Starfleet Design Bureau

To be fair, they did actually have decent AA/fire control for their era. Not as good as the US's, sure, but the US had arguably the best in the world, so no shame there.

To be unfair, the Yamato shot more of her allies with said AA/fire control than she did enemies.
No, Japan famously had dogshit AA even for an axis power, between fire control and the actual guns themselves. Only Germany was worse and that's because they calibrated their fire control for modern planes on a fucking lake, not the sea they actually were going to fight on, iirc.
Holy shit, I missed three posts and two voting rounds. Geez. Let's see where we're at...
Being in the best condition, the von Sachs was saved as a non-interactive historical exhibit until it was donated to a Risian resort in 2374 and the interior stripped and modified into, appropriately, a starship-sized arboretum.
I absolutely love this little touch. Love it so much.
size isn't where we should be making cuts; size is cheap, and it's utility as well as defenses, and it might let us mount cheaper standard tubes rather than rapids.
It'd have to push our max cruise upto 7.5+ for me to consider voting for it though.
Max cruise is still capped at Warp 7 till we get the new nacelles, hopefully for the next design. Efficient cruise increases are still useful, though.
Can I just say how little I want to make this a hospital ship.
I am actively against making this a hospital ship.
I don't understand the desire to try to make everything a hospital ship, and I think it would just ensure we build even less of these.
I'm generally opposed to outright hospital ship designs as well. That said, I'm not generally opposed to smaller advanced medical facilities in at least one ship in service at any given time (roughly every third or fourth design?). We don't need the bed count of a proper hospital ship (and shouldn't try for it; they're heinously inefficient), but it's good to have something capable of responding to the really weird stuff and developing and synthesizing cures for it.

This is a lot less critical- a LOT less critical- with the success of the Attenborough reducing how many of those sorts of emergencies we have to face in the next century-plus. And, since we quite recently put advanced medical facilities in the Excalibur-class, we're good until around the time we design the Callies' replacement; I'll want to go for advanced medical on either that or the design immediately following it.

Anyway. I'm still shooting for 250-300kt range here, so:

[X] 180 Meter, 3 Decks (Mass: 114kt) [Cost: 22.5]
[X] 180 Meter, 3 Decks (Mass: 114kt) [Cost: 22.5]

I voted for standard shields because I wanted to improve the ship's defenses through bulking up. Losing that vote on shields isn't going to deter me; I'm just going to be wincing throughout the rest of the design process.
[X] 180 Meter, 3 Decks (Mass: 114kt) [Cost: 22.5]

I voted for standard shields because I wanted to improve the ship's defenses through bulking up. Losing that vote on shields isn't going to deter me; I'm just going to be wincing throughout the rest of the design process.
Look at it this way, if we go for a maximum battleship heavy cruiser and SanFran decides not to be a bunch of corner cutting shits we might skew Starfleet's budget department on what a normal ship should cost going forward.
[X] 180 Meter, 3 Decks (Mass: 114kt) [Cost: 22.5]

If we want a big ship the magic number is 360kt, we can get very high maneuver with 4 impulse engines, high with 3 and medium with 2. It'll be bigger than the Sagas but not so big it's impossible to conceive of, and given we made a S tactical but overall decent at everything ship with the Excalibur, with this much room we could slap 3 RFLs(2 forward 1 back) onto it and still have a solid split for Science and engineering.

270 means at most 3 impulse engines, but frankly 2 is probably enough, and while we have less room it's still close the Sagamartas in size but so much more advanced. Room might be a concern, but then again might not be.

Anyways, Warspite Class for this chunky lass sound appealing?
[X] 180 Meter, 3 Decks (Mass: 114kt) [Cost: 22.5]

Look at it this way, if we go for a maximum battleship heavy cruiser and SanFran decides not to be a bunch of corner cutting shits we might skew Starfleet's budget department on what a normal ship should cost going forward.
Aren't they just building the canon Miranda?
Look at it this way, if we go for a maximum battleship heavy cruiser and SanFran decides not to be a bunch of corner cutting shits we might skew Starfleet's budget department on what a normal ship should cost going forward.
We spent a lot of effort on Econ ships. We definitely have the leeway to spend a whole lot on our ship of the line.
Even if it was exactly the same design choices, it would still be different.
Better but vertical warp core, weaker shields and phasers, stronger Thrusters, more field of fire.
The warp core change is probably the one most likely to affect the design over all.
Still another vote on the saucer to decide if we make her even thicker :p
Excalibur ended up 7 or 9 decks from a baseline of 2, should logic hold we should get 10.5/11 to 13.5/14 - either the same as the Excelsior class or slightly thicker.

Lets make the galaxy class the shuttle craft of the future!
The main shuttlebay of a Galaxy-class starship is about the same diameter (and perhaps volume) as the saucer of a refit Constitution-class.
[X] 180 Meter, 3 Decks (Mass: 114kt) [Cost: 22.5]

New Thunderchild Let's GOOOOOO!!! Shame shuttlecraft technology is where it's at, I'd love to see a battlecarrier in space.
The main shuttlebay of a Galaxy-class starship is about the same diameter (and perhaps volume) as the saucer of a refit Constitution-class.
Where's all the Shuttles, Lebowski?
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[X] 140 Meter, 2 Decks (Mass: 46kt) [Cost: 9]
Clearly not going to win, but I just don't think we need to make the edge of this ship super thick, we can have an entire engineering hull to play with, and we can certainly thicken the center of the saucer.