Starfleet Design Bureau

Please stop integrating the nachells into the saucer/ sphere it's really it feels very very cursed especially in tos era you can attach them via pylons from the pink and yellow thing on top , perhaps a curved version sorta like what the Akiras had

Like I do like your idea but those nachells need just do not vib at all where they are at rn

Yeah, I can see where you're coming from on that front.
That was basically just a kitbash of different designs. I didn't even include connections between the Deflector/Shuttle Bay (Yellow/Pink Section).
But yeah, I honestly do think that the Nacelles should be moved from the current position.
I was thinking about moving them zenith from the Saucer section and then having an inline deflector/shuttlebay?

Ugh, I should be sleeping right now.
But, Quick Mock-up of the changes.
Basically, I just want it to be able to go down to a planet/moon with a relatively flat field, Drop off the Grey Cargo Pods, and then either land next to them or leave.
I'm also trying to leave as few blindspots as possible for any Phasers.

Actually now that I think about it, Does anyone think a Miranda-Class could land on a Planet?

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Yeah, I can see where you're coming from on that front.
That was basically just a kitbash of different designs. I didn't even include connections between the Deflector/Shuttle Bay (Yellow/Pink Section).
But yeah, I honestly do think that the Nacelles should be moved from the current position.
I was thinking about moving them zenith from the Saucer section and then having an inline deflector/shuttlebay?

Ugh, I should be sleeping right now.
But, Quick Mock-up of the changes.
Basically, I just want it to be able to go down to a planet/moon with a relatively flat field, Drop off the Grey Cargo Pods, and then either land next to them or leave.
I'm also trying to leave as few blindspots as possible for any Phasers.

I think the top-mounted nacelles and inland deflect work all right. I would suggest moving the nacelles down till the brassards are around where the bridge module would come up. Like just a tiny but back. Also, I don't know if it is possible but I know phaser strips can be put on pylons, I don't know about turrets but if they could it would help you with blind spot problems..
I think the top-mounted nacelles and inland deflect work all right. I would suggest moving the nacelles down till the brassards are around where the bridge module would come up. Like just a tiny but back. Also, I don't know if it is possible but I know phaser strips can be put on pylons, I don't know about turrets but if they could it would help you with blind spot problems..
Yeah, The Nacelles can probably come closer down towards the Saucer Section.
I just used the height value for the Original Deflector/Shuttle Bay for the Nacelles when I made that mock-up.
I don't know about the aft-part though?
This is design is supposed to be able to land so I kind of want to maintain the center of mass under the Saucer Section?

Also, Does anyone have a measurement for the distance between Nacelle and Saucer Section is on a Miranda-Class?
I would/will probably go and look it up but I'm honestly kind of need to take a break soon.
2253: Project Federation (Forward Engineering)
[X] Expanded Cargo Bay

The cargo bay is finalised as planned, with the space for two compartments capable of storing extra-large containers and a third bay which can be used either as general storage or to hold a neutronic fuel pod. In addition to providing more space than anything short of a cargo pod, the ship's ability to carry anti-deuterium fuel with only a few days work at a dockyard means it can fully resupply several starships with antimatter. It could be a useful quality for extending range outside of traditional supply routes.

But you're not quite done in the engineering section just yet. There exists a small but nonetheless significant space left between the main deflector and the warp core. As it stands there are two main options. The first is to add extra antimatter storage, which will double the ship's existing range and allow more time out of port before needing to return. Given the large cargo space, this could allow the ship to take onboard a great number of parts and machinery, then spend over a year on the border rendering assistance to the more distant colonies and settlements.

Alternatively the unique capabilities of the deflector dish could be exploited by installing an extra computer core and a set of spectral analysis sensors. By using the gravitational beams and fields emitted by the main deflector, lensing effects could be used to gather data about the incoming light beyond the traditional capability of standard sensors. This ability and its highly efficient warp drive would likely incentivise the ship for mission profiles that bake in a more excursionary course. It would then be able to gather useful data as it passes nearby otherwise uncharted systems or points of interest, while the higher cruise permits it to still arrive at its destination in a timely manner compared to other starships.

[ ] Antimatter Storage (Range: 314ly -> 628ly)
[ ] Spectral Analysis (+2 Science)

Two Hour Moratorium, Please

Deck 1: Bridge
Deck 2: Crew Quarters, Aft Lounge
Deck 3: Main Computer Core Access
Deck 4: Transporter Room One, Sickbay
Deck 5: Impulse Engine Access, Aft Launcher Access
Deck 6: Main Energizer, Photon Magazine, Transporter Room Two, Main Tractor Beam
Deck 7: Deuterium Injector Control, Navigational Array
Deck 8: Forward Launcher Access
Deck 9: Deuterium Storage
Deck 10: Turbolift Maintenance, Engineering Shop, Main Transceiver
Deck 11: Shuttlebay Control
Deck 12: Shuttlebay Cargo, Workshop, Main Engineering
Deck 13: Antimatter Storage
Deck 14: Shuttlebay, Main Deflector
Deck 15: Shuttlebay Tractor Beam, Neutronic Fuel Storage
Deck 16: Main Cargo Bay, Antimatter Injector Control, Deflector Control
Deck 17: Neutronic Transfer Port, Cargo Bay Door Control

This is not a science ship. This is a logistics ship. Antimatter, here, when all we are losing out on is 2 science, is a steal. The less logistics you need in place for your logistics ship to work the better. In fleet action this pairs with the ability to carry fuel for other ships to allow the Federation to lead excursions of ships well outside of what their normal range would be.

Or even just go out and refuel ships far outside of a ship's normal range, meaning when we do eventually build an explorer it's mission can potentially be MUCH longer due to resupply happening outside of Federation space if needed.
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I'm genuinely torn - on the one hand, that described mission profile of loading the fuck up on supplies and just cruising for years helping out in the border colonies sounds really useful both from a rebuilding standpoint and security standpoint (harder for pirates to get firmly established if there's always going to be at least one Fat Fred in range on top of any Mirandas or Excaliburs hanging out in those border regions).

On the other, that ability to get a good look at stuff as we go by, finding potential points of interest to vector an Excalibur in on, or taking Fat Fred in to get a closer look herself if she's got some science labs, actually sounds like it could be pretty useful too, if more nebulously. Still leaning AM pod, but this feels like an interesting vote to debate.
This is not a science ship. This is a logistics ship. Antimatter, here, when all we are losing out on is 2 science, is a steal. The less logistics you need in place for your logistics ship to work the better. In fleet action this pairs with the ability to carry fuel for other ships to allow the Federation to lead excursions of ships well outside of what their normal range would be.

Or even just go out and refuel ships far outside of a ship's normal range, meaning when we do eventually build an explorer it's mission can potentially be MUCH longer due to resupply happening outside of Federation space if needed.
Fair point, anyone have any idea how big Federation space is now?
I would also like to suggest that at some point we should build another station. I really want to take a crack at building a defensive space station using antimatter fuel to power shields and such. The Federation being able to carry said fuel plays into this as the stations can then be built in a wide spread of locations and we can refuel them with reasonable ease.
Spectral analysis is anti-synergistic imo. If we're going to be doing cargo milk runs, there will be less random stuff to study and a much higher likelihood of a science ship available to study it. Stopping to randomly do science also lessens its cargo throughput.

Meanwhile, as much as I hate it, antimatter makes us into a great border supply runner.
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Extra antimatter synerergizes with the big cargo bay. We need a strong focus of capabilities to justify the ship's use. Antimatter storage fits into that, and better sensors unfortunately do not.
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Fair point, anyone have any idea how big Federation space is now?
It's not been long enough yet after the 4YW for the Federation to have significantly expanded pre-war borders, so the rough diameter of our territory is around 300LY. 600+ LY of range seems unnecessary on the face, and I'm not convinced, given the retrospectives, that fleet/task force actions will be occuring often enough in the foreseeable future to have the niche of fleet AM tender being viable. On the other hand, I also have the concern of "How quickly would the Spectral Analysis module be rendered obsolete and useless?". Hm.
Meanwhile, as much as I hate it, antimatter makes us into a great border supply runner.
Ironically enough, a border supply runner would be a great place for spectral analysis.

Without the extra antimatter, though, the Federation would be traveling between the hinterlands and the metropole rather than from one border colony to another much of the time, which reduces the value of the sensors.
Extra antimatter is the most boring choice imaginable, it's literally just a space-filler that doesn't provide any meaningful capability. The ship has plenty range and can cruise for a long time, it doesn't need to double that range. Any time the ship is going back to fill up its cargo hold is time it can also refuel, and as long established we have tons of those big antimatter storage stations floating around.
It's not been long enough yet after the 4YW for the Federation to have significantly expanded pre-war borders, so the rough diameter of our territory is around 300LY. 600+ LY of range seems unnecessary on the face, and I'm not convinced, given the retrospectives, that fleet/task force actions will be occuring often enough in the foreseeable future to have the niche of fleet AM tender being viable. On the other hand, I also have the concern of "How quickly would the Spectral Analysis module be rendered obsolete and useless?". Hm.
For what it's worth, that range extension now will become more and more useful as the Federation gets bigger over time - and being able to give Federation captains a sizable margin for "there's an emergency over there, punch it", ie., making frequent use of its Maximum Cruise (or pushing up to 'sustained sprints' at Warp 8+, like Fair Fight April's run to Tarsus IV) seems like a good idea to me. That, and it might be able to go longer without resupplying on antimatter - meaning it needs to spend even less time using its cruising speed to get from the core areas to the frontier, because they can resupply food anywhere we've colonized.