While we DO have at least two people still pending relationship upgrades, it's a moment to feel what it will be like as the girls in our life gain this next level of awesome. Maybe some music...

@Seto - Soujo and Soujo are mostly lethal as match fighters, given their specialties. Metaknowledge is going to be their undoing. The best single countermeasure might be massed strength. Convoys in motion, forts when not. Simply get Everyone, and that is a requirement, in the same location to ruin the hunt for our visiting serial killers. Any clever buffs they have developed from the strange existence that has become their lot will not be significant if they face enough active opponents. They just don't have the spook power to bypass tactical concerns like some other Magical Girls can. Our main weakness is versus hit-and-run, since most (but not all) of our girls lack key training in organized fighting.

I think we get the Pleiades and a few of our dependents to go for a training camp / sleepover with Yuki. That could mean Soujo-tachi comes for us, and we don't have to de-optimize to protect the others. Maybe the sisters wait until everyone is trained to beat them as a group? Or the Soujos save us the trip, and assault Sendai during training. We can pretty much stroll them right into the new facility we'll be renting for them. Covering our underbelly is the only tough action, if these girls are still high tier melee fighters.
Welcome! Fresh Meat!

why do I get a distinct impression that Walmart night has been letting madoka win because she thinks it will make a fantastic story instead of madoka beating her outright
hell Mami, madoka, and homura managed to defeat wally in the second timeline, despite the three of them combines being so much weaker than madoka in newer timelines

more to the point how do we shut down a theater performance put on by an absolute lunatic when we are all characters in said play against our wills
It would seem that while we must plan for a military and narrative victory, we should allow a few moments to mess with the system - in a most fell manner! We interrupt the Witch's performance, by requiring her to sit down to tea with us. Struggle for control of the semiotic high ground, and win by confining her to the etiquette of the tea ceremony. I bet NO-ONE has ever tried to call her out for bad manners since she became a famous Witch - and it's high time someone did!
[X] Look Mami in the eye.
-[X] Nonverbal: Can we just keep her? Buy out a unit in the same complex, convince some walls to be our bitches so things are conjoined, magic the pendulum in, feed her three square meals a subjective day? Be there for her, the way she hasn't had anyone to?

Not really a joke vote btw. Probably not a short term idea... But... Homu needs more rabu.
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[X] Look Mami in the eye.
-[X] Nonverbal: Can we just keep her? Buy out a unit in the same complex, convince some walls to be our bitches so things are conjoined, magic the pendulum in, feed her three square meals a subjective day? Be there for her, the way she hasn't had anyone to

Bonus points for not using telepathy but conferring it with just the look and the wiggle of eyebrows?
like, both us and homura were worried as hell about Mami learning about the loops
I don't remember that? Our only concern for the loops (as opposed to the witchbomb, which some people tied too close to it) has, as far as I can remember, always been that it's Homura's secret to tell. We tried talking Homura into telling Madoka about the loops back in 2017.
Well well well look at that. A reveal of Homura's horror-filled existence, and an affirmation that it will be made right that hasn't been murdered in its inception, and actually looks to be helping.
Much appreciated Firnagzen,
[X] Look Mami in the eye.
-[X] Nonverbal: Can we just keep her? Buy out a unit in the same complex, convince some walls to be our bitches so things are conjoined, magic the pendulum in, feed her three square meals a subjective day? Be there for her, the way she hasn't had anyone to?
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While we DO have at least two people still pending relationship upgrades, it's a moment to feel what it will be like as the girls in our life gain this next level of awesome. Maybe some music...

@Seto - Soujo and Soujo are mostly lethal as match fighters, given their specialties. Metaknowledge is going to be their undoing. The best single countermeasure might be massed strength. Convoys in motion, forts when not. Simply get Everyone, and that is a requirement, in the same location to ruin the hunt for our visiting serial killers. Any clever buffs they have developed from the strange existence that has become their lot will not be significant if they face enough active opponents. They just don't have the spook power to bypass tactical concerns like some other Magical Girls can. Our main weakness is versus hit-and-run, since most (but not all) of our girls lack key training in organized fighting.

I think we get the Pleiades and a few of our dependents to go for a training camp / sleepover with Yuki. That could mean Soujo-tachi comes for us, and we don't have to de-optimize to protect the others. Maybe the sisters wait until everyone is trained to beat them as a group? Or the Soujos save us the trip, and assault Sendai during training. We can pretty much stroll them right into the new facility we'll be renting for them. Covering our underbelly is the only tough action, if these girls are still high tier melee fighters.
Welcome! Fresh Meat!

It would seem that while we must plan for a military and narrative victory, we should allow a few moments to mess with the system - in a most fell manner! We interrupt the Witch's performance, by requiring her to sit down to tea with us. Struggle for control of the semiotic high ground, and win by confining her to the etiquette of the tea ceremony. I bet NO-ONE has ever tried to call her out for bad manners since she became a famous Witch - and it's high time someone did!

with the souju sisters, I feel as though our best chance is to lay a trap for them. we know that they are coming after us in specific, we're the one only grief bender in world after all, the ultimate prize for her morbid collection, and so she will likely prioritize us over every and anyone else
we can likely exploit that by laying a trap that will spring on them
if that not really viable or I'm wrong about the assumption that she will go straight for us then we should at a minimum keep everyone with at least two other magical girls at all times. I'm not sure what blend of absolute lunacy and serial killer they are in this timeline but I guarantee you that if they were to catch someone all on their own, without any backup or help? they're as good as gemmed. they're simply too good as melee fighters, whoever meets them first either needs to focus on getting the hell out of dodge before anyone gets gemmed, or buying time until backup arrives, I feel much better about our chances against them the more people we have on our side. I think could bet everything I have that their quirk of existence gives them better reaction times, better awareness of their surroundings, and just all around harder to outmanuver
honestly I wish I knew how we could play this offensively, get to them before they make a move, but I seriously don't know how to do that, all I van really think how to do is to prepare for them and get ready for a defensive battle against an opponent(s?) that will likely try ambush and hit and run tactics against us all, which is frankly easier said than done,
[X] Look Mami in the eye.
-[X] Nonverbal: Can we just keep her? Buy out a unit in the same complex, convince some walls to be our bitches so things are conjoined, magic the pendulum in, feed her three square meals a subjective day? Be there for her, the way she hasn't had anyone to?

Not really a joke vote btw. Probably not a short term idea... But... Homu needs more rabu.

*Taps fingers*




This goes back to... Well, to threadmark twelve.

"I, ah," your eyes dart between Mami and Homura as you take a slow step forward to interpose yourself between them. Behind Mami, Madoka slowly wilts in on herself, now just clutching her hands to her chest. She's staring at you, hoping you'll be able to resolve this entire situation. Why?

Staying with either of them would let you change so much, but you just can't decide whom you'd rather stay with. You consider suggesting a timeshare, but then you realize that you'd be imposing rather heavily on the both of them.

*Tapping continues*

You may or may not remember Mami's tacit admission that she had nightmares pretty regularly -- the "I slept well, so I'm awake" line.

You also may or may not remember Homura having a nightmare on Mami's couch during the timestop hunt.

Those are tiny examples of why we wanted to be around for both of these wonderful people -- because they're hurt, and have no-one to be there for them to the degree they need and deserve.

We wanted to stay with both of them.

It's a bit crazy, I know, but...

Now that there isn't really anything stopping us... Now that Mami understands...

... Why not?
I mean, it's a neat idea, and I'm both open to offering it and pretty convinced Homura will accept when we do, but...

Right now, Mami has private questions for us, which I think Homura shouldn't be here for when we answer them. And both Mami and Homura would probably appreciate some time to process things.

I was planning on inviting Homura along for a shopping trip with Mami on early Saturday morning - maybe we can invite Homura to sleep over Friday (tomorrow) night, and if that goes well offer to make it a more permanent thing?
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I mean, it's a neat idea, and I'm both open to offering it and pretty convinced Homura will accept when we do, but...

Right now, Mami has private questions for us, which I think Homura shouldn't be here for when we answer them. And both Mami and Homura would probably appreciate some time to process things.

I was planning on inviting Homura along for a shopping trip with Mami on early Saturday morning - maybe we can invite Homura to sleep over Friday (tomorrow) night, and if that goes well offer to make it a more permanent thing?

Yeah that seems like a good point to me, mostly... I dun wanna leave poor Homu alone after this post's events, but you're right that Mami might want a chance to speak with us...


I've lost count," Homura says. "I don't know."

This time, the silence stretches out further, broken by the slow, ragged cadence of your breaths, and the rustle of cloth as Mami rubs Homura's back gently. Her hand brushes against your arm every now and then, a touch of warmth that fades all too quickly in the time stop.

"You have questions," Homura says at last, breaking the silence.

"I..." Mami shivers. "Most of them aren't important. I have good guesses, I think, and they can wait until I digest this. But I do have one that's... curiosity, I suppose."

"Ask," Homura says. Her attention flicks up to Mami. You can't see her expression, not the way you're positioned on Homura's other side, but you can feel the wary tension in her body. And yet.

And yet, it doesn't feel like she's readying to draw a weapon. She's bracing herself, not to fight, but to take something that might hurt.

"I..." Mami's eyes meet yours for a second. "If... what changed? That Sabrina is here?"


Yeah, I can see it. More to the point until Mami's done digesting this we shouldn't say something like what I suggested -- although man, at this point I really want a wishlist to go with the calendar, for things like this that we really want to do but haven't got any ability to schedule.

Man... The only thing is, though, I wanna just hug Homu right now, not plan for after she leaves.

Then... Something small... But meaningful...


[] Ask Mami if we've got a calendar or something around. Might have to use the laptop for it.
-[] Ask Homura when her birthday is. (Yes, I know we know, but Mami doesn't and it'd be weird to just say it, right?)
--[] Have Mami mark it on the calendar. You (You, Mami) are going to bake a cake, get her a present, and have a party.

I just don't want to leave things on this nooooooooote
Yeah that seems like a good point to me, mostly... I dun wanna leave poor Homu alone after this post's events, but you're right that Mami might want a chance to speak with us...
If nothing else we need to recruit Mami into Sabrina's Parent Trap-style plot to get Madoka-mama and Homura-mama together.

And to call them that at some point, timing it so that Homura's nuclear blush makes her swoon right into Madoka's lap.

Yes, I'm cracking jokes and making light of the situation for Mami, because for all that this is a sombre moment for Homura, for Mami this should be a joyous occasion. She's learned the most relevant and important secrets to her: Sabrina's origins, and Sabrina and Homura's relationship. There's still a lot of work to do, but for Mami the long night is over and her happily ever after is in sight, and there's no way in hell we're going to Urobuchi it up.

I think I'll try to put together a proper vote with all of these ideas that have been bouncing around so far.

[x] Wind down for the evening.
-[x] Along with Mami, extend Homura an open invitation to come talk to us - talk to her friends - whenever she wants.
-[x] When we beat Walpurgisnacht, together, we'll throw Homura a bigger party than she's ever dreamed of.
-[x] Ask Homura if she wants to go to the mall with you and Mami on the weekend - you want to set up a bank account and buy some stuff, so ypu could go have fun together.

[x] After Homura leaves, hug Mami lots. You're not leaving.
-[x] Apologize for not telling her earlier.
-[x] Offer to answer any additional questions Mami has, now that she understands Homura's situation.
-[x] Propose letting Homura sleep over tomorrow.

[x] If time permits, vote in abeyance. Otherwise, just relax and leave it for the morning.

I think I'll try to put together a proper vote with all of these ideas that have been bouncing around so far.

[x] Wind down for the evening.
-[x] Along with Mami, extend Homura an open invitation to come talk to us - talk to her friends - whenever she wants.
-[x] When we beat Walpurgisnacht, together, we'll throw Homura a bigger party than she's ever dreamed of.
-[x] Ask Homura if she wants to go to the mall with you and Mami on the weekend - you want to set up a bank account and buy some stuff, so ypu could go have fun together.

[x] After Homura leaves, hug Mami lots. You're not leaving.
-[x] Apologize for not telling her earlier.
-[x] Offer to answer any additional questions Mami has, now that she understands Homura's situation.
-[x] Propose letting Homura sleep over tomorrow.

[x] If time permits, vote in abeyance. Otherwise, just relax and leave it for the morning.
We need to make sure to make a point to Mami about not talking about this outside of timestop/privacy-field. Not because we think she will, but because bringing the matter forward should help to alleviate some of the worry that Homura will have about having told someone about it.
We need to make sure to make a point to Mami about not talking about this outside of timestop/privacy-field. Not because we think she will, but because bringing the matter forward should help to alleviate some of the worry that Homura will have about having told someone about it.

That's a very valid point.

[x] Wind down for the evening.
-[x] Make sure Mami knows not to discuss Homura's past without privacy measures. You want QB to know as little about this as possible.
-[x] Along with Mami, extend Homura an open invitation to come talk to us - talk to her friends - whenever she wants.
-[x] When we beat Walpurgisnacht, together, we'll throw Homura a bigger party than she's ever dreamed of.
-[x] Ask Homura if she wants to go to the mall with you and Mami on the weekend - you want to set up a bank account and buy some stuff, so ypu could go have fun together.

[x] After Homura leaves, hug Mami lots. You're not leaving.
-[x] Apologize for not telling her earlier.
-[x] Offer to make a privacy field and answer any additional questions Mami has.

-[x] Propose letting Homura sleep over tomorrow.

[x] If time permits, vote in abeyance. Otherwise, just relax and leave it for the morning.

E: Shuffled it around so Homura knows we're taking this seriously.
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Will look over vote and see if there's something I desperately want to quibble about after I lie down for a bit but based on the discourse I think we're heading the right direction :D
Can't remember if something like it happened, but I personally await the moment when Mami pieces the whole Homu-mom/Mado-mom connection on her own and, as a logical follow-up, asks Homu if she's okay with Mami dating her temporal/causality-child. And then watch, with popcorn, Homu's brain grind to a complete halt trying to parse what's going on.

EDIT: [x] Redshirt Army
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Meh, would it really have changed the story if Homura only thought of Madoka as a friend?
(inb4 @AuraTwilight rant :V)
I was joking when I made this post, but my attention was recently brought back to it, and I thought, "What would change, exactly, in such a scenario?" Two posts down, Aura-kun noted that, for starters, Rebellion never would have happened. It didn't go any further than that, though, so I ask you, Brina-brain, how would Madoka Magica change if Homura's feelings towards Madoka were purely platonic?
I was joking when I made this post, but my attention was recently brought back to it, and I thought, "What would change, exactly, in such a scenario?" Two posts down, Aura-kun noted that, for starters, Rebellion never would have happened. It didn't go any further than that, though, so I ask you, Brina-brain, how would Madoka Magica change if Homura's feelings towards Madoka were purely platonic?

Would it not happen, though? Platonic love is a thing that exists, and I'm not sure how Homura's physical attraction (or lack thereof) to Madoka would stop the Rebellion.
I mean, platonic love can be just as deep or obsessive as romantic love.

Romance =/= pinnacle of human emotion.

imo, the only way Rebellion wouldn't happen would be if the Incubators hadn't put Homura in the isolation field to try and trap Madoka.

If the Incubators hadn't Witched Homura out and made themselves a threat to Madoka as the Law of Cycles, maybe she wouldn't have felt the need to rewrite the universe for Madoka's sake, instead settling for fighting Wraiths to protect the world Madoka made for the rest of her life, as she seemed happy to do at the end of the Wraith Arc.