- Location
- Mid-Atlantic
It's nice to see someone who thinks we should wait to be sure the moon cannon is out of the way before attacking Gammon.
It's nice to see someone who thinks we should wait to be sure the moon cannon is out of the way before attacking Gammon.
With our crazy luck, they'd probably get it back up and running before our fleet arrived.It's nice to see someone who thinks we should wait to be sure the moon cannon is out of the way before attacking Gammon.
Would that 'mission' be to blow up a star?Besides which, waiting for the Anaxa to go offline gives Baron Pedofat more time to try something stupid like sending ships on a mission outside of the Gamon system.
With our crazy luck, they'd probably get it back up and running before our fleet arrived.
Would that 'mission' be to blow up a star?
[X] Briefvoice
Article: Illuminated Technocracy of Gaen
Recon Units
Inid Uttar Institute (Runabouts + Research Cruiser) - Assigned to Gaen [since at latest 2314.Q4.M2]
Nitta Oian Institute (Runabouts + Research Cruiser) - Assigned to Thunti [since at latest 2314.Q4.M2]
External Diplomacy Teams
Technocracy Interstellar Ministry - Attempting to demonstrate the difference between Gaeni science and Mentat science to the Ked Paddah - Making progress [started 2315.Q1.M2]
- Lobby for Federation entry to war [completed 2315.Q1.M1]
Internal Diplomacy Teams
Central Technocracy Council - Arrange for invasion training for Technocracy Guard [started 2315.Q1.M3]
- Increasing Asset Mobilisation until 2315.Q1.M2
Chamber of Commerce Council - Run Internal Recruiting Campaigns - +2 O/ +2 E/ +2T [since at latest 2314.Q4.M2, so at least a quarter has gone by and thus they've got +2 O/E/T, and are now working on 2nd recruiting campaign by now]
Engineering Teams
Henn-Makad Engineering Institute (1 Engineer [typo-ed as "Cargo" until 2315.Q1.M2.F1], 1 Super-Freighter, 1 Freighter, 2 Cargo) - Thunti II Minelaying, 1 Depth, .4 Density, Strength 65, Stealth 8 - ETC 2315.Q2.M2.F2 [started 2315.Q1.M2]
- Assembling Staging outpost [completed 2315.Q1.M1]
Heavy Industry Teams
North Apada Industrial Council - Accelerating Tech-Cruiser Build in [Gaen Man. Coop Bay 1] [since at latest 2314.Q4.M2, the build commenced in 2314.Q3]
Thunti Industrial Council - Building Components for 2x1.5mt repair bays (will complete by 2315.Q2.M1) [since at latest 2314.Q4.M2]
South Nadaia Industrial Council - Accelerating Tech-Frigate Build in [Colonial Yard 1 Bay 1] [mobilized 2315.Q1.M1, started 2315.Q1.M2, definitely a new build commenced this quarter, since Colonial Yard 1 just finished an upgrade by start of 2315.Q1]
Doctrine Teams
Kedaia Naar Institute - Developing Anti-Minefield techniques (+1 to detection attempts - ETC 2315.Q3.M1) [started 2315.Q1.M3]
(have gained +1% anti-Licori) [completed 2315.Q1.M3]
How stable is their warp core?
*embarrassed*Holy shit, it's only been 2 Quarters since the Battle at Lora!
Most people would consider that an "AHHHHH".
They're more cautious than the Licori, at least.
Q4 Well, They Try:Yrillians 217/100 - Affiliate Membership Internally + Externally Obstructed, but lines of dialogue opened. Strong pro-Cardassian influences
Q1 Shipyard Ops (this update):
217 + 28 + 8 = 253
Eddie Leslie:
Perhaps we get a 'recruitment drive' in the next snakepit.
Yes, there was a good reason for 'the captain stays with his/her ship' ...
Oh. Oh dear. Do we want to know what crazy science shenanigans they're going to pull with this?
Oh. Oh dear. Do we want to know what crazy science shenanigans they're going to pull with this?
I assume they've got a pillar of shame on board, depicting BAD SCIENCE examples (incidentally, most have to do with Licori Mentats).Oh. Oh dear. Do we want to know what crazy science shenanigans they're going to pull with this?
The Humans are building 3.1 MT ship berths - we won't have to refit their Excelsior to an Excelsior-A for them.
Too many complaints from the engineering department about 'cramped conditions'.3.1 MT? Wonder what those extra 100 kilotons are for. Even the Ambassador is supposed to fit in a 3MT berth if I'm not mistaken.
Maybe there's a new class of superfreighter or something.
3.1 MT? Wonder what those extra 100 kilotons are for. Even the Ambassador is supposed to fit in a 3MT berth if I'm not mistaken.
Maybe there's a new class of superfreighter or something.