As far as I am aware there has been no hint of sapience in any xenomorphs (canon ones, at least), not even the 'queens'. The Xenogorn actually become sapient in future life stages, even if their earliest are a blatant xenomorph ripoff.The test of how Star Trek you are is if you can see the Xenomorph Queen in Aliens as a feral child in dire need of therapy and a universal translator.
Xenomorphs are an actively predatory equivalent to the tribbles, who's method and requirements of reproduction (parasitism of living sapients by means of rape metaphor, ending with the infant stage bursting out of the metaphorical rape victim in an invariably fatal manner) requires the suffering of sapient life to function.
I cannot think of a single Captain who would see the xenomorph queen as the equivalent of a feral child, outside of bad fanfiction (and I certainly couldn't see Gene Roddenberry or any of his successors holding such a viewpoint).