Where do you see conflicts?

You mean, aside from anon_user? It certainly conflicts with my image of Chen. I suspect very few people's image of her said Augment anywhere and she's been around for two thousand pages to get that image fixed. People have had a very long time to decide what Patricia Chen is for themselves.
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You mean, aside from anon_user? It certainly conflicts with my image of Chen. I suspect very few people's image of her said Augment anywhere and she's been around for two thousand pages to get that image fixed. People have had a very long time to decide what Patricia Chen is for themselves.

You seem to have a very specific idea of what "an augment" means, whereas I left it very open-ended. Maybe she just has the equivalent of 20 extra IQ points, which hardly even stands out among the best-of-the-best in Starfleet. Being worked on by some cut-rate Orion black market doctor don't make her Khan... unless someone else wants to make it so. It doesn't have to affect whatever vision you might have of her personality, not that anyone has bothered defining her personality in any omake I can find.

The real consequence is that it opens up the possibility for a problem occurring down that line that would have to be resolved, but oh well. The QM will use it or he won't.
While true, the first joint op we saw with a Romulan ship in the entire Star Trek canon wasn't until late TNG and there was a level of active antagonism with them well into DS9, c.f. their trying to screw Bajor. We have definitely reached at least 0.5 Hendersons of plot derailment on the Romulan front and a localized 1 Henderson on several episodes of TNG and DS9.
I think that goes to show just how scary the biophage is. You had all three powers working together without issue.
You seem to have a very specific idea of what "an augment" means, whereas I left it very open-ended. Maybe she just has the equivalent of 20 extra IQ points, which hardly even stands out among the best-of-the-best in Starfleet. Being worked on by some cut-rate Orion black market doctor don't make her Khan... unless someone else wants to make it so. It doesn't have to affect whatever vision you might have of her personality, not that anyone has bothered defining her personality in any omake I can find.

The real consequence is that it opens up the possibility for a problem occurring down that line that would have to be resolved, but oh well. The QM will use it or he won't.

Yes, and its notable that the Orions - even rich Orions - aren't a race of omnicompetent supergeniuses. Chen's augs might just put her on the same level as half the orions (and gaeni) in Starfleet.
Could the klingons have blown up their own stations to eradicate the inflictor and not told anyone?
Seven Events... and it's only month one. My the quest has grown.

I hope poor Straak doesn't get another diplomatic mission for the last official Captain's Log of his second Five Year Mission.

Just wait until we have the event increasing research from Forward Defense done...

Speaking of, @OneirosTheWriter would you be open to a brainstorming session here or in the SDB to fill out what our Offensive Doctrine will be? I know we've gotten points for Base Strike and Decisive Battle already, and iirc we have a team opening up for Offensive Doctrine soon.
Subspace Communique to Task Force 6, Gabriel Border Zone
From: USS Voshov, Captain Sulu

Commodore ka'Sharren, pardon the intrusion. I thought you should know a Romulan Admiral Velim passed on her regards.
Subspace Communique, to USS Voshov, Captain Sulu
From: Task Force 6, Gabriel Border Zone

Appreciated, Captain, give her my regards in return. If she ever wants another spar, tell her to send me a message, care of Starbase 11.

Clearly we need to maintain Federation/Romulan peace if only so Nash can court Velim without worrying too much.
After talks on Athos V, the Romulan Senate as authorised consisting of ourselves, the Cloudburst and Inspire to patrol the Romulan side of the neutral zone, as their own forces are too spread thin with conflict with the Klingons to successfully do so

Pretty sure the sentence, as it stands now, makes very little sense.

After talks on Athos V, the Romulan Senate has authorised a fleet consisting of ourselves, the Cloudburst and Inspire to patrol the Romulan side of the neutral zone, as their own forces are too spread thin with conflict with the Klingons to successfully do so.

In any event, with the initial vector recognised, and the rest of our sweep clear, we will be escorted back towards the Neutral Zone, with the appreciation of the Romulan Senate.
Excellent, that biophage appearance was caught nice and early before it could get really bad :)

We can only hope. the Redclaw got infected *somehow* wile supposedly irradiating the infected wreck. that bears looking into.

This still doesn't answer the question of what happened to that listening pots on the Klingon-Federation border. After all the biophaged bird of pray was found along the Romulan--Federation border. This suggests to me that there is at least one more biophage ship out there.

Maybe STL ships? or Trojan horses of some sort? or, worse, the biofage has improved its misdirection and maskirovka skills and we are only seeing part of the event, the part it wants us to see.

'Living, sentient rocks? Never thought I'd see the day...'

like the Horta, you mean?

Big Bird from Sesame Street?

What could possibly go wrong? :D

Just what is going on with the Cats shipping crews?

My guess is that some Cat cartel is trying to fill the void left by the Orion Syndicate but is moving too far too quickly.

'Living, sentient rocks? Never thought I'd see the day...'

But we already have th Horta.

Straak is dismayed when his last mission in the EC turns out to be a first contact event, but his disappointment turns to joy when they turn out to be...

Aren't those guys an existential threat to organic life or somesuch?
Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 25792.5

We have rescued the loyal crew members who were largely confined to the brig. I must confess, when the leader of the mutiny informed me that I had no right to interfere as they were a sovereign starship now, I was so confused by the logic that I nearly failed to act in time. As it was, we were able to bypass the shields after we made contact with a loyalist loose within the ship. After that it was a relatively simple process to secure the ship.

I see even in the future those fuckers are still alive. :(

Subspace Communique to Task Force 6, Gabriel Border Zone
From: USS Voshov, Captain Sulu

Commodore ka'Sharren, pardon the intrusion. I thought you should know a Romulan Admiral Velim passed on her regards.

Subspace Communique, to USS Voshov, Captain Sulu
From: Task Force 6, Gabriel Border Zone

Appreciated, Captain, give her my regards in return. If she ever wants another spar, tell her to send me a message, care of Starbase 11.

Oh, my.~