Omake - Xenological Survey - AKuz
A/N said:

Xenological Survey

25862.8, Lashurit township, Tozhat Province, Bajor

Dr. Zisfir Pa'Dur moves her way through the crowd of smiling and laughing Bajorans with a half smile on her own, grey, reptilian, face.

The Cardassian woman holds a reinforced digital tablet out in front of her body, like the prow on a seagoing vessel as she steers her way through the crowd, her wake rapidly erased by the teeming mass of Bajorans as they push forwards themselves along their own courses.

Zisfir stops as she hits the edge of the sea of milling Bajorans, her feet crunching in the gravel and dirt of the town's main road, as she looks back and forth along the edges of the crowd.

"Crowd appears to be segregated into sections based on home district instead of Caste." the Cardassian says into the mic of a ruggedized headset that is firmly fastened around her head, "The same pattern as recorded in many of the other communities of Tozhat Province. Remnant of differing forms of Prophet worship in the distant past perhaps?" She smiles forgiveness at a Bajoran child that has accidentally run into her.

"No worries," she mouths in Bajoran at the child's parent as he quickly backs himself and his child away; his head bowed in apology.

Very polite people these Bajorans, thinks the Cardassian woman to herself as she gently steps out onto the road. There's no worry of her getting in the way of anything, the procession isn't for a little while yet, she should be fine cutting down the road to avoid the crowds.

It actually makes her observations of the Bajoran locals easier too, "Caste and Home District are very tightly linked however. Even in a region that didn't have Old Government laws preventing mixed communities." she tilts her head as she watches a Bajoran family unit crowded around a food vendor, "Then again, local Bajorans have Patrilocal practices, and without out-Caste marriage all families of similar caste composition will be just moving around the same limited districts set in times when community composition was governed by religious law."

A shift in the wind makes the Cardassian woman suddenly feel a brief moment of jealousy and resentment towards the Bajoran locals; all their food smells so good good but it gives her stomach fits something fierce.

The mic captures Zisfir muttering to herself as she digs through the bags draped over her shoulders and bouncing against her hips for a snack.

With a brief mummer of triumph the Cardassian stuffs the shiny plastic wrapping from a ration bar back into her pocket as she tries and fails to ignore the mouthwateringly delicious smells of Bajoran street food wafting into the road to taunt her.

A minute later Zisfir cuts back into the crowd, a processed fruit bar in her mouth, when her path reaches a modern building built in Cardassian style from local materials.

Using her PADD as wedge again she easily parts the crowd in front of her, Bajoran faces with D'jarra earrings of all sorts flashing by her, "Of course, modern, Cardassian inspired Law in no way prohibits mixed communities. Though many Bajorans are slow to embrace new practices"

Then Zisfir reaches a point where the sea of Bajorans ends; the waves of mammalian bodies breaking against a solid wall of reptilian bodies in grey armour. Quickly swallowing the last of her pressed fruit bar she comes to stop in front of a lean faced Glinn, "Zisfir Pa'Dur, Cardassian Science Directorate" she says as she fumbles in her bags for her State Issued ID and Science Directorate pass.

Glinn Zarov holds up a hand to halt Zisfir's search, "Go on. Dal Korek's got some chairs set up on top of the building if you want to watch from up there." he leans in conspiratorially and continues in a stage whisper, "and if you hurry... You might, jussst, be able to get the last of the Larish Pie."

The Glinn doesn't bother to smother his laughter as Zisfir all but launches herself into the Cardassian building.

Not even a minute later Zisfir Pa'Dur is up on the roof of said building and doesn't even bother with the fold out chairs as she plops herself down on the edge of the Cardassian building, legs kicking against the facade, as she drowns out the smell of Bajoran food with the taste of one of her own Cardassian favorites.

"Mmhhmmhh!" says Zisfir by way of greeting as someone steps up beside her, his shadow briefly falling over her face, before he shifts position to her other side..

"Ms Pa'Dur." says Dal Korek, "Out on one of your "Surveys" again were we?"

"Aammhhmhhmm!" she eats affirmatively at the sharp faced man with a close cropped military haircut and keen grey eyes.

"I assume that you've given more thought to my offer of a proper security escort?" says the Commanding Officer of the local Cardassian outpost, 'You know as well as I that fanatics live out in these rural areas"

"Mhhh-I" Zisfir heavily swallows the last of her food, "That's no way for a Xenologist to go about. It attracts too much suspicion. No one wants to talk to you!"

"No one there to protect you if some Bajoran fanatic decides to "register his diplomatic complaints" Ms. Pa'Dur."

Zisfir rolls her eyes. Men. Always like this.

"I don't tell you how to perform geographical surveys of the planetary landscape, and you shouldn't tell me how to perform surveys of the sophont landscape." She shuffles her bags around to sit more comfortably, "I do remember you saying that your command area was the safest in the Province," she looks up at the Military Officer, "That wasn't just vanity speaking was it?"

"I have the metrics!" says the Dal quickly and hotly, "But we didn't earn those safety ratings by being careless."

"And I am not careless." Zisfir says carefully, "The Cardassian Science Directorate doesn't give out Doctorates to people that don't know how to do their jobs." Zisfir's Doctorate of Xenology may be brand new, the certification younger than her ticket to Bajor, but it was one fairly earned.

"That may be Ms. Pa'Dur-" Korek cuts himself off when he hears the distant sound of heavy drums and notices the crowd of Bajorans suddenly going silent.

Zisfir Pa'Dur smiles in anticipation as she leans forwards again.

Dal Korek doesn't move, just folds his arms, holding his place at the edge of the two story building.

"Ahh…. here they come!" Zisfir is speaking into her headset again, "Procession is, as is customary on Bajor, religious in nature." she sees the leading edge of Bajorans in masks come around the corner of the road and into the center of town, "In Tozhat Province, the Days of White Sky are capped with a Procession of monks and other members of the religious castes. The locals believe that the Festival is key to preserving good growing weather during the summer months and precedes a good harvest"

"They can believe that. It doesn't make it true," says Korek with a scoff and a dismissive wave of his fingers.

Zisfir holds a hand over her mic, "Honestly, I doubt most of the Bajorans aaactuallllly believe that. That the Festival makes sure that the weather stays good. I mean," she shrugs, "It's mostly an excuse to get together to watch a parade and get drunk. Most festivals everywhere are."


Zisfir gives the Dal a look that asks him if he is serious, her eyes wide in not quite mock disbelief, "Really? I remember a great big drunken thing happening before I left Cardassia Prime."

"That's different" Korek narrows his eyes, "Celebrations of civic strength and the vast expansion of industrial capability are entirely different matter than… mere primitive superstitions!"

"It's still an excuse to get together and party," says Zisfir as she holds out a holocamera to record the parading Bajorans, "In the end the practical upshot is promoting social unity and adherence to shared customs and values."

The military Cardassian is quiet for a handful of long minutes as Zisfir fills up her drive space with observations of the Bajoran festivities.

"Hmm, presence of masks in this section of the parade actually mirrors similar practices by Oralians. The carving of the Priest caste masks here especially remind me of examples of early Oralian styles I've seen in Science Directorate archives."

"Then why do we allow this?" says Dal Korek suddenly.

"Pardon?" Zisfir reaches up to cover her mic again.

"If this sort of…" he waves his hand towards "...thing promotes superstitious and primitive values -- why did we allow it to proceed?"

Zisfir frowns, "Because… They want to?"

"Cardassia is on Bajor to end an era of superstition and ignorance. To drag the caste-ridden, politically calcified, and culturally congealed society into the future." Korek glares at the masked Bajoran priests in the streets below.

"Well, we've done a lot. All the old Theocratic laws are gone. The legal enforcement of caste purity is gone and Legate Dukat in particular has gone out of her way to show the Bajorans that caste is meaningless next to merit." Zisfir shrugs as she zooms her camera in a slowly marching man carefully carrying a large bowl of water, "I suppose it'll just take time for our changes to sink in."

"Really? Can we allow that? Can we allow these reservoirs of…" the man searches for the right words, "To allow these abscesses of infection to remain behind and kill the patient after we have worked so hard to save them?" He practically spits, "My security metrics are the highest in Tozhat but my education levels are the lowest. Those scum down there," he pulls an angry arm out its place and points it at the parade below, "Tell their people that a modern education is apostasy. That all they need to know is to show up to their temples every week and live the same life as every single one of their ancestors have lived"

Korek resists the urge to pace angrily near the edge of the roof, "My education levels are down! Families and children that want to learn are shamed out of class." He near snarls, "Last night we arrested superstitionists that beat a farmer boy that came to a trades class. He isn't supposed to learn woodworking!" his lip raises in disgust, "Woodworking!"

"These people are Children, Ms Pa'Dur" Korek says after another long moment.

"Doctor Pa'Dur." Says Zisfir, tiring of the man' disrespect.

"My apologies, Dr. Pa'Dur." He sighs, "These people have lived a self enforced childhood. They've never had the lack of resources or foreign invader to force them to grow up and look after their own interests."

"Some Bajorans had the presence of mind to ask for our help," points out Zisfir, reasonably, "That's not nothing"

"But it's not enough. You don't see the memos, the constant pressure from that government for us to back off. We're here to reach out a hand help these people to get to their feet and step into the future!" Now the Dal does start pacing angrily, "These farmers have thousands and thousands of tiny, inefficient, family plots that barely produce enough. We could increase production by an order of magnitude overnight. Overnight!" Korek waves an arm in anger, "My engineering company could triple their efficiency before the next harvest but the Bajoran government refuses to reorganize the land. Modern, industrial techniques would feed not just Bajor but all of Cardassia in trade!"

Zisfir has now turned her mic off, "These things will take time Dal Korek. Patience. Patience."

The Dal ignores her, having already worked himself up into a righteous fury, "They barely mine either! Those mountains are full of everything they need to build a modern, advanced, fleet. All from one planet. But they drag their feet. Refuse to open up mining positions to non-mining castes. They even fight Cardassian assistance. These roads should be paved! The schools should be full, the medical clinics used, the farms productive!"

Korek angrily turns on Zisfir, "You counsel patience? How many starve on Cardassia while these people refuse to pull their weight? Because they wish to wallow in denial of science and the paths of progress?"

Korek pauses to stare down at the teeming Bajorans, "I've said it. I've said that these people are children. And do you know how to raise children Dr Pa'Dur?"

"I'd like to imagine that I've picked that skill up somewhere." Says the Xenopologist, leaning slightly away from the military officer's intensity.

"Then you know that children need discipline. A parent cannot let a child go without education, cannot let their children become lazy." Korek paces quickly, his voice increasingly strident, finger stabbing the air in time to his points as he walks, "We cannot let children spend all their time with imaginary friends. Children must grow up and learn how the world works. And that is what Cardassia is here to do"

"Are the Bajorans really children to you Dal?"

"No. No. Of course not." Korek calms himself with a violent headshake "But the analogy is a fitting one where religion is involved."

Korek paces himself to a stop, "I won't let them do it next year." He says with a tone approaching wonder.

"Pardon. Do what?" Zisfir Pa'Dur asks, blinking at the sudden non-sequitur.

"This… what did you call it? This Days of Sky thing."

"The Days of White Sky." Says the Xenologist, narrowing her eyes.

"You said it yourself. Festivals like this are ways to reinforce values. But they are also excuses to get together for a party."

Pa'Dur pushes herself back from the edge of the roof, pulling her legs back atop the building, "I wouldn't bring that thesis before the Science Directorate… but I suppose you would put it that way."

"I can find a dozen secular reasons to have a parade. Celebrate local Bajoran military volunteers. Whatever. Just don't encourage these primitive delusions that the Bajorans have of gods and prayers."

Korek stands at the edge of his command center's roof as he watches the rear of the procession leave the main road, "We are here to help Bajor. And sometimes Dr Pa'Dur. Sometimes that means acting for the greater good. No matter how painful it is for a few Bajorans."
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Captain's Log - 2315.Q3.M1
[X][MRR] Leave as Captain and appoint to shore billet
[X][NASH] Assign to Sector Task Force <Gabriel Border Zone>
[X][THUIR] Promote to Rear Admiral
[X][ROCK] Transfer to Ship Design Bureau
[X][SAAVIK] Leave in Starfleet Tactical


Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 25889.3 - Captain T'Rinta

As a part of ongoing armistice talks, advanced research into next generation torpedo technology was handed over to Starfleet by House Tartresis. It was decided that this technology should be investigated, and that the S'harien should undertake some initial tests.

[Chief of Staff's NB: I would have phrased this as, 'Captain T'Rinta strongarmed the entire SDB and Explorer Corps into letting her try out the new tech'.]


Captain's Log, USS Winterwind, Stardate 25889.7 - Captain Abigail Taggart

There is a Caldonian minor colony world not far from the Mu Proxima system, rather distant to the rest of their colony worlds. It has a reputation for being what the Caldonians would consider, "rugged frontier types". Unfortunately, it seems that they have a bit of a bone to pick with the Directorate, who have asked us to rush over and help keep the peace.


Captain's Log, USS Voshov, Stardate 25890.2 - Captain Demora Sulu

After returning from our rendezvous with the citizens, we are swiftly into a mapping mission near Yrillian space. In addition to being a promising area of space, it helps establish a good cover story as to why we were in the area, should anyone grow suspicious.


Captain's Log, USS Bull, Stardate 25890.5

Seems that with the moratorium on new memberships over half-way through, there are some moves afoot to prepare for the potential rush at the end of it. The Ferasa Sector ships are headed out to Qloath and Seyek, ourselves to the former, Huascar to the latter. While there we will conduct talks on future interest in joining the Federation, future obstacles and stumbling blocks, and what the Federation has to offer.


Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 25891.2

The "quantum" torpedo is a ... inspired piece of engineering. I would have like to meet the Mentat whose work paved the way to these initial prototypes. Alas, they were killed in the Battle of Ixaria Approach, lost to the Enterprise's phasers. However, we have been given their research notes and papers, even if it is ... difficult to decipher some of the Mentat's enthusiasm.

I will be conducting a firing test on a lifeless rock-based planet shortly.


Captain's Log, USS Winterwind, Stardate 25891.5

There was a riot, and I have lost dozens of officers and crew who had been taking part in diplomacy and peacekeeping operations on the surface. It is another semi-cult that is promoting some alternative path of science from that of the Directorate. I'm disgusted with myself that I didn't see the growing signs. They were there, but with an actual war ending, I let my optimism blind me.

The Medonda has arrived with an escort, and immediately started T'Lorel-Pattern orbital suppression, eliminating the key communications hubs neatly. We are still assisting them in bringing the rioting under control as the Caldonian Prefects deploy to the surface. I remember when those Prefects used to walk the streets in simple tunics and barely a baton at their side. In a few short years, they have begun to deploy with short-barrel phaser-rifles and energy dampening plate. I worry for the Caldonian, whose colonies continue to be racked by these revolts.

[-10pp, -1 Enlisted casualties]


Captain's Log, USS Kearsage, Stardate 25891.8

Together with the Zephyr we have successfully kept secret and unobserved a meeting between the FDS aboard an Amarkian ship, and a group of Sydraxian dissidents. There was nearly an approach by an Yrillian cargo ship, but we were able to interdict them well short of sensor range.

[No Treaty of Celos problems]


Captain's Log, USS Bull, Stardate 25892.2

Our mission to Arqueniou is proceeding very promisingly. There is considerable interest among both the Senate and People of the Qloathi in the Federation. While our entry into a war was considered a cause for serious alarm, my crew and I were able to explain the reason and the conduct of the Federation successfully. The local ambassador is very encouraged.

[Gain +25 relations with Qloathi, +5pp, gain +0.1 O/yr recruiting]


Captain's Log, USS Huascar, Stardate 25892.5

I regret to report that our maiden foray into diplomacy was ... I don't want to say an unmitigated failure. We identified many potential obstacles that can be worked upon in the future to help pave the way for future integration. I have counselled a number of my crew, and sought feedback from the local diplomats to see what went wrong.

[Chief of Staff's NB: They may not want to say it, but it was an unmitigated disaster. FDS friendly political shows are asking for your head again.]

[-10pp, -10 relations with Seyek, Huascar gains permanent +1 P from learning experience]


Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 25892.8

There are some ... incidental problems yet to be worked out of the system. However, it was a fascianting scientific experiment. My science and engineering crews adapted to the unexpected collapse of the torpedo into a quantum filament as it reacted with our shielding in unanticipated ways. A significant part of the planet's surface was damaged by collision with the quantum filament, which required considerable effort to unknot from the local space-time topography.

[Gain +15rp, major bonus to future quantum torpedo research]


Captain's Log, USS Voshov, Stardate 25893.5

A series of unusual reptilian lifeforms occupied a very rich vein of coralinite, an important bonding agent in Tritanium-Duranium alloys. It took some very adept research from my biologists to determine what the impact on the local wildlife of pulling up this vein would be, and if it was safe to do so. In the end, we have been able to fill a number of cargo pods with the material, which is always one of the elements that Shipyard Ops clamours out for more of.

[Gain +35br]

Captain's Log - 2315.Q3.M2
Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 25917.3 - Captain Sabek

After a brief patrol run, the USS Courageous has docked at Starbase 12 for the local Engineering Crew to, as they put it, smooth out some of the rough edges left by the accelerated repair cycle the ship experienced during the crisis.

In an interesting, if someone illogical display of nostalgia, it appears that the draw down in the Licori Border Zone has left Rear Admiral Eaton with spare time to visit her old command. As illogical as their display may be, I must confess that I am appreciative of the chance to speak to two highly credentialed members of the Explorer Corps as I start my Five Year Mission. However, the imperative they gave me to always carry a phaser pistol under all circumstances was certainly unusual.


Mission Control Officer's Log, Starbase 7, Stardate 25918.4

A mutiny on a Caitian cargo ship has seen that ship disappear from all scopes. Follow up my ships of the Caitian Grand Fleet have revealed debris and a lot of gamma rays. It appears that either through actions of officers, crew, or mishap, the ship self-destructed. Unfortunately, with ships attending diplomatic functions at Arqueniou and Rethelia, no ship was on hand to respond.

[Caitians lose 1 Cargo Ship, -5pp]


Captain's Log, USS Pathfinder, Stardate 25918.8

After spending the infancy of this starship in battle, I appreciate the opportunity to return to the proper business of Starfleet: diplomacy and exploration.

Together with the USS Lightning, we have brought together delegations with the Gaeni and from the Ked Paddah to work with United Earth and Tellarite State representatives. It is part of a Council initiative to reduce the impact of the war on the populations and economies of those two powers, who were both heavily mobilised. This is especially true for the Ked Paddah who saw the loss of thousands of her best and brightest, and invested enormous treasure to go with the blood.

They have all proved to be very receptive and the trade summit at the old Versailles Palace near Paris has been a great success.

[Gain +10sr/yr from increased trade, reduce the post-war economic crash for Gaeni and Ked Paddah, +10 relations with both]


Captain's Log, USS Stargazer, Stardate 25919.3 - Captain Maryam Ajam

The fleet has dropped out of warp in deep space after we began to experience system trouble. Our accompanying engineering ship is running a thorough scan and systems technicians from the Pride of Kadesh have also beamed over. Basically, we are experiencing massive failures of our duotronic computer cores, for reasons that are simply eluding us.


Captain's Log, USS Atuin, Stardate 25919.8 - Captain Vol Chad

It has been a rocky time for the crew over the last year. Which is why a chance to play with actual rocks for a change has been such a welcome change of pace. I have never in my life seen a crew as fascinated by geological features that didn't include fine white sand.

Suffice to say that we are proud to have discovered a solid source of duranium mid-way between Kleda and Ulen Gao.

[New colony option: Mica III, 25 (35) br/yr]


Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 25920.3

While taking an inspection of the Courageous while most of the crew is at liberty on Betazed, Rear Admiral Eaton, along with her Chief of Staff and wife Captain McAdams, became very agitated, noticing inconsistencies with the work crews. At this stage, I was unable to identify what it was that they were concerned about. I must confess, adapting to the natural order aboard an Excelsior-class ship as opposed to a Constellation is a prolonged process. However, thanks to their sharp senses, we were forewarned and thus, forearmed when the speciality civilian repair team consisting of unfamiliar Rigellians began their assault. We fought our way to a transporter pad and beamed up a number of security personnel.

This caused considerable discomfort to Petty Officer McClusky, who was in a limited state of dress at the time. However, despite a number of security personnel being in swimsuits, evening wear, or recreational equipment, we were able to access an armoury cache and secure the central computer core against intruders.


Captain's Log, USS Stargazer, Stardate 25920.7

I was about to file another log bemoaning the continued disruption of the computer core, but we just found a culprit! There was a tracking device tapped into one of our datalinks, left by the Ferengi! Of all the dirty tricks!

We thought it was a sabotage device at first, but on second glance it was simply malfunctioning because it couldn't interact correctly with Federation file structures, causing weird an unexpected results.

[Gain +5rp]


Captain's Log, USS Sappho, Stardate 25921.3

In light of the continued upheaval in Caldonian space, the Caldonian Science Directorate has approached the Federation for mediation and aid to help address the situation. We have met with the Science Cruiser Iphimatta near Jhaylyk, and escorted them to a summit at the old Andorian Imperial Palace. We were able to prime the well nicely, running a tight ship for the voyage, while helping the tightly wound Caldonian ambassadors relax.

[Gain +10pp, direct aid is going from the Federation to Caldonia]


Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 25922.7

Subsequent investigations, including by our Intelligence team and Office 41, who handle Rigellian criminal groups as part of their purview, have been unable to determine who was behind the assailants. The assailants themselves were Rigellian mercenaries with little else to distinguish themselves. It is highly unlikely that they would choose to raid a Starfleet vessel of their own volition. All we have been able to discover, however, are veiled references to a possible mastermind going by the callsign 'Pisces'.

We were able to determine, however, that they were going for a mission logs and readings held under seal from our rendezvous with the USS Lion, likely to include [CLASS 1-AAA SECRET, NO CLEARED FOR SUBSPACE BUOY TRAFFIC]

[Chief of Staff's NB: You'll have to forgive Linderley's enthusiasm again, but I suspect you know what was contained in those logs]

[Disclosure of information averted]

Captain's Log - 2315.Q3.M3
Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 25950.4 - Captain Straak

It is a relief to be released from wartime service to return to focusing onto geological surveys. We will soon be exploring the Articulated Crown Caves of-


Or we could attend an urgent diplomatic mission on the major Caldonian world of Lomay II.

[Chief of Staff's NB: Congratulations, Admiral, you have now heard a Vulcan sigh.]


Captain's Log, USS Valiant, Stardate 25950.8

We have collected Commodore Nash ka'Sharren from Leas Akaam and delivered her to a summit with the Apiata and Amarki at Irrizizza, where a delegation of Queens have gathered to express their frustrations about the Gabriel Expanse being on the backburner during the war. It looks like Nash's appearance has gone a long way to reinvigorating the Queens, as her reputation as an aggressive, capable commander is well known, and they will be more comfortable knowing that along with Rear Admiral T'Lorel, also a known factor in this region of space, they will be leading a new push.

[Gain +5pp, Apinae pledges additional resources to GBZ]


Captain's Log, USS Odyssey, Stardate 25950.2

We nearly missed it, but a brief course correction brought it to the attention of my sensor officer. A little space probe, launched at sublight from an origin point nearly clear across the galaxy. It is staggeringly, staggering old for a piece of equipment that appears to be functioning. We have brought it aboard into a carefully isolated cargo bay - if there's one thing V'Ger taught Starfleet, it's to take precautions with old space probes. However, there appears to be nothing out of the ordinary beyond the fact that it still works. The power supply is low-tech but ingeniously designed. After being brought aboard, it began to activate a little, drawing in more power.


Captain's Log, USS Thirishar, Stardate 25951.4

A listening post in the Klingon Border Zone has gone silent. After reach their position, there was no trace of what happened to the post. It has been vaporised with antimatter charges. Whoever was responsible left no trace, unfortunately, and we have been able to tell little from the the Gamma Ray decay patterns as to where the antimatter may have been sourced.

[Failure to respond, hard dc mission auto-failed]


Captain's Log, USS Odyssey, Stardate 25951.7

There is an AI in the space probe. This is astounding. I've been able to converse with what, for all we know, may be the last will and testament of a species from the far rim of the Delta Quadrant, committed to the great beyond since time immemorial. It took a little while for the Universal Translator to make corrections, but here we are.

It calls itself Mipek, and it's quite the conversationalist. Thankfully, while the probe itself is beginning to degrade further, even with very careful preservation on our part, we have spoken with the AI about possibly extracting him into a more portable, durable (if I can say such a thing about a device that certainly won't be capable of crossing the galaxy) body that we can continue to interact with.

[Gain +5pp, +5rp - succeed thank's to Captain's Re-roll]
[Odyssey gains Mipek - +1 S]


Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 25952.1

I was forced to be quite curt with a liaison from the Federation Diplomatic Service who was very insistent that I not "mess this up."

[Chief of Staff's NB: You can find the complaint from that liaison's supervisor filed in my bin if you need it.]

We are in orbit around Lomay II, where a large protest movement is currently marching peacefully through the main boulevard of the Colonial capital. I will take an away team to the planet to open a dialogue with the protesters. While local officials may be angered that I have not spoken to them first, we were able to coordinate while in orbit, and it would be illogical to allow this opportunity to slip.


Captain's Log, USS Yukikaze, Stardate 25952.4

I don't think anyone realised that members of the Indorian community were this concerned about the potential entry to the Federation of the Qloathi, Seyek, and Fiiral. The summit that we helped host was meant to be much more ... well, low-key. Thankfully, my crew are familiar with spinwards space and the people there, and I have a number of gifted mediators. We were able to talk directly to community leaders, and bring a number of agitating factions together. After some initial headway, the ambassadors of Qloath and Seyek joined us, and were able to make a lot of progress.

[Gain +15pp, +10 with Qloath/Seyek, future obstacles cleared]


Captain's Log, USS Excelsior, Stardate 25952.8

Our listening posts and tachyon detection grids are picking up sensor ghosts. With multiple sources picking it up, we're almost positive we have a Bird of Prey moving through the Neutral Zone into our space. I have support from Cloudburst coming, but this ship shouldn't need that backup from a Bird of Prey. We are heading to intercept it soonest. If trouble strikes, I'm confident we can hold out until Cloudburst arrives.


Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 25953.1

The demonstration organisers have turned over to Starfleet a number of agitators they claim were planning to use further demonstrations as cover to begin a riot. They had not trusted the Directorate, though I find their reasons illogical. We have promised to hold them in our brig for fair trial.

It is of interest to me that the dissident leaders say that the willingness of the Directorate to allow us to hold these prisoners is a sign that their tactics are working, and that the government is starting to bend. From my discussions, it appears that much of the problems with "pseudo-science cults" is a symptom rather than a cause of the unrest, and the underlying issue is that scientific orthodoxy became ingrained in the political system, and unorthodoxy became a tool of exclusion. This is beyond my capacity to address, but I have conveyed my discoveries to the Diplomatic Service for further mediation.

[Gain +15pp, temporary halt to spread of problems in Caldonian Space]


Captain's Log, USS Excelsior, Stardate 25953.8

That was a horrifying blast from the past! It seems that the Romulan redeployment to the Klingon fronts has flushed out lingering remnants of an old, ugly foe. We just had our first encounter with the Ulith III Biophage in many years. We have destroyed the infected Bird of Prey. The Cloudburst scanned us carefully, and confirmed we were clean, and the debris disinfected. I am rushing to Athos V where we will meet with our Romulan counterparts to go over the logs.


Federation News Network

...and in other news, the discover of a tremendous duranium deposit on Second Risa, the second colony of Risa, has led to a very large influx of starship quality resources into Risa. The Risan Hedony is as yet unsure what use they will make of this development, but many are suggesting that even larger nacelled cruisers could be used to allow curious Risans to explore all corners of the Federation and her affiliates.

2315.Q3 - GBZ
Admiral Sousa,

I have only recently arrived within the Collie System to review the disposition of the new Gabriel Border Zone force, and I am pleased with what I have found. In spite of the pause in operations, the assets here have not been idle. The Collie repair yard has been completed, each of the three outposts have been reinforced, and a series of defensive minefields have been arranged protecting strategic points. As dispassionate as I am to be, it is nonetheless of comfort to me to be on this side of the mines this time. A weapons station has been added to support the repair yard and the outpost at Collie, and stations at key systems in between Sguirri, Collie, and Tal Hanar have been added. With the return of damaged craft and other reinforcements, our prospectors are once again beginning to push out.

The arrival of the two Amarkian Hebrinda-A cruisers to replace their damaged cruisers also represents a healthy boost to our combat forces. After our meeting with the Apiata, we are told they are considering relying primarily on their full Queenships for hive defence and dispatching a third Little Queenship team to bolster their forces in the Gabriel. I am informed through other channels that the Caitians are still organising an expeditionary force, and will likely join us during the new year.

I expect to have more to report on as new systems are uncovered in future. Rear Admiral Ainsworth's parting gift of a secure flank against the Sydraxians will do much to enable my work here.

Rear Admiral T'Lorel
Sector Command, Gabriel Border Zone


Ongoing Projects

Starfleet Engineering Team - none
Starfleet Colony Team - none

Amarkian Engineering Team - Amarkian Repair Yard, 1x1000mt, @ Tal Hanar - ETC 2316.Q1
Amarkian Colony Team - none

Apiata Workerbee Team - Improved Staging Area at Delzarr - ETC 2315.Q4
Apiata Colony Team - none

Key: (This Quarter / Last Quarter / Next Quarter) - Results of Last Quarter

USS Nicholas Barton, NCC-632, Prospector (3 Baker / 8 Baker / 19 Baker) - Stellar Anomaly, Task Force 1 will investigate for 5rp
USS Somak, NCC-635, Prospector (41 Miele / 9 Miele / 40 Miele ) - 9 Mele I, Class L Planet, Minor Colony potential, no significant resources

Forager Trinzzi, NCC-3304 (30 Dorsata / 14 Dorsata / 42 Dorsata) - one-off 20sr available for pickup, Bumblebee en route
Forager Onzala, NCC-3302 (2 Dorsata / 1 Dorsata / 11 Dorsata) - 1 Dorsata V, +20/yr BR Mine, one-off 20sr available for pickup, Bumblebee en route

CAS Ipoor, Prospector (3 Miele / 2 Miele / 10 Miele ) - Boring system

Known Systems of Interest

Collie (Starfleet)
Sguirri (Apinae)
Tal Hanar (Amarkia)

19 Dorsata II - 10sr/yr mine site, small interest
31 Miele V-3 - 5rp/yr research colony site, difficult terrain, minor interest


The Gabriel Sector

Date Updated: 2315.Q3

Starfleet Status: Normal (Can travel 1 Sq Length per 2 Weeks)
Starfleet Status within GBZ: High Alert (Can travel 1 Sq Length per Week)
Federation Status: Normal

UESPA: High Alert (LBZ)
VHC: High Alert (LBZ)
TSF: High Alert (LBZ)
AG: High Alert (LBZ)
Amarkia: Normal
Caitian: Normal
Apiata: Normal
Indoria: Normal
Orion: Normal
Rigel: High Alert (LBZ)
BDF: High Alert (LBZ)
Caldonia: Normal
Risa: Normal
Gaen: Normal
Seyek: Normal
Qloath: Normal
Honiani: Normal

Sector Command Staff

Sector Commander: Rear Admiral T'Lorel
Task Force 1: Commodore Jessica Rivers
Task Force 2: Commodore Revak
Task Force 3: Commodore Nash ka'Sharren
Auxiliary: Commodore Alejandro Suarez
Apiata TF: High Queen Nerzizza
Amarki TF: Admiral Galen Toor

Commander, Collie Outpost: Commander Iftie Torbiebh
Commander, Collie Repair Yard: Captain -
-Superintendent, Berth A, Commander -
-Superintendent, Berth B, Commander -
Commander, Sguirri Outpost: Queen Pimizzieda
Commander, Tal Hanar Outpost: Commander

Commander, Starfleet Medical assets: Captain -
Commander, Starfleet Engineering assets: Commodore -
Director, Starfleet Logistics assets: Captain -
Director, Starfleet Colony assets: Commodore
Others TBD

Additional Personnel:
Collie Mining Colony Administrator:
Sguirri Mining Colony Administrator:
Tal Hanar Mining Colony Administrator:

FBS Embedded Reporter -
FNN Embedded Reporter -
High Comb Times Embedded Reporter -

Rear Admiral T'Lorel
Current Posting: Pending
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: High
Politics: Medium

Commodore Nash ka'Sharren
Current Posting: Commander, Task Force 6
Rule-Abiding: Low
Aggression: High
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: High
Politics: Medium

Commodore Jessica Rivers
Current Posting: Commander, Task Force 1
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: Medium

Commodore Revak
Current Posting: Commander, Task Force 2
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Low
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High

Commodore Alejandro Suarez
Expanded Field Repair capacity
Current Posting: Auxiliary Command, GBZ Sector Fleet
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: Low
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Low
Politics: High

High Queen Nerzizza
Current Posting: Commander, Apiata Gabriel Fleet
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: High
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Low
Politics: Medium

Admiral Galen Toor
Current Posting: Commander, Amarkian Gabriel Fleet
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: Medium
Politics: High
The man who led the Amarkian response to Syndicate slaving raids in Amarkian Space.

Sector Details
Roughly encompasses area from 4h to 1e, with outcroppings, with space above and below this plane
~15 Squares worth, each of which contains a few dozen stars, of which a quarter will have planets and other items of interest
Each power is accessing the sector from a different direction. Your staff will be attempting to surge out, claim, then retain space. Keeping a safe route for logistics for stations and nascent colonies will be important.
To start with, your commanders will have Starfleet assets and Starfleet auxiliaries. They will begin to ask for other resources, and you will be empowered by Acts of Council to pick and choose who you use to contribute.

Current Sector Policy Settings
Green Light = Fully Allowed, Red Light = Fully Denied, Yellow Light = Proceed on Own Recognizance


Apiata Fleet & Auxiliary GBZ Access - Green Light
Amarki Fleet & Auxiliary GBZ Access - Green Light
All Member World - Fleet Unit GBZ Access - Red Light
All Member World - Auxiliary GBZ Access - Red Light

Expansion - Green Light
Infrastructure Building - Yellow Light
Mining Colony Building - Yellow Light
Civilian Colony Building - Red Light

Assault on Entry Worlds - Yellow Light
Assault on Link to Entry Worlds - Red Light
Attack Opposing Auxiliary Shipping - Yellow Light

Attack Cardassian Claims - Yellow Light
Attack Sydraxian Claims - Yellow Light
Attack Dylaarian Claims - Red Light

Pursuit into Cardassian Space - Red Light
Pursuit into Dylaarian Space - Red Light
Pursuit into Sydraxite Space - Red Light

The Competitors

The United Federation of Planets
Entry Point into GBZ:
Delzarr (0f) <-> Collie (1f)

Capital to Frontier Supply Chain
Sol <-> Tellar Prime <-> Amarkia <-> Leas Akaam <-> Apinae <-> Delzarr

Current GBZ Network
Collie (1f) <-> Sguirri (1f)
Collie (1f) <-> Bean's Star (1f)
Bean's Star (1f) <-> Tal Hanar (1e)

The Cardassian Union
Entry Point into GBZ:
Aranyak (1h) <-> 67 Gabriel (2h)

Capital to Frontier Supply Chain
Cardassia <-> Vedarot <-> Karadoc <-> Aranyak (1h)

Current GBZ Network
67 Gabriel (2h) <-> ???

The Sydraxian Hierarchy
Entry Point into GBZ:
Moskar(2e) <-> Deva (2e)
Moskar (2e) <-> ???

Capital to Frontier Supply Chain
Borandt/Dar Nakar <-> Nax Degar <-> Moskar (2e)

Current GBZ Network
Deva (2e) <-> -none-

Have effectively collapsed.

The Dylaarian Federation
Entry Point into GBZ:
Lydantic (5i) <-> Legei (4h)

Capital to Frontier Supply Chain
Dylaaria <-> Lydantic

Current GBZ Network
Legei (4h) <-> ???

Starfleet Assets supporting GBZ

Main Fleet
Fleet Commander, Rear Admiral Rachel Ainsworth

Task Force 1, Commodore Jessica Rivers
-USS Avandar, NCC-2010, Excelsior
-USS Korolev, NCC-1744, Constitution-B, Captain Kwame Okoye
-USS Defiant, NCC-1746, Constitution-B, Captain Mica zh'Halron
-USS T'Kumbra, NCC-1659 Miranda-A, Captain -
-USS Agile, NCC-1632, Miranda-A, Captain -

Task Force 2, Commodore Revak
-USS Saratoga, NCC-1745, Constitution-B, Captain -
-USS Exeter, NCC-1748, Constitution-B, Captain -
-USS Bantam, NCC-1634, Miranda-A, Captain -
-USS Clarion, NCC-1663, Miranda-A, Captain -
-USS Intrepid, NCC-1657, Miranda-A
-USS Eketha, NCC-1655, Miranda-A, Captain Rebecca St-James

Task Force 6, Commodore Nash ka'Sharren
-USS Kumari, NCC-2005, Excelsior, Captain - (Blooded)
-USS Republic, NCC-1743, Constitution-B, Captain -
-USS Challorn, NCC-1809, Constellation, Captain Jennifer Zhang (Blooded)
-USS Fidelity, NCC-1634, Miranda-A, Captain Thomas Oriskany
-USS Bon Vivant, NCC-1621, Miranda-A, Captain Shurg kap Klasch
-USS Shield, NCC-1661, Miranda-A, Captain -

Task Force 3, High Queen Nerzizza
-Light Queenship Telzziadriz, NCC-3103
-Stinger Gerzzi, NCC-3202
-Stinger Triada, NCC-3201
-Light Queenship Pollizazza, NCC-3104
-Stinger Grizzi, NCC-3205
-Stinger Fozarri, NCC-3204
-Forager Trinzzi, NCC-3304
-Forager Onzala, NCC-3302

Task Force 4, Admiral Galen Toor
-CAS Abhriec, NCC-2203, Riala
-CAS Hebrinda, NCC-2402, Hebrinda-A (C5 S2 H3 L5 P3 D4)
-CAS Hilindia, NCC-2403, Hebrinda-A
-CAS Atorfroil, NCC-2304, Brieca
-CAS Icafroil, NCC-2302, Brieca

Task Force 5
-CAS Ilotraia, NCC-2121, Centaur-A
-CAS Tamac, NCC-2306, Calac
-CAS Socac, NCC-2307, Calac

-CAS Ipoor, Prospector



Auxilary Forces
-Home Stationed at Delzarr
-- Starfleet Engineering Command
--- USS Atlas, NCC-845, Engineering Ship - Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Titan, NCC-844, Engineering Ship - Supporting Outpost Build
-- Starfleet Medical Command
--- USS Grace, NCC-747, Hospital Ship
-- Starfleet Tactical Command
--- Runabout Squadron 5 (Tactical Recon Squadron) - Out Exploring
-- Starfleet Logistics Command
--- USS Sidok, NCC-381, Freighter - Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Shri sh'Kannath, NCC-385, Freighter - Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Rawhide, NCC-388, Freighter- Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Vega Maru, NCC-391, Freighter- Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Yagok, NCC-473, Cargo Ship - Supporting Upkeep
--- USS Luna Maru, NCC-475, Cargo Ship - Performing Upkeep
--- USS Pikri, NCC-478, Cargo Ship
--- USS Kalakandor, NCC-481, Cargo Ship - Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Nikona, NCC-3701, Cargo Ship -
--- USS Eridani Sunrise, NCC-3702, Cargo Ship -
-- Starfleet Colony Command
--- USS Nicholas Barton, NCC-632, Prospector - Exploring Subsector 2e
--- USS Somak, NCC-635, Prospector - Exploring Subsector 1e
--- USS Altathyk, NCC-904, Colony Ship
--- USS Trailblazer, NCC-905, Colony Ship
-- Starfleet Intelligence Command
--- SS Appleseed, NC-2653, Civilian Ship

-- Apiata, Home Stationed at Delzarr
--- Bumblebee 1 - Performing Upkeep
--- Bumblebee 2 - Servicing Sguirri XI Trade
--- Bumblebee 3 - Servicing Sguirri XI Trade
--- Bumblebee 4
--- Bumblebee 5
--- Bumblebee 6
--- Worker Bee 1
--- Worker Bee 2
--- Worker Bee 3
--- Worker Bee 4
--- Hasilla, Colony Ship

-- Amarkia, Home Stationed at Bean's Star
--- Cargo Ship 1
--- Cargo Ship 2
--- Cargo Ship 3
--- Freighter 1
--- Freighter 2
--- Passenger
--- Colony Ship
--- Prospector
--- Engineering
--- Super-Freighter

Engineering Ships = Build and Repair Facilities
Hospital Ships = Allow responses to medical distress calls without tying down your Excelsiors
Freighter/Cargo Ships = Supply
Prospectors = Required to prepare for Colony creation
Colony Ship = Required to deliver colonists
Passenger = Required for evacuations, and major colonies
Civilian = Can be set for a number of tasks.

Example Requirements:
1 Sm per four Auxiliaries deployed
1 Sm per two Escort assigned
1 Sm per Cruiser assigned
2 Sm per Explorer assigned
1 Sm, 1 Blk per Station
2 Sm, 2 Blk per Outpost
5 Sm, 5 Blk per Starbase
Colony: Varies

Current Requirements:
1 Station (Collie) - 1S 1B
1 Station (Bean's Star) - 1S 1B
3 Reinforced Outposts (Sguirri, Collie) - 9S 9B
2 Mining Colony - 2S 4B
3 Explorer - 4S
4 Cruiser - 4S
4 Escort - 2S
7 Auxiliary in action - 2S

15 raw br, 25 raw sr from Collie Mining Colony - 15b/yr, 25s/yr - 25S 15B, handled as part of regular infrastructure

Apiata - 8S, 5b
50 raw br from Sguirri XI Mining Complex - 50b/yr, 1 Bumblebee (swapping Sm-0.5Bk) trip /month - Handled as part of regular infrastructure

Amarkia - 7s

13 Small, 1 Bulk Cargo
Apiata - 9 Small Cargo, 2 Bulk Cargo - Two Bumblebees atached
Amarkia - 7 Small Cargo

Total Available:
40 Small, 48 Bulk Cargo Capacity in regular Cargo/Freighter ships
48 Small, 12 Bulk Cargo Capacity in Bumblebees
36 Small, 46 Bulk Cargo Capacity in Amarkia

USS Yagok, USS Luna Maru - Upkeep
Bumblebee 3 (2 servicing Sguirri XI)

Starfleet Sector Infrastructure supporting GBZ

"Critical" - One of very few (or even only one) of its given type of infrastructure within Starfleet's control, the loss of which will cause major loss of function
"Key" - Important assets, the loss of which will impair functions for Starfleet

- Collie (1f) - Rein. Outpost, Repair Yard, Critical Logistics Station, BR Mining Colony (+15br), SR Mining Colony (+25sr), Minefields
- Sguirri (1f) - Rein. Outpost, Mining Station, BR Mining Colony (+50br)
- Bean's Star (1f) - [Station]
- Tal Hanar (1e) - Rein. Outpost, [Repair Yard], BR Mining Colony (+15br/yr), SR Mining Colony (+30sr/yr)

Apinae Sector
- Apinae (-1e) - Starbase 11 [Apinae], Shipyard, Critical Resource Hub
- Alrizzine (0e) - Outpost, Shipyard
- Delzarr (0f) - Mining Facility, Key Logistics Station, [Advanced Staging Area]

[ ] = Under Construction

Member World Assets in Sector

United Earth Space Probe Agency

Vulcan High Command

Andor Guard

Tellarite State Forces

Amarki Confederacy Fleet
1 Riala
2 Hebrinda
1 Centaur-A
2 Brieca
2 Calac

3 Cargo, 2 Freighter, 1 Colony+Engineer+Prospector+Passenger
1 Super-Freighter

Betazoid Defence Force

Caitian Grand Fleet

Unified Hives of the Apiata
2 Light Queenships
4 Stingers
2 Foragers

6 Bumblebees
4 Worker Bees

Indorian Congress



Member World Sector Infrastructure in GBZ

UE = United Earth
V = Vulcan High Command
A = Andorian Empire
T = Tellarite State Forces
M = Amarkian Confederacy
B = Betazoid Noble Houses
F = Caitians Grand Fleet
R = Rigel
P = Unified Hives of the Apiata
I = Indorian Congress

None as of Yet
Last edited:
2315.Q3 - Ex Astris, Scientia - Results

Continued Diplomatic Push

Yrillians 287/100 + 21 = 308/300

[X][PLAN] Plan Continuity 2315
-[X] Daystrom Institute : Automated Shipsystems
-[X] Yoyodyne : 2320s Core Power
-[X] Office of Naval Architecture : 2320s Starship Armour
-[X] Caitian Frontier Police R&D : 2310s Personal Protection
-[X] Spock : 2320s Diplomacy
-[X] University of Betazed : 2320s Affiliates Research
-[X] Starfleet Medical Research Command : 2320s Preventative Care
-[X] Generic Team 3: 2310s Escort - Combat

[X][VSA] Vulcan Science Academy : 2320s Geological Sensors
[X][COMMS] Starfleet Science Academy : 2320s Decryption
[X][BOOST] Generic Team 1, Generic Team 4, Andorian Academy, Vulcan Science Academy
Utopia Planitia Design Group: Ambassador Project
Amash Hagan: 2320s Research Centers
Generic Team 4 : Primitive Isolinear Computers
40 Eridani A Shipyards: 2310s Warp Propulsion
San Francisco Fleet Yards : 2320s Construction Techniques
Generic Team 1 : 2310s Long -Range Sensor
Weapons Fabrication Division: 2310s Phaser Development
Generic Team 2: 2310s Torpedo Development
Federation Broadcast Service : 2320s Long-Range Comms
Generic Team 5: 2320s Signal Intercepts
Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science : 2320s Special Refining
All-Pyllix Geological Institute : 2310s Bulk Resources
Intazzi Team : 2320s Fusion Power
Lt-Cdr Kuznetsova's Tiger Team: The Mission Unending
Admiral Lathriss : Border World Focus
Starfleet Tactical Command - Games & Theory Division: Cardassian Research

308 / 8 = 38 rem 4

28 Tech Teams Activated, 4 Boost Applied
60rp carries over, 248 used

Boosts Apply for:
Generic Team 1
Generic Team 4
Andorian Academy
Vulcan Science Academy

Bonuses Unlocked During the Year
To Sensors - from Events - 2330s Torpedo Homing Sensors
To Shields - from Battle Review - 2320s Deflector Shields
To Armour - from Battle Review - 2320s Starship Safety
To Medical - from high casualties during the year - 2320s Trauma Medicine, 2320s Field Medicine
To Weapons - from Quantum Torpedo Tests - Quantum Torpedo Theory Work
To Weapons - from Battle Experience - Phaser and Torpedo Development
To Base Strike and Decisive Battle Doctrines - From Wartime Experience
To Computing - from Mipek - Automated Ship Systems

Utopia Planitia Design Group: Ambassador Project


20 / 20 Final Tactical Frame Design
20 / 20 Final Operations Frame Design
20 / 20 Final Engineering Frame Design
20 / 20 Final Hull Frame Design
20 / 20 Final Warp Suite Frame Design

[Ambassador-class Heavy Explorer Project Complete - Prototype may now be assembled]

Amash Hagan Research Office: 2320s Research Centers


34 / 60 Type-14 Duotronic Mainframe (Data Analysis Center III) (-0.5 RP required to activate Tech Team (7.5))
41 / 60 Wolff-T'Par B-Type Portable Mainframe (Portable Analysis Center II) (+1 rp annually from research colonies)

Daystrom Institute: Automated Ship Systems


23 / 60 Majel 3.5 (Ship Operating System III)
23 / 60 Targeting Computer III
25 / 40 Navigational Computer I
20 / 40 Barret-V System Automation (Crew Saving I) (Reduce Enlisted Crew Requirements)

[Frame complete]

Generic Team 4: Primitive Isolinear Computers

+1 (Boost)

41 / 80 Prototype Isolinear Computer (Isolinear Tech I) (Required to progress computing to Isolinear-Era)

40 Eridani A Shipyards: 2310s Warp Propulsion


18 / 40 Advanced Warp Theory I (Opens additional Techs)
20 / 20 Warp Coil Design Efficiency I
20 / 20 Advanced Subspace Field Theory I (Opens additional Techs)

16 / 20 Verterium Cortenide Metallurgy I

Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems: 2320s Core Power


10 / 40 Mars-37K Magnetic Constrictor Segments (Warp Core Power Generation II)
10 / 20 Advanced Anti-Dueterium Sublimator (Warp Core Anti-Matter Injector I)
15 / 20 Fused Dueterium Gas Compressor (Warp Core Matter Injector I)

Office of Naval Architecture: 2320s Starship Armour


8 / 40 Microfibre Interweave Shell Plates (Exterior Plating I)
8 / 40 Electron-Bonded Tritanium Fasteners (Hull Armour Mechanics I)
8 / 40 Primitive Phase-Bonding (Frame Truss Mounting I)
13 / 60 Tritanium Phase Tempering (Hull Armour Material Science III) (Needed to progress)
8 / 40 Escort Armour Pattern

San Francisco Fleet Yards : 2320s Construction Techniques


30 / 40 Reorganised Transport Network (Supply Network I) (Part 1)
35 / 40 Prepositioned Large Components (Stockpiles I) (Part 2)
30 / 40 Mk2 Workbee (Workbee I) (Part 3)
40 / 40 Type-IV Dockyard Utility Array (Dock Tools I) (Part 4)
30 / 40 Molecular QA Check Scanners (QA Systems I)

Caitian Frontier Police R&D: 2310s Personal Protection


26 / 40 Mark-III Phaser Family (Personal Phasers II) (reduced crew casualties to events involving alien boarding/away team combat)
11 / 20 Type-VI Zero-G Vac-Suit (Vacuum Protection Gear I) (Begins to reduce crew losses due to ship damage)
16 / 20 Tellar Sciences Heavy Duty Suit (Hazardous Environment Gear I) (Start of path to shield+tech integrated away team protective gear)
21 / 40 Mark-III Type-3 Phaser (Phaser Rifles I) (+1 to events involving alien boarding/away team combat)

Vulcan Science Academy: 2320s Geological Sensors

+10 (Boost)

20 / 60 Geological Survey Sensors II (Gain increased rewards from mapping missions)

Generic Team 1: 2310s Long -Range Sensors

+1 (Boost)

70 / 100 Large-Scale Sensor Array I (Starbases Gain +1 Defence)

Weapons Fabrication Division: 2310s Phaser Development


40 / 40 Type-VI Twin-Emitter Bank Design (Phasers II)
40 / 40 Adopted Nacelle EPS Conduit (Phaser Power Conductors II)
20 / 20 Phaser Modulations I (+1% chance of inflicting shield burn-through)
20 / 20 Structural-Integrity Integrated Manifold Casing (Phaser EPS Capacitor Durability I)

[T2 Phasers Unlocked]

Generic Team 2: 2310s Torpedo Development


13 / 40 Future Torpedo Research Program (Torpedo II) (Lead to Torpedo Development)
23 / 40 Revised Type-VI Warhead (Torpedo Yield II)
13 / 20 Class-1 Burst Torpedo Launcher (Launcher System I)
18 / 20 Blast-Proof Reactant Separators (Torpedo Safety I)

Andorian Academy: 2310s Navigational Deflectors

+8 (Boost)

35 / 40 Graviton Wavefront Reberb (Navigational Deflector Efficiency II)
28 / 40 Graviton Wavefront Driver (Navigational Deflector Construction II)

20 / 20 Improved Redundancy (Emitter Redundancy I)

Federation Broadcast Service : 2320s Long-Range Comms


37 / 60 Long Range Subspace Comms III (+1 to Response Rolls)
32 / 60 Emergency Network I (Increase Distress Call Event Rate)

Starfleet Science Academy: 2320s Decryption

11 / 40 Subspace Communications Decryption II (Improve Intelligence Phase Information)
16 / 40 Decryption Theory I (Needed to Progress)
11 / 40 System Adaption I (Get Intel reports on new powers sooner)

Generic Team 5: 2320s Signal Intercepts


13 / 60 Deci-Cochrane Band Antenna (Subspace Communications Intercepts III) (Projects to Increase Events in Zones available)
13 / 40 Listening Post I (Border Zone projects become available)

Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science : 2320s Special Refining


26 / 60 Dissociative Wave Purification (Special Refining Techniques III) (+5 to Mining Colony annual production)
16 / 60 Hardened Facility Pattern Enhancers (Special Colony Survey I) (Increase chance of a site being colony-capable)

All-Pyllix Geological Institute : 2310s Bulk Resources


13 / 40 High Strength Tunnel Bracing (Bulk Resource Extraction II) (+5br on Resource Extraction missions)
19 / 40 Improved Salvage Procedures (Bulk Resource Identification II) (boost to BRs found on Resource Extraction missions)
24 / 40 Oxygen Exclusion Device (Bulk Refining Techniques II) (+5 to Mining Colony annual production)

University of Betazed: 2320s Affiliates Research


8 / 80 Recruiting Campaign IV (Increase Academy intake from Federation Affiliates to 0.2 each)
8 / 80 Diplomatic Analysis IV (+2 to the -Annual- Diplomacy Rolls)
13 / 60 Affiliate Links I (Gain 1 Free Diplomatic Push Each Turn)
8 / 80 Public Media II (Leads to further tech)

Spock: 2320s Diplomacy


12 / 80 Universal Translator V (+10 to Starting Relations in First Contact situations)
12 / 100 Extended Diplomatic Reach II (Apply an Annual Roll for three Random Non-Affiliates with Positive Relations)
12 / 80 Extended Profiles II (+1 to all Diplomatic Rolls)
17 / 60 Active Diplomacy I (+2 to results of Diplomatic Pushes)

Starfleet Medical Research Command : 2320s Preventative Care


10 / 40 Melanthriss Physical Therapy Protocol (Rehabilitation I) (+.25 to all standard Recruitment categories from recovered crew)
15 / 40 Noel-Lurs Diagnostic Guide (Mental Care I) (+.25 to all standard Recruitment categories from better retention)
10 / 40 Sterile Field Generators (Sickbay Expansions I) (+2 to Hull/Survival rolls made during botched plague rolls)

Starfleet Infectious Diseases Institute: 2310s Trauma Medicine


40 / 40 T'Koren Pattern Sickbay (Sickbay II) (Improve Crew Survival Rolls)

[T2 Sickbays unlocked]

Intazzi Team : 2320s Fusion Power


28 / 60 Impulse Reactor II
21 / 40 Fusion-EPS Exchanger II
20 / 20 High-Efficiency Shielding I

Generic Team 3 : 2310s Escort - Combat


11 / 20 New Orleans-A Pattern Nacelle (Escort Nacelle Design Improvements II) (-2% to Nacelle Weight on Escorts)
6 / 20 Type II Phaser Bank (Escort Combat Design II) (-1% to Escort stat weights)
4 / 20 ToC Torpedo Room Design (Escort Torpedo Launcher II) (+1% to Combat Stat Weight, -3% to Combat Power Use)
11 / 20 Improved Type-S EPS Magnetic Constrictor (Escort Reaction Design II) (-1% to Escort stat weights)
6 / 20 Escort Miranda Torpedo Roll Bar Design II (Free +1 Lvl to Reused Module Scale 0.5 Frame Weight, -2% Combat Power Req and -2% to Weight when a Module is present)

Taves Nar Orbital Engineering: 2310s Starbase Design - Control


22 / 40 Installation C&C Capacity I (+1 D to installation, +1 to Response Rolls of ships in sector)

Lt-Cdr Kuznetsova's Tiger Team: The Mission Unending


61 / 75 Explorer Esteem (+5pp from Every Explorer Built)
61 / 75 Dual-Mission (All Explorers Count as -1 Combat)

Admiral Lathriss : Border World Focus


21 / 25 Early Doctrine (Ships in Border Zones count for -1 Combat against Cap)
21 / 25 Outward Focus (Rebalance Defence requirements from home to border)

Starfleet Tactical Command - Games & Theory Division: Cardassian Research


57 / 60 Tactical Analysis II
60 / 60 Doctrinal Analysis II
56 / 60 Attack Pattern Analysis II

Research Skill Increases

Starfleet Tactical Command - Games & Theory Division -> 4
Utopia Planitia Design Group -> 6
Cdr Kuznetsova's Tiger Team -> 5

Member World Coordination Office

Ships Commenced

United Earth - 1 Miranda-A (NCC-1668)
Betazed - 2xRefit [Patroller-A]
Caldonia - 1 Escort
Indoria - Akadi Drive Yard @ Indoria Moon [1x1500kt, 1x1000kt]

Last edited:
2315.Q4 - Well, They Try
[28][CARD] Cardassian Tactics Report (Gain +5% combat vs Cardassian fleets for the next 12 months)
[27][ROM] Romulan Shipyard Report

[30][REPORT] Status/Progress of Licori Succession Crisis
[28][REPORT] Cardassian Diplomatic Posture Report
[26][REPORT] GBZ: Cardassian Strength
[19][REPORT] Status/Progress of Sydraxian Civil Strife
[19][REPORT] Status/Progress of Klingon-Romulan War

[28][GBZ] T'Lorel

Continued Diplomatic Push

Yrillians 308/100 + 12 = 320/300

Starfleet Intelligence Report

Suspected Force on Romulan Border:
0 Heavy Warbird
5 Birds of Prey
0 D7s

Sharp increase after encounter with Biophage.

Suspected Force on Klingon Border:
3 K'tinga
0 Klingon Bird of Prey
4 Klingon Bird of Prey Mk 2

Sharp increase after loss of Starfleet Listening Post, and report of Biophage contact. Not believed to be hostile.

Suspected Force on Cardassian Frontier:

3 Jaldun-class destroyers operating within the frontier unit on a regular basis. Not believed to be hostile.
CDF Trager
CDF Ronagot
CDF Karnack

1 Science Escort is also operating within the frontier.
CDF Parnok

No change - These forces, at least, have not moved to the GBZ.

Romulan Shipyard Report

Romulus Fleet Yards [2x3mt, 1x1mt, 2x500kt]
Remus Fleet Yards [2x3mt, 1x1mt, 2x500kt]
Iberius Fleet Yards [1x3mt, 1x1mt, 3x500kt]
Heavy Fleet Yards [2x3mt]
Heavy Yards [2x3mt]
Scipine Fleet Yards [2x1mt]
Rator Fleet Yards [2x1mt]
Glintara Fleet Yards [2x1mt]
Pompara Fleet Yards [2x1mt]
Terix Shipyards [2x500kt]
Alepsis Shipyards [1x500kt]
Xanitla Shipyards [1x500kt]
Chak Shipyards [1x500kt]
2xColony 500kt Shipyards

Romulus Repair Yards [2x3mt, 1x1mt, 2x500kt]

Status/Progress of Licori Succession Crisis

With our recent efforts to sharply limit Romulan influence on the succession crisis, which have met with varying degrees of success, more elements of the former Imperial House have thrown support behind the claims of House Tartresis. The more we have been able to push stability in the streets, the more we have restricted Bene and Romulan freedom of action, and it is this more than anything else that has generated the most impact. Crimping their ability to leverage their assets against the Houses Minor, Tartresis public diplomacy has met with greater success.

House Kortennon is in the process of having its current administration dismantled, which has effectively removed them from the race. This has been a popular move among the rest of the Licori as many of them wished to have done the same to the old Baron. However, House Ixira is another matter, as they were in good standing. Working with the Ked Paddah to keep the boot from falling too sharply has been fraught with peril, as they are exceptionally wary of the Ixiran's capacity for scientific mayhem.

In summary, House Tartresis is beginning to gain the ascendancy, and now that we have survived the initial surprise push, we believe that Romulan efforts should decrease as their focus on the Klingons increases.

Cardassian Diplomatic Posture Report

This has not been so easy to determine. With the establishment of the Treaty of Celos, the Cardassians have mostly held back from diplomacy in areas where we can detect. In particular, their normal meddling in the Sydraxian sphere of influence, that is the Yrillians and the Gretarians, has faded since the Battles of Deva and Lora. Further, the destruction wrought on the Orion Syndicate has left them with little options to progress further.

However, the spinward side of their borders are still very difficult for us to assess. Even the Seyek, whose cooperation we have been enlisting, have little details. The Konen and the Goshawnar are both client states of noteworthy size themselves, and they are as yet unpenetrated by our signals service. Cardassian diplomatic assets seem to be focusing on further spinward expansion.

The positives that we can take from this is that they are making no efforts to contest directly with powers within our sphere of influence.

GBZ: Cardassian Strength Report

2 Kaldar
~10 Jaldun
2 Takaaki Sci
2 Isaamu
4~6 Takaaki Cmb

8 Cargo Ship
4 Freighter

2 Passenger
4 Engineer
4 Prospector
2 Colony Ship

Aranyak (Starbase)
67 Gabriel (Starbase, Defences)
?66 Gabriel (Outpost?) - Mining Colony
?77 Gabriel (Outpost?) - Mining Colony
?45 Gabriel (Outpost?) - Mining Colony

Status/Progress of Sydraxian Civil Strife


The exact details, even conveyed directly to us via the Concerned Citizens, is sketchy. Somewhat annoyingly, as we are playing second-fiddle to the Diplomatic Service on this matter, our information streams are often coming second hand from the FDS. However, they are providing information, if not as promptly as we would like. Also, the efforts of Office 35, which specialises in signal intercepts and decryption of Sydraxian Hierarchy communication, has been greatly aided by the turmoil there.

A number of factions have arisen within the Sydraxian political and military system, with a varying set of political viewpoints. Currently, the "Blues", which are a more moderate faction of the old guard of Sydraxian politics, have taken control of office, and this has done much to reduce the boiling tension to a simmer. At least, this is how it seemed on the surface. Discussions with the Citizens, and our own signal intercepts, suggest that the Blue-Green alliance is losing ground fast to a re-emboldened Gabriel Graduate group begins to reject as hollow a variety of concessions and promises made in the early days of the collapse of the Red Hierarchy. In particular, an abortive attempt to "purge" the officer corps of those who played significant roles in the collapse of the previous hierarchy nearly brought about the start of a civil war. Realising the depth of opposition they faced, the Blue-Green Hierarchy stepped back.

Our best assessment is that we may soon be required to make a decision as to whether we offer direct aide to one of the factions to have access to whichever group comes out on top. The Sydraxians are a significant part of the Cardassian's deterrent value against the Federation, and the political instability is assuredly being watched most carefully by the Obsidian Order and others on Cardassia.

Status/Progress of Klingon-Romulan War

The major initial offensives are being made on the far Tailward front, known to the Klingons as the Iw'lojmIt front for the Blood Gate nebula in that region, where a powerful Klingon Fleet seemingly opened hostilities, catching the Romulan defenders by surprise. Lightly defended systems fell, including one of the prizes, a large mining colony known as Alixros. A more central front by the Paskan Quasar also saw major action, but Klingon progress has been slow.

Much of the fighting has been marked by wide-ranging infiltration by wolf packs of Birds of Prey, from both sides, with surprise assaults occurring on many worlds, and accounting for many transports.

Approximate Romulan losses:
5 Birds of Prey
1 Science Ship
3 D7 Cruisers

3 Civilian Ships
5 Cargo Ships
2 Freighters
1 Engineering Ship

At least 1 Heavy Warbird has been significantly damaged.

Notably, a new Romulan Escort design is reportedly under construction, designed to replace the aging Birds of Prey, which are proving too SR-intensive to produce in the required numbers.

Approximate Klingon losses:
8 Birds of Prey Mk1
4 Birds of Prey Mk2
4 K'tinga

5 Civilian Ships
6 Cargo Ships
1 Troop Transport
1 Research Cruiser

Our connections within the Klingon Chancellery tell us that the first of the major Tar'chak battleships is nearing completion. Say what you will about Klingon engineering, when they want to produce a warship, they can do so very rapidly. However, it will need to be very swift indeed, as the Romulans launched two additional Devoras-class Heavy Warbirds this quarter. In addition, there is a cruiser project that has been heavily accelerated that will develop a far more powerful replacement to the increasingly venerable K'tinga.

Member World Coordination Office Report

Ships Commissioned:
Vulcan - 1 Refit [Miranda-A]
Tellar - Expansion to Xurch Melloch @ Tellar Moon [1x1000kt], 1 Engineering Ship, Repair [USS Torbriel]
Human - Expansion to Cochrane Yards @ Alpha Centaur [1x1000kt], Expansion to Green Hook Fleet Yards @ Vega [1x1000kt]
Amarkia - Repair/Refit [CAS Jolintoor, CAS Odala], Repair [USS Renaissance], 1 Cargo Ship, 1 Prospector
Betazed - Refit [Patroller-A x 2]
Caitian - Upgrade to S'Karniss @ Merfara II [2x600kt -> 2x1000kt]
Gaen - 1 x Tech Cruiser, 1 x Tech-Frigate

The UES Liberty has finished repairs.

The Tellar Repair Yards have completed assembly.
2315.Q4 - The Art of Tactical Operations

Security around Starfleet Tactical was again at a heightened tempo, with plenty of armed personnel roaming and checking identification. The attempted heist on the Courageous has many in a spin, as knowing someone is actively hunting out details on temporal matters is extremely alarming. But even so, it is security with a smile, and you make your way through to see one of your most trusted subordinates.

"Vice Admiral Sulu," you greet as you arrive at the office.

"Admiral," he replies with a smile. "Glad to have you join me."

"I trust you've been following up on the after-action reports of young Captain Sulu?"

Sulu practically beams at that. "Yes, and as proud as a father can be. She has already done Starfleet proud, and she will continue to do so."

You nod your head, settling comfortably into a chair. "Risky business, of course, but none of us signed up to spend our careers cooped up." You bring up a data pad and sigh as you skim over your notes. "Well, we've just fought a mass coalition war. If we haven't gotten a good idea as to what deficiencies Starfleet has in its ships inventory now, we never will. Let's take a look."


Current Required Ship Roles, as identified by Starfleet Tactical:

Heavy Explorer
Component Needs: FYM-Capable, need Explorer Frame, Medium+ Operations Frame
Stat Needs: Must have 5+ Science, Presence, 4+ Combat.
Scale Needs: No max-size or crew, minimum 2.2mt.
Intention: To conduct Five-Year-Missions, be capable of extended unsupported missions, handle severe science anomalies and conduct high-level diplomacy.
Currently fulfilled by Excelsior, Ambassador project

General Cruiser
Component Needs: Cruiser Frame
Stat Needs: 4+ stat average, minimum 4 Defence
Scale Needs: 1-1.5mt,
Intention: To form the backbone of the fleet when in battle, and to be the first-line of response to sector events.
Currently filled by: Renaissance

Garrison Frigate
Component Needs: Frigate Frame, < 80SR
Stat Needs: Minimum 2+ all stats, 3+ Science, Presence
Scale Needs: Any
Intention: Bolster ability to protect and manage sectors within Federation space. Designed to be capable of responding competently to most events.
Currently filled by: Centaur-A

Combat Frigate
Component Needs: Frigate Frame, Large Tactical Frame, < 60 SR, 1+ Torpedoes
Stat Needs: 3+ Combat, 2+ Defence, 2+ Shield
Scale Needs: Any
Intention: Bolster fleet's ability to compete in combat.
Currently filled by: Miranda-A

Science Frigate
Component Needs: Frigate Frame, Medium+ Operations Frame, Small Tactical Frame, < 100 SR
Science Lab, LR+Nav Sensors
Stat Needs: 5+ Science, 3+ Presence, Max 2 Combat
Scale Needs: Any
Intention: A ship to replace the Oberth as a more capable, all around platform for science and short-range exploration.
Currently filled by: none


What type of ship do you believe Starfleet is currently lacking?
[ ][ROLES] Do Nothing [2.0x Weighting on this vote]

[ ][ROLES] Suggest something else

[ ][ROLES] A Garrison Cruiser to cheaply anchor home sectors
[ ][ROLES] A Light Explorer to supplement the Excelsiors
[ ][ROLES] A high-presence courier escort
[ ][ROLES] A specialised minesweeper
[ ][ROLES] Update the Combat Escort requirements (+2 Militarisation)
[ ][ROLES] Update any other requirement (name)

Roles that you decide upon will be added to the list of available ship design projects that you can request from the Council. Roles need to have some concrete sign of being filled within five years to avoid Council action.

The important thing that people should do here is to consider your strategic context. What is your current fleet capable of? What do you need it to be capable of? What are your enemies capable of doing? What do you need in order to stop them from ruining your whole week?

For Starfleet especially, you also need to think about the mission statement 'to boldly go', and how your current fleet is capable of handling those tasks.

Are your ships capable enough (do they have the right S/P stats, or combat stats, or durability)?
Are you able to build enough ships within your budget? Do they need to be cheaper?
Do you have space in your budget for heavier construction? Is the BR/SR balance wrong for your income?

During the war did you find yourself thinking, "gee, I wish we had a 'X' to do this job"?
Do you have concerns about being able to counter ships? The Connie-B project arose out of a need to counter the Jaldun, for example.

Have you been feeling like you're failing too many events? Too many Science or Presence Tests?

Despite probably not being one of the more glamorous votes, this is actually one of the most important because this one alters the entire shape of your fleet for in-game-decades into the future.



Pick a Scenario you would like to see occur:

[ ][WG] A 1v1 with any two Ships, including member world ships (Nominate two ships)
[ ][WG] A 2v2 with any Ships, including member world ships, (Nominate ships)
[ ][WG] A Fleet Battle (Cost 2pp/Explorer, 1pp/Cruiser, 1pp/2 Escorts)


Member World Coordination Office

Ships Commenced
Andoria - 1 Miranda-A (NCC-1923), 1 Civilian Freighter
Vulcan - 1 Engineering Ship
Amarkia - 1 Engineering Ship
Betazed - 2xPatroller-A refit (NCC-2506, -2507), 1 Cargo Ship
Caitian - 1 Prospector, 1 Colony Ship, 1 Civilian Freighter
Rigel - 1 Civilian Freighter
Apiata - 1 Dorsata (Super-freighter), 2 Bumblebee
Seyek - 1 Cargo Ship, 1 Expansion for Hacitorus Shipyards [1x500kt]
Risa - Expansion for Second Risa [1x500kt]
Gaen - 1 Engineering Ship, 1 Cargo Ship
Caldonia - Repair [Science Cruiser]
Qloath - 1 Engineering Ship
Last edited:
Omake - The Vice Admirals Romulans Edition - BriefVoice
Vice Admirals - The Romulan Take

: Potential Commanders of the Starfleet of the United Federation of Planets
Contingency Document ID: 2PBZ-7ZNA-6QRE
Maintained By: Office of Assistant Sub-Quaestor for Foreign Power Relations
Access Level: All Senatorial Staff, any others by Senatorial designation

: This document maintains capsule summaries of the personalities and careers of potential successors to the post of Commander of Starfleet for the United Federation of Planets. In the case of time-critical decisions coinciding with appointment of a new Starfleet Commander, these summaries may be used as briefing material in lieu of a more complete profile.

The post Commander of Starfleet is the highest military office within the supra-national alliance system known as the United Federation of Planets (UFP). Not only does the Commander have final authority over vessels belonging to Starfleet (the supra-national UPF navy), but in a so-called "State of Emergency" (usually, but not limited to, declared war) the Commander may command the navies of all UFP member worlds. Starfleet Commanders are directly appointed by the President of the UFP Council, the highest political office in the UFP. Though by UFP law the President may choose to appoint any UFP citizen, strong custom and precedent is that the Commander be chosen from among from the ranks of Starfleet Vice Admirals with appropriate seniority. In practice this means that the pool of potential successors is highly limited, having been promoted to their ranks by previous Starfleet Commanders.

The document will briefly summarize current Starfleet Vice Admirals in the expectation that a new Starfleet Commander would be picked from among their number. In the case of time-critical decisions coinciding with appointment of a new Starfleet Commander, these summaries may be used as briefing material in lieu of a more complete profile. For current Starfleet Commander VALENTINA SOUSA, see linked full profile.

Information beyond service highlights should be regarded as speculative. Strengths, weaknesses, and political alignment should be taken in context that no one rises to such a high rank by being incompetent or avoiding indoctrination in Starfleet ethos.

Most terminology will be obvious from our own naval organization or be explained as relevant. However two terms are used with sufficient frequency so as to be worth additional exploration.

Explorer Corps
– A special division of Starfleet consisting solely of multi-functional battleships capable of meeting any scientific, diplomatic, or martial need. These ships function on independent missions within the UFP and outside its borders and are considered elite postings.

Starfleet Intelligence
– Starfleet's dedicated espionage agency. Due to its full integration into Starfleet, it should be considered equivalent to our own Directorate of Naval Reconnaissance rather than an independent organization such as the Tal Shiar.

Vice Admirals Listed in Order of Seniority


Rinias ch'Vohlet

SPECIES: Andorian

CURRENT POST: Commander, Starfleet Ship Design Bureau. Despite the name, the SDB does considerably more than design new starships. It is a wide-ranging research organization that develops technologies related to starships and starship missions. As its commander ch'Vohlet decides what technologies and doctrines will be prioritized

TIME-IN-RANK: 9 years prior to current date.

SERVICE HISTORY HIGHLIGHTS: Served as director of San Francisco Fleet Yards prior to promotion. Known to have seen extensive combat service as a junior officer and to have multiple awards for valor and wounds suffered in the line of duty. We were able to dig up a public 'farewell' message to one of his commands indicating that the move to rear echelon starship construction and research may have been demanded by his spouses after one close too call too many.

PERSONALITY: Ch'Vohlet is a devotee of physical fitness, and participates in long distance running competitions as well as being an advanced practitioner of certain Andorian personal combat traditions. He is what might be called a 'first strike' advocate who believes threats should be anticipated and neutralized as soon as possible, though his research-oriented position means he has little opportunity to put this into practice. We have obtained position papers indicating his Design Bureau is strongly pushing a "Forward Defense" defensive doctrine for the UFP.

STRENGTHS: Having seen starships operate under the most stressful conditions imaginable and then built them, ch'Vohlet is likely intimately familiar with the capabilities of the UFP's ships. He is known for cool-headed thinking under danger, or at least he was before his promotion to Rear Admiral. His colleagues consider him far-sighted and often 'ahead of his time'.

WEAKNESSES: Considered blunt and sarcastic by his peers and subordinates. Little interest in politics. Tendency to over-reaction.

POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: Something of a 'favorite son' for Andorians who apparently even now consider him something of a larger-than-life romantic figure. Other than that, his posting keeps him well away from most political questions.

COMMENTS: Assuming he hasn't lost any of his earlier nerve, ch'Vohlet might prove extremely dangerous as a military commander. The advancements his SDB has produced in shield regeneration are troublesome enough.


Hikaru Sulu


CURRENT POST: Commander of Starfleet Tactical. This position is responsible for Starfleet's overall strategic posture, war-planning, and battle analysis. Under Sulu's tenure it is also known to work closely with Starfleet Intelligence, though the two commands remain nominally separate.

TIME-IN-RANK: 5.75 years prior to current date.

SERVICE HISTORY HIGHLIGHTS: Sulu was a bridge officer aboard Starfleet's Constitution-class starship the Enterprise during its five year mission under Captain James Tiberius Kirk, a voyage so steeped in legend that even one only cursorily aware of UFP history will likely have heard of it. As a starship captain, Sulu played a major role in ensuring the successful negotiation of the Khitomer Accords between the UFP and the Klingon Empire. Later as a Rear Admiral, he personally negotiated Klingon aid during the Biophage crisis, riding with the Klingon fleet to the Battle of Kadesh. Apparently as a reward he was placed in command of Starfleet's Explorer Corps before his eventual promotion to Vice Admiral.

PERSONALITY: Highly charismatic, Sulu is reportedly capable of inspiring incredible loyalty in those under around him, a loyalty his reputation says he returns. Fearless in starship battles, he is also an expert in many low-tech forms of violence including antique firearms, blades, and unarmed combat. Reputedly he is also an avid botanist, likely so he can grow his own plant-based poisons based on his other interests.

STRENGTHS: Sulu is something of a legend among his colleagues in Starfleet. Quoting one source directly, "The man can pull miracles out of his ass at will." Even beyond his rank he commands enormous respect throughout the entirety of Starfleet and in the wider UFP. A skilled political operator, he's parleyed this respect into influence on many levels.

WEAKNESSES: Sulu is becoming aged for a human and likely does not have many more years of active military service left. When his sense of loyalty is invoked, he can engage in irrational behavior to satisfy it.

POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: In the Empire, an admiral of Sulu's popularity would be considered politically destabilizing. He is a dedicated Expansionist who strongly favors UFP growth and integration of new species.

COMMENTS: Sulu's apparent rapport with the Klingon Empire would present a serious threat if he were to become Commander of Starfleet. According to some sources, he is virtually a second shadow-Commander of Starfleet already.


Patricia Chen


CURRENT POST: Starfleet Shipyard Operations Vice Admiral. Chen is responsible for starship construction in Starfleet shipyards. Note that "Starfleet shipyards" should not be used interchangeably with "UFP Shipyards". Though the member species of the UFP maintain their own shipyards, for approximately the past 30 years Starfleet has maintained its own supra-national shipyards where only dedicated Starfleet vessels are constructed.

TIME-IN-RANK: 3.75 years prior to current date.

SERVICE HISTORY HIGHLIGHTS: Served previously as director of Utopia Planitia, Starfleet's largest shipyard. Prior to that was head of "Shipyard Industrial Command" and before that the Starfleet "Explorer Corps". Chen made a name for herself as the most-favored protege of now-retired Starfleet Commander VITALIA KAHURANGI.

PERSONALITY: Chen is known as an innovator and pioneer of new methodologies. Her mentor Ret-Admiral Vitalia Kahurangi once described Chen in a public speech as, "One of the most daring commanders I know, and one of the great escape artists."

STRENGTHS: Chen has shown great adaptability, able to quickly size up and meet the requirements of a new task. Peers describe her as "highly intelligent" even among a peer group known for high standards of ability.

WEAKNESSES: As with many high-intelligence individuals, Chen is easily bored by the tedious clean-up work involved in all big projects and prefers to delegate such responsibilities. Note: In order to protect intelligence sources, additional information is available only under standard senatorial Secret-level classification.

POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: Chen appears to value Starfleet as an institution over any particular potential usage and is otherwise politically neutral. Anything that strengthen's Starfleet's position is good and anything that doesn't is undesirable or unimportant. Despite or because of this neutrality, she is personally popular with many UFP Council members.

COMMENTS: When dealing with an individual famous for her innovative solution to problems, one should beware one does not become a problem.

-You are now cleared to know that there is additional information regarding Patricia Chen that is under TAL SHIAR TOREYA level need-to-know classification. Apply clearance codes for further details.

-The following information was obtained through Orion Syndicate contacts prior to the anti-Syndicate efforts of the UFP. These contacts were eliminated and information was purged from their data banks to ensure the knowledge remains the exclusive property of the Romulan Star Empire.
-As a child, Patricia Chen's parents arranged for treatments within Orion space that artificially enhanced her intelligence. These enhancements would have been highly illegal within United Earth. See attached files for details and chain-of-evidence. It is unknown if Chen herself is aware of the nature and extent these enhancements. Under Earth law Chen would bear no legal responsibility for these enhancements, but they would be considered sufficiently scandalous as to likely end her Starfleet career.
-This information has been classified so that it can be utilized when and if a disruption of the Starfleet would be maximally advantageous for the Empire, particularly if Chen has been appointed Starfleet Commander.


Shey ch'Tharvasse

SPECIES: Andorian

CURRENT POST: Chief of Staff, Starfleet Command. As chief of staff, ch'Tharvasse servers as the Starfleet Commander's primary aide and advisor. He provides a buffer between the Starfleet commander and those who would otherwise directly report to her. In the event of an unplanned replacement of the Starfleet Commander due to mischance, he would likely be made interim Commander, though in the event of a political ousting he would likely be seen as too closely connected.

TIME-IN-RANK: 3.5 years prior to current date (Note he has held Chief of Staff position for 10 years and was promoted to Vice Admiral while maintaining the same assignment.)

SERVICE HISTORY HIGHLIGHTS: Served as head of Starfleet Intelligence prior to appointment as chief of staff. Known to have "made his name" as a Commodore resolving a near war with rogue political elements among then-UFP affiliate species the Rigellians.

PERSONALITY: Known among his colleagues for short and pithy summaries of complex situations, ch'Tharvasse lacks the sort of professional paranoia normally found among former intelligence heads. Rather, he is inclined to seize opportunities and take risks to make deals. One source close to him says that ch'Tharvasse believes every sapient has a price, and if you want something from them it's just a matter of finding that price and meeting it.

STRENGTHS: Believed to be a savvy political operator with allies on the UFP Council. Ch'Tharvasse is known to have a special talent for inter-species diplomacy and has personally intervened in personnel and goal selections for many Starfleet diplomatic missions. The UFP Council utilized him during the negotiation of our recent non-aggression treaty. Highly ambitious.

WEAKNESSES: Easily tempted by a presented opportunity. Has now spent a decade directly subordinate to Starfleet Commander, and his own leadership skills may have deteriorated.

POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: On one occasion, openly expressed concerns about the amount of Starfleet resources devoted to the UFP's low-boil war with the Cardassian Union. Believed to have an excellent relationship with Rigellian Council Members.

COMMENTS: The most nakedly political of the Starfleet Vice Admirals. If appointed Starfleet Commander, the office's political power will be maximized. On a more positive note, long absence from regular operations may inhibit his ability to be an effective military commander.


Nyota Uhura


CURRENT POST: Director, Starfleet Operations Command. Put simply, this position is responsible for coordinating the activities of all of Starfleet ships.

TIME-IN-RANK: 2 years prior to current date

SERVICE HISTORY HIGHLIGHTS: Uhura was a bridge officer aboard Starfleet's Constitution-class ship the Enterprise during its five year mission under Captain James Tiberius Kirk, a voyage so steeped in legend that even one only cursorily aware of UFP history will likely have heard of it. Other notable postings include leading the forward-most defensive squadron in the UFP's early clashes with the Cardassian Union and later leading the UFP's campaign against the Orion Syndicate.

PERSONALITY: A talented linguist, Uhura prides herself on knowledge of alien cultures and is known to speak our language to some degree of fluency without translator assistance. Has a knack for getting the opinions of her subordinates and swiftly synthesizing them into an effective course of action.

STRENGTHS: Described by one sources as, "Possibly the most gifted linguist and communications specialist Starfleet has ever had." Appears to have a special gift for coordination.

WEAKNESSES: Uhura is becoming aged for a human and likely does not have many more years of active military service left. Reportedly can become impatient with an operational pace she considers too slow.

POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: The violence of the Orion campaign is believed to have left her with a hardened, somewhat militaristic view (relative to the baseline Starfleet officer) towards facing down and eliminating threats to the UFP.

COMMENTS: Currently lacks time in rank to be promoted to Starfleet Commander, barring extraordinary circumstances. A highly capable, aggressive commander who recently reorganized Starfleet Operations to create numerous new Vice Admiral positions.


Scott Linderley


CURRENT POST: Commander of Starfleet Intelligence. Though individual member states maintain their own intelligence divisions, Starfleet Intelligence is believed to be the primary espionage service for the UFP as a whole.

TIME-IN-RANK: 1.25 years prior to current date (Note he has held the post of Commander of Starfleet Intelligence for 6 years and was promoted to Vice Admiral while maintaining the same assignment.)

SERVICE HISTORY HIGHLIGHTS: Unknown. Vice Admiral Linderley has successfully managed to erase or encrypt records on his earlier career, and our usual sources have been unable to help.

PERSONALITY: Secretive and paranoid, we assume.

STRENGTHS: Counter-intelligence.



COMMENTS: Currently lacks time in rank to be promoted to Starfleet Commander, barring extraordinary circumstances. Little firm information is available, but it seems unlikely that a man with such a low public profile would ever be made Commander of Starfleet.


Viraan zh'Dohlen

SPECIES: Andorian

CURRENT POST: Tailward Theatre Command. As the name implies this posting is responsible for Starfleet operational activity on the UFP's tailward border, including their border with the Empire. This position also made her nominally responsible for the operations during the recent war between the UFP and the Arcadian Empire, though we cannot confirm her actual level of responsibility. Note this position was newly created with zh'Dohlen's appointment as part of a response to the UFP's recent expansion.

TIME-IN-RANK: 1 year prior to current date

SERVICE HISTORY HIGHLIGHTS: Zh'Dohlen spent many years with the UFP's Explorer Corps, first as chief of staff and then as commander once she was promoted to Rear Admiral. We have been unable to find any notable achievements prior to these appointments.

PERSONALITY: Colleagues describe her as "irreverent" and more interested in results than in procedure. Otherwise a private individual with no spouses and few interests outside of her work.

STRENGTHS: The "Explorer Corps" tends to produce Starfleet's most elite officers, and zh'Dohlen had nearly a decade in that command to earn their loyalty. Also known as one of the more political admirals, able to efficiently manipulate Starfleet's internal bureaucracy.

WEAKNESSES: Some complains have been intercepted that she fails to provide sufficient guidance to her subordinates. Seems to have no special talents or areas of specific ability that might distinguish her for the jump to Starfleet Commander.

POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: Reportedly well-liked by at least some members of the Federation Council, but there are few public statements to indicate her vision for Starfleet or the UFP.

COMMENTS: Currently lacks time in rank to be promoted to Starfleet Commander, barring extraordinary circumstances. As Theatre Commander on our border, zh'Dohlen is of special concern to the Empire, and further profiling efforts are ongoing.




CURRENT POST: Central Theatre Command. As the name implies this posting is responsible for Starfleet operational activity in the UFP's central area, including rimward of Ferasa and the Sydraxian border. Note this position was newly created with Sotak's appointment as part of a response to the UFP's recent expansion.

TIME-IN-RANK: 1 year prior to current date

SERVICE HISTORY HIGHLIGHTS: For fifteen years prior to his Vice Admiral promotion, Sotak was the Rear Admiral in charge of the sector containing Vulcan, considered to be generally a peaceful command. This seems to have been a reward for successful prior service in Starfleet Intelligence, of which we know few details.

PERSONALITY: As with most Surakians, Sotak strives to suppress his emotions. Colleagues have described him as "calculating" and "patient". He has the fairly specific hobby of being interested in the metalworking techniques of other races and is a hobbyist blacksmith. He has been known to forge small metal objects, including blades, as gifts.

STRENGTHS: Highly respected by his peers and known to have considerable diplomatic experience. Careful in all aspects of his duties and rarely makes an unforced error. Successful service in Starfleet Intelligence suggests an understanding of subtle operations.

WEAKNESSES: Considered to be reactive and unaggressive.

POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: Something of a favorite of the Development faction, where his hobby of personal craftsmanship is regarded as deeply symbolic. One source claims that he makes a deliberate policy of favoring Vulcan officers, but if so he is sufficiently subtle about it that the perception has not impacted his career.

COMMENTS: Currently lacks time in rank to be promoted to Starfleet Commander, barring extraordinary circumstances. However, this appears to be a man of extreme patience and undoubted ambition. If he can achieve some extraordinary accomplishment during his time as Theatre Commander, his chances of someday being promoted to Starfleet Commander will considerably improve.


John Harriman


CURRENT POST: Spinward Theatre Command. As the name implies this posting is responsible for Starfleet operational activity on the UFP's spinward border, encompassing the UFP's border with the Cardassian Union and the current Gabriel Conflict Zone. Note this position was newly created with Harriman's appointment as part of a response to the UFP's recent expansion.

TIME-IN-RANK: 1 year prior to current date

SERVICE HISTORY HIGHLIGHTS: Harriman had a long career commanding a ship in the Explorer Corps, then moved to Explorer Corps operations director. He then spent six years commanding the Starfleet squadron posted on the Empire's border. As a Rear Admiral Harriman served in Theory Command of Starfleet Tactical, a post whose function remains somewhat opaque to us. Despite all of this, a shadow hangs over his career as the captain under whose watch the famous Admiral Kirk died.

PERSONALITY: Described as "earnest" and "kind". Harriman excels at developing personal relationships and friendships and consequently has a cadre of quite fierce supporters within Starfleet.

STRENGTHS: While rarely innovative, Harriman has an encyclopedic knowledge of the tactics and stratagems employed by commanders of the past and can deploy them on command... or recognize them when deployed against himself. One source says, "I've never been able to get one up on John... he always seems to catch on to what I'm trying."

WEAKNESSES: Has little interest or skill in politics, which is one reason he has been unable to shake the shadow of Admiral Kirk's death. Not considered to be very innovative.

POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: For some members of the Federation Council, Harriman's obvious lack of interest in politics is a positive, as he is considered an unbiased source on Starfleet. As mentioned, Harriman operates heavily on personal, private friendships which tends to obscure the full scope of his support from our ability to monitor.

COMMENTS: Currently lacks time in rank to be promoted to Starfleet Commander, barring extraordinary circumstances. As Theatre Commander covering the Cardassian Union border, Harriman has a high probability of being the commanding officer on the spot when general war breaks out between the Cardassians and the UFP.




CURRENT POST: Director, Starfleet Logistics Command. As the name implies this posting is responsible for Starfleet logistics, including non-combat capable transports, mining colonies, research colonies, and similar. Note this position was newly promoted to a Vice Admiral spot with T'Faer's appointment as part of a response to the UFP's recent expansion.

TIME-IN-RANK: 1 year prior to current date

SERVICE HISTORY HIGHLIGHTS: T'Faer first came to our attention when she was appointed as commander of the UFP squadron bordering the neutral zone during the Biophage crisis, having been called back from a sabbatical as Director of the Vulcan Science Academy. She was badly wounded during this crisis. After returning to duty, she served in the Ship Design Bureau for two years before being promoted to the (then Rear Admiral) position of Director of Starfleet Logistics Command. She was briefly placed in command of the border area between the UFP and the Cardassian Union, before being abruptly reassigned back to Logistics Command when it became a Vice Admiral position.

PERSONALITY: As with most Surakians, T'Faer strives to suppress her emotions. Considered brutal, efficient, and severe by her colleagues. To quote a sources, "She has no patience for any alternative point of view that can't back up their argument in excruciating detail." Undoubtedly a scientific genius who has unfortunately personally contributed much to the UFP's development of anti-cloaking technologies.

STRENGTHS: Massively talented at coordinating large numbers of personnel and resources and able to alter schedules on-the-fly in resposne to changing situations. Skilled at defensive operations.

WEAKNESSES: Has little interest or skill in politics and few of her colleagues or superiors actually seem to like her, even as they admire her skills.

POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: We have been able to find find few clues to her political beliefs or any ambitions she may have for Starfleet's direction. While T'Faer seems to have no personal friends among Federation political circles, her service in the Biophage crisis has given her a permanent reputation as a soldier who will get the job done, whatever the job might be.

COMMENTS: Currently lacks time in rank to be promoted to Starfleet Commander, barring extraordinary circumstances. Most details of her current work are opaque to our usual sources, as very few people take any interest in logistics beyond those involved.


Omake Notes - This was a long one. @OneirosTheWriter I hope this provides a little bit of fleshing out if you need to do more with any of these characters, especially as some of them may eventually be candidates for Starfleet Commander in future votes.
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Captain's Log - 2315.Q4.M1
Captain's Log, USS Voshov, Stardate 25976.3 - Captain Demora Sulu

For the first time in a decade, since Commodore ka'Sharren's fateful trip to Romulus, Starfleet vessels are forging a path inside Romulan space. After talks on Athos V, the Romulan Senate as authorised consisting of ourselves, the Cloudburst and Inspire to patrol the Romulan side of the neutral zone, as their own forces are too spread thin with conflict with the Klingons to successfully do so. A small Romulan task force, under an Admiral Velim, with one Daljerra and three Birds of Prey, will join us for the sweep.


Subspace Communique to Task Force 6, Gabriel Border Zone
From: USS Voshov, Captain Sulu

Commodore ka'Sharren, pardon the intrusion. I thought you should know a Romulan Admiral Velim passed on her regards.


Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 25977.4 - Captain T'Rinta

After concluding our quantum torpedo experiments, we have returned to Federation space, en route to Starbase 4 for specialist maintenance following the experiments. While there, we shall work with the Tellarite Academy of Mineral Sciences to learn more about potential packing substances for the torpedoes.


Captain's Log, USS Docana, Stardate 25977.9

A major summit for the peace talks of the Arcadian War will be held on Delta Vega, with representatives from mainly the Ked Paddah, Gaeni, and other affiliates. This is a crucial step. Even though the Arcadian Empire is in no position to really discuss terms, we need to get all of our side all on the same page as far as conciliatory or punitive measures go.

Together with the Dryad, we will be collecting delegates for the summit, and the FDS is counting on us to ensure that there are no conflicts en route.


Captain's Log, USS Lightning, Stardate 25978.4

After receiving a distress call from the Betazoid colony ship Seed of Stars, we rushed to their aid, just in time to dispatch engineers and avert a potentially catastrophic build up on their port warp plasma injectors. It was a very near-run thing, however. As my ship's Counsellor on the bridge said when we approached, 'That is a lot of terrified people.'

[Ship saved, +10pp]


Captain's Log, USS Salnas, Stardate 25978.7

A science team studying unusual planetary rings in the Straits of Themis reported an emergency, a failure of rad shielding to ninety percent of their base. They were effectively cooped up in their own mess hall with only a few hazard suits to even attempt repairs. The Salnas was able to identify the radiative feedback that was disabling their shielding and bring it back online, and render aid to those effected without loss of life.

[Gain +10rp]


Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 25978.9

Our plans have been altered, with a report that a mutiny is occurring on a Caitian cargo ship. We are heading there at emergency warp.

From my recollections, there was another similar mutiny recently. I will have to investigate.


Captain's Log, USS Vigour, Stardate 25979.1

A peculiar harmonic resonance in the fourth moon of Kapir VI was noticed during a periodic long-range sweep by Starbase 4. Together with the USS Lion on their first proper mission since returning, we have come to investigate, and found that the resonance was formed by a type of tritanium ore in a helical pattern that covers most of the moon. While we do not wish to disturb this natural phenomenon, we have located notable deposits that are safe to extract.

[Gain +35br]


Captain's Log, USS Docana, Stardate 25791.4

It has taken considerable acts of diplomacy, but we have managed to talk through a dispute that arose between the Gaen and Ked Paddah Ambassadors, over the relative prudence of warp nacelle structures.

That was surprisingly painful, but I was able to connect with the two Ambassador and get them back on the same page before arriving at the Vulcan system.

[Gain +10pp, open path to further event this quarter]


Captain's Log, USS Voshov, Stardate 25791.6

I think we have located the source of the renewed infection from a combination of Romulan information about the known movements of the IRW Redclaw and a phased tachyon sensor sweep run in between ourselves and the Inspire.

The wreckage of the SS Skegal was found on the surface of a barren rock. Solves that question at least. We have successfully irradiated the wreck. There were signs that the captain of the Redclaw had been attempting to do the samewhen his ship became infected. Exactly what it was that went wrong is unknown though.

In any event, with the initial vector recognised, and the rest of our sweep clear, will be escorted back towards the Neutral Zone, with the appreciation of the Romulan Senate.

[Gain +10pp]


Captain's Log, USS Selaya, Stardate 25791.8

While mapping systems on the fringes of Rigellian space, we encountered a peculiar geological formation, a sort of weblike encrusting that connected a series of asteroids. It appears that the thick dust cloud accompanying the asteroid belt was reacting to stellar wind, becoming charged and accreting minerals from the surrounding cloud.

[Gain +15sr]


Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 25792.5

We have rescued the loyal crew members who were largely confined to the brig. I must confess, when the leader of the mutiny informed me that I had no right to interfere as they were a sovereign starship now, I was so confused by the logic that I nearly failed to act in time. As it was, we were able to bypass the shields after we made contact with a loyalist loose within the ship. After that it was a relatively simple process to secure the ship.

Under examination, it appears that there was a criminal movement among the Caitian Merchant Marine. We are sending an alert to the authorities on Ferasa.

[Gain +5pp, save Cargo Ship]


Subspace Communique, to USS Voshov, Captain Sulu
From: Task Force 6, Gabriel Border Zone

Appreciated, Captain, give her my regards in return. If she ever wants another spar, tell her to send me a message, care of Starbase 11.
