Seem like it's not literally out of bounds? I'll hand it to you, salvaging the plucky little NASA rover was a completely un-expected topic. Good. You should earn a level in
Pioneer of the Stars ? Fun Omakes are a blessing for all.
Regarding Soujos, maybe a patrol strategy is beyond us currently. It would be nice to choose the terms of conflict, rather than let them decide. And while every potential victim is at extreme risk during a random encounter with them, maybe they have come for our gem in particular? That would put a "refuge in audacity" strategy on the table? If they function in the evil Narcissist / Sociopath manner, we can get them to take risks. The way we bait them is straight up call them out. Not that we should truly match-fight, but the chance of it, just the setting might prove irresistible to such an enemy. "They know it's a trap, but they can handle it." If we can get them to follow that thought, we can open and close on our terms.
We listed a small number of strategies offered to improve
the central theme from last time - Homura and Mami reconnect.
Can we hear any others?
By my view, that's the most significant emotional note to follow up here. There must be some contribution we are overlooking?
@AuraTwilight and
@The Phoenixian - Truth in jest! At some point we are going to have to consider becoming literal extended members of Madoka's family, if we are to have a reasonable chance at the Golden Ending. Some of the finer points are beyond our help, if we don't level up with Madoka first. She still has a living family dynamic. I guess the Miki elders will give us some experience first. The best thing about Sabrina's future, is that it's never empty. Much like some sort of Set definition, the more we look, the more points it contains...