USS Enterprise
2277 - Wounded during engagement with Orion pirates, commended for bravery during boarding actions
2278 - Promoted to Lieutenant-Commander, Assigned to USS Lexington
2281 - Promoted to Commander
2284 - Promoted to Captain, Assigned to command of USS Bon Vivant
2286 - Assigned to command of USS Hood
2288 - Promoted to Commodore, Assigned to Director, Starfleet Communications Command
2292 - Promoted to Rear Admiral, Assigned to Chief of Staff, Starfleet Operations
2295 - Promoted to Vice Admiral, Assigned to Director, Starfleet Operations
2299 - Takes Sabbatical
2302 - Returns from Sabbatical, assigned to Director, Starfleet Shipyard Operations
2308 - Oversees establishment of Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
2311 - Promoted to Admiral, Assigned Commander, Starfleet
2312 - Oversees deployment of USS Stargazer with Kadeshi Fleet
2312 - Manages response to Bombing of Lironh
2313 - Manages Treaty of Celos
2313 - Oversees ratification of Apinae and Indoria
2313 - Manages entry to the Gabriel Expanse
2314 - Oversees the successful end to the Anti-Syndicate operation
2315 - Successfully manages Federation-Arcadian War
2315 - Retired
Sixty years ago there was a little farm girl who would sneak her way up to the top of the barn and look out at the stars and dream. Fifty years ago, there was a girl who would 'borrow' her parent's beat up '27 Ford hover-utility to a remote hilltop, turn off the lights, and lie on the hood as she watches the stars wheel by until the first breath of dawn chases them away. A few years later and that girl was a Cadet, marvelling at the legacies of Starfleet that San Francisco houses. And now after forty-three years as a commissioned officers, you are ready to go back home to those mountains outside Belo Horizonte. You want to breath that mountain air, to push away the cares of a galaxy hell-bent on going mad on a daily basis.
One last bit of paperwork sits on your desk: a routine authorisation for the Director of Shipyard Ops to sign into the Naval Registry a pair of new Mirandas. Considering that you spent more of your career in Shipyard Ops than any other posting, the symmetry amuses you.
Maybe you'll find your way out into space again, by either taking a trip, signing on to an outpost somewhere, even taking the helm of a civilian ship. Sure, you're a bit greyer now, but you'll always know your way around a starship. But for now you want the mountains, you want the trees. The last few years have been trying in ways you never envisioned possible. The successes, knowing you have helped liberate the Orions from the brutal Syndicate, seeing the launch of the Stargazer and her mission, the Treaty of Celos, the further expansion of the Explorer Corps, have been amazing. But when things turn ugly in this line of work, it can break a soul on the wheel.
It is beyond dispute that your predecessor, Admiral Kahurangi, left Starfleet in a far stronger position than when she first took her office. You wonder if they will say the same to you? Has the little girl from Brazil done the best she could? Deep down, you believe you have. The fact you do not have to pass on the crisis of the Arcadian mentats to another Admiral, holding back the Cardassians with their Treaty, it seems that finally, at the end of your time here, the threats are receding on every border.
The last authorisation is signed, the final piece of paperwork cleared away. You walk forth from the office and don't look back.
Hikaru Sulu is waiting for you, keys to a ground car in hand, along with another officer hanging up the communicator, Rinias ch'Vohlet.
"A job well done, Admiral," he says as you walk out.
"I want to think so," you reply.
"Admiral," chides Sulu. "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven." His face slowly splits into a broad smile. "For now, it is time to celebrate five decades of fine service. Come on, everyone will be waiting for us."
The expected bounty of the Gabriel Expanse has taken a while to be realised, but I believe that in the Dorsata and Miele subsectors, we are starting to see it. A number of colonies are being uncovered, which are already being prepared for development. This news will no doubt light a fire under the Caitians, in whose government some elements had been slowing the pace of deployment.
With three new colony sites to mind, I have localised the patrol regions for task forces in the GBZ, and we will hopefully present a compacted and defensible shape to the Cardassians. If we can avoid a battle at this time, it will be most satisfactory.
It is with great interest that we receive reports of an Interstellar Commonwealth on the coreward fringe of the GBZ. If this represents another faction in the GBZ is as yet unknown, but we must consider them in our planning.
Rear Admiral T'Lorel
Sector Command, Gabriel Border Zone
Ongoing Projects
Starfleet Engineering Team - Building Outpost I in orbit around 41 Miele IV - ETC 2316.Q2
Starfleet Colony Team - Building mining colony on 41 Miele IV - ETC 2316.Q4
Amarkian Engineering Team - Amarkian Repair Yard, 1x1000mt, @ Tal Hanar - ETC 2316.Q1
Amarkian Colony Team - waiting for Engineering Team
Apiata Workerbee Team - Improved Staging Area at Delzarr - Complete
Apiata Colony Team - Moving to 2 Dorsata to begin establishing first colony - ETC 2316.Q3 (estimated, will firm up next quarter)
Key: (This Quarter / Last Quarter / Next Quarter) - Results of Last Quarter
USS Nicholas Barton, NCC-632, Prospector (19 Baker / 3 Baker / 32 Baker) - Identified deposit of 35br on 3 Baker VI-5, will be picked up next Qtr
USS Somak, NCC-635, Prospector (40 Miele / 41 Miele / 38 Miele ) - 41 Miele II, Class L habitable planet, 41 Miele IV Class C frozen rock with 25br/yr mine potential
Forager Trinzzi, NCC-3304 (42 Dorsata / 30 Dorsata / 33 Dorsata) - 30 Dorsata VI, 35br/yr mine, off-off 40sr available for pickup, Bumblebee en route, 30 Dorsata III Class K world with minor colony potential
Forager Onzala, NCC-3302 (11 Dorsata / 2 Dorsata / 21 Dorsata) - 2 Dorsata II, 2 Dorsata IV, both a 25br/yr mine, Ancient ruins for a research colony
[40sr collected for Apinae]
[33 and 21 Dorsata will represent the last star systems in sector 1g with planets to be investigated. Apinae is still deciding whether to push the Prospectors onward, or focus on consolidation]
CAS Ipoor, Prospector (10 Miele / 3 Miele / 42 Miele ) - 3 Miele VI Class N toxic world, +35 br/yr mine site, +15br for pickup, ships en route
Known Systems of Interest
Collie (Starfleet)
Sguirri (Apinae)
Tal Hanar (Amarkia)
41 Miele IV (Starfleet) 25br/yr mine
3 Miele VI (Amarkia) 35br/yr mine
2 Dorsata (Apinae) 2x25br/yr mine
19 Dorsata II - 10sr/yr mine site, small interest
31 Miele V-3 - 5rp/yr research colony site, difficult terrain, minor interest
30 Dorsata VI - 35/yr mine site
The Gabriel Sector
Date Updated: 2315.Q4
Starfleet Status: Normal (Can travel 1 Sq Length per 2 Weeks)
Starfleet Status within GBZ: High Alert (Can travel 1 Sq Length per Week)
Federation Status: Normal
UESPA: High Alert (LBZ)
VHC: High Alert (LBZ)
TSF: High Alert (LBZ)
AG: High Alert (LBZ)
Amarkia: Normal
Caitian: Normal
Apiata: Normal
Indoria: Normal
Orion: Normal
Rigel: High Alert (LBZ)
BDF: High Alert (LBZ)
Caldonia: Normal
Risa: Normal
Gaen: Normal
Seyek: Normal
Qloath: Normal
Honiani: Normal
Sector Command Staff
Sector Commander: Rear Admiral T'Lorel
Task Force 1: Commodore Jessica Rivers
Task Force 2: Commodore Revak
Task Force 3: Commodore Nash ka'Sharren
Auxiliary: Commodore Alejandro Suarez
Apiata TF: High Queen Nerzizza
Amarki TF: Admiral Galen Toor
FBS Embedded Reporter -
FNN Embedded Reporter -
High Comb Times Embedded Reporter -
Rear Admiral T'Lorel
Current Posting: Pending
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: High
Politics: Medium
Commodore Nash ka'Sharren
Current Posting: Commander, Task Force 6
Rule-Abiding: Low
Aggression: High
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: High
Politics: Medium
Commodore Jessica Rivers
Current Posting: Commander, Task Force 1
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: Medium
Commodore Revak
Current Posting: Commander, Task Force 2
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Low
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High
Commodore Alejandro Suarez
Expanded Field Repair capacity
Current Posting: Auxiliary Command, GBZ Sector Fleet
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: Low
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Low
Politics: High
High Queen Nerzizza
Current Posting: Commander, Apiata Gabriel Fleet
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: High
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Low
Politics: Medium
Admiral Galen Toor
Current Posting: Commander, Amarkian Gabriel Fleet
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: Medium
Politics: High
The man who led the Amarkian response to Syndicate slaving raids in Amarkian Space.
Sector Details
Roughly encompasses area from 4h to 1e, with outcroppings, with space above and below this plane
~15 Squares worth, each of which contains a few dozen stars, of which a quarter will have planets and other items of interest
Each power is accessing the sector from a different direction. Your staff will be attempting to surge out, claim, then retain space. Keeping a safe route for logistics for stations and nascent colonies will be important.
To start with, your commanders will have Starfleet assets and Starfleet auxiliaries. They will begin to ask for other resources, and you will be empowered by Acts of Council to pick and choose who you use to contribute.
Current Sector Policy Settings
Green Light = Fully Allowed, Red Light = Fully Denied, Yellow Light = Proceed on Own Recognizance
Apiata Fleet & Auxiliary GBZ Access - Green Light
Amarki Fleet & Auxiliary GBZ Access - Green Light
All Member World - Fleet Unit GBZ Access - Red Light
All Member World - Auxiliary GBZ Access - Red Light
Expansion - Green Light
Infrastructure Building - Yellow Light
Mining Colony Building - Yellow Light
Civilian Colony Building - Red Light
Assault on Entry Worlds - Yellow Light
Assault on Link to Entry Worlds - Red Light
Attack Opposing Auxiliary Shipping - Yellow Light
Engineering Ships = Build and Repair Facilities
Hospital Ships = Allow responses to medical distress calls without tying down your Excelsiors
Freighter/Cargo Ships = Supply
Prospectors = Required to prepare for Colony creation
Colony Ship = Required to deliver colonists
Passenger = Required for evacuations, and major colonies
Civilian = Can be set for a number of tasks.
Logistics Example Requirements:
1 Sm per four Auxiliaries deployed
1 Sm per two Escort assigned
1 Sm per Cruiser assigned
2 Sm per Explorer assigned
1 Sm, 1 Blk per Station
2 Sm, 2 Blk per Outpost
5 Sm, 5 Blk per Starbase
Colony: Varies
Current Requirements:
1 Station (Collie) - 1S 1B
1 Station (Bean's Star) - 1S 1B
3 Reinforced Outposts (Sguirri, Collie) - 9S 9B
2 Mining Colony - 2S 4B
3 Explorer - 4S
4 Cruiser - 4S
4 Escort - 2S
7 Auxiliary in action - 2S
15 raw br, 25 raw sr from Collie Mining Colony - 15b/yr, 25s/yr - 25S 15B, handled as part of regular infrastructure
Apiata - 8S, 5b
50 raw br from Sguirri XI Mining Complex - 50b/yr, 1 Bumblebee (swapping Sm-0.5Bk) trip /month - Handled as part of regular infrastructure
Amarkia - 7s
13 Small, 1 Bulk Cargo
Apiata - 9 Small Cargo, 2 Bulk Cargo - Two Bumblebees atached
Amarkia - 7 Small Cargo
Total Available:
40 Small, 48 Bulk Cargo Capacity in regular Cargo/Freighter ships
48 Small, 12 Bulk Cargo Capacity in Bumblebees
36 Small, 46 Bulk Cargo Capacity in Amarkia
USS Yagok, USS Luna Maru - Upkeep
Bumblebee 3 (2 servicing Sguirri XI)
Starfleet Sector Infrastructure supporting GBZ
"Critical" - One of very few (or even only one) of its given type of infrastructure within Starfleet's control, the loss of which will cause major loss of function
"Key" - Important assets, the loss of which will impair functions for Starfleet
Unified Hives of the Apiata
2 Light Queenships
4 Stingers
2 Foragers
6 Bumblebees
4 Worker Bees
Indorian Congress
Member World Sector Infrastructure in GBZ
UE = United Earth
V = Vulcan High Command
A = Andorian Empire
T = Tellarite State Forces
M = Amarkian Confederacy
B = Betazoid Noble Houses
F = Caitians Grand Fleet
R = Rigel
P = Unified Hives of the Apiata
I = Indorian Congress
Special Mentions in Dispatches Accorded to:
UES Shanghai, KPS Wary, KPS Thoughtful, KPS Guarded
8 Officer, 14 Enlisted, 12 Technician
Gained During the Year
Political Rewards
125pp, 75rp from conclusion of hostilities
USS Enterprise
Flagship of Task Force 2, Licori Border Zone, during the Federation-Arcadian War
Travelled 10~20 million years into the past and saved the Federation
Scuttled after being impossible to recover, all hands rescued by USS Lion
USS Courageous
Fought at Battle of Gammon
Temporal Disclosure Averted, Courageous defended
New Major Power Encountered: The Interstellar Commonwealth
USS Sarek
Flagship of Task Force 1, Licori Border Zone, during the Federation-Arcadian War
Temporary halt to spread of Caldonian unrest
New Colony Option: Kohl II, +25 / +25 br/sr per year
USS S'harien
Hard DC survived
+40pt of Quantum Torpedo Research
Saved Cargo Ship from mutineers
USS Stargazer
Met the Ferengi
Met the Tofii
USS Odyssey
Disruption to Laio diplomacy averted
Gain Mipek +1 S
USS Atuin
+25 relations with Ked Paddah
+25 relations with Laio
+25 relations with Yan-Ros
+10 relations with Honiani
New Colony Option: Mica III, 25 (30) br/yr
USS Voshov
Advanced relations with Sydraxian "Concerned Citizens"
Other Ships
USS Avandar -
USS Blizzard - Destroyed at Battle of Ixaria 2315.1.3
USS Bull - +15pp, Caitian entry into GBZ assured, +25 relations with Qloath, +0.1 O/yr recruiting
USS Calypso -
USS Challorn -
USS Cheron - +10pp, +25 relations with Yrillians
USS Cloudburst - Intercepted Romulan Bird of Prey
USS Defiant -
USS Docana - +5rp, +10pp, +1 Crew Rating, cleared path to peace treaty
USS Dryad -
USS Eketha -
USS Endurance - Disabled at Battle of Gammon
USS Excelsior -
USS Gale -
USS Hawking -
USS Hood - Disabled in Action of 2315.1.2
USS Huascar - -10pp, -10 relations with Seyek, +1 P from learning experience
USS Inspire -
USS Kearsage - +10rp, +5 relations with Gretarians, Avert Treaty of Celos problems
USS Lightning - +10pp, saved colony ship
USS Pathfinder - +15p, +10sr/yr, +10 relations with Gaeni+Ked Paddah, oversaw completion of peace treaty, +100 relations with Ked Paddah, +50 relations with Gaeni
USS Renaissance -
USS Salnas - +10rp
USS Sappho - +10pp, arrange for aid to Caldonia
USS Selaya - +30sr
USS Sojourner - Disabled at Battle of Gammon
USS Stalwart -
USS Suvek - Destroyed 2315.1.1
USS Thirishar -
USS Thunderhead - Destroyed at Battle of Gammon 2315.1.3
USS T'Mir -
USS Torbriel -
USS Valiant - +5pp, +10rp, Apinae pledges additional resources to GBZ
USS Vigour - +35br, +10pp, -10pp, +1 Crew Rating, unable to prevent loss of UESPA Miranda-A
USS Winterwind - -10pp, -1E
USS Yukikaze - +1tpp, +10 with Qloath+Seyek, clear future obstacles
USS Zephyr - +10pp
Ships Lost
USS Enterprise, Excelsior
USS Blizzard, Centaur-A
USS Thunderhead, Miranda
USS Suvek, Oberth
Ships Damaged
USS Hood, Constitution-B
USS Svai, Miranda
USS Sarek, Excelsior
USS Torbriel, Oberth
USS Renaissance, Renaissance
USS Endurance, Excelsior
USS Sojourner, Excelsior
Ships Scrapped
Ships Laid Down
2 Excelsior-A
1 Renaissance
Ships Crewed
3 Renaissance
2 Miranda-A
Ship Commissioned
USS Voshov - Excelsior, NCC-2015
USS Rru'adorr, Excelsior, NCC-2016
USS Pathfinder, Excelsior, NCC-2021
USS Sojourner, Excelsior, NCC-2022
USS Huascar Constitution-B, NCC-1752
Repair and Refit - USS Courageous, NCC-2003, Excelsior-A
Refit - USS Intrepid, NCC-1657, Miranda-A
Refit - USS Eketha, NCC-1655, Miranda-A
Final Stockpile with Annual Income
1238 - 950 + 105 + 855 = 1248 Bulk Resources
648 - 715 + 35 + 670 = 638 Special Resources
185 - 261 + 330 + 140 = 394 Political Will
253 - 327 + 180 + 189 = 295 Research Points
You are President Arsharra N'Gir and you are pretty damn pleased with yourself.
A war that many warned you would be brutal and intractable was over within the year. For all intents and purposes, it was over as far as a shooting war went, your Starfleet had accomplished your goals within a couple months. Everything else for the past six months has been the meat of the issue: the politics. With your successes behind you, you are well positioned to retain your seat at Council next time it comes around, and the Development faction is confident of claiming a plurality.
Valentina Sousa was an alright Admiral in your opinion, though no Kahurangi. But then, who was? Jorlyth sh'Arrath made a good decision, and even if you clashed with the now retired Admiral on a few occasions, she had good advice and helped you through the early days of your Presidency. Now, even though you are a Caitian and relatively new to the Federation as a whole, the enormous breadth of the power invested in the commander of Starfleet is clearly apparent to you. Especially so after a couple years in office, where the raw amount of things that office touches upon became clear. But even so, like the manager of a sports team who didn't get to pick their coach, you chafed a little in your relationship with sh'Arrath's appointee. It didn't help that, like most Starfleet officers, you're pretty sure she votes Expansionist.
All of the faction leaders have been meeting with you in the lead-up to this decision. The last two Admirals have served the Federation very well, and continuing that was a must for you. Appointing a Rogers, or worse, could be devastating for your political career and legacy, and no less devastating for the Federation as a whole. This decision will be one of the most crucial you can make.
From: Councilor Sadek, D-Atatan
To: President Arsharra N'Gir, D-Ollasa IV
Subject: Appointment to Commander, Starfleet
Ms President,
As requested, I have examined service records and protocol exhaustively, and am prepared to offer my short-list of acceptable candidates to the office of Commander, Starfleet. They are as follows:
[ ] Vice Admiral Hikaru Sulu
Human Male, 79
Time in Rank, 6 Years
[ ] Vice Admiral Patricia Chen
Human Female, 59
Time in Rank, 4 Years
[ ] Vice Admiral Shey ch'Tharvasse
Andorian Chan, 69
Time in Rank, 4 Years
Despite the expansion in the ranks of Vice Admirals, it will not be until the next assignment to Commander, Starfleet that they are viable options for selection.
UFP Councillor
Hmm, still just the Federation old guard. Humans, humans, and Andorians. Well, that worm will turn...