Notices it's 3 in the morning.
Whelp, who needs sleep anyway.

This is an amazing update to come back on! Homura opening up to Mami, and Mami in return putting all the pieces together just has me grinning like crazy.

I think @blast flame has the right idea here. It's probably better to let Homura and Mami rest before we try to discuss anything else.
Hallelujah, we are back on the air!

Anyway, ending it here sound nice. Something like this, maybe?

[ ] Sincerely thank Homura for trusting Mami- for trusting us
-[ ] Get permission for hugs

[ ] Continue with vote in abeyance
You're scared.

You can admit that, at least to yourself, as you watch Madoka walk away.

Things are changing faster than they have in years, and you don't know if you can keep up. You know Sayaka will keep Madoka safe, but letting her go still feels like a mistake. A lot of things recently have seemed like mistakes, but they've worked anyway. Not just worked, worked better than you've long since dared to dream.

This whole evening has you shaken. The discussion you had in timestop touched on so many issues... Mikuni. Miki. And friendship.

You've gone years without anyone you could call a friend. But now everyone is getting along. Even Shizuki is involved in all this. And Madoka...

She was radiant. Such a small thing, just giving some advice, but she owns it, she believes in it with such intensity, she gets so absorbed...

You could see it in her eyes, as she leaned far-too-close to you. The same look that you once saw in the eyes of the girl who saved you, as she focused all her efforts on doing what was right. It took your breath away to see that from her again, and for a moment you were that same small girl you had been all those decades ago.

It made you ecstatic. Madoka was still here. You hadn't crushed that spirit out of her.

It made you terrified. She always puts all of herself into the work, and the world always curses her for it.

You don't think you can handle much more of this tonight. But it looks like you might have to.

Mami and Sabrina want to talk to you, again.

They're talking about how happy Madoka was, as if you hadn't seen it. Madoka would always be happy to help. That was the issue. Your tone is flat, your expression blank.

They say she was happy to be with her friends, to hear from you, too. Of course she is. And you're trying to be there for her, in this strange new world with its strange new rules. But... the girl in the hospital was never any good at keeping friends. You aren't any better. This isn't a problem you're well suited for.

Miki, though... that gives you pause. She was always the worst. The suspicious one, the belligerent one, the one that made you learn how to hide. And now she's apparently encouraging you to open up. She clapped you on the back a minute ago. It's a stark reminder of how much things are changing.

Mami, too. Your eyes flicker to her. She's there, right alongside Sabrina, trying to help you in her own way. She knows... not everything. But more than you've ever been able to tell her. And she's still happy, still kind. Mami learned about the Incubator, and just this once, she emerged unbroken.

Madoka has always been destroyed when she tried to help, before. It feels like you're risking it all, even if the logic is sound. She won't need to be in danger. So much has already gone right, but you're still holding out for more miracles.


You told Mami your story once, a long, long time ago.

You haven't done it again since. But things are changing.

Mami is different, now. Her being here, cooking food for all of you after what she learned... that's a bigger surprise than Sabrina's unlimited cleansing. You'd been utterly certain that it couldn't be done.

But more importantly... you're different. You've tried to resist the very notion, you've pushed it away for a while now, but it's time to face facts. You, Akemi Homura, have hope.

You hold your hand out, palm up. Your voice is a whisper.

"Mami. You should know."

You pause, for just an instant. Sabrina would make it a choice.

"If you want to."

AN: Here's something I was working on during the break.

I tried to model Homura's inner voice based on Firn's canon snippet. My thanks to the beta-readers, who caught a number of issues.
I. I'm. Homura. Mami. I.

I created my account literally like a month ago because of this Quest. I discovered SV and Madoka because of this Quest. I cheered for Sabrina, for Mami, for everyone. I read the first few story posts and then binged the anime. I tried to read the entire thread and then gave up somewhere in the 1500's.

I watched as my favorite character, Akemi Homura, grew so much in the span of a week, grew into someone who could trust other people again! I watched as everyone, all of you wonderful people, grew to care so much about the characters that you poured your heart and souls into carefully crafting every single decision, every single thought, so the harm to each person in the story was minimized, and I watched as all of you tried to stay true to morals and standards set by Sabrina. I read the arguments when we had to deviate from our morals to help more people.

And I loved it. I loved it!! I have never grown so attached and so absorbed into a story's characters so quickly. It's amazing. I re-read this story aftera bad day and I feel myself smile. I'm not very good at writing yet but if I can even write a fraction of a story that means as much as this Quest means to me, I'd be grateful. Thank you so much for writing this, Firnagzen, and thank you all so much for helping this story become what it is. Yes, even fellow lurkers like me. Thank you.
"She... I wasn't a magical girl. I was new in class. She was... she was friendly. A few weeks..." She blinks slowly, swallowing. "Now. Today, before. She saved me from a Witch. Madoka and you. Then... then she was my first friend."

I don't know if people caught this, but... apparently today is the day that Madoka saved Homura, in the first timeline. No doubt that's part of what pushed Homura to talk to Mami, today.
I don't know if people caught this, but... apparently today is the day that Madoka saved Homura, in the first timeline. No doubt that's part of what pushed Homura to talk to Mami, today.

I don't really know why, but it feels strangely appropriate to reply you with this:

Mmm. The image broke. Nevermind.
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Hm. Now that Homura's big secret is out, I do wonder if we should bring Mami in on some of the details we haven't told Homura. Being able to bounce our approaches off of Mami would be a huge help for any future social endevours.

Obviously this would have to happen a while from now, so that Mami has time to process the existing revelation and so we can find a time to share without Homura being present.

But in short: I'd like to potentialbomb Mami. It shouldn't cause Mami distress, Mami is clearly aware of Madoka's enormous potential already, and I'd love to get Mami's advice on how to help Homura. Plus it's one more secret to get off our chests.
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Hm. Now that Homura's big secret is out, I do wonder if we should bring Mami in on some of the details we haven't told Homura. Being able to bounce our approaches off of Mami would be a huge help for any future social endevours.

Obviously this would have to happen a while from now, so that Mami has time to process the existing revelation and so we can find a time to share without Homura being present.

But in short: I'd like to potentialbomb Mami. It shouldn't be cause Mami distress, Mami is clearly aware of Madoka's enormous potential already, and I'd love to get Mami's advice on how to help Homura. Plus it's one more secret to get off our chests.

There's going to be some difficulty potential bombing Mami in that a large part of it requires knowledge of witches to put it into context. Like, it could be talked around (Homura's promise + negatives of meguca-ing vs kyubey trying harder due to increased potential), but I'm not sure how much we want to brush up against such things.
There's going to be some difficulty potential bombing Mami in that a large part of it requires knowledge of witches to put it into context. Like, it could be talked around (Homura's promise + negatives of meguca-ing vs kyubey trying harder due to increased potential), but I'm not sure how much we want to brush up against such things.
Madoka's potential is so big because Homura time traveling for her compounds her karmic weight. We don't have to go anywhere near Kriemhild Gretchen to explain that.
Madoka's potential is so big because Homura time traveling for her compounds her karmic weight. We don't have to go anywhere near Kriemhild Gretchen to explain that.

Why her potential getting bigger is bad brushes against witches. Half of it is the increased attention from Kyubey, but the other half of the context, that the increased potential moves Madoka towards faster and faster witchouts into a world destroying calamity if she does contract is reliant on knowledge of witches. Without that second half, the reassurance you'd give Homura was that Kyubey always had his attention on Madoka so Homura looping didn't really change anything. Which when you take the second half into account...falls utterly flat.
Madoka's potential is so big because Homura time traveling for her compounds her karmic weight. We don't have to go anywhere near Kriemhild Gretchen to explain that.
We might also need to explain why that's bad though, right? If I heard that someone could get a massive power up from their friend going back in time, I would think it was a very good thing for that friend to have repeatedly gone back in time and boosted them into being potentially the most powerful being on the planet.

I. I'm. Homura. Mami. I.

I created my account literally like a month ago because of this Quest. I discovered SV and Madoka because of this Quest. I cheered for Sabrina, for Mami, for everyone. I read the first few story posts and then binged the anime. I tried to read the entire thread and then gave up somewhere in the 1500's.

I watched as my favorite character, Akemi Homura, grew so much in the span of a week, grew into someone who could trust other people again! I watched as everyone, all of you wonderful people, grew to care so much about the characters that you poured your heart and souls into carefully crafting every single decision, every single thought, so the harm to each person in the story was minimized, and I watched as all of you tried to stay true to morals and standards set by Sabrina. I read the arguments when we had to deviate from our morals to help more people.

And I loved it. I loved it!! I have never grown so attached and so absorbed into a story's characters so quickly. It's amazing. I re-read this story aftera bad day and I feel myself smile. I'm not very good at writing yet but if I can even write a fraction of a story that means as much as this Quest means to me, I'd be grateful. Thank you so much for writing this, Firnagzen, and thank you all so much for helping this story become what it is. Yes, even fellow lurkers like me. Thank you.
Fresh meat! \o/
We might also need to explain why that's bad though, right?
No, because Mami knows enough of that already. If she saw Madoka's potential as a power boost she'd still be pushing for Madoka to contract. That she isn't doing that shows we don't need further justification. Where Madoka's potential came from doesn't change its nature going forwards, which she already sees as "a reason for Kyuubey to hurt my friend."
@Probably Demonic - Very glad you spoke up. Fresh Meat! Hi!

This story event is another watershed, a result of long effort. The change is intangible, and yet the balance of our little world just changed. Underneath the truth of what Mami is accepting right now, we can see proof that she will eventually be safe and alive. That goal is not so far away. It's clear just how much insight she can draw upon. The Witchbomb may be inevitable, but despair won't steal her future this time. And it won't be a disrupted future, Mami seems to have found her stance again at last. She can be the sempai, and the confidant, both roles that make her potential come out at her peak.

Homura has done so much just by offering this trust. Carrying her story through to Mami makes the world "rational" again, and Sabrina wasn't able to restore that without help. Mami can find faith in herself faster when her heroic narrative is healthy, and connection is part of that. Simply by accepting time travel, Homura isn't jarringly disconnected in her narrative anymore.

Homura taking this risk proves that she is beating the odds yet again. All the potential despair that we are intending to steer each girl around has fears associated. Heroic action is the noble way to overcome fear, Magical Girl or not. Kyuubey intends everybody should choose extreme reactions, and that was just denied. Communication was her choice. Homura is understanding the path to freedom for Madoka. We will see the day where Homura can overcome her fear, and heal together with Madoka.

For right now? We should max out the benefits.

[] Ask Homura to tell the story of how she came to use firearms. Then, if she didn't already, prompt her to explain why.

I think that a d'aww moment would be the result. I wonder if Homura even thought of this before?

[] Vote in abeyance.

Welcome back, boss
[x] Wind down for the night and/or move to vote in abeyance, as appropriate.

Yeah, I don't see anything else to say here and no one else has chimed in with anything vital.


Actually, I remembered that there is one thing I did want to do, and since there's a chance this vote carries through to tomorrow morning, it might be a good idea to do it:

-[x] See if you can enchant grief during your morning routine for use throughout the day.


And a backlog of thoughts from during the break:

So, this is interesting. I was on reread and I felt it worthy making a note because our pocket chibi took on color when we shaped it out of enchanted grief, doing so almost automatically and before our will was added to the equation. The word is even emphasized in the description.

It almost seems to snap into form, without your conscious will acting upon it. All you have to do is mould it approximately, and it simply focuses, gaining clarity and shape and colour. Before long, you have a tiny chibi version of yourself, palm-sized, but inanimate.

You purse your lips thoughtfully. Perfectly shaped, but inanimate and... incomplete, somehow. You can feel it with your magic, and it's missing something. Letting your eyes slide shut, you bring your will to bear, and breathe life into it.

Given the the workaround needed to make color normally, and all the other emphasis here, it may be worth experimenting on just how different enchanted grief is from raw grief, even beyond the shaping time.

As just one example, it might be able to make non-witchy windows, but even beyond that it may be worth experimenting to see if enchanted grief can copy non-trance effects without being witchy in general.


And for my other note, I was rereading old discord logs and came across a potentially important note on names, one that's worth reexamining now that the thread's been reopened and in light of the theories developed in the year and a half since it was first posted.

Dedolere: present active infinitive of dēdoleō
Dedoleo: I give over or stop grieving, grieve no more. I grieve no more
Dedolere is also second-person singular present passive subjunctive of dēdolō
Dedolo: I hew away or smooth
Dedolere: I grieve no more, as you will cut away...
subjunctive mood
The mood of a verb expressing an action or state which is hypothetical or anticipated rather than actual, including wishes and commands. An English example is were in if I were rich, ....
So, uh If Sabrina is dewitched by Madoka Dedolere is remarkably appropriate]

Two notable theories pop up here: First being terminal theory: Google translate at least is showing "dedolo" as not just "hew" but "chip" away. Combine that with the idea that Sabrina is a fragment of something larger and... yeah, that kind of ties into it. "I grieve no more, as you might cut away (a part of me.)"

Then there's the old idea that we inherited the name of the witch we were made from: Walpurgis wasn't discussed at the time since this occurred right when we first talked about UKG!theory but...

If Walpurgis had a name not only about grieving no more, but also of being dewitched as a hypothetical and/or anticipated event?

That would certainly be something.
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Idle thought: Does increased potential explain why Madoka seems to instantly run out of magic when she orbital magic bombards Walpurgis, or is that just Madoka dumping everything into the attack?
Idle thought: Does increased potential explain why Madoka seems to instantly run out of magic when she orbital magic bombards Walpurgis, or is that just Madoka dumping everything into the attack?

There are several factors
Her emotional state leaves a lot to be desired when she contracts due to Walpurgisnacht, understandably
And the more emotional you are, the faster your Gem darkens ( possibly non-canon, since this is mostly talked about in Madoka Magica Portable and implemented as a game mechanic. Then again, Hitomi having a crush on Homura is from the crack timeline and is extra double noncanonical ungood heresy, and it's still used as an argument, sooo )
Also Madoka is pretty inexperienced with her powers, so yeah, she dumps magic into her attacks more than necessary
Even if she's aware of this, nobody ever accused Madoka of being overly concerned with her self-preservation
Idle thought: Does increased potential explain why Madoka seems to instantly run out of magic when she orbital magic bombards Walpurgis, or is that just Madoka dumping everything into the attack?

I figure Madoka always has to dump everything she has into the attack because WPN is a cheating cheater who cheats. Unless your build is fully optimized and powerful enough to mote-tap the Witch, you have to go through her unique Flaw of Invulnerability -- only a heroic sacrifice of some kind or another can get through her Inevitable Tragedian Invincibility.
Idle thought: Does increased potential explain why Madoka seems to instantly run out of magic when she orbital magic bombards Walpurgis, or is that just Madoka dumping everything into the attack?
If that were the case, it would imply the threads of alternate timelines increases Madoka's magical output at a rate disproportionate to her soul gem capacity, or perhaps not even affect her capacity at all.

Firn's WOG implied Homura does have a copy of Krimhild Gretchen if we wanted to verify that.

That said, it would also tie into something else: Sabrina's own soul gem capacity is unusually small for her potential. And we do seem to have some kind of connection to alternate universes in the form of our metaknowledge.

So I've wondered over the break if Sabrina's potential might just be because she has the same kind of thing going on as Madoka does. Like. The exact same thing. It would also tie into the all the evidence that serves as the basis of terminal theory quite well too.

That said, as theories go, it seems like it's in direct competition with the much more well established dewitching theories. So I'm not sure what to make of it.