- Pronouns
- They/Them
Look, if Nash can learn to deal with Leaniss' two-person marriage traditions she in turn can learn to deal with Nash's four-person marriage traditions.
Why would an opportunistic, pragmatic Romulan accept an honorable sword duel?When the Redclaw entered orbit the Beast challenged the captain to an honorable sword duel on the surface, and he was so dumb he actually accepted.
Why would an opportunistic, pragmatic Romulan accept an honorable sword duel?
Clearly they need to compromise on a three-person marriage so everyone is unhappy. Nash/Leaniss/Velim!Look, if Nash can learn to deal with Leaniss' two-person marriage traditions she in turn can learn to deal with Nash's four-person marriage traditions.
Clearly they need to compromise on a three-person marriage so everyone is unhappy. Nash/Leaniss/Velim!
Actually, the Gems might be interesting as a race. If it's the original empire, then they'd probably function best as an independent power, as I don't see the Diamonds bowing to anyone except maybe another Diamond, and that's a pretty massive long-shot. A Crystal Gems governed Gem species would be perfect for the Federation, and likely chafe under the Cardassians. You could have it be that Rose rebelled after coming to the conclusion the Diamonds' rule was oppressive after one too many native species exterminated, and the Cardassians agreed to help put down the revolution in return for affiliation leading to the Crystal Gems fleeing Gem space and seeking refuge in Federation space, or maybe just have the revolution be successful with Gem space too far from the Cardassians to be interfered with to any large extent.
As for relative technology bases and physiology, the Gems would soundly trounce anyone who wasn't a Yan-Ros in ground combat assuming equal numbers and tactics, but their ships put pretty much everything into the Warp drive and durability, serving more like large fighters than capital ships as the rest of the Alpha Quadrant uses them.
As they are basically holograms with mass except for the gem, neither Biophage conversion nor Borg assimilation are particularly effective. The latter would require massive redesign, and the former requires direct contact with the gemstone (which most Gems would avoid at all costs) and even then the process is fairly slow.
It's the internet.
I'm assuming you just want the wargames stuff?
In which case:
Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) | Page 2002 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.9.2
Task: WG
[ ][WG] WG A 2v2 with any Ships, including member world ships - 2 modern Catian Swarmers vs 2 Stingers
No. of Votes: 14
[ ][WG] A Fleet Battle (Cost 2pp/Explorer, 1pp/Cruiser, 1pp/2 Escorts)
-[ ]Goal: Improve coordination between Federation GBZ forces against Cardassians (some tactical bonus of some sort?)
-[ ] "Union" side: Hebrinda [Hebrinda-A, Kaldar analog] + Republic [Connie-B, Jaldun analog] + Challorn [blooded Constellation, Combat Takaaki analog] + Yukikaze [blooded Centaur-A in neighboring Apinae sector, Combat Takaaki analog] - totals C18 H12 L16
-[ ] "Confederation" side: Abhriec [Riala] + Telzziadriz [Little Queenship] + Gerzzi [Stinger] + Triada [Stinger] - totals C18 H9 L20
-[ ]Cost: 1*2 explorer, 3*1 cruisers, 4/2 frigate (treating Challorn as a frigate since it's being used as one here) = 7pp
No. of Votes: 13
[X][WG] WG A 2v2 with any Ships, including member world ships - 2 modern Catian Swarmers vs 2 Indorian Large Escorts
No. of Votes: 1
Ok, seriously. Why?
As Ibmaian pointed out, Swarmer vs Stinger is a one-sided slaughter that we don't learn anything from.
Doing nothing would have been more productive than Swarmer vs Stinger.
Except doing nothing wouldn't have been a waste of 2pp.
If people wanted nothing, they should've voted for nothing because those count for two votes each.
NEW Acquire additional resources for Starfleet Intelligence Operations, 20pp (Will improve ops teams next time they are required)
Indoria is very near the Cardassian border (if I read the map correctly). Why would a starbase there, when we expect a hot war soonish, be wasted?I still think that with the GBZ base so near and the extreme likelihood of the Seyek joining soon and bringing their own starbase with them that is a somewhat uncessary fortfication that is unlikely to do much for our supply or command infrastracture in the region.
There are three Cardassian outposts in the GBZ?That also seems far from a pressing matter to me. We also significantly strengthened the Intelligence option and I don't see it becoming very relevant or useful anytime soon.
Do we have a good location in the KBZ to build a Starbase? If not, we should hold off until the Caledonians get ratified. Plus if we're building on a homeworld maybe we won't get the borderzone pp penalty.
I still think that with the GBZ base so near and the extreme likelihood of the Seyek joining soon and bringing their own starbase with them that is a somewhat uncessary fortfication that is unlikely to do much for our supply or command infrastracture in the region.
That also seems far from a pressing matter to me. We also significantly strengthened the Intelligence option and I don't see it becoming very relevant or useful anytime soon.
Indoria is also at the Cardassian border, we can build a starbase now because of the GBZ treaty, and if there's a war starbases can support repairs.It's more the idea that every home world should eventually be protected by a Starbase, no matter if there's already a Starbase in the same sector. They can execute their C&C functions across a sector, but they only add defensive firepower to the system they're actually in.