Not Going Gently
- Pronouns
- He/Him
There could be an elaborate maskirova going on. A massive shipyard build with fake construction could suffice to scare off the Federation, in their minds.
I was thinking about the canon-verse way of the Bajoran taxation.Well, they're doing that anyways. To be fair, we kind of do the same thing. Personally, I think they're trying to get more shipyards set up so they have more repair capacity in wartime.
For the votes with too little payoff, I looked back and during the biophage each vote was for one month so that kept things moving. I also felt that then each vote was having an impact as we started colony evacuations and had to defend them against biophage units.So, about this storyline.
Part of the problem seems to have been bad luck. Oneiros having a rough patch with work that lowered his rate of updates was a very unfortunate combination with this highly detailed and slow paced war management game. There's no helping that, IRL is IRL.
Another issue, as others have noted, is there being too many votes with too little payoff. There's nothing I can really add to this discussion that hasn't been said. The war assets system needs to be simplified, reduced to a monthly or quarterly rate of repetition, or both.
Finally...well, let me be frank. I don't buy this war. The reason I've been speculating about mentat conspiracies and the like is because without something like that, the Licori actions just aren't believable for me. I don't understand why the Houses wouldn't agree to a joint policing system against rogue mentats. I don't understand why Tartresis, Bene, and the Imperial house wouldn't band together and force Kortennon and Ixaria to tone it down for fear of provoking a war the empire can't hope to win. We never got to hear any reasonable arguments from the Licori. And diplomacy attempt after diplomacy event left that unchanged, and we had little chance to effect or even understand the situation. It feels like the Licori did what they did because the QM wanted a war to happen, rather than any Watsonian reason.
Obviously, it could be that Oneiros does have a perfectly sound reason for their behavior. Maybe there really is a shadow government of mentat death cultists or mind-controlling aliens or something. But if he doesn't, then this will have been easily the weakest story in TBG so far.
The Cardies have just built/are still building enough ship yards to roughly double their production capability. They still need a few years to move ship production through those.
What I want to know about those, is where they are getting the resources from, as resource scarcity has been a defining factor about the Cardies prior to this.
Did they get a really good strike in the GBZ?
Are their new affiliates that wealthy?
Are they assuming they will get some good mines out of GBZ?
Do they just like having a massive amount of spare capacity for repairs/so that it is impossible to cripple them without overrunning their entire territory?
They took damage in their counter charge against us that is likely finishing repairs now, so I would not be surprised if they went conservative until they brought their fleet back up. After all it is a combined Starfleet-Apiata-Amarkia task force they are facing and the latter two are at full strength. I also imagine they are also trying to understand what their intel is telling them about the Feds starting a war with someone else (Licori) as it goes at odds of how soft they viewed us. Plus the Cardassians were always more interested in resource acquisition in the GBZ as opposed to skirmishing.Also, Haven't heard anything from the GBZ in a while. How we doing over there?
I will note that in canon the Cardassians mined the bejeezus out of Bajor and the planet was implied to be mineral right; that may be a factor. Another point is that our intelligence may not be able to tell repair berths from construction berths- or for that matter the Cardassians may be building only construction berths, but include a margin of error for repairs.The Cardies have just built/are still building enough ship yards to roughly double their production capability. They still need a few years to move ship production through those.
What I want to know about those, is where they are getting the resources from, as resource scarcity has been a defining factor about the Cardies prior to this.
Did they get a really good strike in the GBZ?
Are their new affiliates that wealthy?
Are they assuming they will get some good mines out of GBZ?
Do they just like having a massive amount of spare capacity for repairs/so that it is impossible to cripple them without overrunning their entire territory?
I suspect that in terms of material economic costs, building berths you have no intention of using winds up wasting a lot of resources the Cardassian Union can't afford to spare.There could be an elaborate maskirova going on. A massive shipyard build with fake construction could suffice to scare off the Federation, in their minds.
Yeah, we'll probably start researching the Kepler as soon as work on the Ambassador prototype begins.
What tech would you need to get to at least P2? Right now I think Kepler is our next design to go through research so we have a few years before the replacement frigate comes up.
Challorn is under repair, Bon Vivant was under repair but should be returning to the GBZ, and Republic I think is going to the GBZ. Not sure on the rest.So, I'm trying to figure out deployments again. Anyone know where Republic, Valiant, Bon Vivant, and Challorn are right now? Or, for that matter, which LBZ Task Force Courageous, Kumari, Huáscar and the Martian twins are headed for?
So, I'm trying to figure out deployments again. Anyone know where Republic, Valiant, Bon Vivant, and Challorn are right now? Or, for that matter, which LBZ Task Force Courageous, Kumari, Huáscar and the Martian twins are headed for?
Challorn is under repair, Bon Vivant was under repair but should be returning to the GBZ, and Republic I think is going to the GBZ. Not sure on the rest.
Enterprise I want to hold until we are sure, Sarek can likely resume their 5 year once repairs finish.Honestly we'll probably want to do the same with Enterprise and Sarek.
The real question is what the Emperor was fucking doing there in the first place.
You don't send your god damn head of state to a battlefield currently invested by a superpower easily. Especially when you don't have an heir sorted out.
I'm starting to get the feeling that Kortennon is going to take control and then invite the Cardassians in or something, who will be all too willing to give them favorable terms (In the short term) after all the nose bloodying we've given them lately.
Because so far, pretty much everyone has been moving in a way that they come out the king. They've lost none of their heavy assets, and for some reason, someone convinced the Emperor to take the field when they weren't 100% aware of where all of our ships were.
So, I'm trying to figure out deployments again. Anyone know where Republic, Valiant, Bon Vivant, and Challorn are right now? Or, for that matter, which LBZ Task Force Courageous, Kumari, Huáscar and the Martian twins are headed for?
Note on Courageous since it is an Explorer Corp ship if we get into mop up mode I would like to detach it to resume 5 year mission.
Disabled ships are 12month repair jobs, and tend to be expensive. But yes, they can be repaired. I'm assuming no one wants to scrap these ships.
Could we, instead of scrapping or repairing the ships, for instance, turn them into museum? maybe not these, since we would need to repair them enough to look the part, but in the future, specially when we start thinking about decommissioning ships...
Maybe Starfleet Medical will do that when they replace their old Ranger-derived ships.
Well.... I've been floating around the idea of keeping around decommissioned and/or badly damaged ships as simulator ships, for various types of simulations. Because your Kobayashi Maru hell should be a class exercise, on an actual shipAs I recall museum warpships are a thing in canon. Voyager and the NX-01 both were given that treatment following their respective series- Voyager was on display in a planetside facility, even, overlooking the San Francisco Bay.
.... Insert KC joke here.What makes it even better is how a tiny Nash is humping Enterprises' leg in that pic.
Operational security now permits me to report on an upcoming operation, undertaken in conjunction with the Licori Border Zone forces. Our Special Projects Security and Irregular Operations offices are working together to remove the major stumbling block to taking the Gammon system: the Anoxa Superlaser, built into the Narravonn moon.
This is a dangerous operation, but I have complete confidence in the commanders on the scene. It consists of a multi-prong assault. Strike teams will be inserted via the blind-side of the moon, and fly in shuttles nape-of-the-earth fashion to approach the Anoxa site. Once in position, the elements will strike and detonate the facility. Simultaneously to the start of that assault, runabouts will deliver strike teams to the orbital stations that protect the Anoxa site to provide an escape vector to our intelligence forces.
Across the refitted hauler Hummingbird, orderly lines of slate-grey clad sentients file into waiting shuttlecraft and runabouts. Armed with more than phasers, explosives, and heavy weapons, they are armed with training, courage, and belief. Belief in the Federation, in Starfleet, in their cause and their mission.
There is a debate within the Licori command staff as to whether the assault on Gammon should be launched only after word of the successful destruction of the Anoxa superlaser is received, or if the assault should be timed to arrive simultaneously.
If a simultaneous attack occurs, the odds of Starfleet Intelligence making a clean getaway vastly increase, and the odds that the Kortennon can make repairs are non-existent. However, if the attack fails, or falls behind, the incoming force will almost certainly take at least some losses from the Anoxa. Alternatively, a delayed launch means that other elements of the Kortennon defences will be on maximum guard, there is a chance the laser could be set for at least a shot or two, and it will be more difficult for the operatives to escape.
It's on my todo list to flesh out the runabout duties a bit more.I mean had we one narrative post that talked about the roundabouts or our outposts/sensor building in more than a half-sentence?).
Omake fodder!I'll try to include more notes about what the various assets are up to. I'm just a bit rushed for time these days, and some of those narrative bits are among the lower-hanging fruit when it comes to saving time.
Yay Kepler?I still haven't even wrapped my brain around all the implications of the new combat system. Frigates are very important for initial phases BUT.... need high Science frigates for clearing minefields and the Scouting phase. need tough, fast frigates for the Skirmish phase. overwhelming advantage of Heavy Ships in the Heavy Metal phase can make up for everything else.
Mostly I'm reevaluating that Oberths are much more useful than I ever thought in fleet actions. You really want at least one attached to every fleet for the Scouting phase.
Looks good, though your construction numbers are off a bit, we have 2 excelsior and 2 excelsior-A under construction. I like all the tracking of veteran status and bonuses.Sooo ship stats and deployment stuff are in spreadsheet form now.
TBG ships and deployments
May need some cleanup but information should be accurate to 2315Q2.M1.F1
Haven't added member fleet elements of various task forces yet.
o: OA Sydraxian delegation is on hand, representing a faction of "concerned citizens". The government in Dar Nakar has fallen amid the chaos and tumult post-Lora.
My security chief has taken into custody the ring-leader of the separatists on the colony world, and it is as we feared. A Romulan splinter group is behind it! The ring-leader is a Romulan herself, and a number of the group's agents carried highly-illegal disruptor pistols. This raises grave concerns, and I am sure the Federation will be bringing this up with their counterparts at Athos.