Starfleet Design Bureau

[X] Advocate for the construction of a minimally expensive combat frigate capable of engaging the small Romulan ships one-on-one.
We're at war. We can put out a few extra NX's if we have spare industry for heavy stuff, but really we need more ships in general.

I am curious what our Allies/Allies to be can bring to field.
Vulcans and Andorians definitely have more firepower than we do, and bigger ships. They are better suited for filling the battle line. Least for now.
The Stingray has almost half the average damage of the NX, less durability, and half the coverage (making it more prone to sneak attacks on blind spots). There's just no way we can beat a Romulan ship in conditions any worse than a 2v1 that way, so it's a better bet to just deny the Romulans their preferred method of attack and make a ship capable of surviving the alpha strike fairly intact. I think we should focus on durability, coverage (so we can fire at all angles and engage multiple attackers), and cutting costs in other areas. Our Stingrays (which we've already increased production on) will then have way less pressure on them, and it'll be harder for the enemy ships to stay in their blindspots.

[X] Support the construction of a heavily-armed battleship capable of enduring combat with multiple attackers.
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My concern with continuing to produce Stingrays is that it may hold back our technology, preventing us from using prototypes that may provide an advantage and allow further refits. We may want to design a cutting-edge class, frigate or battleship, but produce them in relatively small numbers, while also producing a few Stingrays if possible.
A cutting edge vessel really needed to have design work started before the war. As it stands, we have the Stingray which is better 1v1 than the Romulans, it is already in production so there is no lag on getting it into action and it's a proven design that our crews already have experience on. There is a lot of historical precedent for taking a good design you have and building it in numbers that matter. Look at Germany in WW2, they kept building prototypes and advancing the frontiers of technology, but they couldn't build enough of the more capable and expensive new designs that were coming out too late to stop the string of defeats.

[X] Support the construction of a heavily-armed battleship capable of enduring combat with multiple attackers.

While I'm not advocating for big gun diplomacy to be our go too, anything less will see us hit harder than necessary
Will design, prototype, shakedown and full production occur quickly enough to put sufficient number of battleships into service to affect the war?

[X] Advocate for the construction of a minimally expensive combat frigate capable of engaging the small Romulan ships one-on-one.
We're at war. We can put out a few extra NX's if we have spare industry for heavy stuff, but really we need more ships in general.

I am curious what our Allies/Allies to be can bring to field.
We can increase production of the Stingray now, we can't start producing a new, less capable vessel, until we've gone through the design process, prototyped it, and created a new production line for it. I'm not sure that actually gets us more ships in time to matter.
The small frigates would only not be suicidal if we had some sort of ace up our sleeves which we don't.
Well, we do, it's "getting the Vulcans, Andorians, and Tellarites to unite and bail us out," but that is not a tactical maneuver and quite frankly not an objective that can be won on the battlefield except in two senses: 1) the fleet would need to hold out long enough to give Earth's diplomats time to work; and 2) it would probably help in the diplomats' cause to give a battlefield demonstration of Earth's capability and resolve, a la the battles of Saratoga or Narendra III.
Everyone join the BBBB (Big Beautiful Battleships)Club. Not only would their existence mar a shift in Starfleet thinking away from the canon one ship fills all multirole approach. But Battleships do not need engineering/Science compartments so we can stuff as much gun as fits into its frame.
Also who does want to see the sheer beauty of a big Battleship smashing Romulan warbirds with big cannons?

I do and so should you.
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[X] Recommend the continued production of the Stingray as a mainline tactical vessel.
[X] Recommend the design of the previously considered up-gunned Stingray refit as a mainline tactical vessel.
[X] Advocate for the construction of a minimally expensive combat frigate capable of engaging the small Romulan ships one-on-one.

If we wanted battleships we'll need to have started years ago.
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Battleship seems to be the way to go, for me.

Frigates is only viable if we can for sure outnumber the Romulans, and I'm willing to bet we don't have a chance in hell of doing that.

We can't really rely on the CoP at this early stage, so relying on their Battle-line is out.

Would the Stingrays even have enough punch to matter in the long run if a Romulan Battlegroup can just appear out of nowhere?

Meanwhile, we stuff as much armor and guns as we can onto a large(for us) ship, MAYBE we can hold out long enough to beat their ass and chase them away.

Maybe we last long enough to get the CoP off their ass and backing us up.

Afterwards, I could care LESS what we do with those ships.
[X] Support the construction of a heavily-armed battleship capable of enduring combat with multiple attackers.

This would allow us to introduce a battleship class and from what I remember the romulons might have their own battleship class or ship class heavier than the nx class,

also no matter alpha cannon or beta cannon or any starter cannon that has info about this time period in the beginning of the war the 3 other alpha quadrent powers lend a lot of support to earth in terms of industry and resources, though 2 of them join the war fully relatively quick, the Vulcans continue for a good chunk of the war just providing support and not fighting in the form or industry intelligence and research.

Also isn't earth supposed to have a couple more colonies by now, and does economies of scale come into effect @Sayle (or make enough of a tech like atomic torpedes or phase cannons they become cheaper) (also can't we only vote for one option/one time)
Maybe if we make a battleship we could also design parasite ships to go along with it? Like, ships that aren't using all of the expensive stuff like high class warp cores and nacelles but are still combat capable that the larger ship carries with it. Basically similar to the idea of an assault dropship from Battletech.
Maybe if we make a battleship we could also design parasite ships to go along with it? Like, ships that aren't using all of the expensive stuff like high class warp cores and nacelles but are still combat capable that the larger ship carries with it. Basically similar to the idea of an assault dropship from Battletech.
if we were to allow parasite ships we should use the stingrays and the nx class due to them already being built and not wanting to design a whole new class just to be a parasite ship
I question where you're going to find all that Industry you'd need for this battleship.
According to the following two quotes we just finished 6 stingrays and the Last NX-class ship. (One already died to ambush) Our entire industry is free to produce the (hypothetical) battleship at a rate of 1 per year(perhaps even slightly faster)

In late October of 2155,
This means our current fleet is as follows: 10 Stingrays(1damaged perhaps already repaired) 3NX class (one destroyed by Romulans.)

As it stands, we have the Stingray which is better 1v1 than the Romulans
Where is that said? Can you show us a GM quote where A Stingray fights a single warbird and wins? The only showing we have is onscreen against some pirates and there the ship was captured by said pirates not exactly a vote of confidence.
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As it stands, we have the Stingray which is better 1v1 than the Romulans
Vote as you will, but I'm afraid that isn't the case.

Also I'm putting down a moratorium because there's some very strange takes happening that probably deserve discussion. Like how the Stingrays are proven against Romulan ships 1v1

One of our Stingrays just got smoked in a 1v1, and was said to be "half-crippled" after just the opening salvo. We'd need at least 2v1 odds if we were only fielding Stingrays against their warbirds.

Edit: ninja'd
I don't think parasite craft are what we want. With the Romulan cloaks this war is likely to be a whole lot of hit and run strikes, and being able to go to warp at a moment's notice will be important for tactical and strategic flexibility. Having to wait for a carrier craft to collect all it's hangers-on before it can go to warp would slow it down.

Also, I don't care for the aesthetic. Doesn't feel very Trek to me.
We could probably make a battleship for the same or slightly more cost of an nx (it doesn't need to be have more phase cannons than the nx or more torpedos though maybe 1 more for a rear launcher)

what we could do is take the nx saucer remove the neck or shorten the neck contecting it to the secondary hull as that's a major weak point that doesn't add much internal volume for a lot more area to armor and then attach a secondary hull near directly behind/bellow it but shaped like a cylinder kinda of like the zheng he's secondary hull but with the nx deflector, as it will have more internal space for the same length is less complex of a shape to make and doesn't have that thin portion, than attach nx nacelles but shorten the pylons they are on and make them closer to the hull to reduce the weakpoints. And then armor the stuff up to be as thick as possible or make it as polarised as possible and maybe give it the either a standard communications suit or the best one possible

Basically reuse as much already designed stuff as possible up armor up internal area, decrease complex shapes and other complex things to build and reduce or remove as many wealpponts as possible, and then either use it as a ship designed to tank as much damage as possible instead of nx class ships, or put the best communications equipment as possible in it if we're willing to go for the extra cost and want a really tanky flagship.

@Sayle, what's our total Industry right now again?

The one thing in favour of going for a frigate is it might be able to use up our Industry score more effectively. I don't think we have 75 Industry, so we can quite hit three Stingrays per year. Then again if we're allowed to build fractions of a Stingray or save Industry somehow, it's less of an issue.