So That Happened
The bridge of the Atuin was silent, every officer was still, most of them staring off into thie distance. Ozzgrizzira idly tapped away at the ops console, from which the triumphant hoots and shouts of Ranger Team 37 were being piped in, the crystalline entity on the viewscreen vibrating in what Chad could only assume was agony. It was a hard thing to witness.
Harder still was what they had seen earlier inside of the beast, lightning-forked digestive energy crackling off their shields and hull, needle-like microcosmozoa battering against them, the piercing sing-scratching of their frantic efforts to open up the Atuin coming from all around.
Even T'Arvit was silent, idly tapping away at a PADD while her eyes occasionally darted to look at the creature. The only person on the bridge who didn't look like they'd just slapped Death in the face was Liacross, who was leaning back in his chair, hands entwined behind his head, jaw working as he chewed gum. "Hey Khiwoulo," he said, grinning, "Hey."
Khiwoulo turned towards him, blinking slowly as she idly powered down phasers, "Yes?"
"I just want you to remember this next time you're like, 'Hey, Cyaug Rigellians could probably take Yan-Ros.'"
Khiwoulo scratched the scales on her snout. In her mind's eye she remembered the image of a Yan-Ros, standing on the back of a Honiani runabout, swatting away crystalline shards as long as her and sharper that anything previously encountered. "Yeah. Fair."
Liacross smugly blew a bubble towards the Rigellian woman and then flailed as Quessa leaned over and popped it with a swipe of her claws, the pinkish substance covering his face.
"I'm trying to think what I'm going to call this part of my memoir," Chad mused, as the blue-haired Yan-Ros flopped to the floor behind him, "Chapter 18: That Time My Ship Was Useless? Or, maybe The Tale of How I Helped A Bunch of Kids Spit In The Face of God."
"This entity hardly qualifies as a deity," T'Arvit said, picking up a small teacup and taking a slightly haughty sip.
"Vulcans have criteria for that?" Chad said, turning to look at her. She just raised an eyebrow in response. "Alright, fair enough. Don't even know why I'm surprised."
Chad stood up and walked to his readyroom. He returned with a dark green bottle and a handful of tumblers. Silently, he went to each station and poured his bridge officers a finger of a purplish substance, leaving Liacross' on an armrest as the Yan-Ros struggled with the gum stuck to his face. When he got to T'Arvit, she just held out her teacup, and he poured it straight in.
"Right." Chad said, as he officers drank in silence, "Well at least that's--"
"Hey!" The audio feed from the rangers cut him off, "Hey, Old Man! Put us on video!" Chad nodded at Ozzgrizzira, and soon Rinidy's face filled the viewscreen. "What's up? So, I was looking through your profile during the mission--"
"She found time in the midst of the operation? Sheer insanity," Quessa whispered.
"--And it says you ran a party ship. I'm thinking, given our pretty major success here, we probably deserve a party. I mean, all of us, you were an important part too." She crossed her arms, "You gotta host it though, the Honiani are nice but not always very um, extroverted. We go pretty hard though, you think you're up to it?"
Chad tilted his head down, sighing dramatically, "Oh," he said, wistfully, "I am afraid since I became an explorer corps Captain my skills might have atrophied. I can barely keep up with young, bright, energetic people like you."
"Oh." Rinidy said, appearing to deflate somewhat, "I was hoping the legend would match up. Oh well. If we have to run most of it, that's fine. I guess we'll see! Rinity out."
As soon as the screen clicked off Chad was on his feet, a dangerous gleam in his eyes. He turned to Ops, "Ozzy--"
"I was dispatching spacers to collect the kegs during your conversation, Captain," Ozzgrizzira reported.
"Good. Khiwoulo, you're on setup duty! Volleyball and Springball, Cargo Bay 2, on the double!" The Rigellian rose from their consoles and trundled off.
"Liacross--" He began, tilting his head, "Liacross, is that gum still on your face?"
"It's really sticky!" He muttered, tearing only small chunks away from his face.
Quessa snickered, "That's because I convinced Lieutenant Canroi to work some Caldonian sorcery and synthesize that with stronger adhesive."
"Nice move." Liacross laughed, then whined as he stripped off more of the supergum, angry red skin underneath.
Chad sighed, "Get him down to Engineering and have Canroi take that off, I need you two on bar prep, stat!" The Seyek leaned down and cradled the Yan-Ros man in her arms before slithering off. Chad turned to his right, "T'Arvit!"
The Vulcan raised an eyebrow.
"Go down and greet our guests. Keep them busy so we can get everything just right."
T'Arvit tucked her PADD under her arm, "Yes, Captain." She paused, "And I will organize the most effective teams from our crew."
Chad grinned at her, "Excellent." He tapped at his armrest to zoom in on the approaching runabouts, "No one every out-parties Captain Chad." He said, grinning, "Not even people who lobotomize creatures the size of a small moon."