2314.Q4 - The Art of Tactical Operations
- Location
- Australia
[X][PERS] Commodore Zrai ch'Shennaryth
Starfleet Security officers check your biometrics again before letting you into the inner sanctum of the complex that houses Tactical Command. If there was one thing Vice Admirals Sulu and Linderley could agree on, it was a certain paranoia about the need for physical security. With every uncovering of a Lecarre infiltrator, another security measure comes into play. Prudent, of course, but at the same time increasingly irritating. Your entourage is decidedly slimmer than Admiral Kahurangi's used to be, but even then it still takes time to clear checkpoints!
When you arrive inside, you see a number of Starfleet's finest, poring over such reports on Licori ships as are available. Harriman, Thuir, and T'Lorel back from Orion peacekeeping. Saavik is present as well, guiding the others through a sensor readout of the Licori cruiser's warp signature. And overseeing it all, calm and grandfatherly, is Vice Admiral Sulu. He spares you a wry smile as he spies you walk in, and you can see in it a little of the man who once stormed the bridge of the Enterprise with a sword.
"Admiral Sousa!" you hear. Rear Admiral Pragur, Sulu's newest Chief of Staff, approaches from the side. "Welcome back to Starfleet Tactical Command."
Current Required Ship Roles, as identified by Starfleet Tactical:
Heavy Explorer
Component Needs: FYM-Capable, need Explorer Frame, Medium+ Operations Frame
Stat Needs: Must have 5+ Science, Presence, 4+ Combat.
Scale Needs: No max-size or crew, minimum 2.2mt.
Intention: To conduct Five-Year-Missions, be capable of extended unsupported missions, handle severe science anomalies and conduct high-level diplomacy.
General Cruiser
Component Needs: Cruiser Frame
Stat Needs: 4+ stat average, minimum 4 Defence
Scale Needs: 1-1.5mt,
Intention: To form the backbone of the fleet when in battle, and to be the first-line of response to sector events.
Garrison Frigate
Component Needs: Frigate Frame, < 80SR
Stat Needs: Minimum 2+ all stats, 3+ Science, Presence
Scale Needs: Any
Intention: Bolster ability to protect and manage sectors within Federation space. Designed to be capable of responding competently to most events.
Combat Frigate
Component Needs: Frigate Frame, Large Tactical Frame, < 60 SR, 1+ Torpedoes
Stat Needs: 3+ Combat, 2+ Defence, 2+ Shield
Scale Needs: Any
Intention: Bolster fleet's ability to compete in combat.
Science Frigate
Component Needs: Frigate Frame, Medium+ Operations Frame, Small Tactical Frame, < 100 SR
Science Lab, LR+Nav Sensors
Stat Needs: 5+ Science, 3+ Presence, Max 2 Combat
Scale Needs: Any
Intention: A ship to replace the Oberth as a more capable, all around platform for science and short-range exploration.
What type of ship do you believe Starfleet is currently lacking?
[ ][ROLES] Do Nothing [2.0x Weighting on this vote]
[ ][ROLES] Suggest something else
[ ][ROLES] A Garrison Cruiser to cheaply anchor home sectors
[ ][ROLES] A Light Explorer to supplement the Excelsiors
[ ][ROLES] A high-presence courier escort
[ ][ROLES] Update the Combat Escort requirements (+2 Militarisation)
Roles that you decide upon will be added to the list of available ship design projects that you can request from the Council. Roles need to have some concrete sign of being filled within five years to avoid Council action.
Pick a Scenario you would like to see occur:
[ ][WG] A 1v1 with any two Ships, including member world ships (Nominate two ships)
[ ][WG] A 2v2 with any Ships, including member world ships, (Nominate ships)
[ ][WG] A Fleet Battle (Cost 2pp/Explorer, 1pp/Cruiser, 1pp/2 Escorts)
Member World Coordination Office
Ships Commenced
Vulcan - 1 Miranda Refit
Betazed - 1 Civilian Freighter
Tellar - 1 Engineering Ship
Caitian - 1 Cargo Ship
Caldonia - 1 Engineering Ship
Orion - 1 Prospector