All Good Things (2310-2315, Enterprise, Courageous, Sarek)
Summary of Five Year Mission Results (2311-2315)

USS Enterprise


+25 with Kadesh
+125 Relations with Seyek
+10 Relations with Qloath
+25 Relations with Gretarians

New Race Encountered: the Dylaarians [50/100]
New Race Encountered: the Ashidi [50/100]

Enabled Treaty of Celos
Successfully Oversaw Apinae Ratification
Fiiral Reformation Disaster averted
Flagship of Task Force 2, Licori Border Zone, during the Federation-Arcadian War
Participated in the Battle of Ixaria Approach, with distinction

+1 Crew Rating

Pursued the Mentate Betarre and the AIS Blank Slate through the temporal anomaly at Aga Carmide
Ship scuttled in order to allow her crew and the USS Lion to return to the present

USS Courageous (2310-2314)


+4 Impact

+25 relations with Rigel
+10 with Gaeni
+10 with Licori
+25 Relations with Yan-Ros

Meet new Species: Yan-Ros, 75/100

Gain Colony Option, Lapycorias XII, +20 (25)br/yr
Yrillian Cooperation Gained

+1 Crew Rating

Heavily damaged by Mentat experiment in Agamedes system
McAdams to have High Politics Trait post-Captaincy

USS Sarek


+25 with Indoria

Crew Gained: T'Pirit
Crew Gained: Igata Nikelda, +1 S

Discover pre-warp civilisation near 15 Themis
Discovered New colony option: Kohl II, 25 (30)br / 25 (35) sr per year

Successfully oversaw Indorian Ratification
Flagship of Task Force 1, Licori Border Zone, during the Federation-Arcadian War
Participated in several battles during the Ixaria Campaign, incurring damage and serving with distinction
Averted deepening of Caldonian internal conflicts

Straak will have Medium Politics instead of Low Politics
I actually wonder if they aren't already involved in a major war of some sort with someone on their coreward front, it would explain why they haven't been seen down our way, and why they reacted so oddly if they really were trying to identify if we were friend or foe.

Of course the trick there is to figure out if we ran into the good guys or the bad guys first

Perhaps they are in a cold war with the Ferengi. That might explain their confusion at our friendly overtures, and not wanting to communicate until they held the advanatge.

They might have been burnt by being overly trusting of ther starfarers in the past, and now are very cautious of first contacts.
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USS Enterprise

USS Sarek
Discovered New colony option: Kohl II, 25 (30)br / 25 (35) sr per year

Crew Gained: T'Pirit
Crew Gained: Igata Nikelda, +1 S
Will T'Pirit stay on or follow Straak?

Straak will have Medium Politics instead of Low Politics
Did we ever get a commander profile on Straak?
Aren't the Obar corewards of the Honiani? Maybe they've had contact with this Commonwealth? It does make it less likely for them to be the Tauni's ex-overlord since both the Honiani and the Obar seem to be in the way between them.

The new update to the EC/Veteran ships list forgot Igata Nikelda's +1 S to the Sarek, forgot the Huascar's +1 P, and leaves out listings for several other effects that are applied.

I've updated my listing here with Straak's departure - just use that.
For all we know these are the Tauni overlords and they were wonder how much we knew until Courageous sat there big dumb and happy enough for them to assume that we have nothing on them. The Tauni might not have had a total defeat of an equalish power, perhaps they simply were able to declare independence and send the local occupation fleet back to base.

The Hounani are out that way too, the Dylaarians are perhaps odious in their morality and their Cardassian alliance, but they are not intrinsically militaristic or violent, the Yan-Ros barely even have warp independent of their allies.

It's.... something here bothers me and I can't put my finger on it.
It might be that Commonwealth is oftentimes used in reference to the former colonies of the British Empire. While they were under the control of Great Britain, they were known as Dominions.
Absolutely worst case scenario, "interstellar commonwealth" is adapted from "universal union," aka the fucking combine.

Probably not, though.

I think that might be part of my issue, honestly, this is a single species polity using such a broad and universal term for their single people. Like, it'd be like the European Union deciding to call itself the "GLOBAL DIRECTORATE" inexplicably. Even if it's a choice made totally innocently it is very offputting.

The UPF is a united federation of some planets, not THE GALACTIC FEDERATION. Even the Romulans, in all of their Hubris, merely style themselves as The Empire of the Romulan People, and not THE GLORIOUS HARBINGER OF UNIVERSAL ROMULAN SUPREMACY. It implies a lack of need for any other polity, for being distinguishable with others. And coming from a powerful single species polity obviously surrounded by other species it's Just A Tad Ominous.

EDIT: It'd be fine out of someone that had never encountered another space faring race before, and were new to space themselves, but a large empire in this area of space can't possibly take advantage of that leeway.
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It's also entirely possible, since nobody said, that their ships aren't nearly a match for an Excelsior and the fact we followed them home scared them.
I think that might be part of my issue, honestly, this is a single species polity using such a broad and universal term for their single people. Like, it'd be like the European Union deciding to call itself the "GLOBAL DIRECTORATE" inexplicably. Even if it's a choice made totally innocently it is very offputting.

The UPF is a united federation of some planets, not THE GALACTIC FEDERATION. Even the Romulans, in all of their Hubris, merely style themselves as The Empire of the Romulan People, and not THE GLORIOUS HARBINGER OF UNIVERSAL ROMULAN SUPREMACY. It implies a lack of need for any other polity, for being distinguishable with others. And coming from a powerful single species polity obviously surrounded by other species it's Just A Tad Ominous.
Then there is the possibility that they are actually a splinter from a much larger faction. Interstellar Commonwealth is likely derived from the Commonwealth of Nations, so if these are the colonies, where is the coloniser?
History Will Never Forget the Name - USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-B, 2293-2315
History will Never Forget the Name

USS Enterprise

Excelsior-class Explorer

Since 2301...

+170 br
+190 sr
+95 rp
+5 sr/year

+25 Relations with Kadesh
+125 Relations with Seyek
+10 Relations with Qloath
+25 Relations with Gretarians
+50 Diplomacy with Amarki
+25 Relations with Orion
+25 Relations with Indoria
+25 Relations with Caitians
Caused direct affiliation of: Apiata, Risa, Gaeni

Discover Athos V research colony site
Gain Tagh Pakot Mining Colony option, +10 (15) sr/yr
Discover +20br/year colony option at Fenris IV
Gain new research colony: Yel'urulausu [+5 (6)rp/yr]

New Race Encountered: the Gaeni
New Race Encountered: the Amarki
New Race Encountered: the Cardassians
New Race Encountered: Apiata
New Race Encountered: Risa
New Race Encountered: the Qloath
New Race Encountered: the Dylaarians
New Race Encountered: the Ashidi

Participated in Battle of Kadesh, including acting as a Flagship for force, served with distinction
Participated in Battles of 33 Fujit
Destroyed CDF Lorgot
Disabled CDF Karnack
Participated in Kadak-Tor Crisis
Particpated in numerous skirmishes with Cardassia and affiliated forces
Flagship of Task Force 2, Licori Border Zone, during the Federation-Arcadian War
Participated in the Battle of Ixaria Approach, with distinction
Pursued the Mentate Betarre and the AIS Blank Slate through the temporal anomaly at Aga Carmide
Ship scuttled in order to allow her crew and the USS Lion to return to the present

Spearheaded the unthawing of Federation-Romulan relations
Broke Caitian-Dawiar war diplomatic deadlock
Enabled Treaty of Celos
Successfully Oversaw Amarkian Ratification
Successfully Oversaw Apinae Ratification
Fiiral Reformation Disaster averted
Did not cause temporal mayhem
Oversaw Betazoid Ratification

+1 Crew Rating
Crew Gained: Lieutenant Leaniss, +1 Presence

Reprimand for blowing up a moon...

Honour Roll

Captain John Harriman
Captain Nash ka'Sharren
Captain Maryam Ajam
Captain Samhaya Mrr'shan

Larai Leaniss
Diego Zaardmani
Pritya Asurva
Jolna Nu
Arthur Acheson
Robert Kenichi
Aaron Wolfe
Tisana Bessle
Lwaxana Nixa
Tiberius Kahurangi
Peter Woodruff
Dill chim Clunn

Sic transit gloria stellae

I think that might be part of my issue, honestly, this is a single species polity using such a broad and universal term for their single people. Like, it'd be like the European Union deciding to call itself the "GLOBAL DIRECTORATE" inexplicably. Even if it's a choice made totally innocently it is very offputting.

The UPF is a united federation of some planets, not THE GALACTIC FEDERATION. Even the Romulans, in all of their Hubris, merely style themselves as The Empire of the Romulan People, and not THE GLORIOUS HARBINGER OF UNIVERSAL ROMULAN SUPREMACY. It implies a lack of need for any other polity, for being distinguishable with others. And coming from a powerful single species polity obviously surrounded by other species it's Just A Tad Ominous.

EDIT: It'd be fine out of someone that had never encountered another space faring race before, and were new to space themselves, but a large empire in this area of space can't possibly take advantage of that leeway.
Yeah, but if they have multiple systems under their control, "Interstellar" is entirely valid as a descriptor.
And "Commonwealth", while in our RL context pretty much only being British, is a pretty generic term.

I mean, it's not I guess "the best name". But it doesn't come off as any more ominous than anything else?
History will Never Forget the Name

USS Enterprise

Excelsior-class Explorer

Since 2301...

+170 br
+190 sr
+95 rp
+5 sr/year

+25 Relations with Kadesh
+125 Relations with Seyek
+10 Relations with Qloath
+25 Relations with Gretarians
+50 Diplomacy with Amarki
+25 Relations with Orion
+25 Relations with Indoria
+25 Relations with Caitians
Caused direct affiliation of: Apiata, Risa, Gaeni

Discover Athos V research colony site
Gain Tagh Pakot Mining Colony option, +10 (15) sr/yr
Discover +20br/year colony option at Fenris IV
Gain new research colony: Yel'urulausu [+5 (6)rp/yr]

New Race Encountered: the Gaeni
New Race Encountered: the Amarki
New Race Encountered: the Cardassians
New Race Encountered: Apiata
New Race Encountered: Risa
New Race Encountered: the Qloath
New Race Encountered: the Dylaarians
New Race Encountered: the Ashidi

Participated in Battle of Kadesh, including acting as a Flagship for force, served with distinction
Participated in Battles of 33 Fujit
Destroyed CDF Lorgot
Disabled CDF Karnack
Participated in Kadak-Tor Crisis
Particpated in numerous skirmishes with Cardassia and affiliated forces
Flagship of Task Force 2, Licori Border Zone, during the Federation-Arcadian War
Participated in the Battle of Ixaria Approach, with distinction
Pursued the Mentate Betarre and the AIS Blank Slate through the temporal anomaly at Aga Carmide
Ship scuttled in order to allow her crew and the USS Lion to return to the present

Spearheaded the unthawing of Federation-Romulan relations
Broke Caitian-Dawiar war diplomatic deadlock
Enabled Treaty of Celos
Successfully Oversaw Amarkian Ratification
Successfully Oversaw Apinae Ratification
Fiiral Reformation Disaster averted
Did not cause temporal mayhem
Oversaw Betazoid Ratification

+1 Crew Rating
Crew Gained: Lieutenant Leaniss, +1 Presence

Reprimand for blowing up a moon...

Honour Roll

Captain John Harriman
Captain Nash ka'Sharren
Captain Maryam Ajam
Captain Samhaya Mrr'shan

Larai Leaniss
Diego Zaardmani
Pritya Asurva
Jolna Nu
Arthur Acheson
Robert Kenichi
Aaron Wolfe
Tisana Bessle
Lwaxana Nixa
Tiberius Kahurangi
Peter Woodruff
Dill chim Clunn

Sic transit gloria stellae

Godspeed, USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B.
You are gone, but will never be forgotten.
Your legacy will live on in the lives saved and lives changed, in the memories made.
Your name will be born anew, to sail the stars once more.

o7 o7 o7 o7 o7
And "Commonwealth", while in our RL context pretty much only being British, is a pretty generic term.
Isn't Virginia still a Commonwealth? Also there was the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth as well. Even in the British context I thought of Cromwell's Commonwealth before the Commonwealth of Nations when I read the term.
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