Oh. He's back. I'm not gonna say more than this: Dude. STOP.

Also, if you guys don't remember, there was pretty much nothing off limits when it came to killing the biophage. The existential threat it posed was recognized and we were allowed to ventilate EPS plasma into our own ships even if it killed crew.

We demoted a guy for saving refugees from a doomed freighter. That's practically anti-Starfleet.

Flat out, if the biophage is back, the Council will likely unanimously give us a SoE and send us to go burn the fuck out of wherever the biophage might be hiding.

It is that bad.
Cmon man, context is a thing. It's obvious ThoughtMaster wasn't talking about using the Biophage like that. Jump down his throat when he actually deserves it.
I have this mental image that I lack the skill to turn into a full omake.

A Klingon and a Romulon force are about to face off/have already started skirmishing when the Romulon commander contacts the Klingon commander with a high priority signal, saying that the Inflictor has been sighted.

Both fleets then head off on the same vector , though with seperation, to face a common foe...

Probably with some House Duras type complaining and getting slapped down by the Klingon commander, because even Klingon High Command recognises the danger the Biophage represents.
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2315.Q3 - GBZ
Admiral Sousa,

I have only recently arrived within the Collie System to review the disposition of the new Gabriel Border Zone force, and I am pleased with what I have found. In spite of the pause in operations, the assets here have not been idle. The Collie repair yard has been completed, each of the three outposts have been reinforced, and a series of defensive minefields have been arranged protecting strategic points. As dispassionate as I am to be, it is nonetheless of comfort to me to be on this side of the mines this time. A weapons station has been added to support the repair yard and the outpost at Collie, and stations at key systems in between Sguirri, Collie, and Tal Hanar have been added. With the return of damaged craft and other reinforcements, our prospectors are once again beginning to push out.

The arrival of the two Amarkian Hebrinda-A cruisers to replace their damaged cruisers also represents a healthy boost to our combat forces. After our meeting with the Apiata, we are told they are considering relying primarily on their full Queenships for hive defence and dispatching a third Little Queenship team to bolster their forces in the Gabriel. I am informed through other channels that the Caitians are still organising an expeditionary force, and will likely join us during the new year.

I expect to have more to report on as new systems are uncovered in future. Rear Admiral Ainsworth's parting gift of a secure flank against the Sydraxians will do much to enable my work here.

Rear Admiral T'Lorel
Sector Command, Gabriel Border Zone


Ongoing Projects

Starfleet Engineering Team - none
Starfleet Colony Team - none

Amarkian Engineering Team - Amarkian Repair Yard, 1x1000mt, @ Tal Hanar - ETC 2316.Q1
Amarkian Colony Team - none

Apiata Workerbee Team - Improved Staging Area at Delzarr - ETC 2315.Q4
Apiata Colony Team - none

Key: (This Quarter / Last Quarter / Next Quarter) - Results of Last Quarter

USS Nicholas Barton, NCC-632, Prospector (3 Baker / 8 Baker / 19 Baker) - Stellar Anomaly, Task Force 1 will investigate for 5rp
USS Somak, NCC-635, Prospector (41 Miele / 9 Miele / 40 Miele ) - 9 Mele I, Class L Planet, Minor Colony potential, no significant resources

Forager Trinzzi, NCC-3304 (30 Dorsata / 14 Dorsata / 42 Dorsata) - one-off 20sr available for pickup, Bumblebee en route
Forager Onzala, NCC-3302 (2 Dorsata / 1 Dorsata / 11 Dorsata) - 1 Dorsata V, +20/yr BR Mine, one-off 20sr available for pickup, Bumblebee en route

CAS Ipoor, Prospector (3 Miele / 2 Miele / 10 Miele ) - Boring system

Known Systems of Interest

Collie (Starfleet)
Sguirri (Apinae)
Tal Hanar (Amarkia)

19 Dorsata II - 10sr/yr mine site, small interest
31 Miele V-3 - 5rp/yr research colony site, difficult terrain, minor interest


The Gabriel Sector

Date Updated: 2315.Q3

Starfleet Status: Normal (Can travel 1 Sq Length per 2 Weeks)
Starfleet Status within GBZ: High Alert (Can travel 1 Sq Length per Week)
Federation Status: Normal

UESPA: High Alert (LBZ)
VHC: High Alert (LBZ)
TSF: High Alert (LBZ)
AG: High Alert (LBZ)
Amarkia: Normal
Caitian: Normal
Apiata: Normal
Indoria: Normal
Orion: Normal
Rigel: High Alert (LBZ)
BDF: High Alert (LBZ)
Caldonia: Normal
Risa: Normal
Gaen: Normal
Seyek: Normal
Qloath: Normal
Honiani: Normal

Sector Command Staff

Sector Commander: Rear Admiral T'Lorel
Task Force 1: Commodore Jessica Rivers
Task Force 2: Commodore Revak
Task Force 3: Commodore Nash ka'Sharren
Auxiliary: Commodore Alejandro Suarez
Apiata TF: High Queen Nerzizza
Amarki TF: Admiral Galen Toor

Commander, Collie Outpost: Commander Iftie Torbiebh
Commander, Collie Repair Yard: Captain -
-Superintendent, Berth A, Commander -
-Superintendent, Berth B, Commander -
Commander, Sguirri Outpost: Queen Pimizzieda
Commander, Tal Hanar Outpost: Commander

Commander, Starfleet Medical assets: Captain -
Commander, Starfleet Engineering assets: Commodore -
Director, Starfleet Logistics assets: Captain -
Director, Starfleet Colony assets: Commodore
Others TBD

Additional Personnel:
Collie Mining Colony Administrator:
Sguirri Mining Colony Administrator:
Tal Hanar Mining Colony Administrator:

FBS Embedded Reporter -
FNN Embedded Reporter -
High Comb Times Embedded Reporter -

Rear Admiral T'Lorel
Current Posting: Pending
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: High
Politics: Medium

Commodore Nash ka'Sharren
Current Posting: Commander, Task Force 6
Rule-Abiding: Low
Aggression: High
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: High
Politics: Medium

Commodore Jessica Rivers
Current Posting: Commander, Task Force 1
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: Medium

Commodore Revak
Current Posting: Commander, Task Force 2
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Low
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High

Commodore Alejandro Suarez
Expanded Field Repair capacity
Current Posting: Auxiliary Command, GBZ Sector Fleet
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: Low
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Low
Politics: High

High Queen Nerzizza
Current Posting: Commander, Apiata Gabriel Fleet
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: High
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Low
Politics: Medium

Admiral Galen Toor
Current Posting: Commander, Amarkian Gabriel Fleet
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: Medium
Politics: High
The man who led the Amarkian response to Syndicate slaving raids in Amarkian Space.

Sector Details
Roughly encompasses area from 4h to 1e, with outcroppings, with space above and below this plane
~15 Squares worth, each of which contains a few dozen stars, of which a quarter will have planets and other items of interest
Each power is accessing the sector from a different direction. Your staff will be attempting to surge out, claim, then retain space. Keeping a safe route for logistics for stations and nascent colonies will be important.
To start with, your commanders will have Starfleet assets and Starfleet auxiliaries. They will begin to ask for other resources, and you will be empowered by Acts of Council to pick and choose who you use to contribute.

Current Sector Policy Settings
Green Light = Fully Allowed, Red Light = Fully Denied, Yellow Light = Proceed on Own Recognizance


Apiata Fleet & Auxiliary GBZ Access - Green Light
Amarki Fleet & Auxiliary GBZ Access - Green Light
All Member World - Fleet Unit GBZ Access - Red Light
All Member World - Auxiliary GBZ Access - Red Light

Expansion - Green Light
Infrastructure Building - Yellow Light
Mining Colony Building - Yellow Light
Civilian Colony Building - Red Light

Assault on Entry Worlds - Yellow Light
Assault on Link to Entry Worlds - Red Light
Attack Opposing Auxiliary Shipping - Yellow Light

Attack Cardassian Claims - Yellow Light
Attack Sydraxian Claims - Yellow Light
Attack Dylaarian Claims - Red Light

Pursuit into Cardassian Space - Red Light
Pursuit into Dylaarian Space - Red Light
Pursuit into Sydraxite Space - Red Light

The Competitors

The United Federation of Planets
Entry Point into GBZ:
Delzarr (0f) <-> Collie (1f)

Capital to Frontier Supply Chain
Sol <-> Tellar Prime <-> Amarkia <-> Leas Akaam <-> Apinae <-> Delzarr

Current GBZ Network
Collie (1f) <-> Sguirri (1f)
Collie (1f) <-> Bean's Star (1f)
Bean's Star (1f) <-> Tal Hanar (1e)

The Cardassian Union
Entry Point into GBZ:
Aranyak (1h) <-> 67 Gabriel (2h)

Capital to Frontier Supply Chain
Cardassia <-> Vedarot <-> Karadoc <-> Aranyak (1h)

Current GBZ Network
67 Gabriel (2h) <-> ???

The Sydraxian Hierarchy
Entry Point into GBZ:
Moskar(2e) <-> Deva (2e)
Moskar (2e) <-> ???

Capital to Frontier Supply Chain
Borandt/Dar Nakar <-> Nax Degar <-> Moskar (2e)

Current GBZ Network
Deva (2e) <-> -none-

Have effectively collapsed.

The Dylaarian Federation
Entry Point into GBZ:
Lydantic (5i) <-> Legei (4h)

Capital to Frontier Supply Chain
Dylaaria <-> Lydantic

Current GBZ Network
Legei (4h) <-> ???

Starfleet Assets supporting GBZ

Main Fleet
Fleet Commander, Rear Admiral Rachel Ainsworth

Task Force 1, Commodore Jessica Rivers
-USS Avandar, NCC-2010, Excelsior
-USS Korolev, NCC-1744, Constitution-B, Captain Kwame Okoye
-USS Defiant, NCC-1746, Constitution-B, Captain Mica zh'Halron
-USS T'Kumbra, NCC-1659 Miranda-A, Captain -
-USS Agile, NCC-1632, Miranda-A, Captain -

Task Force 2, Commodore Revak
-USS Saratoga, NCC-1745, Constitution-B, Captain -
-USS Exeter, NCC-1748, Constitution-B, Captain -
-USS Bantam, NCC-1634, Miranda-A, Captain -
-USS Clarion, NCC-1663, Miranda-A, Captain -
-USS Intrepid, NCC-1657, Miranda-A
-USS Eketha, NCC-1655, Miranda-A, Captain Rebecca St-James

Task Force 6, Commodore Nash ka'Sharren
-USS Kumari, NCC-2005, Excelsior, Captain - (Blooded)
-USS Republic, NCC-1743, Constitution-B, Captain -
-USS Challorn, NCC-1809, Constellation, Captain Jennifer Zhang (Blooded)
-USS Fidelity, NCC-1634, Miranda-A, Captain Thomas Oriskany
-USS Bon Vivant, NCC-1621, Miranda-A, Captain Shurg kap Klasch
-USS Shield, NCC-1661, Miranda-A, Captain -

Task Force 3, High Queen Nerzizza
-Light Queenship Telzziadriz, NCC-3103
-Stinger Gerzzi, NCC-3202
-Stinger Triada, NCC-3201
-Light Queenship Pollizazza, NCC-3104
-Stinger Grizzi, NCC-3205
-Stinger Fozarri, NCC-3204
-Forager Trinzzi, NCC-3304
-Forager Onzala, NCC-3302

Task Force 4, Admiral Galen Toor
-CAS Abhriec, NCC-2203, Riala
-CAS Hebrinda, NCC-2402, Hebrinda-A (C5 S2 H3 L5 P3 D4)
-CAS Hilindia, NCC-2403, Hebrinda-A
-CAS Atorfroil, NCC-2304, Brieca
-CAS Icafroil, NCC-2302, Brieca

Task Force 5
-CAS Ilotraia, NCC-2121, Centaur-A
-CAS Tamac, NCC-2306, Calac
-CAS Socac, NCC-2307, Calac

-CAS Ipoor, Prospector



Auxilary Forces
-Home Stationed at Delzarr
-- Starfleet Engineering Command
--- USS Atlas, NCC-845, Engineering Ship - Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Titan, NCC-844, Engineering Ship - Supporting Outpost Build
-- Starfleet Medical Command
--- USS Grace, NCC-747, Hospital Ship
-- Starfleet Tactical Command
--- Runabout Squadron 5 (Tactical Recon Squadron) - Out Exploring
-- Starfleet Logistics Command
--- USS Sidok, NCC-381, Freighter - Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Shri sh'Kannath, NCC-385, Freighter - Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Rawhide, NCC-388, Freighter- Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Vega Maru, NCC-391, Freighter- Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Yagok, NCC-473, Cargo Ship - Supporting Upkeep
--- USS Luna Maru, NCC-475, Cargo Ship - Performing Upkeep
--- USS Pikri, NCC-478, Cargo Ship
--- USS Kalakandor, NCC-481, Cargo Ship - Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Nikona, NCC-3701, Cargo Ship -
--- USS Eridani Sunrise, NCC-3702, Cargo Ship -
-- Starfleet Colony Command
--- USS Nicholas Barton, NCC-632, Prospector - Exploring Subsector 2e
--- USS Somak, NCC-635, Prospector - Exploring Subsector 1e
--- USS Altathyk, NCC-904, Colony Ship
--- USS Trailblazer, NCC-905, Colony Ship
-- Starfleet Intelligence Command
--- SS Appleseed, NC-2653, Civilian Ship

-- Apiata, Home Stationed at Delzarr
--- Bumblebee 1 - Performing Upkeep
--- Bumblebee 2 - Servicing Sguirri XI Trade
--- Bumblebee 3 - Servicing Sguirri XI Trade
--- Bumblebee 4
--- Bumblebee 5
--- Bumblebee 6
--- Worker Bee 1
--- Worker Bee 2
--- Worker Bee 3
--- Worker Bee 4
--- Hasilla, Colony Ship

-- Amarkia, Home Stationed at Bean's Star
--- Cargo Ship 1
--- Cargo Ship 2
--- Cargo Ship 3
--- Freighter 1
--- Freighter 2
--- Passenger
--- Colony Ship
--- Prospector
--- Engineering
--- Super-Freighter

Engineering Ships = Build and Repair Facilities
Hospital Ships = Allow responses to medical distress calls without tying down your Excelsiors
Freighter/Cargo Ships = Supply
Prospectors = Required to prepare for Colony creation
Colony Ship = Required to deliver colonists
Passenger = Required for evacuations, and major colonies
Civilian = Can be set for a number of tasks.

Example Requirements:
1 Sm per four Auxiliaries deployed
1 Sm per two Escort assigned
1 Sm per Cruiser assigned
2 Sm per Explorer assigned
1 Sm, 1 Blk per Station
2 Sm, 2 Blk per Outpost
5 Sm, 5 Blk per Starbase
Colony: Varies

Current Requirements:
1 Station (Collie) - 1S 1B
1 Station (Bean's Star) - 1S 1B
3 Reinforced Outposts (Sguirri, Collie) - 9S 9B
2 Mining Colony - 2S 4B
3 Explorer - 4S
4 Cruiser - 4S
4 Escort - 2S
7 Auxiliary in action - 2S

15 raw br, 25 raw sr from Collie Mining Colony - 15b/yr, 25s/yr - 25S 15B, handled as part of regular infrastructure

Apiata - 8S, 5b
50 raw br from Sguirri XI Mining Complex - 50b/yr, 1 Bumblebee (swapping Sm-0.5Bk) trip /month - Handled as part of regular infrastructure

Amarkia - 7s

13 Small, 1 Bulk Cargo
Apiata - 9 Small Cargo, 2 Bulk Cargo - Two Bumblebees atached
Amarkia - 7 Small Cargo

Total Available:
40 Small, 48 Bulk Cargo Capacity in regular Cargo/Freighter ships
48 Small, 12 Bulk Cargo Capacity in Bumblebees
36 Small, 46 Bulk Cargo Capacity in Amarkia

USS Yagok, USS Luna Maru - Upkeep
Bumblebee 3 (2 servicing Sguirri XI)

Starfleet Sector Infrastructure supporting GBZ

"Critical" - One of very few (or even only one) of its given type of infrastructure within Starfleet's control, the loss of which will cause major loss of function
"Key" - Important assets, the loss of which will impair functions for Starfleet

- Collie (1f) - Rein. Outpost, Repair Yard, Critical Logistics Station, BR Mining Colony (+15br), SR Mining Colony (+25sr), Minefields
- Sguirri (1f) - Rein. Outpost, Mining Station, BR Mining Colony (+50br)
- Bean's Star (1f) - [Station]
- Tal Hanar (1e) - Rein. Outpost, [Repair Yard], BR Mining Colony (+15br/yr), SR Mining Colony (+30sr/yr)

Apinae Sector
- Apinae (-1e) - Starbase 11 [Apinae], Shipyard, Critical Resource Hub
- Alrizzine (0e) - Outpost, Shipyard
- Delzarr (0f) - Mining Facility, Key Logistics Station, [Advanced Staging Area]

[ ] = Under Construction

Member World Assets in Sector

United Earth Space Probe Agency

Vulcan High Command

Andor Guard

Tellarite State Forces

Amarki Confederacy Fleet
1 Riala
2 Hebrinda
1 Centaur-A
2 Brieca
2 Calac

3 Cargo, 2 Freighter, 1 Colony+Engineer+Prospector+Passenger
1 Super-Freighter

Betazoid Defence Force

Caitian Grand Fleet

Unified Hives of the Apiata
2 Light Queenships
4 Stingers
2 Foragers

6 Bumblebees
4 Worker Bees

Indorian Congress



Member World Sector Infrastructure in GBZ

UE = United Earth
V = Vulcan High Command
A = Andorian Empire
T = Tellarite State Forces
M = Amarkian Confederacy
B = Betazoid Noble Houses
F = Caitians Grand Fleet
R = Rigel
P = Unified Hives of the Apiata
I = Indorian Congress

None as of Yet
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Starfleet Assets supporting GBZ

Main Fleet
Fleet Commander, Rear Admiral Rachel Ainsworth
2314.Q4 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Avandar], 4 Constitution-B (20) [Korolev, Defiant, Exeter, Saratoga], 4 Miranda-A (8) [T'Kumbra, Agile, Bantam, Clarion] = 38 C.
Task Force 1, Commodore Jessica Rivers
-USS Avandar, NCC-2010, Excelsior
-USS Korolev, NCC-1744, Constitution-B, Captain Kwame Okoye
-USS Defiant, NCC-1746, Constitution-B, Captain Mica zh'Halron
-USS T'Kumbra, NCC-1659 Miranda-A, Captain -
-USS Agile, NCC-1632, Miranda-A, Captain -

Task Force 2, Commodore Revak
-USS Saratoga, NCC-1745, Constitution-B, Captain -
-USS Exeter, NCC-1748, Constitution-B, Captain -
-USS Bantam, NCC-1634, Miranda-A, Captain -
-USS Clarion, NCC-1663, Miranda-A, Captain -

Task Force 6, Commodore Nash ka'Sharren
-USS Kumari, NCC-2005, Excelsior, Captain - (Blooded)
-USS Republic, NCC-1743, Constitution-B, Captain -
-USS Challorn, NCC-1809, Constellation, Captain Jennifer Zhang
-USS Fidelity, NCC-1634, Miranda-A, Captain Thomas Oriskany
-USS Bon Vivant, NCC-1621, Miranda-A, Captain Shurg kap Klasch
-USS Shield, NCC-1661, Miranda-A, Captain -

You forgot to add in the Intrepid and the Eketha Miranda-As (much like we did during the fleet distribution vote). Should help beef up those task forces a little more.
Hm. With all the home events we keep failing, I wonder if we can get a Sousa Deal to increase our crew in exchange for increasing core sector garrison requirements. We'd need the Max Combat formula adjusted to compensate as well, of course, but perhaps we could placate the Pacifists by also raising our minimum Science? We're crushing that anyway.
2315.Q3 - Ex Astris, Scientia - Results

Continued Diplomatic Push

Yrillians 287/100 + 21 = 308/300

[X][PLAN] Plan Continuity 2315
-[X] Daystrom Institute : Automated Shipsystems
-[X] Yoyodyne : 2320s Core Power
-[X] Office of Naval Architecture : 2320s Starship Armour
-[X] Caitian Frontier Police R&D : 2310s Personal Protection
-[X] Spock : 2320s Diplomacy
-[X] University of Betazed : 2320s Affiliates Research
-[X] Starfleet Medical Research Command : 2320s Preventative Care
-[X] Generic Team 3: 2310s Escort - Combat

[X][VSA] Vulcan Science Academy : 2320s Geological Sensors
[X][COMMS] Starfleet Science Academy : 2320s Decryption
[X][BOOST] Generic Team 1, Generic Team 4, Andorian Academy, Vulcan Science Academy
Utopia Planitia Design Group: Ambassador Project
Amash Hagan: 2320s Research Centers
Generic Team 4 : Primitive Isolinear Computers
40 Eridani A Shipyards: 2310s Warp Propulsion
San Francisco Fleet Yards : 2320s Construction Techniques
Generic Team 1 : 2310s Long -Range Sensor
Weapons Fabrication Division: 2310s Phaser Development
Generic Team 2: 2310s Torpedo Development
Federation Broadcast Service : 2320s Long-Range Comms
Generic Team 5: 2320s Signal Intercepts
Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science : 2320s Special Refining
All-Pyllix Geological Institute : 2310s Bulk Resources
Intazzi Team : 2320s Fusion Power
Lt-Cdr Kuznetsova's Tiger Team: The Mission Unending
Admiral Lathriss : Border World Focus
Starfleet Tactical Command - Games & Theory Division: Cardassian Research

308 / 8 = 38 rem 4

28 Tech Teams Activated, 4 Boost Applied
60rp carries over, 248 used

Boosts Apply for:
Generic Team 1
Generic Team 4
Andorian Academy
Vulcan Science Academy

Bonuses Unlocked During the Year
To Sensors - from Events - 2330s Torpedo Homing Sensors
To Shields - from Battle Review - 2320s Deflector Shields
To Armour - from Battle Review - 2320s Starship Safety
To Medical - from high casualties during the year - 2320s Trauma Medicine, 2320s Field Medicine
To Weapons - from Quantum Torpedo Tests - Quantum Torpedo Theory Work
To Weapons - from Battle Experience - Phaser and Torpedo Development
To Base Strike and Decisive Battle Doctrines - From Wartime Experience
To Computing - from Mipek - Automated Ship Systems

Utopia Planitia Design Group: Ambassador Project


20 / 20 Final Tactical Frame Design
20 / 20 Final Operations Frame Design
20 / 20 Final Engineering Frame Design
20 / 20 Final Hull Frame Design
20 / 20 Final Warp Suite Frame Design

[Ambassador-class Heavy Explorer Project Complete - Prototype may now be assembled]

Amash Hagan Research Office: 2320s Research Centers


34 / 60 Type-14 Duotronic Mainframe (Data Analysis Center III) (-0.5 RP required to activate Tech Team (7.5))
41 / 60 Wolff-T'Par B-Type Portable Mainframe (Portable Analysis Center II) (+1 rp annually from research colonies)

Daystrom Institute: Automated Ship Systems


23 / 60 Majel 3.5 (Ship Operating System III)
23 / 60 Targeting Computer III
25 / 40 Navigational Computer I
20 / 40 Barret-V System Automation (Crew Saving I) (Reduce Enlisted Crew Requirements)

[Frame complete]

Generic Team 4: Primitive Isolinear Computers

+1 (Boost)

41 / 80 Prototype Isolinear Computer (Isolinear Tech I) (Required to progress computing to Isolinear-Era)

40 Eridani A Shipyards: 2310s Warp Propulsion


18 / 40 Advanced Warp Theory I (Opens additional Techs)
20 / 20 Warp Coil Design Efficiency I
20 / 20 Advanced Subspace Field Theory I (Opens additional Techs)

16 / 20 Verterium Cortenide Metallurgy I

Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems: 2320s Core Power


10 / 40 Mars-37K Magnetic Constrictor Segments (Warp Core Power Generation II)
10 / 20 Advanced Anti-Dueterium Sublimator (Warp Core Anti-Matter Injector I)
15 / 20 Fused Dueterium Gas Compressor (Warp Core Matter Injector I)

Office of Naval Architecture: 2320s Starship Armour


8 / 40 Microfibre Interweave Shell Plates (Exterior Plating I)
8 / 40 Electron-Bonded Tritanium Fasteners (Hull Armour Mechanics I)
8 / 40 Primitive Phase-Bonding (Frame Truss Mounting I)
13 / 60 Tritanium Phase Tempering (Hull Armour Material Science III) (Needed to progress)
8 / 40 Escort Armour Pattern

San Francisco Fleet Yards : 2320s Construction Techniques


30 / 40 Reorganised Transport Network (Supply Network I) (Part 1)
35 / 40 Prepositioned Large Components (Stockpiles I) (Part 2)
30 / 40 Mk2 Workbee (Workbee I) (Part 3)
40 / 40 Type-IV Dockyard Utility Array (Dock Tools I) (Part 4)
30 / 40 Molecular QA Check Scanners (QA Systems I)

Caitian Frontier Police R&D: 2310s Personal Protection


26 / 40 Mark-III Phaser Family (Personal Phasers II) (reduced crew casualties to events involving alien boarding/away team combat)
11 / 20 Type-VI Zero-G Vac-Suit (Vacuum Protection Gear I) (Begins to reduce crew losses due to ship damage)
16 / 20 Tellar Sciences Heavy Duty Suit (Hazardous Environment Gear I) (Start of path to shield+tech integrated away team protective gear)
21 / 40 Mark-III Type-3 Phaser (Phaser Rifles I) (+1 to events involving alien boarding/away team combat)

Vulcan Science Academy: 2320s Geological Sensors

+10 (Boost)

20 / 60 Geological Survey Sensors II (Gain increased rewards from mapping missions)

Generic Team 1: 2310s Long -Range Sensors

+1 (Boost)

70 / 100 Large-Scale Sensor Array I (Starbases Gain +1 Defence)

Weapons Fabrication Division: 2310s Phaser Development


40 / 40 Type-VI Twin-Emitter Bank Design (Phasers II)
40 / 40 Adopted Nacelle EPS Conduit (Phaser Power Conductors II)
20 / 20 Phaser Modulations I (+1% chance of inflicting shield burn-through)
20 / 20 Structural-Integrity Integrated Manifold Casing (Phaser EPS Capacitor Durability I)

[T2 Phasers Unlocked]

Generic Team 2: 2310s Torpedo Development


13 / 40 Future Torpedo Research Program (Torpedo II) (Lead to Torpedo Development)
23 / 40 Revised Type-VI Warhead (Torpedo Yield II)
13 / 20 Class-1 Burst Torpedo Launcher (Launcher System I)
18 / 20 Blast-Proof Reactant Separators (Torpedo Safety I)

Andorian Academy: 2310s Navigational Deflectors

+8 (Boost)

35 / 40 Graviton Wavefront Reberb (Navigational Deflector Efficiency II)
28 / 40 Graviton Wavefront Driver (Navigational Deflector Construction II)

20 / 20 Improved Redundancy (Emitter Redundancy I)

Federation Broadcast Service : 2320s Long-Range Comms


37 / 60 Long Range Subspace Comms III (+1 to Response Rolls)
32 / 60 Emergency Network I (Increase Distress Call Event Rate)

Starfleet Science Academy: 2320s Decryption

11 / 40 Subspace Communications Decryption II (Improve Intelligence Phase Information)
16 / 40 Decryption Theory I (Needed to Progress)
11 / 40 System Adaption I (Get Intel reports on new powers sooner)

Generic Team 5: 2320s Signal Intercepts


13 / 60 Deci-Cochrane Band Antenna (Subspace Communications Intercepts III) (Projects to Increase Events in Zones available)
13 / 40 Listening Post I (Border Zone projects become available)

Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science : 2320s Special Refining


26 / 60 Dissociative Wave Purification (Special Refining Techniques III) (+5 to Mining Colony annual production)
16 / 60 Hardened Facility Pattern Enhancers (Special Colony Survey I) (Increase chance of a site being colony-capable)

All-Pyllix Geological Institute : 2310s Bulk Resources


13 / 40 High Strength Tunnel Bracing (Bulk Resource Extraction II) (+5br on Resource Extraction missions)
19 / 40 Improved Salvage Procedures (Bulk Resource Identification II) (boost to BRs found on Resource Extraction missions)
24 / 40 Oxygen Exclusion Device (Bulk Refining Techniques II) (+5 to Mining Colony annual production)

University of Betazed: 2320s Affiliates Research


8 / 80 Recruiting Campaign IV (Increase Academy intake from Federation Affiliates to 0.2 each)
8 / 80 Diplomatic Analysis IV (+2 to the -Annual- Diplomacy Rolls)
13 / 60 Affiliate Links I (Gain 1 Free Diplomatic Push Each Turn)
8 / 80 Public Media II (Leads to further tech)

Spock: 2320s Diplomacy


12 / 80 Universal Translator V (+10 to Starting Relations in First Contact situations)
12 / 100 Extended Diplomatic Reach II (Apply an Annual Roll for three Random Non-Affiliates with Positive Relations)
12 / 80 Extended Profiles II (+1 to all Diplomatic Rolls)
17 / 60 Active Diplomacy I (+2 to results of Diplomatic Pushes)

Starfleet Medical Research Command : 2320s Preventative Care


10 / 40 Melanthriss Physical Therapy Protocol (Rehabilitation I) (+.25 to all standard Recruitment categories from recovered crew)
15 / 40 Noel-Lurs Diagnostic Guide (Mental Care I) (+.25 to all standard Recruitment categories from better retention)
10 / 40 Sterile Field Generators (Sickbay Expansions I) (+2 to Hull/Survival rolls made during botched plague rolls)

Starfleet Infectious Diseases Institute: 2310s Trauma Medicine


40 / 40 T'Koren Pattern Sickbay (Sickbay II) (Improve Crew Survival Rolls)

[T2 Sickbays unlocked]

Intazzi Team : 2320s Fusion Power


28 / 60 Impulse Reactor II
21 / 40 Fusion-EPS Exchanger II
20 / 20 High-Efficiency Shielding I

Generic Team 3 : 2310s Escort - Combat


11 / 20 New Orleans-A Pattern Nacelle (Escort Nacelle Design Improvements II) (-2% to Nacelle Weight on Escorts)
6 / 20 Type II Phaser Bank (Escort Combat Design II) (-1% to Escort stat weights)
4 / 20 ToC Torpedo Room Design (Escort Torpedo Launcher II) (+1% to Combat Stat Weight, -3% to Combat Power Use)
11 / 20 Improved Type-S EPS Magnetic Constrictor (Escort Reaction Design II) (-1% to Escort stat weights)
6 / 20 Escort Miranda Torpedo Roll Bar Design II (Free +1 Lvl to Reused Module Scale 0.5 Frame Weight, -2% Combat Power Req and -2% to Weight when a Module is present)

Taves Nar Orbital Engineering: 2310s Starbase Design - Control


22 / 40 Installation C&C Capacity I (+1 D to installation, +1 to Response Rolls of ships in sector)

Lt-Cdr Kuznetsova's Tiger Team: The Mission Unending


61 / 75 Explorer Esteem (+5pp from Every Explorer Built)
61 / 75 Dual-Mission (All Explorers Count as -1 Combat)

Admiral Lathriss : Border World Focus


21 / 25 Early Doctrine (Ships in Border Zones count for -1 Combat against Cap)
21 / 25 Outward Focus (Rebalance Defence requirements from home to border)

Starfleet Tactical Command - Games & Theory Division: Cardassian Research


57 / 60 Tactical Analysis II
60 / 60 Doctrinal Analysis II
56 / 60 Attack Pattern Analysis II

Research Skill Increases

Starfleet Tactical Command - Games & Theory Division -> 4
Utopia Planitia Design Group -> 6
Cdr Kuznetsova's Tiger Team -> 5

Member World Coordination Office

Ships Commenced

United Earth - 1 Miranda-A (NCC-1668)
Betazed - 2xRefit [Patroller-A]
Caldonia - 1 Escort
Indoria - Akadi Drive Yard @ Indoria Moon [1x1500kt, 1x1000kt]

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Utopia Planitia Design Group: Ambassador Project


20 / 20 Final Tactical Frame Design
20 / 20 Final Operations Frame Design
20 / 20 Final Engineering Frame Design
20 / 20 Final Hull Frame Design
20 / 20 Final Warp Suite Frame Design

[Ambassador-class Heavy Explorer Project Complete - Prototype may now be assembled]


So...Enterprise-C anyone?
We boost mission unending next turn and it finishes! Also those boosts from events during the turn, daystrom research got a year shaved off! Also several teams finishing in one or two years.
Are we going to get to see the ogling construction on the prototype ambys like we saw the last series of first person construction segmants?

That would be pretty rad.
Utopia Planitia Design Group: Ambassador Project
Weapons Fabrication Division: 2310s Phaser Development
Starfleet Infectious Diseases Institute: 2310s Trauma Medicine

Next year:
San Francisco Fleet Yards : 2320s Construction Techniques
Andorian Academy: 2310s Navigational Deflectors
Admiral Lathriss : Border World Focus
Starfleet Tactical Command - Games & Theory Division: Cardassian Research
40 Eridani A Shipyards: 2310s Warp Propulsion-with boost
Lt-Cdr Kuznetsova's Tiger Team: The Mission Unending- with boost

Two years:
Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems: 2320s Core Power
Taves Nar Orbital Engineering: 2310s Starbase Design - Control
Vulcan Science Academy: 2320s Geological Sensors-boosting both years

Might have missed some
Edit found one in geo sensors, starbases as well
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I seem to recall the Yrillian push was by mistake and only left there because I was feeling generous. The actual winning plan was mislabelled.

...or was the Ashidinthe mistaken half?
The Ashidin was the mistaken half. In the actual vote it was crossed out but the tally removed that. I'll edit quotes in in a second.

Quote of the winning plan:
[X]Plan Infra 2.0
-[X] Request Academy Development, 35pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (Ashidi) (Yrillians)
-[X] Sponsor efforts to create additional Critical Ship Infrastructure on another world, 50pp (Amarkia)
-[X] Acquire additional resources for Starfleet Intelligence Gathering, 35pp (Gain +1 Intel Report per year)
-[X] Request Research Colony at Cronulla VI, 8pp 5 (7) rp/yr, 4 turns
-[X] Request development of Utopia Planitia, 28pp, (4 turns, gain 1 3mt, 1 1mt berth)

Edit 2:
There was no tally posted so I'm guessing it was actually you who did the tally. Anyway this is what you listed as the winning vote:
[X]Plan Infra 2.0
-[X] Request Academy Development, 35pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (Ashidi) (Yrillians)
-[X] Sponsor efforts to create additional Critical Ship Infrastructure on another world, 50pp (Amarkia)
-[X] Acquire additional resources for Starfleet Intelligence Gathering, 35pp (Gain +1 Intel Report per year)
-[X] Request Research Colony at Cronulla VI, 8pp 5 (7) rp/yr, 4 turns
-[X] Request development of Utopia Planitia, 28pp, (4 turns, gain 1 3mt, 1 1mt berth)
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For those wondering what the Design thread has for Ambassadors, the last two designs currently standing have primary identical stats, and similar material cost; they differ in crew requirements and build time.

Basically, we choose longer build time with less officers or shorter build time with more officers.

C8 S9 H7 L9 P9 D8
O7 E7 T6
300br 240sr
4 3/4 year build time

C8 S9 H7 L9 P9 D8
O6 E7 T6
300br 250sr
5 5/12 year build time

So, 2/3 year difference in build time for a difference of 10sr and O1.

Yeah, I do kind of expect the quicker build design to win, but we should give everyone who tried their hand at designing a big thank you.