Starfleet Design Bureau

My concern with continuing to produce Stingrays is that it may hold back our technology, preventing us from using prototypes that may provide an advantage and allow further refits. We may want to design a cutting-edge class, frigate or battleship, but produce them in relatively small numbers, while also producing a few Stingrays if possible.
That just sounds like taking the worst of both options.
Would now be a good time to revisit that ship I keep talking about? It was literally designed for this after all. But if not I'll just finally stop talking about it. Lol.
We know Jackshit about the Romulan in quest at this point. Start off with Stingray spam then as more data rolls in we can look at devloping a Manta Ray successor class.
Everyone that says that more NX or designing a Battleships would be useless. There s a very easy thing that would lessen to elimante the chnce the romulans get clean ambushes. The answer goes against Sterfleet/Federation thinking. Instead of 1 ship only send out small task groups. A NX escorted by 2 Stingrays would not get fucked that hard.
[X] Advocate for the construction of a minimally expensive combat frigate capable of engaging the small Romulan ships one-on-one.
[X] Recommend the continued production of the Stingray as a mainline tactical vessel.
As much as I'm going to continue advocating for a large vessel that can act either by itself in large to planet scale actions or as the bedrock/flag vessel of a task force, enough discussion has been made that I'll relent for the moment. However, we'll still need a combat vessel that can at least decently cover all its vectors.

[X] Advocate for the construction of a minimally expensive combat frigate capable of engaging the small Romulan ships one-on-one.
[X] Recommend the continued production of the Stingray as a mainline tactical vessel.
[X] Recommend the continued production of the Stingray as a mainline tactical vessel.

The greatest strength the Romulans have is being able to alpha strike an unprepared target. With enough Stingrays, we can have them work in squadrons that will blunt that approach by having too many ships to easily take out (unlike single larger ships), while at the same time being reasonably sure that taking one of those alpha strikes before the rest of the squadron can respond isn't inherently a death sentence for the crew (unlike smaller ships).
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My concern with continuing to produce Stingrays is that it may hold back our technology, preventing us from using prototypes that may provide an advantage and allow further refits. We may want to design a cutting-edge class, frigate or battleship, but produce them in relatively small numbers, while also producing a few Stingrays if possible.
Well for that we'd need some new tech to test in the first place. Which we don't have.
[X] Recommend the continued production of the Stingray as a mainline tactical vessel.

Something smaller and less well armed seems like a bad idea.
I'm also not sure we have the industry to produce battleships at a good enough rate
The Stingray line is open and hot, and we need ships now. The best way for us to bulk up combatants is to open the taps on it. We can deploy them in packs and its not the end of the world if God forbid, we lose them in job lots either since its only 30 crew per. Seriously future automation is magic, something the size of almost 2 Yamatos is run by 22 sailors and 8 officers?
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[X] Recommend the continued production of the Stingray as a mainline tactical vessel.

I'm convinced now that Stingray spam is a good opener here. But I do want to add battleships to the combat line shortly.
[X] Advocate for the construction of a minimally expensive combat frigate capable of engaging the small Romulan ships one-on-one.

While more Stingrays would definitely do the job until the other Federation Founders step in, I think the chance to advance our tech edges out sheer numbers. Maybe we make that dedicated torpedo bird we've talked about?
[X] Advocate for the construction of a minimally expensive combat frigate capable of engaging the small Romulan ships one-on-one.
[X] Recommend the continued production of the Stingray as a mainline tactical vessel.
[X] Recommend the continued production of the Stingray as a mainline tactical vessel.

I think pumping out stingrays is the way.
The Stingray is basically a glammed up coast guard ship, not something you'd send out to fight if you had a better option.

The battleship will take a long time to build , and we don't have the industry to build many of them.

[X] Advocate for the construction of a minimally expensive combat frigate capable of engaging the small Romulan ships one-on-one.

I think we need a new whole new design here.