[X][PERS] Commodore Zrai ch'Shennaryth

Since we've now driven out the Sydraxians I think our next GBZ target should be securing the Ariel V-8 colony in sector 2f. The Cardassians are searching in sector 2g right next to it, and if I remember right it was a 50br colony which we definitely don't want to let them get. As soon as some ships are back from repair we can leave the Amarki to watch the Syndraxian flank and join with the Apatia to start spreading corewards in the GBZ. If we're lucky we can secure it (maybe even start our GBZ starbase there as it's nicely central) before they move out of sector 2g.
[X][PERS] Commodore Lawrence Hogan

His listed bonus might not be as fantastic, but consider the implication of it -- this is someone who is very good at assembling crews that work very well together. It's entirely possible that he'll cause more future events where ships get their experience level increased, because of his approach.
[X][PERS] Commodore Lawrence Hogan

...actually, that description reminds me quite a lot of Nash, come to think of it.
I would never, never put Nash in charge of the Personnel department. Nash would do great making personnel decisions for a group she can personally see, know, and interact with, but for the whole of Starfleet? She'd be miserable, and while she might do an adequate job she'd never really be able to do a great one. Her talent would be wasted.

I reaffirm my vote for "Health Care for Veterans" lady.

[X][PERS] Commodore Zrai ch'Shennaryth
[X][PERS] Commodore Zrai ch'Shennaryth

Is there a sheet with all the omake characters on it somewhere?
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Omake - The 2301-2310 Matthews-Rayburn Awards - Simon_Jester

It all goes back to a post of @Cornuthaum's that I read very early in my archive trawl of this...

It's ok to dream of your shipgirl waifu :V
Wait, this has nothing to do with redshirts. ...Come to think of it, I yoinked this idea for an omake series. [looks awkward] Aaaanyway. Moving right along to the other part of it.

This captain deserves a medal for Uncommon Sense.
So I gave him one. :D

More generally, the Matthews-Rayburn Award is given by the Red Shirt Protective Society for actions taken to preserve life, particularly the lives under their command, and displays of steady leadership in the face of a ship or life-threatening crisis. The word 'humane' and its various translations is frequently found in citations.

[Author's Note: 2305-7 were slow years. I may have missed one or two worthy incidents in my efforts to find something at least broadly in keeping with the intent. The 2303 award may be controversial but the committee had their reasons]

The Matthews-Rayburn award is named for the first two security officer casualties of the famous 2266-70 mission of the USS Enterprise. Matthews and Rayburn were treacherously killed by a giant android in the caves Exo III.

Michel Thuir of the Challorn, for his prudent and perceptive handling of the aftermath of the Biophage outbreak on Ulith III.

(no one else even came close)

T'Lorel of the Sarek, awarded jointly for her management of opening negotiations with both the Dawiar AND the Ihrloth.

(runner-up, Nash ka'Sharren)

Michael O'Hara of the Excelsior, for actions taken to preserve life under dire circumstances during the Biophage crisis.

(very hotly debated, but the RSPS award committee had its reasons)

Nash ka'Sharren of the Enterprise, for saving ALL the redshirts. Also, leading Enterprise through the Biophage crisis without losing a single spacer.

(award ceremony mentioned multiple occasions in past years, on which she went to extreme lengths to save sick or endangered crewmen)

Min-Jee Lee of the Kearsarge, for handling of a plague outbreak in Caldonian space.

(this was a slow year)

Nash ka'Sharren, for her daring and entirely peaceable resolution of a hostage crisis on Belphon III

(Also a slow year)

Captain Straak of the Sarek, for a highly successful investigation of incidents on the planet Merfara II.

(Also a slow year)

Captains Straak and Thuir of the Sarek and Miracht, respectively, for joint rescue of the Apiata colony ship Lorissa, in particular for efforts to ensure that critically injured workers received life-saving care despite obstructionism against triage procedures.

The RSPS feels a deep, compassionate bond towards Apiata workers.

(In the sincere opinion of the RSPS awards committee, Michel Thuir earned at least one, possibly two, additional Matthews-Rayburns in this year alone, but there is only one per year).

Captain Michel Thuir of the Miracht, for echo-locating giant crystal spiders.

The formal award ceremony was held in absentia in Sol System, with Captain Thuir attending by telepresence owing to the extreme remoteness of Miracht's location. The keynote speech, regarding the famous Captain Kirk's search for the somewhat less famous Horta, was given by the orders of magnitude less famous Eddie Leslie. Commodore Leslie, (second redshirt from left in this image). Leslie recounted his experiences (redshirt on far right, prone) during the away team mission in considerable detail.

Nash ka'Sharren of the Enterprise, specifically for innovation in the field of safety training.

(Even more so than the last one, this was also an indirect recognition of multiple incidents over the course of her five-year missions)

And of course, what you've all been waiting for, the...

Kaplan-Mallory Captain of the Decade Award!

Named for two Enterprise crewmen killed by extremely random misfortunes (an exploding rock and a bolt of lightning out of a clear blue orange sky) on Gamma Trianguli IV in 2267

Michel Thuir, for handling of the Ulith III Biophage, in particular, and in general for overall leadership in accordance with the finest traditions of Starfleet.

(Runner-up: Nash ka'Sharren, with identical award citation; the awards committee split roughly 60/40 in Thuir's favor. A retired rear admiral on the committee was heard to remark "Michel for protecting redshirts with style, Nash for making it an industry.")
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We could pick Hogan, use his one time bonus, and then establish a vice admiral post in the next snakepit to get someone with a long term bonus, but that strikes me as too gamey.

[X][PERS] Commodore Zrai ch'Shennaryth
Cardassian Shipbuilding Report

We have been able to put together a relatively reliable image of Cardassian construction, thanks in large part to [REDACTED UNDER CLASS 1-AA SECRETS].

Union Aerospace @ Cardassia:
1 Kaldar, 2 Jaldun

Central Fleetyard @ Cardassia
3 Jaldun

Karadoc Heavy Industry Yards
1 Kaldar, 2 Jaldun

Galundun State Shipyards
3 Takaaki Combat

Todamak Merchant Yards
3 State Cargo Ships

3 State Cargo Ships

5 Separate Shipyards totalling approximately 12~15 berths currently under development

Ballpark estimate of Cardassian builds from now until 2319:

- 12/16=3/4 proportion of berths will be building military ships
- Above builds all will complete by 2315
- They'll keep building the same type of ships in the same proportions continuously
-- Although realistically, they may substitute 2 Jalduns for 3 Takaakis, or have some sort of refit or new class project by then. This is why I'm biasing the above build completions to be done really early.
- The new berths go online in 2316, 12 of which are dedicated to military builds, doubling their military build capacity

2315: 3 Takaaki Combat, 7 Jaldun, 2 Kaldar commissioned
2316: 12 new military berths complete, starting builds immediately
2317: 3 Takaaki Combat commissioned
2318: 3 Takaaki Combat, 7 Jaldun, 2 Kaldar commissioned
2319: 3 Takaaki Combat, 7 Jaldun, 2 Kaldar commissioned
for a total of:
- 39 new ships: 12 Takaaki Combat, 21 Jaldun, 6 Kaldar
- C162 S93? H144 L144 P93? D138


Now, I want to see what Starfleet alone could do to try maximizing our combat potential to meet this Cardassian production. I played around the BV's spreadsheet to see what the max military buildup plan we could get. It turns out that much of our crew and SR crunch are due to our Excelsior-A constructions. Once I got rid of 2 Excelsior-A builds, which is the max amount I could free up without impacting EC ship building schedule, that freed up a lot of room.


BV's current plan: Boldly Go Shipbuild
By 2319.Q2:
- 3 new Miranda-A, 3 refit Miranda-A, 0 new Centaur-A (+4 by 2321), 2 new Oberth
- 3 refit Constellation-A, 1 new Constitution-B, 7 new Renaissance (+4 by 2320Q2)
- 4 new Excelsior (1 EC), 4 new Excelsior-A (1 EC), 6 refit Excelsior-A (+2 by 2320Q2)
for a 2319.Q2 total of:
- 21 new ships, 12 refits
- C109 S99 H74 L108 P89 D99

By 2319.Q2:
- 14 new Miranda-A, 4 refit Miranda-A, 4 new Centaur-A (+2 by 2320Q2), 0 new Oberth
- 6 refit Constellation-A (+1 by 2320Q2), 1 new Constitution-B, 6 new Renaissance (+2 by 2320Q2)
- 4 new Excelsior (1 EC), 2 new Excelsior-A (1 EC), 6 refit Excelsior-A (+2 by 2320Q2)
for a 2319.Q2 total of:
- 31 new ships, 16 refits
- C133 S115 H91 L136 P97 D117

edit: condensed above, added "by 2320Q2" notes

- This is not necessarily superior to BV's current plan - there's a reason we like our explorers after all!
- Surprisingly still within our current combat cap, if only barely
- Most of the Miranda-As can be replaced with Centaur-As if we get an Excelsior(-A) resource cost infusion - constrained by lack of SR here
- Crew remains our largest bottleneck, hence the relative lack of Renaissance builds
- Assumes Patricia Chen stays on the job until end of 2319 (~8 year tenure)
- Keep in mind that the stats of frigates are "exaggerated" when simply summing them up, especially for event response (and keep in mind Lone Ranger doctrinal bonuses) - the MAX FIREPOWER plan is not necessarily better at science than the default plan despite technically having 16 more science and 18 more response

edit: If this looks surprising, consider how expensive Excelsior-As are: 230br 160sr O-6 E-5 T-5 (underlining bottleneck resources). That's worth about 3.5 Miranda-As (245br 157.5sr O-3.5 E-7 T-3.5). So we can replace 2 Excelsior-As with about 7 Miranda-As already. 2 Oberths and 1 Renaissance also use a hefty amount of our bottleneck resources (130br 200sr O-5 E-7 T-11), and collectively can be replaced with about 4 Miranda-As (280br 180sr O-4 E-8 T-4). Then the overall better balancing of bottlenecks that Miranda-A/Centaur-As have over Renaissances, along with more being capable of being built by 2319Q2, explains the rest.

This is, of course, ignoring all the member fleet contributions. I estimate member fleet build capacity is at least 2/3 of Starfleet's. This is apparent from the most recent MWCO report:
Andor - 75 - 55 - 1.2 - 2 - 2
Vulcan - 40 - 35 - 1 - 1.75 - 1.5
Tellarites - 95 - 50 - 1.45 - 1.95 - 1.95
Humans - 110 - 60 - 2 - 2.2 - 2.2
Amarki - 155 - 125 - 3.5 - 6 - 4
Betazoids - 35 - 35 - 1.15 - 1.45 - 1.15
Caitian - 75 - 75 - 1.5 - 1.5 - 0.8
Rigel - 80 - 50 - 1.75 - 4.25 - 3.75
Apiata - 155 - 105 - 0.5 - 8 - 3
Indoria - 60 - 45 - 1.25 - 2 - 1.25

This totals: 880 br, 635 sr, 15.3 officers, 31.1 enlisted, 21.6 tech, and none of this is used for auxiliary ship construction. The fact that this is divided into 10 member fleets does introduce some inefficiencies, but at worst, that just manifests as increased latencies between builds.

IIRC, member fleets collectively have a lot more berths than Starfleet, although many of them are dedicated to auxiliary ship production, and in fact, I think at least a third of the berths are around 500kt in size.

Sydraxian Shipyard Activity Report

Courtesy of our friends among Yrillian work crews we have been able to develop a very strong picture of Sydraxian shipbuilding.

Ballad of Hunters Orbital Yard @ Borandt/Dar Nakar:
2 Kalindrax, 1 Hasque, 1 Engineering Ship

Ballad of Artisans Orbital Yard @ Kar Akar:
1 Hasque, 1 Repair [Hasque]

Ballad of Valour Orbital Yard @ Lox Matar
2 Repair [Hasque]

Ballad of Labourers Orbital Yard @ Nax Degar
[Under Construction, nearly complete]

The fact that they have at least one Hasque that's still on the repair waiting list truly indicates how behind the Sydraxians are now.
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Hm. Maybe I'm just tired.

I'm going to try to not stress about it. I get neurotic about bad fact-checking sometimes; I overinvest in it.

You wouldn't be a creative type if you weren't neurotic about everything you write > : V

[X][PERS] Commodore Zrai ch'Shennaryth

Is there a sheet with all the omake characters on it somewhere?

Database of all named TBG characters

Character bible of OCs I've created/written and some from other people that have handed me bios (I still welcome anyone else who wants to contribute)