There is one way that fighters could work in trek. If we encounter a race who, like the Kadeshi with their Homeworld replicators, have a very different tech base than us in a certain area. Specifically, propulsion.

In real life, aircraft carriers are a thing because planes are much faster than ships. For most Trek factions, bigger ships are also faster ships, but we could conceivably meet someone for whom the opposite is true. If their ship size is inversely correlated with speed, then they would use fighters for the same reason modern navies do.

Like, if they figured out how to miniaturize Warp engines to roughly the size of a car engine, at the cost of mass having an increased effect on the speed of the vessel?
There is one way that fighters could work in trek. If we encounter a race who, like the Kadeshi with their Homeworld replicators, have a very different tech base than us in a certain area. Specifically, propulsion.

In real life, aircraft carriers are a thing because planes are much faster than ships. For most Trek factions, bigger ships are also faster ships, but we could conceivably meet someone for whom the opposite is true. If their ship size is inversely correlated with speed, then they would use fighters for the same reason modern navies do.

Say, a polity that figured out how to harness subspace currents or some other technobullshit might prefer small ships. Basically, their FTL drive or its power source would be separate from the ship itself, hopefully not some mega-ship or mega-structure like a bigass sail but some in-built part of the universe. I could see such a polity favoring smaller ships.
Weapons-only have one working there
Shields-only have one working there
Propulsion-only have one working there
Starbase Design-only one have one working there

One of teams need to be offensive doctrine as well for when we start there.
I don't think there's a way to model it on the design sheet, but I did toy a bit with modifying a copy where you replace torpedos with 'hangar bays' that sort of act like combat sensors -- they split thier effect between C and D, are quite heavy, and also suck up a lot of officers and enlisted. The idea is the fighters help with combat, but because they are wide-ranging they also contribute more generally to reaction.

I think it would work because it's very abstracted but at the same time, you'd probably not model casualties all the well unless the hangar made it more likely to take critical hits in that regard.
I'm not Nix but we could use Starbase, Defensive Doctrine, Shields, and a second Offensive Doctrine team given that our first is likely to be used on Weapons for a long time.

I believe Nix wanted:
Starbase / Defensive Doctrine
Shields / Any
Starbase / Any

And I want:
Offensive Doctrine / Any

Those are all in addition to the Weapons / Offensive Doctrine team. Personally I would rate a second Offensive Doctrine team highly, as it lets us get started on an opening Offensive Doctrine tech, but that may be better served with a Generic Team as the tech will be 50 points in a single slide and the offensive team to take advantage of that can be delayed until it's finished. On the other hand, a Defensive Doctrine team will immediately be working on a multi-slide tech.
Don't forgot Starfleet Tactical Command - Games & Theory Division has Offensive Doctrine as a choice and is already skill 4. And once we finish lone Ranger Cdr Kuznetsova's Tiger Teamwill move to Foreign Analysis and free up Games and Theory for Offensive.
Weapons-only have one working there
Shields-only have one working there
Propulsion-only have one working there
Starbase Design-only one have one working there

One of teams need to be offensive doctrine as well for when we start there.

1. Weapons / Offensive Doctrine
2. Starbase Design / Defensive Doctrine
3. Offensive Doctrine / Propulsion

Something like that? The combinations make sense together and can be directed correctly.
My understanding is that the W/OD team is headed to Weapons, the SD/DD team is headed to more Forward Defense research, and OD/Prop would be for starting an Offensive Doctrine. We don't have any emergency Propulsion or Starbase needs, rather, we want to reach hallmark Weapons techs and start / finish doctrines.

Unsure when Shields or another Starbase team comes in but we do want them eventually.

Don't forgot Starfleet Tactical Command - Games & Theory Division has Offensive Doctrine as a choice and is already skill 4. And once we finish lone Ranger Cdr Kuznetsova's Tiger Teamwill move to Foreign Analysis and free up Games and Theory for Offensive.

Offensive Doctrine (the draft anyway) is really good. There are even slides we'll eventually want in multiple types of doctrine. In addition, we aren't planning to use the upcoming Weapons / Offensive Doctrine team on Offensive Doctrine for several years. Having two ready teams for OD will let us actually open it and start grabbing up landmark bonuses.

Out of those I'm thinking Starbase/Defensive Doctrine, because I can see us profitably switching back and forth between the two.

As the Weapons team is not going to be available for Offensive Doctrine for some time, a second Offensive Doctrine team would not be amiss.
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I'm not Nix but we could use Starbase, Defensive Doctrine, Shields, and a second Offensive Doctrine team given that our first is likely to be used on Weapons for a long time.

I believe Nix wanted:
Starbase / Defensive Doctrine
Shields / Any
Starbase / Any

And I want:
Offensive Doctrine / Any

Those are all in addition to the Weapons / Offensive Doctrine team. Personally I would rate a second Offensive Doctrine team highly, as it lets us get started on an opening Offensive Doctrine tech, but that may be better served with a Generic Team as the tech will be 50 points in a single slide and the offensive team to take advantage of that can be delayed until it's finished. On the other hand, a Defensive Doctrine team will immediately be working on a multi-slide tech.
Note that the Games & Theory division should become available for researching the root node of our first offensive doctrine by 2317 (both the currently researched techs in Cardassian Research and The Mission Unending should complete next year) and should complete it in 2320 (could be accelerated by one year with 3 boosts, worth of doing so somewhat questionable given alternatives). A new skill 2 team starting in 2316 would take until 2321 (can be accelerated by 1 year with 1 boost), so the main effect of recruiting an additional offensive doctrine team would be to keep two teams in foreign analysis. This is assuming no admiral bonus to offensive doctrine nor any event bonus, any such bonus would be relatively likely to make both options finish in the same year.
Note that the Games & Theory division should become available for researching the root node of our chosen offensive doctrine by 2317 (both the currently researched techs in Cardassian Research and The Mission Unending should complete next year) and should complete it in 2320 (could be accelerated by one year with 3 boosts, worth of doing so somewhat questionable given alternatives). A new skill 2 team starting in 2316 would take until 2321 (can be accelerated by 1 year with 1 boost), so the main effect of recruiting an additional offensive doctrine team would be to keep two teams in foreign analysis. This is assuming no admiral bonus to offensive doctrine nor any event bonus, any such bonus would be relatively likely to make both options finish in the same year.

The year they finish the opening slide we could use a second team, no?
Out of those I'm thinking Starbase/Defensive Doctrine, because I can see us profitably switching back and forth between the two.
The starbase techs are so stupidly expensive that once we start working on them, I wouldn't expect us to want any delays in continuing the research. Even as it is we're deterred from trying to develop starbase technology because of the huge up-front costs, after all.
1. Weapons / Offensive Doctrine
2. Starbase Design / Defensive Doctrine
3. Offensive Doctrine / Propulsion

Something like that? The combinations make sense together and can be directed correctly.
My understanding is that the W/OD team is headed to Weapons, the SD/DD team is headed to more Forward Defense research, and OD/Prop would be for starting an Offensive Doctrine. We don't have any emergency Propulsion or Starbase needs, rather, we want to reach hallmark Weapons techs and start / finish doctrines.

Unsure when Shields or another Starbase team comes in but we do want them eventually.

Offensive Doctrine (the draft anyway) is really good. There are even slides we'll eventually want in multiple types of doctrine. In addition, we aren't planning to use the upcoming Weapons / Offensive Doctrine team on Offensive Doctrine for several years. Having two ready teams for OD will let us actually open it and start grabbing up landmark bonuses.

As the Weapons team is not going to be available for Offensive Doctrine for some time, a second Offensive Doctrine team would not be amiss.
Yes we need two, not three offensive doctrine teams. Games and Theory should be one of them. A second Defensive team to go with starbase would work well, and offensive/propulsion also works. Not sure what to team up with Weapons though.
The year they finish the opening slide we could use a second team, no?
Yes, that was the idea behind going for a weapons/offensive team. With the event bonus to torpedo development it's not quite as optimal a fit as it previously looked like, though. A skill 2 team would complete 2310s Torpedo Development in 2319, which is a year too early for a switchover unless we boost 3 times or get a significant bonus for the offensive root node. On the other hand event bonuses seem fairly likely, particularly if we do war games tailored to the doctrine, so there is a good chance it won't be a problem.
Personally, I'd think that a polity would have to have specific set of techs to have starfighters be viable in Star Trek. Here's what I am thinking
Honestly I don't think it's worth the effort to make fighters fit into the setting. Fighters have never been a natural fit for Star Trek's core "Wagon Train to the Stars" concept. "Torpedo boat" ships like the Defiant and the Jem'Hadar bug are about as far as you can really push the concept before it becomes kind of... alien to the setting.

Eh... In hindsight Corvettes make more sense for Trek than fightercraft.

Ships like the Normandy from Mass Effect, Franklin & Defiant from Star Trek, and Rocinante from The Expanse.

Or swarms of expendable drones like the Protoss.

The Biophage made extensive use of cloaked suicide shuttles. Ramming with shuttles was also a tactic used by the Orion Syndicate. So there you go.

And Krall's drones from Star Trek Beyond.
Overall we probably don't need to recruit more than two teams this year. We can make pretty good use of any excess rp during the next two years with boosts and after that we have a number of new members coming up to recruit new teams from for free. The two teams we recruit directly we can pick the specializations for as planned, and then we pick whatever free teams have at least one specialization matching our wish list, that way we don't have to worry what the second specialization of our next shield team should be, we just pick a shield team and use it (mostly) as such.
Yes, that was the idea behind going for a weapons/offensive team. With the event bonus to torpedo development it's not quite as optimal a fit as it previously looked like, though. A skill 2 team would complete 2310s Torpedo Development in 2319, which is a year too early for a switchover unless we boost 3 times or get a significant bonus for the offensive root node. On the other hand event bonuses seem fairly likely, particularly if we do war games tailored to the doctrine, so there is a good chance it won't be a problem.

The thing with the Weapons / Offensive Doctrine team is that we have a massive list of Weapons techs we want:
Working on T2 Torpedoes / Burst Launchers
T3 Primitive Phaser Arrays and T4 Production Phaser Arrays (a total of 140 points in single slides...)
T3 Penetrating Nadions
T3 Torpedo Tracking
And continuous work all the way up to T5 on things like shield burn-through, Quantum Torpedoes, and Secondary Phasers.

Any team we put on Weapons, it will be tempting to leave there forever. There's a LOT to research. If we swap the Weapons/Offensive team over to Offensive Doctrine, we'll pretty much immediately want another Weapons team.

Meanwhile Offensive Doctrine isn't much better, there are 10 attack patterns or combat maneuvers between the three doctrines. We don't need them all, but the really good ones are in different doctrines and we should probably get a selection eventually.

The short of it is we might end up buying a team in 2319/2320 anyway to replace the Weapons team we shifted, so we're basically picking if it's Weapons/Offensive now and Weapons later or Weapons/Something Else now and Offensive later. IDK what's better but I'm not comfortable with only one team in Weapons given all the crazy techs there.

e: Or teams from new members, good point.
Yes, that was the idea behind going for a weapons/offensive team. With the event bonus to torpedo development it's not quite as optimal a fit as it previously looked like, though. A skill 2 team would complete 2310s Torpedo Development in 2319, which is a year too early for a switchover unless we boost 3 times or get a significant bonus for the offensive root node. On the other hand event bonuses seem fairly likely, particularly if we do war games tailored to the doctrine, so there is a good chance it won't be a problem.

Right now we have 20/50 in Base Strike, and per this post we should have gotten a bonus to Decisive Battle, though it doesn't seem to have been properly updated in the Research Mega post.

Bonuses Unlocked During the Year
To Sensors - from Events - 2330s Torpedo Homing Sensors
To Shields - from Battle Review - 2320s Deflector Shields
To Armour - from Battle Review - 2320s Starship Safety
To Medical - from high casualties during the year - 2320s Trauma Medicine, 2320s Field Medicine
To Weapons - from Quantum Torpedo Tests - Quantum Torpedo Theory Work
To Weapons - from Battle Experience - Phaser and Torpedo Development
To Base Strike and Decisive Battle Doctrines - From Wartime Experience
To Computing - from Mipek - Automated Ship Systems

EDIT: My point being that how long it takes to unlock the Offensive Doctrine will depend on which one we picked.
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It's possible that the Redclaw engaged the Skegal and shot it down, taking some damage in the process and losing their shields. This may have then resulted in an infection or resulted in the Skegal's transporters being used to beam in infection after she crashed. The problem is you would think that our fleet would recognize signs of a recent battle.

We'll know the results of the roll just before we have to vote.

could be, but 'd rather not bet on it. the Redclaw seemed to half irradiate the Skegal before succumbing. so that doesn't quite match.
And the Biofage seemed capable of learning and deception (like with the comms from the colonist it ate)
Perhaps we should see if we can get a Skill 3 Weapons-only team like we did for Medical?
Oneiros said that was an exception because it fit the organizational structure so well. Perhaps we can recruit higher skill single specialization teams from new members, though. After all one such option was where we got the idea from in the first place.
The next wave of new members is only a few years away, and we should be getting some new teams then.

I personally want a Geani team that does "Normal Tech" as a special racial thing. Possibly with a 'Short attention span' limit that makes them change sub-field every time they finish something ;)
We should totally recruit a Gaeni Warp Technology team and put them on 2320 Warp Core: Safety. It'd be glorious.
Gaeni starbase technology: It's actually quite comfy, well-appointed, and reliable, but there are unnecessary spikes and Tesla coils all over the place and all the blueprints have "OF DOOOOM!!" appended onto the end of just about every noun in the entire structure.
We should totally recruit a Gaeni Warp Technology team and put them on 2320 Warp Core: Safety. It'd be glorious.

Well there was one Captains Log where the Gaeni were right about the number of safety features on the Star Fleet Warp Core actually causing the problem.
Though there were far more where we had to save a Gaeni vessel from their own runaway core ....