Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
A friendly reminder to new questers to read the Informational threadmarks and FAQ specifically before asking a question. Links below:

Frequently Asked Questions
Here is the Detailed Rune List

On Thread Etiquette:

I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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I want to explore, if we wait much longer the colonising efforts might stumble on whtever is out there

[X] Plan Hold off on the armor

When we choose to invest one action into a research option and then invest two more into the same option does it trigger student of the odd? What I am trying to ask is that is the trait an individual counter separate from the choice, or is it "If you put in two actions this turn you get a bonus action" I don't know if this was answered in the thread since its a bit of a dense read at the moment. :V

Gonna cast my own vote as soon as I have an answer. Gotta be patient like a dwarf and all that.

When we choose to invest one action into a research option and then invest two more into the same option does it trigger student of the odd? What I am trying to ask is that is the trait an individual counter separate from the choice, or is it "If you put in two actions this turn you get a bonus action" I don't know if this was answered in the thread since its a bit of a dense read at the moment. :V

Gonna cast my own vote as soon as I have an answer. Gotta be patient like a dwarf and all that.
The answer is no.
While a valid point i have to say something
We can make golems without spending a T5 item (Something so rare its pretty much a one of a kind) on it
Barring the material costs is the stability issues, how will we maintain our golem and repair it when it gets damaged or destroyed?(Keep in mind this can actually happen) how will we convince the others that its a viable investment? What materials would it require to be produced efficiently without wasting materials (like a finite gromril supply and troll parts)

At the end of the day, the golem (while cool and narratively appropriate) just isnt a viable use of a rare item
It's actually pretty straight forward as veekie points out. The Golem's design is so over engineered with defenses like the proposed Adamant cladding, and its Master Rune of Awakening, Rune of Might and Rune of Fortitude bolstered by the Greedy Heart that the thing would be incredibly fantastically hard to damage.

It can happen that it gets damaged, but in this particular comparison, so can runed weapons. Runic Golems are not any more vulnerable to damage than a runed weapon in basically all respects. And maintenance is in a bit of an unusual paradigm with Dwarfs since they build to last thousands of years, but obsessively clean and maintain everything anyway if they can. Anything we create can be damaged with enough power on the part of our opponents and repair actions are something we're going to need to do. Repairing the golem if its severely damaged would be action intense I agree, but it'd take commensurate force from our enemies to actually damage it severely which is a valuable trade if it saves the Hold and dwarf lives.

Basically, we have a reasonable belief that the Troll Heart is good for:
-Master Runes of Animation - Being a higher tier version of the normal reagent(Troll Hearts), it definitely works.
-Regeneration Talismans - Being an adjacent material to the normal reagent(Troll Blood), it probably works.
-Specific Fuck Troll Runes - Being a powerful representative of the target marker material, it should work. Trolls being not THAT important in the grand scheme of things its probably a little wasted though.
-Ice/Cold Runes - Being the heart of a creature with ice for blood.

With a possibility of getting more than one effect, like, how much better CAN a Golem be without being sapient? Look at where the overflow quality can go. Perhaps the golem could regenerate, perhaps we trade it off for being really huge and telling the Square Cube law to go fuck itself(may need a Giant reagent), perhaps the golem is covered with ice, or perhaps the golem acts as a signal booster to other golem units.
Specifically on the regen runes and stuff related to Golem making we know outright for a fact that it can be used to make much better Fortitude and Healing from the text on the research project itself.

You tune out the whispering beardlings behind you and take a hearty drink of nourishing ale. Your disguise doing its job well, and keeping dwarfs from coming to congratulate you and or introducing themselves in the case of the many newly arrived Runesmiths.

Ooof that was a good story, the skalds did themselves proud on that one. I also love this thing where Snorri is actually a sneaky beaky. Moar Santa themes.

"Anyway, he's decided to host a competition for several of the parts gathered, but he's giving you some regardless, not as pristine as he'd like but your weapon did a number on them," he says, hefting a heavy box over to you.

"How bad?" you ask, keeping the morbid interest out of your voice.

"They exploded," he says simply, sliding over a box to you.

"Brokk," you say as you take the box gracefully.

"They exploded."


Good first showing!

Prerequisites for the hypothetical Golem Project
- The Movement of Things, 8 actions, reduced to 6 if we Proc our trait to the max -> 2 turns
- Greedy one's heart, 4 actions, 3 if we proc our trait -> 1 turn
- Understand a master rune (Animation), 16 actions -> 12 if we proc our trait - > 3 turns.

6 turns of 3 actions per turn to get the initial legwork done
Also the Rune Metal tree since the golem project has thoughts of cladding it in Pure Gromril or Adamant and the Rune Metal has synergy with Runecraft as a whole. If we can embed the most important runes in Adamant and other such things then it'd be a great boon for the power of the runes themselves.

So we have three research subjects that we can actually start working towards and see results in quickly outside of Gromril. Now though it's just a matter of deciding what we want to focus on research-wise once we get our requests done.

The Greedy One's Heart (4 Actions Student of the odd will proc / Every 3 Actions gives 1 action)

This lowest action investment it arguably will take the longest to pay off. With the Heart, we have come to the conclusion that one of the best uses for the heart is into a giant golem. I am unsure if we can trigger Student of the Odd over multiple turns, but figuring out the heart's capabilities does not seem to be a really pressing concern right now. We have it secured so it's not going anywhere, and we have other projects more deserving of our attention.

The Secrets of Light? (6 Actions Student of the odd will proc / Every 3 Actions gives 1 action)

My personal favorite that I want to dive into if only because I really want to make a deathray. It may or may not have something to do with the amber mentioned earlier, but we won't know until we try. The potential for using runes to alter light sounds very interesting for a multitude of projects. Signal towers, Archimedes heat rays, and runes on weapons that blind enemies are just what comes to mind.

The Movement of things (8 Actions Student of the odd will proc / Every 3 Actions gives 1 action)

No doubt an instrumental tech tree for us to begin work on Ymir/Foebreaker/Our giant Golem. If we are going to make use of the heart at some point we are going to need this first. Making use of the rune golems will also help save dwarven lives which is just another reason for us to start on this research tree.

Everything about the secrets of gromril has already been said, it has the largest action cost just behind researching a master rune, and the steps involved with it are immense. However, it goes without saying that it will take a few turns before it pays off, by which time we would have been able to complete two research actions. Yes, if we put in three actions a turn for two turns, and then one more, into the gromril we can finish it very soon, but we can better use that time strengthening the hold, and furthering our understanding rather than just going through an entire tech tree before we move onto the next one. That aside, if mind of metal is any indication we may get even more traits to help us out. All we would need to do is keep progressing on our other research actions.

After all, the heart of the Greedy one is a tier five material. Taking the time to analyze that must give us something outside of only knowledge. Perhaps even a trait relating to analyzing and finding crafting materials in the future.
The thing here though is that we can't actually assume any of these projects are one time deals, because the Rune Metal started out as just "The Rune Metal". It is entirely likely that they may end up opening trees of their own, which is fine.

Now for plaaans. Also @Shaper47 your plan is missing the [] and X on your order. @EVA-Saiyajin your plan is missing how many actions are going into Rune Metal, oddly.

[X] Plan Warmachines and Metal More
-[X] Teach your apprentices. [Cost: 1 Action] Locked in for 5 turns.
-[X] [Simple] Runic Warmachines: [Cost: (2-1) =1 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 2 Actions
-[X] [Simple] Defence. In. Depth Pt2: [Cost: (3-1) =2 actions] Productivity Like No Other Will proc. 2 actions
-[X] [Simple] Apprentice work: [Cost: variable apprentice actions] Roll for usefulness. 1 Roll per apprentice action. 2 Apprentice actions.
-[X] Write-in: Invisible Diamonds.

[X] Plan Metal and Sharp stuff
(also this because its good enough)

So the point of this one is to make sure that we get some overflow on the Runic Warmachines, both to make sure they are as best they can be because we'll need such things in the coming darker times and to help with that small itch some of us had for leaving the poor engineering guy out in the cold. Also, its somewhat good backdrop for making a Super Warmachine that is also invisible to further fix that small itch and that's why I'm ordering the Invisible Diamonds, for the Master Rune of Disguise.

@soulcake here is the write in request I'm going to propose for use next turn:
[] [Difficult] Write in, A Greater Warmachine: Upon gazing out over the walls and the warmachines that dot them, you have been struck by the desire for something bigger and much more deadly to be-rune. Your Hold deserves better. Go to the Engineering Guildmaster and discuss with him the possibility of a much grander warmachine for use in the defenses.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)

I kind of expect that as time goes on and the simple requests dwindle @soulcake , it would be good for us players to start making suggestions like you said we could way back at the start.

Then we have Defense in Depth, a chained action, so the overflow builds up and makes later actions quicker until the end of the chain where overflow at the end improves the entire chain as a whole as described here:

Overflow: In requests overflow simply improves your end product unless its part of a chain of actions with overflow at the end improving the whole chain. In research, overflow is more tricky. Depending on what you're doing it may carry over to future research actions or it may end up doing nothing at all.

I also put the two apprentice actions here into apprentice work as well, and there is a bit of a cautionary note here in that since it is rolled, they can roll a natural 1 and other such bad things. We won't know until we try and fail, but I expect a sort of "negative usefulness" is on the table even if it is unlikely because Snorri is that well prepared.

On the note of Snorri I really am kinda amused by how every single Runesmith coming to Kraka Drakk is described as younger than him.
but the call of a king has convinced several veteran masters, some three to four centuries old, to make the trek north and try their luck. Each and every one, you note, has come to visit you over these past few months at least once. While you were certainly honoured by their intentions...
Two or three centuries our younger is an interesting dynamic. The ones comparable to Snorri's age aren't really ones to come if called as Soulcake noted so we get these guys essentially filling out the Guild of Runesmith's ranks in Kraka Drakk. And possibly other nearby Northern Holds as they filter away and perhaps find another place more to their liking for whatever reasons. Those are their own and don't matter anyway.

And also its been nearly 80 years ingame. A human would be near death now and looking gleefully upon their groupings of great grandchildren and probably adult grandchildren. And a lot of the babies described being held by their mothers before we headed out to kill Trollpus are now in their 50s and in the early stages of their own apprenticeships, that beardling we saw mentioned telling a story in the tavern at the beginning of the update likely being one of them.

This sort of passage of time is great to see and hammers home that Dwarfs are long-lived but still change over great spans of time.
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FAQ/WOG Posts and other Important Info

━<><><>< Extra Information ><><><>━
Typing #DiscordDump into the search bar and specifying the Thread should also reveal a few other less important WoG posts. Similarly, I've begun tagging WoG posts circa June 2022 with category tags as well.

━<><><>< User Made Info Posts ><><><>━

These are managed by the posters who made them, not the QM.
Bungie's Lineage Sheet
BelligirentGnu's Hearth Guard Roster
Dutch's Fimir Lore Corner
theajjs Crafting Plan list
MrHobbit's Timeline
Luxon's Apprentice Creations of Note

━<><><>< Word of God Posts ><><><>━
MAXIMUM Level Services for the Workshop/Khazagar
- Libary
- Procurement
━<><><>< Frequently Asked Questions ><><><>━

━<><><>< Lore FAQ ><><><>━

General Questions:

Q. What is canon and what is not?
from Divided Loyalties by Boney said:
Tier 1: The Quest itself is primary canon.
Tier 2: WoQM applies unless it violates Quest canon (which I assume it has or will at some point).
Tier 3: Army Books (6th+), WHFRPG 2e - reasonably safe to assume that the fluff in these is canon unless the Quest or WoQM says otherwise. Game mechanics should not be taken as canon.
Tier 4: Black Library, White Dwarf articles - canonish, but the QM may not be familiar with them and the details are likely to end up varying if they are used.
Tier 5: Licensed video games, Warhammer Armies Project, WHFRPG 3e & 4e - mostly only used for things that aren't otherwise covered in higher tiers, and by default are not canon.
Tier 6: Army Books (pre-6th), WHFRPG (1e) - the Dwarf Priests Know Necromancy Zone. May be looted for ideas from time to time but is usually completely incompatible.
This is fairly accurate to my reality, but Im less afraid to draw from older lore. Black Library and Obscure White Dwarf articles are hit or miss depending on whether I read them but major ones like the War of Vengeance trilogy and supplement from them respectively have been read, if not taken entirely at face value.
Q. How long do dwarfs live in this quest?
Dwarfs in the Time of the Ancestors and the Golden Age tend to live longer than their future descendants for a variety of reasons. It's not uncommon for regular dwarfs to reach their sixth century, which in turn has raised the age to be considered an Elder/Greatbeard and Living Ancestor. Runesmiths are similarly long-lived, with some of the greatest smiths alive being part of Thungni's first wave of original students. These are ancient Runelords who are well beyond a millennium in age.
Q. The Ancestors? Who are they and what do they do?
The Ancestors are at the very least Dwarfs, you don't know if they're more than that but the popular consensus in the Karaz Ankor is yes. As to what they're doing, what they always have. Leading their people, safeguarding and teaching them. The Ancestors not teaching you something that seems obvious isn't a case of neglect, these people aren't stupid.
Q. How long will Snorri live?
Suffice it to say that Snorri will not die of old age before he dies to something else. Too much to do ya see.
Q. Can we Feed (Insert Fairly Intelligent Animal Species here) Greedy Troll bodyparts and make something like the King of the Skies/ make them bigger, tougher and stronger??
No, not only is this is unethical but is effectively guaranteed to fail. Like, there's selective breeding and controlling a domesticated animal's diet, but if you're capturing animals and holding them captive for the sole purpose of making them sapient by force-feeding them raw, Magically-Infused Troll Meat that is more liable to kill them it's a no-go. Like no. This isn't a Skaven quest.

Timeline Questions:

Q. Where, or more accurately, when are we in the timeline?
This quest started in the Time of the Ancestors before the completion of the Vortex, but in general, will be during the Golden Age.
Q. How malleable is the timeline?
There's a specific post regarding this, but in essence, there are some things you can't change (the Vortex, The earthquakes that happen during the Time of Woes), and some things that you can change on a sliding scale of difficulty (War of Vengeance vs keeping the North connected) that are dependent on your position both physically and within Dwarf society as well. Some changes have already been made.

Dwarf Society Questions:

Q. Are the majority of Runelord/Runesmiths trading Runes with each other?
Short Anser: yes. Long Answer: they trade, but the criteria they use and the number of Runes they trade at a time are entirely up to the individual Runelord/Runesmith in question. The only common thread is that those they trade with are ones they believe are worthy of the knowledge they have to offer, which usually requires a rather deep relationship. So long-time colleagues or friends are pretty common. This is regarding trading between peers, and the dynamics between a Runesmith/Runelord and their apprentice or a Runelord and a younger/less skilled Runesmith are different. Usually, in those cases, it boils down to the latter somehow proving their worthiness to their superior.
Q. Do Dwarfs use Runecraft to improve fertility?
Maybe, probably, but not commonly. Given that I cut off that line of discussion or thought very early in the quest, I have not explored it nor really intend to. Most likely simply beseech Valaya while a few may or may not use aphrodisiacs of real or imagined potency. They have superstitions about it but resorting to magic is unlikely given how averse they are to it and this being something of a very private and important aspect of their lives. Even Rune Magic. More OOC, creating Runes that improve or even induce fertility will, I believe, necessitates a discussion about the role of Dwarf women in their society that places strict demands on them both implicitly and explicitly, and given that I don't believe I am equipped to do said discussion with the appropriate level of consideration or tact, I choose not to engage in it. Another QM might or might not, but I don't.
Q. Was the term "Snorrist" ever defined in a WoG post or in-story? If so could somebody point me towards that? From what I've gathered it seems to have something to do with Snorri's attitude towards the rule of pride, or maybe his stance on sharing runelore in general?
Snorri tries his best not to look to deeply into it.

As the "movement" has grown and matured, its coalesced around an adherence to a few general ideas:
- Runecraft can and should improve the Karaz Ankor and the lives of your fellow Dawi. It is Thungni's Gift, not to just His kin, but to all Dwarfkind and the Runesmiths are His emissaries.
- To physically make Runes is in and of itself a net good, as better that they are used than not at all. A Rune may be lost, but if it exists, then a chance exists for it to be rediscovered.
- Production capacity without loss in quality is a virtue to strive for. To improve both is nevertheless the goal.
- Runes are both a means of improving Craftsmanship, and a form of Craftsmanship in and of themselves. All Runes are sacred, but not all are so sacred as to adhere to the Rule of Pride as strictly as the Conservatives selfishly do.
- Runes are tools, to be created to the best of one's ability, respected and not made frivolously. But at the same time, you do not need to invent a new wrench to turn the same kind of nut, better your effort is spent on developing new Runes to solve new problems or creating works of art to show veneration of the craft.

Usually a Snorrist is a Runesmith who does not balk at equipping an entire company of Dwarfs with as many Runes as they can afford. Often they focus on Runes that only show their benefit at scale. Like the prosthetic Runes, Runes that have stacking effects, and are generally sparse on Master Runes overall. They see arming a Throng with at least some Runes as just as worthwhile as making a unique, fully Runed set of gear for a single great Dawi. They may not be so bespoke, or as creative, as their Colleagues but by Thungni sometimes you just need a Rune of Warding to turn a fatal blow into just a very painful one, a Rune of Fire to make killing that troll impossible to just difficult, or a Rune of cleaving to make excavating a new hall an effort of years just that much shorter. Do it enough, and it all compounds to something greater than the sum of its parts.

Some say they waste their time, spreading the paint so thinly that it barely makes a difference to the final picture. That Runes are not nails to be made in their hundreds, that they degrade themselves with apprentice work when they could be making creations worthy of their kin, that they ignore gold and content themselves with pebbles.

But if you pile the pebbles high enough, then they can rise as high as any mountain.

Brana Lore Collated [Under Construction]:

- Their avian features are closer to corvids than eagles, with dark plumage and longer, straighter beaks. Meanwhile their feline portions are closer to Snow leopards and white tigers.
- Branakoki have a strong natural healing factor. Less potent than a Troll's but enough that if they aren't killed or grievously maimed by a battle, they will recover completely. Consequently they are a naturally long-lived species, and are more likely to die from combat or disease than old age.
- When Branakroki eat enough of something, it is not unheard of that some aspect of them changes in response. Eating Trolls improve healing, Rhinox endurance, etc. These changes are at most an enhancing of some existing feature rather than extreme physical transformation, or least there is no record of a Brana has yet eaten enough to cause such a change besides the King of the Sky.
- Branakroki tend to like shiny things.
- There is a greater deal of dimorphism among the Branakroki compared to regular Griffons. Female Brana trend to being bigger than males, but in general they can range from regular Griffon size to several times larger, with the King of the Sky and His Sons being the largest on record.
-- There is a tendency among Branakroki lineages that live nearer to Dwarfs to be born stocky and with proportionally smaller wings than average.
- Brana can be born with the ability to wield Azyr, Ghur or Chamon. The former two are the most common, and the latter has only ever occurred from lineages that maintain long and close contact with the Dwarfs.

Branakroki society is deeply connected to the Dwarfs from its inception, and it can be seen in the traits they value. However they nevertheless are a race of apex predators, and this has also impacted their culture.
- They tend to respect age. Both from cultural osmosis from the Dwarfs, and because old Brana are seen by society as not only those who are both strong enough to win most of their fights and tough enough to survive the ones they lose, but because they are often the ones that have eaten enough to have gained serious growth from their diets.
- Because of their regeneration, they view physical scars from battle as a sign of fighting a truly powerful foe.
- They default towards honesty, and lying is an extreme taboo. Their natural pride generally makes them find the act demeaning, and contact with the Dwarfs have only enforced this thought. To accuse a Brana of lying is a grave insult that must be answered by the accuser. Most often with violence.
-- Guile and cunning are not seen as cowardly, as the withholding of information is different from lying, but they prefer to be upfront and direct about their intent.
- They also respect oaths and promises. Branakroki honesty means that if they agree to or say something, it is because it is true.
- In a similar vein, names are more than just monikers to the Brana. They are titles to uphold, roles to fulfill, and from long contact with the Dwarfs, honour written in word. A Brana's name is intensely personal and they strive to literally uphold what their name means to themselves.
-- Branakroki earn and choose their names upon doing a life defining act. They may change their names, but it would have to be for a significant enough deed/reason both in their personal estimation and the eyes of society. The older a Brana, the less likely they will change their name.
- They prefer to live in caves. If several live in close proximity, like in an Aerie, their shelters generally take the shape of several individual nests that are connected to a larger, central chamber that connects to the outside world.
-- Branakroki lineages tend to live near and around each other, but they are intensely protective of their private spaces and nests.
-- They collect and hoard items they find valuable. Most often it is precious metals and stones, but also kinds of objects they may have a personal interest in.
- Brana are monogomous and mate for life, not taking a new partner if theirs dies. Bonded pairs will merge their collective treasure hoards together and move into one shared nest.
-- Branakroki clutchlings are raised communally. On the day of their majority they are given a portion of their parents treasure as a seed fund, and then move out to live on their own. They will not return to their parents' nest unless invited.
- Brana Metalwork and Writing is flowing, jagged and natural. Depending on the level of Dwarf influence, they mimic the aesthetic of Runes with their own scratch marks, and decorate with precious metal and gemstones.
- Being given personal space or moving out of one's way is a sign of respect amongst the Branakroki.

- They call the Winds of Magic the Unseen Winds, mages are called Windspeakers, and Runesmiths, Windstillers.
- Branakroki mages generally tend towards using the Winds in direct manifestations of power or to buff themselves. More esoteric uses aren't impossible, but they aren't common.
- Branakroki mages have titles based on the Wind they use, and only gain it upon achieving the equivalent of a Human Magister.
There isn't one set title for those still learning a Wind. After achieving mastery, and when among others of the same rank then further delineation by age or some other trait or quirk can be used.
WindLoreBrana Name

━<><><>< Gameplay FAQ ><><><>━

General Questions:

Q. Can we make a Rune that improves fertility?
No. That opens an entire debate that this silly fun fantasy quest cannot, should not, and will not open. You can't induce population growth like that. I explained why less than 5 lines above.
Q. How do the specialty ranks scale exactly?
They go from Regular/Base, Exceptional, Mastered and then Savant. However, from Exceptional onwards, there is a breakdown of "+" or "-" in the ranks. The highest possible rank (unless you're an Ancestor) is Savant+, which cannot be obtained the way you can the other ranks, which is usually through a mix of researching a lot of Runes of that type, making a lot of things of with Runes of that type, trait upgrades. It obviously also gets harder to rank them up as time goes on.
It goes something like. Regular > Exceptional > Exceptional+ > Mastered- > Mastered > Mastered+ > Savant- > Savant || > Savant+
Q. How come some contacts don't have a Standing bonus at X Standing when others do?
It relates to a contact's relative prosperity. So for instance, a minor hold has access to less stuff overall than a major Dwarfhold, and this would reflect in the number of bonuses as well as the potency of the bonuses. A minor hold may only give a chance at reducing an order turn timer for instance, while a major hold bonus at the exact same Standing level would reduce it by 1 no questions asked.

Action Related Questions:

Q. What are the different action types and their limitations?
Action TypeLimitations
(General) ActionCan be applied anywhere unless specified.
Retainer ActionCan only be applied to options that specify it.
Heir ActionCan be applied to all requests and only to research with [Simple] tag.
Apprentice ActionCan only be applied to requests with [Simple] tag.
Traits, unless specified otherwise, will only proc with general actions.
Q. Can we put one action into a request one turn, then one more the turn after and will it proc the action bonus?
No, all the actions must be input that turn. Both for the sake of narrative consistency and reducing bookkeeping.
Q. How does Peerless Production work with the 3 action proc? Would it still proc the previous 2 actions?
If you commit 2 actions to a request, it will proc +1 action of progress, if you put in 3 actions, that proc will change to +2 progress. After that it resets, so if you put in 5 actions you add another +1 action, then yes at 6 it would change to +2
Heres a handy dandy chart to visualize what I mean:
Actual Action InputEffective Action Input
23 =2 +1[Proc Bonus]
35 = 3 +2[Proc Bonus]
46 =1 +(3 +2[Proc Bonus])
58 = (3 +2[Proc Bonus]) +(2 +1[Proc Bonus])
Q. What are the cost reductions for Understanding a Master Rune/Compress the Combo?
It depends on a variety of factors, but the most pertinent ways to discount the cost are your specialty levels listed in the character sheet.
Cost ReductionSpecialty Level
0Not Listed

Item Making Questions:

Q. Can we get the Adamant cost for ___ ?
Here's a table with a few items. Cost in "bars," and the actual size and mass of the item may not correlate or be consistent with each other.
ItemCost in Bars
Regular smith's anvil1
Snorri's anvil2
Canonical Anvil of Doom3
Anvil of the Earth4
Adamant Smelter10
Adamant Skeleton Gronti2 Dwarf-sized, 4 Ogre-sized, 8 Bloodthirster-sized
Fully Adamant Gronti8 Dwarf-sized, 16 Ogre-sized, 32 Bloodthirster-sized
Adamant Equipment1 Dwarf-sized, 2 Ogre-sized, 3 Bloodthirster-sized
Adamant Armour3 Dwarf-sized, 8 Ogre-sized, 12 Bloodthirster-sized
Adamant BuffMust be fully Adamant structure with a minimum of 3 "bars" for any items that cost more than 3 "bars."
Q. What are the properties of Adamant?
- The metal has glittering, white-ish Silver colour.
- The Metal is harder than pure Gromril, yet less dense. Melts at double the temperature of Pure Gromril, but requires far higher temperatures to actually manufacture.
- Runes must be inscribed on it when it is just below melting temperature. Once inscribed the Adamant hardens even further, becoming resistant to most magic, and cannot be smelted down again save through the use of the Adamant Smelter.
- Runes on Adamant are roughly half again stronger than on Pure Gromril. How the effect manifests is dependent on the Rune, but it's generally more potent than it is versatile.
- It does not break, you don't know what could shatter it outside of forces whose strength would boggle the mind.
- Adamant is not ductile enough to be made into metal thread or leaf. It can be made into big enough wire and chain, but not for the scale of chainmail or finer.
- [Discovered Turn 4?] Items made completely out of Adamant, can bear a Lonely Rune + 1 extra Rune.
- [Discovered Turn 48] Adamant attracts Chamon, Hysh and Aqshy, yet some force actually prevents the Winds from entering the metal.
Q. How many items can someone have equipped and act as a set at one time?
Snorri and any character you equip will, for gameplay purposes and when counting Set Combos, generally have 5 equipment slots.
Item SlotNotes
1 Set of Armour.
2 Enchanted Items.This can either be 2 items using Talismanic Runes, with the option to replace one of the talismans with one item using Banner Runes.
2 Weapons/Hand ItemsRunestaves, Tools, or Weapons. A large enough combatant may consider an item using Engineering Runes a weapon. I.E. a giant wielding a ballista like a crossbow.
If you make a Gronti Duraz, then the Gronti's Runes, if they make a combo, will be considered for the set combo. A character, Snorri included, can have more items than this, but I won't count any items outside the limit when considering whether or not you've made a Set Combo.
Q. I want to make a write-in for my own piece of equipment, but I'm not sure how many actions it may take?
A Rough Guideline for Write in Equipment Action Costs:
Number of ItemsMinimum Amount of Actions
A single piece of equipment1
A single large item or a few smaller items.2
A single very large item or a full set of equipment.3
Q. How do Difficult Requests interact with the Rule of Pride mechanically?
If the item you're making for a difficult request only has normal Runes you won't run afoul of the Rule of Pride. If it involves Master Runes then a rough guideline is 3-4 copies of the same Master Rune or Combo with a Master Rune within 10 turns is fine. But more than that and you start risking things.
Q. How does the write-in for a theme work when doing a difficult request?
Basically you need to ask for a function. Not just "make something that will combo with so and so," but rather the item itself must be a standalone piece of work with its own capabilities.
Q. Can I make set bonuses with different items?
Rune Combos on various pieces CAN synergize with each other yes, creating the effect of a set bonus. Around 3 Items with synergistic runic combo effects will be needed to potentially make a bonus happen. If you have more than three synergistic items the strength of the bonus increases.
Q. Do the effects of the constituent Runes still exist if they make a combo?
Yes. Though sometimes the effects of the Rune are overshadowed by the Combo and it's an effective subsuming of the Rune, that Rune is still doing its thing. So if you use a Rune of Fire and it combos, that Rune of Fire is still doing its thing and setting the weapon alight, but if the Combo made it so that the Weapon was alight with literal soul-rending Hellfire, the regular magic fire from the Rune is sorta irrelevant yeah?
Q. How do prosthetics interact with the Set Combo system.
They do not count to your 5 item "slots" that are looked at when making Set Combos. So unlike carrying another weapon or talisman beyond the limit, there's no chance at all of ever being part of a Set Combo
Q. If we created a Gronti in the shape of a flying thing, could it too fly?
If you can get the math and physics around its Mass to work out, usually via Runes, plus any other considerations, I mean yeah I don't see why not?

━<><><>< Rune FAQ ><><><>━

Narrative Questions:

Q. How does the Rule of Pride function narratively?
It's a point of debate among Runesmiths in the time period of the quest. Either you follow it in spirit and try to make a lot of works of art or you follow it literally and limit yourself. Snorri is a proponent of the former, it's how he justifies making all the stuff he does, by saying the Rule of Pride is a means to remind the Runesmiths that they are artist craftsmen first and foremost. Regardless of leaning, Master Runes are far more universally agreed upon in that you don't play games by changing the Runes around it just to Rules Lawyer. However, having a schtick is common enough, and if you find yourself making a lot of that Master Rune over your lifetime that's not gonna ruin you. Runesmiths only get antsy if you're making a lot of the same Master Rune in a short time period and they only get upset when you're using thinly veiled pretences or technical arguments to basically spam out Master Runes as well. Basically, Snorri doesn't strictly follow the letter of the law when it comes to Regular Runes but observes more reverence when it comes to Master Runes.
Basically, treat Master Runes with a bit of reverence and try not to overuse them, Regular Runes, however, are usually free game unless you're a die-hard conservative. THIS MEANS NO SPAMMING OUT GRONTI DURAZ TO MAKE A PERSONAL ARMY IF DOING SO MEANS USING THE MASTER RUNE OF WAKING MORE THAN 3 OR 4 TIMES A CENTURY.
Q. When you say Runes draw on the Winds of Magic, is it constantly drawing on that energy or is it a case of you strike the Rune and that's it?
IC: You don't know. Runesmiths can't see how it works after all. They have theories, the fact that Runes can burn out, but naturally recharge indicates there's a level of fueling going on, but freshly made Runes are ready to use the moment they're created, so there's also evidence of a pool of magic too. Maintenance of the Runes is tradition-bound, but they aren't sure if they're fixing the parts that draw in magic or give it a general boost overall. That and the possibility of it being different per Rune is also up in the air, given how Gronti operates who's to say?

OOC: A large initial pool upon creation and ambient recovery from simply being in existence that waxes and wanes with the winds themselves. Maintenance work does clean the filters so to speak, removing metaphysical gunk and letting magic enter the Rune more easily, while also reinforcing the metaphysical structures that allow Runes to hold the magic that fuels their enchantments so well.
Q. Can we make an Anvil of Doom?
The Anvils of Doom seen in canon were made by Kurgaz, the greatest member of the Brotherhood of Dron. Kurgaz is currently not part of the brotherhood, you don't even know if he's alive. Short Answer: No, not unless you make them from scratch as a concept.
Q. What is a Rune Staff and what does it do.
A Rune Staff is literally just a staff you apply Runes to. Traditionally you put Casting Runes. The item itself is purely aesthetic, you can literally get the same functionality out of a Talisman or Banner with the same Runes as if they were on a Rune Staff. It's more a statement of prestige, purpose, etc. Detailed (sorta) post here for more clarification.
Q. What ARE Casting Runes?
Literally Runes you cast. It's a Dwarf-made categorization, as opposed to the structural ones that define Weapon, Armour, etc Runes, to describe the methodology of a Rune or Rune Combo. One Rune of Fire is not a Rune you cast. Three Runes of Fire can create a wave of flame, that's technically casting a Rune. Amulets that create protective fields, things that have an effect you have to cast either by saying a word or touching or some other form of activation. As I said there's not a neat categorization since there's obviously a lot of stuff that straddles the line.
Q. How DO Casting Runes?
A Runesmith carries several items with Runes on their person. Tapping or otherwise activating said Rune is what casts it. This is how I explain the ability of Runesmiths to cast Oath and Steel, Wrath and Ruin, ETC, ETC. Doing this taps a Rune out for a set period of time, so having multiple Runes that do things that largely line up with your desire to protect, destroy, slow, etc, is how you circumvent or manage it. Runesmiths will tend to "cast" at a set interval so that their other Runes are running off cooldown right after they cast. This is one of the reasons why Anvils of Doom are so powerful and wonder. Aside from their crafting component, they are dedicated Casting platforms that do the job of a Runesmith panoply better in all respects.
Q. Can we combo with 2 Runes?
A. Theoretically, like how Wormholes can exist theoretically. So don't hold your breath.

Mechanics Questions:

Q. Do we have so and so Rune?
Barring a few exceptions, you should have a normal Rune for most mundane things. The only time you won't know a Rune was if its explicitly said to be developed by another (Rune of Luck and Rune of Fortune) or made during a time period other than where you are (Rune of Seeking). Master Runes that you know and the special normal Runes you know are the only ones I record, and in the case of the former you may not know them for the same reasons as above, or just because your teacher didn't teach you.
Q. What happens when you use two Reagents in a Rune?
Something, potentially dangerous, or potentially beneficial. You're dumping two different magical reagents into a Rune. Changing a Reagent is already something fraught with danger most times, but you will have no clue how the two will react with each other really. It can be done, but Runesmiths stick to one main reagent because they have far greater control over the outcome. Not to say you can't control it somewhat, but it's harder to do compared to one reagent. It depends on you to decide whether it's worth it or not.
Q. What category do the prosthetic limbs fall under.
The Engineering category for the purposes of Master Runes, otherwise you have free reign.
Q. How do Crossbows function Runewise, what happens if we scale them to Gronti Size?
Regular Crossbows use Weapon Runes, when you get to Gronti scale they use Engineering Runes.
Q. How does the Rune of Brotherhood work in this quest.
I've had to nerf the Rune of Brotherhood to prevent meme skillhacks/skill growth that would break my system. In short, The skill transference is temporary and reliant on the dwarf being around their closest companions as determined by whatever means the Rune has. The alterations you know don't overcome this limit, no matter the efforts of the Runesmiths, you included, who tried. Maybe one day you'll get an idea, but right now you're out of luck.
Q. How do Grudge Runes/Rune of Grudges work in this quest?
Its a targeted buff against a specific enemy/enemy type depending on the grudge. A bit more potent but will end when the grudge itself does. Note that only ONE grudge bonus can be active at a time. So like say you have 5 grudges, and you're fighting against one of those grudge targets the Rune will work. But if you're fighting TWO of those targets only ONE will have a grudge bonus applied and will not change until the other is dead. Grudges against individuals will provide a stronger bonus than grudges against a group or faction. The Runes will be active so long as the Dwarf wearing/using it has an applicable Grudge. Changing owners will mean the Rune will pull from their Grudges. If the user adds new Grudges, they can be drawn from as well.
Q. How do the Ancestor Runes function in this quest?
Ancestor Runes are odd. They encompass a variety of subjects and their effects can vary. For one thing, the regular Runes can be applied to all equipment types in the exact same construction style, the only example of which in Runecraft. As for effects, it depends on the Ancestor's portfolio so to speak and what piece of equipment or surface the Rune is inscribed on. Here's a post I made that gives a rough guideline.
EDITED July 15


This will be solely discussing Regular Ancestor Runes acting on their own, and not how they work when with other Runes or their Master Rune versions because then that goes fucking wild. Even so, this list isn't exhaustive, its meant to give you a good idea.

So as a rule Ancestor Runes are odd. Their regular versions are all inscribed the same way, which either directly breaks the Rule of Form or confirms it depending on your view of the Ancestors. Take for instance the Rune of Burning, which is a variant of the Rune of Fire, it has noticeable, albeit small, differences in its creation compared to the weapon variant. Runesmiths agree that this preserves the Rule of Form, as the Rune of Burning is technically a completely different if very similar in effect Rune to the Rune of Fire. Regular Ancestor Runes are all inscribed the same way, regardless of surface, equipment or any such nonsense. To some this breaks the Rule of Form, for others, read the generally foolish, this confirms the existence of an overarching branch of Runes.

Why this is the case is still debated and the source of many headaches, and will only lead you to run into logic twisting that hurts the mind. That or you chalk it up to the Ancestors being unknowable and beyond the average Dwarf, your mind is preserved and you can move on with your life.

Compared to that mess, the effects Ancestor Runes have are, while admittedly still odd, easier to work with and understand. Ancestor Runes tend to affect things under the purview of their namesake, though what they affect changes depending on the Rune. For Grungni, Valaya and Grimnir it's fairly intuitive.

Grungni as God of mining, metal and patriarch of the dwarfs covers a lot, but depending on what his Rune is put on it can affect the expression of the effect. On a building, it draws more on his portfolio over craftsmanship and smithing, on a weapon it depends on whether it has an edge/point vs a flat surface. Because Grungni uses Drongrundum in his war aspect and a pickaxe in his more mundane aspect. On armour it's a general defensive buff not too dissimilar to the Rune of Stone though arguably more focused. On Banners and Talismans that protective aspect is drawn to more physical threats because magical/esoteric shenanigans are far more in Thungni and Valaya's ballpark. In his other aspects the Rune of Grungni could equally provide a miner with a bit of luck in prospecting, not a truly large benefit, but noticeable/recordable to the Runesmiths at least. Of course, it doesn't make up for skill, as a less experienced miner may miss out on the signs the Rune uses.

Valaya is almost wholly defensive, her Runes on buildings improve a dwarf's recovery and the effect of other restorative and protective Runes that are within the building itself. As Patron of the hearth and motherhood, it also means fires don't run out as quickly, meals stay hot longer, crying babes easier to quell, etc. Combat wise course there's the anti-magic, which Dwarfs associate to her the most out of the other Ancestors. On armour, talismans and shields the effect is pretty self-explanatory. On weapons, the effects are less well recorded because Dwarfs don't tend to put her Rune on weapons, save for the Valkyrie Maidens and any effects there cant be separated from Valaya's Rune, the kind of personality such a position usually attracts or because they're women (They don't tend to say that last part in front of a shield maiden or Valkyrie Maiden on fear for their lives). Though dwarfs do note the members of the Valkyrie Maiden are more level-headed than other shield maidens, but again whose to say? However, Valaya's Rune also impacts Morale as Dwarfs fight hardest when its in defence of their home and families after all.

Grimnir, well...fighting good. Grimnir and Killing are so closely tied that his Rune is arguably a generic Rune of Killing. Weapons draw on his individual warrior aspect more, so a bunch of minor buffs towards the weapon and the warrior wielding them but it doesn't do as much for armour. On Banners its more his purview as a war leader, the effect expressing itself by improving the cohesion and skill of dwarfs fighting under it to some degree. Of course, there's also the effect on Morale. Second only to Valaya, the Rune of Grimnir does the most to keep warriors fighting and morale high. Grimnir the master of War understands the importance of Morale as well as He understands any of the other hundreds to thousands of intricacies that go into a war. In General, if it makes you a better fighter the Rune of Grimnir affects it.

Here's where it gets...foggier.

Gazul safeguards the dead and wields a flaming longsword. To that end his Rune only ever really goes on tombs or temples dedicated to him. A few theories suggest his Rune is useful against that which should be dead, or in keeping things dead. While the former can't be confirmed, the Grudge Rune and the Slaying Runes derived from them all share roots in Grimnir and Gazul's Rune equally. Talismans show no obvious effect, though the Clergy are usually the only ones commissioning that kind of thing, a drunken Longbeard will tell you the Runes let them enact his will in putting the war dead to rest, but as Dwarfs are innately resistant to magic and the cult of Gazul secretive no one but the Cult will ever really know frankly. So not much can be said on that front. However, oddly enough or perhaps not, his Rune shares very few, but unmistakeable roots with Runes of Disguise, Lightstep and other more Ranger-y Runes. As Gazul is patron of outcasts and Clanless dwarfs there's a bit of a connection, but then again those same Runes have just as many links to Grimnir's Rune. War and Death do go hand in hand though.

Smednir as the Shaper of Ore and crafter of great works. On talismans, it would make your work better or would it be the knowledge that you're bearing his Rune make you work better? Either way, the work improves. As a weapon Rune, the interpretation could be that it abhors lesser or shoddy craft. Aspects of the Master Rune of Breaking bear a few connections to Smednir's Rune. Armour Runes bear similarities in some way or another, but less so than Grungni which makes sense. Where Smednirs Rune is most obvious is when it's inscribed on a structure. Metalwork that leaves the building is better, edges are honed faster, plates fit together more easily, less metal is wasted, the forges burn hotter, more consistently and use just a tad less fuel. It's here that you have to disregard the placebo as a possible explanation.

Morgrim follows in that same vein. On buildings, war machines that leave a workshop bearing his Rune are better. Material is less likely to have imperfections, measurements are sharper and more precise, just little nudges and pushes that build into great things. On a siege engine, its a lot of minor buffs in that vein. Harder to break, better accuracy, other Runes that relate to his purview are improved. Not a lot of nuance here surprisingly.

Thungni is...complex and odd. The general trend of "things under their purview get better" that Ancestor Runes seem to follow breaks down here in a very fundamental way. Thungni as the Ancestor of Runesmiths should mean His Rune improves Runes and their effects. Yet it does not. Rather it seems to improve the craftsmanship of things. On weapons and armour, there has been a noted slowdown in terms of maintenance and degradation of the equipment itself and any Runes it bears. On structures, which is almost universally a Runesmith's workshop there has been a traceable improvement on the quality of goods leaving the shop in question, but again it could simply be because Runesmiths are a perfectionist sort and the Rune of Thungni is less seeni n the workshops of Journeymen and Younger Masters who may not have learned the Rune yet. What CAN be said, is that Thungni's Rune has connections and roots similar to the Runes of Spellbreaking and Spelleating, which makes sense as Thungni is the dwarf credited with discovering Runecraft. Though both his parents have a say in that as well.

NOTE: If you can think of more questions, feel free to put them up for me to add in here :^)

Aug. 15, 2021: Format changes.
Jul. 10, 2021: posted the Ancestor Rune quote wholesale instead of just hyperlinking to it.
Jul. 15, 2021: answered some questions regarding "Understand A Master Rune" and "Compress a Combo," and edited the EDIT LOG
Jul. 15, 2021: made a proper explanation for the Ancestor Runes.
Sep. 20, 2021: added Crossbow question clarification.
Nov. 30, 2021: added Rune trade question.
Dec. 08, 2021: added Standing Bonus question.
Dec. 10, 2021: added Rune Staff question.
Dec. 16, 2021: added Theme question
Jan. 07, 2022: added question about force-feeding animals greedy troll meat in some Skaven-ish plan to create sapient subspecies.
Jan. 15, 2022: added Rule of Pride narrative explanation.
Jan. 01, 2022: More FAQ.
Jan. 04, 2023: DiscordDump search tag notice added.
Oct. 23, 2024: more questions and spoilered for readability.
Last edited:
Mechanics FAQ:

Q. Can we put one action into a request one turn, then one more the turn after and will it proc the action bonus?
A. No, all the actions must be input that turn. Both for the sake of narrative consistency and reducing bookkeeping.​
Q. Can I use an apprentice action to complete this request?
A. No, apprentice actions can only go up to half (rounded down) of a SIMPLE request's total action cost. So if a simple request had 3 total actions, you could only apply apprentice actions to it until it was 1/3 progress.​

Lore FAQ:

Q. Do we/Can we make an Anvil of Doom?
A. The Anvils of Doom seen in canon were made by Kurgaz, the greatest member of the Brotherhood of Dron. Kurgaz is currently not part of the brotherhood, you don't even know if he's alive. Short Answer: No, not unless you make them from scratch as a concept.
Q. The Ancestors? Who are they and what do they do?
A. The Ancestors are at the very least Dwarfs, you don't know if they're more than that but the popular consensus in the Karaz Ankor is yes. As to what they're doing, what they always have. Leading their people, safeguarding and teaching them. The Ancestors not teaching you something that seems obvious isn't a case of neglect, these people aren't stupid.
NOTE: If you can think of more questions, feel free to put them up for me to add in here :^)
Where are we in the timeline, I expect that to come up frequently as we attract new readers.
Since purer gromril is shinier maybe we need lights secrets to really get that gromiest of gromril
It's actually pretty straight forward as veekie points out. The Golem's design is so over engineered with defenses like the proposed Adamant cladding, and its Master Rune of

Now for plaaans. Also @Shaper47 your plan is missing the [] and X on your order. @EVA-Saiyajin your plan is missing how many actions are going into Rune Metal, oddly.
Where? It says one action right under the long description of the option in my plan.