OOC: My attempt at an Omake. Unfocused yeah, but maybe I'll think up some others for specific Apprentices.
Runesmith Journeyman Quest
In the earliest days, the Ancestors left the Southlands and the safety of Karak Zorn, forging a path of colonization that drew your peoples ever northwards. A time of colonization and great woe, for monsters of all size and shape stalked the lands, yet the Dawi prevailed; girded by Valaya's protection, armed with Grungni's craft and led by Valiant Grimnir's strategy your people carved their way along the great seams of gems and ore, their camps becoming homes, then fortresses, then finally Karaks. Izril, Azul, Eight Peaks, and many more minor Holds sprung up as your folk made their way ever northwards. A people, a kingdom united in values and blood, from the Rubybeards, Copperlockes, Durazklad and Norgrimlings, great lineages would see themselves born in the fires of this great trek and tempered in its growth. Among this burgeoning kingdom and her many families, your line especially is held in great esteem, for you are the blood of Thungni, son of Grungni, the second dwarf to ever learn the secret of the runes, who along with his father spread them amongst your people to offer protection and destruction in equal measure.
But you are not one of those great masters of Thungni's craft.
When you began, you were a mere
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Gender: Beardling
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Gender: Plaitling
of your Clan, and though you possessed the Gift, you needed to be
taught. You needed a Master to guide you through your bumbling, correct your mistakes, and teach you the first steps one must take to become a Runesmith. You were a mere Apprentice, and it was only decades into your training until you were even allowed to strike a Rune, a moment that shall remain with you until your dying day. Trial after trial, decade after decade, every waking moment and half your time asleep containing another lesson, you slowly, painstakingly learned all there was to teach you, until at last, your Master
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Master: Kraggi Steelback, Runelord of Karak Drazh
A member of the Brotherhood of Dron, Master Kraggi has a mind for metal unlike any other Dwarf you've ever seen in your (admittingly rather short) life. But he has given you insights into the varied metals of the world, most importantly Gromril. He has created masterwork weapons and armor, gleaming in runecraft so glorious it blinds. At times, it seems as though he makes his works on something...
more, with metals that gleam a purest silver.
(Weapon and Armour Rune Specialties, Bonus to working with metals (especially Gromril), ??? Metal Inspiration)
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Master: Jordis the Tide Turner, Runelord of Karak Kadrin
Despite her relative youth (a mere six centuries!), Jordis the Tide Turner has made a name for herself across the Royal Clans of the Karaz Ankor. Her Banners can be found in the armories of many kings, borne aloft by their greatest champions. She's also known for a strange tendency to intervene at just the right moment, starting from when she flew her Masterwork at the height of a frantic battle at Peak Pass, drawing a horde of Daemons from descending on the main host, and emerged battered, but victorious, banner still flying defiantly.
(Banner Runes Exceptional Specialty, wider connections across the Karaz Ankor, personal combat bonus)
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Master: Snorri Klausson, Runelord of Kraka Drakk
A somewhat odd Dwarf, student of the even odder Master Yorri (no other title.) Renowned as the Gift Giver when, to fulfill a drunken Oath, he created enough masterwork toys to give one to every child in the Hold (not the recently founded and still small Kraka Drakk, his
old Hold) twice over in a mere two months! He has been known first and foremost for his tremendous level of productivity ever since then, which you have seen displayed time after time, when he would lock himself in his workshop for a few years and emerge with enough equipment to outfit the entire hold.
(Engineering and Talismanic Specialties, Tremendous Productivity, Odd and Esoteric Runes)
finally deemed your work "mostly tolerable", and decided you would not completely disgrace them, your Clan, or yourself if you were to take the next step on the path of Runesmithing: the Journey.
You will travel the world, and for the first time, without the guidance of your Master. You will bask in what marvels it has to display and offer. You will endure its endless dangers. You will be inspired and learn as one only can through
experience. And you will return with something that will show all that you are worthy of further instruction. You will earn your right to become a Master Runesmith.
Or you will die trying.