Her words choke to a halt, one hand rising to point at you, still hugging the chibi-Mami. Her mouth gapes open, and you give her a cheerful wave with one stubby little arm.
"Chibis." All she manages is one strangled word.
You exchange a look with Mami, and then Homura, and start giggling. "Yes, chibis," you agree.
"Chibis!" the chibi-Mami agrees, nodding enthusiastically.
"... Chibis," Homura agrees, tone flat and almost monotone.
Sayaka makes another strangled noise. She throws her hands up. "God, fine, chibis. What next?"
"Training?" you offer. "Homura called dibs on Mami, so we'll be doing that for the first round, I suppose. Dodge training."
Sayaka wrinkles her nose, hands twitching a little as her eyes dart back to the chibis. "Figured you'd have called dibs on Mami."
"Homura was faster," you say, gamely fighting off a blush. You shrug instead. "Besides, it's only training, and only for a round."
"Riiiight," Sayaka says. "This is going to suck. Uh, I should copy someone's powers first, right?"
"Right!" Mami agrees, taking a step forward, which serves to distract Sayaka from the way Homura takes an almost imperceptible step backwards. Sayaka clasps Mami's hand for a moment, grimacing in concentration before nodding.
"OK!" you declare. "I suppose we might as well just jump straight into things? Cleansing first?"
Mami nods, giving you a smile and walking over towards you. "We'll be doing a free form spar," she says. "The boundaries are the inner fence of the junkyard, so feel free to take cover if necessary." She gives Sayaka a meaningful look. "Weapons only, minimal magic."
"Actually, I was thinking we could allow some magic?" you ask. "I've noticed Sayaka has this little... airstep, and I'd like to use my wings for maneuverability. Not the full-sized wings, of course."
"Ah... That sounds like a good idea, Sabrina," Mami says, ducking her head. She presses against your side with a hopeful look on her face, and you oblige her with a quick hug.
"Hmm... One last thing," you say. "Homura, Sayaka, you OK with Mami and I leaving the chibis up?"
Sayaka shrugs, giving the chibis another look. "Sure," she says, trying for nonchalant but not quite succeeding.