Kirika can indeed select who her AM blasts affect, so no problem there.
assumed making the manacles would be an automatic action with the voteline (and that there might be jokes about O&K and manacles

), but now Kirika's about done enchanting the chains, so it's kind of late for that. Maybe we could test whether we could reshape the already enchanted chains, or just ask Kirika to enchant some actual manacles we'll make some other time.
Or maybe just ask Firn to retcon that. There's a constant struggle between lowering the word count (assuming Firn will automate certain actions) and being clear (and making votewalls). If I had thought we needed to clarify we'd be
making the manacles, I would have asked that be included in the vote.
I mean, it's kind of dumb walking away with enchanted chains instead of manacles because of something like this? I guess the chains could be useful enough, so maybe it doesn't matter?
I'm gonna go full wordage of now and worry about conciseness later.
[X] Show curiosity about those 'random snatches', maybe they're hints you can puzzle out together?
-[X] Theorize about what the scrying might be meant for. To watch over Kirika? And others she cares about?
[X] Let Oriko know what you see in her Soul Gem.
[X] Be happy that she's doing better.
It's great if she gets new superpowers, but more important that she's doing better.
[X] Double down on FRIENDSHIP.
-[X] Hugs.
-[X] Tell O&K (specially Oriko) they're Good people. They don't need to save the world or risk their lives to prove it to anyone.
-[X] Promise them a gift once they move to the new place.
[X] Thank Kirika.
-[X] You seem to have forgot you could've made the manacles out of the chains. Oops? Maybe tou can reshape them without breaking the enchantment? Or you'll bring some actual manacles next time?
-[X] Maybe just retcon it so we already did
[X] Pass the time until Yuki/Kyouko might be awake.
-[X] Feed Aurora happy magic.
-[X] Optional: Inquire about Oriko's newly developing shitposting powers. Congratulate them on her progress so far.
-[X] Optional: Talk about your respective dates.
[X] Yuki.
-[X] Arrange a visit later today: You need to talk with Anri; somehow get therapists involved
stat, and share contact information for meguca Befriending.
[X] Kyouko.
-[X] Meet up for brunch. You need to talk.