Eh... I find myself wondering if we shouldn't rely on the car door shield thing too much. It's not a strategy that would work in a real fight (bullets would punch through it easily) and I don't want to teach Sayaka bad habits.
...Now who wants to ask Masami for details about the experience of her horrific injury to find out? :o
We should also tell her she should make up with Mami and be friends.

And ask her if getting horribly maimed is a Gaikotsu family tradition (Gaikotsu = Skeleton).


Actually, when we show Oriko to Sayaka:

"... And this is the girl who burnt down your house-"


"-with you inside-"


"-and hopsitalized your parents-"

"I d-"


*Grabs Oriko's head and pulls it back*



"And here on her neck..."


"... you can see this line of scars from when Homura shot her head clean off her body."



"Well, not clean, it was quite a mess actually."

"Why didn't I know about this?!"


*Pulls Sabrina's hands away*

*Lets go or Oriko's head*

"Point is, don't make Homura mad."

"... I thought you were making a point of how you've already punished Mikuni and that I need to learn to forgive her so we can work together to make a better world?"



"... What? Pff... ha-ha, no! What the hell are you going on about? I just wanted to illustrate how badass Homu is."


"Seriously, don't piss her off. It's a bad life choice."

*Walks out, leaving Sayaka alone with O&K*
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It's OK, we can just offload the Mami pics to our Chibi brain. That way we can concentrate and when we finish the spar, well:

Mami: "... You did very well! Better luck next t-" *Blushes*

Chibi Brina: "Hey, look!"

Sabrina: "What am I...?"

Chibi Brina: "Ta-daaaaa!"

Motion arms at...

Chibi Mami wearing a dress!

Chibi Mami: "Uh..." *Blushes more*

Sabrina: "Hngggggggg...!" *Hugs the Chibi*


Sabrina: *Looks at everyone else*

Sabrina: "... Mine."
It's almost funny, but what would be her mental reflection of us going full "tactical battle mode" nonstop the instant it was asked to us?
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Since no one has made an argument for keeping the car door shields, I'm cutting them. It's a tactic that would only be useful in practice matches like this (contrary to what you see on TV, bullets go through car doors with ease), and I don't want Sayaka thinking she can use it in real combat. Using it once, briefly, to take Homura by surprise is one thing, but if Sayaka's carrying a car door around for the whole match to be immune to airsoft then she's just gonna get even cockier.

[x] "So, what counts as an 'out' for this match? Or are we going to count how many hits we take and total the score at the end?"
-[x] " guys are going to just be using airsoft, right? *gulp*"
[x] Get Sayaka behind cover. Use telepathy to lay out the plan.
[x] "Okay, Sayaka, our only real advantages here are flight and speed. We're going to break in opposite directions to divide their attention."
-[x] "Fly low, move fast, keep cover between you and them as much as possible. We'll swing wide and try to hit Homura from both sides at once."
--[x] "They'll be trying to do the same thing to us, so don't get so focused on one that you lose track of the other. If they start to pen you in, use your speed and flight to escape. And don't just rush straight in, it gives them a clear shot at you."
---[x] "Fire near them to keep them off-balance. If you have some way to create dust clouds and flashes to blind them, do that. And if that lightshow you produce when you fly can move separately from you, use that as a decoy. If not, it's fine, just use speed, cover and suppressing fire."
[x] Do just that. As we run, try to throw warhammers at the ground with enough force to crater it and/or use our wings to blow air across the ground to produce dust clouds to reduce their visibility. If there's a stretch with no cover, use our warhammer to punt something out there to make cover.
[x] Use our senses to track the locations of all combatants. Use telepathy to keep Sayaka informed of where the other team is and warn her of potential ambushes.
[x] Find an opportune moment to come at Homura from both sides, preferably with a close range ambush from behind cover. If we can summon a hammer with no head, do that: we need speed rather than smashing power. If we need to cover open ground to get to her, grab something big and solid to use as a shield, then throw it at her feet as a decoy, and try to get close enough to engage her without getting in Sayaka's way.
-[x] If Sayaka is doing just fine against Homura on her own, focus on keeping Mami from sniping her as they fight.
[x] If we can take Homura out, try the same pincer maneuver on Mami. If Sayaka is also taken out and it's just us vs. Mami, try to have a good, fun spar; we could use the practice. If Mami seems to be having a bad emotional response to practice-fighting us, stop and lighten the mood by offering to finish things with a tickle-fight instead.
[x] In the highly probable event that we lose despite our best efforts, accept it with good cheer, tell Sayaka she did well, and give mad props to whoever took us out.
[x] Whoever wins, congratulate everyone on a good match, high five Sayaka, hug Mami and tell her how awesome she was, and ask for feedback on our tactics and performance.
-[x] If we noticed during the match that Sayaka had a tendency to go past corners without turning her head to check for hostiles hiding there, explain to her about the tactic known as "slicing the pie" and the dangers of getting ambushed from one's blind spot because one rushed forward without watching for attacks from the sides.
[X] Redshirt Army

I think I'll be shocked if either Sabrina or Sayaka scores a single hit, whatever we do. This ought to be an educational reminder to Mami that she is still a flaxen-haired goddess of war while we... have unusually poor danger sense, for a meguca. I'm thinking of that time in Sendai when all the other meguca noticed an impending ambush in unison while Sabrina remained completely oblivious. At least Sabrina and Sayaka will be able to commiserate. Not that any of this is a bad thing, especially the commiseration. It will be a bonding experience!
You know, like light pollution. Sabrina's mind will produce so much quality Mami that it'll block out her higher reasoning.

.... I'm game

Eh... I find myself wondering if we shouldn't rely on the car door shield thing too much. It's not a strategy that would work in a real fight (bullets would punch through it easily) and I don't want to teach Sayaka bad habits.
It's basically exactly what we did in Sendai. Sure, maybe car doors specifically is a bad idea, but the general idea of taking your cover with you is solid. And how often is Sayaka going to have a car door on hand anyway? If she likes the tactic she should figure out how to make her own shields.
-[x] If we noticed during the match that Sayaka had a tendency to go past corners without turning her head to check for hostiles hiding there, explain to her about the tactic known as "slicing the pie" and the dangers of getting ambushed from one's blind spot because one rushed forward without watching for attacks from the sides.

Not a fan of including this, to be honest. It's decent advice when entering enclosed areas with hostilely in unknown positions (which is absolutely relevant when clearing barriers) but between Sayaka's ability to gain altitude and our constant feeding of positions to her during the spar, this just doesn't seem like a situation conducive to teaching that particular lesson.
Sabrina's mind will produce so much quality Mami that it'll block out her higher reasoning.
You say that as if Sabrina's mind wasn't already constantly fixated on Mami. :p

Sure, maybe car doors specifically is a bad idea, but the general idea of taking your cover with you is solid. And how often is Sayaka going to have a car door on hand anyway? If she likes the tactic she should figure out how to make her own shields.
I'm hoping that if she gains an appreciation for the importance of cover in this match, she'll start experimenting with summoning shields of her own. But first she has to get pelted with pellets a few times to realize that she can't disregard defense. :cool:

Not a fan of including this, to be honest. It's decent advice when entering enclosed areas with hostilely in unknown positions (which is absolutely relevant when clearing barriers) but between Sayaka's ability to gain altitude and our constant feeding of positions to her during the spar, this just doesn't seem like a situation conducive to teaching that particular lesson.
Damn, you're right. With us keeping her informed of everyone's position, she can't get blindsided, so we either withhold potential assistance or can't teach this lesson right now.

Okay, I'll cut it, but first time we're on opposite sides of a match I'm going to vote that we spend the whole time hiding around corners to take her by surprise. She needs to learn to check corners for lurking dangers.
Next time we train with Sayaka:

[Q] Make a Grief excavator.
-[Q] Dig.
--[Q] Use Grief-dar.
---[Q] Dig under Sayaka.
-----[Q] Attack jumping out of the ground, then dive and dig back down.
------[Q] Actually, Grief yourself up some fins.
-------[Q] You're a land shark now.
I think I'll be shocked if either Sabrina or Sayaka scores a single hit, whatever we do.
I really wish people would quit saying things like this, all it will do is convince Sabrina not to try. The difference in skill is nowhere near that large. Even if Homura and Mami have the range advantage, Sayaka and Sabrina have the advantage of speed and mobility. This spar is not hopeless, if it was neither Homura nor Mami would use it as training for Sayaka, because unwinnable fights teach nothing, especially to new students.
Next time we train with Sayaka:

[Q] Make a Grief excavator.
-[Q] Dig.
--[Q] Use Grief-dar.
---[Q] Dig under Sayaka.
-----[Q] Attack jumping out of the ground, then dive and dig back down.
------[Q] Actually, Grief yourself up some fins.
-------[Q] You're a land shark now.
You forgot to leave a grief clone of Sabrina behind.
I really wish people would quit saying things like this, all it will do is convince Sabrina not to try. The difference in skill is nowhere near that large. Even if Homura and Mami have the range advantage, Sayaka and Sabrina have the advantage of speed and mobility. This spar is not hopeless, if it was neither Homura nor Mami would use it as training for Sayaka, because unwinnable fights teach nothing, especially to new students.
What makes you think we have more speed or mobility then Mami or Homura?
What makes you think we have more speed or mobility then Mami or Homura?
Remember, we are using basic abilities, not timestop or ... Whatever abilities Mami has that count as 'extra-ribbony', so we do have a fair chance.
We still need to practice with our hammer rather than going 'Oh it's useless, let's ignore it.'
The whole purpose of this exercise is learning how to not get hit, and as such until we get at least a B on this skill the likely hood of us 'landing' a hit is very very unlikely and if we (or Sayaka) want to land a hit we probably should focus more on Mami then Homura for a simple reason of Homura having a shield as a weapon of choice and having a lot of experience in handling (noobish) Sayaka due to time-loop shenanigans.