To revisit a slightly old issue, there is nothing saying we NEED the stuff from Rune Metal for it. One could argue that by that logic we should be researching everything we can and never stop to make the bestest thing ever, as opposed to, as you so eloquently said earlier, convincing me to make super Trollslayer, actually DOING stuff with the research. And if we need more ingredients, we'll never know what they are unless we actually do the research. So I figure we should try and get the Heart project started.
I mean, yeah. What I'm talking about there for context is the Super Golem idea, Ymir. That has a lot of leg work in research to do the best, but crucially, those requirements are limited because as you and I have said. DOING is important. Need a terminus, cut off point, if you want to actually DO anything. Depending on what project we want done with it in the end there's some logical, and crucially,
limited requirements to do that project appropriately. Research projects among them. Whatever that hypothetical project might be, there's been multiple suggestions. And, well, like I said and you mention about DOING things. One
can argue that we should be researching everything to make the bestest thing ever and that we should get the widest selection of great ingredients. But we really shouldn't and its not a support to starting the Heart now because research and collection without end just wastes time and will inevitably exceed our abilities to even
use anyway.
To revisit my old statements I've got no problems with trickle research(trickle research being defined in my mind as one to two actions, because our traits are pretty valuable) onto like, any project quite frankly, though obviously the Heart and the Rune Metal are in the lead in the priority list for the research as it stands. So putting the Heart onto next turn's plan is straightforward under that criteria. Basically, researching it now is good prepwork that we won't have to worry about in two centuries or whatever.
I don't have any real issue with starting the Heart now, largely because to do any of the projects that have been proposed that make a lot of use from it would just take Time and lots of it before the gathering of ingredients and scutwork to a project is done.
Basically in that post I'm objecting to the idea of projects with the Heart that are on the scale of Trollslayer. I'd like to do a project that's significant enough that build up is required to realize it, because I think that as it stands Snorri doesn't have the knowledge, tools, or materials to properly make use of the Heart.
What exactly needs to be built up will vary between the various options we have. And tbh, before we get too far into such proposals we should research the Heart, so that we have a better grasp of its potential.