[x] Advocate for the construction of a minimally expensive combat frigate capable of engaging the small Romulan ships one-on-one.
The fact of the matter is that the Romulans are going to be able to have an advantage in an opening salvo and in hitting from unexpected angles.
A battleship represents an extremely valuable, single target that can be severely degraded in combat capability with an opening salvo from a group of cloaked vessels.
A bunch of low-cost combat frigates, on the other hand, mean that any surprise attack will not tip the scales overmuch, and it also means that they can be deployed more flexibly. These combat frigates can be alongside Stingrays or Enterprise-class ships to both bolster their firepower and to counter the potency of a surprise salvo from cloak because they couldn't hit both ships at once.
Alternatively, we could use such frigates and forgo a losing defensive battle against cloaked marauders and instead go on the offensive against meaningful military targets in Romulan space. An Enterprise backed up by a couple of Stingrays and combat frigates means that the Romulans would have to both concentrate their forces in a known location and accept that their surprise attack couldn't hit most of the vessels at once.
Either way, having more numerous ships capable of representing a major threat to a Romulan marauder means that we can deploy them more flexibly, doubling up on their numbers in a given formation/convoy or using them as escorts for larger ships (like the Stingray).
If we're going to build a battleship, we will have to use it for offensive operations that will give the Romulans a black eye.
What we need are escorts and patrol ships, but in large numbers to always have enough combat power present to deter an attack (or defeat an attacker if they try their luck). That means convoys with plentiful escorts, and if the existing fleet we have isn't enough, then we need a higher number of ships rather than smaller numbers of powerful ships.