Bridge Transcript, USS Atuin, Stardate 25821.4 - Captain Vol Chad
[Yan-Ros Ranger Team 37 Leader Rinidy] Starfleet, perfect! We really need you guys to help deal with a major threat to the galaxy that our Honiani friends have identified.
[Captain Vol Chad] If there is a threat out there, we're happy to work together to protect the innocents of both our people. What do you require?
[Rinidy] Oh, it's easy, no big thing.
[Capt Vol Chad] Anything specific, Ranger?
[Rinidy] You just kinda need to get eaten.
[Capt Vol Chad] I need to get eaten?
[Rinidy] You? Don't be silly, that wouldn't help. I mean your ship.
[Capt Vol Chad] ...maybe you should dock your runabout and come discuss this with us.
Captain's Log, USS Cheron, Stardate 25821.7
Passing cargo ships are reported a standoff between two Yrillian carryall not far from the border by Vega, and we responded. After discovering that there was an inter-clan dispute that was devolving quickly, we offered to mediate for them, and were able to successfully bring about an amicable resolution.
[Gain +10pp, +25 with Yrillians]
Captain's Log, USS Stargazer, Stardate 25822.1
Fleet Command has detached us to investigate subspace wakes being picked up on long range sensors. Ideally, we can encounter some new faces who are less interested in trying to finagle the decking out from under our feet.
Captain's Log, USS Kearsage, Stardate 25822.4
Subspace comms have been lit up like wildfire. A Gretarian colony world is experiencing a terrible pandemic. After receiving clearance from the Rear Admiral, we are crossing over to render aid. Needless to say, this is potentially a massive moment for testing the Treaty of Celos, and an in for approaching the Gretarians, and potentially even the Sydraxians.
Captain's Log, USS Odyssey, Stardate 25822.9
After returning to exploratory missions, we have encountered what appears to be a useful pocket of starship quality duranium. However, it appears to be currently locked into a naturally occurring quantum bubble. We are endeavouring to find and collapse the source.
[Gain +25br]
Captain's Log, USS Valiant, Stardate 25823.4
A powerful electron-flux has been discovered deep within the Parthenon IV gas giant. Our science officers haven't seen its like, but we believe we are close to unlocking its causes. The current leading theory is that the convection near the 'soupy' core between two material layers is leading to the energy field.
[Gain +10rp]
Captain's Log, USS Atuin, Stardate 25824.2
Apparently the crystal cosmozoa that we have been encountering recently has a big daddy macrocosmozoa out there. And when I say macro I mean this thing is the biggest single entity Starfleet has ever encountered, including the Doomsday cosmozoa. And its sailing at low-warp out of the core, passing towards local space. Right, well. Cracked, hare-brained schemes may be better than no scheme at all. Maybe we can slow it down long enough for Starfleet to summon a task force.
Captain's Log, USS Stargazer, Stardate 25824.5
We have met a bombastic but friendly species known as the Tofii. Noted for their all over fawn-coloured fur and longer ears. On our recommendation, Fleet Command is bringing the fleet to their homeworld of Peri, and we hope to have our rest proper relaxation since the start of our voyage. I know my family is looking forward to some time on solid ground.
[Gain +10pp]
Captain's Log, USS Kearsage, Stardate 25825.1
We are well on the way to producing a vaccine but ... our public affairs have not gone to plan. Hostility between ourselves and a Hasque captained by what Starfleet Intelligence tells me is an old Red hardliner, has scared the Gretarians. Our efforts towards a cure are still helping however, and we are not losing ground. I am afraid that an opportunity may have been lost here.
[Gain +10rp, +5 relations with Gretarians]
Bridge Transcript, USS Atuin, Stardate 25826.3
[Helm] We're through the maw, Captain.
[Capt Vol Chad] Alright, Tactical, stand by to begin phaser drill on the interior dorsal plate.
[Tactical] Ready, Captain.
[Capt Vol Chad] Ranger Rinidy, we're about to begin, we should have a large enough hole for your runabout to push through shortly.
[Ranger Rinidy] Great! My team is ready to go, we'll fight through the internal defences and isolate the nervous system junctions within thirty minutes.
[Capt Vol Chad] And not a minute more, or our shield won't be able to hold back these digestive forces.
[Ranger Rinidy] Tch, don't sound like such a grumpy old man.
Captain's Log, USS Atuin, Stardate 25827.4
So that happened.
I'm not sure how well I can explain what 'that' was, however. A terribly dangerous threat has been neutralised via ... I think unorthodox surgery is the best term I can come up with. With the help of Yan-Ros Rangers and a Honiani runabout team with nerves of woznium alloy, we we now have a chance to investigate these creature and maybe find out what has been happening here.
[Gain +10rp, +25 relations with Yan-Ros, +10 relations with Honiani]