It's entirely possible that the ships encountered were trios of the Interstellar Commonwealth's cruisers or even capital ships. Nothing about the size of the other ships was noted, after all.
Well, look at what Oneiros has described.So, they might have come to the conclusion that they were sorely outmatched in terms of ship size, which suggested some kind of significant technological edge, thus making them nervous?
Well, look at what Oneiros has described.
They entered the system with a trio of ships. They did not move to attack on making first contact. When hailed, they fell back to a system where reinforcements were waiting. They still did not move to attack, even when our explorer struck her shields, yet they still didn't answer, instead waiting for an ambassador to arrive.
Either they have exceedingly strict separation of military and civilian authority, and their ships are so unaccustomed to encountering friendly new species that they haven't learned to put people with the authority to make first contact on at least one of their ships flying around, or they are exceedingly cautious about making first contact properly, and wanted someone who had serious training in making first contact to be available.
Either way, they're pretty clearly not operating the way that basically any other species we've encountered has handled a first contact scenario, and there's likely a very good reason for that in their backstory. This sort of extreme divergence wouldn't spring forth from nothing, after all.
Commonwealth is one of the more frequent utterly generic polity names there is. Interstellar is also really generic. The name doesn't really tell very much at all, and is kinda boring. If it's not a direct expy of something else from some franchise, then whoever came up with the name utterly fails at creative naming.Another use of the term Commonwealth in scifi is Alan Dean Foster's humanx Commonwealth. Of course, being a single species, just the insectoid thranx would be a rather different polity.
From Wikipedia:Unity and all, and 'Commonwealth' is decent enough name for not!Tau.
Ruh roh raggyCommonwealth is a traditional English term for a political community founded for the common good.
Come on, do you really think Oneiros would put in a power that's an expy of a Roddenberry franchise? Be serious, man.With a note on different techbases I'd suspect if it's an expy, it's either T'au or Systems Commonwealth. The latter would be fitting as it's another Roddenberry franchise and its ships would probably fit under 'different techbase', particularly if it includes things like ship avatars, fighter craft, and a different approach to torpedo/missile systems.
So, they might have come to the conclusion that they were sorely outmatched in terms of ship size, which suggested some kind of significant technological edge, thus making them nervous?
Well, look at what Oneiros has described.
They entered the system with a trio of ships. They did not move to attack on making first contact. When hailed, they fell back to a system where reinforcements were waiting. They still did not move to attack, even when our explorer struck her shields, yet they still didn't answer, instead waiting for an ambassador to arrive.
Either they have exceedingly strict separation of military and civilian authority, and their ships are so unaccustomed to encountering friendly new species that they haven't learned to put people with the authority to make first contact on at least one of their ships flying around, or they are exceedingly cautious about making first contact properly, and wanted someone who had serious training in making first contact to be available.
Either way, they're pretty clearly not operating the way that basically any other species we've encountered has handled a first contact scenario, and there's likely a very good reason for that in their backstory. This sort of extreme divergence wouldn't spring forth from nothing, after all.
I can't tell if this is sarcasm, so apologies if I took this too seriously.Come on, do you really think Oneiros would put in a power that's an expy of a Roddenberry franchise? Be serious, man.
There've been "animoo ladies" in the quest?
This is true!
Not to mention the Yan-Ros, who are literally the RWBY setting IN SPACE
I feel we could expand thier hat to all anime, which makes me wonder, when, we're going to get gay yan-ros figure skaters,Not to mention the Yan-Ros, who are literally the RWBY setting IN SPACE![]()
Commonwealth is one of the more frequent utterly generic polity names there is. Interstellar is also really generic. The name doesn't really tell very much at all, and is kinda boring. If it's not a direct expy of something else from some franchise, then whoever came up with the name utterly fails at creative naming.
For that matter, "United Federation of Planets" tells you about as much about us as "Interstellar Commonwealth" would. I'm pretty sure you could go onto a sci-fi faction name generator and have a decent chance of getting either of them.
To me, what immediately comes to mind with Commonwealth + Space is Peter F. Hamilton's Commonwealth Saga, but they're unlikely to be the inspiration for a... wide variety of reasons, not limited to no spacecraft (initially)! It's worth noting that there are other polities in that setting, and that the Commonwealth itself is entirely human.
Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 25857.2
By using our tricorders together with sonic sounding instruments from Professor T'Keleth, we managed to induce a harmonic feedback in the rock structures, and shatter three key points. After this, it was a relatively simple matter to calculate a countervailing field resonance to cease the effect holding us out of phase. This became a little more difficult when it became apparent that the tricorders were not equipped with the necessary routines, and we found ourselves performing the calculations by scratching them into softer stoneworks.
Not only have we returned, however, but the whole structure as well. As near as we can tell, it was an ancient supply cache of the Tkon, which we may now be able to begin excavating.
[New colony option: Kohl II, 25 (35)br / 25 (35) sr per year]
And rolled!
My working hypothesis is as follows.Well hello there. 4d is bordering the Gabriel Expanse. I wonder if we'll have competition there? Hopefully "cordial" competition!
Also, I'm finding it very curious that we keep meeting species with Federation-level technology. I mean, I know it has to be done for gameplay reasons, but I wonder what the Watsonian reasons are for this in-universe. Technology has been developing very rapidly - ships today can be built at least three times larger and more powerful than a century ago, and extrapolation and Star Trek canon suggests that this trend will continue for this century. So finding civilizations just on par with the Federation at just the right time is very ... coincidental.
Amusingly thanks to this quest when people capitalize it as O7 I think "WE CAN'T AFFORD THAT MANY OFFICERS FOR A MEMORIAL! YOU WILL REGRET THIS!"Why the 'o7' salutes? I don't think I've ever seen a hand-to-forhead in prime universe Trek. (Continue to) \V/, Enterprise.