History will Never Forget the Name
USS Enterprise
Excelsior-class Explorer
Since 2301...
+170 br
+190 sr
+95 rp
+5 sr/year
+25 Relations with Kadesh
+125 Relations with Seyek
+10 Relations with Qloath
+25 Relations with Gretarians
+50 Diplomacy with Amarki
+25 Relations with Orion
+25 Relations with Indoria
+25 Relations with Caitians
Caused direct affiliation of: Apiata, Risa, Gaeni
Discover Athos V research colony site
Gain Tagh Pakot Mining Colony option, +10 (15) sr/yr
Discover +20br/year colony option at Fenris IV
Gain new research colony: Yel'urulausu [+5 (6)rp/yr]
New Race Encountered: the Gaeni
New Race Encountered: the Amarki
New Race Encountered: the Cardassians
New Race Encountered: Apiata
New Race Encountered: Risa
New Race Encountered: the Qloath
New Race Encountered: the Dylaarians
New Race Encountered: the Ashidi
Participated in Battle of Kadesh, including acting as a Flagship for force, served with distinction
Participated in Battles of 33 Fujit
Destroyed CDF Lorgot
Disabled CDF Karnack
Participated in Kadak-Tor Crisis
Particpated in numerous skirmishes with Cardassia and affiliated forces
Flagship of Task Force 2, Licori Border Zone, during the Federation-Arcadian War
Participated in the Battle of Ixaria Approach, with distinction
Pursued the Mentate Betarre and the AIS Blank Slate through the temporal anomaly at Aga Carmide
Ship scuttled in order to allow her crew and the USS Lion to return to the present
Spearheaded the unthawing of Federation-Romulan relations
Broke Caitian-Dawiar war diplomatic deadlock
Enabled Treaty of Celos
Successfully Oversaw Amarkian Ratification
Successfully Oversaw Apinae Ratification
Fiiral Reformation Disaster averted
Did not cause temporal mayhem
Oversaw Betazoid Ratification
+1 Crew Rating
Crew Gained: Lieutenant Leaniss, +1 Presence
Reprimand for blowing up a moon...
Honour Roll
Captain John Harriman
Captain Nash ka'Sharren
Captain Maryam Ajam
Captain Samhaya Mrr'shan
Larai Leaniss
Diego Zaardmani
Pritya Asurva
Jolna Nu
Arthur Acheson
Robert Kenichi
Aaron Wolfe
Tisana Bessle
Lwaxana Nixa
Tiberius Kahurangi
Peter Woodruff
Dill chim Clunn
Sic transit gloria stellae