[q] Turn Ono into Dremora lord
[q] Wonder why it went so horribly wrong and how you got Wabbajack in the first place.
Nah, just don't make them as often; Humor is best with brief bouts of overwhelming exposure, or else it gets stale, and if you think that the joke is legitimately funny then you shouldn't bring it out so much. That's all.
Oh, well I just said a few things relating to wabbajack, and then the jokes went flying like geese to the south in winter.
[x] Muramasa

Ono will probably interrupt the vote as soon as she gets pulled into timestop and everything will derail from there, but regardless of what we do the next update will probably always include a large amount of suck.
[x] Muramasa

Ono will probably interrupt the vote as soon as she gets pulled into timestop and everything will derail from there, but regardless of what we do the next update will probably always include a large amount of suck.
[q] Facetank any verbal or physical or magical disagreements and bulldoze through the vote.

Residue processing pt. 15
You huff out a sigh, tucking stray hair behind your ear. You're torn, to say the least.

"Sabrina?" Mami asks.

"Let me think," you say, rubbing at your forehead. You pace around the room, what little of it there is that isn't occupied by bed or desk or Mami or Homura, anyway. You spare a baleful glance at Megane - frankly, she's a pain, but...

Looking around her house, guessing from how she presents herself and what she might have wished for? You've got a pretty good idea of what drives her. Acting on it is a different thing -you're floundering for ideas- but you can make some guesses at her person. And it would go some way to explaining why she was so bitchy towards you.

... the thought of turning her into cheese kind of occurs to you before you ruthlessly tamp that down. It's completely unproductive.

"I'm going to bring her into the timestop," you decide at last, waving around at the colour-leached world.

"Are you sure, Sabrina?" Mami asks, wringing her hands.

"No," you answer truthfully. "I really don't know how best to deal with Miss Ono. I'm going to try. But I'm not sure." If you're being honest with yourself, some sort of you thinks that it's all going to shit as soon as you open your mouth. Hell, you think she might actually attack you. It's not terribly likely, you don't think, but it's a possibility.

"Homura?" you ask, glancing over at the time traveller. "Is that OK?"

She glances at you, then at Megane. She stares at the other black haired girl for a long moment, eyes evaluating, before looking back to you. "It's fine."

"Thanks, Homura," you say, shooting her a quick smile.

Mami's already stepping forward, ribbon spooling from her hand, before you stop her with a hand on her elbow.

"Let me try ot something, Mami?" you ask.

She nods and steps back, the ribbon vanishing in drifting motes of golden light.

"And um, maybe we could all give her a bit of room?" you say, suiting action to word. You move in front of Megane, Mami and Homura arranging themselves a little further back.

You're... suddenly very aware of your hands, hanging loosely at your side. That won't do; too casual. You tuck them in your coat pockets for a moment, touching your Grief Seeds for a moment. Hildegarde, and Andrea. But no, that's even more casual. You clasp your hands behind your back - no, too formal.

You start to fold your arms across your chest before abandoning that.

... No, no Gilgameshing.

A gentle hand touches your shoulder. You glance over to see Mami, giving you a smile, and she guides your hands to a more neutral position - back at your sides. "It's OK," she says.

"Thanks, Mami," you say. You close your eyes and inhale slowly, willing a marble of Grief out of your ever present bag. Really, that bag might as well be a part of your costume by now. The marble flits forward, stopping just in front of Megane.

You exhale, opening your eyes, and the marble snaps forward, lashing around the girl's finger. In tandem, colour floods into her.

Megane inhales sharply. Her eyes widen, and they dart around the room, glancing from you, to Mami, to Homura, to the frozen world, and then back to you.

She flinches, scrabbling back across the bed - still somehow moving with perfect poise.

"This might be a delayed answer-" you say, drawing the Grief out of her Soul Gem with a crook of your finger "-but I do rather think your life is very important." The Grief billows from her Soul Gem, tenebrous and swirling in a malevolent cloud in front of her for a moment before you collapse it down into marbles.

"Get out," she hisses. "Get out. Get out!" Megane's eyes are wide, almost frightened as she stares at you, her back digging into the wall. Her hands clench into white knuckled fists, the muscles standing out.

[] Write-in


Welp. That could have gone better, but it was kind of what I expected. We just casually invaded her room.

Calming her down fast is probably somewhere between hard and impossible. I mean we could just wait for her to clam down, while we read a book or something, since we are in timestop, but maybe just forcing her to listen to what we have to say might be prudent.

We should try to not come across as angry or standoffish and try to get across that even, if the way we're doing it sucks, it is utimately for her own good.
Okay, now is the time for Gilgameshing. It really can't be anything else. Ono is being irrational, regardless of how justified she is (which is to say, anything ranging from "understandable" to "completely a jerk"), and there's no amount of compassion, or honeyed and kind words, or nice gestures that's going to work. Steamrolling somebody because you can longer afford to humor their stupidity is a perfectly valid thing to do, and It's really the only thing I can see working that doesn't lead to a confrontation, because it takes that choice away from her.

Onoplomacy is bad, so we shouldn't even try working with it right now; maybe later, when we've beaten Meguca 101 into her head and she's stopped being such an idiot, but not until then.
Not unexpected. Honestly most of the original vote can continue unchanged. With the addition of-

[] I'm sorry. I can't do that.
Okay, now is the time for Gilgameshing. It really can't be anything else. Ono is being irrational, regardless of how justified she is (which is to say, anything ranging from "understandable" to "completely a jerk"), and there's no amount of compassion, or honeyed and kind words, or nice gestures that's going to work. Steamrolling somebody because you can longer afford to humor their stupidity is a perfectly valid thing to do, and It's really the only thing I can see working that doesn't lead to a confrontation, because it takes that choice away from her.

Onoplomacy is bad, so we shouldn't even try working with it right now; maybe later, when we've beaten Meguca 101 into her head and she's stopped being such an idiot, but not until then.

Steamrollering won't work, period, and in case you missed previous discussion, this reaction was exactly as anticipated.

We should have Elsa Maria as well, right?
That is Andrea
Yeah, this is going to be incredibly unpleasant. I really hope that we can make this work.

I guess we should make some effort to calm her down. Okay, so maybe talking about why this bothers her will help calm her down or at least make her somewhat coherent to listen?

Maybe suggest that we could take this outside? Okay, I think we should at least make a conscious effort of being as calm, soothing, and unthreatening as possible. Maybe detransform?