My working hypothesis is as follows.

The galaxy reached a state of technological 'levelling' under the domination of the Gorn, Orions, and other empires like them a thousand years- representing about the limit of what those societies could sustain. Higher levels of scientific development would have required data they didn't have, or a commitment to pure research they were unwilling to make, or something.

Then the H'urq showed up and pillaged everything. The established infrastructure of the existing empires was wrecked so thoroughly, and so many homeworlds and major colonies were bombed, that none of those species could make significant technological progress for many centuries. At the same time, though, this was an era without a Prime Directive, so most species that got anywhere near the atomic age were getting sucked into interstellar affairs... which meant they had to deal with the H'urq bombing and harassing and plundering them.

The species that are now dominant, with a handful of exceptions, were in the Iron Age when the H'urq showed up. This is because the H'urq weren't interested in Iron Age civilizations, probably because they were spacefaring Mongol hordes who cared only about the civilizations who had the means to pay them tribute they could actually use, e.g. dilithium crystals.

The timespan required for the then-dominant species that were deprived of the vast majority of their population and homes to recover from what the H'urq did to them, and the timespan required for then-Iron Age species to catch up and develop independent warp capability, synchronized up reasonably well, creating something like the modern galaxy.

[The outlier here is Vulcan and the Romulans, of course, who were old enough to be around when the H'urq were, but seem to have been untouched]

As to the present rapid technological boom that the Federation seems to be keeping pace with...

The Federation is an unusually dynamic culture that combines the best research talents of several different species including at least one freakishly intelligent one that seems to lack the ambition and industrial capability to be a major interstellar power in its own right. We poke spatial anomalies, we learn from the ruins not only of our own immediate predecessors in this region of space but from even more ancient aliens. This may be causing the Federation to drive a technological 'boom' that is, to say the least, unusual compared to the galactic norm of single-species militaristic polities with only limited interest in pure research and a habit of leaving random anomalies and weirdnesses the hell alone. Our neighbors may be pushing harder to keep up than they would be without us, too.

That's pretty good. I also have the headcanon that all the cycles of rises and falls of civilizations in the Star Trek universe is at partially at the whims of higher powers like Q. There's just too many exponential or star-killing threats not to have outright burned out quadrants (think Biophage or Borg) given millennia to work with, that some sort of divine intervention is probably going on.
If we're thinking excessive paranoia and getting burned, I have another hypothesis for the choice of a civilian ship to bring the ambassador: If the "first contact package" turns out to be a cyberwar package or a basilisk, a turned civilian ship is both less of a threat and not as much of a loss. That'd imply very bad things about the other civs the Commonwealth has been meeting, though.
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If we're thinking excessive paranoia and getting burned, I have another hypothesis for the choice of a civilian ship to bring the ambassador: If the "first contact package" turns out to be a cyberwar package or a basilisk, a turned civilian ship is both less of a threat and not as much of a loss. That'd imply very bad things about the other civs the Commonwealth has been meeting, though.

Who would be dicks enough to...

Who besides the Dominion would be dicks enough to do that?
History will Never Forget the Name

USS Enterprise

Excelsior-class Explorer

Since 2301...

+170 br
+190 sr
+95 rp
+5 sr/year

+25 Relations with Kadesh
+125 Relations with Seyek
+10 Relations with Qloath
+25 Relations with Gretarians
+50 Diplomacy with Amarki
+25 Relations with Orion
+25 Relations with Indoria
+25 Relations with Caitians
Caused direct affiliation of: Apiata, Risa, Gaeni

Discover Athos V research colony site
Gain Tagh Pakot Mining Colony option, +10 (15) sr/yr
Discover +20br/year colony option at Fenris IV
Gain new research colony: Yel'urulausu [+5 (6)rp/yr]

New Race Encountered: the Gaeni
New Race Encountered: the Amarki
New Race Encountered: the Cardassians
New Race Encountered: Apiata
New Race Encountered: Risa
New Race Encountered: the Qloath
New Race Encountered: the Dylaarians
New Race Encountered: the Ashidi

Participated in Battle of Kadesh, including acting as a Flagship for force, served with distinction
Participated in Battles of 33 Fujit
Destroyed CDF Lorgot
Disabled CDF Karnack
Participated in Kadak-Tor Crisis
Particpated in numerous skirmishes with Cardassia and affiliated forces
Flagship of Task Force 2, Licori Border Zone, during the Federation-Arcadian War
Participated in the Battle of Ixaria Approach, with distinction
Pursued the Mentate Betarre and the AIS Blank Slate through the temporal anomaly at Aga Carmide
Ship scuttled in order to allow her crew and the USS Lion to return to the present

Spearheaded the unthawing of Federation-Romulan relations
Broke Caitian-Dawiar war diplomatic deadlock
Enabled Treaty of Celos
Successfully Oversaw Amarkian Ratification
Successfully Oversaw Apinae Ratification
Fiiral Reformation Disaster averted
Did not cause temporal mayhem
Oversaw Betazoid Ratification

+1 Crew Rating
Crew Gained: Lieutenant Leaniss, +1 Presence

Reprimand for blowing up a moon...

Honour Roll

Captain John Harriman
Captain Nash ka'Sharren
Captain Maryam Ajam
Captain Samhaya Mrr'shan

Larai Leaniss
Diego Zaardmani
Pritya Asurva
Jolna Nu
Arthur Acheson
Robert Kenichi
Aaron Wolfe
Tisana Bessle
Lwaxana Nixa
Tiberius Kahurangi
Peter Woodruff
Dill chim Clunn

Sic transit gloria stellae

She went out saving lives and kicking ass. Rest well old girl.

My working hypothesis is as follows.

The galaxy reached a state of technological 'levelling' under the domination of the Gorn, Orions, and other empires like them a thousand years- representing about the limit of what those societies could sustain. Higher levels of scientific development would have required data they didn't have, or a commitment to pure research they were unwilling to make, or something.

Then the H'urq showed up and pillaged everything. The established infrastructure of the existing empires was wrecked so thoroughly, and so many homeworlds and major colonies were bombed, that none of those species could make significant technological progress for many centuries. At the same time, though, this was an era without a Prime Directive, so most species that got anywhere near the atomic age were getting sucked into interstellar affairs... which meant they had to deal with the H'urq bombing and harassing and plundering them.

The species that are now dominant, with a handful of exceptions, were in the Iron Age when the H'urq showed up. This is because the H'urq weren't interested in Iron Age civilizations, probably because they were spacefaring Mongol hordes who cared only about the civilizations who had the means to pay them tribute they could actually use, e.g. dilithium crystals.

The timespan required for the then-dominant species that were deprived of the vast majority of their population and homes to recover from what the H'urq did to them, and the timespan required for then-Iron Age species to catch up and develop independent warp capability, synchronized up reasonably well, creating something like the modern galaxy.

[The outlier here is Vulcan and the Romulans, of course, who were old enough to be around when the H'urq were, but seem to have been untouched]

As to the present rapid technological boom that the Federation seems to be keeping pace with...

The Federation is an unusually dynamic culture that combines the best research talents of several different species including at least one freakishly intelligent one that seems to lack the ambition and industrial capability to be a major interstellar power in its own right. We poke spatial anomalies, we learn from the ruins not only of our own immediate predecessors in this region of space but from even more ancient aliens. This may be causing the Federation to drive a technological 'boom' that is, to say the least, unusual compared to the galactic norm of single-species militaristic polities with only limited interest in pure research and a habit of leaving random anomalies and weirdnesses the hell alone. Our neighbors may be pushing harder to keep up than they would be without us, too.

Eh, even if you go with that this assumes a pretty equal tech rate between all the current major players which seems pretty unlikely to me. And I am not sure if I agree with this "Federation" is special idea considering most nations seem to have little problem with attaining (or keeping up to) a similar skill level.
My two cents on the commonwealth contact was a 3 frigate squadron encountered an alien dreadnaught while exploring beyond their borders. The commander decided that today was not in fact a good day to die and broke off. When he realized that the alien dreadnaught followed them he called a second squadron, since 3 frigates against a capital ship might win, but not without losses. I'm not sure when if at any point the first contact package was decoded, it's possible that the frigates lacked the computer power to do so if they are particularly combat focused. It's also possible they use a different communication method so they were not sure what the hell this weird energy they were being bombarded with was supposed to do.

Once the Courageous dropped it's shields (living up to it's name I must say, that was a ballsy move.) they realized that this was a somewhat pushy attempt to establish relations rather than an act of aggression. So the commander passed this up the chain because it was now way above his paygrade, and the nearest diplomat was rushed to the scene by the fastest warp engine close enough to commandeer.
Yeah, there are gay people out there.

You guys just don't write omakes about them :V

I usually leave the sexuality of characters open until it become relevant or makes an interesting detail.

For instance, I have no idea what form Q takes when Q and Thuir go out on dates. (Possibly he only refers to Q in with the feminine pronoun when talking to Mbeki because that's the Q-form Mbeki is familiar with.)
Eh, even if you go with that this assumes a pretty equal tech rate between all the current major players which seems pretty unlikely to me. And I am not sure if I agree with this "Federation" is special idea considering most nations seem to have little problem with attaining (or keeping up to) a similar skill level.
The Federation doesn't have to have a huge advantage here, just enough that they can successfully break through scientific barriers that dominant imperial species would usually take longer to crack. That could easily just be a function of diverse outlook and of Starfleet collecting scientific data from the weirdest corners of space we can find, places other species sensibly avoid.

And it wouldn't necessarily translate into technological as opposed to scientific advantages either, because any such discovery could be learned by others and translated into practical engineering on their part. It's like, Newtonian physics was hugely important, but England didn't derive any special benefits from being the place where the guy who discovered it came from, because he lived in a continent-wide open society when it came to transmitting information, his discoveries were not secrets, and so other nations rapidly learned everything Newton knew about physics.

More generally... Basically, IF you think of "everyone is at roughly the same level of technology despite rapid technological progress" as a thing that needs an explanation, you have to at least try to explain it. If you come up with a better explanation than mine, I'd be interested to hear it. To be clear, mine goes:

1) Roughly a thousand years ago was a transformative interstellar invasion.
2) During this invasion, the older races were bombed back to a point where they lost everything beyond 'basic warp' level and have taken a thousand years to rebuild, thus explaining why their technology has stagnated.
3) Most of the 'new' rising species of the modern era are the ones that were all more or less simultaneously in their equivalent of the High Middle Ages at the time of the H'urq conquest. Species a few thousand years further back the timeline in their development still haven't developed warp travel, while species much further advanced than that were themselves targeted by the H'urq, at least for some form of exploitation of planetary resources.

I think that might be part of my issue, honestly, this is a single species polity using such a broad and universal term for their single people. Like, it'd be like the European Union deciding to call itself the "GLOBAL DIRECTORATE" inexplicably. Even if it's a choice made totally innocently it is very offputting.

The UPF is a united federation of some planets, not THE GALACTIC FEDERATION. Even the Romulans, in all of their Hubris, merely style themselves as The Empire of the Romulan People, and not THE GLORIOUS HARBINGER OF UNIVERSAL ROMULAN SUPREMACY. It implies a lack of need for any other polity, for being distinguishable with others. And coming from a powerful single species polity obviously surrounded by other species it's Just A Tad Ominous.

EDIT: It'd be fine out of someone that had never encountered another space faring race before, and were new to space themselves, but a large empire in this area of space can't possibly take advantage of that leeway.
"Interstellar" doesn't carry the same connotations as "Galactic" or "Global," because it doesn't imply universality, just bigness. Like, "more than one star." Maybe they had a series of wars between the homeworld and its colonies, and eventually the two sides united peacefully into an "Interstellar Union?" They're aware that there are plenty of aliens out there who aren't part of their 'union,' but it doesn't make their government non-interstellar.

History will Never Forget the Name
A tall blonde in a Starfleet jacket, with rather faded-looking blue eyes, shuffles her foot. "Aww... thanks..."

[blushes, steps a little aside awkwardly, humming to herself]

Reprimand for blowing up a moon...
"...I did NOT blow up that moon! It blew down. Right on top of me. So there. Hmph!"
He, now, Enterprise' spirit is just hanging around in Sto'Vo'Kor and is having a good time. Lot's of stories to tell, Klingons to trollenlighten, ...

"Honestly I just visit once in a while? Getting that guest pass was, um, kind of a complicated thing."
Last edited:
History will Never Forget the Name

USS Enterprise

Excelsior-class Explorer

Since 2301...

+170 br
+190 sr
+95 rp
+5 sr/year

+25 Relations with Kadesh
+125 Relations with Seyek
+10 Relations with Qloath
+25 Relations with Gretarians
+50 Diplomacy with Amarki
+25 Relations with Orion
+25 Relations with Indoria
+25 Relations with Caitians
Caused direct affiliation of: Apiata, Risa, Gaeni

Discover Athos V research colony site
Gain Tagh Pakot Mining Colony option, +10 (15) sr/yr
Discover +20br/year colony option at Fenris IV
Gain new research colony: Yel'urulausu [+5 (6)rp/yr]

New Race Encountered: the Gaeni
New Race Encountered: the Amarki
New Race Encountered: the Cardassians
New Race Encountered: Apiata
New Race Encountered: Risa
New Race Encountered: the Qloath
New Race Encountered: the Dylaarians
New Race Encountered: the Ashidi

Participated in Battle of Kadesh, including acting as a Flagship for force, served with distinction
Participated in Battles of 33 Fujit
Destroyed CDF Lorgot
Disabled CDF Karnack
Participated in Kadak-Tor Crisis
Particpated in numerous skirmishes with Cardassia and affiliated forces
Flagship of Task Force 2, Licori Border Zone, during the Federation-Arcadian War
Participated in the Battle of Ixaria Approach, with distinction
Pursued the Mentate Betarre and the AIS Blank Slate through the temporal anomaly at Aga Carmide
Ship scuttled in order to allow her crew and the USS Lion to return to the present

Spearheaded the unthawing of Federation-Romulan relations
Broke Caitian-Dawiar war diplomatic deadlock
Enabled Treaty of Celos
Successfully Oversaw Amarkian Ratification
Successfully Oversaw Apinae Ratification
Fiiral Reformation Disaster averted
Did not cause temporal mayhem
Oversaw Betazoid Ratification

+1 Crew Rating
Crew Gained: Lieutenant Leaniss, +1 Presence

Reprimand for blowing up a moon...

Honour Roll

Captain John Harriman
Captain Nash ka'Sharren
Captain Maryam Ajam
Captain Samhaya Mrr'shan

Larai Leaniss
Diego Zaardmani
Pritya Asurva
Jolna Nu
Arthur Acheson
Robert Kenichi
Aaron Wolfe
Tisana Bessle
Lwaxana Nixa
Tiberius Kahurangi
Peter Woodruff
Dill chim Clunn

Sic transit gloria stellae
History will Never Forget the Name

USS Enterprise

Excelsior-class Explorer

Since 2301...

+170 br
+190 sr
+95 rp
+5 sr/year

+25 Relations with Kadesh
+125 Relations with Seyek
+10 Relations with Qloath
+25 Relations with Gretarians
+50 Diplomacy with Amarki
+25 Relations with Orion
+25 Relations with Indoria
+25 Relations with Caitians
Caused direct affiliation of: Apiata, Risa, Gaeni

Discover Athos V research colony site
Gain Tagh Pakot Mining Colony option, +10 (15) sr/yr
Discover +20br/year colony option at Fenris IV
Gain new research colony: Yel'urulausu [+5 (6)rp/yr]

New Race Encountered: the Gaeni
New Race Encountered: the Amarki
New Race Encountered: the Cardassians
New Race Encountered: Apiata
New Race Encountered: Risa
New Race Encountered: the Qloath
New Race Encountered: the Dylaarians
New Race Encountered: the Ashidi

Participated in Battle of Kadesh, including acting as a Flagship for force, served with distinction
Participated in Battles of 33 Fujit
Destroyed CDF Lorgot
Disabled CDF Karnack
Participated in Kadak-Tor Crisis
Particpated in numerous skirmishes with Cardassia and affiliated forces
Flagship of Task Force 2, Licori Border Zone, during the Federation-Arcadian War
Participated in the Battle of Ixaria Approach, with distinction
Pursued the Mentate Betarre and the AIS Blank Slate through the temporal anomaly at Aga Carmide
Ship scuttled in order to allow her crew and the USS Lion to return to the present

Spearheaded the unthawing of Federation-Romulan relations
Broke Caitian-Dawiar war diplomatic deadlock
Enabled Treaty of Celos
Successfully Oversaw Amarkian Ratification
Successfully Oversaw Apinae Ratification
Fiiral Reformation Disaster averted
Did not cause temporal mayhem
Oversaw Betazoid Ratification

+1 Crew Rating
Crew Gained: Lieutenant Leaniss, +1 Presence

Reprimand for blowing up a moon...

Honour Roll

Captain John Harriman
Captain Nash ka'Sharren
Captain Maryam Ajam
Captain Samhaya Mrr'shan

Larai Leaniss
Diego Zaardmani
Pritya Asurva
Jolna Nu
Arthur Acheson
Robert Kenichi
Aaron Wolfe
Tisana Bessle
Lwaxana Nixa
Tiberius Kahurangi
Peter Woodruff
Dill chim Clunn

Sic transit gloria stellae


May the next coming be just as glorious.