It will provide us with choice between 4 and 1, 3 and 2, all in 5 action set ups and such like what you described with 2 on requests and 3 on research or exploring.
That, alone, would be wonderful and I'd love to see that! Looking back on things... I think it's more
about this sort of flexibility (described above) more than with the "being able to knock out actions" thing.
It's been feeling like we've got mechanics, but we can't really play with them very well; and 5 actions would be the sweet spot.
So I want more actions so we can play around with the mechanics, and have more freedom in how we do things, and all. And not necessarily to clear out all the backlog.
Though, on the topic of backlog... I'm not sure I agree.
Which as I said personally isn't much of an issue to me because I do not feel like we are in a crunch because our actions actually meaningfully reduce the Amount of Stuff We Have To Do unlike many other quests so even if we are in a situation where we have a lot of stuff to do and are crunched we will eventually move to a situation where we have less to do
I'm pretty sure we just added
more stuff over time. And those 8-action researches are daunting. (Let alone the 16-action Master Rune... more on that below though.) And we can pick up more of them from exploring, so who knows.
But we'll see, I guess. This turn has us finishing the Gromril research chain.
And if knocking out the Gromril research chain finally finishes it for good (rather than just revealing yet more Gromril and Adamant research to dig into), then I'll feel like we've made progress on the tons of stuff and have actually knocked some things out.
Anyway, on to master Runes... Because meanwhile, the "Understand a Master Rune" is a whole
category all its own and it's not getting any focus at all. It's not just a single action; that's a bit deceiving-looking. Because it's about any and every Master Rune. So our list of Possible-To-Do-List is actually quite big.
Also, yet another issue is that... it doesn't look as interesting. Hrm no, perhaps not quite right... It doesn't have an immediate questhook-like feeling? Yeah, that's a good way to put it. Like. The Gromril chain? That one
looked interesting. The action looked appealing and attractive, and so we were able to spend time on it. But the Master Rune thing though? Hoo boy. It's too open-ended, and too needs-a-write-in and customizationable. And we have no idea where we would be going with it, even if we picked a Master Rune. In short: I really wish we had
more guidance, or incentives, in the form of mechanics -- or fluff! -- here.
Make it look more like a quest hook. Or give it far more clarity and paths-to-go. ((Currently, it feels like a "make a write-in and then throw actions into the 16-action-abyss there. Brrr.))
I will be honest though and say the 1 Free Category action doesn't fire me up very much for a couple of reasons: First, its more bookkeeping, and part of the elegance of this quest's system is its utter lack of complexity.
Yeah on second thought, this sorta sounds right. It would feel more... clunky? Ah, no; vestigial. It'd feel vestigial. I mean... the feel I was
going for was feeling like... "you are a craftsman, and make something concrete every turn", and it'd be a "what do you want to make" section. But the way you said it, it felt more... yeah. Frankly I think it might be handled more by giving another descriptor or something, that... hmmm.
The write-in (and Master Rune) options need to be improved, somehow... That's what it feels like. Hmmm...