Mistakes and forgetfulness do happen, especially if account balances are done by hand.

IIRC they're done by hand.
Omake - The Other Trouser Leg - Briefvoice
The Other Trouser Leg

"Admiral? Admiral!"

Rachel Ainsworth gasped, snapping out of whatever trance had taken hold of her. Where was she? What was she doing? For a moment her brain felt lost in a fog, then everything snapped back into place with stunning clarity. Of course she was at her post on the station. She looked to her left at the young Caitian lieutenant, Harrbonn Mir'krra was his name.

"I... sorry, was lost in a fog, Lieutenant. What's the report?"

Mir'krra took a deep breath, visibly composing himself. "Bottom line up front, we lost. The Avandar, the Challorn, the Defiant, the Agile, the Abhriec, and the Icafroil are gone. The rest of the fleet made a fighting retreat, but they're being pursued. No word on damage."

Rachel allowed herself no time to mourn. "Give me the report, and get Commodore Revak on the line in five minutes."

"Yes sir!"

Once sure no one was in earshot, she vented her feelings. "Damn you, Toor. I told you to evacuate Tal Hana, but you wouldn't listen." Now the Cardassians and their clients had the site. Hah! At least the Amarkians had enough sense enough not to plant a civilian colony. Not like the Federation's newest member.

Five minutes later, the four remaining Federation commanders in the sector teleconferenced across shared screens. After outlining the situation, Ainsworth addressed her direct subordinates. "Revak, Suarez, you are hearby ordered to evacuate all auxiliary ships from the sector. Revak's squadron will cover them."

The two commodores responded with clipped "Yes, sirs!"

The fourth member of their conversation leaned her long neck forward and brought her slitted eyes closest to the screen. "You don't sound like you expect to hold, Admiral."

"The odds aren't good, Conductor Rexasodie. However you've left me no choice but to try. I did not approve a colony at Lora, and the Heirarchy ignored me. Now there are hundreds of your Sydraxian civilians at risk. I don't know how these Apiata will treat civilian prisoners, but we can expect nothing good from the Cardassians."

The bird-woman literally vibrated in anger, then slumped. "I know, damn you. But I had my orders. I pray that those colonists don't pay for my government's mistakes. Must you order the colony ships away? If we could hold long enough for an evacuation...."

Ainsworth bowed her head. "There's no time. The Apiata are racing ahead, making a... beeline straight for us. Straight at Lora. My combat-capable ships will barely make it back here in time to link up with your Kalindraxes. The colony ships could never make it; civilian warp cores can't be stressed like that. If we're going to save the colony, we'll have to defeat the enemy fleet."

"Understood Admiral," replied the Conductor.

Ainsworth dismissed the three commanders and leaned back in her chair. In a little two hours the Kumari would arrive and she could move her command post there. There were a million things to do before it did, and before the Cardassian fleet arrived in another half day after that. None of them would be worth anything if she couldn't clear her thoughts first.

It was the damn bees. Jalduns and Taakakis she could handle, but lesser Queenships and their Stinger escorts were devastating. The worst part was how deep the Apiata reserve went. If a Federation ship was damaged, it could be out for the better part of a year. If a Stinger was damaged or destroyed, they shipped in a new one by the next month.

It was a disaster that the Cardassians had been able to take the Apiata as clients. Intelligence believed that the Cardassians had successfully framed the Courageous for attacks on their Foragers. The Courageous and the Enterprise ended up having to make a fighting retreat just to survive, and the damage to Apiata ships along the way had evidently only confirmed their guilt to the bee women.

It was such a success the Cardassians tried something similar with the Sydraxians, but the ever-canny Admiral Thuir had been too clever for them. He had exposed the trick, and the Sydraxians had turned hard to the Federation, maybe out of spite as much as anything else.

A part of Ainsworth wondered if the Federation wouldn't have been better off the other way around. The Apiata were deadly menace on the Federation's border, fearless in battle and with a huge fleet. The Sydraxians were... they considered themselves to have a warrior culture, but in Ainsworth's experience the idea of war appealed to them more than the actual dirty business of fighting it. Oh their Kalidraxes and Hasques were tough enough, but she'd never been sure about their will to fight.

Not likely to be a problem this time, though. Not with their own people to defend.


Explosions rocked the Kumari as her shields failed for the second time. The lights flickered.

"Admiral, the Republic has successfully retreated!"

That was some comfort. At least Demora Sulu would live to fight another day. Ainsworth was getting pretty doubtful about her own chances.

"Admiral, a message from Conductor Rexasodie."

"Put her on screen." As the Sydraxian commander appeared, Ainsworth started talking. "Conductor, we don't have much time. This battle is-"

"Lost? I have a plan, Admiral. I believe victory of a sort may be possible, but I need you to order all remaining Starfleet and Amarki ships to follow my lead."

"Of a sort? What are you thinking?" asked Ainsworth.

"Lora Station. The Cardassians have been ignoring it, and it's given my people there time. They're reconfiguring the shields, preparing to turn them from a defense into a channel."

"A channel for what?"

"For when they drop the magnetic containment on every drop of antimatter on the station. If we can lure enough of the enemy fleet in at the right place and time, the shields will last just long enough to shape the blast. They'll be destroyed."

"Along with every soul on the station. That's suicide!"

"They know. I know. We cannot allow our colonists to become hostages. I plan to drop the Skafladrax's shields, as if they've given away. Judging by past practice, the Apiata Stingers move in to concentrate fire for the kill. That's when you push the Jalduns in with everything you have, and the Station hits the trigger."

Ainsworth saluted the screen. "Conductor. It's been an honor."

A few minutes later, the plan went into effect. For an instant, Ainsworth watched as nearly a dozen of the enemy fleet dissolved into elementary particles. Maybe enough to turn the tide of battle. She'd never find out, though. The Kumari's shields were still down, and they had been forced to get far too close to push the last of the Jalduns into range of the trap. The warp engines whined, beginning to warp space for an emergency hop away from the explosion just as the shockwave hit. Time and space ruptured, and Admiral Rachel Ainsworth felt herself-

-gasping as she awoke in her bed on Collie Station.

Nightmare images flowed through her head, half-memories of a dreamworld where the Apiata were the enemies and the Sydraxians her allies. Where the Federation's claim on the Gabriel Expanse was collapsing in disaster. Where Admiral Toor was a complete- Well, some things had been the same.

It seemed so real, but already the details were becoming fizzy and indistinct. Dreamlike. Was it nothing but a dream, or had that warp core explosion at the end somehow opened a connection between the other Admiral Ainsworth and herself? No. "Don't be ridiculous, Rachel. It was a dream. Nothing but a dream."

Just a dream about the other trouser leg of time.
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2314.Q4 - Well, They Try
[X][CARD] Cardassian Tactics Report (Gain +5% combat vs Cardassian fleets for the next 12 months)
[X][ROM] Romulan Shipbuilding Report

[X][REPORT] GBZ: Determine what projects other factions are up to
[X][REPORT] Licori Fleet Strength Report
[X][REPORT] Shipyard Activity Report for: Sydraxians
[X][REPORT] Cardassian Shipbuilding

Continued Diplomatic Push

Yrillians 218/100 + 28 = 246/100

Starfleet Intelligence Report

Suspected Force on Romulan Border:
0 Heavy Warbird
3 Birds of Prey
0 D7s

No changes

Suspected Force on Klingon Border:
2 K'tinga
0 Klingon Bird of Prey
2 Klingon Bird of Prey Mk 2

Mk1 Birds of Prey removed

Suspected Force on Cardassian Frontier:

3 Jaldun-class destroyers operating within the frontier unit on a regular basis.
CDF Trager
CDF Ronagot
CDF Karnack

1 Science Escort is also operating within the frontier.
CDF Parnok

No change - These forces, at least, have not moved to the GBZ.

Romulan Shipbuilding Report

Increased information flows with the Romulan Star Empire have enabled us to develop a more accurate picture of what they have in production.

5 Heavy Warbirds
6 Deljerra
5 Bird of Prey
8~10 Cargo Ships
1 Engineering Ship

GBZ - Determine what projects the other Factions are up to

After disastrous failures at Deva and Lora, the Sydraxians have withdrawn all forces back to their territory. Here they are fortifying behind a new Starbase that will complete construction in a month at Moskar. This will help secure their borders against any pursuit, however, it is considered a sign that they are no longer focusing on the GBZ itself.

Based on the listening posts established by the SS Appleseed within the GBZ, we have determined that the Cardassians have established a civilian colony upon one of the planets of the 67 Gabriel system, and are now constructing a starbase that will make pushing them out of the GBZ in future very difficult. In the interim, we are picking up isolated flashes of Cardassian prospectors in subsector 2g.

We still have very limited information on the Dylaarians.

Licori Fleet Strength Report

~2 Explorers
5 Cruisers
12~20 Frigates

15~20 Civilian Ships
16~20 Cargo Ships
~10 Freighters
~3 Engineering Ships
~2 Prospector
~2 Colony Ship
~4 Research Cruiser

Sydraxian Shipyard Activity Report

Courtesy of our friends among Yrillian work crews we have been able to develop a very strong picture of Sydraxian shipbuilding.

Ballad of Hunters Orbital Yard @ Borandt/Dar Nakar:
2 Kalindrax, 1 Hasque, 1 Engineering Ship

Ballad of Artisans Orbital Yard @ Kar Akar:
1 Hasque, 1 Repair [Hasque]

Ballad of Valour Orbital Yard @ Lox Matar
2 Repair [Hasque]

Ballad of Labourers Orbital Yard @ Nax Degar
[Under Construction, nearly complete]

Cardassian Shipbuilding Report

We have been able to put together a relatively reliable image of Cardassian construction, thanks in large part to [REDACTED UNDER CLASS 1-AA SECRETS].

Union Aerospace @ Cardassia:
1 Kaldar, 2 Jaldun

Central Fleetyard @ Cardassia
3 Jaldun

Karadoc Heavy Industry Yards
1 Kaldar, 2 Jaldun

Galundun State Shipyards
3 Takaaki Combat

Todamak Merchant Yards
3 State Cargo Ships

3 State Cargo Ships

5 Separate Shipyards totalling approximately 12~15 berths currently under development

Supplementary Report: Arcadian War Updates

The Gaeni have refrained from any aggressive moves thus far. They have, however, lost a Tech-Skiff to an incident that is strongly suspected to be enemy action: a polarised electromagnetic 'whip' from the atmosphere of a gas giant that the Tech-Skiff was in orbit around. Half the crew was lost before they could reach escape pods, and it is a wonder of many in Starfleet Engineering circles that the ship's warp core did not breach.

There are reports that the Ked Paddah made an approach to the world of Ixira, however, neither side could gain the ascendancy through jockeying, and eventually the Arcadians fell back on the Ixiran defences, and the Ked Paddah withdrew.

We have received overtures from the Ked Paddah inquiring as to our intentions now that an affiliate has entered the war. We are thus far delaying giving a detailed response.

Member World Coordination Office Report

Ships Commissioned:
Vulcan - 1 Miranda-A Refit
Tellar - 1 Miranda-A Refit (All Tellar Mirandas now Miranda-A pattern)
Gaen - 1 Civilian Super-Freighter

USS Saratoga finishes repairs at the Hive of the Irrizizza.

MWCO notes that the two explorer-grade berths at the Amarkian Arsenal are now occupied with the repairs of CAS Jolintoor and Odala.


From: Commodore T'Pellarth, Director, Promotions Board, Starfleet Personnel Command
To: Admiral Valentina Sousa, Commander, Starfleet
Subject: Replacement for Rear Admiral Seruk

With the turbulence of recent days, the matter of Rear Admiral Seruk's retirement has been unable to be addressed properly. However, we are now prepared to select an inheritor to the role that Seruk served faithfully in.

The ceremony to honour his years in Starfleet will be in Function Room 1 of the San Francisco Headquarters Complex Building C. On behalf of the Vulcan Cultural Society within Starfleet, we encourage all who have worked with Rear Admiral Seruk to attend.

As Director of the Promotions Board, by Starfleet regulations it is my duty to prepare the short-list of replacement candidates. As I have insufficient time in rank, I have not listed myself.

[ ][PERS] Commodore Lawrence Hogan
Current Posting: Director, Training Bureau, Starfleet Personnel Command
A man with a penchant for the unexpected, the unorthodox, and the downright unexplainable. On appointment, select one frigate for Blooded Status.

[ ][PERS] Commodore Orduk grac Clagunn
Current Posting: Director, Starfleet Correctional Command
Reticent by Tellarite standards, Commodore Clagunn watches, listens, and when he finally speaks it is sharp and final like a judge's gavel. Gain +3 to Equipment research.

[ ][PERS] Commodore Zrai ch'Shennaryth
Current Posting: Director, Post-Service Care Bureau
A talented multi-disciplinarian science officer early in her career until she took a phaser to the knee and decided a desk job was more her speed. Chance to cancel pp losses due to crew losses. Gain +3 to Medical research.
Cardassian Shipbuilding Report

We have been able to put together a relatively reliable image of Cardassian construction, thanks in large part to [REDACTED UNDER CLASS 1-AA SECRETS].

Union Aerospace @ Cardassia:
1 Kaldar, 2 Jaldun

Central Fleetyard @ Cardassia
3 Jaldun

Karadoc Heavy Industry Yards
1 Kaldar, 2 Jaldun

Galundun State Shipyards
3 Takaaki Combat

Todamak Merchant Yards
3 State Cargo Ships

3 State Cargo Ships

5 Separate Shipyards totalling approximately 12~15 berths currently under development

That is a lot of cruiser grade metal.
2 Kaldar Combat Cruisers, 7 Jaldun General Cruisers and 3 Takaaki Combat Frigates

And another 12-15 berths under construction! EDIT: Comes close to doubling their current berth count.

No repairs listed - the ships that were damaged distracting us from the Syndraxians being handled in the GBZ, already fixed, something else?

EDIT: The Cardassians appear to favour having 3 berths per ship yard.

Another Edit:
They have 18 berths from that report with another 12-15, giving them up to 33 berths 'soon'
We have (according to BriefVoice's shipyard spreadsheet) 17 with another 4 under construction. (+4 AUX not listed on the spreadsheet)

Guess the 'rich' affiliates they picked up are giving them enough resources to seriously outnumber our ship building capability - which we previously considered our main advantage over the Cardassians.
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Seruk is finally retiring!

[x][PERS] Commodore Zrai ch'Shennaryth

I chose her mostly for the chance to negate pp loss from crew losses. The Medical Research bonus would be helpful too.
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[X][PERS] Commodore Zrai ch'Shennaryth

A little disappointed that no candidates offered any kind of crew bonus. I thought maybe one would. Well, of the three of them Zria has the best bonus. We have two teams pretty much dedicated to medical research and some great technologies in that research tree. Not to mention the second bonus of being able to (maybe) cancel pp loss due to crew losses. Personality-wise, it sounds like she's worked with a lot of disabled Starfleet veterans and has a good understanding of the strains the service can place upon people.
Union Aerospace @ Cardassia:
1 Kaldar, 2 Jaldun

Central Fleetyard @ Cardassia
3 Jaldun

Karadoc Heavy Industry Yards
1 Kaldar, 2 Jaldun

Galundun State Shipyards
3 Takaaki Combat

Todamak Merchant Yards
3 State Cargo Ships

3 State Cargo Ships

So 18 berths or so. That's not that concerning compared to our 17 Starfleet berths + member world fleet berths. We can easily outproduce -

5 Separate Shipyards totalling approximately 12~15 berths currently under development

*double take*

Holy fuck.

... I mean the Federation still technically would have more berths especially by the time those are completed, but that's excluding their client states (though I still strongly suspect we'll have more berths, just that many are puny 500kt ones).

And damn is that a sign that they're massively preparing for a war with us. We could still build more berths and maximize our utilization of them, but that would require replacing Excelsior builds with frigate ones.
[X][PERS] Commodore Lawrence Hogan
Universe is weird, we must be weird right back.

Wow... Wow. That was good.

That was so good I'm going to hold off on my humor omake out of respect. Just for a bit.

That was good.

Increased information flows with the Romulan Star Empire have enabled us to develop a more accurate picture of what they have in production.

5 Heavy Warbirds
6 Deljerra
5 Bird of Prey
8~10 Cargo Ships
1 Engineering Ship
Okay, so that's five explorer-sized berths, six cruiser-sized, five frigate-sized, and depending on how big the cargo ships are probably frigate to light-cruiser sized berths that probably COULD handle warships in a pinch. Overall their shipyard infrastructure is comparable in scale to ours, but probably with the balance shifted a bit further in favor of smaller ships; they presumably have no Explorer Corps so ALL their heavy warbirds go into regular fleet service, so they don't need as many.

Sydraxian Shipyard Activity Report
Courtesy of our friends among Yrillian work crews we have been able to develop a very strong picture of Sydraxian shipbuilding.

Ballad of Hunters Orbital Yard @ Borandt/Dar Nakar:
2 Kalindrax, 1 Hasque, 1 Engineering Ship

Ballad of Artisans Orbital Yard @ Kar Akar:
1 Hasque, 1 Repair [Hasque]

Ballad of Valour Orbital Yard @ Lox Matar
2 Repair [Hasque]

Ballad of Labourers Orbital Yard @ Nax Degar
[Under Construction, nearly complete]
Okay, they're still patching up battle damage from Lora, not that that impacts Kalindrax production for the grim and simple reason that none of their Kalindraxes survived the battle.

However, we can project from this arrangement that the Sydraxians have two heavy cruiser berths (probably two-megaton) and about six frigate-sized berths (probably one-megaton). This means they can, on average, turn out about 2/3 of a cruiser and three frigates every year. So their frigate losses at Deva IX have probably already been replaced, or would have been if they weren't busy repairing battle damage. But it will be between four and six years before they can fully replace the heavy metal we blew up at Lora III, depending on just how far along the ones they're building are.

Cardassian Shipbuilding Report

We have been able to put together a relatively reliable image of Cardassian construction, thanks in large part to [REDACTED UNDER CLASS 1-AA SECRETS].

Union Aerospace @ Cardassia:
1 Kaldar, 2 Jaldun

Central Fleetyard @ Cardassia
3 Jaldun

Karadoc Heavy Industry Yards
1 Kaldar, 2 Jaldun

Galundun State Shipyards
3 Takaaki Combat

Todamak Merchant Yards
3 State Cargo Ships

3 State Cargo Ships

5 Separate Shipyards totalling approximately 12~15 berths currently under development
Jesus. Okay, current shipyard capability is about nine cruiser-rated berths and between three and nine frigate-rated berths (they presumably have to keep building cargo ships). That means they can only sustain a relative trickle of frigate production without harming the civilian economy (unless we missed a shipyard), but they can turn out three Jalduns a year.

In other words, we could beat them in a Lora III-sized battle to us every year, and we'd barely keeping them below replacement rate.

Although we're turning out about 1.5 explorers a year plus an average of two or three cruisers and escorts every year ourselves, so let's not panic here.

Supplementary Report: Arcadian War Updates

The Gaeni have refrained from any aggressive moves thus far. They have, however, lost a Tech-Skiff to an incident that is strongly suspected to be enemy action: a polarised electromagnetic 'whip' from the atmosphere of a gas giant that the Tech-Skiff was in orbit around. Half the crew was lost before they could reach escape pods, and it is a wonder of many in Starfleet Engineering circles that the ship's warp core did not breach.

There are reports that the Ked Paddah made an approach to the world of Ixira, however, neither side could gain the ascendancy through jockeying, and eventually the Arcadians fell back on the Ixiran defences, and the Ked Paddah withdrew.

We have received overtures from the Ked Paddah inquiring as to our intentions now that an affiliate has entered the war. We are thus far delaying giving a detailed response.
I think we should give them a response like "We're going to give them a very sound thumping until we've made them stop doing astrophysics experiments. Would you like to help?"

The ceremony to honour his years in Starfleet will be in Function Room 1 of the San Francisco Headquarters Complex Building C. On behalf of the Vulcan Cultural Society within Starfleet, we encourage all who have worked with Rear Admiral Seruk to attend.
Eddie Leslie:

"I'll be there if I can arrange fast transportation. In hindsight, the snarl he made of my medical discharge papers was probably for the best."

[ ][PERS] Commodore Lawrence Hogan
Current Posting: Director, Training Bureau, Starfleet Personnel Command
A man with a penchant for the unexpected, the unorthodox, and the downright unexplainable. On appointment, select one frigate for Blooded Status.

[ ][PERS] Commodore Orduk grac Clagunn
Current Posting: Director, Starfleet Correctional Command
Reticent by Tellarite standards, Commodore Clagunn watches, listens, and when he finally speaks it is sharp and final like a judge's gavel. Gain +3 to Equipment research.

[ ][PERS] Commodore Zrai ch'Shennaryth
Current Posting: Director, Post-Service Care Bureau
A talented multi-disciplinarian science officer early in her career until she took a phaser to the knee and decided a desk job was more her speed. Chance to cancel pp losses due to crew losses. Gain +3 to Medical research.
Hmm... Given what I expect to happen in the next few years, I think I'm going to vote:

[X][PERS] Commodore Zrai ch'Shennaryth
Cardassian Shipbuilding Report

We have been able to put together a relatively reliable image of Cardassian construction, thanks in large part to [REDACTED UNDER CLASS 1-AA SECRETS].

Union Aerospace @ Cardassia:
1 Kaldar, 2 Jaldun

Central Fleetyard @ Cardassia
3 Jaldun

Karadoc Heavy Industry Yards
1 Kaldar, 2 Jaldun

Galundun State Shipyards
3 Takaaki Combat

Todamak Merchant Yards
3 State Cargo Ships

3 State Cargo Ships

5 Separate Shipyards totalling approximately 12~15 berths currently under development

So 18 berths or so. That's not that concerning compared to our 17 Starfleet berths + member world fleet berths. We can easily outproduce -

*double take*

Holy fuck.

... I mean the Federation still technically would have more berths especially by the time those are completed, but that's excluding their client states (though I still strongly suspect we'll have more berths, just that many are puny 500kt ones).

And damn is that a sign that they're massively preparing for a war with us. We could still build more berths and maximize our utilization of them, but that would require replacing Excelsior builds with frigate ones.

I suspect that many of those are not meant for production, but rather for repair. We know that their resource production is low and gathered stockpiles are rather minimal. They haven't been able to out produce us so far, I can't imagine they'd be able to double this building capacity.

*crosses fingers*

[X][PERS] Commodore Zrai ch'Shennaryth
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[X][PERS] Commodore Zrai ch'Shennaryth

In a time of conflict, having someone who appreciates non-combat focused officers is important, though that is true of several candidates for the post.