There's something that I've grappled with since this quest's inception, especially as I get more involved in Khazalid for obvious reasons. It poked at my brain for a long long while now, maybe even since I started getting deep into Dwarf lore, but only becoming really a point of frustration thanks to this quest.
Namely the, well names, of the Far Northern Holds. I've sort of held on to this realization for a few weeks now, and to my knowledge I've not spread this anywhere but through DMs and the discord but I figure I may as well say it here first, at least publically.
(Which as Boney pointed out when I proposed this idea brings up the question of why the spelling both drifted and chose to follow the whole Karak A convention that Everpeak uses instead of the other Holds, I am forever damned with questions. Life is sufferin) That is all, happy second anniversary, thank you.
Because Kar= big stone, ak = place. Karak means "Big Stone Place" in uber precise Khazalid. While Kraka is "Something related to Stone X" specifically?
Kadrin - Mountain Pass, so that's probably Ka = Mountain and drin = pass.
So, therefore Kraka is "Something related to Stone Mountain"? Instead
Krink = Bad back due to stooping in Tunnels
Kron = Book, Record
Kruk = Unexpected dissapointment: vein of ore which suddenly proves to be empty
Krunk = Disaster, an underground Rockfall
Krut = Disease contracted from mountain goats
Kruti = Dwarf suffering from Krut
It looks like "Kr" is related to misfortune, or event of significance, speciffically. It might mean some kind of rock inside the mountain as "Rockfall", and "vein of ore" could be somehow related to "Kr" definition. due to the way khazalid is put together with... Hmmmm, okay from "Kar" = big stone. "K" likely means stone. "ar" likely means "big (in relation to the obvious visual appearance of stone, or how clumps of stone can make up a mountain)" Assuming that is true... "Kra" "K" = stone and "Ra" = inside? "ra" is "ar" mirrored, so it could be an opposite like "small", "internal", or "entrails" (in relation to the opposite of "visually big", so it's more like internal, inside, looking at the internal organs of stone? Hmm, it might be specifically the stones that make up a stone, like a record, ores, stalgtites, stalgmites, rockroof, rockwall)
A = of, with, within, to
"Kr" + "a" + "ka" = Kraka
"Underground Stone Treasure? (Can be ore, normal stone, all the treasures the mountian hides such as gold, silver, gromril)"+ "of" + "Mountain" = Kraka
"Misfortune?" + "with" + "Mountain" = Kraka
"Little?" + "within" + "Mountain" = Kraka
"Small?" + "to" + "Mountain" = Kraka
"? "+ "?" + "Mountain" = Kraka
Or would it be?
"K" + "ra" + "ka" = Kraka
Stone + ? + "Mountain" = Kraka
Or could it be?
"K" + "ra" + "a" + "ka" = kraaka, proper spelling should be Kraka, as the khazalid would drop an a.
"Stone" + ? + (of, with, within, to) + Mountain = Kraka
"Kra" + "a" + "ka" = kraaka, proper spelling should be Kraka
"Small Stone?" + "(of, with, within, to)" + "Mountain" = Kraka
"Internal Stone?" + (of, with, within, to) + "Mountain" = Kraka
"Composition Stone?" + (of, with, within, to) + "Mountain" = Kraka
"Underground Stone?" + (of, with, within, to) + "Mountain" = Kraka
"Under top-soil Stone?" + (of, with, within, to) + "Mountain" = Kraka
What if?
"Kra" + "Ka" = Kraka
"?? Stone" + "Mountain" = Kraka
Edit: And hmmm, "ak" = place, but the mirror of "ak" being "ka". Would have "ka" be mountain, place on mountain? So kraka, is just "k"+ "ar" mirrored + "ak" mirrored. An abstract form of "ar" and "ak" are what "ra", and "ka" are?
Edit2: Done editing this post.
EDit 3: In the end, Kraka can probably mean Hold similar to how Karak is translated as Hold instead of "Mountain Hold", or "Big Stone Place". But a direct translation, could have the differences in culture highlighted. With the Northern holds breaking the tradition of using Karak for Kraka at the very beginning.