Vote V3: A Wolf Tengu Is Fine Too
[x] Uh. Hmm. I
suppose I'd be okay with that if you are, Mami? Though if that round goes as quickly as I expect it will, maybe we can shuffle the teams for the next go around?
-[x] After all, you could really do with the dodge training almost as much as Sayaka, and the best people to get dodge training from are
obviously Mami and Homura, right?
--[x] We'll decide whether to switch teams around once we see how things play out. What kind of ruleset will we be using, anyway? Mami, Homura, thoughts? Defer to the veterans' expertise.
---[x] If Homura brings up not wanting Sayaka to copy her power, and Mami objects, try and smooth it over. Use telepathy if necessary.
[x] Keep working on the Cannone di Picchio, with Homura's advice taken into account. Try out a scale model of a few loading mechanisms, both hand-held and from larger naval artillery. See which ones are easiest for you to handle.
-[x] Try integrating a loading mechanism into one of Mami's muskets, to see how your magics interact on a smaller scale. Note any issues or oddities and try to resolve them.
--[x] If all goes well, try it with Tiro Finale. Let Mami name the result.
---[x] If it's safe, have your chibi climb onto the cannon while you work on it. Invite Mami's chibi as well.
[x] When Sayaka arrives, greet her as if nothing unusual is going on. Refuse to acknowledge the existence of the chibis in the background.
-[x] Distract her by offering her the cupcake apology you made.
--[x] Dismiss the various experiments (including, sadly, the chibis) and set up the training.
[x] Try and make sure Sayaka doesn't repeat the same mistakes Mami identified yesterday: In particular, tunnel vision and not considering approaches before taking them. Don't judge Sayaka, though - you're not infallible either, and there's things for you to improve on as well.
-[x] Within the rules of the spar, take it as seriously as possible - you'll need to if you want to have the slightest chance of success against Mami and Homura, and this is a learning experience for you too.
[x] After the spar, unwind and be a bit silly. Show Sayaka that you discovered yesterday that puella magi can shift outfits when they want to - kinda like how she recreated her cape, but on a bigger scale.
-[x] Cosplay as Momiji from Touhou. Try using outfit magic to make fake wolf ears. Try not to lose your balance. Show off the katana you stole from the yakuza.
--[x] Telepathy Homura. You're practicing your Touhou cosplay, because reasons.