
Hard to believe that Sousa has been with us for more than half the quest in RL time, even if only 4 years have passed in-game. Kahurangi established a resurgent Starfleet and Federation, but she did leave the Syndicate mess unfinished. Sousa had to spend most of her career handling the climax of that campaign and the resulting cabinet war, and then get blindsided by the Licori and a novice President. Yeah, that's quite the stressful career.

And now the crisis that our next Admiral will have to deal with...

The Ratification Crisis

You may have not been the Grey Lady but you've flown through storms more often through no fault of your own.

On a different note @OneirosTheWriter did Sousa ever get a nickname for herself as the Commander of Starfleet?
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I remember when people initially wanted to vote against her for shipyard operations (meaning she would have retired), basically just because she gave a pp bonus and/or had been an alternative for CoSF. Fortunately they could be persuaded otherwise.
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On a different note @OneirosTheWriter did Sousa ever get a nickname for herself as the Commander of Starfleet?

Probably not. Sousa...she never struck me as the kind of officer who gets a nickname unless her people are severely discontent (and that doesn't seem to have happened); she's got her head down, working her inbox, keeping the crap from rolling downhill to the point she kind of fades into the background in the average Starfleet consciousness. Neither spectacular nor sub-par, she merely is to the average officer and crewer.

Also, she came after Vitalia Kahurangi, who left her stamp on Starfleet in a way it's likely no other commander ever has. Main sequence stars are "that one next to the supernova", not the one with the popular name.
2272 - Graduated in Top Percentile, Commissioned as Ensign and assigned to USS Hood
2274 - Promoted to Lieutenant, JG
2275 - Commended for aiding negotiations on Shrantet III
2276 - Promoted to Lieutenant, assigned to USS Enterprise
2277 - Wounded during engagement with Orion pirates, commended for bravery during boarding actions
2278 - Promoted to Lieutenant-Commander, Assigned to USS Lexington
2281 - Promoted to Commander
2284 - Promoted to Captain, Assigned to command of USS Bon Vivant
2286 - Assigned to command of USS Hood
2288 - Promoted to Commodore, Assigned to Director, Starfleet Communications Command
2292 - Promoted to Rear Admiral, Assigned to Chief of Staff, Starfleet Operations
2295 - Promoted to Vice Admiral, Assigned to Director, Starfleet Operations
This is an absolutely meteoric career. Damn. Never more than 4 years in a rank. Only 4 as Captain, 4 as Commodore, and 3 as Rear Admiral (despite her promotion coming post-Khitomer). In fact, the longest time she spent in one position was after returning from Sabbatical to Kahurangi's retirement.
This is an absolutely meteoric career. Damn. Never more than 4 years in a rank. Only 4 as Captain, 4 as Commodore, and 3 as Rear Admiral (despite her promotion coming post-Khitomer). In fact, the longest time she spent in one position was after returning from Sabbatical to Kahurangi's retirement.
Four years as civilian, four years in the council, and four as president.

(Yes, it doesn't work that way. It would be nice though.)
This is an absolutely meteoric career. Damn. Never more than 4 years in a rank. Only 4 as Captain, 4 as Commodore, and 3 as Rear Admiral (despite her promotion coming post-Khitomer). In fact, the longest time she spent in one position was after returning from Sabbatical to Kahurangi's retirement.

According to what I established in the Rogers interview, Khitomer happened in 2293 and then there was a two year interregnum where there was no Commander of Starfleet while a thorough purge and investigation was carried out.

Sousa's '95 promotion happened at the same time Rogers was put into office, and you can see the logic of the President (who would have been the one making the appointment). She's the Chief of Staff for Operations, okay, she obviously knows the job so just go ahead and boot her into the top spot. Four years later Sousa takes a sabbatical so as to be ready to swoop back in as savior of Starfleet after Rogers is fired... but is thwarted by the fact that Kahurangi had the same idea and is viewed as a safer, less-political choice.
I was trying to find the date for the V'Ger events of TMP to see if Sousa was on Enterprise when they took place.

Imagine my surprise to find out that the dating of TMP is a fucking mess and memory alpha labels it as "The 2270s" with it more specifically falling between 2273 and 2278.

So I'm deciding that in my headcanon Sousa was aboard Enterprise when she met V'Ger.
Incidentally. 2278 is the latest date that the Red WoK uniforms could have been introduced.

So we've been using them for almost fourty years!

Still looking good!
2315.Q4- GBZ
Admiral Sousa,

The expected bounty of the Gabriel Expanse has taken a while to be realised, but I believe that in the Dorsata and Miele subsectors, we are starting to see it. A number of colonies are being uncovered, which are already being prepared for development. This news will no doubt light a fire under the Caitians, in whose government some elements had been slowing the pace of deployment.

With three new colony sites to mind, I have localised the patrol regions for task forces in the GBZ, and we will hopefully present a compacted and defensible shape to the Cardassians. If we can avoid a battle at this time, it will be most satisfactory.

It is with great interest that we receive reports of an Interstellar Commonwealth on the coreward fringe of the GBZ. If this represents another faction in the GBZ is as yet unknown, but we must consider them in our planning.

Rear Admiral T'Lorel
Sector Command, Gabriel Border Zone


Ongoing Projects

Starfleet Engineering Team - Building Outpost I in orbit around 41 Miele IV - ETC 2316.Q2
Starfleet Colony Team - Building mining colony on 41 Miele IV - ETC 2316.Q4

Amarkian Engineering Team - Amarkian Repair Yard, 1x1000mt, @ Tal Hanar - ETC 2316.Q1
Amarkian Colony Team - waiting for Engineering Team

Apiata Workerbee Team - Improved Staging Area at Delzarr - Complete
Apiata Colony Team - Moving to 2 Dorsata to begin establishing first colony - ETC 2316.Q3 (estimated, will firm up next quarter)

Key: (This Quarter / Last Quarter / Next Quarter) - Results of Last Quarter

USS Nicholas Barton, NCC-632, Prospector (19 Baker / 3 Baker / 32 Baker) - Identified deposit of 35br on 3 Baker VI-5, will be picked up next Qtr
USS Somak, NCC-635, Prospector (40 Miele / 41 Miele / 38 Miele ) - 41 Miele II, Class L habitable planet, 41 Miele IV Class C frozen rock with 25br/yr mine potential

Forager Trinzzi, NCC-3304 (42 Dorsata / 30 Dorsata / 33 Dorsata) - 30 Dorsata VI, 35br/yr mine, off-off 40sr available for pickup, Bumblebee en route, 30 Dorsata III Class K world with minor colony potential
Forager Onzala, NCC-3302 (11 Dorsata / 2 Dorsata / 21 Dorsata) - 2 Dorsata II, 2 Dorsata IV, both a 25br/yr mine, Ancient ruins for a research colony
[40sr collected for Apinae]

[33 and 21 Dorsata will represent the last star systems in sector 1g with planets to be investigated. Apinae is still deciding whether to push the Prospectors onward, or focus on consolidation]

CAS Ipoor, Prospector (10 Miele / 3 Miele / 42 Miele ) - 3 Miele VI Class N toxic world, +35 br/yr mine site, +15br for pickup, ships en route

Known Systems of Interest

Collie (Starfleet)
Sguirri (Apinae)
Tal Hanar (Amarkia)

41 Miele IV (Starfleet) 25br/yr mine
3 Miele VI (Amarkia) 35br/yr mine
2 Dorsata (Apinae) 2x25br/yr mine

19 Dorsata II - 10sr/yr mine site, small interest
31 Miele V-3 - 5rp/yr research colony site, difficult terrain, minor interest
30 Dorsata VI - 35/yr mine site


The Gabriel Sector

Date Updated: 2315.Q4

Starfleet Status: Normal (Can travel 1 Sq Length per 2 Weeks)
Starfleet Status within GBZ: High Alert (Can travel 1 Sq Length per Week)
Federation Status: Normal

UESPA: High Alert (LBZ)
VHC: High Alert (LBZ)
TSF: High Alert (LBZ)
AG: High Alert (LBZ)
Amarkia: Normal
Caitian: Normal
Apiata: Normal
Indoria: Normal
Orion: Normal
Rigel: High Alert (LBZ)
BDF: High Alert (LBZ)
Caldonia: Normal
Risa: Normal
Gaen: Normal
Seyek: Normal
Qloath: Normal
Honiani: Normal

Sector Command Staff

Sector Commander: Rear Admiral T'Lorel
Task Force 1: Commodore Jessica Rivers
Task Force 2: Commodore Revak
Task Force 3: Commodore Nash ka'Sharren
Auxiliary: Commodore Alejandro Suarez
Apiata TF: High Queen Nerzizza
Amarki TF: Admiral Galen Toor

Commander, Collie Outpost: Commander Iftie Torbiebh
Commander, Collie Repair Yard: Captain -
-Superintendent, Berth A, Commander -
-Superintendent, Berth B, Commander -
Commander, Sguirri Outpost: Queen Pimizzieda
Commander, Tal Hanar Outpost: Commander

Commander, Starfleet Medical assets: Captain -
Commander, Starfleet Engineering assets: Commodore -
Director, Starfleet Logistics assets: Captain -
Director, Starfleet Colony assets: Commodore
Others TBD

Additional Personnel:
Collie Mining Colony Administrator:
Sguirri Mining Colony Administrator:
Tal Hanar Mining Colony Administrator:

FBS Embedded Reporter -
FNN Embedded Reporter -
High Comb Times Embedded Reporter -

Rear Admiral T'Lorel
Current Posting: Pending
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: High
Politics: Medium

Commodore Nash ka'Sharren
Current Posting: Commander, Task Force 6
Rule-Abiding: Low
Aggression: High
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: High
Politics: Medium

Commodore Jessica Rivers
Current Posting: Commander, Task Force 1
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: Medium

Commodore Revak
Current Posting: Commander, Task Force 2
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Low
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High

Commodore Alejandro Suarez
Expanded Field Repair capacity
Current Posting: Auxiliary Command, GBZ Sector Fleet
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: Low
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Low
Politics: High

High Queen Nerzizza
Current Posting: Commander, Apiata Gabriel Fleet
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: High
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Low
Politics: Medium

Admiral Galen Toor
Current Posting: Commander, Amarkian Gabriel Fleet
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: Medium
Politics: High
The man who led the Amarkian response to Syndicate slaving raids in Amarkian Space.

Sector Details
Roughly encompasses area from 4h to 1e, with outcroppings, with space above and below this plane
~15 Squares worth, each of which contains a few dozen stars, of which a quarter will have planets and other items of interest
Each power is accessing the sector from a different direction. Your staff will be attempting to surge out, claim, then retain space. Keeping a safe route for logistics for stations and nascent colonies will be important.
To start with, your commanders will have Starfleet assets and Starfleet auxiliaries. They will begin to ask for other resources, and you will be empowered by Acts of Council to pick and choose who you use to contribute.

Current Sector Policy Settings
Green Light = Fully Allowed, Red Light = Fully Denied, Yellow Light = Proceed on Own Recognizance


Apiata Fleet & Auxiliary GBZ Access - Green Light
Amarki Fleet & Auxiliary GBZ Access - Green Light
All Member World - Fleet Unit GBZ Access - Red Light
All Member World - Auxiliary GBZ Access - Red Light

Expansion - Green Light
Infrastructure Building - Yellow Light
Mining Colony Building - Yellow Light
Civilian Colony Building - Red Light

Assault on Entry Worlds - Yellow Light
Assault on Link to Entry Worlds - Red Light
Attack Opposing Auxiliary Shipping - Yellow Light

Attack Cardassian Claims - Yellow Light
Attack Sydraxian Claims - Yellow Light
Attack Dylaarian Claims - Red Light

Pursuit into Cardassian Space - Red Light
Pursuit into Dylaarian Space - Red Light
Pursuit into Sydraxite Space - Red Light

The Competitors

The United Federation of Planets
Entry Point into GBZ:
Delzarr (0f) <-> Collie (1f)

Capital to Frontier Supply Chain
Sol <-> Tellar Prime <-> Amarkia <-> Leas Akaam <-> Apinae <-> Delzarr

Current GBZ Network
Collie (1f) <-> Sguirri (1f)
Collie (1f) <-> Bean's Star (1f)
Bean's Star (1f) <-> Tal Hanar (1e)

The Cardassian Union
Entry Point into GBZ:
Aranyak (1h) <-> 67 Gabriel (2h)

Capital to Frontier Supply Chain
Cardassia <-> Vedarot <-> Karadoc <-> Aranyak (1h)

Current GBZ Network
67 Gabriel (2h) <-> ???

The Sydraxian Hierarchy
Entry Point into GBZ:
Moskar(2e) <-> Deva (2e)
Moskar (2e) <-> ???

Capital to Frontier Supply Chain
Borandt/Dar Nakar <-> Nax Degar <-> Moskar (2e)

Current GBZ Network
Deva (2e) <-> -none-

Have effectively collapsed.

The Dylaarian Federation
Entry Point into GBZ:
Lydantic (5i) <-> Legei (4h)

Capital to Frontier Supply Chain
Dylaaria <-> Lydantic

Current GBZ Network
Legei (4h) <-> ???

Starfleet Assets supporting GBZ

Main Fleet
Fleet Commander, Rear Admiral Rachel Ainsworth

Task Force 1, Commodore Jessica Rivers
-USS Avandar, NCC-2010, Excelsior
-USS Korolev, NCC-1744, Constitution-B, Captain Kwame Okoye
-USS Defiant, NCC-1746, Constitution-B, Captain Mica zh'Halron
-USS T'Kumbra, NCC-1659 Miranda-A, Captain -
-USS Agile, NCC-1632, Miranda-A, Captain -

Task Force 2, Commodore Revak
-USS Saratoga, NCC-1745, Constitution-B, Captain -
-USS Exeter, NCC-1748, Constitution-B, Captain -
-USS Bantam, NCC-1634, Miranda-A, Captain -
-USS Clarion, NCC-1663, Miranda-A, Captain -
-USS Intrepid, NCC-1657, Miranda-A
-USS Eketha, NCC-1655, Miranda-A, Captain Rebecca St-James

Task Force 6, Commodore Nash ka'Sharren
-USS Kumari, NCC-2005, Excelsior, Captain - (Blooded)
-USS Republic, NCC-1743, Constitution-B, Captain -
-USS Challorn, NCC-1809, Constellation, Captain Jennifer Zhang (Blooded)
-USS Fidelity, NCC-1634, Miranda-A, Captain Thomas Oriskany
-USS Bon Vivant, NCC-1621, Miranda-A, Captain Shurg kap Klasch
-USS Shield, NCC-1661, Miranda-A, Captain -

Task Force 3, High Queen Nerzizza
-Light Queenship Telzziadriz, NCC-3103
-Stinger Gerzzi, NCC-3202
-Stinger Triada, NCC-3201
-Light Queenship Pollizazza, NCC-3104
-Stinger Grizzi, NCC-3205
-Stinger Fozarri, NCC-3204
-Forager Trinzzi, NCC-3304
-Forager Onzala, NCC-3302

Task Force 4, Admiral Galen Toor
-CAS Abhriec, NCC-2203, Riala
-CAS Hebrinda, NCC-2402, Hebrinda-A (C5 S2 H3 L5 P3 D4)
-CAS Hilindia, NCC-2403, Hebrinda-A
-CAS Atorfroil, NCC-2304, Brieca
-CAS Icafroil, NCC-2302, Brieca

Task Force 5
-CAS Ilotraia, NCC-2121, Centaur-A
-CAS Tamac, NCC-2306, Calac
-CAS Socac, NCC-2307, Calac

-CAS Ipoor, Prospector



Auxilary Forces
-Home Stationed at Delzarr
-- Starfleet Engineering Command
--- USS Atlas, NCC-845, Engineering Ship - Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Titan, NCC-844, Engineering Ship - Supporting Outpost Build
-- Starfleet Medical Command
--- USS Grace, NCC-747, Hospital Ship
-- Starfleet Tactical Command
--- Runabout Squadron 5 (Tactical Recon Squadron) - Out Exploring
-- Starfleet Logistics Command
--- USS Sidok, NCC-381, Freighter - Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Shri sh'Kannath, NCC-385, Freighter - Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Rawhide, NCC-388, Freighter- Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Vega Maru, NCC-391, Freighter- Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Yagok, NCC-473, Cargo Ship - Supporting Upkeep
--- USS Luna Maru, NCC-475, Cargo Ship - Performing Upkeep
--- USS Pikri, NCC-478, Cargo Ship
--- USS Kalakandor, NCC-481, Cargo Ship - Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Nikona, NCC-3701, Cargo Ship -
--- USS Eridani Sunrise, NCC-3702, Cargo Ship -
-- Starfleet Colony Command
--- USS Nicholas Barton, NCC-632, Prospector - Exploring Subsector 2e
--- USS Somak, NCC-635, Prospector - Exploring Subsector 1e
--- USS Altathyk, NCC-904, Colony Ship
--- USS Trailblazer, NCC-905, Colony Ship
-- Starfleet Intelligence Command
--- SS Appleseed, NC-2653, Civilian Ship

-- Apiata, Home Stationed at Delzarr
--- Bumblebee 1 - Performing Upkeep
--- Bumblebee 2 - Servicing Sguirri XI Trade
--- Bumblebee 3 - Servicing Sguirri XI Trade
--- Bumblebee 4
--- Bumblebee 5
--- Bumblebee 6
--- Worker Bee 1
--- Worker Bee 2
--- Worker Bee 3
--- Worker Bee 4
--- Hasilla, Colony Ship

-- Amarkia, Home Stationed at Bean's Star
--- Cargo Ship 1
--- Cargo Ship 2
--- Cargo Ship 3
--- Freighter 1
--- Freighter 2
--- Passenger
--- Colony Ship
--- Prospector
--- Engineering
--- Super-Freighter

Engineering Ships = Build and Repair Facilities
Hospital Ships = Allow responses to medical distress calls without tying down your Excelsiors
Freighter/Cargo Ships = Supply
Prospectors = Required to prepare for Colony creation
Colony Ship = Required to deliver colonists
Passenger = Required for evacuations, and major colonies
Civilian = Can be set for a number of tasks.

Example Requirements:
1 Sm per four Auxiliaries deployed
1 Sm per two Escort assigned
1 Sm per Cruiser assigned
2 Sm per Explorer assigned
1 Sm, 1 Blk per Station
2 Sm, 2 Blk per Outpost
5 Sm, 5 Blk per Starbase
Colony: Varies

Current Requirements:
1 Station (Collie) - 1S 1B
1 Station (Bean's Star) - 1S 1B
3 Reinforced Outposts (Sguirri, Collie) - 9S 9B
2 Mining Colony - 2S 4B
3 Explorer - 4S
4 Cruiser - 4S
4 Escort - 2S
7 Auxiliary in action - 2S

15 raw br, 25 raw sr from Collie Mining Colony - 15b/yr, 25s/yr - 25S 15B, handled as part of regular infrastructure

Apiata - 8S, 5b
50 raw br from Sguirri XI Mining Complex - 50b/yr, 1 Bumblebee (swapping Sm-0.5Bk) trip /month - Handled as part of regular infrastructure

Amarkia - 7s

13 Small, 1 Bulk Cargo
Apiata - 9 Small Cargo, 2 Bulk Cargo - Two Bumblebees atached
Amarkia - 7 Small Cargo

Total Available:
40 Small, 48 Bulk Cargo Capacity in regular Cargo/Freighter ships
48 Small, 12 Bulk Cargo Capacity in Bumblebees
36 Small, 46 Bulk Cargo Capacity in Amarkia

USS Yagok, USS Luna Maru - Upkeep
Bumblebee 3 (2 servicing Sguirri XI)

Starfleet Sector Infrastructure supporting GBZ

"Critical" - One of very few (or even only one) of its given type of infrastructure within Starfleet's control, the loss of which will cause major loss of function
"Key" - Important assets, the loss of which will impair functions for Starfleet

- Collie (1f) - Rein. Outpost, Repair Yard, Critical Logistics Station, BR Mining Colony (+15br), SR Mining Colony (+25sr), Minefields
- Sguirri (1f) - Rein. Outpost, Mining Station, BR Mining Colony (+50br)
- Bean's Star (1f) - [Station]
- Tal Hanar (1e) - Rein. Outpost, [Repair Yard], BR Mining Colony (+15br/yr), SR Mining Colony (+30sr/yr)

Apinae Sector
- Apinae (-1e) - Starbase 11 [Apinae], Shipyard, Critical Resource Hub
- Alrizzine (0e) - Outpost, Shipyard
- Delzarr (0f) - Mining Facility, Key Logistics Station, [Advanced Staging Area]

[ ] = Under Construction

Member World Assets in Sector

United Earth Space Probe Agency

Vulcan High Command

Andor Guard

Tellarite State Forces

Amarki Confederacy Fleet
1 Riala
2 Hebrinda-A
1 Centaur-A
2 Brieca
2 Calac

3 Cargo, 2 Freighter, 1 Colony+Engineer+Prospector+Passenger
1 Super-Freighter

Betazoid Defence Force

Caitian Grand Fleet

Unified Hives of the Apiata
2 Light Queenships
4 Stingers
2 Foragers

6 Bumblebees
4 Worker Bees

Indorian Congress



Member World Sector Infrastructure in GBZ

UE = United Earth
V = Vulcan High Command
A = Andorian Empire
T = Tellarite State Forces
M = Amarkian Confederacy
B = Betazoid Noble Houses
F = Caitians Grand Fleet
R = Rigel
P = Unified Hives of the Apiata
I = Indorian Congress

None as of Yet
EOY - 2315
End of Year Report Card - 2315

Starting Resources
1223 Bulk Resources
648 Special Resources
183 Political Will
253 Research Points

Starting Personnel Pool
Standard Starfleet: 12.25 Officer, 25.25 Enlisted, 18.65 Techs
Explorer Corps: 4.25 Officer, 6.55 Enlisted, 7.25 Techs

Spent During the Year

950 Bulk Industrial Resources
715 Special Industrial Resources
261 Political Will
327 Research Points

Standard: - 9 Officer, 12 Enlisted, 9 Technician
Explorer: 1 Enlisted, 1 Technician

Career Casualties
Standard: 28 Officer, 36 Enlisted, 30 Technician
Explorer: 6 Officer, 9 Enlisted, 8 Technician

2 Excelsior, 1 Constellation, 2 Centaur, 3 Miranda, 1 Oberth
(1 Miranda recovered, 1 lost)

Special Mentions in Dispatches Accorded to:
UES Shanghai, KPS Wary, KPS Thoughtful, KPS Guarded
8 Officer, 14 Enlisted, 12 Technician

Gained During the Year

Political Rewards

125pp, 75rp from conclusion of hostilities


USS Enterprise

Flagship of Task Force 2, Licori Border Zone, during the Federation-Arcadian War
Travelled 10~20 million years into the past and saved the Federation
Scuttled after being impossible to recover, all hands rescued by USS Lion

USS Courageous

Fought at Battle of Gammon

Temporal Disclosure Averted, Courageous defended
New Major Power Encountered: The Interstellar Commonwealth

USS Sarek

Flagship of Task Force 1, Licori Border Zone, during the Federation-Arcadian War


Temporary halt to spread of Caldonian unrest
New Colony Option: Kohl II, +25 / +25 br/sr per year

USS S'harien


Hard DC survived
+40pt of Quantum Torpedo Research
Saved Cargo Ship from mutineers

USS Stargazer



Met the Ferengi
Met the Tofii

USS Odyssey


Disruption to Laio diplomacy averted

Gain Mipek +1 S

USS Atuin



+25 relations with Ked Paddah
+25 relations with Laio
+25 relations with Yan-Ros
+10 relations with Honiani

New Colony Option: Mica III, 25 (30) br/yr

USS Voshov


Advanced relations with Sydraxian "Concerned Citizens"

Other Ships

USS Avandar -
USS Blizzard - Destroyed at Battle of Ixaria 2315.1.3
USS Bull - +15pp, Caitian entry into GBZ assured, +25 relations with Qloath, +0.1 O/yr recruiting
USS Calypso -
USS Challorn -
USS Cheron - +10pp, +25 relations with Yrillians
USS Cloudburst - Intercepted Romulan Bird of Prey
USS Defiant -
USS Docana - +5rp, +10pp, +1 Crew Rating, cleared path to peace treaty
USS Dryad -
USS Eketha -
USS Endurance - Disabled at Battle of Gammon
USS Excelsior -
USS Gale -
USS Hawking -
USS Hood - Disabled in Action of 2315.1.2
USS Huascar - -10pp, -10 relations with Seyek, +1 P from learning experience
USS Inspire -
USS Kearsage - +10rp, +5 relations with Gretarians, Avert Treaty of Celos problems
USS Lightning - +10pp, saved colony ship
USS Pathfinder - +15p, +10sr/yr, +10 relations with Gaeni+Ked Paddah, oversaw completion of peace treaty, +100 relations with Ked Paddah, +50 relations with Gaeni
USS Renaissance -
USS Salnas - +10rp
USS Sappho - +10pp, arrange for aid to Caldonia
USS Selaya - +30sr
USS Sojourner - Disabled at Battle of Gammon
USS Stalwart -
USS Suvek - Destroyed 2315.1.1
USS Thirishar -
USS Thunderhead - Destroyed at Battle of Gammon 2315.1.3
USS T'Mir -
USS Torbriel -
USS Valiant - +5pp, +10rp, Apinae pledges additional resources to GBZ
USS Vigour - +35br, +10pp, -10pp, +1 Crew Rating, unable to prevent loss of UESPA Miranda-A
USS Winterwind - -10pp, -1E
USS Yukikaze - +1tpp, +10 with Qloath+Seyek, clear future obstacles
USS Zephyr - +10pp

Ships Lost
USS Enterprise, Excelsior
USS Blizzard, Centaur-A
USS Thunderhead, Miranda
USS Suvek, Oberth

Ships Damaged
USS Hood, Constitution-B
USS Svai, Miranda
USS Sarek, Excelsior
USS Torbriel, Oberth
USS Renaissance, Renaissance
USS Endurance, Excelsior
USS Sojourner, Excelsior

Ships Scrapped

Ships Laid Down
2 Excelsior-A
1 Renaissance

Ships Crewed
3 Renaissance
2 Miranda-A

Ship Commissioned
USS Voshov - Excelsior, NCC-2015
USS Rru'adorr, Excelsior, NCC-2016
USS Pathfinder, Excelsior, NCC-2021
USS Sojourner, Excelsior, NCC-2022
USS Huascar Constitution-B, NCC-1752

Repair and Refit - USS Courageous, NCC-2003, Excelsior-A
Refit - USS Intrepid, NCC-1657, Miranda-A
Refit - USS Eketha, NCC-1655, Miranda-A

Final Stockpile with Annual Income
1238 - 950 + 105 + 855 = 1248 Bulk Resources
648 - 715 + 35 + 670 = 638 Special Resources
185 - 261 + 330 + 140 = 394 Political Will
253 - 327 + 180 + 189 = 295 Research Points

New Personnel Pool
Standard Starfleet:
12.25 - 19 + 4 + 15.1 = 12.35 Officer
25.25 - 28 + 5 + 18.45 = 20.7 Enlisted
18.65 - 16 + 6 + 19.35 = 28 Techs
Explorer Corps:
4.25 - 0 + 6 + 3.5 = 13.75 Officer
6.55 - 1 + 5 + 2.95 = 13.5 Enlisted
7.25 - 1 + 5 + 2.7 = 13.95 Techs

Standard Starfleet: 12.35 Officer, 20.7 Enlisted, 28 Techs
Explorer Corps: 13.75 Officer, 13.5 Enlisted, 13.95 Techs
The Interstellar Commonwealth getting involved in Gabriel certainly changes the game. Especially if the Cardassians screw up and provoke them.

They're listed as a major power. That is, roughly peer to the UFP, Klingons, Romulans and Cardassians.

If we can keep friendly relations and the Cardassians CAN'T that cripples Cardassian options in the GBZ and elsewhere because they've got a second peer threat to defend against.

And if the Cardassians really do a dumb and start a full war with ISC I say we escalate to full war ASAP because that's the best chance we'll get.

Edit: Updated starship info sheet with Vigour crew up. Really hope there weren't any captain's log upgrades from last year not in the front page that I didn't remember.
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The Interstellar Commonwealth getting involved in Gabriel certainly changes the game. Especially if the Cardassians screw up and provoke them.

They're listed as a major power. That is, roughly peer to the UFP, Klingons, Romulans and Cardassians.

If we can keep friendly relations and the Cardassians CAN'T that cripples Cardassian options in the GBZ and elsewhere because they've got a second peer threat to defend against.

And if the Cardassians really do a dumb and start a full war with ISC I say we escalate to full war ASAP because that's the best chance we'll get.

Um. What. Only if we have a defensive treaty with these guys that I don't trust.

I'm not feeling big on offensive wars of choice, it'll take a few decades to digest the last one before I'm feeling ready to go again.
Wow we have a lot of RP and PP, assuming we pick up a tech team we can spend a max of 290 with all the boosts. Which leaves 5 rp left with 3 quarters to go. And income for next year is 196 plus any gains from new members or affiliates over 300.

That is good as it allows us to keep boosting techs
Has someone speculated yet that the ISC has been fed some silly information about us by the Cardassians?Their reaction makes sense if they expected the Courageous to be full of child eating warmongers and the Cardassians have good reasons to keep another "nice" polity far away from us. We will need to be careful they dont sabotage our relations with the ISC.
Can we bring in more Prospector, I find the number of prospectors used by the three members to be quite limited.
Hope we can get them to pick up the pace a bit or push our ship patrols forward more so we can take our time searching behind a solid line so to speak.
I hope we settle on Ariel V8 already.
Um. What. Only if we have a defensive treaty with these guys that I don't trust.

I'm not feeling big on offensive wars of choice, it'll take a few decades to digest the last one before I'm feeling ready to go again.
You don't trust them because their incredibly generic name is similar to another incredibly generic name.

I, meanwhile, am calculating based on the assumption that the UFP is going to be better at peer diplo than the Cardassians, and noting that if a Cardassia-ISC war breaks out we might as well have the inevitable UFP-Cardassia war while we're at a massive edge.