Mami's apartment was as cozy as ever.
There was one difference: A far bigger table had replaced the old one. The reason for the change was one that seemed to brighten the aforementioned Magical Girl's mood every other day, as it was that, simply, the old table was just too small to sit every one of her guests.
That was right. Tomoe Mami, Golden Haired Magical Goddess of War and Cakes, had
guests. Every. Day. For tea, for dinner, for lunch, even. The Tomoe home had simply become a normal place for any and every Magical Girl to visit at any time.
Case in point, as evening creeped in, two of Mami's friends, Miki Sayaka and Sakura Kyouko were occupying an end of the table, absorbed in some sort of card game.
"I play
Elsa Maria," said the blue haired girl as she laid down a card. Her card glowed yellow for a moment, causing all the cards on Kyouko's side to flash red, causing her to 'tsk' in annoyance as one of her cards turned black, lifted itself off the table and floated into a big pile of cards at her side.
A violet haired girl looked on with some interest, or rather, tried her best to look anywhere but at the girl sitting across from her, one Akemi Homura, who looked as impeccable as usual in her school uniform, her long mane hair tied back with a familiar red ribbon, but who was busy making her best impression of a statue. A
bored statue.
"More tea?" Mami asked her. At Homura's very slight shake of her head, Mami turned an expectant look at the other girls crowding her dining room.
The violet haired girl hesitated, looking askance at her companion sitting beside her, a raven haired girl with her hair done in the same style as Homura's -in fact, she seemed to have outright copied her style, red ribbon and all- who's gaze longingly rested on the still unfinished cake.
Mami's lips tugged, but didn't quite form a smirk.
The raven haired girl sighed and turned to a another girl, this one a plain looking one with short brown hair, and their eyes met for a moment in silent conversation, before she turned back to address her host.
"I'm sorry Tomoe-san," she said with honest regret, "we'd love to stay, but it's getting late."
"I need to be back for dinner," added her violet haired friend. "... As if I could still eat dinner after this," she shrugged.
"And we've got
homework," pitched in the remaining girl of the trio, causing the other two to roll their eyes.
"Homework is important," agreed Mami.
Her guest smiled in appreciation at the support. "Besides, our homes are kind of far from here, so we should get going soon."
"I could fly you there?" offered Sabrina out of the blue.
The three girls turned to look at her in surprise, and not without some degree of eagerness. They quickly shot looks at each other in silence. Not using
telepathy, but seeming to be able to communicate with just their eyes.
Bead Chain Wall," grumbled Kyouko amidst the silence- the cards in front of her glowed white while her opponent's flashed a dark red. Homura's eyes flickered towards them, while the three girls snapped out of their staring match, seeming to realize they were being rude.
"Thank you, Sabrina," apologized the girl with the ribbon, "but we'll just take the train."
"Maybe another time?" asked the violette, hopeful, to which Sabrina simply nodded. "We'll get going then," she smiled.
The tea party broke up, the three guests standing and starting to collect their bags and jackets, Mami reminding a girl to not forget her cell phone sitting on the table, to which she received a hasty 'thanks!'. They were at the door when Sabrina very
unsubtly and fakely coughed into her hand, turning everyone's attention to her, except for that of Kyouko and Sayaka.
"Aren't you forgetting something?" asked the white haired girl with a smirk.
Mami barely reacted, while the other three girls almost
jumped in place and, flustered, the raven haired girl quickly reached into her pocket to draw a small thing, which she presented to Sabrina.
The Grief controller took the Grief Seed with an easy smile, before frowning in concentration. The three girls stared, fascinated, as the Seed in Sabrina's hand started to spin in her hand, the blackness inside it glowing with an otherwordly light for a few seconds until-
Witch, Witch, Witch.
The violette and the raven haired girl flinched at the ephemeral nauseating feeling, for all that it lasted half a second before dying down, Sabrina now holding a Clear Seed- but not just that.
She handed the Seed back alongside a card like the ones Sayaka and Kyouko were using.
"Your Seed, standard warnings apply," said Sabrina with the ease of someone who's used to repeating the same lines over and over, "and the bounty," she added pulling a handful of notes from her pocket. "I won't be hearing anything about
uneven distribution from your group, right, Sumire-chan?" she asked in a half-serious, half-teasing tone.
The raven haired girl snorted, but took it in stride. "You know we don't pull
that sort of... stuff."
"Let me see the card," said the violette, taking it from her friend's hands. "... Annabelle? Dump tier attack, good defense, a
healing ability? I
bled for a silly support card?"
Her friends eyes' widened. They shot her a twin pair of
sharp looks but flinched at
Mami's reproaching stare.
Thank you," snapped the Golden Haired Goddess of War in a
strained tone, "for your
contribution in eliminating threats to the lives of every normal human being and Magical Girl everywhere."
The violette trembled under the stare of her until then completely pleasant host.
Furthermore, you might have saved the life of a Magical Girl
like you, who otherwise would remain
tormented to an existance of despair and agony."
Her guest wiltered, and unable to look at her eyes, snapped into a bow. "I apologi-"
"You did a
great job, Miss Ando," interrupted Mami, still not finished, "surely something
much more important that a
silly card game?"
Sabrina shuffled her feet.
"I apologize!" insisted the girl, after waiting to see if Mami had anything else to add. "I know the job of us Magical Girl is to keep everybody else safe. It's just that, sometimes I... forget," she finished lamely.
sure you won't forget again," reassured Mami with an
all too pleasant smile.
"I won't!" the trembling violet haired girl bowed again. "We must be going now! Please excuse us!" She immediately grabbed her two friends by their arms and dragged them out of the apartment.
Sabrina casually grabbed Mami into a side hug, waiting for the girls' hurried footsteps to fade down the hallway.
"Should we follow them before they realize they need us to open the door to outside?"
Mami hummed in thought.
"I use
Rosso Fantasma and have
Bianca attack
Elsa Maria," Kyouko's and Sayaka's game continued in the background, seemingly uncaring of any drama.
"No," said Mami, leaning into Sabrina's hug, "give them a minute. They probably need it."
Sabrina chuckled at the same time as Sayaka, who remarked "You sure put that girl in her place, eh, Mami?"
"Oohhhh..." added Kyouko, waving her fingers, "
Magical Goddess of War and Cakes, Mami-chan~ Too baddas for this world~"
"It's not like that!" protested the golden haired girl, burying her head on Sabrina's shoulder. "Tell them it's not like that, Sabrina."
"It's not like that, Sayaka, Kyouko," chided Sabrina, trying to sound grave, "I'm
ashamed of you."
"Whipped," commented Homura.
The four girls startled at the shy girl's remark, before the blue and red Magical Girls
giggled- to which Sabrina and Mami
blushed- which caused Sayaka and Kyouko to
burst out in laughter.
Sabrina sighed, resigned, but laughed along gamely. "We should go get the door," she said after Kyouko finally calmed down. She didn't move, though, not while Mami held onto her, still wrapped in a tight embrace.
"Oh-" muttered Sayaka, looking down at the 'board' in concentration, "I
Copy Elsa Maria, use
Shadow Branches to wipe your board and attack
your face with
Elsa Maria and
Decima. You're dead."
In concert with Sayaka's matter of fact statements, the various cards glowed and shufled around, ending with her two Witch Cards 'attacking' Kyouko's Main Character -a card with a picture of herself- which turned black, quickly followed by all of the red haired girl's cards.
"Bah," complained Kyouko, before shrugging and re-collecting her deck. "I should get going anyway."
Mami finally stepped away from her white haired friend. "Come on then," she checked she had her keys and walked outside, Sabrina sedately following after her.
"See ya," waved Sayaka, to receive a wave back from Kyouko as she left. She turned to Homura, "wanna play?"
The dark haired girl shrugged. "I don't have a deck."
"Use mine!" called Sabrina, flinging a small box at Homura -who caught it deftly- before closing the door.
Homura sighed, alone with Sayaka for however brief a time with nothing to do but to play a badly designed game of cards.
Still, she half curiously slid the cards out of the box, and gave them a brief glance before shuffling-
She stopped.
Blinking, she checked her cards again, slowly this time, to Sayaka's mild confusion.
After a few moments, the time traveller picked a single card out of the deck and
stared at it.
The blue haired girl leaned over the table to check what her friend was looking at.
the stage-constructing witch
On Play Effect: Replace your Magical Girl with The Stage-Constructing Witch.
"She symbolizes the fool who continuously spins in circles."
"What about- oh. Ohhh..." drawled Sayaka. "Oh,
Sabrina," she huffed in exasperation, "of
all the cards she could give you, it had to be
this one. Even I'd know not to do that. I'm
so gonna rub this one on her face-"
"Walpurgisnacht..." interrupted Homura in a small voice, "... is
Sayaka blinked.
stared down at the card, deep in thought.
An approaching sound of twin footsteps snapped her out of it. In an instant, a card with a picure of Sabrina's face was slammed down on the table and the deck was being flushed in Homura's slim hands. While doing this, she
looked at Sayaka, who suddenly had trouble not looking away from her piercing violet eyes.
"Not a word," muttered Homura, leaving her deck on the table and drawing cards.
Sayaka hurried to do the same. "But I-"
Not. A. Word."
"... Fine."
And not a word was said about the exchange.