Very much this. Sayaka has impressive speed and mobility for a newbie. We really, really don't, especially since full size wings for flight are out of the equation.

Which is fine - we're not primarily a melee combatant.

Mind you the size of our wings are technically irrelevant. If Sabrina has any wings at all she can just manual her maneuvering. Sabrina will go wherever she directs her wings.
Remember, we are using basic abilities, not timestop or ... Whatever abilities Mami has that count as 'extra-ribbony', so we do have a fair chance.
Sabrina is still allowed to use her wings for flight, and all the speed an maneuverability she has learned to use them with.

We really, really don't, especially since full size wings for flight are out of the equation.
The size of her wings don't have anything to do with her ability to use them for flying. She uses the full size wings because that's the form they tend to fall into when she makes them, not out of necessity.
Another update to the vote:

[x] "So, what counts as an 'out' for this match? Or are we going to count how many hits we take and total the score at the end?"
-[x] " guys are going to just be using airsoft, right? *gulp*"
[x] Get Sayaka behind cover. Use telepathy to lay out the plan. "Bet you wish you had a shield to go with that sword right now."
[x] "Okay, Sayaka, our only real advantages here are flight and speed. We're going to break in opposite directions to divide their attention."
-[x] "Fly low, move fast, keep cover between you and them as much as possible. We'll swing wide and try to hit Homura from both sides at once."
--[x] "They'll be trying to do the same thing to us, so don't get so focused on one that you lose track of the other. If they start to pen you in, use your speed and flight to escape. And don't just rush straight in, it gives them a clear shot at you."
---[x] "Fire near them to keep them off-balance. If you have some way to create dust clouds and flashes to blind them, do that. And if that lightshow you produce when you fly can move separately from you, use that as a decoy. If not, it's fine, just use speed, cover and suppressing fire."
[x] Do just that. As we run, try to throw warhammers at the ground with enough force to crater it and/or use our wings to blow air across the ground to produce dust clouds to reduce their visibility. If there's a stretch with no cover, use our warhammer to punt something out there to make cover.
[x] Use our senses to track the locations of all combatants. Use telepathy to keep Sayaka informed of where the other team is and warn her of potential ambushes.
[x] Find an opportune moment to come at Homura from both sides, preferably with a close range ambush from behind cover. If we can summon a hammer with no head, do that: we need speed rather than smashing power. If we need to cover open ground to get to her, grab something big and solid to use as a shield, then throw it at her feet as a distraction, and try to get close enough to engage her without getting in Sayaka's way.
-[x] If Sayaka is doing just fine against Homura on her own, focus on keeping Mami from sniping her as they fight.
[x] If we can take Homura out, try the same pincer maneuver on Mami. If Sayaka is also taken out and it's just us vs. Mami, try to have a good, fun spar; we could use the practice. If Mami seems to be having a bad emotional response to practice-fighting us, stop and lighten the mood by offering to finish things with a tickle-fight instead.
[x] In the highly probable event that we lose despite our best efforts, accept it with good cheer, tell Sayaka she did well, and give mad props to whoever took us out.
[x] Whoever wins, congratulate everyone on a good match, high five Sayaka, hug Mami and tell her how awesome she was, and ask for feedback on our tactics and performance.
-[X] During the feedback portion, warn Sayaka of any risky habits that we noticed her displaying, with suggestions for how to fix them.
So... can we actually hit the ground hard enough to make dust clouds?

Can Sayaka's blade shot do that? That I'm more dubious about. Maybe we shouldn't ask her to try right now.


---[x] "Fire near them to keep them off-balance. If you have some way to create dust clouds and flashes to blind them, do that. And if that lightshow you produce when you fly can move separately from you, use that as a decoy. If not, it's fine, just use speed, cover and suppressing fire."
We shouldn't ask Sayaka to spontaneusly develop new skills on demand?

Explosions bad for sparring. No explosions is good. I think this part of the vote was left over from the explosive vote and doesn't make sense now.
Also unlike Duck Hunt, there's no laughing dog to mock us for our failures. :D

So... can we actually hit the ground hard enough to make dust clouds?

Can Sayaka's blade shot do that? That I'm more dubious about. Maybe we shouldn't ask her to try right now.
People in the thread seemed quite certain that our warhammer can crater the ground and send cars flying, so I figured I'd give it a shot. People also seemed quite certain that Sayaka's swords can explode, which I'm a little more skeptical about, but I figured I'd at least provide her the opportunity. Honestly, I'm thinking of shortening down that line a lot, because it's too wordy for mid-combat chatter. Maybe just, "If you can block their visibility or throw out a decoy, do that too." Because even if she has no relevant power, she could still try something like putting her cape on a mannequin to draw fire.
This shows we should learn what our hammer can actually do, rather than 'Can it do this? No? The Hammer must be a decorative piece, ignore it.' like last(?) time we looked at it.

The Hammer is an important part of our arsenal that we are ignoring for little reason, so lets fix that.
Another update, now with less demands for Sayaka to spontaneously manifest new powers:

[x] "So, what counts as an 'out' for this match? Or are we going to count how many hits we take and total the score at the end?"
-[x] " guys are going to just be using airsoft, right? *gulp*"
[x] Get Sayaka behind cover. Use telepathy to lay out the plan. "Bet you wish you had a shield to go with that sword right now."
[x] "Okay, Sayaka, our only real advantages here are flight and speed. We're going to break in opposite directions to divide their attention."
-[x] "Fly low, move fast, keep cover between you and them as much as possible. We'll swing wide and try to hit Homura from both sides at once."
--[x] "They'll be trying to do the same thing to us, so don't get so focused on one that you lose track of the other. If they start to pen you in, use your speed and flight to escape. And don't just rush straight in, it gives them a clear shot at you."
---[x] "Fire near them to keep them off-balance. If you can block their visibility or throw out a decoy, do that too. If not, it's fine, just use speed, cover and suppressing fire."
[x] Do just that. As we run, try to throw warhammers at the ground with enough force to crater it and/or use our wings to blow air across the ground to produce dust clouds to reduce their visibility. If there's a stretch with no cover, use our warhammer to punt something out there to make cover.
[x] Use our senses to track the locations of all combatants. Use telepathy to keep Sayaka informed of where the other team is and warn her of potential ambushes.
[x] Find an opportune moment to come at Homura from both sides, preferably with a close range ambush from behind cover. If we can summon a hammer with no head or an extended handle, do that: we need speed and reach rather than smashing power. If we need to cover open ground to get to her, grab something big and solid to use as a shield, then throw it at her feet as a distraction, and try to get close enough to engage her without getting in Sayaka's way.
-[x] If Sayaka is doing just fine against Homura on her own, focus on keeping Mami from sniping her as they fight.
[x] If we can take Homura out, try the same pincer maneuver on Mami. If Sayaka is also taken out and it's just us vs. Mami, try to have a good, fun spar; we could use the practice. If Mami seems to be having a bad emotional response to practice-fighting us, stop and lighten the mood by offering to finish things with a tickle-fight instead.
[x] In the highly probable event that we lose despite our best efforts, accept it with good cheer, tell Sayaka she did well, and give mad props to whoever took us out.
[x] Whoever wins, congratulate everyone on a good match, high five Sayaka, hug Mami and tell her how awesome she was, and ask for feedback on our tactics and performance.
-[X] During the feedback portion, warn Sayaka of any risky habits that we noticed her displaying, with suggestions for how to fix them.
This shows we should learn what our hammer can actually do, rather than 'Can it do this? No? The Hammer must be a decorative piece, ignore it.' like last(?) time we looked at it.

The Hammer is an important part of our arsenal that we are ignoring for little reason, so lets fix that.
What makes the hammer an important part of our arsenal?
What makes the hammer an important part of our arsenal?
The fact that it is our 'Weapon' and such isn't affected by the disadvantages our magic can face.
Kirika/etc wouldn't be able to shut it down, it isn't easily detected and we should learn how to effectively use everything at our disposal.

Sayaka uses her sword, lets use our hammer.

Probably some Magical Girl Magic Thing to do with the 'default' weapon anyway.
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It would be extremely funny if our hammer turned out to do awesome things, like teleport people to the near future or stun people. Or if it turna out to be an emotional healing hammer, or a grief eraser hammer.

But I seriously doubt so.
Actually, I'd like everyone to reconsider giving Chibi Mami one last hug and dissolving Chibi Brina.

Her words choke to a halt, one hand rising to point at you, still hugging the chibi-Mami. Her mouth gapes open, and you give her a cheerful wave with one stubby little arm.

"Chibis." All she manages is one strangled word.

You exchange a look with Mami, and then Homura, and start giggling. "Yes, chibis," you agree.

"Chibis!" the chibi-Mami agrees, nodding enthusiastically.

"... Chibis," Homura agrees, tone flat and almost monotone.

Sayaka makes another strangled noise. She throws her hands up. "God, fine, chibis. What next?"

"Training?" you offer. "Homura called dibs on Mami, so we'll be doing that for the first round, I suppose. Dodge training."

Sayaka wrinkles her nose, hands twitching a little as her eyes dart back to the chibis. "Figured you'd have called dibs on Mami."

"Homura was faster," you say, gamely fighting off a blush. You shrug instead. "Besides, it's only training, and only for a round."

"Riiiight," Sayaka says. "This is going to suck. Uh, I should copy someone's powers first, right?"

"Right!" Mami agrees, taking a step forward, which serves to distract Sayaka from the way Homura takes an almost imperceptible step backwards. Sayaka clasps Mami's hand for a moment, grimacing in concentration before nodding.

"OK!" you declare. "I suppose we might as well just jump straight into things? Cleansing first?"

Mami nods, giving you a smile and walking over towards you. "We'll be doing a free form spar," she says. "The boundaries are the inner fence of the junkyard, so feel free to take cover if necessary." She gives Sayaka a meaningful look. "Weapons only, minimal magic."

"Actually, I was thinking we could allow some magic?" you ask. "I've noticed Sayaka has this little... airstep, and I'd like to use my wings for maneuverability. Not the full-sized wings, of course."

"Ah... That sounds like a good idea, Sabrina," Mami says, ducking her head. She presses against your side with a hopeful look on her face, and you oblige her with a quick hug.

"Hmm... One last thing," you say. "Homura, Sayaka, you OK with Mami and I leaving the chibis up?"

Sayaka shrugs, giving the chibis another look. "Sure," she says, trying for nonchalant but not quite succeeding.

That's a lot of hints.
I really wish people would quit saying things like this, all it will do is convince Sabrina not to try. The difference in skill is nowhere near that large. Even if Homura and Mami have the range advantage, Sayaka and Sabrina have the advantage of speed and mobility. This spar is not hopeless, if it was neither Homura nor Mami would use it as training for Sayaka, because unwinnable fights teach nothing, especially to new students.
I suppose I did sound more than a little negative.

To clarify, I see this spar as the rough equivalent getting private lessons on swordsmanship from Miyamoto Musashi. If you spar with him, he'll kick your ass, but he'll try to teach you something with it. And likewise, your goals are to do your best in the spar and be respectful and attentive to your teacher.
Not one inch of doubt about it, we are doing our best to win within rules and reason.

It's just that our prognosis ain't good.
Sabrina: Mage who has just promised not to use her magic.
Sayaka: DPS/heal tank.


Homura: ranged DPS/Trapmaster/Assassin
Mami: Long range Bombardment

Does this look right?