Nervos Belli
Don't think this means you've won!
- Location
- Murica
Ouch. That was a bad month for sure.
The legacy lives on!
There was a riot, and I have lost dozens of officers and crew who had been taking part in diplomacy and peacekeeping operations on the surface.
There's the other failed hard P check.[-10pp, -10 relations with Seyek, Huascar gains permanent +1 P from learning experience]
Bring it on.Nah, Huascar got flummoxed by a Medium DC, it was a snake-eyes roll. There are other Hard-DCs still lurking in the deck.
Captain's Log, USS Voshov, Stardate 25890.2 - Captain Demora Sulu
After returning from our rendezvous with the citizens, we are swiftly into a mapping mission near Yrillian space. In addition to being a promising area of space, it helps establish a good cover story as to why we were in the area, should anyone grow suspicious.
Captain's Log, USS Winterwind, Stardate 25891.5
There was a riot, and I have lost dozens of officers and crew who had been taking part in diplomacy and peacekeeping operations on the surface. It is another semi-cult that is promoting some alternative path of science from that of the Directorate. I'm disgusted with myself that I didn't see the growing signs. They were there, but with an actual war ending, I let my optimism blind me.
The Medonda has arrived with an escort, and immediately started T'Lorel-Pattern orbital suppression, eliminating the key communications hubs neatly. We are still assisting them in bringing the rioting under control as the Caldonian Prefects deploy to the surface. I remember when those Prefects used to walk the streets in simple tunics and barely a baton at their side. In a few short years, they have begun to deploy with short-barrel phaser-rifles and energy dampening plate. I worry for the Caldonian, whose colonies continue to be racked by these revolts.
[-10pp, -1 Enlisted casualties]
Captain's Log, USS Kearsage, Stardate 25891.8
Together with the Zephyr we have successfully kept secret and unobserved a meeting between the FDS aboard an Amarkian ship, and a group of Sydraxian dissidents. There was nearly an approach by an Yrillian cargo ship, but we were able to interdict them well short of sensor range.
[No Treaty of Celos problems]
Captain's Log, USS Bull, Stardate 25892.2
Our mission to Arqueniou is proceeding very promisingly. There is considerable interest among both the Senate and People of the Qloathi in the Federation. While our entry into a war was considered a cause for serious alarm, my crew and I were able to explain the reason and the conduct of the Federation successfully. The local ambassador is very encouraged.
[Gain +25 relations with Qloathi, +5pp, gain +0.1 O/yr recruiting]
Captain's Log, USS Huascar, Stardate 25892.5
I regret to report that our maiden foray into diplomacy was ... I don't want to say an unmitigated failure. We identified many potential obstacles that can be worked upon in the future to help pave the way for future integration. I have counselled a number of my crew, and sought feedback from the local diplomats to see what went wrong.
[Chief of Staff's NB: They may not want to say it, but it was an unmitigated disaster. FDS friendly political shows are asking for your head again.]
[-10pp, -10 relations with Seyek, Huascar gains permanent +1 P from learning experience]
Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 25892.8
There are some ... incidental problems yet to be worked out of the system. However, it was a fascianting scientific experiment. My science and engineering crews adapted to the unexpected collapse of the torpedo into a quantum filament as it reacted with our shielding in unanticipated ways. A significant part of the planet's surface was damaged by collision with the quantum filament, which required considerable effort to unknot from the local space-time topography.
[Gain +15rp, major bonus to future quantum torpedo research]
The Caldonian Science Directorate is the principal political force, the effective government of Caldonia and her colonies. It maintains a tight control on research and scientific orthodoxy. Sometimes too tight a control, which exacerbates the problems posed by the so-called Science Cults that have been erupting on the colonies.
I'm wondering if there's more here than meets the eye. Caldonia is a society that emphasizes Science!, if in a more sober way than the Gaeni. That... could get weird when applied to politics.It is another semi-cult that is promoting some alternative path of science from that of the Directorate
I'm wondering if there's more here than meets the eye. Caldonia is a society that emphasizes Science!, if in a more sober way than the Gaeni. That... could get weird when applied to politics.
I wonder if 'promoting an alternative path of science' is sort of just how radical political opposition gets filtered through a Caldonian lens. Like, if you reject the political orthodoxy, you're winding up rejecting the scientific orthodoxy as well?
Or a boost to an existing team, don't forget that!A couple of ouches but the Qloath success is nice, a little more officer income is always good.
And a permanent boost to p for an excelsior is solid. Down 15 PP from the month though. Flip side is that we gained 15 rp so already over what we need to run all our tech teams. We are now 8 rp over which would cover picking up a team this coming snakepit.
A couple of ouches but the Qloath success is nice, a little more officer income is always good.
And a permanent boost to p for an excelsior is solid. Down 15 PP from the month though. Flip side is that we gained 15 rp so already over what we need to run all our tech teams. We are now 8 rp over which would cover picking up a team this coming snakepit.
Need 2 more to to hit a boost. Ideally we see another 45 or so rp before the next research phase so we can add a tech team and boost 4 times
Next month, the Lecarre janitor aboard the Voshov sends in his report. Treaty of Celos over, -50 pp.
Oh ouch those are not that great at presence with a score of 3, this will bump it up to a renaissance. I guess I got used to Lexington and such as Connie b names.The Huascar is a Constitution-B, but still useful to have a Presence boost.
He's a normal meat person, just like you.Hugh Mann is a valuable member of our crew, and I won't have you making fun of him for his oversized ears.
Captain's Log, USS Winterwind, Stardate 25891.5
There was a riot, and I have lost dozens of officers and crew who had been taking part in diplomacy and peacekeeping operations on the surface. It is another semi-cult that is promoting some alternative path of science from that of the Directorate. I'm disgusted with myself that I didn't see the growing signs. They were there, but with an actual war ending, I let my optimism blind me.
The Medonda has arrived with an escort, and immediately started T'Lorel-Pattern orbital suppression, eliminating the key communications hubs neatly. We are still assisting them in bringing the rioting under control as the Caldonian Prefects deploy to the surface. I remember when those Prefects used to walk the streets in simple tunics and barely a baton at their side. In a few short years, they have begun to deploy with short-barrel phaser-rifles and energy dampening plate. I worry for the Caldonian, whose colonies continue to be racked by these revolts.
[-10pp, -1 Enlisted casualties]
Captain's Log, USS Kearsage, Stardate 25891.8
Together with the Zephyr we have successfully kept secret and unobserved a meeting between the FDS aboard an Amarkian ship, and a group of Sydraxian dissidents. There was nearly an approach by an Yrillian cargo ship, but we were able to interdict them well short of sensor range.
[No Treaty of Celos problems]
Captain's Log, USS Bull, Stardate 25892.2
Our mission to Arqueniou is proceeding very promisingly. There is considerable interest among both the Senate and People of the Qloathi in the Federation. While our entry into a war was considered a cause for serious alarm, my crew and I were able to explain the reason and the conduct of the Federation successfully. The local ambassador is very encouraged.
[Gain +25 relations with Qloathi, +5pp, gain +0.1 O/yr recruiting]
Captain's Log, USS Huascar, Stardate 25892.5
I regret to report that our maiden foray into diplomacy was ... I don't want to say an unmitigated failure. We identified many potential obstacles that can be worked upon in the future to help pave the way for future integration. I have counselled a number of my crew, and sought feedback from the local diplomats to see what went wrong.
[Chief of Staff's NB: They may not want to say it, but it was an unmitigated disaster. FDS friendly political shows are asking for your head again.]
[-10pp, -10 relations with Seyek, Huascar gains permanent +1 P from learning experience]
Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 25892.8
There are some ... incidental problems yet to be worked out of the system. However, it was a fascianting scientific experiment. My science and engineering crews adapted to the unexpected collapse of the torpedo into a quantum filament as it reacted with our shielding in unanticipated ways. A significant part of the planet's surface was damaged by collision with the quantum filament, which required considerable effort to unknot from the local space-time topography.
[Gain +15rp, major bonus to future quantum torpedo research]
Captain's Log, USS Voshov, Stardate 25893.5
A series of unusual reptilian lifeforms occupied a very rich vein of coralinite, an important bonding agent in Tritanium-Duranium alloys. It took some very adept research from my biologists to determine what the impact on the local wildlife of pulling up this vein would be, and if it was safe to do so. In the end, we have been able to fill a number of cargo pods with the material, which is always one of the elements that Shipyard Ops clamours out for more of.
[Gain +35br]
I was thinking that it would be part of the whole Shipyard Ops build planning vote, since anything involving build times or repair costs would have to be included in such a plan.Do you really want another vote task there? Might get pretty irritating to have to vote on each year if you get another industrial park.
I'd be okay with this.Perhaps a reduction of 1 Qtr per 6 Qtrs, minimum 1 Qtr reduction, and say it gives a 10 or 20% discount in pp requirements for any other infrastructure projects in the same sector?
Yeah, I might just go with replicating Patricia Chen's bonus (even if she ceases to be). Instead of pp reductions, -1qtr time reductions.
So stacking with Chen will instead mean -1qtr to each build. Potentially something for serial builds but I don't nevessarily want to further disincentivise new ship types
However, the imperative they gave me to always carry a phaser pistol under all circumstances was certainly unusual.
While taking an inspection of the Courageous while most of the crew is at liberty on Betazed, Rear Admiral Eaton, along with her Chief of Staff and wife Captain McAdams, became very agitated, noticing inconsistencies with the work crews. At this stage, I was unable to identify what it was that they were concerned about.
...a repair crew secretly being thieves trying to steal the ship. I think I've seen this plot before!While taking an inspection of the Courageous while most of the crew is at liberty on Betazed, Rear Admiral Eaton, along with her Chief of Staff and wife Captain McAdams, became very agitated, noticing inconsistencies with the work crews. At this stage, I was unable to identify what it was that they were concerned about. I must confess, adapting to the natural order aboard an Excelsior-class ship as opposed to a Constellation is a prolonged process. However, thanks to their sharp senses, we were forewarned and thus, forearmed when the speciality civilian repair team consisting of unfamiliar Rigellians began their assault. We fought our way to a transporter pad and beamed up a number of security personnel.